Kuryakin Maps areas to be accessorized Catalog

Page 1

Latus Motors Harley-Davidson > Ultr a

Classic / pg 4 > Street

> Road

Glide / pg 6

Glide / pg 8

> Road

King / pg 10

> H e r i t a g e / p g 11 > D e l u x e / p g 11 > Spor t s ter / pg 12 > D y na / pg 12

bike maps Bike Maps are a great starting point for creating your dream bike! Use them to get a feel for the direction you want to go, then dive head first into the catalog to find all the details & options. There wasn’t enough room to cram every possible custom addition into each Map, but we hope we’ve included enough to inspire your Küryakynizing sense of adventure! W W W . K U R Y A K Y N . C O M


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