USP Changed MY Life, USP 1 - 7 Cohort 2

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This book is made possible with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of LAU and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Table of Contents

Message from the President


Message from the Vice President


USP Management


USP Administration








USP 5 & 3 New




USP 7 C1


USP 7 C2


USP 7 C3


Message From the President

Joseph G. Jabbra, Ph.D. President

The University Scholarship Program generously financed by USAID and graciously given by the American people epitomizes the educational credo of the Lebanese American University (LAU) that strives to form leaders in a diverse world and uses student centered pedagogical tools in order to graduate academically brilliant and civically engaged students. LAU takes an immense pride in partnering with USAID and in managing this valuable educational grant that gives opportunities for meritoriously recruited public school students from all over Lebanon to receive a second to none education and gain leadership skills that will enable the ambassador merit scholars to embark on promising professional careers and benefit their families and their country. I commend the program for its nobility of purpose and for its transformational character as it endows the scholars with life skills and bestow on them citizenship values. Gebran Khalil Gebran considers that “Life is knowledge with wings”. The USP program gives wings of cognition and leadership to our young scholars. This is both sublime and uplifting.


Message From the Vice President

Elise Salem, Ph.D. Vice President For Student Development And Enrollment Managment USP changed my life! Ok, I’m an LAU administrator and not a USP scholar, but allow me to say it again: “USP changed my life.” From the moment we sent in the first grant application, back in 2010, we hoped against hope that we would be successful. The grants were competitive and extremely rigorous, but we kept our eye on the prize, on the possibility of fully educating young men and women from across Lebanon with complete support services, including leadership building, civic engagement and education of the whole person. We got the grant and enthusiastically visited all the public schools across the country to recruit for the program, but we were often met with disbelief: this scholarship is too good to be true. But it proved to be real. Our first cohort of USP-I scholars joined in the fall of 2011, some of whom will be graduating this July, and LAU hasn’t stopped applying for and earning grant after grant. With over 200 students in the program and close to $30 million in scholarships, USP has far exceeded our expectations. It has brought out the very best in our university, from recruitment to selection to advising to academics to the support services offered by the Deans of Students offices and for the mentoring and workshops of our Outreach and Civic Engagement unit. LAU has improved as a result of USP and that’s because of each and every one of the USP scholars who has come to the program with a deep thirst for knowledge, for self-improvement and for a commitment to improve their communities. You bring with you your creativity, your intelligence and your passion for learning. We are racing to keep up with you, so we thank you for selecting LAU, for compelling us to improve our standards and for challenging us to stay hopeful. Because of you, I know exactly why I am an administrator at LAU. Thank you for changing my life.


USP Management

Abdo Ghié AVP for Enrollment Management

Elie Samia AVP for Outreach and Civic Engagement

In partnership with USAID, it is with equanimity that the LAU USP managing team was successful in achieving the following objectives of the USP program: 1. Exposing students coming from public schools all over Lebanon to LAU’s campus environment that promotes tolerance, gender equality, social equality and critical thinking. 2.Assisting high school students to access high quality undergraduate education at LAU in various fields and consequently contributing to breaking the cycle of poverty, developing a more functional democracy, and sustaining a more competitive, open economy in Lebanon. 3.Supporting USP scholars to gain leadership skills and thus fostering a new generation of young Lebanese who will be able to contribute to democratic and economic development in their chosen fields. 4.Graduating student leaders with a combination of academic, leadership, and networking skills to allow them to better prepare and plan for the future. 5.Increasing the Merit Ambassador Scholars’ potential for employment for a more advanced country economy and thus, contributing to the overall economic and social development of Lebanon.


USP Administration

Prof. Elie Samia: Assistant Vice President of Outreach & Civic Engagement Ms. Ghina Harb: Outreach & Leadership Programs Manager Mrs. Nada Mikhael: OCE Grant Manager Mr. Richard Sanyour: Leadership & Civic Engagement Coordinator Mrs. Rana Sakr: Lead OCE Project Management Coordinator Mrs. Dana Hibri: Executive Assistant Ms. Hiba Ramadan: Outreach & Leadership Coordinator




I would like to start by thanking USP for enlightening the way to change my life and not actually interfering in the process. The USP scholarship was an amazing experience and opportunity in my life. It did not change my life radically but it gave me the opportunity to continue my undergraduate education and seek a higher knowledge level. It also gave me the chance to meet and mingle with other people, a variety of people that I never expected to meet, love and care about in a very short period of time. Moreover, through the scholarship and through the people I met I was able to make new connections with local and international colleagues, academics, and professors. On the other hand, I am still the same person with the same principles, traditions, and goals, and I am not going to change them under any circumstance unless I decide to. In brief, USP gave me the opportunity to improve my personality and to widen my connections. This advance helped in shaping my life and cultivating it.



Being a USP student at LAU has always been a responsibility, yet an amazing experience to live, and a unique challenge to go through. What USP changed in me as a person cannot be summarized in one sentence, since it changed my whole life upside down. Probably the first thing that I have learned through my experience as a USP student was being an active member in the community and constantly searching for opportunities to expand my knowledge and benefit others at the same time. The Outreach and Civic Engagement unit at LAU gave university life a whole new meaning, through all the opportunities of community and professional work combined together in all its events and programs that I had the chance and the honor to be part of. The amazing spirit of being a member in the USAID USP family has always been a motivation for me to take chances and to achieve more. I have learned through this experience that a person can either be a leader or a follower, and, as a USP student at LAU, one can never be but a leader.



Being a member of the USP family, is just an honor for me. This grant gave me the chance to change my life and vision to the future through entering a great, prestigious, and delightful college like the Lebanese American University. Through the past 2 years, the USP team gave me a lot of advice in order to get the best track of dedication and successes. By interacting with advisors, instructors, staff, and students, it changed a lot of thoughts and behaviors that were creating a pressure on me when communicating with different people. The University Scholarship Program that is funded by USAID has given me a great opportunity to change my life in order to be efficient in my society and beneficial to my life. This grant gave me the choice to succeed by finding myself. LAU programs gave me the opportunity to know the leader inside me, to believe in my abilities when I wasn’t even thinking about them or knowing them. It gave me the chance to think through strategies and to find solutions while in the past I did not even think about them and I used to panic in difficult situations. And the most important thing is that by being a part of those scholars my behavior have changed totally from being aggressive with everyone around me from family, friends, or even people that I do not know to being diplomatic, friendly, and a good listener. USP has changed my lifein other terms, in terms of academia; that is because by giving us the chance to study in a great university like LAU, your ideologies and mentality would change. By studying all those courses, they gave me the chance to look deeper into the society and the work field to see what is suitable for my Lebanese society as a business student, and to work to change the weak points in this economy into strong ones. Graduating from LAU is not the same as graduating from other universities. It is because, from my perspective, you will notice that you will be far away in terms of mentality and 26

ideologies from that of your friends that are in other different universities because you have developed in a deep manner and are ready for the work field whereas they are still like high school teenagers. The dream that you hope to get when you are in the high school stage can be real by being a part of USP along with being an LAU student since it changes our lives by knowing ourselves and our abilities, by looking for our weak points and changing them into strong ones. For me, a very aggressive and angry boy as a teenager has changed to be a very warm and amicable person. You can change your life. Being a dreamer is not wrong; the wrong is to stop dreaming.


BOUSHRA BARAKAT Civil Engineering USP 1

Here is somewhere I never imagined I would be. It is amazing to find yourself going to the most prestigious university to complete your studies in the field you are most passionate about. Thanks to USP, that dream became true, and this is my third year excelling in the civil engineering major. Civil engineering needs hard work and dedication, but the best thing is when you find all this knowledge leaving you with a feeling of satisfaction yet desire for more. Our professors are amazing; I cannot but aspire to reach their levels of education. During the summer, I got the chance to see what we do in real life, and I loved it! It is very challenging and requires both logical thinking and a wide understanding of everything. This summer I aim on getting an internship in the best companies where I would be able to benefit the most. This year I participated in Holcim Awards Competition. Holcim competition requires coming up with a sustainable building while giving a major importance to its social impact. Thus, the basic idea chosen was building temporary residence buildings that will leave no footprint after removal. This was a great opportunity to hold meetings with the professors and different team members to discuss and share ideas in sustainable building and methods of applying them in Lebanon. I never knew I would love civil engineering that much; frankly, before I came to university I had no idea what it was about. This is why my main community project will be a school orientation for public schools for the purpose of explaining for the students what each major is all about. I was a very shy girl with unlimited ambition. Through USP, I got to get out of my shell and I was exposed to unlimited volunteering chances that strengthened my leadership: Open Arab Robotics Competition (OARC), NGO Fair, Reforestation in Akkar, Beirut Marathon, 28

and many more. But the most significant opportunity I was exposed to, was training in GC LAU Model United Nations, now for the second year. This opportunity not only has a great impact in making one more responsible, outgoing and creative but also turns him/her into a true leader. USP not only helped me build my ambition of getting a PhD in the profession I am most passionate about, but it also shaped me to become a leader and to give back to the community. I hope this generous offer would be available for generations to come for it has changed my life to the best it could be.



USP is a gift that I believe I received three years ago as a result of my hard work, remarkable grades, and high achievement. It is a generous scholarship that believed in us as a generation who is able to change our country. In fact, this gift led me to life-changing experiences. For instance, as a high school student, I searched for different universities for the sake of finding a university with an affordable tuition and a good educational level; simultaneously, I was going to work in order to provide the needed fees. Thanks to USP, I got the chance to get enrolled in a high esteemed university without worrying about anything but my education. In addition, the program is very important in bringing together students from all around Lebanon; each belonging to different cultures, belief system, and communities. We lived together, accepted, and loved each other. I am thankful for getting the chance to be part of this multiculturalism. Moreover, I had the opportunity to participate and volunteer in leadership activities and reach out to communities. This program supported me by building my character, making me a more confident person who takes the initiative instead of waiting for it. I am Chantal Choucair, a business student, having good academic standing, and ready to enter the business world at the end of Fall 2014 with a high pride.



It was on Tuesday Aug 8, 2011 when they called me from the Admissions Office and told me that I had been accepted to LAU. I can’t forget what she told me on the phone: Hi Dareen…You have been accepted to LAU but not in engineering. You have to choose another major. You deserve this scholarship”; since then my whole life has changed. For an entire month, I started drawing my dreams and set my goals before I came to LAU. I was so excited and could not wait to start my university experience. Actually, I did not know what was waiting for me. USP gave me the chance to study at LAU, live in the dorms on campus (that many students wanted to), and get a monthly stipend, and this facilitates every student’s life. However, my three year college life was still challenging. First, getting our monthly stipend made us independent as well as responsible. I never imagined that one day I would study and get money without even working. It gave me the chance to study and enjoy my college life like any other LAU student. Second, living in the dorms on campus was really beneficial since it is a safe placewhich put our parents’ minds at ease. Also, as an education major, LAU gave me the chance to do my internship at the best schools in Lebanon, and this would not have happened if USP did not give me the opportunity to study at LAU. Finally, it is true that the golden chance comes once in a lifetime, and USP was the invaluable gift that changed my life.


DOHA ADI Comunication Arts USP 1

The beginning: Let me start with a quote. “Everything had changed suddenly – the tone, the moral climate; you didn’t know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life you had been led by the hand like a small child and suddenly you were on your own, you had to learn to walk by yourself. […] You needed to surrender to some such ultimate purpose more fully, more unreservedly than you had ever done in the old familiar, peaceful days, in the old life that was now abolished and gone for good.” Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. The entirety of the emotions and thoughts I had during September and even during the whole fall semester of the year 2011 could be summarized in the above passage from Pasternak’s masterpiece. Less than two months before that, I was nowhere-bound, considering my limited options for a university education. All that passed when I learned that I had been granted a full scholarship. So, I packed my things, and as fearful and inexperienced as I was, I left a hometown to which I never felt I belonged; a hometown that seemed at that time too narrow for my dreams and ambitions. Nothing was familiar. New places, new faces, and a whole lot of adventures welcomed me. From the very first beginning I vowed to myself that in every adventure, be it good or bad, I can and will be a hero. The end: “[…] and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life; living is so dear […]” Henry David Thoreau, Walden; or, Life in the Woods. 32

Today, forty months and what seems like forty lifetimes later, here I am. I hurried on for too long until I realized that it would not do me any good to dash my way through life. I had to remind myself to look around every time. As I look around now, I find myself grateful for more than a hundred reasons. I am grateful for the opportunity to leave the routine of the peaceful old days, my comfort zone, for nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a life stripped of risks and new experiences. I am grateful for the education I received, the education of not only my mind but also both my heart and my soul. I am grateful for friends who know me beyond words and who have grown accustomed to odd habits other people could not absorb. I am grateful for the three instructors I scrapped and battled to take every possible class with, and who have taught me more than their syllabi included. I am grateful for the personal bubble that popped – making the introvert in me overly uncomfortable. I am grateful for every new face I saw, every new place I visited, and every single thing that I had the chance to do. But most importantly I am grateful for a scope of vision that has been widened, rejuvenated and enlightened. This leads me to my third and closing quotation: “But still one must go everywhere; one must see everything. So through they went.” Katherine Mansfield, The Garden Party. So I did it. I went through, I saw, and that made me who I am at this moment, and to that I am grateful.



28 August 2013 was a normal day for many people, but it was my special day. On that day, I received a call from the Lebanese American University and I was told that I was accepted as a USP III student. About 7 months before, LAU staff members were going to public schools across Lebanon to represent, a scholarship program sponsored by USAID. I submitted an application for that scholarship although I did not think that I would get it. All what I was thinking about was how to earn some money and leave my country seeking a comfortable life. But, USP really changed my life because I know that I can build my future in this small country, Lebanon, without emigrating as many of college students do. Also, this scholarship gave me hope and enthusiasm for change, because of the support of the Outreach and Civic Engagement Unit. What was more important for me and actually shocked me was the equality among students regardless of their origins, religions, or beliefs/opinion which makes LAU a real family. Each member is different only by his or her level of knowledge and service for the community. This is unlike what usually happens in Lebanon. Moreover, LAU is a perfect place to socialize and get acquainted with different cultures. There is unity in diversity if the diversity itself is political and this gives it an image which is better than the image that almost all of the Lebanese citizens give it. Finally, I cannot deny that the University Scholarship Program, in certain ways, has changed my view towards my country. Before, I had always thought that nobody here valued high grades and civic engagement, but now I know that I was wrong. If we do not, as students, consider these opportunities and benefit from them, how can we build the country we want?



We can’t go back in time; we can only go back in memories, to the best days, to the best feelings one can experience throughout his life. If you ask me what were my favorite memories up until now… I can tell you hundreds, maybe thousands and millions of stories that I love and lived here, in Byblos, my second hometown that I would never have thought it would be someday. Beside the amazing memories at university classrooms, I love each and every part of being a USP scholar: leadership activities, having friends from different backgrounds, and being part of the LAU dorms’ family. Moreover, I have discovered what being rich is; it is neither having a fat bank account nor driving a shiny new big car. Being rich is when you enrich others by giving at least a little bit of your time and care. It is the true meaning of volunteering work, especially when you see the smile upon the faces of little kids in your school, or when people thank you for taking care of the environment and society… Simply, I am really proud to be a USP scholar since this has changed my life completely: it helped me look at things from a different perspective and learn the true meaning of life in general.



“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence” – Helen Keller. After high school, every student experiences the pressure of having to go to university. But in my case, the University Scholarship Program (USP) was a turning point in my life. The first thing that I was introduced to and had shifted completely my personality was the leadership workshops and activities. Leadership skills are the important bonus one can add to his/her personality that makes an individual confident in any possible situation. When applying to the program, not a single thought of getting accepted rushed through my mind, but being a part of a full scholarship with everything provided made it clear that nothing is impossible in life. If you work hard enough you could achieve more than you expect. Moreover, the activities I was a part of, such as visiting the elderly, reforestation and so forth, taught me to be different. The idea of giving back to society and helping others in life is a wonderful gift to give. As an overview, the program changed my life in such a way that I won’t accept the easy challenges that I face nor the easy way to accomplish goals anymore. I will always aim higher since anything can be done if there is the will for it.



When I was asked to write 200-250 words about a success story as a USP student at LAU, I felt that I could not write! I do not have any story in particular that changed my life. But in fact, my whole has changed since I entered LAU! For that, I have chosen to talk about a personality characteristic I had before that changed and contributed to my success in life. Before university, I was a very negative person. I used to see the glass half empty. Whenever I thought about anything that might happen in my life, I used to think negatively and expect the worst. In my first year at the university, I was still the same person. I started having anxiety attacks the day before the exam because I thought I would not pass the test. After doing any exam, I used to tell my parents that I did not do well. This was fine for the first semester, but it did not go well for the second. In my second semester, I felt tired of my anxiety, and my grades decreased a lot. I started taking so much time to finish my studies. My GPA dropped from 4.0 to 3.67. This made me feel that I had to change the way I think, and thankfully I did. Now, I see the glass half full. I see that whatever happens is good for the moment. I consider my life to be a success since I can manage to have an active social life and still get good grades. My favorite quotation is: “Thinking positively is not about expecting the best to happen every time, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment.” TIf yiu think the way this quote tells you to think, I’m sure you will succeed in life.



Viscount Samuel once said: Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents. Back in 2011, I was given the valuable USP scholarship, the transforming, life-changing scholarship, this noble and magnificent scholarship to pursue my university studies in the Lebanese American University. This majestic university, through its distinguished leadership programs on one hand and its outstanding academic life on the other hand, helped me discover who I am and most importantly where my passions are. In fact, the three years I have spent as a USP scholar at LAU taught me how to achieve greatness by finding the right balance among the four human attributes: talent, need, conscience and passion. During my studies at LAU, I maintained a good academic standing. I was also heavily involved in the leadership programs and activities of the Outreach and Civic Engagement unit. For instance, I had served as the Director of Public Relations in the LAU Model Arab League program and as an Assistant Undersecretary-General for School Relations in the Global Classrooms LAU Model United Nations program after a year of experience in the program - double tasking as a School Relations and Logistics coordinator. I also attended the “Leadership, Community Development and Project Management” training camp in Brummana that was organized by OCE, and I had an effective participation in organizing the LAU NGO Fair, the Outreach and Cultural Exchange Across Nations (OCEAN) day, and the Beirut Marathon. Moreover, I was selected to work on a project with the LAU Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management as a “Student Ambassador”, and I was also selected twice to be a representative of LAU student leaders at LAU’s Board of International Advisers meeting. 38

Furthermore, I founded back in 2012 the LAU Safety Awareness Club. I was elected for two years in a row as the club’s president; as such, I worked hand-in-hand with my fellow USP scholars to establish partnership between the club and local NGOs and build joint collaboration with the Lebanese Internal Security Forces. Because I, as a USP scholar at LAU, was taught how to be passionate about dedicating most of my time to giving back to my community and to help find solutions to some of the most important challenges in society, I remained part of the Lebanese Red Cross (which I had joined back in 2009). I have served as the Logistics Manager and the Vice President of the Youth Department in Aley, and I am currently the Treasurer and the certified driver of the Aley center. In 2012, I became a member in the Youth Association for Social Awareness (YASA) and part of the USAID Youth Advisory Committee. Thereafter, I was honored by the U.S. Ambassador in Lebanon Maura Connelly as a “Lebanese Youth Leader”. On the other hand, in order to sharpen my professional skills and gain real business experience, I successfully accomplished three internships in 2012 and 2013: I was the Mentorship Program Officer at The Nawaya Network, a marketing intern at AMIDEAST Lebanon, and a counter operations and customer service intern at Bank Audi. In short, the USP Scholarship at LAU has indeed changed my life. It taught me how to be a youngster who is always willing to dream more, to do more, and to be more. It taught me how to be eager and passionate about maintaining my academic excellence and developing my leadership potentials with the hope that I use these skills and knowledge later on to contribute to my country. Even though USP scholars will graduate from the Lebanese American University, their life changing scholarship will never end. That moment is going to be the beginning of a journey, a lifelong mission to make sure that Lebanon is a better place for all of us as well as for successive generations.



9 August, 2011, around 11 a.m. was the start of my journey. It started with a phone call saying “Congratulations; you are accepted as a USP student.” This journey will not end even after graduating because I will stay in touch with all the USP staff and students and try to help them as much as I can. This great scholarship gives me the chance to study my major in a university that introduced me to different people, skills, activities, and events. There, I spent my best days with friends doing projects, activities, and having fun. The USP staff always encourage us to participate in more and more activities and workshops in order for us to gain as many skills as possible to excel not only in our own career but also in our community service and personal lives. Even though I have courses, projects, and exams, I was able to participate and volunteer in many events that took place on campus and off campus. On campus, I volunteered in several events, such as the GC LAU MUN High School Conference, Ocean day, the 3rd annual NGO Fair, and others. Also, I participated as an active member in the events and activities and attended lectures done by the UNESCO, Safety Awareness, and AIE Clubs. In addition, during these three years I got more and more leadership skills through events and workshops, such as time management, the Red Cross (Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change), and decision making workshops. All these great opportunities that I got from LAU and the USP family molded me into a more skillful leader. All these made me a more active person in many NGOs, clubs, activities, events, and workshops that took place off-campus. Therefore, in addition to my activities on campus, I had many amazing activities off-campus too. Since October 15,2012 till now, I have been the president of the “Ramlieh Voluntary 40

Unit – AFDC(Association for Forest, Development & Conservation) where we excel as a team in cooperating with the members of that voluntary unit to spread awareness about our environment and how to protect it by organizing activity days for children of different ages. Moreover, as a USP student at LAU, I was given the chance and started my journey to achieve my dream of majoring in education and to teach students not only abstract knowledge and theories, but also how to be creative, practice, experiment, discover, and spread awareness about different issues such as the environment, health, and human rights. Besides that, I had the chance to have my internship at the International College in Ras Beirut which enriched me with many experiences which were very important and will support me in my future career.



My mother once said to me: “You are going to face ups and downs all along the way, it is never the easy track that you think of, be patient and be sure of what you want”. At first, I did not take her words seriously though later on I knew what she was trying to make me understand. My story started in my first official semester in the university; I was doing what I was supposed to do: studying. I even had to stay in my dorms, alone all weekend away from my family - a thing I was not at all used to - preparing for my exams, and still I was fine with it as long as I got good results. Then the grades of my first exams showed up. I was shocked at what I had scored. Simply, that was not me; I had done all the work not to get such grades. At that stage, I did not think of my status in my scholarship, or failing my courses; what came to my mind was my family, my friends, my instructors… I quit my home, my village, my friends, and my college for what? To fail at my first encounter with real life, to disappoint my family who put in effort and time to see me at this stage or my friends and instructors whose only fault was that they believed in me? With all this stress and frustration, I felt that I don’t belong to all this and was close to giving up, but then I thought of those very same people who I will always try to make them proud of me and of the opportunity that I had, among others, to be educated in a good university and have a better job later in life. So, I decided to continue. It took me some time to know that the whole matter was about adaptation, by then everything seemed to be clearer. Now, I can definitely say I can’t find myself anywhere other than this place; I’m in my third year and everything is going great so far. By now, I can understand what my mother meant and I’m glad that I did not give up. My message for everyone is to keep in mind that these chance come once in a lifetime. We take it or we give up and lose it, I decided to take it. It is your turn now. Choose wisely.


HANEEN CHABCHOUL Comunication Arts USP 1

If I had to choose a title for these past three years, I would definitely say: three years of transformation. At this very moment, I was trying to think of the things that were added to my life in these three years. I figured out that I have all what a person needs to be happy: a wonderful family, remarkable friends, a decent education, and thriving experiences. What does it take for a person to be happy more than this? For me this is enough! September 2011, I packed all my stuff and came here, without believing that dreams can come true! Three years ago, I had to leave all I had, to come here. I left my hometown, my family, my school, my neighborhood, my friends, and my entire life to come to a totally strange place, with no one to talk to and no place to go to. But I knew it was time for my ambitions to become ablaze, and here, I found myself, I found my people, and I found my place. I believe this place will be harder to leave than the place I was born in. It is true that I was born there, but I became alive here. I am so glad because I found where I belong. These three years taught me a lot. I have learnt to evaluate my life not in terms of achievements, but instead I have learnt to appreciate all what I encounter along the path, and that is actually what really matters. I have been through a lot. My experience in LAU was not just about classes and GPA, but way more, it was an amazing adventure! I learnt a lot and passed through the weirdest experiences, and only now I know how to accept the pain and the tough situations, cherish every single moment of joy and success, and instead of giving up I can now resolve the regrets.


I passed through some horrible situations and had to take the hardest decisions throughout these three years, but I can’t deny that they were the best three years of my life. At some points I had doubts if I had to take this scholarship or not, but I do not think there is anything that I have done in these years that I will not do again. Even the wrong choices were such a blast. “If I had my life to do over, I’d do it all the same.” – Joan McIntosh. The first time I came to LAU, I heard president Jabbra saying: LAU is your home away from home. At first, I thought it was just a commercial phrase, but LAU has really become my home, I feel that this is where I belong and now I discovered how hard it is for me to leave a few months from now! Here, I had the chance to know myself more, I discovered what I have inside of me, and I still have much more to do. Here I was able to make mistakes and learn from them, I got the chance to work in different areas, and do anything I can think of. Today, I look back to that girl who came from far away, a place where she never belonged, a girl who has crossed all this distance because of a dream. But now each step I take I keep on looking around just to remember how grateful I am! For me, this is not just a three year experience that will end soon; it is a life time experience. I am leaving LAU in a few months, and maybe Lebanon later on, but I will be taking with me friends who have stood by me and supported me, I will be taking adventures that taught me a lot and made me a better person, I will be remembering a teacher, a godfather, and another mother, and I will be taking every single moment I spent at LAU, with all the mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, to keep them and remember them each night before I shut my eyes! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain


HASSAN ESKANDAR Computer Science USP 1

Never before had I believed in miracles until I was offered a scholarship by USAID. It was a dream come true. Indeed it was the turning point in my life. Imagine a child raised in an area that is completely far from technological sophistication, a boring primitive environment which resembles the primal ages. This child had acquired his tuition in a public school. Such a school was not as decent as private schools. Despite the poor trivial teaching methods in these schools, I really did work hard and made it into the 12th grade Life Science track. It was a real blessing when I won the scholarship granted by the USP. The AMIDEAST program I was enrolled in was very beneficial in shaping my personality. This program focused on developing leadership skills and team spirit. We were engaged in several activities like painting each other’s faces on Halloween in addition to jigsaw activities. The goal of such educational events was to broaden our horizon and mentality and even plant in us a sense of independence and individuality. Not to mention the enjoyable English lessons we had. It was indeed a “Learning with Fun” atmosphere. The promised day arrived and I became an LAU student. Never had I dreamed of registering in such a highly reputable university. I was even accepted into a major that I totally lacked knowledge in.


Events organized by the OCE such as MUN made us more confident about our abilities. Gradually, our self-confidence boosted and we excelled in everything we did. Such a program had a purpose and plan. It even taught us basic IT skills like Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint presentations. Each of us learned how to submit assignments online. Every one of us had an advisor to guide us to the right track. Here I am a responsible, independent, confident, and determined student who is more than willing to pursue his Masters degree in computer science hoping for a chance to get to do i. As a closing thought, the USAID program was the key to the secret garden which would definitely blossom into a colorful one with the knowledge gained as an undergraduate student.



Almost three years ago, I packed my bags and left home after I had been accepted in the USP program, and I must admit that I wasn’t expecting a lot. Looking back, that proves to me how much I have changed and how this program changed my life to the better. Within hours after leaving my parents, I was plunged into orientation madness. The atmosphere on my first night was just electric. I remember how nervous I was. Then I met hundreds of new students, all my age, all looking to meet new people and have fun. I got to integrate more, day after day and especially with my USP family. I loved every minute of every event we worked on. I enjoyed being independent. I enjoyed being myself for the first time in my whole life far away from my small complicated culture. I started to be sure that I am totally able to follow my dreams and that I have a great opportunity to do so. I volunteered in many activities outside and inside campus which were all such a brilliant opportunity to take responsibility and contribute to the community. I was never stuck with nothing to do. There is always something going on – overnights for the exams, late night cinema, dorm parties, TV shows, etc. It has most certainly been the sense of belonging to a family that differentiates us, the USP scholars, from the others. I am confident that both the professional and personal relationships formed over the past few years will reach far into the future and the shared collective experience is one that will not be easily forgotten.



When I first stepped into the LAU campus, I felt as if I was dreaming. I knew a new life was waiting for me since I got the opportunity to seek my college education in one of the first and best colleges in Lebanon. Since then, I made a decision to volunteer in any activity or event that would develop my leadership skills. One of the most interesting events was Operation Big Blue in which we cleaned the beach in Byblos. In this simple action, I noticed that we can help protect our environment if we put our hands together and cooperate. I also volunteered in the reforestation campaign in Ramleyye in my second year and in Bsharreh during my third. By planting some trees, we helped return life to the forests in Lebanon that had been neglected for a period of time. In order to help my community by taking advantage of my major, education, I volunteered to give reinforcement sessions for Brevet classes in public schools. My aim was to help those students be confident and seek success just like my dream that came true because of my hard work. In addition to these leadership skills, the USAID scholarship helped me develop my social skills. I got to know people from all over Lebanon, and even from nearby countries. My friendship with those people helped me understand the meaning of tolerance and accepting each other’s perspectives, cultures, and styles of living. Besides that, and the most important thing, I learned how to be independent from my parents and a responsible woman who can fulfill all her needs by herself. And now, with the help of LAU and USAID, I’m a wise woman.



The day I entered LAU everything changed, I became a totally different person. But how? During the three years I spent in LAU I met new friends, friends that were sisters and brothers to me. They were next to me in days of sadness and happiness, we did almost everything together. Moreover, my participation in different clubs and being part of the Model Arab League program in LAU made me a more self-confident and self-reliant person. The most important thing that changed me is the experience I got while living in the dorms. Some People might think that moving into a dorm is a hard thing, but I think that it is worth trying. Living in the dorms was an important reason for how I become more responsible, such as cooking my own food, doing the laundry, and cleaning my room. Doing such things led me to be a more responsible, independent, and caring about myself. I am becoming more of a woman, independent, involved, and realizing how important it is to become active in the university. Without my experience of moving into the dorms I would not know how wonderful and amazing it is to be a part of such a life changing experience and I would not be where I am today.



…The story began at that biology session. All of a sudden the teacher stopped the lesson telling us that LAU would like to give us a visit. When I first got introduced to the LAU-USAID program, I could not believe what the American government, along with LAU, was offering. I felt something special about that program and based on that I started preparing the necessary documents before the application deadline. And I used to receive calls from LAU every now and then informing me about the exams and the interview which I passed through. On a normal summer day, my phone rang unexpectedly. Oh! That’s the number that makes my heart beat faster and faster each and every time! When I heard that I was accepted as a USP student, I did not know what to say... That phone call really left me speechless! I’m one of the students that LAU was seeking. After that, days were running fast: signing papers, attending orientations and workshops. And I then packed my things and moved to the dorms. Actually I could not imagine myself leaving my family. But here I am. In less than three months I made a wonderful family along with amazing friends. And now I’m enjoying an amazing life on campus joining different clubs and participating in activities, for instance the Beirut Marathon which was really a beautiful experience! I can confidently say that this new life made me a different woman because it increased my self-confidence and now I’m capturing every single opportunity to benefit from this chance! All in all, I can proudly say that USAID along with LAU made my life such an amazing one to excel on both levels: academics and leadership. Thank You LAU and thank you USAID for such an opportunity that each one of us should benefit from!



I started university as a computer engineering student. I realized after one year of study that I can’t go on, so I transferred into electrical engineering. I thought that it would be easier for me, but for all engineering students it was the most difficult engineering major in the department. Also, after a year of study and after many harsh circumstances I had faced. I was asked to change my major far from the engineering department, so I chose Information Technology Management for one reason that it is three-year major which is very close to engineering. LAU opened the door; it gave me the solid foundation and work ethic that would carry into my career through lectures and workshops that are held in LAU, not to mention clubs and club activities on campus. I have been a member of the IT Club and in the IEEE since my first semester in LAU. Unlike other universities, here in LAU you know your professors well. LAU provided me with lifelong friendships. I was lucky enough to find a group of people that I still call my best friends. These are the people that I know I will grow old with. Even now, we still find the time to keep in touch, plan trips, and be present in each other’s lives. I remember people telling me that the friends I’d make in college would be my friends for life, yet I don’t think anything would have prepared me for the bonds I made at LAU.


HUSSEIN SHAMIYI Mechanical Engineering USP 1

Life does not have a specific path to follow or a plan to work according to. Everyone has their own story, their own path, and their own unique train of life to go in and survive. Before joining LAU as a USP scholar, I used to take the path of success, adventures, and competitions which I won most of them. I used to refuse failure and not surrender to it; instead, i took it as a lesson to learn from and a mistake never to repeat. Fortunately, I was a good competitor and an excellent student. After I joined the Lebanese American University, USP became my life. It did not only change my life, it turned it completely into a new domain and opened new ways and new paths to go through. The most important way in which USP changed my life is through the continuous insistence on and encouragement to participate and take part in every single leadership activity that takes place around me, even creating my own unique leadership activities through mainly the community projects and lots of other activities organized just by USP scholars. This new path that I wasn’t sufficiently aware of in my pre-university life has become a major part of my life and has turned from a duty I have to fulfil and just fill out on papers for the scholarship requirements into a part of my daily life and an amazing activity I enjoy doing every time I see a new one. In conclusion, the USP completed my life path from being a superior student academically to a student who excels both academically and on the leadership domain which is another extremely important path in my life as a student and as a human.



The Lebanese population was facing a lack of opportunities, and this was affecting the youth specifically; so, I realized how small my chances were, and I was waiting for a miracle so that I can find a proper university to enroll in. Thus, when the representatives of LAU came to our school, I was interested in this program. And knowing that change can’t happen overnight, I knew that I had to be patient enough to wait a whole six months with hardly a hint, but each day I would get more and more nervous. I was lacking confidence, and I knew it; so the moment I knew that I was accepted, I was shocked as if I did not expect that to happen. Thus, thinking about my achievement increased my self-esteem and made me more confident and optimistic than I was six month earlier. Furthermore, realizing that I got this scholarship because of my hard work made me feel sure that this was my first of many steps as a responsible man and gave me a reason to intensify my work. In addition, apart from helping me improve my English, this scholarship has introduced me to new people, to an extended social life which I wasn’t used to before, and to a wide range of opportunities.


IMAN AZIZ Electrical Engineering USP 1

Walking down the streets of Niha has never been something to look forward to: loud children, flying balls; nothing special to expect, just another day at Niha. However, December 2012 marked a change in those streets, not in the streets themselves but perhaps on how I pass there. Khaldoun, a young boy at Niha Public School, runs eagerly calling “Miss Iman” with his happy eyes that reflect all the dreams of childhood being smoldered in the low budget of public schools in faraway villages like Niha. Their curriculum consists of all what they don’t want to learn. But, we brought for them change. December 20, for the kids at Niha Public School, was no ordinary day. Neither was it for me. I had planned a community project for the kids which involved many activities tailored for their age in a way to improve their communication skills and have fun. However, little did I expect that that day would change who I am at my village. Now I am Miss Iman, a woman who brought all the fun to school and who is always expected to come later. Little did I expect that I would shoulder more responsibilities than the ones I came with. That community project as a part of USP at LAU was like a twist in my interests, future goals, and responsibilities. A twist that I am so glad it happened, as glad as Khaldoun was with the toys he got on that day!


ISRAA YASSIN Computer Science USP 1

Some dreams are so powerful to the extent that they come true. Those dreams are the ones that we have with our eyes wide-open because only then nothing could wake us up. USP is indeed one of those dreams. The journey started when LAU’s Admissions visited our school three years ago, informed us about the scholarship program, and left application forms for interested students. My friends and I first thought it was a joke as it was the first time we heard about a scholarship program that offers full tuition fees, book allowance, housing, and a monthly stipend. Even though I thought it was not real, with a spark of hope deep down, I took an application, filled it out, and submitted it to LAU. Among hundreds of applicants, I was accepted into the program along with 51 other students from public schools all over Lebanon. Here I am today, about to graduate from one of the most important and reputable universities in the Middle East, LAU. At LAU, not only am I given the chance and motivation to excel academically but to also participate in many extracurricular activities. I remember ushering in the Arab Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC) that took place in LAU in Fall 2012 was the first event I participated in and luckily was not the last. I have volunteered with LAU in the Beirut Marathon for three years in a row. I have also participated in Operation Big Blue that aims at cleaning the Lebanese beach. In addition, I have volunteered in reforestation campaigns and ushered in lectures and workshops done inside and outside the university. Besides volunteer work, I have joined several clubs at LAU: I started as a member in the IT Club and became its vice president last year, I was one of the founders of the AIE Club where I am also a vice president, I am a member of the ACM chapter, and I was also a member of the


Safety Awareness Club. USP has introduced me to a world I did not know it existed, LAU’s world. It is a world where voluntarism and academic excellence are combined to make true leaders. LAU chose me last year to be one of its eleven stars that represented the university at a GALA dinner for the principals of all Lebanese high schools. Being chosen from thousands of LAU students was indeed a great honor and responsibility at the same time. As for the achievement of my life, I am proud to say it is, meeting the famous New York Times journalist, columnist and author, Thomas Friedman, getting interviewed by him, and getting quoted in his article “Tanks, Jets, or Scholarships?” in the NYTimes twice. Ever since I got accepted into the program, my life has been nothing but a series of achievements. Even though some of them were minor ones, yet each of them has contributed in making me who I am now. I have learned that giving is the ultimate gain. I have learned that true leaders are the ones who teach their followers not to follow them. I have learned that dreams do come true. I remember myself getting ready to enter LAU as a USP scholar and here I am getting ready to say goodbye to three years of achievements and success stories. As the graduation date, the date I will stop being an LAU student, is getting closer, my fears are becoming greater. However, after this extraordinary experience, I seem to know the way out of all my fears and sadness. What I will do is dream with my eyes wide open because only then nothing can wake me up. I will be setting new goals, and then hopefully the end of this chapter of my life will be the beginning of new one as spectacular as the former.


ISSA AYOUB Computer Engineering USP 1

Attending a lecture held by Dr. Charl Al Ashi left a great impact on my dreams and hopes. He talked about their adventure in NASA while they were working on launching the spacecraft to Mars, and how they failed several times. But the persistence and the hope to reach Mars did not leave the scientist and the engineer’s mind; and after working for 10 years they were able to send the spacecraft to Mars. Since that moment I started building different highlights in my life. I learned to not feel scared whenever I had a difficult task to handle; as a result, my grades have been affected as well and I started to have more self-confidence. Another event that changed my mindset was the orphan’s situation after we volunteered with Makhzoumi nonprofit organization. We used to stay with the orphans, serve them, share our stories with them, and listen to their opinions and dreams. This workshop made me appreciate the grace that I am experiencing, how lucky I am having family, parents who look after me, sisters who care for me and aided me during difficult times, and the grace that I am learning and graduating soon. This scene planted within my heart a great deal of hope and happiness to my humble situation. Since that moment I start having a different view on life: never panic on silly or small things since every single problem should have a solution. I thanked God for the good health and the perfect mental ability to do so many difficult jobs and studies.


Finally, I want to thank the American Embassy and the USAID people for giving me an opportunity to come to LAU, to participate in its events which taught me a bunch of lessons equally important to those learned in classes. Moreover, living with my friends who came from different cultures and backgrounds widened my knowledge and education about different sects and how the Lebanese should cooperate to escape from our dramatic situation in the country.


JINAN ARAB Nutrition USP 1

“Seizing opportunities” are two words that summarize the essence of my whole experience as a USP scholar at the Lebanese American University. Before graduating from high school, I applied for an international scholarship program at LAU, reached the final stage, but did not get accepted into the program. This failure disappointed me and affected my self-esteem to a greater extent. Few weeks later I learned about the USP program but did not think of applying because of my previous experience. My mom always believed that I had the potential to get the scholarship and convinced me to apply. When I was called to go for the next step in the selection process, I felt like hope was back and my self-esteem was rebuilding. This feeling was growing as I was moving from one step to the other in the selection process. When I first received my acceptance, I initiated my lessons’ was “seizing opportunities”. My life at the university has opened for me a huge number of opportunities from extracurricular activities and workshops, to lectures and many others. I was always making use of them and I know now that taking advantage of the opportunities that life gives you is a road to progress and success, a success not only for yourself self but also for society. And as Harry S. Truman says: “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”


JOE KARAM Civil Engineering USP 1

An average young boy, hoping for the best future a normally raised child could hope for, applied for a dream; a dream that no one would ever wish for. That young boy only hoped for the best. And what he got was the best. I am proud today to say that I am lucky to be that young boy. Some people ask me how I got that incredible scholarship, moving from an ordinary public school to one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon. Unfortunately this is due to the fact that, in Lebanon, only the higher class can afford to be in private universities and build a better future while the lower class has to struggle to survive. This scholarship eliminated this pre-determined destiny of Lebanese teenagers, and it granted a great opportunity to the lower class to defy the odds. A very short story illustrates this situation. My dad is a pickup driver; he delivers construction material to working cites. One day he delivered some cement to a site right next to the LAU Beirut campus. He was talking to the engineer there and my dad told him that I was a student there. The engineer stood motionless as if he saw a ghost. He wondered how a pickup driver could afford to put his son in such a university. This, to me, is what the USP scholarship is all about – that today I am able to say that I defied the odds and won over the Lebanese stereotypes that the lower class of people cannot thrive and win on their own. Today, I am able to say that I am that lucky young boy who won the jackpot, being a USP scholar.


JOUMANA MOODAD Computer Engineering USP 1

After a long journey, one reaches a point where making a decision can either enlighten a life or darken it. When people start asking you: “What are you going to be in the future? What are the goals you want to achieve?” There is always this confusion and this fear of answering the wrong answer especially during this phase of my life. I used to hear people say that sometimes your destiny can change overnight. I never believed it until I actually experienced it. Yes, a phone call changed my whole life: “Congratulations Joumana, you have been accepted to be part of the University Scholarship Program at LAU as a computer engineering student!” My heart was about to stop beating: a mixture of joy, hope and fear of what the future held. The new journey had started with the procedures of signing papers, going to meetings and workshops to discover the path that awaits me. Mentors, assistants and supervisors are always around illuminating the way and supporting each one of us to learn how to go through it. We are not just co-workers or colleagues; we are family. Perhaps, and some may beg to differ, luck always exists; without this outstanding program, I would have never found or discovered the true targets I have always been searching for. I promise one thing, that one dream at a time I will make all my dreams come true.


KINDA HANNA Comunication Arts USP 1

When life gives you lemon, make orange juice and let everyone be amazed at how you did it. I had a chance to be a journalist graduating from LAU. I took it. I was introduced to journalism step by step, but my name started to be known in the theatre field. Weird, right? Well this is my cup of orange juice that I made out of lemon. I am passionate about theatre so I took all my free electives as theatre courses and absorbed all the information that I could, and I helped, worked and acted in more than 20 student production plays in LAU. Finally, I started working in Al-Madina theatre. I started as a volunteer in the Mishkal festival, and then I started to have connections and they started to know that I love to work in theatre no matter what I’m doing. So due to an accident, the person responsible for the light operating Andre Nacouzi in Majnoun Yehke, directed by Lina Khoury, Ziad El-Rahbani, Gabriel Yamine, and Nada Bou Farhat, , had an accident. And it was me who worked in his place. Since I love movies, acting, and this field, through theatre I met new friends and they had their films so I helped them in their movie and now I’m an assistant director in a Lebanese feature film directed by my friend Bashir Abou Zeid. The movie is called MAFKOUD and it will be a hit. I’m just proud I was part of this awesome experience. I learned a lot, built connections, and made my vision for the future much clearer. So it is true I’m majoring in journalism, but I was able to draw a line in the production field. I’m getting the best of these three worlds, and I’m loving it.


LINA SOLAH Chemistry USP 1

My story with the USAID program started when the LAU group visited my school and told us about this scholarship and what opportunities it had. Ever since that day, I had dreamt about being an LAU student. I insisted on applying for this scholarship and I did. I had a great hope that I would be accepted in this scholarship although thousands of students all over Lebanon applied to it too. My belief in God made me completely sure that I was going to be accepted. After delivering the applications, we did the tests. After approximately a month, the LAU group began calling for repeating the EEE exam but they did not call me and that brought me happiness. After 2 weeks, they began calling for the interviews; not all my friends reached this level. On the day of the interview, I was so relaxed and I liked the interviewers. They were kind and helpful; I did very well. After I passed that level, they did not call us for a long time which led my parents to think that I was not going to be accepted. They made me apply for scholarships in other universities. I wasn’t convinced by that so I did not study a word for those exams. After doing them, LAU called me and told me to go to several orientations. After attending all the orientations and taking many tours at LAU to know how to get around the university if I got accepted, LAU called me to congratulate me because I was accepted. That day, I was shocked because the results were supposed to be announced until after 20 days. It was a normal day until they called me. I was surprised, happy, and sad at the same time.


I was surprised and happy because I really wanted this scholarship and my dream came true, but I was sad because I’m the only daughter of my parents and I can’t live without them in Beirut (having to get a dorm since I live in Baalbek). Therefore, USP changed my life. Now, I live in the LAU dorms, get 500$ every month, and have a laptop. In addition to that, I am engaged in the two wings that Mr. Samia talked about in the orientations: Academic and Social. Everything is going right, so thank you USAID Program.


MARWAN EL HASBINI Communication Arts USP 1

Confused! This was my feeling during high school. I was stressed, and I thought a lot about university and what I was going to study. I heard about LAU’s USP, and I wanted to give it a try. I did not even think that I would be accepted. My way to LAU was long. First, we did an entrance exam in order to test our academic skills. Second, we got interviewed by several professors to see our competence and our leadership skills. Third, we had a small orientation about majors and how to choose the right one. In the end and after all of these procedures, the results day was finally here. I was waiting for LAU’s call even though I was sure that I would not be accepted, but there was a sound that declined this news. LAU called and I was really happy because I got accepted. During my short period at LAU I gained competence and skills that will help me face any problem.



At the age of eighteen, I was granted the prestigious opportunity to be a part of the University Scholarship Program (USP) at the respected Lebanese American University (LAU). Yes indeed, it did change my life; but unlike other scholars, that change did not take place the day I got the phone call nor the first day at university. The change happened the same day that Miss Grace, an LAU Admissions employee, came to my hometown high school to inform us about the scholarship and encourage us to apply. That was the turning point, the eye opener. Since I was the first in my region to ever take on such a challenge, applying to this opportunity and embarking on this journey required much courage from my side fed by Miss’s Grace positive words. The USP made me realize the non-ending opportunities that await me and broadened my limits.



It is true that a moment can change your life. For me, that moment was a phone call; a two-minute phone call that brought me the news: I was accepted to the Lebanese American University under the University Scholarship Program. Two years later and I can still feel the same rush I felt that day. However, a lot had changed since that day until now. One word that can describe what happened with me here since I started is Maturation. Today, I am no longer that adolescent who left his village to move to the big city. I am no longer worried about how I am going to adapt to the new setting. I am no longer that person who wanted to come here, finish his Bachelor degree, and then go back. I changed, my way of thinking changed. I no longer hold that predetermined package of ideas that is imposed on us by birth, whether we like it or not. This scholarship has gave me the chance to reassess my basics, keep what I see worth keeping and refute what is not, all due to the interaction in the heterogeneous community on the campus and along with the dorm life. The road to maturation was also paved by the high quality education provided here at the university, in addition to the extracurricular activities that took place either outside the campus with different NGOs or on campus as events with clubs, including the Nursing Club, the Astronomy Club, and the Safety Awareness Club of which I am a member. The road is long, and the journey has just begun. USP was the key to the Sesame door.


MUSTAPHA HAMAD Computer Engineering USP 1

Putting my head on my sweet pillow, looking up for a better tomorrow, traveling far away in my sweet dreams the whole night, waking up next morning, and facing the fact: “It was just a dream”. 17 years of my life were repeating themselves in the same routine. But with a faithful heart and high ambitions, I wake up every morning waiting for my dreams to be achieved until 27/7/2011, the memorable day in my life. A call from the number “09547254” puts you into the dreamland for a while before realizing the fact that your dream has come true!! I’m not going to talk about the gift of learning in one of the most important universities in the Middle East, about the experience of living at the dorms and its unforgettable memories, about the great first moments when you enter one of the 2 fabulous campuses, or not even about the rich civic engagement activities, the valuable leadership skills that we gained, and the great experiences, events, and positions we entertained. I’m not going to talk about excelling in academics and having the golden chance to learn at LAU. I’m sure many of my colleagues talked a lot about these issues. Actually, the one thing that I did not expect to have at LAU is my second family! I met people who mean the world to me, they are my best friends, they are rare in this life, they are different, unique, and special, I’m lucky to have them. I’m lucky to have this great family where each member of USP, whether he/ she is a student, coordinator, director, manager, or whatever, belongs to the same heart, to the same soul. Thanks to God, then to my parents, to USAID, and to the American people, “USP changed my life” for the best.


NICOLAS EL JAMAL Computer Engineering USP 1

My success story started the second I stepped through the doors of LAU. Coming from a different background, I managed to make new friends that are now my family. I was able to not only succeed but also excel in my academic performance throughout the years. Furthermore, my journey in the Model United Nations program started from the first year as a photographer. Now, I am the Under Secretary General for Public Information. I think that my success was not achieved by only participating in all of this but instead managing my time. To be able to see your friends and your family, to be a leader in one of the best programs in the world, and to have an excellent academic standing at the same time is the success that I have achieved. And this is how USP changed my life, and made me a better person.



“Congratulations! You are one of the scholars chosen under the University Scholarship Program”. Since I heard these words on the phone, my whole life has changed. I was chosen among hundreds of students who applied to this program and I overcame a long process to be a USP student; but this was only the beginning… Once I started this long journey I had to first of all adapt to the university life. I learned how to accept others, respect them, and interact with them. I acquired new skills in many fields which made me feel more comfortable in accomplishing my tasks. I also figured out what were my goals and my expectations and decided to work on reaching them wholeheartedly. I understood the importance of being active in our society, and I always tried to improve it to make it a better place to live in it. I personally started to make some effort by contributing to the reforestation campaign, and I am willing to continue and try to be a useful and optimistic member who never loses faith and always keeps trying. Yes, my life has widely changed. Thanks to USP every day is a new experience and it brings me a new lesson to learn. Every day is a new chance to improve and to evolve and I am so proud of being an LAU-USP student!



The dilemma of majors and universities is a big issue not only for us as students but for our families as well. Nowadays it is really hard to find an appropriate university with an affordable tuition. In the summer of 2011, I received a call proclaiming my acceptance at LAU through the USAID scholarship. I was surprised and extremely delighted; I did not expect to be one of the 52 scholars. Was that a dream or was it God’s blessing? I had an expectation that USAID - LAU would be a turning point in my life, and indeed it was, and nothing was ever the same. I was enrolled in one of the top nursing schools in Lebanon which received CCNE accreditation this year, so we had the privilege to learn in highly equipped labs, visit the best hospitals, and develop our skills under the supervision of professional instructors that LAU had graciously provided in order to ensure that I become one of the best nurses to ever graduate. Besides the educational excellence that I have received, I have also had the chance to develop my hobbies and leadership skills. I like to play football, so I joined the LAU futsal team. Moreover, extracurricular activities and workshops boosted my self-confidence and widened my knowledge in several topics. This helped in making me a well-rounded person not just in nursing but also as a knowledgeable person in general. I was also given the opportunity to establish my own club, the “Safety Awareness Club”, in the Byblos campus with the help of my Friend Fidaa Al Fakih and the board members.


We worked together to spread awareness through several events, such as traffic safety events, sport safety events, and charity events we had done on Christmas. As recognition, we received the award for Best Newly Initiated Club for our great accomplishments in a short period of time. As a whole I can only say that I was blessed to have such a life changing experience that changed me as a person and made me a better nurse!



People may know what they are but not what they could become, unless one is blessed by opportunities that allow him to progress, especially the chance of being a USP student. That chance made an immediate and immense difference in my life. Plopped down in the capital of Lebanon was by its own a life experience, especially the part of being an LAU student. To me, LAU was a different world – a shelter. Inside that shelter there were hundreds of students insisting on being young and alive; hanging out, joining the widely active LAU clubs, and participating in volunteer work that would serve this country best. LAU’s campus life is dynamic, starting with lectures, workshops, and field trips to student-interacting activities which all arouse awareness and leadership skills in each and every student there. When I think back, I realize that while Lebanon was going through some of its worst days of terror, I was somehow protected by my will to achieve success and that deep sense of belonging. You just could not sit on a secluded bench on a cool morning shadowed by evergreens overlooking the LAU campus and not feel safe. LAU gave me peace in the midst of worry, safety in the midst of chaos, and hope in the midst of despair. If I were to attribute my success to one single element, I would choose USP. The University Scholarship Program had made it possible for me to start the journey of achieving a BS in Mathematics. But what is more important is that after three years I will be graduating from LAU, which is a unique university because its professional schools try to produce a complete individual, rather than a technician. You become an expert, but also a person with culture, wide interests, and sensitivity to the ideas of others. I’m glad that one day, I would belong to LAU’s past. Until now, I have only spent one semester there, Fall 2013, but to this day I feel that the place is mine.... LAU belongs to me and so does the USP family. 73


When I first came to LAU a strange feeling gripped me. I felt that I did not belong here maybe because I wasn’t used to sleeping far from my home. I felt that the dorm was a serious problem, especially since my family and friends were not here to support me. However, I started to get used to it, leaving behind the secluded and spoiled person I was and becoming a more open person. I learned to become an independent person who can handle everything by himself. Since then I started to believe that it is a good idea for all university students to live in a dormitory on campus. Soon after entering university, many students may feel anxious about their new university lives. Living in a dormitory on campus enabled me to make new friends more easily. I met many people of different backgrounds even from outside Lebanon and it became easier for me to accept the different, the other. So, living in a dormitory gave me many chances to meet new people and make new friends. In addition, I learned to become independent. In the dorm, I used to do everything by myself, the laundry, cooking and cleaning. So Living in a dorm gave a good preliminary training to stand on my own feet in the future.


RACHEL KHOURY Computer Science USP 1

If you ask a successful person about what made him reach his goal in life; he would most probably portray the importance of selfimprovement, motivation, and self-esteem. Today, I‘m working hard on improving myself in order to become a successful person. Three years ago, I was a passive shy girl, never requesting more, having the passion to learn more, or searching for new technologies or innovations. Maybe my social and economic background had imposed a barrier in front of my development in the past few years, but today I have all that is needed to improve myself and build my own view and career. The University Scholarship Program gave me the opportunity to go deeper into life, to learn, to meet an awesome crew that is following us, supporting us, and guiding us. Also, this program gave me the opportunity to study Computer Science at LAU; this major helped me discover that I am passionate about technology. Moreover, my social life has developed more and more: I am living in the LAU dorms with people that I never knew before, building a routine that suits all of us to spend time together as if we are a family. Finally, this scholarship gave me the opportunity to build my personality and to prepare for a fruitful successful future.



“I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night – there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I’m not going to worry about them. I’m dreaming the hardest.’’ Marilyn Monroe. This is a simple quotation that represents every USP student’s feelings during his patient steps that led him to gain this scholarship. Fear, doubt, horror, less confidence... – feelings that invaded us during the waiting period; But we joined LAU; Rana Salloum invited us to an emotional moral workshop talking about our miserable feelings in the beginning of this year. It was incredible how she specified every single feeling we had. However, it wasn’t over; she gave us advice and solutions to escape this bad scream and to fit into this new community with those mysterious surrounding friends. Indeed, we learned how to control our stress and how to get rid of isolation and loneliness in order to prepare ourselves to welcome happiness and peace. We are really thankful to have a little second family here! At LAU, that supports and offers us motivation. Furthermore, our precious families are always ready to help us whenever we have a problem or a doubtful issue. Thank you for caring and knowing our weakness, and for your trials to transform it into power and strength. Because of you nothing will scare us; we will be building that ambitious future generation you are working on.


RALPH TAYEH Civil Engineering USP 1

I was accepted into LAU during the Fall 2011 semester. The things that changed about me since then were my sense of purpose, my sense of confidence, and my sense of self-esteem. USP has taught me how to thrive for success, be it the fulfillment of my dreams or the improvement I want to induce within my community. I am now more confident about my academic and leadership skills through the major I chose and the many volunteering activities I took part in. Finally, USP has taught me how to get power out my weakness, how to appreciate cultural diversity, and how to better estimate my abilities to be the leader of a better change in tomorrow’s community.



Three years ago, my vision about who I was, what I wanted, and where I was going was vague. I had always drawn my college years and future career so differently from now. In August 2011, my acceptance into this program was a turning point. It is not that my whole life changed, but it is more of how my personality developed. Before this date, I did not imagine myself living independently in Beirut where I did not know anybody. The opportunity to live alone has put me in different types of situations and circumstances where I have to act and take a decision. Also, knowing a lot of people from different backgrounds and sometimes from different nationalities has enriched my experience. Leadership activities and workshops offered by LAU were another chance to discover my skills and strengths. And, I believe that whenever you believe in your abilities and you have the will, you are halfway there. The other half depends on the “means” that will get you there. For me, it was USAID. Now, I have a brighter view of my future and to the world because USAID is there.



It all happened three years ago when I was a high school student. I got accepted and I still remember the day I was packing to move into the dorms. I was afraid and I had no idea that this was the best part! The dorm life changed so many things in me, my personality and the way I see and deal with people. Being independent kind of changed me a lot. I became more confident and it boosted my selfesteem. I have been through a lot of problems and difficulties, but it was all sticks and stones since I had my friends around and they were my second family and as the dorm’s assistants promised, the dorms were my second home away from home. The LAU University and LAU dorm residence created that inspirational environment that made me and all the students, especially the USP students, want to do more and give more. We all need chances in life to grow and give; in my case USAID gave me that chance and the opportunity to be a part of LAU community. We (as USP students) have the potential and we needed the opportunity that USAID provided for us. I got the chance to be part of MAL, the UNESCO Club, the Social Work Club and I’m the current secretary for the Nutrition Club which all made me an even more ambitious, confident, and experienced person. Now, after three amazing years, I’m graduating taking with me spectacular memories that I will never forget. Thank you USAID!


SALWA KOBEISSI Computer Science USP 1

I have always been a dreamer in a bitter reality. I wanted to know what was beyond the limits of my thought, imagination, and this reality. I wanted to feel the difference and live what had always been the unknown for me. I wanted to live an experience that would make me understand our society more and deeper, give me the power to change the reality which worried me and most of the others living it, and help me become a true leader. The University Scholarship Program funded by USAID has been the step for me to get over many obstacles blocking the way up to the top of my goals, my aspiration, and it has been the experience I really wanted and needed to live in order to be what I wanted to be, a leader. It has given me the opportunity to get a high quality education in one of the best Lebanese universities, the Lebanese American University. Also, it has given me the chance to live where difference is a norm, life is dynamic, and change is fast, in Beirut. As a result, I have realized that the true limits are not those that I have had before, they are much further, I have learnt how to deal with the difference and accept the new values which I was not used to or familiar with before, and I have learnt that every single detail in our life must be seen from different perspectives for us to be able to make the right decisions. Moreover, this experience has made me rely on myself rather than on my parents, and made me stronger, more self-confident and responsible of my choices. Besides, it has made me sure that dreams are possible to be brought to reality and make the change we want to our community, and this needs perseverance, hard work, patience, tolerance, cooperation, and ambition. All these together have been the basis for me to develop my leadership skills, the skills I need in order to gain the power required to serve my homeland, my people. 80

As I’m graduating this spring, I would like to say that I really love my USP and LAU family and that this experience will never be a memory or past as it is everlasting for me. It will always be the push and motivation for me to improve myself, reach my aspiration and make the change I desire starting from myself to end up with the whole community.



Three years ago, when I was still a high school student, if someone would ask me about my plan for college, I would not say anything. I was lost and confused and I did not have any idea about my future career until I was accepted into the USP scholarship program. USP changed my life; it gave me a new plan, a goal, a motivation to continue my education, and to always look forward and aim higher in my career. From the moment I stepped LAU, everyone was very helpful. Furthermore, being a USP scholar gave me extra benefits in everything. For every problem I faced there was always someone to help me solve it. In my first semester, I had a problem in registering my courses. I could not register for anything and all the classes were closed. I was so desperate and no one was able to help me. A USP student mentor saw me and helped me contact the right people and everything was solved because I’m a USP student. Not only did the USP give me many benefits in my courses, advisors, and education, it even encouraged me, and all of us, to participate in all kinds of activities, interests, and volunteering tasks. All activities made by LAU represent an important part of my life. Moreover, I will never forget the day of my community project and the joy that all the kids felt. USP really changed my life and LAU will always stay the best chapter in my life.



Once I was watching TV, and it so happened that I say that people were giving scholarships to the student with highest score in Lebanon. At that time I wished I could have been one of them. My wish came true. The following year, I applied to the USP program in LAU and got accepted. It was the happiest news in my life, especially because I got accepted to study in a field I always wanted. I am a source of pride for my family. Being accepted in the scholarship did not only give me the opportunity to get a higher education and study the major I want, but it also helped me to develop my whole personality and be a leader in my community. I learned to have self-confidence, take initiative, work with a team, and participate in volunteering activities, competitions, and workshops. I learned to keep going whenever facing difficulties, and got I motivated to participate in marathons and face my fears. I even started a running club in LAU. In my courses, I learned to work harder and to be patient. Moreover, I have lots of friend and contacts and the special thing about them is that most of them are USP students too. Finally, since day one when I entered LAU till now, every minute counts. The program helps me discover myself and be aware of my capabilities. Now, I have enough self-confidence to continue my journey in life and be a successful influential leader in my community thanks to the USP.



I have never thought that a phone call would change my life! It all started with a phone call! That moment when I was called from LAU and told that I got accepted to LAU as a USP student, the countdown had started. My life has entirely changed: moving to the dorms, meeting many people from diverse backgrounds, making new friends, excelling academically, attending workshops, and volunteering in numerous activities, such as Nutrition Club events, reforestation, the Beirut Marathon, UNESCO Club events, the NGO fair, the MUN conference…The University Scholarship Program provided me with the opportunity to achieve what I always wanted to become, a dietitian! Also, my experience at LAU made me stronger, more determined and more ambitious. Although I am so excited to graduate next semester, I do not really want to leave such an amazing university. However, my USP experience hasn’t come to an end. It is the beginning of my journey to become a better person and make my community a better place. When I look back at what I have accomplished, I feel optimistic that we can still make a difference in the world even with our little achievements. Most importantly, I feel proud of the message I delivered: If public high school students were given the opportunity, they would excel!


SUZANNE BOUTROS Civil Engineering USP 1

It is very hard to summarize the past three years in 200 words. I am writing this and hoping my words won’t fail at reflecting what it is to be part of this program. It is never easy to describe a miracle. How did USP change my life? In every possible way. It was a too-good-to-be-true opportunity that turned out to be the door of countless other opportunities. I became a whole new person, a better one. I truly know what it is like to have courage, by overcoming the fear of leaving my family, my hometown, and my environment and moving to the big city and the biggest word; I understood the meaning of diversity by meeting people from all over Lebanon, with different religions and beliefs who become friends, family, and the dearest persons to my heart; I experienced hard work by the unlimited number of nights I had to spend to reach my goals, to see the appreciated look in the eyes of my professors while handing me back my exams, and to savor the letter A on my transcript. But the best part of this dream was that it offered me a chance to release the inner leader inside of me. I always had this eager want to change something, to do something useful with my life, something bigger than getting good grades and maintaining a good academic standing. I needed to help the community, to be a good example for others, to actually achieve what really matters: making the Lebanese society a better place to live in. During my stay at LAU, this wish came to me on a golden plate. By the immense number of activities available at the university, I had the chance to change. We have done so much: reforestation trips, visits to the orphans and elderly, training sessions in the Model United Nations program, cleaning the Lebanese coast,


fundraising events supporting human causes… Yes, looking back at all of that now, I get this feeling of extreme satisfaction because I have been useful the past three years more than I had been my entire life! The best gift one can have is the ability to pay back everything good he receives. We were granted a gift, being USP scholars, and we are trying to pay it back the best way we can, hoping that USP changes not only our lives, but the life of every person surrounding us…



Getting the chance to be a student here at LAU was made possible through the USP scholarship. It is a one of a kind opportunity that broadened my horizons and opened the way for endless opportunities as well. You are not just an ID number at LAU; your voice is well heard. I was given the chance to participate in many projects and plan my own too! The most amazing thing that ever happened was making friendships that could last a lifetime and even belonging to a big family that is made up of people from all parts of Lebanon.


ZAYNAB AYYAD Comunication Arts USP 1

After every fall there must be a rise. This is the first thing I learned from the first day I got my scholarship. My case was a special one; I failed my official exams in 2010 because of a technical problem at the Ministry of Education, and that was extremely unfair. After being one of the best students in class, failing was the last thing to expect. I was in a private school and had never entered a public high school, but I had to change my school so I moved to a girls-only public school with a strict system and an atmosphere that was far away from my own so I felt as if it was the end of the world. Every time I remember those days where I had to wake up for school, I get goose bumps and feel irritated; I feel that I had the worst life any girl could ever have. Then one day, after skipping school for a while because of the severe depression I had, I started attending again. By coincidence, it happened that LAU representatives were presenting the scholarship program by USAID on the first day I came back. I applied and here I am graduating this semester. Everything does happen for a reason. No matter how hard life might seem sometimes and no matter how complicated things might get I learned to stay calm, take a breath, and give it time. Consider every bump on your road as a sign for you to slow down and take a look around because there will always be something special out there hidden for every single one of us.


ZIAD KHODR Mechanical Engineering USP 1

It was a turning point in my life when I received a phone call from LAU to congratulate me for winning a full tuition scholarship. A month after that day, I was at the first step on the road to finding my second family. I was worried about loneliness, far away from my family in the dorms. But, my dorm-mates were so friendly. We had a wonderful time together; telling jokes before going to bed, playing online games… The feeling of helping others is realized now because the scholarship program always organizes a workshop with the cooperation of a nongovernmental organization for students to volunteer and help others, to help cleaning the beach, the environment, etc… Furthermore, I felt blessed when once upon a time, I was the only one among my colleagues to be accepted to register a class by force and they said, “He is a USP student”. So I felt privileged although it is because I should graduate from engineering in 4 years. MUN … It is the most amazing experience I have ever had. I learnt more about communication skills and about the international affairs. I met people from all over Lebanon and also from some foreign countries.




When I was in the twelfth grade, a group of LAU Admissions representative came to my school to introduce us to the USP program. It was the first time that I heard of this program. They gave applications to those who were interested in applying to this great program in order to fill them out. I took one and filled it out with all the needed information. Then I sent it to the LAU Admissions Office with a small hope of getting accepted to this program since I am from a faraway region. In fact, my family was going to register me in LIU since it was the only university in Lebanon that they can hardly afford. However, I was accepted into the University Scholarship Program after many procedures and processes such as entrance exams and an interview. This acceptance was a huge shift in my life. It allowed me to continue my college education in an accredited university – the Lebanese American University – and I am proud to be part of its students. Also it allowed me to participate in many beneficial and worthy extracurricular activities that improved my leadership skills well. In addition, it made me realize the importance of these activities along with the internships that opened my eyes to a great future. Finally, this amazing program gave me a great opportunity that definitely improved my life.


ALAA AL HADI Mechanical Engineering USP 2

It is amazing how a single moment can change an entire person’s life. It is amazing how a phone call can reshape your existence and determine your future. It is amazing how an opportunity can prove to be a turning point that redefines everything before and after. The moment I received my acceptance to the USP program, my whole perspective on life changed as if as I was reborn. I had that irresistible sense of achievement and victory. My life was full of successful moments, but that one was different. That one crowned everything I have ever achieved or even dreamed about. There is no joy that matches the first moment’s joy. It took a while for me to get the bigger picture; to realize that my journey is yet to begin. I did not realize how lucky I am until I walked between the LAU buildings, met the Doctors and got to know the other USP scholars. Yes!!..., USP did change my life. Now, I’m a part of a wide Lebanese community. I have brothers and sisters in every corner in Lebanon. Here, I was able to trespass the borders between countries, religions, and ideologies. Being a USP scholar made me more active, aware, and ambitious. It taught me that determination will always be awarded. Here I feel my importance to my society and believe that I can do a change. The program extracted the best from me and promoted my hidden potentials. The essence of being part of the USP program is way more than having good academic status and community service activities. We, as a USP scholars, are recruited so that we can make a change in our society and country starting from the change USP made to us.



September 30 2013 is an unforgettable date. It had changed my life entirely and brought happiness to my dear family and me, by getting accepted as a USP student. From the first day I filled out the USP application, I did my best to prepare all the needed documents and official papers. Every time they called me to do the exam or the interview, the hope to get the scholarship used to increase until I was informed that my name wasn’t included in the first group of students. I was totally shocked, sad, and frustrated because I had lost an important chance of being a student at a great university. So I bitterly decided to give up this dream and continue my studies at a public university in order to not let my parents hold a burden they could not afford. But God did not forget about me; I received the wonderful call that I had waited months for it. At first, I did not believe what I heard, so I asked the caller to repeat, “Congratulations, you got the USAID scholarship”. I started crying from happiness, then I called my dad who also cried, my mom stumbled for words, and all that I could hear were her whispers and crying: “Thank you God”. The USAID scholarship is undoubtedly the most wonderful event that happened to me in 2013. It gives students hope that there are still good people who care for those who can’t even dream to continue their studies at a private university. In my opinion, it is only such a kind of humanitarian aid that can help people improve and make changes in society. From the bottom of my heart, I thank God, I thank everyone who supports, works, shares, and helps in this program that has changed the lives of many low and middle class youngsters, and equipped them with a certificate from one of the leading universities in Lebanon. This is not to mention the heartwarming circumstances that USAID members give to all of us. With them, we feel safe, surrounded by our USP family that cares about every single detail in our lives, who listens to us with great attentiveness, who with 94

no hesitation is ready to offer help whenever we are in need. Finally, I admit that I’m a blessed and lucky person for being a USAID student. I’m enjoying the life at LAU that gives me the opportunity to nourish my self confidence and social engagement, thus my personality is evolving and my responsibilities are widening. Today, I feel like a real adult who is building her personality on her numerous experiences and I owe all of this to the USAID scholarship program.


ANTONIO NEHME Computer Science USP 2

A year before my graduation from Tannourine Official High School, we got the news about scholarships funded by the USAID was heard. As the university life is the major concern for high school students, I started searching for the university that fits my family’s financial status and provides me the major in which I see my future career. For an average wage family of six members, American universities are not affordable at all even with financial aid. I received a 50% scholarship to Notre Dame University for the first semester because of my academic performance, but this made NDU still hard to afford; I was searching for a part-time job to help my parents with the tuition knowing the fact that I have to keep my GPA high to retain the bursary. A friend of mine, who was accepted at LAU a year before, motivated me to apply for the USP scholarship. I filled the application’s requirements and studied hard for the exam. A month passed and I was called for the interview. At the end of July, while I was at my job In Tannourine Water Company, I received the acceptance call. No words could describe the happiness of that moment… I continued my work day saying my farewells to the responsibilities I was not supposed to take yet. Now that I’m majoring in computer science, I have enough time to focus on my studies. USP gave me the opportunity to live in the best academic environment, providing all that I need for my degree.



Many things intercept man’s life and leave their own impression in it. It was 11:11 am when I received that call: “You have been accepted for the USAID Scholarship Program at the Lebanese American University!” someone said on the phone. That moment I felt I was the happiest person on earth. That scholarship was a qualified change in my academic journey. After I finished the baccalaureate class successfully and with distinction, I got the incentive to continue the mission and a dream came true. It was a great opportunity that allowed me to experience new cultures and new friends from different backgrounds and build up my future. The dorm life is amazing for the colleagues gathered from all the Lebanese regions, representing its special diversity. Being sociable and open minded, it was not difficult for me to adapt to the new social environment. I have met people from different religions and different cities and made a lot of social relationships with them and widened my mentality. On the level of civic engagement, I got a great chance to share knowledge about my society’s issues and improve it. Today, after one year of study and hard work, I am more enthusiastic to go and realize my ambitions. Great admiration and thanks for all those who have participated in this journey. The mission does not end here, but it starts. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. I will make every effort to realize myself, improve my society, and do anything that could make it a positive change. I will be a businesswomen, a responsible and successful one. “when there is a will, there is a way”.



“USP changed my life”… Few words that describe a whole story. Four months ago, I was a desperate girl of small, simple ambitions and thoughts. My educational life was limited to two crucial choices: either to be a public university student, or to be a private student and work at the same time. No other doors were opened, and no other choices were available. After I had been walking through a dark path with no obvious features, a spot of light shined into my eye. That was the spot of change where I was accepted to the USP program as a USP II new student, and USP changed my life. Today, I can say that I’m a lucky girl, and that I believe that miracles can occur. USP was a dream coming true; it was the spot of light that drove me to many new opendoors and bright full opportunities. I faced some difficulties in the beginning since I was accepted late. But I managed to cover all lessons I missed in a week not only because I had the will, but also because I was surrounded by the big LAU family and its supportive, lovely, sweat hearted members who were always there for me. Now, the girl of limited ambitions has finally got the chance to dream again and is ready to fly in the USP sky of flowing opportunities. Thanks to these opportunities, I’m now an active member of many social activities such as spreading happiness to forgotten people, marathons, reforestation campaigns, etc. I was introduced to a totally new life and met new different people that became friends later on. Last but not least, I want from every person that reads my and others stories and who gets the chance to be a part of this merciful program not to miss it...


BADWY NICOLAS Civil Engineering USP 2

I can shortly describe this life I’m living on campus as a wonderful changing experience, always evolving with daily new knowledge to add to my little check-book I call my brain. But let me explain how the USAID scholarship made it all possible. It all began with that acceptance call I received; both anxiety and excitement rushed through my system to know that a person such as myself earned an amazing opportunity to spend his academic years in a high quality university such as LAU with privileges offered by the US government. As a USP student I am treated as other students but with a lot of attention, care, priority and privileges; I even have a part in the scholarship blog as an editor yet with big responsibilities and a specific plan to follow. Tragically, I should mention that I am battling a medical disease known as chronic migraines. However with the faith and encouragement of our USP coordinators Mr. Elie Samia, Rita- May, Hassan and my family, I can call myself a USP II student survivor. They helped me endorse my talent: designing horror video games. If you as ask me what this scholarship is doing to me, my response is simple: USP is a one life changing experience that is introducing me to new people, new friends, opening new doors, building my confidence, varying and developing my skills and turning me into a true leader in my Lebanese society for a better future. USP definitely changed my life.


BATOUL LAMAA Computer Science USP 2

Two years ago, I would have never pictured my life the way it is now. USP has changed my life. When I started engaging in social work at school, I wished my participation could have been more effective and USP gave me this opportunity. The experience of being a member in several clubs and getting involved in different missions, including preparing for the events and spreading club goals, has enhanced my leadership skills. USP helped me be a part of LAU family, where people from different places are gathered not only for educational purpose, but also for manifesting Lebanese coexistence. I have participated in the Beirut Marathon for two years where I lived the Lebanese unity, joy and glory. The Safety Awareness Club organized by USP students brought to me a full knowledge about road safety and encouraged me to spread this great mission among LAU students. USP workshops had a great influence on me; that’s where we used to gather as students from different backgrounds and get to know each other despite of the differences between us. USP lead me to a new world of education and leadership, and it taught me that without these two I cannot build a successful personality that can be effective in the Lebanese society.



USP, a dream-like window of opportunity that we had applied to, without total believe in its credibility until that date when LAU called us to say: Welcome to LAU… The transition to LAU through USP enhanced my leadership skills and influenced my personal character. At school, I started the transition through ACCESS/AMIDEAST program to engage in more activity and my mission progressed at LAU by the support of USP coordinators. The awareness campaign for orphans we made at school was implemented at the LAU/Ripples of Happiness Program in a wider range. Through ROH, I learned time management, complementary work between group members according to specific hierarchies, and, most importantly, how to deliver my message to younger people with totally different beliefs. To me, ROH seemed to be a peace messenger under the motto “Eat the Best, Leave the Rest”. LAU gave us the opportunity to be part of active clubs seeking change. With its educational missions and peace-attempts, The UNESCO Club which represented Lebanon among the LAU cultural clubs paved the way for us to make “Beirut Old Souk” where people from a village came to sell their handmade and Saj products. Being the secretary of the club made me more flexible and capable at solving instantaneous problems during the events and working in harmony with many others to complete our mission. LAU and the USP program showed me the true face of coexistence; we are living together and working as one big family from different cities and villages, different religions and sects but of same human sense. That sense is what leads us to success. At LAU, we shared the mission of building Lebanon stone by stone at least at our local level through the UNESCO Club. Through USP, I learned that we are the trustee of posterity, we can change; by acting locally we will one day reach globally.


CHRISTIAN EL HELOU Communication Arts USP 2

The first time I heard of the USP program, it sounded like a fib. I could not believe such a thing could happen. I even applied to it not giving it much hope, you know, so I would not get disappointed. But when I got accepted in the program, my life transformed into something bigger. This program gave me access to everything a student needs in his academic life, and this access made me a better person, a more knowledgeable one, of course in my field of study and life in general as well as a more active person. As an individual, being part of the Lebanese American University gave me the opportunity to express myself through the many clubs, the elections, and the civil engagement life it offers, as well as the activities we do as USP students, such as visiting children in public schools or the Elderly House. Since my admission in the Lebanese American University, every day I feel more engaged to myself as an individual and as part of a community. Coming from a public school, I had the ability to mingle with my classmates and give them as much as I can take from them. This program made me open my eyes wider to the opportunities waiting for me outside campus and the position I can reach if I worked hard enough.



In Fall 2012 I participated in an orphan fair organized in LAU Byblos. Five hundred orphans came and we had a great time playing with those kids. Then after a month I volunteered to go to an orphanage in Antelias. The nuns and monks there first informed us about the situation of the children that were present, and then we spent some time with them. Despite their unfortunate situations, they were enthusiastic and playful. The activity was also organized by LAU. After going to those two activities I set up a new goal that I would like to reach in my life which is helping as much less fortunate kids as I can and I started searching for ways to achieve my new goal. A few months later I attended a camp organized by Le Grain De Blé to train new leaders and since then I have started serving with them. Le Grain De Blé is an association that organizes camps and clubs for kids in Lebanon and focuses on Syrian and Iraqi refugees, Bedouins, and orphans. While volunteering in the events, the smiling faces of those children are enough to bring me joy despite all the tiring work. The time I spent in the events taught me so much.



My name is Eveline Metry. I am USP II student. These two years were an amazing time for me since I learned to be confident and meet new people. From the day I started till now, we went to many places such as “Mission De Vie”, an orphanage that helps many homeless elders and children. I learned that many children do not have parents and many elderly are left behind, but most importantly I got the chance to learn that without money and only using a little bit of love and God’s love we can help. Also I got the chance to meet many people from many different occupations. I learned how to react during a job interview, how to apply for jobs, and what we need. This scholarship by itself is a major success to me because without it I could not realize my dream to of studying in such high level university. To be accepted into this scholarship made me feel special and unique. I got the chance to discover a new world, a new life, and new friends. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.



My story is pretty much different. The moment I knew that I did not get the scholarship, I could not hide my sadness. But I applied for the Lebanese University, insisted on working hard, created a bigger dream, and held tight my passion for success. One month later, I received that magical call which informed me that additional students were accepted and I was among them. Oh My God! Happiness made me cry a trillion tears. My glittering eyes saw the autumn trees and flowers green and colorful. That autumn turned into a spring. My world changed from that moment. Such news ignites your soul, turns your red blood cells into confidence, fills your heart with that passion to excel, and increases your responsibility. The first workshop I attended made from me an angel with two wings, the academic and the leadership one. A bird can’t fly with one wing. And the same idea here: I can’t fly and reach the star of success if I broke one of those wings. I learned the necessity and importance of this combination. The activities I make and the new environment I am living in nourishes the strength of my personality and brightens it. This scholarship is the simple gift for my parents; without my parents I would not be here right now. Their continuous support, trust, and care cleared the barriers from my way. The hardest thing was leaving them to come and live in Hamra. Moving to the LAU dorms made me feel what freedom means, but freedom with limits. Those limits aren’t put by my parents, they are put by me to myself by just being a wise young woman, appreciating my parents’ trust, remembering my origin, and thinking of my dad’s smile and love. Writing this puts tears in my eyes; this scholarship made my life. It is a treasure, the treasure of knowledge and learning. I gained a library with many precious books, the chance of attending different lectures of


important topics, and the honor to meet leaders and experts who share their experiences and advice with us. In addition to that, I gained a new family, the LAU family!!! This scholarship nourished me to the extent that I feel now glitter circulating in my vessels! It made me shine from within, get to know the true meaning of responsibility, think positively, and believe in successful tomorrow. USP is a blessing that changed my life. I wasn’t lucky, I deserved it!


FARID ISHAK Electrical Engineering USP 2

Since the day I received that call, my life has changed. On the academic side, I learned the true meaning of responsibility. From day one, we had to sign all the papers, not miss any meeting or workshop, meet my advisor, register for all my courses, and attend classes. Moreover, I learned how to manage my time by setting up my schedule for every semester, by studying all my courses, and by finding time for my family and friends. On the other hand, since the day that I joined this family, I have had the chance to develop my leadership skills by participating in events and attending workshops and lectures. My best memory so far was volunteering for the Orphan fair day, where LAU organized a day for 500 orphans, drawing a smile on the faces of each and every one of those children was special for us. In addition, volunteering for the reforestation day in Ramlieh (Aley, Mt. Lebanon) was a memorable day and a good experience for me. These leadership activities motivate me to improve and have faith in our society. Finally, I realize that I have developed my academic abilities and improved my leadership side, and I hope to continue in the same manner throughout the rest of my life.



When I first received the call for my acceptance at LAU in the nutrition major, I had that feeling of joy but at the same time disappointment for not being accepted in the major I wanted. When I first filled out the scholarship application, I put nutrition randomly as my first choice although I was applying to engineering at other universities. Why did not I choose engineering? Simply because I was a Life Science high school graduate and I had to apply to majors of this domain. However, it was not regret. Now that I am getting more into my major, with a minor in chemistry, I am being able to excel more. The environment necessarily forces the development of the person’s mind, thoughts, and opinions. For some people it may be the first time they live independently. I was one. I had to juggle aspects of life such as money, accommodation, health, relationships, family, and future career plans. This can be overwhelming, especially when “life happens” and the unexpected arises. However, being involved in civic engagement and extra-curricular activities makes you more aware of your responsibilities and helps you know who you are! Now as a treasurer in the Nutrition Club, I am able to feel the commitment like no other time before. Expecting to meet personal challenges at the most inappropriate times during your studies is so normal. You will find ways of managing these. Even winners have bad days!



On July 10, 2011 my success trip had begun. When I first visited the Lebanese American University with my ACCESS class, I was astonished by the amazing nature and the special construction the university had. I said to one of my friends: “Someday I will be here.” Deep inside I knew it was just a dream and I would not be able to be in this university. At that moment I did not mean what I said, but I thought I had a dream and I should hold on to it until it came true. I believed that nothing would prevent me from being there. I applied for the scholarship, and at every stage my faith in getting accepted increased. Yes I am finally accepted and my dream is accomplished. My acceptance was the first step on my trip to success. During my years at the Lebanese American University I became more skillful in communicating effectively with others, actively engaged with leadership activities, and passionate about my studies. Moreover, my acceptance has changed the way I think. It pushed me to have faith in myself, in every step I take, and in the goals I want to achieve. It gave me the key power by which I can grow and be what I always wanted to be. It lit up my way and encouraged me to face my fears and pushed me to believe that “nothing is impossible.” When you have faith in what you are doing, the whole world will help you reach your goal.



USP is a life-changing experience. It turned my life upside down. It played a major role in moving me from a world where opportunities and knowledge weren’t greatly available to a world where everything can be attained by hard work. USP is a great experience for me. It totally changed my life. It changed me from a normal girl to a woman full of ambition and strives to get high levels and be on the top. At the beginning, the idea of a full scholarship was like a joke and it was a dream to me. However, when I got it, I started to believe that luck is found and that abrupt things could happen. From the very beginning when I received the first call from LAU, I wondered and said to myself it is maybe the time where dreams start to come true till the very end call when I received acceptance I did not believe what happened. Although, the first time I applied to the scholarship, my relatives, friends and cousins told me that this was all a lie and nothing from what the USP representatives were saying would happen. Thus, USP taught me to take opportunities and chase every chance life gives. USP is a beautiful experience and one that would never ever be repeated. I am thankful for every moment I spend at LAU and for every moment I will spend. Nothing will change my life as USP did, so I am thankful for it too. It gives me the chance to be the woman who I want to be. It has awaken in me the spirit of taking risks, standing on top of edges, and denying what others say in order to get to my goal and objective. As Bryce Courtenay said: “Sometimes the slightest things change the directions of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark.” And USP – the slight thing for some people and the big thing to me – has totally changed my life.



It all began when some LAU coordinators came to our school to introduce a scholarship program for students. It happened that I was the only one from the three Life Science sections who applied to this program. My friends kept saying that they would never accept us, we should not waste our time submitting papers and doing interviews; they simply did not believe that the idea might come true. I cannot ignore the fact that they had a good point of view; at some point, I thought the same. Then I thought that this was an opportunity that occurs once in a lifetime and I should benefit from it; in the end, I had nothing to lose so why not take this challenge? Why not challenge myself and grab my opportunity to prove to my colleagues and all those who doubted this whole thing that they were wrong and I have the will, the power to make it? I took the chance, collected my papers, and applied; it was the last day for submission. And I can say is that the dream began to come true; I remember that I was the first person who did the interview for the scholarship and all others were waiting for me to know what it was about. I remember when the coordinator called my mother and told her that I was accepted; I will never forget that moment, the way she jumped with all the joy on her face to tell me the good news. USP gave me the opportunity to meet people from different regions, religions, different thoughts, and beliefs, and work with them as if we are a one big family; we had this spirit. It showed me the true meaning of coexistence. With LAU/USP, I had the chance to prove myself, to enhance my leadership skills, build my personality, achieve my goals and be more engaged in a social life: I participated in different clubs with different missions like UNESCO, safety awareness, nutrition and in different events. But one event that carved its effect deep inside


is “Mission de vie” where we shared with some orphans the true meaning of Christmas. The sincere smile of the orphans there motivated me to keep on helping people more and especially those innocent children who needed special care and special empathy. There’s nothing better than making a child smile when he really needs it. In one sentence, I can say that LAU/USP made my dream come true. No one should be afraid of taking such chances. One should believe in himself to be able to achieve and should not be affected by the surrounding peoples’ opinions. As Bernard Edmonds says,“To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”



In my lucky year 2013, I was awarded a scholarship to realize my goal of studying in such an amazing university in my country… I’m an 18 year-old teenager. I was born in a little family that appreciated knowledge. Our financial status was bad, so my dreams were so limited. One year ago, after I learned about USP grant, my supportive friends and family members pushed me to apply because I’m pretty smart, so I prepared all the necessary documents and submitted them to the LAU Admission Office. In the beginning, I had a little hope of success because of the huge number of students that were applying to the USP program. Some of these students were also my classmates in school. At the end of the year¬, three of my friends got accepted. I was disappointed and I lost hope. After a short time, LAU called me and told me that I got accepted to be a USP II student and that I was picked from 12 new students. It was a huge surprise for me. When I was awarded this scholarship, I learned more than how to work hard to get the diploma, I learned how to think in a right way, how to dream big, and how to be challenged. Now, I’m really happy here and have found everything I was seeking. I love my professors, love my classmates and roommates, and love how much I’m learning from this experience. I strongly believe now that the impossible can always be possible. Even with my difficult economic situation, I was able to achieve my goal and build bigger dreams… In the event that I am passed over for this gift, I will try as I have always tried to protect what I have already owned. I will continue to do the best I can wherever I am, no matter what I am doing. Thank you dear American people for giving me this opportunity that changed my life. Until the contest is over I wish I have the hope of winning. I don’t know how to adequately express my gratitude, but it should be noted that I am tearing up a bit as I am writing this. Thank you for making my life as wonderful as it is. 113

GHINA HAMDAN Computer Science USP 2

I first applied to the USAID program by chance. Once I got accepted, it was a beginning of a dream coming true. Since that time and my life has changed a lot. The most important change that has influenced my life is being a member in various on and off-campus clubs; especially in the Red Cross-Youth Department. Indeed, I first applied to the RC as a reason to please the USAID staff because they always wanted us to participate in extra-curricular activities as a way to be leaders in our society. But then, day by day I started feeling that I belonged to this non-governmental organization. It taught me ways to accept others no matter what religion, political views, or even nationality they belong to. Furthermore, the Red Cross taught me to help others despite differences in ways of thinking between them and me, and this helps a lot in the current situation of Lebanon. It is a place where you are not allowed to talk politics or to put any signs that represent your religion; that’s not a way to deprive you from your freedom of expressing but it is a way to teach you how to build a new Lebanon. Simply, it taught me the real meaning of humanitarianism, for example by helping the elderly and visiting them on Al-Adha or drawing a smile on a poor child’s face by giving him a present on Christmas without caring about his religion. On the other hand, the Red Cross helped a lot in building my personality by getting me to participate in continuous leadership workshops and programs that help in building leadership skills. On the other hand, the USAID program taught me to be dependent and responsible (such as by living in the dorms). Simply, it made me more sociable and helped a lot in building my new community based on acceptance, love, and respect.


HAMZAH OMAR Mechanical Engineering USP 2

The University Scholarship Program is that great turning point in my life which gave me a great opportunity in my educational and social progress. When I first knew about it, I could not believe it! A scholarship that not only takes care of your entire tuition fees, but also provides you with residency, insurance, pocket money, and so many other opportunities to embark on success. I have learned through the scholarship’s activities and workshops the importance of time management as an essential tool for tackling all educational complications. Also I have learned the importance of community service as an equal counterpart of academic success, in terms of forming a rounded person able to benefit himself, as well as his society. Though we might come from different culture as a result of Lebanon’s diversity, and though someone might think that supporting the United States’ policies is a requirement for recruitment, USP did not put any restraint on our freedoms, nor did it take a religious/cultural process in recruiting the scholars. Thank you God, thank you my family and thank you USAID for USP.



My name is Hanaa Bou Hamdan. I applied for the Fall Semester 2013-2014 at LAU. My dream is to be an active member in society where I can be a part of a constructive change for the sake of our country, and I can only fulfill my goal by being enrolled in the LAU family. However, I cannot do so by myself due to financial problems. But, I did not give up here; I continued to strive to be who I really want to be and to make my family proud of my success. It all started when I applied for the USP which was a dream that only with patience and hardworking can be achieved. I never lost hope until they chose the USP scholars which made me feel dispirited and dejected. But it did not end here; I received a lifesaving call that freed me from the tornado of confusion and sadness. They called me from the LAU Registrar’s Office and they told me that I had been chosen to be a USP student majoring in business management. First of all, I thought that I was dreaming, but then I realized that this dream was actually happening. It was the call that brought back all my confidence and strength together to even fight more to prove myself that I’m totally worth the trust that the LAU family put in me. Of course without forgetting my passion for arts, I make use of my free time to practice my favorite hobby which is drawing. With the help and encouragement of the OCE department, my drawings were pushed to the next level by developing this gift I have. Do you know what it feels like? It feels like you were a desperate prisoner of dejection and suddenly you find a useful and logical reason for your life. So, this isn’t an imaginary story. It is my story thanks to USP that made it an unforgettable and motivating one.



To have faith in God, that He will help you as long as you are working hard, is very valuable, and that is exactly what led me to this moment at LAU. About 2 years ago, LAU students came to our school and introduced us to the USAID program and how it benefits us; I was very interested at that time despite that the fact that I had never ever imagined myself outside Bekaa. I was very excited to fill the application and apply to that program. I submitted the application with my 2 friends and we did the exams; they did not pass them but I did. Meanwhile, LAU called me to go and have my interview and finally the result was announced; I was accepted into the program. Being a member in this big family was my first step to start proving myself in the way that satisfies me and benefit others. At first, I felt that I was very strange at that place; my time was all about sitting in the room alone and going to classes. After 1 or 2 months I started to cope with the situation, I started to enroll in many clubs that aim at developing and improving more than one domain. Participating in these events made me more sociable. In this program I came to know many people, and a few of them became my close friends, not even friends but also sisters. My life at the dorms was really interesting; all the girls consider themselves as one soul. USP program had incorporated important things inside me, first of all it showed me what the true meaning of leadership is, the term that Mr. Elie Samia repeats over and over again. This term was not really clear to me when I entered the program. But now I know why Mr. Elie Samia repeated it many times because it is really very important to improve your leadership wing, and by flying you will be able to benefit others and lead them to the right place. This program also showed me what the exact meaning of helping


others and being helped by others. The presence of all the USP staff from Mr. Elie Samia, Dr. Elise Salem to Hassan, Ghina and Rita May was really crucial; they were like our second family who stay awake all night for our care and satisfaction. These words are not enough to describe my inner feelings, LAU became my second home and USP specifically makes us proud of ourselves and for sure we will make LAU proud of us when the USP Graduates of 2011 (USP I) will graduate this year and say out loud “We spent the best years ever at LAU, to you get this chance once in a lifetime!”


HOUDA HOUBEISH Communication Arts USP 2

Being a top student in my school years wasn’t a coincidence, it was a choice. In my school years I studied so hard, and I never accepted being less than the first in my class, not for the sake of the rank itself, but because I don’t accept the idea of being “ordinary”; what I always seek is “distinction” and that’s why I’m a USP student today. I always planned for the final year in school; I did not want to succeed in the official exams only, but also to get a rank among Lebanon in order to get a scholarship that would open the doors for me to study in a well reputed private university. In those days, being enrolled in LAU was a dream that I was afraid to just think of, because if I could not reach it I would feel down although I knew I could make it. In order for me to fulfill my dream, I chose to study in the branch I knew I’m brilliant at which was the “Literature and Humanities” branch since I was fond of literature and philosophy. Consequently, I actually got a rank in Lebanon in this branch in the official exams; it was the fifth rank in Lebanon. And consequently I merited a scholarship from the Lebanese government, yet in my school days I did not gamble on my chances of getting the rank, so I applied for the USAID grant and I also merited it. So at this stage, I was put in the best yet hardest choice in my life, which is deciding which scholarship I would like to benefit from. It was a choice between the USAID scholarship and thus studying journalism in LAU specifically, or getting the official scholarship and thus choosing any other major in any university of


the best universities in Lebanon. Well, remembering that I had this chance once in my life, I think now that God gave me more than everything I aimed for. While any other student was dreaming of having one of the chances I had, I had both! Obviously, I chose the USAID scholarship because it was more generous and more stable and clear as we had to sign certain contracts which specified our rights and duties frankly. At this point my new life began. In fact, it is not the first time I say that I feel that I was born at 18. My life began since I started being a student at LAU. Well this doesn’t mean that I’m deleting my whole life out of my memory because if I did not have my previous life, I would not have reached my current one. Yet I mean that I started feeling how joyful life is here, I started discovering the truth of myself and life here. I changed so much, for the better. I knew great people here, and I had great experiences. I’m proud for choosing the USAID grant because I know I did the right choice. Being a USP student under the grant of the USAID isn’t my happiness; instead it is the number one step without whichmy happiness would not have come to life.




I am Hratch Moskofian, an LAU - USP II student majoring in

USP isn’t any scholarship program … it is a scholarship in which some dreams come true. It has been the key that opened my future’s door. USP changed my life? Yes it did … it made severely changes in my life from dependency to independency, from a schoolboy to a college man. The question is how does this happen? Which day? Which event? Which workshop? I can’t say that this single workshop changed my life. I went to many useful workshops that changed my way of thinking, acting, and accepting others. In the activities that I have been in, I visited places I had never been before and I did things that made others happy. The first time I knew that I was in the program was an epic moment for me. My happiness increased with the facilities that came with the scholarship. The best thing about the program is that it focuses on both academic and extracurricular activities to build our CV and enjoy our university years. I am so glad about how this scholarship affected my life and I am so glad to be part of its family.


HUSSEIN BASSMA Mechanical Engineering USP 2

My name is Inass El Souki. I am an LAU USP II student. Being accepted at LAU in a full scholarship program was one of the best moments I have ever had in my life. It was the result of my hard work and more than an award. Being a USP student means that I am one of the most special and successful students in Lebanon. My success story began with this opportunity given to me from the Lebanese American University and the USAID agency. Then, this story was completed by passing all my semesters with a good GPA. But this is not what the scholarship is all about! There are the leadership activities that we do on campus. At LAU, there are clubs that are always active in preparing and organizing activities and events that spread joy and the leadership spirit in the students’ days. These activities such as the Heritage Day done every spring at LAU as an expression of all the cultures that LAU students come from; the First Aid Training done by Safety Awareness Club with the help of the Lebanese Red Cross; the Independence Day event done by the UNESCO Club every year; and the Road Safety lecture done by Abdo Feghali and the Safety Awareness Club... are the most joyful things that ever happened to me while studying at LAU. Such moments can never be forgotten. These moments express the real success in my life. Being sociable, having new friends, spreading happiness, having some fun time while learning new skills, having the soul of a leader, being satisfied with whatever my accomplishments are, and having new horizons to look for... form priceless moments and a great feeling of success.



USAID gave me a great opportunity to be an LAU student so that I could start achieving my ambition, continue my university studies, graduate with Bachelor of Sciences in Nutrition, and then realize all my dreams. In addition to academic success, USP encourages their students to develop their leadership skills in order to help their surroundings and community. As part of our extra-curricular activities, we are required to be a member of at least one club; the Nutrition Club is one of the two clubs that I signed up for this semester. During Christmas time, we did a healthy bake sale fundraiser at the LAU Byblos campus in order to help needy people. I was so excited to participate and help as much as possible. I baked a chocolate cake in my own healthy way. We sold the cakes for two days, in addition to healthy fruit salad, healthy cookies, juice, etc. It was a wonderful feeling! The president of the club and all the members were cooperating to achieve the event’s success and raise as much money as we could. After this event, I understood that age is not a major factor in how much a person can give: a freshman or a senior student can be the president of a certain club and be a good leader, active, responsible, and sociable more than any other students. It only requires a sense of responsibility, leadership and intelligence. I really feel more confident and encouraged to be a nominee for the board members of my club in the coming year. Even though, I am an active member and responsible in MJO (Mouvement de la Jeunesse Orthodox) for the 16th consecutive year, USP gave me an important opportunity to live new great experiences that developed my skills so I became more confident and self-assured. I will never hesitate to take the initiative to volunteer and help the community after today… Thank you USP for letting me be one of your amazing scholars!



Kinsella said: “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get”. USP is not only success, but also happiness. USP is not only a dream, but also reality. Here I can honestly say from the depth of my heart: I am now a new person. I have new ambitions, a new future, new plans, and a new me. My new ‘me’ has changed weaknesses within in me to power and energy. I wanted to have this scholarship and now I do! This by itself is a transformation. My plans were very strange before the USP scholarship. I was planning to take a loan from bank X, but they had specified a condition where I had to pay the loan in just few years after graduation so I was very afraid of not being able to repay. The loan also meant mortgaging our home or land in addition to many other restrictions. I was very lost and unable to decide. In the meantime I applied to the LAU-USP scholarship and waited for a reply. My father was also searching for loan facilities and my brother was trying to help as well. Once I was in the shop just a few floors down from my home when mom called me to go up and answer a phone call. It was LAU saying, “Congratulation, you have been accepted to our new program: USP”. That was the best moment of my life. I started crying and thanking God and LAU for the blessing they gave. After being afraid of the loan, the door of hope had opened for me and I started the journey. In only three years time, I will be an LAU nursing graduate. USP really changed my life!



“USP changed my life”, it sounds poetic! But this is the fact. After hearing about this great program at random, a long and motivating pathway had begun in which each period was full of hope, excitement, and even worries from time to time. As of filling the application, securing all the required documents, sitting for an exam, waiting for the results, sitting for another exam, jumping to the interviewing stage, being accepted, starting my academic years, and until the minute I am writing now, I believe that each day held and is holding a thread that helps and meets my educational and academic objectives as well as my leadership skills. Definitely, it did change me. It first helped me find and choose my right identity after stimulating me to become a successful, responsible, self-confident, and ambitious person. In addition, this scholarship was an opportunity that produced many other opportunities by providing a lot of activities and gatherings that allowed me to meet new people who own highly important occupations, to participate in numerous fruitful activities and to share many unforgettable memories with new friends who came from different cities and backgrounds. Last but not least, I would like to take the time to thank everyone who contributes to this program in order to make my dream come true.



What differentiates USP from any other scholarship is that it graduates students fully ready to encounter, recognize, and solve any problem. Yes! It graduates heroes. With its community and leadership engagement, USP has opened my eyes to new perspectives in life. This scholarship has given me the opportunity to explore my potentials, to develop my personality, and to believe in my dreams! As a business student, USP has equipped me with all the necessary tools to adjust with this continuously changing world. When I look back at myself when I first entered the university and see myself now, I honestly see the change. Of course USP changed my life. Thanks to USP, I am now a person with dreams, a person with visions, a person with plans, and a person who is ready to lead the change in his community, country, and region. I am no longer a person who waits for chances, I do create ones! And if you ask me to describe what USP did for me, I would truly say that it has given me the opportunity to be more than a face in the crowd. It has been, and will always be, an honor for me to be a USP scholar at the Lebanese American University. USP has not only changed my life, it has brought back to life!


KASSANDRA ATTARA Communication Arts USP 2

“USP changed my life” – The sentence that I have been using to tell people about my journey at LAU. I got the scholarship under the name of USP II), and that’s when the journey had all begun. It was a bit challenging at the beginning knowing that I got the late acceptance and had to deal with what I had missed. However, I was and still am a lucky person. I consider the USP as my lucky winning ticket. This opportunity opened the closed doors that I always dreamt of opening. LAU was the first door, and the rest came in along the way and still is flowing... Events and wonderful incidents happened thanks to the USP, one of which that I was grateful to attend was the Annual Principal’s and Counselor’s Dinner held at the Pheonicia Hotel, where I got the chance to sing and speak in front of many public figures including the President Dr. Jabbra. Many interesting events happened and were opened exclusively for the USP and LAU students such as the Reforestation Project, Beirut Marathon and so much more. I am a Communication Arts Student, so basically my major asks for many social skills and communication with others. I’m making wonderful friends and meeting very generous and outgoing people like the OCE group and many kind instructors and advisors. But what means the most to me is that I never dreamt of coming to such a university since I come from a very modest family. If it wasn’t for USP, I would not be in this university pursuing my dreams; I would have been in the Lebanese University or in another private college as a working student. I’m completely thankful and filled with joy to be a part of the USP family. Yes once again, USP has totally changed my life!



“Is that real? Am I in a dream or is that true?” This was my first impression when I knew that I was accepted as a USP student. When I applied for this scholarship, my acceptance was a spot of light in my future. After applying, I was asked to do exams and an interview. These were a great part of my story where I got to know more students applying for the scholarship and I met a part of the LAU family. I waited all summer to get a call from the university. But when USP III scholars were chosen, I felt really sad because I missed this unique chance. At that moment, I lost hope and I decided to put a new plan for my life. For that reason, I registered at the Lebanese University as a pharmacy student. But suddenly and on my first day in the Lebanese University, life smiled to me. While I was in class, I got a call from my mother. Her first words were: “I want to tell you something wonderful. You were accepted at LAU as a USP student.” That moment was the best in my life. In all the past years, I have worked hard, studied hard, and put all my effort to be able to have an awesome future. My acceptance was a gift; actually it was so special since I got it from LAU. The second day, I went to LAU and registered in my classes as a nutrition student. From that day on, I became a member of the big LAU family, and my life changed a lot. Since I came to this university, I have met some incredibly intelligent and talented people, and I have had lectures that were awe inspiring. Not only have I been inspired by the people I have met and the lectures I have attended, but I have also found really good friends. The wonderful thing about university is that everyone talks to everyone. We all just want to make friends so we approach everyone we meet. As a result, we are always laughing, we are always excited. 128

Another really huge part is that the university makes us feel worthy. At the beginning, I was scared that there might be several intelligent students, but day by day I knew that everyone is simply bright, interesting, and keen to learn. Actually, I feel as if this is my new life, and I really love it. I have discovered in my short time here that I am capable of standing on my own two feet. It is really wonderful and great and the best is yet to come. In short, thank you LAU for giving me a push to continue learning and become an important member of the society.



Have you ever closed your eyes and made a wish? Well, I did. That call of that August made my wish come true. I feel lucky to have the honor to be a USP student. As Red Blaik says: “the champion makes his own luck”. Well, every one of us has worked hard to receive this gift. USP is not a scholarship that only pays your tuition fees or a scholarship that only helps you only build your future. It is a scholarship where every scholar belongs to the family of USP. It is a family of students all across the country. Knowing those people makes you feel home whether you are in the South, North, East, or West. Doing a before and after comparison , I see myself as person that believes more that “when there is a will there is a way” , a person that believes more that the ‘good’ is the enemy of the ‘best’, a person who is willing to change and to have a better Lebanon. Thanks to USP, I can feel peace even if wars are happening all over the world because it is a proof that good people still exist nowadays. All I can say: Thankful to be a USP scholar. Lucky to be a USP scholar. Proud to be a USP scholar.


LARA SLEIMAN Civil Engineering USP 2


“I will prepare and someday my chance will come.” – Abraham

After many years of preparation and hard work, the University Scholarship Program (USP) offered me a not-to-be-missed opportunity to continue my education. Certainly, this scholarship has several features that changed my life. First, it allowed me to study in one of the most important universities in Lebanon which is the Lebanese American University (LAU). In addition, it provided me with lots of services that facilitated my life at the university such as the dorms and stipend, so I became more independent. Nevertheless, the University Scholarship Program is about not only academic excellence but also the social and leadership skills. Throughout the numerous workshops and activities organized by the USP team, I learned how to be an effective member in society. Not to mention the different occasions when LAU took the initiative to help needy people, especially the elderly and the orphans. All in all, these two years at LAU were very beneficial; they developed my personality and helped me define who I am and who I want to be. This was the best opportunity I have ever had and it really changed my life.


LIWAA AL AWAR Computer Science USP 2

I first got introduced to the LAU-USAID program when LAU gave my school a visit. Actually, I could not believe such an amazing opportunity. I started preparing the necessary documents before the application deadline. Then I got informed about the exams and the interview which I passed through. After that I called the Admissions Office regarding my acceptance and the results, and I found out that I wasn’t accepted. I felt really upset, but I believed that it was my luck and so I registered at the Lebanese University. But just two days before the start of the semester, I received a call from a number I had seen several times before informing me that they are going to accept a limited number of scholars in certain majors… Thus, I signed the necessary papers at LAU, attended workshops and orientations, and here I am enjoying a wonderful life on campus, joining clubs, and making new friends... I can proudly say that LAU along with USAID made my life totally different. It changed it for the better. Really this is an opportunity that each one of us should benefit from… Thank you LAU and thank you USAID for such an opportunity!


MANDALINA AL CHIDIAC Electrical Engineering USP 2

My special journey had just begun on the 14th of August, 2013 when I was accepted into the University Scholarship Program II (USP II). The ultimate goal of the scholarship was to build successful people on academic and professional levels, in addition to highly effective, independent, and exceptionally great leaders for society. Thus, outreach and civic engagement in society through beneficial extracurricular activities were a primary requirement. As for me, I had decided to be a volunteer teacher with a community named MOMKIN. My job is to help Brevet students in public schools succeed in their official exams. Those teenagers are truly willing to succeed, continue their education, and embrace their dreams and ambitions. However, they lack sufficient support, care, help, and sometimes special attention and assistance from their teachers, school directors, and parents in order to reach their goals. We, volunteer teachers, help by giving them extra sessions on mathematics, physics, chemistry, French, and biology at their schools after their classes. Not only that, but we are also being exemplary role models for them because they see us as young, smart, and ambitious friends that do truthfully care about their success, unlike the others. Volunteering in this action was advantageous for the students as much as it was for me. Thanks to USAID program which always introduced us to different communities and encouraged us to be part of the society through numerous workshops in order to develop our leadership skills, I became more assured that I have the potential and courage to apply to be a volunteer teacher. Being a USP student gave me the chance to live this exceptional experience, gain more confidence, be more responsible towards myself, my students, and my society, and above all become more self-assured and determined. Thanks to USAID, I am definitely a better person.



“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it.” ~ Mother Teresa. Being a part or a member of the LAU family was a dream, a great opportunity and by getting accepted as a scholarship student, my dream is realized. LAU is an institution where leadership activities are important goals to achieve in addition to learning. Since LAU really cares about the activities, it gave us the chance and the opportunity to be part of the most active clubs. UNESCO Club is one of the most active clubs in this university. This club represents Lebanon in every single occasion and spread awareness among students. Joining this club had developed the team work spirit and the ability of accepting all people and work with them in harmony. Also, LAU offers the opportunity to join MUN (Model United Nations). MUN is a program that provides knowledge and leadership skills for students from different schools in 5 training sessions. Being a school relations coordinator gave me the chance to be part of this wonderful family and made me more flexible and spontaneous problem solver. Also, this program helped me to improve my communication skills and leadership techniques and gain a new family. Being a USP scholar at LAU has changed our lives by giving us the chance to experience new opportunities and showed us the true meaning of living together without caring about the regions and religions that everyone came from.


MAROUN EL KHOURY Mechanical Engineering USP 2

The moment when I got accepted in the USP Program is unforgettable. I was excited to meet all the members of this program and my USP partners. First I did not know that there was so much to learn, but so far, being a USP member taught me several things: It enhanced my leadership skills and communication. The first wing of the program that deals with extra-curricular activities and leadership skills always urged us to apply to the Model United Nation. I worked so hard on my speeches and my posture when I got accepted to participate in the training camp. It taught me the true meaning of volunteering. At each event, a volunteering request would be held for any student who wanted to draw a smile on another person’s face, and all USP scholars were encouraged to participate in such requests. So, this scholarship has taught me how to lead and how to make others happy. Truly, USP changed my life.



Once David Frost said: “Don’t aim for success if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally!” That was how I applied to the USP program: I just believed in my standards and ability and I was luckily accepted. The way we applied, the steps we took, the standards that the USAID program wanted, and the interviews were all part of a dream. Out of thousands of applications that were submitted, we were chosen and this is the beginning of the accomplishment of half of the dream of success. We became a part of a big family, a new life, and new experience. This experience made me another person, more mature, responsible, and independent. The USP scholarship program not only gave us the opportunity to be here and to learn but also to be engaged in extracurricular activities and leadership skills. It believed that whatever his major is, a student must be knowledgeable in several fields. I am a nutrition student but at the same time a logistic coordinator at the Model Arab League and a member of the UNESCO Club and the Nutrition Club. “In order to succeed, your desire should be greater than your fear of failure.” This was my situation where I thirsted for knowledge and reaching the top. This USP program was my support and a realistic dream that guaranteed for my future success. I am looking forward to the coming days wishing that the best is yet to come.


MIRIAM TAWK Civil Engineering USP 2

“I have been lucky. Opportunities don’t often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them.” – Audrey Hepburn. After years of hard work, the University Scholarship Program (USP) came as the perfect opportunity for me to pursue my education. It enabled me to study in one of the top universities in Lebanon, the Lebanese American University (LAU). The workshops organized by the USP staff brought me out of my shell and developed an important part of my personality. USP also provided me with the resources to be more independent than before, not to mention the impact it had on developing my leadership skills through workshops and activities. However, USP is not only about education and leadership. Throughout the past two years the USP team engaged in social activities that aimed at helping others such as visiting the elderly and orphans and putting some smiles on these people’s faces. It really did change my life. I learned how to depend on myself and how to organize my life so I can be civilly engaged without affecting my academic standing. I can say that this was one of the best chances that life offered me in the journey of preparing my future. In brief, as an opportunity, USP was too good to be missed.


NANCY RAHAL Computer Science USP 2

USP changed my life in many aspects, First of all, it gave me the opportunity to attend such a high caliber university that I would not have attended if it weren’t for this scholarship I was given. It provided me with a chance to learn in one of the best universities in Lebanon. Besides that, joining the Red Cross Club through USP and LAU made me realize many things and made me get to know more people. In addition USP and LAU changed my personality. In this year and a half at LAU, I became a stronger, more mature, more sociable, and wiser person who is totally different from the one who came at the beginning. Thank you USP for changing me. Thank you USP for waking up the true person inside me.


PAULA ZAIDAN Electrical Engineering USP 2

It was a normal day, sitting at home, enjoying the summer vacation. While watching the television my cell phone rang, I hurried up to take the call but I missed it. It was a call from LAU and I missed it!! I waited a while thinking about what to do. Then the home phone rang a second time, I ran, picked it up, and answered. It was another call from LAU. A woman with a nice voice talked to me and told me that I was accepted with a full scholarship to LAU. I felt as if time had stopped and the earth had ceased its rotation. Since that day USAID has changed my life and is still changing it. From that day when I entered LAU till now, everything has been moving so fast. I have enjoyed all the times I have spent with friends, doctors, and all the events, activities… especially that unforgettable journey with children in “Mission De Vie”, where we met orphans from different races, religions and nationalities, all living together, loving and taking care of each other. We got to know each one of them, played with them, danced, and listened to music. It was an awesome moment when you realize that you were the reason behind that smile drawn on the face of those angels. USAID has given me this opportunity to help people and to spread joy in those innocent hearts as much as a regular person can do.



My story begins as a teenager who always thought that he was doomed, and the reason for that is living in Lebanon. These thoughts were related to the many problems Lebanon had suffered. The government’s failure in controlling Lebanon’s sorrowful situation, the bad services like electricity and water, and the sectarian system which implanted sectarian discrimination in the Lebanese people all made me feel unrelated to my country. When I finished high school I was planning to join the Lebanese army; this dream did not come true because I did not have any mediation from any political leader. Consequently, the last hole of hope in my life was closed. Yet, my story wasn’t fated to end up with a tragedy, fortunately. So one day I received a phone call from the LAU Admissions Office informing me that I was granted a USP scholarship in LAU as a business accounting student. And here I can say that my story began. My optimism, hopes, and dreams were finally back. Now I am glad to say that I am successful in my major. In addition, I am the vice president of the UNESCO Club which is working hard to improve our country’s sad reality, especially when the UNECSCO Club had the Independence Day event where some people, including me, regained their faith in this country. Also, I am a logistic coordinator in The Model United Nations and the Model Arab league. To sum up, USP did not only change my life, but it also changed my future. It also offered me a second family that is consisted of the USP students. I shall say that I have learned to always be hopeful no matter what, and while being hopeful I’m enjoying my life.



I applied to USP at LAU two days before of the deadline, and when I saw the huge number of applications I lost faith; however, with each level that I passed with success to take this scholarship, my selfconfidence increased until I finally became a member of this warm family. The interview in this scholarship was an important level for me. I can’t ignore the fact that I was afraid since I will have a direct contact with professional interviewers. I did a great job in this interview, and once again this was an important part in my life that showed me that I have a strong personality and self-confidence to be one of the scholars. I learned how to manage my time between academic and leadership requirements, and how to transfer my academic achievements into opportunities to benefit my community. For example, with the UNESCO Club at LAU we did a successful awareness campaign about all types of addiction for students at a high school. Moreover, this scholarship changed my weaknesses into strength. It helped me tolerate the pressure and stress that students at LAU feel when they want to register for courses because each scholar has an advisor who helps us to select the right courses in order to graduate within the planned time. Finally, there is no elevator to success, so you have to take the stairs, and USP is a true story of success that changed my life.


REEM BOU HUSSEIN Communication Arts USP 2

“Opportunities don’t often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them,” said Audrey Hepburn. That’s so true. For me USP was a great opportunity that changed my life and nourished my soul. With this scholarship I had to leave the security of my sweet and comfortable home to live alone and depend on myself, I had to take control of my life. This wasn’t easy at the beginning but each step I took carried with it confidence and great achievements. USP opened a new door for development and progress, and it taught me that life isn’t only about studying. A person can have good grades but he can also be engaged in his society; he can acquire a lot of skills by doing community services and extracurricular activities. In the end, it is not the destination that counts but the obstacles and lessons that you have learnt along the way and all the hardships that you have overcome. As Jim Rohn said, “We have three colors, seven musical notes and ten digits, it is what we do with them that matters.” So we all have the opportunity to change and develop. USP was our guarding mother that helped us take the first steps in our journey to the future and now it is our turn to create ourselves and paint our future.



I am having quite an experience at LAU. When I started my college life in Byblos, I met wonderful people who are now a part of my family. It was hard at first, but the clubs and the university events made it much easier to socialize and get along with new people. It was sad that after a pleasant semester I had to move to Beirut and start from the beginning. I still miss the Byblos campus and my friends all the time! But the Beirut campus has given me wide opportunities to excel. I started an internship in the International College which is helping me to start building my career life. I also volunteered as an LAU ambassador with the Administration Vice President for Enrollment and Management, LAU Committee Facilitators program, Ripples of Happiness project, and joined different clubs and leadership workshops. LAU has given me the chance to show who I am and to continue my social contribution that I had started before in different NGOs effectively. The picture below has been taken during the Ripples of Happiness project that was held in Amyoun….



I picked up my stuff and went to the bus, with full excitement; it was the reforestation day. It was my first attempt at planting a tree, at touching the soil of the sacred land of our beloved country. I felt united with our land. While digging the soil, I enjoyed its smell and I felt like it was giving me a summary of the great history of this land and how many people have passed from here, how many people reside inside it, and how much blood was spilled to protect it. I planted a young tree which was, just like me, attached to this great land, growing inside it, getting strength from it, and in the end returning to it. I felt I have planted a part of me in this soil that will remember me forever. That day changed my life; I feel that I now belong to this land; I have a part of me planted inside of it. Thank you USP for giving me this opportunity to be a member of LAU and be involved in such activities that have changed my life for the best. USP, with the great follow-up of our supervisors and an awesome group of people, gave me the best ways and motivation to make me see the world from a different perspective, as if a new dimension entered my life.


RODOLPH YARED Civil Engineering USP 2

Being part of the USP family has brought about radical changes to my life. This program has succeeded in directing me towards many positive opportunities. After I had my first interview with the team I became more self-confident. I was then introduced to my colleagues whom I consider my second family, all living together helping each other. Before being accepted in this program, I used to rely on my parents for a living. USP introduced me to a new life and eventually I started relying on myself. Furthermore, I learned to manage my time in accordance with my university courses. I also learned to respect the opinions of others since LAU is a multicultural university. This program also includes the participation in extracurricular activities. It has opened new horizons in which I participated increasingly in such activities, such as visiting an orphanage and participating in Beirut Marathon. The USP program is not only about enrolling students in university to attend classes, it is a comprehensive program that works on developing them morally in order to lead them into success in life outside campus.



“Be careful, don’t talk to strangers, stay with your close friends,” my mom kept on telling me these words, actually “warnings”, before I went and started a new life away from my city, family, and old friends. Being accepted by LAU into the USP program really changed my life. The first day I came to LAU, I felt responsibility because I became independent after being totally dependent on my parents and my school the year before. But at college, it is totally different because everyone needs to be himself, everyone needs to express and build his own personality in order to be an effective member in society after graduating from this program; and actually, USP creates these kinds of qualities through the leadership activities that I participated in. I experienced these qualities in some situations in my personal life where I became a good listener, dealt with problems carefully, and did not make any decisions without thinking of all the disadvantages and advantages and all of its effects on myself and others. I became a stronger person after being a shy one. Now I can express myself better than before. USP is the best thing that happened to me and it is a great opportunity that everyone should hope to be a member of this big family.



It is been almost 16 months, and until today I still don’t know how I came here. It took few months to turn my whole life upside down. Hundreds of thanks go to USP, yes to USP; the scholarship I have got out of things I never thought that might help me in life. With all the pressure I had during the last year at school, a woman came to talk with us about a scholarship that the American people were offering for the students of Lebanon. A lot of my friends applied, and I did as well. I never thought that I would be accepted but I did not lose hope. Because of the different documents that were needed, I could not send the application until the day of the deadline. I thought it would not be read. In addition, among my colleagues, I was the least expected to continue in the program. All these things together increased the pressure and caused me to lose hope. But after every step I was accomplishing, the prospect was increasing but the fear of losing it was increasing as well. After a few months, I got the final call saying that I was accepted. This experience taught me a lot. It taught me how to stick by every single thing that might help me in my life, never to lose hope and never to stop. USP is not a simple experience; it is a life changing one.



August 2012 was not like other Augusts, It was a turning point in my life. In August 2012, I got the acceptance for the USP scholarship program, and after the scholarship my road to success had just started, and the road of a million miles starts with a small step. Before this date, I was a teenager in high school who enjoyed hanging out with friends and wanted to major in banking and finance. My life has completely changed after the scholarship and its academic lifestyle. I am now more mature, more responsible, more skilled and highly self-confident. I got engaged in many activities at LAU. The most influential thing my life is being the president of the UNESCO Club since Spring 2013; we work in collaboration with the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO. Our mission is to implement the UNESCO objectives at LAU, and we successfully did so by organizing many on and off-campus events, such as Heritage day, celebrations of Independence Day, Beirut Old Souk to support the traditional markets, awareness campaigns at schools, and the mini-football tournaments. The success of these events was greatly dependent on the effort of the 102 committed UNESCO members. The UNESCO Club has also given me the opportunity to be invited to attend international conferences and training sessions. One of them was being a participant in Connecting Cultures Program in December 2013 that took place in Oman; this had opened my eyes to future opportunities, new cultures, and international perspectives. Moreover, I have participated in many


other activities such as volunteering with the MUN and MAL as a logistic coordinator and I’m a member in many LAU clubs and volunteer with the OCE in many events. Finally, different situations bring different changes in our life. It is a great opportunity to be a USP scholar and I will keep on working hard until I fulfill all my dreams.


SULYMAN AL TAHERA Computer science USP 2

My name is Sulyman Al Tahera, I am a USP II scholar, and I have a very interesting story with this great program. It all started when the LAU representatives came to my school; the moment I saw them I knew that’s something good was going to happen. I took the application and looked at it for a long time. Then after a few days, I filled it out and went to the university to apply. After two weeks, I received a call from LAU telling me that I was accepted. I felt amazing, and I ran to tell my family; they were so happy too. I accomplished all the phases of all the tests that were mentioned in the application, until I reached the interview phase. After this phase, LAU stopped contacting me. I was worried, so I called them and they told me: “Sorry you are not one of the finalists.” Suddenly my dream crashed in front of my eyes, but life did not stop there. I applied to the Lebanese University. But on the second day in the university I received a phone call from LAU; I answered and heard a sweet voice telling me: “Congratulations you are back on the program!!” My smile returned to my face and I rebuilt my dream in my head. Now I am living that wonderful, beautiful dream in real life. Thank you USP and LAU for this fantastic opportunity.



In the beginning of September I went to LAU and found out that I was not accepted. I was shocked, and it was hard for me at the beginning but life goes on, so I went to the Lebanese University and registered for the nutrition entrance exam. On Saturday September 28 I found out that I was accepted at the Lebanese University; although that was not what I wanted, I was happy about it. The next Monday I went to get the required documents for my registration in the Lebanese University, but first I wanted to pass by LAU’s Admissions Office and ask about a phone call I got two weeks earlier saying that they could do something about the scholarship. So I went to the Admissions Office and they said: “Congratulations you have been accepted”. On Tuesday I went to register and I stated attending the next day. That day was the best day in my life, and I can be sure that it is the beginning of a bright future for me.



Two years ago, I was sitting on my desk at school. Two women entered our class and started explaining the USP opportunity. At first, I felt like “What are they talking about?” This is not a scholarship, but this is a dream. I did not give it any importance and I also decided not to fill out the application. One day I was telling my friend about it, she told me that I have to submit my application. There was still only 1 day before the deadline for accepting applications. I hurried up and I submitted my application, but I did not give it any importance. I always felt that it was very difficult and I would never be one of the scholars. I was asked to do the exams and later on to have an interview with the coordinators of the program. It was the most difficult interview and the most beneficial one. The best moment of my life was on 09/08/2012 at 2:47 P.M. I was at my friend’s home when Zeina called me and told me that I was accepted into the scholarship. I was very happy and I could not even talk on the phone to thank her and ask her about the major. From that moment on, I felt that a new life was there for me. From that moment on, I learned that if there is a will, there is a way. USP is a new life and a new way of living. Always trust in yourselves and you can do it.



“Curving my way toward success, aiming for the best to reach my goal” is the best quotation to describe my story and acceptance as a USP scholar. USP! What a dream!! Through this generous, fascinating, and captivating program, it pushed me closer toward rising in the glory of victory. As Mark Twain said, “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. I am working hard in order to not let success be my lousy teacher, but my lifelong friend. Having this outstanding scholarship will never make me lousy or indolent; in fact, it will definitely push me to be more confident and stronger to reach high places in life. That is alongside not giving up because as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” USP, I would never forget how you contributed to my present and future success. Thank you USAID for lighting up my way! I wrote a small poem that I would like to dedicate to the whole USP and USAID family and here it goes: USP: A Rewarding Destiny!! They asked me about despair Looking around not knowing where to stare Toward the optimism or grief Toward a blossom or a rotten leaf, Something is struggling inside me Shouting to be set free, I asked myself is it an illusion


Or I am just lost in my confusion What would that be? A drop of water in my ecstatic sea Or a light from my sun’s glee Maybe a page of my desperate story Or even a star of my sky’s glory Until I got that unforgettable call One that ravished my soul I could not describe such an enchanting flash All I felt was a euphoric rash Relieving my anguishes that were gloomed Until my USP family appeared An outstanding, overwhelming, and delightful clan Uniting us within LAU, and for sure guaranteeing our successful destination plan!!


YARA NAHLE Communication Arts USP 2

USP is a word that changed my life. Since I got the news of being accepted at the USP scholarship program at LAU, my whole life has changed. Change began when I was accepted in the communication arts program which wasn’t my first choice of major but which my interviewees saw fit for my personality and aspirations. If I had been enrolled in any other university or even at LAU but without a scholarship, I would have probably chosen a different major. But now, as I’m in my second year majoring in journalism, I know that this is what I want to do, even more, that’s what I am. The people who interviewed me from the program were as guides for me, they helped me choose the right thing. The program itself offered me everything, and all I am asked to do is just follow my dreams with passion. Ever since I was been enrolled in this program at LAU, passion has been my inseparable companion. Another way the program helped me change and for the better is the social and community service it required from us. To preserve my scholarship, besides the academic requirements, we are supposed to acquire leadership skills and do community service. This incited me to engage in volunteering work and in social activism, reinforced my sense of responsibility towards my community, country, and culture, and enhanced my yearning for change. That’s when I became active in not just wanting the best, but in working for the best too. Moreover, LAU provided me with the means to put these concepts into action. With the clubs, especially Red Cross, and the different organizations and volunteering opportunities, I became very active in social work. As part of my social activism, I started to develop relations with different NGOs and never before have I felt this devoted, this satisfied, and this engaged with my country. 155


You may study a formula and succeed in your exam but not necessarily in your job or life. The aim of the USP program is much more than this. Yes, I chose my major by coincidence since I filled the USAID application at the last day. I think that destiny played a role. I was confused when choosing my major, but when I got the scholarship it was obvious that it is nursing. A nurse must have the positive attitude to be helpful and support the ill, the creativity to deal with different patients and to get to her goal in a suitable way if there are barriers, the ability to inspire and make changes in the patients’ life, the honesty to be a credible source of information for the patient, the ability to communicate and have commitment. After 2 years those characteristics are forming a basic corner in my personality. I am working to make changes in society by volunteering in a hospital, by visiting the elderly, or by going to refugee camps. A leader must work to lead other people and show them how to work effectively and benefit society. It is not only by quotations or writings.



That day that changed my whole life... I was going to the Lebanese University for the third time to register for the 2013 educational year. The last two times, the employees at the Lebanese University did not accept my file because of some missing papers. It was Tuesday when I came back from the Lebanese University by bus with my friends. An unknown number called me. I was thinking before I answered the phone. I said in my heart: “I know that number”, I answered the phone. A sweet lady was talking to me, “Yousef Jomaa?” I replied, “Yes, how can I help you?” She told me she was from LAU. My heart started beating rapidly. She asked me which university I was in then. I told her that I hadn’t started university till then since the Lebanese University would not start till the 23rd of October. She told me “Congratulations dear... You are accepted at LAU as a USP student”. I could not believe myself. I asked her to repeat what she was saying more than three times. I started jumping inside the bus until all the people there started looking at me and asking “Who is that freak??!!” and I was screaming, “LAU… LAU... LAU!” I returned to my house. My mom asked me what had happened with me. I told her I needed to take some extra papers to the university tomorrow since my papers were not complete. After we sat together, I told her: “Mom, I got accepted at LAU.” She did not believe me. She asked me to repeat again. I told her loudly “Mom, I got accepted at LAU.”She started crying and crying. She hugged me with a big smile on her face and her tears which killed me. I promised her that I will be the kind of person she wanted me to be. The next day I went to LAU. I met a wonderful sister, an amazing friend, and the best mate ever. She is Kassandra Attara. She and I are just like siblings. She stands beside me in all my tough situations. She was everything amazing at LAU and I am really glad that I met her. That’s my story, a story of a boy who keeps on dreaming to the max. 157


My story starts at the “ACCESS” program from AMIDEAST where they told us about scholarships from the American people to some lucky Lebanese students in public schools. This scholarship is by USAID to certain universities in Lebanon. I was excited by the idea, so I went to LAU, grabbed some applications for USP III with a few friends, and started working on it. One day, LAU called each one of my friends including me and told us that we should sit for two exams: the SE and the EEE. As I went to fill in the necessary paper work for the exams, I was very excited I felt that it was an inch away. After the exams, I felt good, but not perfect. I thought to myself that LAU would consider that I’m French educated when they tested me in English on subjects such as physics, biology, and mathematics. After a while, my friends and I were worried about hearing nothing about the results. I used my good ability at searching the Internet and I found out that our ID numbers weren’t even there. After telling my friends... Well, you can just say I ruined their evening (it was just before the official exams). After the official exams, and after everyone had lost hope about LAU, we waited for the results. I wasn’t that great among my friends as I had only scored 12/20 (the minimum academic requirement for having the scholarship). I thought that if I had a chance, my friends would have had a better one. Just before the end of the summer vacation, LAU called us, telling us that we were not accepted, so what was left for us was the Lebanese University. I was sad because it is a really far university and that I would be too tired to do my best there. Just when the universities started on a Monday, LAU called again, telling me that I could not have a biology scholarship but a full scholarship in the other majors available. I chose business as it was one of my three choices of majors in the


original application. As I went the next day to register for my classes at LAU, I was the last student to get his name entered among the accepted scholars. I also was happy for one of my friends Tayib who I saw the same day. Unfortunately, my other friends did not make it. We the new scholars were accepted as USP II students. After being accepted at LAU, there isn’t much to talk about, the experience says it all. It surely is a changing experience to reach what was at one time unreachable. I surely hope this program continues forever, and that lots of public school students can live the LAU experience and what it includes, starting with wonderful and creative activities to a wide area of elective classes which really enrich your knowledge as a complete human. Last but not least, I want to thank LAU and USAID for literally changing our lives.




Computer Science USP 3

When I first heard about this University Scholarship Program, I did not expect myself to be one of the accepted students who would have this scholarship, especially when I heard about the huge amount of applications that were submitted. But my faith in my abilities, my persistence, and my ambitions encouraged me to apply and to work hard to pass all the steps required for this scholarship. I still remember the afternoon when I received that unforgettable call telling me that I had been accepted into this program. It was the best moment in my life. I still remember the first orientation we had; it was very intelligent and engaging; it shed light on the importance of hard work and success and the priority to be engaged in community services and leadership activities. With this scholarship I have been given the opportunity to actually make something of myself. Now I actually know the importance of being responsible and relying on myself and the importance of being successful and satisfied and working hard to achieve my goals. Now I am better at building strong relationships with people from different regions, demonstrating ethical behavior, communicating clearly, and working effectively with teams. I have become more interested in being involved in civic engagement and enrichment activities because I can now understand how they can make a difference in the lives of others by developing a combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation. This scholarship gave me the chance to grow and expand as a person and a student. All I can say is that “the dream is now a reality “. I am very grateful to this program for the opportunity it gave me to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon. My hopes have just started now, and many ambitions are still on my way to reach, but at least after twenty years in time I can look back on my life and say that I have actually achieved something.



“Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today”, a quotation that I personally did not really believe until USP changed my life! I used to accept reality and work hard just to guarantee a successful future, thus LAU was a dream that I did not even think of dreaming about and LU was the only choice a student of the middle class like me has. Applying for this scholarship program happened by chance; I used to attend a private school until my first secondary year when certain circumstances occurred and I had to go to a public school to finish my last two high school years there. Taking such a decision wasn’t easy; my parents and I were anxious and hesitant especially because I’m a bright student and wanted to maintain a good education. Anyhow, I attended a public school in our region without having any idea about USP! After LAU came to the school and talked about the program, I filled the application wishing that I will get accepted but not that hopeful that it will work out. I was disappointed when AUB rejected me (I thank God now) and lost hope of getting accepted at LAU. However, the latter contacted me to take the entrance exams, later to have an interview there, after that a workshop, and finally to inform me that I got accepted! My whole plans for the future were altered life changed and my hard work paid off. I moved to a dorm, and thus became more independent, learned to accept people of different backgrounds and opinions, participated in several activities, voted for the first time and for the person I chose, and most importantly learned how to dream, how to achieve these dreams, and that dreams count. Dreams count especially at LAU where the student is not just a number; he/she is part of a big family that will always support you, with the aid of the American embassy in our case, to turn dreams into a reality. All of that happened during only four months, and more is yet to occur in the following years.


ALI ABDALLAH Electrical Engineering USP 3

When I heard about USAID scholarship, I felt that there is still a chance in my country, Lebanon, to have a successful future. This scholarship was my target for a complete year of studying and effort so that I could be chosen as one of the best students in my country. Now I am speaking as a member of the big family at LAU with optimistic and proud words, and you will say the same thing if you are experiencing the same events and happiness in our beloved LAU. Moreover, I admit that this is the first time in my life I feel a sense of belonging to Lebanon, and the reason is my presence in this scholarship program at LAU which gathers persons from all over Lebanon in one campus. Isn’t that really fabulous!!?? Finally, I will curtail my words, and all that I want to say is that I am very proud of being in such place, and I want to admit that now I am able to dream and fulfill… and that is what I will do.



I will never forget that day, that voice in my ear congratulating me that I been accepted to the Lebanese American University and thanks to the American people and the generous scholarship program founded by the USP/USAID. Simply, this scholarship changed my life direction and enriched me with hope and happiness after I thought that they did not exist, especially because my financial status was blocking me from carrying out my dream of pursuing a career in medicine. But with the help of USAID I can now start achieving my dream in one of the most beautiful universities in Lebanon. I’m very lucky that I’m studying in LAU, and I actually consider it as my second home. This is especially because I’m surrounded by amazing people who are working hard and are providing me with all the facilities that help me meet academic excellence and do leadership and extracurricular activities which are the two important wings emphasized by Mr. Samia, the director of the USP/ USAID program. I’m looking forward to putting my degree in the public field and using it to help society. And Ii want to take this opportunity to thank USP/ USAID and LAU for believing in us and for making my life fantastic as it is.


ALI SAMHAT Mechanical Engineering USP 3

USP was definitely a turning point in my life. It has caused great change in my life. It was the start of new life from the moment that I was accepted to USP and it will continue after graduation. First of all, I had to adapt to a new style of life in the dorms, meet new friends from different areas, and build good relationships with him. In addition, this grant allowed me to know new places in my country, recognize the tradition of each region by visiting these areas and viewing people’s behavior. However, the most important thing that I was facing is the responsibility that I knew I will be carrying from now on. I had to be responsible for my success by managing time between studying and having fun. Furthermore, USP allowed me to learn in one of the best universities in Lebanon and the Middle East. This scholarship allows me to know and try a new learning system. Last but not least, I appreciate USAID for giving me the chance to discover and develop my capabilities. Simply, USAID gave me a life opportunity.


AMANI SMADI Mathematics USP 3

That call did change my life. I was waiting for it, and I could not speak a word when I was told that I was accepted at LAU. I told my parents and they were so proud. I was so scared from what was coming but the university was supportive. We attended many workshops where they trained us well, taught us everything we would need, gave us advice that was amazing, and told us stories of success. Our mission was not only to excel in grades, but we had to be socially active. “These are the two wings we need to succeed” said Mr. Elie Samia. Now after only one semester at LAU everything changed: my confidence, responsibilities, and thoughts. My friends hate these changes because they say I’m busy most of the time, but I say that good things are worth this time. We had lots of great events at the university. One of my favorites was the breast cancer fundraising done by the event organization club; we sold homemade cupcakes and raised some money. We worked hard but we enjoyed every moment of every event we did. Finally, I hope I will achieve more and more through the help of both LAU and USAID.


ANIS BAZ RADWAN Mechanical Engineering USP 3

Ever since elementary school, I have believed that hard work is the only way to achieve one’s goals and dreams. For that reason I was always motivated to give my best in everything I do, anticipating something great to happen. Indeed my efforts were not in vain, for something magnificent did occur. It all started when a representative from LAU came to our class and told us about the great opportunity that lies ahead. Right then I thought “This could be it, the fruit of my work.” It was a journey of many stages that led to that breathtaking moment I was eagerly waiting for a phone call that would decide my future for the coming years. And there I was, holding the phone to my ear, taking a deep breath, with one thought on my mind, wondering what my next emotion will be. Will it be the bitter-full disappointment? Or the overwhelming joy? And here I am, so I guess I knew the answer to my question. USP has indeed changed my life, and opened doors that I never knew were there, and till now it has been one great journey that I hope will continue unveiling more surprises and good fortunes.



“I remember when my reality now was a dream in the past so I believe that my dream now can become a reality in the future.” – Baraa Mersally, USP III. I want to talk briefly about my personal experience in the USP program. One year ago, I heard about the University Scholarship Program from the ACCESS program. At the beginning I was not interested in it because I thought that was an impossible dream to be accepted into such scholarship. However, because of the encouragement of my teachers I applied to the program. After that, I passed from one step to another and the dream become closer and closer. I cannot describe my feeling when I was accepted into the scholarship. In short, it is dream come true. Certainly, this experience created many changes in my life. Actually, knowing that someone believed in my abilities enough to select me over all the other worthy candidates empowered me to do the best I could. In addition, receiving this award gave me more confidence to achieve my goals. Moreover, this experience made me more independent because it makes me cope with leaving my family and home and living on my own in the dorms. Finally, this scholarship will enable me to obtain my degree from one of the most important universities in Lebanon and fulfill my dream of becoming a professional nutritionist. Last but not least, it is a honor for me to be a member of the LAU family and the USP program. I encourage all students to apply for this program and become a member of our big family


because no one knows when his/her dream will become a reality. I hope students who come after me will be touched as much as I am from this experience. Therefore do not waste the opportunity of applying to the program because such a chance comes only once in a lifetime!


CHARBEL ASSAKER Civil Engineering USP 3

A 60 second phone call can change your life. I was watching TV at my home when the phone rang; it was a strange number and I answered; at this moment I did not know that this call would turn my life upside-down. I will never forget her words: “Charbel Assaker, you have been chosen after a long process to be a part of the USAID III program!”; first I was chocked, I did not know what to say, then I smiled and said to her: “thank you”. After I hung up the phone, I asked myself, “Am I dreaming or is it true?”. I did not believe that I would be a part of the USP family and I knew that my life would change forever. I felt very honored that this program would give me a life opportunity to study at the best university in Lebanon, it is a dream come true. This scholarship is the best thing that has ever happened to me, it is my key to success in the future. Finally, all I want to say is that a very tiny detail can change your life and I’m very lucky to be one of the few persons that share this life opportunity.



My name is Elie Tannous and I was a normal high school student just like everybody else. I was really good at school, had high grades, and my teachers loved me. I always had this dream of going to a private university and having friends from outside my area, but the thing was that my parents weren’t able to send me to that kind of university. One day, LAU came to our high school and they told us about the USP. I knew it was my chance to fulfill my dream. I applied, worked really hard, studied for the exams, and passed them I was accepted at LAU as a USP II student but I did not go because of my arrogance. I did not take the official exams seriously and I failed my year. The second time they came, I had to apply again so that I could pursue my dream. I did my best, applied, and studied harder than ever not only to pass the LAU entrance exam but to pass my official exams. Luckily, I passed my official exams and LAU exams and I was selected as a student in the USP. Now I’m living the university life at its best here at LAU. I met new people new professors and even adapted my lifestyle to what I’m living now. So we can all say that “USP Changed My Life”


FAJER ZEIDAN Civil Engineering USP 3

I can still remember the feeling I had when I saw the university’s number calling my phone. I paused for a second to realize that this call meant the moment of truth. I felt a chill running down my spine as I answered, and when I was told that I got the scholarship I was flying out of excitement. Life was never the same since day one of becoming a USP student. The realization of the great opportunity gave me all the motivation I needed to grow and learn. Moving away from home to a place where many different cultures meet gave me a great deal of confidence to interact with other people, tolerance to accept all ideologies, and courage to step out of my comfort zone. The great learning atmosphere made me a person thirsty for knowledge, seeking out information in every experience I go through. Most importantly, the whole experience let out the leader inside of me and paved the way for shaping the best person I can become. I doubt I would even be here had it not been for that overwhelming act of generosity.



‘Everything has a start and an end eventually. However, truly pleasant things go as soon as they come, though we really wish their existence would be eternal!’… After being introduced to the LAU-USAID program and that was when LAU gave a visit to my school…Actually I could not believe what the American government and people through USAID and LAU were offering! Full tuition fees coverage? A book allowance? Housing? A monthly stipend? A laptop? I asked myself, “What’s the point of all that?” What an amazing opportunity! I started preparing the necessary documents before the application deadline. It may sound to you that that was an easy task to complete, but believe me it was not! You have to go through a challenging procedure to attain what you aspire to. Then, after I submitted my application, I received numerous calls from LAU informing me about entrance, sophomore exams, and an interview. I can’t tell you how I used to wait for LAU’s phone calls each and every time to inform me about something new. On a very ordinary summer day, my cell phone rang unexpectedly. Oh, I know that number! I have already seen it several times! Mom, this is the same number that makes my heart beat faster and faster each and every time! - Hello? - Faten? - Yes, it’s me. - Hi, I’m from LAU Beirut! I would like to tell you that you have been accepted to LAU as a USP III student! Congratulations! After hearing those words, I did not know what to say! I’m one of the students that LAU was seeking! After all that, I started counting the days: signing papers at LAU, attending orientations and workshops, looking up to add classes after passing through the advising 174

and registration procedure which is really tough! Then packing and moving to the dorms, getting introduced to new people of different cultures, and above all joining clubs, enjoying the life on campus, and volunteering in extracurricular activities like the marathon, which was really an amazing experience! Besides, I’m enjoying my life at the dorms, I could not believe myself going away from my home and family, but within less than three months I made a lovely family along with wonderful friends. I can say that USAID along with LAU has been my beginning to becoming who I have always wanted to be in the future. It has made me believe that nothing comes easily. All in all, being at LAU is such an amazing experience that I won’t ever forget! And as Dr. Samia says, “Part of the conditions of your grant is for you to excel on the academic and leadership levels and we want you to be creative and discover your voice”. I will always be dreaming and achieving, and USP will always be my motivation and my passion! I’m proud to be an LAU student and much more to be a USP student, so thank you LAU and thank you USAID for such a great opportunity that made and will be making my life amazing now and then!


FATIMA ISSA Psychology USP 3

Sitting in a classroom at school with only girls and listening to a presentation could be a very boring experience and one could feel sleepy, but it was not the case when my friends and I were listening to the LAU presentation about the USP program. Competition in my class was very high and I felt highly challenged when my colleagues were discussing the difficulty and even the impossibility of getting such scholarship. I went back home and felt highly enthusiastic to tell my parents about the scholarship. Being realistic, they did not meet my enthusiasm. These reactions triggered a sense of challenge and I wanted to prove to everyone what I can do when I insist and when I am convinced about something. I applied to USP on the day of the deadline, and that moment was a turning point in my life, a life of a normal 18 year-old sitting on the modest seats of Saida Secondary Public School for Girls. LAU was a dream for me, yet a reachable one with hard work. My friends saw it as a dream that may not come true as did my parents. This dream grew in me like a seed in the ground. Day after day, awaiting the response from LAU, the tree was growing and I became more and more eager to get it and prove to my entourage what hard work and perseverance can do. I believe my good academic performance at school and my civic engagement from which I can list my volunteering projects with INJAZ and my active membership with a local NGO “Shajar w Bashar” made my profile a matching one to get the scholarship. Till now, I can’t forget the feeling I had the moment I knew that I got the scholarship. I will never forget the phone call I received from LAU informing me about my acceptance to the psychology major at LAU with a full scholarship. I was screaming out loud, I turned 176

crazy. The growing tree gave a fruit. The most delicious fruit I have ever tasted. However, this tree cannot survive without water. The water is the experience post-admission. I decided to benefit from every moment while I am studying here. Along with good academic performance, I am aiming also to participate in every single opportunity of leaderships and civic engagement activity. I am not part of the LAU MUN and MAL secretariats. I went to the Reforestation day, I ran in Beirut Marathon with the LAU team, I volunteered in many events on campus, and I was with my colleagues during our visit to old folks’ home on Christmas and to UNIFIL. LAU USP “changed” my life, indeed! This is the least I can say.


FIDA KHALIL Civil Engineering USP 3

When representatives first came from LAU to my school and explained this scholarship I was really excited: it was my dream to go to an American university; I applied and was looking forward to the results. When they called me from LAU telling me that I was qualified to the interview stage, I was volunteering in the “Offre Joie“ summer camp for Lebanese children and I was thrilled with the news. After I finished my interview I was so happy that I sang and overcame my shyness. When they called again to tell me I was in, I was at my work in McDonald’s so I rushed to answer and I was overjoyed. Then I came to LAU and started to see and benefit from everything this program was offering me. We have done so many activities, lectures, workshops and visits, but I will talk about a specific one. When we went to visit the elderly at Hazmieh before the Christmas holidays, Monday December 23, 2013, we sang to the old women there and their faces were shining with a true smile, and they did not stop thanking us and blessing us all. Then we went to see children in a hospital and brought them some Christmas joy. While we were singing, they were dancing and singing and clapping. I had never sung this way before: it was as if the power of their smiles was pushing me to sing from my heart and I am so grateful they made me that happy. I did start my holidays with a blessing… The USP program was a golden opportunity for me and I really feel proud and much more confident about myself. Last but not least, I would really like to thank everyone who is helping us in this program and who is offering us the amazing chance and honor to be a USP student at LAU.



“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao-Tzu The LAU team visited our school to give us information about the USP III scholarship which was given to 85 high school student. It was impossible for me to study in a private university because of my family’s financial status; however, my grades were great and I would be accepted in LAU for sure, so I did not give up. I filled out the USP III application form. This was the first step, and after the long selection process I was accepted for a full scholarship at LAU – USP helped me fulfill my dream. Now I’m a biology student at LAU, my life has changed, and I live in Beirut now away from my family but with more responsibilities and self-esteem. I am involved in several activities inside and outside the LAU campus. USP gave me this opportunity, the opportunity to start a new life. Now my goals are updated, my dream now is to enter the medical school in LAU. Financially it is impossible, but I’m sure that if there is a will, there is a way.


GEORGIO HILAL Civil Engineering USP 3

Being a student in a public high school isn’t something easy, but not having enough money to go to a private university was a bigger dilemma. The Lebanese University was my only option, a place where it is really hard to show all my potential and feel like I’m at ease while getting an education. When LAU came to our school and presented the brochure that was the moment that I knew it will be my chance. I applied, and started working really hard. My English wasn’t that good; I thought I would never get accepted. But a phone call changed my life saying I was accepted at LAU as a USP student. It was like a dream come true. I was moved, I shifted to another world. I finally got what I always want, a good education and, as a matter of fact, the best education with no worries about the future, not having to worry about finding a part-time job to support my parents or worrying about having a hard time studying. Here at LAU I feel like I’m with my new family, the USP family, and with the new friendships that made a lot of difference in my life.


GHADA AKKARI Communication Arts USP 3

The dream started like a baby, growing into an adult, into reality. At every successful step in the application, I felt that I was celebrating the birthday of the baby every year. Finally, I got accepted into the USP. The roles exchanged and the baby grew. It started taking care of itself and supported me personally, educationally and financially. USP is helping me build my future. Here is the place where you can find people to love, help, trust, and give a hand whenever you need it. Being a member of the USP family gave me a big chance to learn many things. I learned that university life is not only about education, it is about building your personality, engaging with others and being independent. In addition, in my high school, scholarships seemed very impossible for younger students until they heard and saw about our acceptance. They started believing that dreams could come true. Their aims got higher and finally they started having a target to look for and achieve in the coming years. USP did not only play a role in my education but also built friendship which I am sure will last a lifetime. Always make sure to never give up on your dreams but instead choose them so they become real.


GHIDA ZBEEB Computer Science USP 3

Some people don’t believe in miracles and say that their path in life is already decided, so they give up for what is meant to happen. But what they don’t know is that each one of us is the driver of his own life and can always find a way to change. It is pretty obvious that things don’t come easy, but perseverance and hard work make the impossible possible and nothing is too late. I was one of those people and thought that big chances and opportunities are never mine, but my perspective changed after my experience. Even though all these years I have managed my priorities and my future was on the peak of all, I never expected to reach what I reached today , to see that my hard work actually has a meaning after all. USAID Scholarship changed my life and reflected so many positive things socially and academically. It gave me the huge opportunity to continue my education and to do what I always wanted to do in the best university, with the greatest and most professional professors. This scholarship allowed me to meet important and well-known people. especially those related to my major, which designates a push for my career life in the future .Moreover, the best thing about this scholarship is that after all what the USAID people did for me and how they guided me to the right way they are still giving and looking after me, encouraging me academically, and building my personality on strong bedrocks. All those years, I did not have the chance to participate in enthusiastic activities, and I did not even know about the presence of some of them taking place every other time, but now I am always up to date with what’s going on. Furthermore, when I decided to apply for this scholarship, I was just trying to grab this chance and try, but everyone said your chance to be accepted was one in a million and there were many other people who were better than me , but I thought that no one could predict what was going to happen. Then , things started to 182

get mysterious, getting calls each other time , and asking me to do things and going through a procedure that that they used to choose the scholars. In addition, I reached the interview part and entered that door, feeling tensed and worried , but once they started asking me questions I started talking and expressing myself, and I felt that I had finally found people who understood me and appreciated what I want and what I have. I remember Mr. Elie Samia asking me where I would find myself in my major after 10 years, and I briskly answered that my dream is to work in one best Software companies such as Microsoft but what he said : “why not owning Microsoft?”, This question motivates me every time I feel am not able to do something , and pushed me to work harder because there are many big chances out there that are waiting for me , where I just have to stick to my plan , and always be optimistic that I can be better every day . I can’t say how much I am thankful for the USAID people for keeping faith in me and expecting the best of me.

GHIWA AOUN Electrical Engineering USP 3

I remember the first day I heard about this scholarship, it was a dream for me and a goal that I wanted to achieve in my life. I was very excited, very interested, and I decided to work hard to get that chance and be a student in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon. When I got accepted I realized how much precious this scholarship was and how many great opportunities it will give me. I felt very happy and proud of myself because I made my parents proud of me. When I entered the university I realized that being a USP student is really a special thing because it gives me faith in my abilities and confidence in myself. I knew that a good student isn’t only someone who gets a high GPA but who also has the capacity to participate in many social activities that may help others and develop society. From the day I was accepted, many things changed in my life. Today I am more confident, I believe in myself and my capacities and I am working on improving them in order to get a great result that will make me happier and make my parents prouder. I am being responsible more. I know that it is an important chance that was given to me so I should benefit from it as much as possible. I was asked to sing in the Christmas dinner choral organized by the residence hall supervisor Ms. Suzy Saba. First I hesitated because I had never sung before but then I remembered that in life there is always something called a “first time” so I decided to have confidence in myself and sing. I still remember that night, the night that I had sung for the first time in my life. It was really unforgettable and I felt very happy about this new step I took.



It was another boring day at school when I first learned about this scholarship. A woman from LAU entered our class and started talking about the terms and details of a scholarship at LAU known as University Scholarship Program (USP) provided by the USAID. I was surprised and impressed that such scholarships existed, and I never thought that I would get it, but I applied anyway because you never know what might happen! I decided to take an application and fill it out. After spending a lot of time filling out the application with the help of my father and bringing the necessary documents, I went to the LAU Beirut campus and submitted them. After a while, I got a call from LAU asking me to come and register for the entrance exams. Then after the exams, I got another call from the university informing me of the date of the interview. About two weeks after from the interview, the university started calling the students who were accepted into the scholarship, but I wasn’t contacted so I thought I wasn’t accepted. But one day, early in the morning, I heard my phone ring, so I answered it. It was LAU informing me that I was accepted into the scholarship and that I had to go to the campus to sign the contract papers. I was really astonished but happy that I was actually accepted into such a scholarship at a university that I would not have even dreamt of being in.



It was my first secondary year when I first met her. She introduced herself to us as the ACCESS teacher and gave us a small introduction about the ACCESS Program and how she could help us get a full scholarship to one of the most important universities in Lebanon which is Lebanese American University, LAU. At first, I did not take into consideration the scholarship, but I applied to the program to entertain myself and fill my free time with it. My grades were very good at school, but I never thought of applying to such a university. When we started the program, Ms. Hanan Bittar, our ACCESS teacher, told me that I would be the first in the class who would get the scholarship. I did not take her seriously and I answered her in a sarcastic way, “They will forget all the other Lebanese students and give it to me!” But her answer was always that when there is a will there is a way. She was the one who helped me be here in LAU as a USP student and without her I would not have applied to the scholarship. She stayed beside me step by step in school, when applying to the university, and during the official tests where I got high grades and got accepted into the scholarship. Till now, every time I see her I thank her for what she made me and how she made me more self-confident so that I can reach higher degrees with success.


HALA ISSA Nutrition USP 3

“It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” Paulo Coelho One of the greatest opportunities the scholarship program provides us with is the continuous education, lectures, activities and workshops. One interesting workshop which affected me the most was the civic engagement and integration workshop held by Mr. Elie Samia and Ms. Rana Salloum. The integration part discussed many coping skills that can give us an important break from mental and emotional distress and sometimes they are literally life-saving. During the workshop, I felt that something touched me positively because it meant a lot for me as a new student. How important it is for me as a new student to be prepared for such an experience! Instead of being confused and lost, Miss Rana made us feel that she is involved in how we may feel, how we may think, and what problems and obstacles every one of us may have. So, a little orientation alleviates much of the problems that by time become a lifestyle. When I got out of the workshop, I was excited and relaxed. I felt that I was not alone and there was always someone who is careful and aware of most of the details related to me. With help and support, any disturbance changes to interest and joy. It only needs such preparation that eases life for us as beginners in the university and in life. Later, I realized that listening to more experienced people and following their instructions and advice shortens the distances between problems and their solutions.



When I was a high school student, I was very active in my school and in my village Saadnayel and being a leader in Jarrah Scout helped me be active. But I never thought that one day I could be affective in my society and make it better. And, I was afraid of being a university student since I thought that the college would force me to give it all my time and this was annoying me. However after becoming a USP student I achieved my fabulous dream which is learning in a university which has a high level in both academic and the outreach/civic engagement activities. So USP made my dream come true and by being an LAU student I have the opportunity to learn in a professional way about my major, to help my society, and be active in it by participating in the LAU clubs. Now I am a member in two clubs at LAU and I am a logistic member in the MAL. Through this way the USP program is giving me and my friends the key to start changing our society and make it better with everyone starting from himself to achieve his dream and make a better Lebanese society.


HANINE ABDALLAH International Affairs / Political Science USP 3

No one knows what has been written for him/her. Because I always tried to be the best among my siblings, my friends, my colleagues, I studied very well to succeed at the Lebanese Official Exams and get a scholarship to the Lebanese American University through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under a program called the University Scholarship Program USP. I was afraid of submitting my application because I was not sure if I would be one of the USP scholars, but I had nothing to lose and my parents encouraged me to submit it and told me not to lose such a golden opportunity since my dad was very concerned about my university education. I went to LAU campus in Byblos and I delivered my application to the Admissions Office. I went home back and I was happy; I felt like I did something good for myself, for my family. After a while, someone from LAU called me and told me that I had to go there and do some exams. Unfortunately, on the same day I had my graduation at the high school; I got a little bit sad for a few minutes, and then I did not know what to feel: happy because they called me or sad because I could have missed my graduation! Saturday June 8th, 2013 was the weirdest day in my whole life. It was a very long day, I got tired and exhausted. When my friends were happy in the playground, talking to each other, taking pictures, and saying goodbye to our teachers, to the director, and to each other, I was doing exams, long ones, and thinking about those moments. Finally I was called to be interviewed by some teachers in order to test our personalities and get the final selection. A month later, my cell phone rang 3 times but I could not answer. I was afraid that they would not call me anymore so I tried to call them, but they called me for the fourth time. I could not believe my ears


when someone told me that I had been accepted and chosen by them. Now, I’m living in the LAU dorms. I have made a lot of friends, and we live together, eat together, study together and hang out together. I love them, I love LAU. Thank you, USAID (and the American people).



It was one of the happiest moments of my life, if not the happiest, that moment when I received the call saying that I got accepted as a USP III scholar at LAU. It was the perfect reward for the person who worked hard for 12 long years as a clever and intelligent student full of potential and skills. If someone told me 1 year ago that I would be a scholarship student at LAU, I would not have believed him. But here I am today, one of the 200+ lucky individuals that were critically selected out of more than 8000 applicants chasing the exact same goal. It was a dream difficult to reach, the journey was long, nerve wrecking, and required a lot of hard work and patience. The dream was almost unreachable at the beginning, but with every step I passed, the image became clearer and achievable, ending up with the most beautiful closure anyone could ever imagine. This program represents what every smart student needs, the student who is unable to get the education he/she always desired. USP is one of those few things that still spread hope, in which you can see an upcoming bright future for a lot of people. USP has proven that students who are passionate for educational success will eventually reach their target. USP made my dream come true. USP has definitely changed my life.


HASSANE KASSEM Civil Engineering USP 3

USP is a great chance to change your life. It was a big dream for me. The herculean stages that I have passed through made me more confident. In addition, being a student in a public school and getting a scholarship is a big challenge for me especially because I can’t afford paying the tuition of a private university. It was a great opportunity to meet new people and to get involved in civic engagement. It is a big opportunity to help your community. Moreover, continuing my education at LAU is the most important thing. The scholarship has made my family and friends proud of me. LAU is a place where I would like to shine in. When I got the scholarship I felt like I was too smart. When I got the application of the scholarship, I was excited because it was the beginning of my dream. The hardest stage was the second one because when I had the exam at LAU; the university was crowded by people so I thought that passing this level would be hard. Fortunately, I passed all the stages and it was an outstanding experience. Finally, these are all the reasons why USP changed my whole life. HIND RAAD No one knows what life will bring us, maybe good things or bad. Although my dream was to be an architect because my hobby is drawing, now I have had the most beautiful experience that changed everything in my life. This experience was becoming a USP student which has a special meaning for me. My major now is nursing; yes, nursing and architecture are so opposite but maybe this major will help me achieve my goals. However, it is a big chance that no one expects to get. For that, I became more confident in myself and I have faith that I can achieve anything


I want no matter how hard it is. Even though I did not always act responsibly with my studies, now everything has changed. I have been more responsible about anything related to my studies. But the most important moment was when I got accepted and felt so proud of myself especially because I achieved my dad’s dream who had passed away 5 years ago. Now, I am sure that he is seeing me and feeling so proud. Pride and confidence became two new characteristics in my personality.


HOUSAM ASSOUM Mechanical Engineering USP 3

One can never know what the future might hold. For me, I had simply believed that if I worked hard enough, the future would grant me something greater than all of my expectations. Indeed, that was the case! It all started when a delegate from LAU walked into my school and explained the grant. I have to say that my expectations were blown away when I heard about USP. For days and nights I kept wondering about what it would be like to go to the greatest higher education institution in the country and be an LAU graduate. I simply could not have asked for anything more. This is when I promised myself to give my best to be one of the lucky 85. Certainly my hard work did pay off; a phone call changed my life! The call that set my life on what I hope to be the road of success pronouncing that I’m a USP scholar! College can teach us a lot of things, but it is different when you are a USP scholar. It is different because USP had taught me the most important lesson in my life, in which now I truly believe in: Never give up on your dreams! Due to USP I believe that those who seek the best shall get nothing but the best, if they work hard enough. For that I am grateful for what I have, and to embrace every experience and lesson LAU has to offer. After all, after asking for the best, what could be better than a USP scholar?


HOUSSAM HALABY Mechanical Engineering USP 3

During the first years of my education, I had set my ambitions on getting a higher education in a prestigious university. I had dreamt about a higher education endlessly until three years ago when my family’s economic status decreased dramatically and I started losing hope in that dream. USP was that faint light you see at the end of a dark tunnel and day by day, that light became brighter with every phase of the selection process that passed. The days felt like years each time we knew LAU started calling candidates for passing the several phases. I was in the scout camp when I got the final acceptance call I had been waiting for. I felt so proud at that moment because everyone there started congratulating me and my close friends ran to me and hugged me tight while telling me that this is what I have been waiting for. That was it; I had made it successfully to the other beginning of another race towards success. Ever since that day everything seemed a bit lighter and a bit happier. But what I did not know or expect was how LAU/USP would immerse me into a bigger family than mine, how LAU/USP would give me the chance to excel, a chance I had once thought lost. Every day I hear my colleagues’ conversations on how they were worried about paying the tuition, buying their books, getting their laptops with them, driving every day to university and how all those problems were very stressful and then they would look at me and tell me: “You lucky bastard, you don’t even think let alone worry about any of these now, do you?” That is when I realize how USP changed my life.



A right opportunity should be a path for you to have a better life. It can change you and your family’s life. The United States of America, being the land of opportunity, made the dream of being a USP scholar at LAU come true. USP bridged the financial gap that I was facing as a college-bound student. The donor did this by providing scholarships to students with great potential, high financial need, strong academic demonstration, and community/civic involvement. USP gave me more self-confidence since the process for winning this grant was very challenging as we were chosen among all the students of Lebanon who applied for this scholarship. This scholarship made me more responsible because I had (and have) to work hard to maintain it. Moreover, it guaranteed me the bright future of a student who graduates from a university like LAU with scholarships that impress potential employers when they read the resumes of these students. The reason behind this is that these students showed responsibility and discipline by being able to get the grant. An applicant who obtained their education via USP is highly respected in the eyes of most potential employers not only because he is well educated but also because he is a great leader since this grant is of two wings: academic and leader potentials. Finally, this scholarship is not easy to get, and this is why it is so valuable. It provided us with the tools to build a successful life.



Our trip of a thousand miles began at the recess when our director informed us to stay in the class waiting for the representative of the Lebanese American University to announce the University Scholarship Program III from USAID. As usual we stayed waiting for the time to pass. When the representative spoke about this program, no one among us had taken it seriously besides me. In contrast, I believed in every word that was told to us. At that moment, I decided to extend my ambitions and to apply for this program. I finished my booklet during a week. I had two goals to achieve, to finish my exams and get accepted to LAU. My dreams became bigger and bigger, yet I faced my family, my school and my society. No one could believe a program will present a grant for a public school student. It was a weird idea! The first question that came to my head was, “What distinguishes the official students from others? And why isn’t it admissible for private schools?” Simply speaking, it is about our desire for success, our ambitions with our little potential, and our extra hard work. Once a teacher asked me, “What is your plan for your near future?” “Studying at LAU with a scholarship,” I answered. He laughed with his cynical laugh and continued his class. At that moment I had a challenge and I knew I was in the middle of a competitive program where there is no place for the weak. After months I got a call from the university for the exams.


I passed my sophomore exam although it was in a delicate time – in the middle of our break for the official exams. After I passed each step, I felt I became close to success. After passing the exam, I had an interview, and it was smooth; thus, I felt I was the person who deserved to be there. I waited for the final reply. Every day that passed I felt was like a year, but I still had my belief. I did not apply to other universities and never tried any other chance. At the end, I received a call from LAU telling me that I was accepted. It was a glory after the long warfare; I called my director and told her about my good news hoping my teacher would know about me getting the scholarship.



“Big dreams begin with a small step”. Day after day, I realize that life is full of opportunities that can transform one’s path. Who can imagine that a simple application form could lead me to study at LAU? I never did. I submitted my application hoping that I will be accepted. Every time I received a call from LAU, I felt closer to reaching my dream until that Monday morning when I woke up with my phone ringing to know that I finally had been chosen to be a USP III student. That phone call was the turning point for a new beginning. This scholarship made me more confident; it proved that nothing is impossible in life if we take advantage of every single chance that we are given. Although I was thrilled, I was worried because every fulfilled dream is accompanied with responsibility, and such a big opportunity needs a bigger challenge. USP changed my life; it made me achieve my small dream that will open wide horizons for me. Walt Disney said: “All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” All we need is hope, perseverance, and faith in ourselves. So I will keep on dreaming and being ambitious because dreams make a future, a life, and a victory.


JIANA SULEIMAN Civil Engineering USP 3


Jiana? Yes. Congratulations you got accepted to LAU. That one phone call made my day and made me a USP student at LAU flipping my world, plans, and expectations upside down. Without the slightest exaggeration, being a USAID scholarship recipient is the best thing that has ever happened to me. When life brings you to a moment when you feel all your dreams are within your reach, all the hard work, the tiredness and the endless nights finally paid off, all your mother’s prayers and calls have been finally answered, or when you become that one-in-a-million person whose determination, will power, and diligence rendered him a role model and a set example, the feeling you get is quite spectacular, a feeling that is beyond joy, beyond pride, and beyond relief. It is a feeling of God’s gratification upon you. And that’s how I felt upon becoming a USP student at LAU. I felt blessed. I remember stepping in vigorously ambitious, yet timid; determined, yet a little lost. Armed with persistence and self-esteem, I never doubted my abilities or my plans. But there was LAU, an eyeopener, an awakening slap that made me realize my estimations were wrong. Secondary academic evaluation, though important, is only one part of your self-portrait. Life can astonish you with challenges and difficulties that require skills superior to academic performance. Never have I imagined life embracing such great deals of pressure and responsibilities. You learn to pull off your own thorns with your own hands. You learn to tackle your problems, to face your fears, to push yourself to the fullest, to invest all your abilities for your own as well as your community’s good.


You realize you have duties towards your society that are quite as important as your academic requirements. You intentionally start to care and worry. Such precious life lessons cannot just be learned at any university. With the gracious help of USP I was able to learn much more that I had anticipated. Truly, with the help of USP, I literally became a better person. I’m now officially an enhanced version of myself. Among all the blessings God has bestowed on me, being a USP scholar, with honor, surely tops all.


Writing about my new life is an exciting thing because I can share with others the unbelievable experience I’m glad to be a part of. The moment I knew that I was accepted at LAU with the help of USAID was a life changing moment. I screamed with happiness and all my family members were happy for me. But then I realized something: by getting accepted at LAU I would have to move to Byblos, and Byblos is very far from where I live in the South. I realized that I won’t be able to come home whenever I wanted and that made me terribly sad because I knew that I would be far from my younger sister who I had never spent a day without. Since I came here, I haven’t spoken to anyone about my life back in my hometown. I’m trying to live happily and study hard because I’m looking forward to continuing into higher education levels. But with this story I am writing, I want everyone and especially my friends to understand me and to know why I’m mysterious – as they say. I come from a separated family, and my parents have been divorced since I was nine. I live with my sister at my grandparents’ house. This had affected my personality a lot. In the beginning, I had feelings of inferiority and shame. At school I was too shy to talk with my friends because they would ask me about my parents. I was the oldest child so imagine how my little sister – who needed more attention and affection from my parents – felt after what happened. After we came to live with my grandparents, I was the responsible one and took care of my sister. I spent hours helping her with her homework. I even went shopping for her and a lot of other stuff that parents do just so she won’t feel in need.


In fact, I did all that because we were left alone as kids, and I recall the day my parents got divorced when the little crying face of my sister asked me “Jihan will you be my mother now?” When I started to pack my stuff to leave home I was heartbroken, I felt scared and guilty about leaving my little sister alone. But at the same time I thought that by being a part of USP I will be able to support her more than ever, to influence her into never giving up, because if I gave up when my parents left I would never have had the opportunity to meet all the great people that I have met at the orientations and university who have influenced me to be strong and get more involved in society. Now I have friends who became for me the caring family I never had. Thank you USP family for the boost of courage you gave me to open up and tell everyone about my story. That’s how USP changed my life.

JOE TANIOS Computer Engineering USP 3

From Ordinary to Extraordinary Life has its ups and downs, this long road hides for us a lot of problems but we should always brace up and stretch to our full capacity in order to overcome those problems and do the best for the future. A student’s life is ordinary but not mine. I was an ordinary high school student, obedient, hardworking, and serious. Like many, I was weak in French. Consequently I needed to work harder on other courses to overcome that weakness. Because I was good at math and physics and I can easily obtain an A, I should take advantage from that to fill the gap. Undoubtedly languages are very important nowadays. English is the most important. I started to learn English when I was in grade seven, and I got my first scholarship in grade 10 which is called “ACCESS 7”. From that moment I started to take English seriously and to work deeper in the language. Besides that, I got paid 1000L.L for each hour of English I learned. Nevertheless, I improved my English enormously; I contributed in lots of activities, discovered multiple friends, and experienced unforgettable moments. Beside the fact that I wasn’t an ideal student, I had a special feeling of hope, an extreme passion of dreaming and an unstoppable power of work. Because every problem comes with a solution, I always believed that wherever I go and no matter I face, I will somehow find a way to overcome all different kinds of


problems. That’s when USP coordinators came to our high school and explained to us a scholarship called USP III which is the second scholarship that I have received. We used to dream, we used to work, and we used to live every day by day. That is our worst mistake in life. Therefore, believing is the most powerful weapon that can overcome all of today’s and tomorrow’s problems. Moreover, USP program had polished my life. After the long process that the USP coordinators had to take in order to elect us, I was one of the applicants who got chosen among hundreds of applicants. USP program isn’t just about learning and academic achievements, USP is a program that mainly graduates leaders that can and will make change in the society and community we are living in. Nevertheless, USP made me proud of myself and aware of the responsibilities I have toward myself and the community. Now I know the importance of myself being a part of a big community that depends on everybody’s involvements and thoughts. Living day by day is nothing but a dangerous weapon that kills your ambitions and slows your life down. So, frankly, it is a waste of time. Study hard, love what you are doing, work toward your goals, and most importantly of all believe in yourself. Self-confidence is a cornerstone for a positive happy life.

JULIEN AL BOUERY Mechanical Engineering USP 3

Becoming a USP student was a big challenge for me. I am very proud to have the opportunity to study in the Lebanese American University. Life has been hard financially. I appreciate what the scholarship I received means. It will not only benefit me, but it will also benefit my family and my hometown. Without the USP, attending a university would have been much more difficult. I love USP!! It has done so much for me and I love coming to the LAU campus in Byblos as much for the learning as for the friendly atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. I learned to appreciate all the blessings that I have received whether they were big or small, and never forget that after a hurricane comes a rainbow. Being a USP student is a very huge blessing but there is a big responsibility too. What I wanted to say is that this scholarship has really changed my life!


KAMAL METLEJ Civil Engineering USP 3

Everyone has a turning point in his/her life, but mine was being considered as a USP student. It turns my life at many levels, specifically at the level of finding out my personality. Being introduced to many people and being far away from my family were factors that help me find myself somewhere. Before coming to LAU, I was a little bit shy. I think that I am a very normal person, but after being introduced to a new atmosphere, new kinds of people, and after having new dreams, I became aware that I have the ability to change myself by myself and my world by myself. Some people help me understand my personality, myself, and my life in a good way. They help me with different lectures to understand that everyone has a power inside him to be able to change everything he wants. In addition, we come here to participate in many leadership activities that will help us be very interesting people. Finally, being a USP student is my first step to make my life different from others’, to make a different and important future.



“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience” – Eleanor Roosevelt As the proverb says it is life and we live in it in order to be involved in experiences and learn from them. As a matter of fact, I consider my scholarship as an experience in which I am working hard to reach my goals and be an effective woman in the future. In addition to that, my scholarship is like a miracle from God because I have never expected that I would join LAU and study there. Before joining LAU I was sure that I would study in the Lebanese University because my parents’ financial situation did not allow me to go and study in well-known universities such as LAU. But fortunately, I was surprised when LAU came to our school and told us about the scholarship. At first I decided not to fill out and submit my application, because I was afraid that they would not accept me. However, my mother insisted that I submit my application. Finally, I did that and did the EEE and another exam but without hoping for much. Moreover, one month later they called me to attend the interview. I was shocked by that because I had never been exposed to such kinds of interviews. I got there, and I was terrified. Four instructors were sitting in front of me and I was alone. When they started asking questions, I felt that I could answer correctly and confidently, so I spoke about my major and what I am going to be in the future. Three weeks later, they told me that I was accepted. I was very happy, but I knew that I am going to bear a responsibility that will allow me to fulfill all my dreams.


Despite the fact that we are studying and exerting lot of effort in order to get high GPA, we are also participating in many activities in and outside the campus. For example, on November 10, I participated in the Beirut Marathon; by the way, it was the first time I ran in a marathon. It was a very exciting experience that made me run for the dignity of humankind and for Lebanon. Furthermore, I consider the reforestation campaign that took place in Bchari as the greatest event in my life because it allowed me to plant a tree in my country in order to reduce pollution. In addition, there are many activities that took place on the campus; for instance, the event about breast cancer and others related to the Red Cross helped me a lot in addition to clubs that were effective. In the end, I feel proud of myself, and I thank God because I belong at LAU because I had never dreamed that I would be.



At that moment when my phone rang, my heartbeats started racing and I could not catch my breath! Once I heard the word “congratulations”, the only thing I could see were the shining stars. I am a USP III student at the Lebanese American University, my journey started at this program from the day I answered that call. Although I have experienced this feeling before when I was accepted to the YES program, The Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study, but this time my joy was bigger because my accomplishment is much larger. God has flooded me with His blessings from the first day I was born, gave me what I have never imagined that I would have, and I am so thankful for that. Along my life path, I always made sure to get the best out of what I’m given, and that’s what I am planning to do in my three year journey at university and USAID had given me the chance to experience it in one of the best universities in Lebanon. New life, new people, and new responsibilities! I am against a new challenge that will refine my personality, which will prepare me to be responsible for my choices and decisions and to be ready to survive in the real world and succeed. From the first day at LAU, I realized that I could make a change, because my achievements will be recognized and my thoughts will be heard; I will have the power to do an alteration, even a small and simple one, but I will contribute in something. One of the most crucial things that this scholarship offered me is the chance to plan for my future. It opened the door for me to many options when I had none before; all what I had were dreams and fantasies, but now, and because of the USAID scholarship, I might be able to make them true.


After receiving this scholarship, I have a bigger appreciation for life, and a strong belief that when there is a will there is always a way. Now I know that without trying and struggling we can’t reach our ambitions and can’t become successful. I also learned that to be strong I have to be confident about every step I take, to take the initiative, and to try to make every dream a reality. USAID gave me hope for tomorrow that I will be a leader in my society and help it like USAID helped me. USAID did not give me only a free college education; it gave me a life! I am so thankful for this great opportunity, I hope that I will make the best out of it and take the right steps toward the stars of success.


LARA ISSA Communication Arts USP 3

When I was asked to write a short paragraph to describe what USP changed in my life, at the time I, Lara Assad Issa, a USP III student who spent only till then three months here, was totally confused. That’s because till now not too many changes occurred but I can say that USP was able to teach me a lot of lessons. It taught me that when I want something I have to fight and work hard to get it. It taught me that I should be patient along the journey to reach my goals because everything should take its time to happen. It taught me that nothing is impossible if you have the audacity to do it. It taught me that there is in life what is called “the golden opportunity” which will give you the opportunity to fight for your dreams. It taught me that engaging in community service is something fun and important at the same time. It taught me that happiness is when you have another big family that will take care of you just like the wonderful family that USP allowed me to meet, a family that is always there for you to support you and share with you happiness, success and friendship.



Everyone in life waits for the right and best opportunity. When I first filled the form to apply to the scholarship program, I thought that I was not going to have the chance of being accepted, and then I discovered that it was time to take this unbelievable chance. I worked hard, I tried my best, I suffered from the hot weather, traffic, and so on, but I did not give up. The big day came: I received the scholarship. “Thank you God”. The first day at university was really difficult. I chose to stay at a dorm, and, to be honest, I spent all the day crying and I returned home at night. I decided to do not return back, but I realized that this is a dream coming true; I realized that this is a chance which is not going to be offered again. Today, I am an LAU student, and I am proud of myself. The University Scholarship Program changed my life. It makes me able to discover the dark side of my personality, and I discovered that I can be responsible, successful, and useful to better serve my community. Finally, a bird cannot fly if he has a broken wing, and that is why we will fly high, under the blue sky, depending on our wings: academic life and civic engagement.



USP did not change my life. It made it!! As Cinderella’s story was about dreaming of that prince who would change her life, so was my story with the USP. USP was like a dream, not only for me, but for every person who wants to translate his dream to successful steps. My dream started with preparing the application with many people around me saying that it was impossible. But it happened! I received the call that changed my whole life. I started my journey with USP on the first day when I brought the application and I stumbled at the lower gate. At that moment I felt that LAU would be my home. Today, LAU is my second home and USP is my second big family. USP gave me my chance in this life and taught me that we should never lose hope. It is not shameful if you fail, but it is shameful if you did not try at all. USP was my dream, but today USP is making my dream, and with every cheerful morning my dream is growing inside of me and USP is playing an important role in helping me achieving it. USP helped me engage in my society, and it taught me that whoever I am I have a role towards my community. With the help of USP I will get to the top, and I will help others try to find their successful way. Finally, USP gave me the chance to meet great friends and share great moments with them that I will never forget. Thank you USP because you taught me that hope should never be lost and that the taste of success is completed when you take part in others’ success too.



There are many things in life that can change the track of a person’s life. It can either make a positive impact or a negative impact on it. For me, I have had a positive experience that has changed my life forever and that is earning a USAID scholarship. Throughout my life I used to be a quiet and shy person who never had the guts to be a leader. I grew up as a kid who was afraid of expressing his opinion and speaking in front of the others; but not anymore because I have become a new person since I started my first college year. First of all, living far from my family has taught me to be more confident and more conscientious. Secondly, I started to make new relationships that helped me break the religious barrier and accept others, and now I’m more open to those around me. Moreover, today I’m a leader who’s able to accomplish what he aspires for, not a follower anymore. Thanks to the USP staff, I’m having more than one chance to express myself as a strong and smart individual. I believe that my personality has changed a little bit and will definitely change more as I continue in this ideal program.



I am the small town girl that left her town to study and succeed in a university in Beirut. This started when I filled out the application for a scholarship to the Lebanese American University (LAU). It was the most beautiful dream that glimmers from a far place. I thought I would not reach that light, but I did, and now I am hear. I am living my dream. I am working to make my dreams come true. My village Hasbaya is the place I love the most. When I go there to spend my weekend I feel a tender love, and I still miss it a lot. However the chance to live in Beirut and study my major at LAU is invaluable, and living alone provides me with a great opportunity to build myself, raise my self-confidence, and to be responsible for everything I do. During this short period I have spent in Beirut, I faced many challenges, many beautiful moments that I wanted to experience, and many conflicts. I discovered what responsible freedom means. I have to free myself to be who I want to be, and to find myself but without forgetting who I was, without letting go of my village, my parents, my morals, my culture, and my traditions. I grew up in a village where people are judged according to their values. In Hasbaya, a person cannot be judged according to wealth or by the level of their education. Beirut is beautiful and it provides you with a lot, but everything always has two sides, good and evil. It is dangerous to let these bad traits control a person. In my childhood, I always dreamt of doing something, to achieve success for myself and for my society. I dreamt of proving myself in my society by getting a higher education. The University Scholarship Program (USP) provided me with this opportunity to study social work, so that I could establish a service organization and assist people in my village by helping them to solve their problems. I specifically wish to help the women and children of my village. LAU is a wonderful institutions that can make this dream a reality. That is because LAU is a university that educates its students both academically and socially, and it raises them to become functioning members of society. This is the opportunity that I have waited for, for a long time. This is the chance that I will use to make my dreams come true.


MAHMOUD BADRAN Mechanical Engineering USP 3

The University scholarship program (USP) is not only a stage to complete your education. USP is a special way to live, a method to increase your sense of humanity, and a process to obtain the real meaning of life. On my first day as USP student, I based in the philosophy of giving and taking to judge on this program. I thought that no one gives you without taking something instead. That’s why I thought that USP offers all the facilities of studying in order to motivate us to do some charitable activities. But then, I realized that these activities benefit me and my society more than any one else, especially because they increased my sense of humanity and self-confidence .In addition, we did a lot of workshops that aimed at making each one of us a leader in his society who has the ability to overcome problems, make good decisions, improve his society, and achieve his goals. I participated in many activities, such as reforestation and visiting some Lebanese celebrities to learn from their experience as leaders. Students in this program treat each other as a family; we help each other to face problems and to do activities. USP gives us a lot, and whatever we do we can never return the favor, we can never return the favor. USP really changed my life and made me a better person with many skills. So thank you USP and USAID for your support.



I remember the afternoon I found out that I was to be the recipient of the LAU scholarship. Without any exaggeration, it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. That I would attend one of the most famous universities in the Lebanon was a dream coming true. It has always been my goal to get the best education possible because when I will return home, I will be better equipped to serve my community and my country; and this scholarship has enabled me to work towards achieving this...I know I owe so much to the Lebanese American University and to the American citizens. I feel like it has impacted my life in more ways other than just providing financial support. I would really like to thank all donors for investing in all of us and giving us the chance to learn and grow at such a top university. Here a student has the opportunity to take part in plays, charity events, and national celebrations. The scholarship opens up a world where you no longer see limitations.



An LAU scholarship?! “Oh you must be very lucky,” I have heard this sentence more than a hundred times. Well, yes I’m lucky, USP let me be sure that dreams do come true, and now I’m sure that when you believe in something no matter what it is, then you can do it. But that is not everything. This summer we had discovered that my dad had liver cancer. This news was shocking especially for me. I started to wonder: what is the meaning of our lives if we are going to die? Does it really matter what we are going to do in our lives? For a moment I felt like I wanted life to stop! After 2 days, LAU called me and told me “Congratulations!” me.

Really, no one could imagine how much good this has done to It changed all struggling ideas in my mind.

USP has really changed my life, and stopped me from making some really bad decisions. Life does continue. There are downs but there are ups also. My potential is now high and I feel that I’m capable of changing everything around me to something better. So, I can’t be more grateful for anything in my life than I am today with USP!



I had submitted the USP application and I was not sure if I would be accepted at LAU. Actually, the day I got accepted was the best day of my life; it was the beginning of a whole new path. The USP gave me the opportunity to enter a new world full of chances. It allowed me not only to shine academically, but also socially by helping my society and getting involved in many activities in different domains. In my village, I used to help some children improve in a specific subject; I love sharing my knowledge with other people. In fact, I was planning on majoring in biology and then to have my PhD. One day, I got an email about a volunteer teachers program that helps grade 9 students in public schools to progress academically to pass the Lebanese baccalaureate. So, I directly applied to this program and I got accepted after a one month period. I chose to teach biology because that is what I am majoring in and because it has been my favorite subject ever since I was a kid. I will have many training sessions after Christmas holidays and then I will start teaching in a French public school in Byblos. I hope that the students will love me as an older sister and I inspire them to work hard and continue their studies at college. I am sure that I will be inspired in return from their different personalities and their level of culture and intelligence. My final wish is that all the students I have taught will succeed or even shine in the Lebanese baccalaureate. On a personal level, I wish that this program will give me more confidence and will make me a better person. Finally I am very thankful to the USP, specifically to the American people who had open many horizons to me and have offered me a wonderful expedience to accomplish my responsibilities toward my community in a domain that I consider my hobby and my job at the same time.



I still remember the day I received the call from the LAU scholarship office. Without any exaggeration, it was the best thing that has ever happened to me because it has always been my intention to get the best education possible so that when I return home I can be better equipped to serve my community and my country. This scholarship enabled me towards achieving this. To begin with, my story with this scholarship is unbelievable. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky in my official exams because my biology exam was lost, so the final result was blocked. Although this happened, LAU believed in me and in my ability, competence, and capacity. It gave me the chance to continue in the student evaluation process until the issuance of the results. In reality, this scholarship offered me the opportunity to live in a dorm in which I established strong relationships with all my colleagues especially with my roommate. For instance, in that place I discovered the real meaning of” friendship”. Finally, I don’t know how to adequately express my gratitude. I simply want to write “Thank you.”



In the words of Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, there is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will. In other words, every USP student possesses an iron will. Each and every one of us has a strong will witch made him or her get this marvelous scholarship from the American people. When one first enters to LAU, all persons in charge are warmly welcoming even the huge campus itself. Our responsibilities keep boosting us and enhancing our self-esteem through giving us valuable hints, starting with the “wings” of Mr. Samia to the beneficial workshops. Moreover, it is a dream coming true and changing my whole life. When I was first accepted at LAU, I was so elated that I achieved such a crucial and great success which revolutionary changed my life. Therefore, I am so proud of being a part of the LAU lovely family and also meeting such special persons and friends. Real friends are hard to get but USP students are so friendly and reliable, especially my friends in USP III whom I spend my best days with. Last but not least, this scholarship is a great challenge which is going to stamp my whole life. Thank you USAID, LAU, and all the activities that helped us from the beginning, reinforced our will, and finally made our dreams come true!



Opportunities in life strike, with us unaware of their value and existence. We tend to abjure some, though they offer us the chance to transcend the life we know. I am a believer in the law of attraction which I came across in the book The Secret which states that: “positive thoughts attract positive events.” Thus as I applied for the scholarship, I had confidence in myself that I was going to be an LAU student, though to be honest I was not cajoled by the urges of hesitating or giving up; on the contrary, it kept my dream alive. My demure sparkles of hope exploded in the face of failure and here I am proudly a USP scholar. To be real the whole idea of this scholarship is out of this world; you get treated like a king just to learn, I still remember one of my friends saying in the USP orientation: “Am I dreaming? Please somebody pinch me”. When I remember the process I had to pass through and the obstacles I had to abolish to reach the top of the mountain, a Mona Lisa smile strikes my face. USP frankly changed my life; and if I had to compare the person I was on August 27 and the person I am right now, I would be elated to express the difference. The point is USP made me deal with people that not only drank from the bottle of life but also poured some water back in, and when you deal with professional people who excelled at what you both do, you keep inflating the world of knowledge you are living in with the air of perfection. We are taught to fly above difficulties by the means of the Wings of Academic Excellence and Leadership by Mr. Elie Samia. We USP scholars are being prepared to gnash the world with the alacrity of planting progress and development in our country. We are the seeds; we are the water, and frankly who knows? Maybe we are the soil.


MOHAMMAD SHEHAB Civil Engineering USP 3

“USP changed my life” is a great topic to talk about. USP was a turning point for me. Many things in life have been modified. The most important things that have been modified are responsibility, lifestyle, and social life. At first, it was very hard for me to accept that I had a new life full of responsibilities and challenges. When we were in school, there was no responsibility. But at this stage, there is no place for fun. Maybe one mistake gets me out of this grant. Another thing that is important to any one of us is lifestyle. My lifestyle changed because I live in the dorms. So, it is essential that I should get know new students from different religions and cultures and accept them because they will become my second family; and all students will become sisters and brothers in spite of the differences between us. At school, I went from my house to school and back. So, I was very fanatic about my opinions and religion but when I came here I learned how to accept others. In addition, I learned how to cook food and make food by myself. For me it is the most important thing. Furthermore, my social life changed. USP strengthened my personality and self-confidence. With the social activities and workshop, I can improve my social relationships and I can talk to any person without any hesitation or fear. Also, there is an important thing that any person hopes to achieve which is a perfect personality that leads him/her to a good career and relationships with his/her society. Finally, I thank USAID and USP for this grant and I hope I will be as they expected.



People say heroes don’t exist. In fact they do. A hero is not that person we see on TV and movies with supernatural powers; a true hero in the real world is a person who gives voices to people who can’t stand up and speak, a person who gives others the chance for a better life, sharing his life advantages with the disadvantaged. That hero of mine is USAID. They did not just give us scholarships to learn, they gave us a key that opens the door to a brighter future, a future full of wisdom and knowledge. They gave us the ability to make a difference in the world. Like Mr. Elie Samia says: “In order to fly we need two wings.” Honestly without the USP program I would be now a shivering, one-winged bird having dreams and no means to achieve them. Without this program my life would be a graveyard with buried hopes and dreams. Simply put, this scholarship changed my life. It made me realize that even in the darkest moments God still pours out His blessings on us. Every single detail in the university had changed me. It made me be more optimistic, self- confident, strong and independent. At first, I was like there are 1000 of students applying, I have no chances”. But then I realized that I was given a chance that was worth embracing. In the morning they were calling to announce the ones that were accepted. I was sleeping when the phone rang. I woke up, answered, and was given the news that I was accepted, then I went back to sleep. After 5 seconds I realized what happened so I started screaming and dancing like a maniac. That fraction of time in my life was the thing that changed my life: I could attend LAU and achieve my goals. I can only say that I have an enormous feeling of gratitude towards USAID and the LAU staff that made this possible.


MOUHAMAD AL SAYED Electrical Engineering USP 3

I am a shy person. I don’t think I ever really hated anything about myself except for that. Being shy used to make me really mad because this thought was printed on my mind and controlled my actions. I felt like people were judging me all the time because I was quiet. Before my acceptance into LAU and participation in all these workshops, everyone thought I was a fragile shy boy who always followed rules and got perfect grades. I did not stop trying to be an outgoing person, and with the entire USP III team I got the opportunity to learn about friendship skills and earn these skills. Adapting to this new environment was not easy, but with all my friends in USP III program I was able to overcome this issue. Now with my big family, the USP program, I am able to participate in all the discussions and workshops because I have become a trustworthy leader.



Receiving the scholarship plays an integral role in helping students realize their educational ambitions. I have always heard about some students who get scholarships to some respected universities, but I never thought that it would happen with me. USP III!! The first time I heard this word was when a delegate from the Lebanese American University came to our school to introduce to us what this program was about. I liked it a lot, but I was first confused over whether to apply or not because I wasn’t sure if I would be accepted but then I said, “Why don’t I apply and see what will happen?” A couple of weeks later I start receiving calls telling me every time about the next step. But after I saw the enormous number of students, as I went in for every test I was almost definite that it would be my last. Finally I got this wonderful and generous scholarship and it really changed my life. This experience taught me to have confidence in my abilities and skills, confidence in what I can do and achieve. It brought me to a new world full of energy and life, to make new and good friendships. A special thing that I learned from here is to benefit from and take advantage of all the opportunities that we might face because some things just happen once in our lives. In the end, your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you helped me.



“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh !!!!” This was my first reaction when the beautiful lady who worked at LAU office called me. First of all, I was chocked and full of joy and happiness by the awesome news that has completely changed my life. As far as this scholarship has turned me into a more responsible person because I have learned how to take care of myself without the help of my parents. Also, I have discovered the real deep meaning of independent because of USP, and it is having the freedom to choose either this or that referring to your own personal ethics and beliefs. In addition, my self-confidence has developed because after this achievement I’m sure that all my dreams can come true with wellness, persistence insistency and hard work. Today, the sky is my limit and I don’t have the word surrender in my dictionary. I’m certain that the past is the past and I have learned from all my faults; the future is what will happen when I’m excelling in mthepresent with my passion and ambition. Last but not least loving what you do and doing what you love in life is the ideal deal; therefore, never say never to your dream, goals, or something you love because the love in our souls is what makes us alive.



The story began when this blond woman entered our humble class. My classmates were so excited as if they were waiting for the moment to get distracted. The woman started telling us about this university called LAU and a scholarship program called the USP. My friends started babbling about their previous knowledge about this scholarship; on the other hand, the sparkles filled my eyes, those eyes that carry the dream of creating a change in the universe, the dream of becoming a scientist. Indeed, this dream was like a miracle for an ambitious girl. The woman left and I started thinking about what my life would become if I got the scholarship; however, the image of this woman never left my mind. She is the one who spreads the sprinkles of hope all over my life, a hope that one day my dream will come true. I was overwhelmed with the idea of going to a traditional university where horror and fear are the slogans for these types of universities or, as everyone was saying, the prison of education and mistreatment. The seemingly tired eyes, the piles of books I will be buried under, and the introverted personality. That is how I imagined my life in a traditional university. But thank you USP since after the hard procedure that I encountered during the selection process, I’m finally living the dream. USP did change my life. It showed me the real route toward success, and it taught me that everything can be possible; thus, the dream of changing the world is not an impossible task. For all the people who doubted my ability, for all people who tried to convince me to quit, for all those who dubbed me insane I would like to say I did not surrender and I believed in myself. In addition, I knew that with persistence I would reach. USP changed my life. It taught me the concrete meaning of responsibility, humanity, and benevolence. Finally, I will be thanking the USP my whole life for helping me find myself and making me a better person. 230


“Congratulations, you have been accepted into LAU University,” were the most pleasant words of very few that made my heart literally jump between my ribs. Those words were just a preamble for a novel and salient life that even I did not know about, but my heart longed for it and it was always a wish that tickled my dreams and was the center of my prayers every night. Little did I know that this opportunity would be a complete makeover for my personality. It would create a new me. At the beginning, after I had moved to the university and dwelled on the campus, my happy feelings took a step backward, for everything was different and new, and suddenly I found myself having to do everything on my own, and my mom isn’t here to do my chores for me, and my sister isn’t there to help me, also my friends weren’t present to assure me that everything was going to be okay. I felt depressed and alone, but I did not know till later that these hard times were going to bring the best out of me; if you want to make lemonade you get to squeeze a lemon or two; for I learned how to depend on myself in working hard to get what I want, without wishing any aid from others, and I also understood how to use my eyes in looking behind the horizon, and in longing behind the limits. Moreover, I found out how to be optimistic and positive, because I am sure that as luck blew my seal once, it will do again; and if it blows violente storms, I am sure I am well prepared and capable of handling the wheel and reaching the safe shore. There are many valuable lessons that every teacher fails to teach and that can only be perceptible and felt by the senses, for the most crucial and beautiful things in life can’t be touched or seen, but can only be felt by the heart, and university life gave me the opportunity to try them. So, I am very grateful to USAID that granted me this precious opportunity that I will sow, hoping that time will be as bloomy and flourishing as my toils. 231


I still remember that moment when Ms. Grace called me: “Congratulations Patricia, you have been accepted at LAU.” And I still can’t forget my parents’ tearful laughter at that moment. The dream came true. 2013 was a very challenging year for me. I was so confused about my future. I did not think much about which university I would choose, because I had no choice. The Lebanese University is the least expensive one. But I was constantly thinking about what major to decide on and who I wanted to be. LAU made it all easier for me and made it all possible. The University Scholarship Program USP has offered and is offering me the best opportunity, not only in education, but also in civic and social engagement. It is helping me to be a future leader. I am now a business major student. I am living in the dorms near the campus with my roommate who I have newly met, having a whole new life. I thought it would not be easy to detach from my family and live in a different area. Even though I was concerned about distance, courses, grades, acquaintanceship and friendships, I decided not to let my anxiety affect my life and hold these things over me. It is a good new experience that I should go through. USP has not only changed my life but it has also improved it. Now I am adapting to the new environment, having new friends, enjoying life on campus, attending workshops and lectures to enrich my knowledge, and participating in activities and events to have some fun. In short, I am happy and totally satisfied thanks to USP, to my parents who believed in me, and to God for all His blessings.



As a small kid I used to be a very bright student with high grades and I had a goal to continue my education as far as I could. Time went by and my family was not very well. My father’s death made me drop out of school because there was no income and I had to work every day in a restaurant to help support my family. As the three years I was working in passed, I realized that this was not the goal I had promised myself a long time ago and these were not the ambitions I had visualized in my head. That is why after three years I decided to go to school again and work on the weekends only. And as I did that, I got really high grades but yet again money problems were staring down at me, limiting my every chance to go any further in my education. I filled out the USP application and thought it was a long shot I would never get. With every acceptance call I got from LAU, one thing was getting clearer and it was that my goal to continue education might be attainable once again. I was at work when LAU called to tell me that I had passed the final selection process and that I was officially going to get a higher education. With every passing day I thank USP for helping me achieve the goal I thought I would never see accomplished. Now I walk on the road to success, success in both academia and civic engagement.



Studying at LAU has always been a dream of mine, but it always seemed hard to achieve. However, on August 12 that dream became a reality. After a long wait, I got a phone call that changed my life: I was accepted as a USP student. Being a part of this amazing program not only offered me the education I dreamt about, but it also showed me the good aspects of life. I got to help a lot of people and engage in humanitarian projects. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said : “The purpose of life is not to be happy, it is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lives and lived well,” this is exactly what USP has taught me. I have been part of the USP for four months now, and during this short period a lot has happened. I learned so many skills and made a lot of new friends that are now like family to me… If so many positive things happened in my life with only four months of engagement in the program, I cannot wait to see what will happen next!


RASHID SLEEM Computer Engineering USP 3

Everything has a start and an end eventually. However, truly pleasant things go as soon as they come though we really wish their existence would be eternal. The University Scholarship Program funded by USAID has given me the opportunity to excel with a great quality of education, abundance of extracurricular activities, and an amazing faculty. It has given me the chance to do and to use my abilities and skills to be and not only to dream. In other words, it gives me the opportunity to help me reach my goals of becoming a successful computer engineer. It is my first fall semester as a USP scholar in the Lebanese American University. Throughout my short experience, I have met many amazing professors who give me their time despite the amount of students they teach. In this short time, I live a life experience that made me stronger, more determined, and more sociable than ever.What I like most about USP is the variety of activities one can get involved in and the diversity of people. These activities make me more sociable and allow me to be a leader who can serve the Lebanese society. I was honored to be accepted into the USP. I hope to be able to continue studying at LAU and get a PhD degree. That for now is my most important goal. The financial aid that this award has given me is of tremendous help. I greatly appreciate the help you have given me so far. Your help means a lot to me. Finally, after one semester as a USP scholar in the Lebanese American University, I would like to personally thank the LAU family for all of the emotional and financial support which they have allotted to me during my time at the university. Also, I want to say that I love my LAU and USP family.



Every person has his own interests. Ever since I was in the first grade I have been interested in math and I considered Einstein as my model .When I started my third secondary year, I started to think about university. Being a student from the middle class, paying for college was surely a struggle for me. But one day, an LAU representative came to my school and talked about the USP program, explained it, and gave us the application. I decided to apply for this scholarship since I knew that I could not fund the tuition, along with textbooks and housing. But this scholarship could achieve my dream which was studying math in an important university like LAU instead of being an English major student that I did not want at the Lebanese University. After a long process of submitting documents, making exams, attending interviews and workshops, I got accepted into the program .This scholarship, or what I called it “the gift of God” has changed many things in my life .First USP have gave me the opportunity to major in what I love, and without it I would be studying English. Second, it has changed many things in my personality. For example, I became an optimistic person with a stronger desire for socialization. In addition to that, USP has made me more responsible and helpful through our leadership activities. Moreover, the USP program has given me the chance to see many places such as MEA and Beirut Marathon that I would not be able to visit if I had not been accepted. Finally by accepting me, USP has given me a future. To illustrate, USP gave me the chance to study and take a diploma from a university like LAU. Furthermore, participating in social activities and having internships will make my future career and employment much easier. Finally I want to thank the American people for this gift, and I advise every student that loves to complete his/her education to never give up because miracles exist if we believe in them, and as I say “Every problem has a solution”. 236

RAYAN GAZALAH Computer Science USP 3

In life, we all have something that has changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a person’s perception happen to be an experience that they have gone through and learned from. The moment I was accepted as a “University Scholarship Program” (USP) student I started thinking about my future in a serious way. In addition, this experience taught me more about social and academic responsibilities, and how to cope with new situations. To begin with, my experience with USP made me a more responsible person. First of all, as a USP student there are several academic requirements. For example, I should maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Moreover, I have social commitments to fulfill. For instance, each and every one of the USP students is required to do a project, in different areas, as a community service and civic engagement activity. Therefore, the responsibilities that USP students need to carry out is enormous. Furthermore, such a colossal acquaintance made me a carry on individual. First, I learned how to respect other’s assessments. To illustrate, in the USP family there are many people who are intellectually different, and USP taught me to estimate others’ beliefs and opinions. Also, I became more flexible while dealing with problems. To demonstrate, when I face an academic dilemma, or any kind of conflicts, I can easily solve it. Furthermore, if I were exposed to a new situation, I would smoothly cope with it. Thus, this stunning experience made me resilient. To conclude, everyone will face something that is going to change his life. For me USP changed my life for good as I became more responsible and a carry on individual. Also, USP is the most stunning experience I have ever had.


REEM HASHEM Civil Engineering USP 3

Like any high school senior, I was really lost and depressed about my future. At which university will I be accepted? What will be my major? And a lot of other questions were crossing my mind. Then, the USP people visited our school. I, like everyone else, was overwhelmed with the amazing generous program, wishing that I may be accepted into such a program. I wasn’t that lucky in my life so I wasn’t really sure that I would be accepted, but still I had hope since my grades were very high. Everybody took an application and was very excited about it. Actually, I had some troubles in getting an application since they ran out quickly, so I photocopied it with a friend of mine – she was accepted too and she is a USP III scholar now. Then during the month when we stayed at home because of some political reasons, I filled the application with great desire and collected the necessary needed papers. I feel great when I remember that period of my life since I feel that I was on the right track. Of course, I did the exams and started applying for other universities and programs. Here came the shock. I failed the Lebanese University’s entrance exam which was the biggest shock ever since I was one of the smartest students at my school. Then all the doors closed in front of me since I could not afford the tuition for private universities. I spent the whole summer lost and worried until I had that great call asking me to come and do the interview at LAU. I decided that I wanted that scholarship more than anything in the world. I did the interview in a confident way, and after two long weeks I finally got the acceptance call. That call actually changed my whole life. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I gained my confidence again and showed my friends and relatives that I am a successful lucky woman with the best scholarship in the world. USP did not actually change my life. USP saved my life, my future, and my self-confidence. Now I feel great since I am financially independent from my parents at this young age. USP is a great experience that I am going to tell my children about.



After a long trip of learning at school, making the first steps to the future, and searching for the success, I heard about USP. I was very surprised, it was beyond my expectations. In one word, it was a dream. From that moment on, it became my biggest challenge. I started to work hard, study, and collect all the documents that were required. Then, after a long adventure of testing and competing, I won the challenge. The dream was coming true, and USP was changing my life. It had opened the door for me to embark on the world of LAU and be a member of this great family. USP has also given me the chance to get the world’s attention, and to make it proud of me. My family, friends, and all the people around me were happy, giving me their support and love; that’s how USP helped me improve my self-confidence. It was a way to meet new people and build new relationships. In addition, this program has given me dependence, and has charged me with responsibility. Also, USP gave me the opportunity to take advantages of what it offers. USP is the best gift I have ever received, and I really appreciate it, I am truly grateful for your generosity. I can say that USP is a new story to add to the book of success, and it might be the best one because it is where the other stories begin.


ROUBA KAAFARANI Civil Engineering USP 3

Many things in this life go in unexpected directions and change everything for the better sometimes and sometimes for the worst. My experience is in the Lebanese American University, especially in the University Scholarship Program which is known as the USP. When I first submitted my papers I had no hope of getting accepted. This feeling grew in me when I went to the exams, especially after I saw the huge number of people from every region of Lebanon there. After I finished my official exams, I totally forgot about the scholarship till they called me and told me that I was accepted as a part of the LAU family. Many emotions were inside me, happiness and satisfaction were the two first. Thanks to USP, I found new and nice friends that I became very close to. I learned that a brilliant student should have academic intelligence and leadership skills. Also thanks to this program, I can help my society and even my country to develop. It gave us the opportunity to study in one of the most famous universities in Lebanon. Moreover, each one of us, the scholars, became more sociable and helpful to other people. I can finally say that this experience cannot be written with words; it should be written with feeling and a big “thank you America” for such an opportunity.


SADEK ABED ALI Civil Engineering USP 3

I had never imagined myself as an LAU student. It was just a dream that I did not’ believe would be a reality some day. The hope to fulfill this dream began when an LAU delegate visited our school to introduce the USP program. From that day on, I was determined to get this scholarship. Thus, I worked myself to the bone, and I did whatever was possible to improve myself. The scholarship was my only hope. Besides this hope, a feeling of fear accompanied me. But finally, I got the scholarship, and the dream of being an engineer became very near. The reality was greater than the expectation. The life at LAU is a very interesting experience. USP gives me the opportunity not only to improve myself academically, but also to improve my personality. Due to the activities at LAU, my leadership skills have improved a lot, and I have become more self-confident than ever. Moreover, USP gave me the chance to live in a dorm. Thus, it taught me how to be responsible person. Also, I have become more sociable than before; I have built a lot of friendships and other relationships. It is easier to make friends when everyone lives within close proximity of each other. We live all together as a one big family. At last, I want to thank LAU, USAID, and the American people for giving me such a chance which can create my expected future.


SAFA HAMZEH Communication Arts USP 3

About half a year ago I applied to USP scholarship program. After I got accepted in the first selections, I waited for the finale. The week after these selections was dreadful. As I waited, it felt like the process was taking forever. Then I got this phone call. I was accepted! It was one of my best days of life. I knew I was a lucky student as I was chosen among hundreds of Lebanese applicants. My confidence grew the day I stepped into this outstanding university. With LAU’s excellent education and activities, I am sure that I will get the chance to have a brilliant resume and thus a great future. I am thankful for USAID and LAU for giving me this amazing opportunity to embark, explore, and discover.


SAFAA AL HAJJ Computer Engineering USP 3

USP III, the first time I saw this word was after getting the application. I did not know what it meant and I did not imagine that it would change my life and my ambitions. I started filling the application with the appropriate information and when I arrived to the page of majors, I was confused. Since my childhood, my dream was to be a doctor and I entered the Life Science track because I planned on going to the Lebanese University to study medicine. But, when I looked at the majors, unfortunately medicine was not included: it is not covered by the scholarship. So, I chose two majors: nutrition and computer engineering. Then, in the interview they told to me that they would accept the first major which was nutrition. But, I told them that I preferred computer engineering and they accepted my demand. This scholarship changed my plans from medicine to another totally different field which is computer engineering. However, now, I am so happy because I chose this major and I think that the scholarship opened to me a big window to a prosperous future. Also, I am a lucky person because I was accepted into this wonderful big family, the family of LAU.



The story began at that biology class. All of a sudden the teacher stopped the lesson telling us that LAU would like to give us a visit. When I first got introduced to the LAU-USAID program, I could not believe what the American government along with LAU was offering...I felt something special about that program and based on that I started preparing the necessary documents before the application deadline. And I used to receive calls from LAU every now and then informing me about the exams and the interview which I passed through. On normal summer day, my phone rang unexpectedly. Oh! That’s the number that makes my heart beat faster and faster each and every time! When I heard that I was accepted as a USP student, I did not know what to say...That phone call really left me speechless! I’m one of the students that LAU was seeking. After that, days were running fast: signing papers, attending orientations and workshops. I then packed my things and moved to the dorms. Actually I could not imagine myself leaving my family...But here I am and in less than three months I made a wonderful family along with amazing friends. Now I’m enjoying an amazing life on campus joining different clubs and participating in activities such as the Beirut Marathon which was really a beautiful experience! I could confidently say that this new life made me a different woman as I increased my self-confidence and now I’m capturing every single opportunity to benefit from this chance! All in all, I can proudly say that USAID, along with LAU, made my life such an amazing one to live where I can in terms of both academics and leadership skills. Thank you LAU and thank you USAID for such an opportunity that each one of us should benefit from!


SAMIRA ABOU ALFA Political Science/ International Affairs USP 3

On December, 6, 1995 – 18 years ago – a girl called Samira Abou Alfa was born somewhere in Lebanon and had a special story. She was the first born in her family. In fact, this girl was growing up with some difficulties where she had many problems in her life; for instance, she was somehow shy and silent. She did not have friends and was always lonely and isolated. Moreover, they all blamed her silence and lack of selfconfidence, and they did not even try to understand her; thus, no one expected her to be a special person in the future. Although she was silent, she heard each comment the others said about her, so she aimed to make a difference. Day by day, she had been growing up with her dream till she started to achieve it by the age of eight where she became the first in her class, and she started to show many talents which had been hidden for many years. Despite all achievements that she did, no one respected her but considered her success as luck. The most important change in her life was when she applied to a challenging scholarship, the USP scholarship. As usual, nobody expected that she will get it, but she insisted on proving them wrong.


Therefore, she studied well for the official exams in order to get a score above 12.5, she collected all the required papers and did her best to not skip any details, she did well in the entrance exams, and she performed well in the interview. It was a Monday when a good person told her that she got accepted to this scholarship. Then she achieved the victory which changed her life completely. Now, she is a USP III student which means that she is a sociable, intelligent, and efficient person is respected and appreciated by all. The USP program changed her life for the best and made her a successful person who will be well educated and well trained to integrate successfully in this hard society.



“You have been accepted to the Lebanese American University for the BS in nursing” That was the best statement that changed my entire life. After I received a call from LAU, I could not believe myself. At that moment, I realized that the time had finally come to start building my future and choose my path toward success and unlimited dreams. At that time, I was puzzled, got flashbacks of my life before, and drew an image of what it will become. First of all, I was hopeless and I was trying to adjust to the reality of being unable to attend university because of our financial need, saying deep inside that this university will never be that place that I can call my second home. After applying to the USP scholarship, a spindle of hope entered my life even though the chance of being accepted was little and out of reach. I never lost hope and always stayed optimistic. My insistence, strong determination, and belief in myself and in my abilities allowed me to be one of USP students after all. Moreover, I started seeing life from a different perspective and felt that I became independent and responsible for protecting this huge chance. This program increased my self-confidence, changed my personality, made me more sociable, gave me the chance to discover new cultures and meet new friends who became in a very short time my second family. In addition to that, the door toward success has opened in front me all because of this marvelous opportunity that I gained.


SARA ABORIDA Computer Science USP 3

Few months ago I was dreaming about succeeding in my dream major, and becoming a successful programmer, and showing off my abilities. I was dreaming of opportunities to help and improve my community and spread joy all around. Now, I cannot be more thankful to be able to achieve a high quality education at a very good university. Because of this scholarship I had the opportunity to achieve my ambitions and make my dreams come true, to learn the major that I love, and to do social activities to serve my community. Since the new academic year started, I have collected plenty of skills that I always wanted to learn in my major, I have gotten involved with so many social concerns and issues, and I have volunteered in beautiful community serving activities. Planting cedars for Lebanon was one of the most remarkable and beautiful experiences I ever had and one of the most beautiful services I’d ever wish to do for my country, in addition to the other opportunities I’m grateful for participating in! With faith, life can take you wherever you dream to go, and this scholarship gave me wings to achieve few of my endless dreams. It was a turning point and a start for me to walk on the path of my dreams in life. I could not be more thankful about being able to learn experiences in education and in life, about the ability to serve and make others happy hoping one day I might graduate and succeed and be halfway on the life learning journey.



My mother used to whisper in my ear, “God helps those who help themselves.” I was a little kid when she told me that opportunities were made for everyone, but we just have to find our way to them. It was when I looked around me and found that there was no one to depend on and that I only had my mother, who had believes in me and believes that I could change my world and hers to a better one. Her beliefs where all she could offer to me, so I always thought to myself that I needed I miracle. Thank you USAID for turning this miracle into reality. I always dreamed of being here, thirsting for whatever knowledge I could squeeze out of this great school, but what I found here has been more than fulfilling. Knowledge radiates from every corner of the buildings. This scholarship has literally changed my life. I am so thankful here where I have found everything I was seeking. I have nothing but an enormous feeling of gratitude towards those who made this scholarship possible through their donations. I am having a great academic and social life, friends from everywhere, and the opportunity to serve my society. I could not be in a better place without scholarship patrons like you. There would be many students such as myself unable to pursue the career they have dreamed of. Thank you for awakening my ambitions and reviving my dreams, thank you for changing my life and the lives of many.



I still remember the morning I found out that I was accepted into the USP program. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. At first, I could not believe what happened; it was a really amazing morning. It is not every day that a girl who grew up in Baalbek from the middle class gets the opportunity to attend LAU and receive a scholarship. It has been always my dream to get the best education in order to have the chance to serve my community and help people in my area who are in need. Even though it has not been a long time since I got this scholarship, it helped me to improve many things in my life especially my personality. This USP program made me independent because I became responsible for myself, living alone without my parents and having an income. This taught me how to handle things without others’ help and to be independent. Moreover, it strengthened my personality and made more flexible through the workshops and activities. I learned how to communicate and present myself with confidence in front of others. In addition, the diversity in the USP program made me accept people from different sects, religions, and regions. This scholarship helped me a lot by changing my personality towards the best. I really appreciate and respect the people that are responsible for the USP program; I just want to say how thankful I am for them and for this amazing program that gave me and many other people the chance to be a part of the LAU family.


TAREK ABDALLAH Computer Science USP 3

After obtaining the scholarship opportunity, I started realizing that a billion details were changing in my life. First, I became more involved in societal development by being a part of the OCE, NGOs, and university clubs and events which were targeted at serving the community. Moreover, while serving my community, it has in return improved my understanding of people, enriched my knowledge about many things, and made me feel satisfied about who I’m becoming. Second, the USP experience supported our creativity and encouraged us to give our best, especially after meeting Mr. Al Hout who started from nothing and achieved a lot. Also, my dreams are no longer limited to live, now I dream to not only be effective in my environment but also be a good worker with a proper job. The USP team is always working on leading us to the right way and showing us the huge number of available opportunities which motivate our ambitions. Third, after becoming a part of the LAU family, I started meeting people from different backgrounds and living with them as humans despite the minor differences between us. Finally, being LAU alumnus with the different skills I am learning will give me priority in labor force. USP did not give me only a good education, it is getting me a successful and happy future.


WAEL KOSSEIFI Electrical Engineering USP 3

The USP scholarship is a scholarship that everyone dreams of. It isn’t just a scholarship that gives you education; it is the one that gives you a high level of education and makes you a better, socialized person. I was a person that did not want to share with others, but after I had been living as a family with the USP scholars and after doing activities and community services, I found out that life isn’t about having success and making money; it is about living this life and then dying with a self-satisfaction that in this world there is someone I have helped and who will remember me. There is a quotation that says: “Tell what have you done, I tell you who you are.” No one will remember me for my money or for my car… Life is giving us everything, we should give back.USP taught me many precious qualities like perseverance and never giving up. Once I put a goal, I should keep following my goal until it is accomplished. It is a good feeling to know that there is someone looking after you, telling you what to do to prevent making mistakes. Mr. Frederick Mourad, Miss Rita May, Miss Rana Salloum, and Mr. Hassan Baalbaki are like guardian angels. Thank you for watching my back and helping me not to lose this scholarship. These people are my family. USP gave me this opportunity for higher education and social activities, and lately I realized what Mr. Samia said about the two wings: education and extracurricular or social activities. From the beginning he was right. Everyone needs to know that without these two wings, no personality is complete.



I want to thank the American people who through their empathy made the USP program to help the Lebanese people who need it in many domains. One of these domains is education. It offers scholarships for Lebanese students who are in public school sand have financial problems which prevent them from going to university. I was one of the ninety four students who applied to Lebanese American University (LAU) scholarship program and were chosen from five hundred students from all over Lebanon to take this scholarship which support two domains, academia and civic engagement which are helping our society. This scholarship not only gave me the opportunity to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon but also changed my personality, my way of thinking, and my behavior as well. After I took this scholarship, I became more confident. I trust in my abilities and believe that nothing is impossible if there is the will and insistence. Moreover I started to feel that I’m responsible for my community to make it better, and as I was helped by the American people I should help others who need me as much as I can by working as a volunteer. Really, I thank the American people and everyone who worked on the USP program for giving me this opportunity.



Since I was young, I started drawing my future and dreams using the pencil of imagination. However, year after year a lot of them were erased because of challenges and experiences. Suddenly, opportunity opened its gate to achieve the most important and amazing dream which is the USP scholarship. If you are asking me about it, I will tell you that USP program differs from all other programs. It is the light which beams out a thousand stars and one soul which animates all men. USP really changed my life and personality since the day I did the required exams in at LAU. At that day I was saying to myself, “It is next to impossible to be chosen from about 800 students.” Then, I reached the second stage and did the interview, but my panic did not stop until I got the USP scholarship. The challenge gave me more self-confidence, hope, and power to achieve my goals and to never give up in hard times. The events continued to be more interesting after I began the semester. Actually, I had never before seen a program that, besides academic improvements, always searches for beneficial workshops, activities, joyful events, etc. and watches students to give them support to reach their highest levels like the USP does. It is an honor to be one of the USP students for its generosity has continued my inspiration to struggle more and overcome obstacles. It also gives me the chance to be a part of my second family, LAU. Finally, I can have no other answer, but thanks, and thanks.


USP 5 USP 3 New

ABDALLAH CHAMRA Computer Science USP 5

LAU changed my life positively in a huge way. It increased my capacity of taking responsibilities. In addition, the personal and financial independence which the scholarship gave me increased my self-awareness and my maturity. At LAU I learned how to reorganize my priorities to access my ambition. Studying and graduating from a university like LAU is a big support for my career and will give me a lot of special opportunities in the future. Finally, LAU gave me the opportunity to interact with people from different countries, cultures and religions.


AKRAM NAWFAL Civil Engineering USP 5

“My name is Akram Nawfal; a civil engineering student at the Lebanese American University”, words that I never thought I would say back in the high school days. And now only through the USP program, I am fully confident to share them. This program hasn’t just given me the opportunity to study in one of the finest universities in the Middle East, but it has also illuminated my career by equipping me with the appropriate skills to prosper after I graduate. I can comfortably say that I am not just an ordinary student at LAU but rather I am a USP student, since the difference can be easily told by the workshops and training sessions my USP fellows and I have attended during the past three years. Not to mention the social skills that are now part of my future plans whereby the program gives it applicants the opportunity to feel the responsibility towards the society I live within through the activities organized or advised to attend. After I graduate, I will be an engineer who can help people stay safe but also who can lead and help his society at achieve a better one. That’s what the USP program helped me to be.



Success is a consequence of self-confidence in every goal, and it’s only achieved if there is a deep believe in ourselves. When I was anxious if I was accepted in the sophomore exams, waiting my phone to ring and see LAU number. The phone rings and a very kind voice is asking if I am Alaa, in these moments I was hearing the lady’s voice and my heart’s beats. I was shaking until I hear: Your interview is on Monday at 8 morning, don’t be late’. I hang up while my family around me, staring at me and putting their ears near the phone to listen to what I was telling about. The moment I smile, my sister and brother started yelling and screaming: “Yes, Yes...” Monday came, I didn’t sleep the night before thinking about the questions that will be asked to me, and in which way I can answer .It was still dark when me and mom get to the car in the way to LAU, as we need more than three hours from Baalbeck to Hamra, Mama was praying all the way, when we reach to Hamra we lost the way to reach the university, I was too afraid to miss the interview time. Finally, after questioning many people on the street we arrive on time. I rushed to the admission office waiting for someone to call, beside me there was some students who were also called for the interview, I was more worried when I see the students’ faces since my opportunity will be less. A lady came and said: “Please Alaa enter...” For one moment, I wasn’t able to stood up, I entered with great smile and confident, too many questions were asked but I was excited in every question and I felt very free to answer because every question holds a reflection to my personality and the best one for me was: “Why you choose Lau.” My answer was very simple: “When I was here the first time, I felt in my bones that Lau will be my second home.” I left the room while hearing the judges were very satisfied and happy from my answers and convinced by my personality that I deserve this grant. Thank you USAID for these opportunities to Lebanese students, and thank you Lau for choosing me to benefit from the USAID scholarship. 258


First, I was a high school student and the principle of our school gave us the application of the scholarship. At that time the first thing I did was laugh and shout “it is impossible, how can I be accepted in this university.” The second thing was when we visited the university to apply for the exam, I tried to take pictures all around the university because I was thinking that it is the last visit to this university and it will be only a memory. It was really a dream that it is too far to be realized and everything was like that before the day I received the call of acceptance. A call changed my life, after a minute I started thinking about my dreams, my ambitions and my future. I tried to draw the way of my life in a couple of minutes. Receiving a scholarship from USAID to study at LAU is a dream for every student. All I could say that “the dream is now a reality”. This scholarship has really changed my life. My thoughts have changed and my aspiration has been well defined. It is the way to build a successful future. I am very grateful to the USAID for the opportunity given to me to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon and the Middle East. Finally, now I see the world from different perspective, I learn how we can help people, how we can draw a smile on children’s faces. You will think that the activities are something difficult but when you used to do them you will believe on their meanings and never stop doing them.



The key to moving forward, is to let your vision for your life be guided not by what you can see but by what you can imagine (Vujicic, 2010). Having a successful future was all I ever wanted. I always imagined what it would be like to attend college and to work hard for what I truly want. I was afraid that I couldn’t do it right but USP gave me the strength to do it, it gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams, it changed my life to the very best and it made me believe that I was given this life because I’m strong enough to live it as I want.



All I feel is gratitude. The USP program gave me the opportunity to pursue high education at the prestigious Lebanese American University. My dream became reality when I got this exceptional scholarship. It paved the way to meet professional instructors and to graduate knowing that I got the best education I could. This will allow me to enter the job field with a distinguished background and knowledge to complete any task that will be given to me. In addition to that, the USP program enriched me with leadership, time management, and communication skills that I will benefit from in my future career. I wish those three years would never end, but I am ready to continue excelling and making this program proud.



The scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying and furthering myself without additional worries. The options that are now open to me are numerous and I feel that whichever path I choose I have the confidence, skills and motivation to succeed at whatever I do. For me this scholarship is about much more than being able to study freely for the next year, it is also about how much my life has changed and how positive I feel towards the future.



Two years ago, my high school teacher informed me about the LAU scholarship and told me that I should apply. I answered, “how they will choose me from those thousands of applicants”. First, it was a dream to enter the Lebanese American University and I was a student from a public high school. Her persistence encouraged me to apply. I applied and began dreaming of being an LAU student. After several meetings in the university, they informed us that we were 100 applicants and only 54 applicants would remain based on several criteria. I anxiously waited for the call. On Saturday noon, my phone rang, the first words that I heard was “Congratulations Fadwa, you have been accepted to LAU”. It was one of the best moments I lived till today. Now, I am related to my beloved family. Finally, thanks USP, you changed deeply my life.


FARAH AL ABDALLAH Political Science & International Affairs USP 5

I don’t want to sound cheesy but USP literally changed my life. I believe that one thing can totally change the path of life and the path of my life changed all due to USP. I have new plans, new dreams and a new vision of life. All of these wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for USP. Today all what I see are determination and success and I’m sure that I will be successful soon. The USP team supported us and helped us through out this experience. We never felt as strangers, we always felt at home. Finally, today, now and at this moment I’m an LAU alumni.


FATIMA HALLAL Political Science & International Affairs USP 5

The University Scholarship Program (USP) is not only an opportunity to pursue your first degree in a prestigious university, but it is an opportunity of life time changing process. It is the first step in shaping one’s individual character to become the person he or she always wanted to be. Here at LAU leadership and volunteering opportunities are always available to me. The world seems different now and the experiences always gives me a push to strive for more success.



The USP program is not just a scholarship to have a degree; it’s a new way of life. Before entering the USP program, I didn’t care that much about the community services or the leadership activities. I thought that having good grades is what is important in order to get a job. But now I feel that the more services I do to help my society, the more important I am. In addition, now I have a great new family that supports me and leads me towards achieving my dream and acquiring new skills.



Back in high school, I had big ambitions and dreams. To reach them, I had to set several pathways ranging in difficulties and possibilities. The path starting by the Lebanese American University as a first step seemed impossible to me. But thanks to the generous University Scholarship Program, it became a reality. That summer of 2014 was at the same time the most stressful and exciting time of my life when I was applying for the program through several stages. Finally, after praying and waiting so long, I received the phone call informing me that I was accepted to be a USP scholar. It was a point of vast transformation in my life and I remember it took me time to believe that it was real not just a daydream. Since then, I had the opportunity to gain unlimited academic and non-academic skills. USP did not only helped me have access to educational courses, but also inspired me to be determinant about my goals even when they seem to be far and huge since they are worth all the hard work. USP also taught me through a number of workshops how to be successful in the career I am passionate about. In addition, the internships, the participation in activities, and the membership in clubs and NGO’s allowed me to discover my interests and to develop professional and leadership skills. These benefits offered by the program are not restricted to the years of enrollment at LAU; rather, they will continue and be developed furthermore through my life-time journey.



They say that without fate’s help, you can never achieve your dreams, after all you are what you are “meant” to be. With the USP program I got the power to decide my fate. As a student in a Lebanese public school , the chance of achieving my goals was minimal but with the USP program I got the chance to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon and in the middle east which made my dreams that seemed impossible one day , a reality that I am going for. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, my step was the USP program.



I first applied to the USP 5 scholarship, never thinking I would be accepted since I have never seen myself as that excellent hard-working student, nor that leader with high self confidence and communication skills. Nevertheless, I got accepted, and since then I have been learning how to be that person, shaping my personality, and learning more and more everyday. I want to thank all the people behind the USP program including the OCE and USAID, not only for giving me the opportunity of studying at LAU, one the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, and helping me shape my whole future by studying the major I love, but also for giving me the chance to help make a difference in my community and my country, and for introducing me to amazing, smart and optimistic people I’m proud to call friends and my role models. I graduated with a BS in computer science, but also with a new set of social and leadership skills, which helped me shape a whole new me. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will always remain a USP student, and I will always take advantage of all that the USP has taught me.



Before starting my studies, I was really fascinated by what a USP scholar could get. But when you’re a USP scholar you have much more; you learn how to be a leader, you learn how to serve your community, you learn how to be responsible, you learn how to balance between your education and your extracurricular activity. Being a Social Work student, makes the USAID experience different to me than it is to other USP scholars. Because everything we learn in social work about promoting change, empowering individuals and communities, looking for one’s strengths to bring change, actually lines up with what the Purpose of USP which is benefiting our communities and promoting change.”



Thanks to the USAID, I had the chance to experience a high level of academic environment, where the only things that matter are my skills, talent and capabilities. I would like to thank USAID not only for the scholarship but for making me realize that life is not only about what you can get, but also what you can give.



Since I heard about the University Scholarship Program, I did my best and worked the hardest to get the scholarship. I applied for BS in nursing because I had that potential of helping, empathizing and sympathizing towards people. I got accepted and as soon as we began with the first semester of nursing, I went through hard times concerning the material and adaptation to a new place away from family, so I could not handle it anymore and my grades were not satisfying. The USP staff at LAU called me to deal with the issue and I converted to social work. Even I did know about the major before I shifted away, but I fell in love straight away. USP did not only give me the chance to gain more practical and communication, in addition to be learning at LAU which is ranked the second in the Middle East, it also guided me to the major that fits to my motivation and personality. As my ambitions grow through social work, USP made me realize that improving our community comes by improving ourselves first and improving others regardless of what age, race or gender we belong to. Unfortunately, we have huge textbooks and lots of skills and implementations as social works, but it is easier with all the workshops and activities we enjoy as USP scholars. I adore being a USP scholar.



“Dreams Do Come True!” Being a student in LAU, which is one of the best universities in Lebanon, was my dream. After I knew that LAU, with the cooperation with the USAID, is offering scholarships for Lebanese students, I noticed that this is my only chance to achieve my goal. Because I believe that hard work and persistence are the reasons of success, I was ready to do everything to make my dream come true. From the first time I visited LAU to submit my application and all the required documents, I felt that this is my university and this is where I should be. I spent nights wondering and crying while waiting my acceptance. Knowing that we were shortlisted for several times depending on many factors, every time I noticed that my name is included, I started jumping all over my house. Time has passed, and it was the time to get the last answer that will change our lives. One day, I was in my work as a cashier when I suddenly saw my parents and sisters in front of me holding flowers and balloons. At that moment, I started screaming and was unable to believe that my dream did come true by being accepted to be one of the LAU family members. That was the best thing that could ever happen to me. Being an LAU student is the key for many opportunities in life and will be the reason behind my success. I am proud to be one of the USP students that are known by their high academic performance and leadership activities. Thank you LAU and the American people for making our dreams come true. I still have many dreams to pursue and I am self-motivated to make them come true. 273

HANI SAMI Computer Science USP 5

The Lebanese American University is first a second family for me. In the academic field it is the one of the best universities in Lebanon and as a USP student with a full scholarship, it became a responsibility on me. Receiving the scholarship was an honor and incentive. It made me more focused as a student and helped my family in terms of university costs. From the students and staff to my instructors, everyone is very helpful, patient and downright wonderful to work with. I am honored to receive this scholarship and will undoubtedly put it to good use. I was now be able to pursue my educational goals of being a full-time student. I intend to move forward striving for excellence both in and out of the classroom. My life also changes in the civic engagement field by joining clubs, doing activities in and outside LAU. So it improves my personality.



This program gave me the chance to join the LAU family. During this journey USP changed many things in my personality and it helped improving my communication skills. Also, I had the opportunity to meet people, attend workshops, and engage in many helpful activities.



First, USP is the program of pushing students to have chance for studying in good situations; it really changes the life of students and gives them a chance to be more active in the academic domain and leadership activities domain. I have passed by many testimonies during my enrollment in LAU. One of these testimonies is leadership’s activities that considered as an important concern in the USP program. Several leadership activities done inside and outside campus means a lot for me. I have done an activity outside campus in my town. The purpose of the activity is to appreciate the efforts of the workers in my past high school in relative with occasion of the Labor Day. The activity was so successful, and the labors were so happy because there is someone who remembered them in the Labor Day. Really, the USP program help me to be good and helpful person who think with others and improve his society through these activities.



USP was a turning point in everyone that was accepted in this program. When I was young, it was a dream that I could learn in such a university with best accreditation and professors that are the best in the region. I applied believing that I can do it and succeed among thousands of colleagues who were competing to get the scholarship. And that dream became true after a long journey of hard work. USP really changed my life, redirecting it toward a more prosperous future. I thank all the people who are responsible for this program and that are now waking up nights insuring the success and flourishing of it. I also thank LAU for embracing such a program for helping a lot of students.


IMAN AL GHOUL Graphic Design USP 5

Being part of the USP family has always been my dream. When I got accepted at first, I couldn’t believe that my dream finally came true. I am so privileged to be a student at LAU and studying Graphic Design, a major that I’ve been wanting to do since I was a kid. This great opportunity I was given by LAU assured me that dreams do come true and one should never lose hope but hold on to it. Thank you USP for changing my life to a great one. Thank you LAU for giving me the best education I could ever have.


ISRAA HASHEM Mathematics USP 5

I frequently look back and feel amazed by how blessed I am that I joined the USP family at LAU. Now, I’m pursing my studies in Mathematics and will be attaining a teaching diploma as well beforehand my graduation. It was a thoroughly new experience that I haven’t just been exposed to the theories in Math! I was up to clubs at LAU, workshops, NGO’s, and internships. Actually now I hold a huge pocket of benefits, knowledge, and proficiency in numerous fields. Time passed and was beneficial; to remain outstanding academically and be committed in more than one NGO at the same time is actually demanding. Yet, you don’t think of giving up at any moment and especially when you have people telling you: “When there’s a will, there’s a way.” Huge thank to the USP team. Everytime your will leads you somewhere worth, something comes to your mind: “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” Nelson Mandela. And now, with the USP team’s motivation and support, we are so prepared for any upcoming great hill! We are just ready for success. That’s how USP changed my life. Hopefully I won’t stop on this degree. I think it is just the beginning and that the journey has just started.


JANA ATWI Marketing USP 5

My life in the summer of 2014 was like the life of any other student searching for the suitable university to study at. Stress and a little confusion in regards to selecting both a university and major were all what crossed my mind while studying for a university’s admissions exam. The good news of relief and pleasure came when I received an unexpected call from LAU informing me that I was accepted as a full-scholarship student. I was extremely shocked and fell in love with the idea that moment, and actually I still am. The situation of being a full-scholarship student with a lot of responsibilities excited my head as I thought of the new personal goal I just achieved, and of the many other goals that newly became available for me to target and accomplish as the gates of LAU opened up to me that summer. Having a lot of academic, extracurricular, and volunteering responsibilities are the privileges I enjoyed after I was first accepted, and will remain the ones until and after I graduate. I feel much gratitude for the USAID team for choosing me out of a lot of applicants and for giving me the honor of being an LAU USP5 marketing student. From the time I was accepted, and until now, I believe that every accomplishment begins with the decision to try. Therefore, my scholarship is my motivation to succeed, to move on for the better, to look ahead at my skills and work on improving them, and finally to set even more challenging goals for myself to try and achieve.


JANA DAHER Nutrition USP 5

“A college degree is the key to realizing the American Dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity” - Dan Rather. Today, yesterday’s dream is my present. I have attained the life-changing University Scholarship Program and I am now pursuing my studies in Nutrition and Dietetics at the majestic Lebanese American University where knowledge radiates from every corner. I know it sounds cliché to say this, but USP has literally turned my life upside down. In 2015, I worked as an assistant inspector at the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade in the Beqaa district. I won the Most Active Member Award from the Safety Awareness Club at LAU that was also founded by USP scholars. This fall, I have started exploring my career life through my work in the Infection Control department at the Lebanese American University Medical Center (LAUMC). I am honored and grateful to be one of the recipients of the USP. I offer my sincerest thanks to your generous support and guidance.


JEAN EID Mathematics USP 5

As a kid, I used to see all these university students buying all they wish, have cell phones and cars... So I used to think that they get paid by their universities because it looked “big” to be a university student back then... I was very much frustrated when I learned that the opposite was true, and that students even have to work in order to afford tuition. USP is literally a dream coming true to me.


JNEID JNEID Electrical Engineering USP 5

Prior to the official exams, my father gave me a ride to school, which was not one of his habits. Once we got there, he looked me in the eyes and told me, “Look son I know you have the highest average in your school and you deserve to pursue your studies… But from now on you are on your own. I cannot afford your college expenses”. Words which are not easy to share but here I am now, a student who’s willing to put a large debt in this world through the Lebanese American University; Our University. Nothing is more powerful than fulfilling someone’s needs in terms of knowledge and future opportunities. That’s exactly what the USP program did!


JOELLE NASRALLAH Banking & Finance USP 5

September 9, 2015 was the greatest shift in my life. That day LAU called me and told me that I was accepted as a USP student at LAU. I still remember every single moment of that call and I think I will never forget it. USP gave me the opportunity to achieve the most important goal in my life career by majoring in Finance with a Math minor. USP is developing and strengthening my personality by preparing special workshops about several important topics that would be very helpful in my future career and life. USP has given me the opportunity to be independent. Although USP is a very interesting chance for us to beat in the academic field, USP gives us the opportunity to be very special leaders in our communities and societies. One of the best workshops that I attended as a USP student was a workshop about time management; it was a very interesting workshop since it helped me to manage my time in a better way. Before that workshop, I used to waste my time but I didn’t know how my time was wasted. I am so glad that I attended that workshop, so I am able to manage my time properly. My experience as a USP student is one of the very special and interesting experience that I would ever experience in my life; it has simply changed my whole life.



The scholarship is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I put all of my efforts and worked really hard in order to get it. It has a positive impact on my personality. I became more confident and courageous since I reached what I was dreaming of. It is the first step of achieving my goals.



“You came here to make your parents proud”, said a relative of mine who was congratulating me after I got accepted into the USAID scholarship Program at LAU. At first, nothing sounded wrong with that sentence. Then, the semester began and I met wonderful people and I must say, it was the first time I had experienced authentic social, cultural and religious diversity. I did not only dwell deeper into my surroundings, but also dwelled deeper into myself. The opportunities provided by this program, the vast array of activities and lectures that over-flooded the campus walls with their announcing posters and the indisputably magnificent library held the key to deeper self-indulgence. And it was by that time that I started figuring out what was wrong with that sentence. If I strive to make my parents proud solely and dismiss what I discovered I actually wanted, I will be sentencing myself a lifetime in a boundless prison. Don’t get me wrong. I want to make my parents proud. I want to make my community proud. I might as well want to make my entire country proud. However, above all, I wanted to make myself proud. If I stick out to what my parents or anyone else have in mind for me, I will be limiting myself. They might be satisfied if I meet their expectations, but I would only be disappointed. This scholarship taught me tons of things I would gladly go on to mention, but the most important and the most relevant one of them all was to strive to make my own self proud.



When I was standing on the high school graduation stage, I couldn’t remember anything but the worries that hunted me: what will I do after I get down from this stage? Where will I go? How can I accomplish my goals in a world where opportunities are rare...? I kept on those thoughts until one blessed day of a good summer erased my worries. That day, I became an USP student at LAU. I did not only get a scholarship, but I won even much more: a bright future, lots of opportunities, and the most important of all, a big family that is always there to catch me up if I ever fall.



It’s when your dream comes true that everything in your life changes according to the manifested dream. The idea of getting accepted at LAU by USAID was the dream, and that the acceptance has changed my whole life to a better one. This experience gave me a lot in terms of qualities and standards. I learned how to be responsible, how to express myself, how to work hard, and most of all how to be confident with my steps. All that and more happened in less than two years, the thing that made me believe in my abilities and that nothing is impossible even if it seems too hard to achieve. To me, this is the life experience that I am going to build on from now till the end.



At first I was a little bit doubtful that all the efforts and studies I had done through my high school years would go to waste. I had a heavy weight on my chest. I felt maybe just maybe...things won’t go the way I planned. But I stayed positive. I kept an optimistic view to ease my worries. I reminded myself that whatever happens I will accept it because always things go in the direction I plan and much better. When the phone finally rang, I felt some nausea. What if they will say I am not qualified? But at the same time, I felt that I will be selected since I have what it takes. When the admission office heart skipped a beat. They simply asked, “Do you still want the grant?” There was a moment of silence. I was startled! I was trying to find the words to say. “Of course I do!” They congratulated me. That moment I felt like I was flying. My dream of attending a sophisticated and esteemed University came true to become active and productive member in the society later. Finally, a brand new page was turned. The journey to enter the real world was about to begin. USP they take my hand to the right path of future. And I was more than ready. When I entered university, I kept in mind of the obstacles I may face. Thankfully, USAID lights my way. I SEE USAID IS ONE OF THE BEST PROGRAM IN THE WORLD NOT ONLY IN EDUCATION BUT IN ALL LIFE. The courses were to my content. The teachers were very kind and kept an open heart. The system was very well organized. The service was quick and beneficial. The campus was filled with nature. The atmosphere was very peaceful. Things were beginning to look good for me. Not only am I a part of a university but I am now a part of this one big academic family 289

of USAID and LAU. I was also able to attend clubs such as the Red Cross. There I learned to be responsible and active. I learned the skills to work with others. My club members were also kind as well. They always offered me a helping hand. I thank God for giving me the skills that allowed me to obtain this grant. I don’t know where I would have been if I hadn’t received this generous offer. My advice to every student is to always stay positive, to believe in your abilities, and to always do your best. These are the keys to success, to achieve happiness in your life and to become a productive member in your society. And I will continue in my plan that I drew and as USP student now I will be more than ready to thanks them for what they gave me. Since one day will come when USP will need me, as I need them.



As a high school student living in a small town, I had dreams. One day, I’ve been told that there’s the USAID scholarship program offered to the public students. So, I asked about it and I have applied to it. I dreamed to have this opportunity and to be an LAU student. Summer 2014 was the best summer I ever had. I got the acceptance to the scholarship, and this was the turning point in my life. USP was the first step to achieve all my dreams. In a way, it relieved the financial pressure from my parents; and in another way, for me, being a student of this university was a big opportunity for a brighter future. Also, being a USP student is an honor for me. This program helped me to achieve more dreams. I am now a volunteer in MMKN. This association has a goal which is helping student in public school. Also, I am a member in the LAU Youth club. This program offered me many opportunities and I got many workshops that allowed me to be more successful and to know exactly the best way to take in my life to have a brighter future and higher positions in society. Now, thanks to the USP, I have new skills, new abilities and my personality was changed to the best after living far away from my parents. This made me a more responsible person and also I learned that family is not just about parents, sisters and brothers form the same blood, is also about friends that are the support when you are far from your parents. I am thankful for being a USP student and for all the opportunities that are giving to me and for achieving all my dreams. I am proud to say that I am a member of this big family. I wish that I can help new students to achieve all their dreams. 291

MHAMMED ATRABOULSI Hospitality & Tourism Management USP 5

After the last orientation before the acceptance, I lost hope. I told myself that I won’t be accepted. I got back home everybody started asking me about what happened I just replied forget about it. Then my mother told me they will call you on Monday informing you are accepted. I just refused to answer. Days passed by, as I was working in a restaurant. On Monday a strange number called. I answered and was asked about my name. I just verified that it’s Mhammed Atraboulsi. I was informed that I was accepted by the LAU to the USAID scholarship program (USP). I was bit shocked with a feeling of happiness as I shouted “EHHHHHHHHHHHH”. My co-workers started looking at me in a strange way I told them that I am accepted to the scholarship. The manager gave me this day out. I went home told my mother about it and she told my father. We started shouting and it was the most brilliant day in my life as it changed my whole life.


MOHAMAD SALEH Banking & Finance USP 5

In the last week of august 2014, I was laying down on a sunny day beside a swimming pool where I had been with friends. The weather was great and all my friends were happy enjoying their time. For me, I was busy thinking about the application I have submitted to the LAU for the USP scholarship covered from the USAID. I had been busy thinking whether I would be accepted or not the whole summer but at that day I felt that it was the time. I knew that if I got accepted I would receive a final call telling me about the good news. I started losing hope as hours passed. But suddenly my silence broke with the ring of my phone. I held my phone to see that the number that was calling was not a saved contact, at the moment I realized that the call was from LAU. I answered to here, “Congratulations! You have been accepted to the USP program”. I swear I couldn’t remember what the lady who called me said after that since I couldn’t hear anymore. After she finished I then asked her, “Am I accepted?!!!” she laughed and said, “Yes sir you are” and she had to tell me again the instructions she mentioned since I couldn’t hear anything from it. I hung my phone and started shouting and saying “I got the scholarship, I got the acceptance...”. All my friends ran to me and held me with all the people in the swimming pool looking and staring at us. It was really a turning point in my life being an usp5 student. I am now studying in one of the best universities in the Middle East, a university I wouldn’t be able to study in if I didn’t get this scholarship. I believe now that I can achieve my dreams if I worked for them the same way as I did for achieving this scholarship. 293


It all started when the representatives of LAU came to my school and started telling us about the USP program and about the LAU society. I was very excited to be in this program because it is an opportunity to get a quality higher education and to meet new people from different regions. But I thought it was very unlikely to be accepted in the program because there is a huge number of applicants from all over Lebanon. I applied anyway because it is an opportunity that might occur once in my lifetime, and I have nothing to lose. When I got my first call from LAU telling me that I should to come to the campus to do the English and sophomore tests the hope started growing and I became more excited to be a part of this program, and I was very shocked and surprised when I got the acceptance in LAU. My life changed a lot since that day, and I became a member of the LAU family. I’m deeply honored and grateful to be part The University Scholarship Program, a program that is not only an opportunity to achieve academic excellence but also a chance to develop my social and my leadership skills. I am very thankful for the USAID for believing in my abilities and giving me this precious opportunity to excel and discover myself. Being a USP student is a very exciting and challenging journey, and I enjoy living every day of it with further achievements every day.



To be a USP student is the second important thing to happen in someone’s life. It is not just money or degree that you can get from this program, but it is honor, self-confidence and education in a time and place where getting well-educated is really hard. USP is the unexpected continuum of the great warmness and light that your mother offers. It helps you begin the journey of life just as during the first days of school. USP is your Apollo 11.


MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM Political Science & International Affairs USP 5

I consider the USP scholarship to be the most successful deal I have ever signed and the largest step I have taken regarding my future. It is truly an engine that has driven my potentials onward; it has broadened my horizons, diminished my confusion gaps, and solidified my self-confidence. I believe there’s nothing better than receiving care and admiration for one’s own hard work.



Looking back to when I was a hopeless teenager, who didn’t know what to do after he graduates from high school. Being depressed for not having the opportunity to acquire knowledge. My dreams were small and my expectations for my future where dull until I heard about this opportunity. I aimed high. Persisting on having this scholarship and striving passionately towards it shifted my self-confident; I told myself that I will be a USP 5 scholar before even being accepted.Now, everyone is telling me that I have changed. Everyone is telling me where have all these potentials been? USP have clarified my potentials, made me believe in my dreams and granted me vision to establish a better oneself. Now I can dream big. Now I can say that I will be an entrepreneur one day. Nothing is impossible. You just have to point at your dream and keep chasing it until you conquer it.


PETER FARHAT Computer Science USP 5

They called me on a simple Thursday afternoon, and asked me to write a few sentences on how USP changed my life. A myriad of all the positive things USP has done for me flooded my mind. The only issue, however, was that I couldn’t possibly compress everything I had to say in couple of cliche sentences. The opportunities this scholarship has given me deserves more than a mere summary. So here is a more intricate explanation of my experience with USP, in order to completely express how it impacted my life. Firstly, this scholarship granted me the opportunity to enroll in one of the top universities in Lebanon. The Lebanese American University offered a rich curriculum that nurtured my potential and encouraged me to pursue my passions. I am now on the path to becoming a successful computer scientist, thanks to USP’s guidance and support. Secondly, USP has never failed to provide me with interactive workshops. Twice a month, I receive phone calls from USP, describing the most opportune workshops and activities for leadership development. I can proudly say that I’ve never missed one! (Considering that they are mandatory). These activities balance my rigorous workload, allowing me to focus on studies while also discovering myself in workshops. As Mr. Elie Samia puts it, “every USP student should have an educational wing and a leadership wing. They should be able to spread both wings in order to fly to success.” Finally, and most importantly, USP has financially aided me in my endeavors. They relieve me of a huge stress, and that allows me to focus entirely on my academic goals. With every step I take, USP makes sure that I don’t step on a wobbly stone. The path ahead of me is safe and reassuring, all because of what USP provides. So thank you USP, for you have opened a door in my life filled with endless possibilities. 298

RAMI CHALLITA Computer Engineering USP 5

Our life can be seen as a sequence of halls, each hall has many doors and we are taken to the hall corresponding to the door we choose. As for me, I am looking now around and seeing a hall full of both success and progress, why? Because I have made a good choice by investing a great opportunity of opening the most important door in my life... the name of that door is, proudly: “USP”.


RAMI ZWAIHED Communication Arts USP 5

Throughout my two years as a USP student, I discovered the extent to which this scholarship has changed my life. The way I started viewing things from a different perspective, the way I engaged more in extracurricular activities and those on campus within clubs, made me a different individual. Besides, I learned how to manage my time between academic and leadership issues. Finally, the most important is that it helped me to achieve my dreams that would be uneasy to reach without this scholarship.



“You have been accepted at LAU under the USP for the BA in Social Work at Beirut Campus” That morning after I received a call from LAU and heard this sentence, I realized that this scholarship will offer me countless opportunities that will change my life and the time had finally come to achieve my ambitions and make my dreams come true. It was the most important change in my life when I applied to this challenging scholarship. USP not only gave me the opportunity to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon, but also to improve my personality. Since my childhood, my dream was to be a social worker to help the vulnerable and improve my community. I was always hoping to be a member in the civil society organizations that work to change and improve the society, but unfortunately in the place where I grew up; there were only a very little number of them. This scholarship helped me a lot regarding this matter through the civic engagement domain whether by the leadership activities we do, by the community services, or by the clubs we are engaging in to make a difference in our community. Moreover, USP helped me improve my selfconfidence, be more independent, have more responsibility, meet new people and build new relationships. What USP changed in me as a person can’t be summarized in one sentence, since it changed my whole life upside down. This grant helped me to succeed by finding myself, knowing the leader inside me, and discovering my abilities. It is true that the golden chance comes once in lifetime, and USP was the invaluable gift that changed my life. LAU and USP allowed us to explore, dream, and discover. I’m really proud to be a USP scholar. 301


Kenny Dasinger says: “Being persistent may lead you to the door but consistency is the key which unlocks it.” Joining the LAU family was a big dream that seemed to be impossible without the help of the USP program. From academic excellence to leadership skills, the USP program has flourished my personality, and encouraged me to always be persistent and consistent. Getting to LAU as a first step of my long journey in life will always grant the success in future. I am proud to be a member in this loving family and grateful to USP for this honoring chance!



Being a USP student at LAU gives me positive support. It’s an honor to be a member in the USP family. This scholarship changed my life, and it also was a big challenge. There are a lot of things to make in order to stay in the USP family. The challenges that I face such as having exams and should give good grade, sharing in NGOs and making activities and success stories, and all these should be made at the same time. However, all these challenges are beneficial for me in order to become more sociable, independent, and responsible. This experience strengths my social side and my weaknesses. Before, I was shy to express my thoughts and opinions, but now it nourishes my self-confidence in dealing with my friends through the activities that I shared in it and through much social participation like working in Momkin NGO, and participating in Beirut marathon. This program gives me a great opportunity to become a student at Lau and more efficient. USP program gave me the chance to know more new people, and to learn how to communicate with these people. Never to forget that it gives me the chance for having a lot of pleasure time. Finally, I want to thank the USP team and Lau for accepting me, and giving me a fantastic opportunity.”



Luck meets chances. It’s when you get hit by the perfect match and it changes your life. USP made me look for a better future, and it made me realize the meaning of every step am taking, because it was the right decision for me to make from the first place. It didnt only make me believe in my self, but it also helped my parents believe in chances. I grew up as a reckless teenager that doesnt know exactly what she wants, and after getting this scholarship many doors were open to me and I knew exactly which one to pick. It made me change as a person , it boosted up my self esteem, made me more responsible and self dependable, and made me feel successful the first minute i got accepted as a USP student. I am forever thankful for LAU and USP family.



This may sound cliché but USP really changed my life. Basically, without this grant, I question I would be going to LAU. I have only a colossal sentiment appreciation towards USAID who made this grant possible through their donations. This scholarship gave me the opportunity to study nursing, a profession that focuses on touching lives, compassion and caring. Nursing changed my perspective on life made me a better person. this grant helped me to be a leader and more responsible. Thanks to USP I had some of the greatest academic and social experiences of my life, and some friends whom I will cherish as long as I live were found . Thank you USAID. Thank you USP. Thank you LAU for this amazing opportunity.



The day I got the acceptance call from LAU I knew how blessed I am. It’s a life changing opportunity. At LAU I felt that I’m surrounded by the USP members and faculty staff they are a big family that cares about each other. The best part is when I needed help in anything the USP family would be so devoted in helping me .you can’t hate anything there even if you try to. Moreover the activities that is given by the USP department is so much fun and helped me on a personal level. Where it boosted my interactions with other members and made see the full image about the given situation also it exposed me to important things that I never knew about.


SAWSAN SAFA Political Science & International Affairs USP 5

My life changed in 2014, the unforgettable year, when I recieved a phone call telling me that I was accepted in one of the prestigious universities in the middle east. The journey began when I spent my first night far away from my childhood home back in my hometown (West Beqaa), I was determined to challenge and prove myself in a new culture that differs from that one I used to be in next to my family and friends. Part of the challenge was to prove that I’m capable of handling things; I had the chance to organize, be part of great events and projects that benefits the community as well as youth. I had occupied School Relation Coordinator in Model Arab League, and I had an effective participation in organizing the LAU NGO fair. Seeing the outcomes of these events and projects made me happy, proud and more precise to continue what I have started. With USAID and LAU I was able to find myself, change others, at least my surroundings, and be effective in my community raise the voice of the needed youth around. Two years where enough to shape my life and the way I think. Majoring Political Science/ International Affairs minoring Economics helped my goals to reach faster, I was delighted to meet great doctors and fellows from the same major who shared great ideas. As a person who believes in education I fully believe that we can change the current situation in Lebanon if we stand together, one hand. This concept of “ together we can “ was inspired by the USAID adminstration; USP Scholar success means the success of LAU USP management, and I think the results are pretty obvious: LAU succeeded in her mission. USP did not only change my life, but brought me back to life!



As a high school student, I had a dream. My ambition for a better future was always guiding me. I had a dream of learning in an American university. I was confident that my dream might come true. One of my goals at that time was to study hard in order to get this scholarship. My Mom was always reminding me that to earn something, you should work hard. Today, because of USAP, I am studying Chemistry at LAU. During the journey of my acceptance, one of the memorable and exciting events was the interview. A man and two ladies interviewed me. One of their beautiful questions was: “If we gave you $10,000, what will you do?”. I told them that I will make a school for young Syrian refugees that are illiterate, but they claimed that $10,000 are not enough for making a school. Though, one of the interviewers supported me and he said that with volunteers we can make this school. Actually, I am enjoying learning with the encouragement of friendly instructors; also I am enjoying every activity and community service I am serving to my Lebanese community.Yes! Dreams might come true. USP is a bridge of a long path. USP is pushing me toward the target or probably it is helping me to reach my goal. USP made me try to know more about those people who help in development and sustainability of developing countries through building and not through destructing.



Three years ago I received a phone call telling me that i was accepted into LAU under the University Scholarship Program. Back then I knew that it wasn’t gonna be easy but it was till later that I realized that it was life changing. The University experience that Ihad in LAU was always marked with the support, the help, and the enthusiasm of the USP team. What’s different about USP is that it changes you without you knowing leaving you a basket of skills and knowledge that you thought you never had, but most importantly leaving you with the courage to use those skills to give back to your society and create a better Lebanon just by living the USP life. Thank you USP and thank you LAU.



Life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change. Every high school student has certain worries about what he/she will do after graduation, what’s the dream and what’s the goal? However, to reach the aim, one should follow the right track and grab every opportunity that may help him succeed. LAU was my attainable chance and the change spot of my life. When they introduce us to the USAID scholar ship program, it was like a dream. I insisted on getting the application and filling it although we all know that every single work or chance in Lebanon depends on nepotism. However, I had a great hope in LAU that it works on the basis of one’s own success and grades and what he really deserves far away from favoritism. After I have filled the application and sent it, the process started going step by step, my worries increased and my hope too. LAU called for the exams after we have sent our high school grades. I told myself that this is my chance. However, the real place where I felt in quick heart beats is in the interview. It was the first time to sit in front of a jury and answer their questions immediately but carefully. Well, they were kind and helpful as well as the LAU USP’s who made us feel like a member of their family. My efforts stopped there, I did my best and waited for the results: A phone call that may change my life. Fortunately, I became one of the LAU family member’s. It was a dream to be in such a university with no fees! But now it’s real and taught me that if there’s a will, there’s a way.


ZEINAB BASMA International Business USP 5

When I went to do the sophomore and the EEE exams and I saw a very large number of students applying for the same scholarship, I wasn’t expecting to be accepted at all. It was a Monday morning when my phone rang just to tell that I’m one of the USP-5 students. Words cannot describe what I felt that day. A feeling out of this world. This acceptance has changed my life positively. It opened many important opportunities for me. I am so thankful for being a USP student. Finally, nothing is impossible if you work hard for achieving it.



LAU was a dream since the moment I visited it first when we went to have a workshop with the access program in the Beirut campus. When I walked in the campus, I felt weird and special feeling. This felling was love. I actually loved LAU the first moment I walked into it. Then, I started to dream being an LAU Student. At this time I am writing this testimonial, I am gladly and joyfully happy being what I wanted to be. An LAU student. Thanks to the USP program. Thanks to USAID. Thanks to the OCE unit. Thanks to the whole LAU community for giving me such a delightful opportunity to make my future brighter for the moment I entered the Lebanese American University, I started to have great expectations of a better future.


ABDALLAH DAHER Computer Science USP 3 - New

I applied and got accepted to join the LAU USP family. My scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying and furthering myself without additional worries. The options that are now available to me are numerous and I feel that whichever path I choose I have the confidence, skills and motivation to succeed at whatever I do. For me this scholarship is about much more than being able to study freely to obtain my BS in computer science, it is also about how much my life has changed and how positive I feel towards the future. This change has been made possible through the kindness of people that I met; either from the USP family or from my colleagues and I hope to achieve great things because of this.


BATOUL YAZBECK Nutrition USP 3 - New

They say: “Use every chance coming to your life and do your best”, and I say: ”dig to find your chances not only to do your best but also to create the magic”. Once I got that call, I knew that all my work had paid off. There are no words to describe the feeling you may have just by achieving the scholarship you’ve worked a lot for. To be honest, that moment had stolen my words too until I had nothing to say. And the time is giving me now the chance to be a memory in the readers’ minds even if I will leave LAU someday. Sometimes, you would pay your life searching for yourself, but times come when you find the hand and the advice that triggers you to find yourself in a more professional way. Being a USP scholar, coming from a different background, had taught me more about myself. This have been inducing my academic perspective and giving it the real meaning of education by providing the experience. I’ve always been inspired by the great man, Mr. Elie Samia, who is always guiding us. He says: ”A person needs two wings to fly and succeed; one is the academic wing and the other is the extra-cullicular wing. Thus balancing is required and success is not that easy going.” Today, I am the advanced version of me who can work on hundred things within a limited time and succeed in my work. All respect returns to the chance that taught me a lot! Today, I end up with a new personality. These years left a great impression in my inside. It empowered my education and improved my self-confidence. Furthermore, it opened my eyes to see others’ perspectives and respect the differences between us. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston S. Churchill. That’s why I’m here today. Thank you my USP experience; you made me brave forever. 314

GHINA ABDUL BAKIR Mathematics USP 3 - New

I applied to the USAID scholarship program, but I did not know what the next step will be. I passed the interview, yet the mission was still unclear. Sometimes, I felt that I was so close to my dreams as if I was at the middle of the path, but was unable to move because, at that time, I needed a small push which was getting the acceptance. I was waiting a call from LAU for two weeks. Each day, the motivation that I had started to vanish, and the hope in my eyes started to disappear; I thought that I was rejected. Honestly, I was sad, but, deep inside, I accepted the idea because I believe that life is a competition where there will be always a winner and a loser. If all people were winners, then the competition would be ridiculous. Therefore, I started studying again hoping to win another competition which was passing the Lebanese University exam. On an unexpected day, the phone rang. I was a bit afraid when I saw LAU’s number, but I had to answer in order to face my fate. Suddenly, someone congratulates me since I was accepted to join this program. I was extremely happy… I did not know what to say. Simply, it was the most memorable event that had happened to me, and seeing the happiness in my parent’s eyes was the most wonderful thing. Being a USP student is a blessing that cannot be described. It simply made me closer to my dreams, and it has unlocked for me the hidden adventures that will lead me to higher positions and places. Moreover, it made me stronger, more confident and adaptable. I am really thankful and proud for being a USP student, and for joining such a great university-LAU.


JOSEPH AL GHAFARI Psychology USP 3 - New

I want to talk about my USP and university life in general and how it’s a really special event in my life. Let me first start with the university in general first, it’s a really different life, it comes once in a lifetime concerning education and youth life. The University Scholarship Program was a change for me, Financially, Socially and Psychologically. When I first applied I was thinking about my future and how this program would change my life and I was hoping that what I dream about, present in that program. I applied for a psychology major. After all the steps, I was accepted and now I’m in the Lebanese American University doing what I love. Since I started university I met a lot of people that I never thought I’d meet, I became more open to society and I know now what is outside. I even made my musical band which I never expected. Therefore, my life goals are being met thanks to this program. Other than that, I thank the USAID and the OCE for giving me such an amazing experience including meeting other USP students who became now my friends, also the workshops that helped me in my life, both socially and academically.


MOHAMAD HALABI International Business USP 3 - New

It was that moment when i received the phone call telling me congratulations Mohamad you’ve been accepted as a USP student! That moment changed my life. It all started when i set foot in LAU, how the USP family welcomed me and how they took me under their wing. They changed my personality, I have become a stronger and more confident person, I became a true leader in my community. My life at LAU is the best thing that ever happened to me and all of that is because of USP. Thank you so much and I will never forget USP and LAU.


RASHA MOHSEN Business USP 3 - New

The USP scholarship aided me financially and helped me to place all my effort and focus on being an excellent student instead of living the pressure of providing my school tuition. Words cannot express how grateful I am to USAID for this amazing opportunity. I am thankful for each class, and each opportunity to grow not only as a student but also as an individual. Thank you for this gift, for investing in my future, and for believing in my abilities.


SARA ARIDY Chemistry USP 3 - New

It all started in year 2014 when I was busy applying for the scholarship and preparing the required papers. However, after waiting for a long time, the results weren’t satisfying for me; at the time where all applicants where receiving calls from LAU accepting or rejecting them, I received nothing and I had to keep waiting. I started calling the university every other day and was finally informed that my name was pending on the waitlist. At that moment, though I felt that I have some hope, I was seeing all doors closed in front of me. I became so depressed that I even didn’t study for the application exams at the Lebanese University. Luckily, few days before the exams LAU called me to inform that I was accepted in the USAID scholarship program. That call changed my whole life... I can’t even describe the joy and happiness I had felt then... However, one thing I’ll always be sure about is that that call was the key that opened up the doors I had seen closed in front of me. And now, I can be no more thankful than I am for this great opportunity LAU has offered me. Since then, I’ve got more responsible and independent, I’ve known more about shaping my life, personality and goals, and most importantly learned a lot from one of the leading universities in the Middle East. And the journey is still on…


ANAS BOU DIAB Business USP 3 - New

The University scholarship program is the most amazing experience that happened to me, they changed my whole path in life, and I was never expecting it to be like this. It offered the most delightful experiences. In LAU I became a better public speaker stronger, and know how to take control and the way I should act in specific situations. My community project was one of the most exciting things I have done where I helped students that I was in their feet years ago, and the happiness that I noticed when making the activities added to my humanitarian side a delightful experience. Furthermore, all the volunteering activities added and improved a lot of things to my personality especially in AIESEC, MUN, and the volunteering experience in the marathon. On the academic level, I also met great instructors who added to my knowledge tons of new information on many different levels and they were always supportive even after we finished some courses we are still in touch with them to benefit from their great experiences. I am so honored and blessed to be an LAU/USP student.


MARIA AZAB Chemistry USP 3 - New

“USP changed my life” this statement is totally correct, my whole life have changed when I first stepped in LAU as a student, my personality have improved, my dreams and plans have changed to be better .I became a new person who believe that a great chances in life my happen. On the other hand I became a part of a new society and I met people from different addition everything about LAU is great, all people in LAU behave like one family and everything is well organized. Finally I really would like to thank the American people and everyone who worked on this program to help students in achieving their dreams.


AHMAD NSOULI Computer Science USP 6

USP program has affected the track of my life. USP program offers you a new family that encourages you to work harder and to engage in social work, and it informs you with the latest extracurricular activities. After I joined the program this semester, I learned how to organize between my social work and my academic life. It has provided to continue my studies in a private university which is one of the best universities in the Middle East. Finally, I was fortunate to be accepted in USP program because it takes care of students to get high grade point average and stay comfortable.


AHMAD RAMMAL Computer Science USP 6

After a hard year at highschool , I was given a great opportunity to study at LAU. This only made me more motivated to put all my energy into studying , because at the end of the day people are judged by what they produce . Having the privilege to be part of the USP family have enlightened me and is a solid proof that hard climbs end up with great views . I believe that every student in this program is very grateful and highly motivated to move forward and work hard.



It was incredibly inspiring to hear my name during the listing of accepted students at LAU by USAID.My scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying and furthering myself without additional worries. The options that are now open to me are numerous and I feel that whichever path I choose I have the confidence, skills and motivation to succeed at whatever I do. LAU has totally changed my personality to become more confident. It provides me the leadership role by training MUN students when I was only three months at the university. This marvelous college has the greatest educational programs ,the greatest opportunities and skill programs, lots of happy activities and memories and also lovely and friendly staff. Finally I wish to all students whom I love to be accepted by this scholarship at this stunner university. They will totally change to the better and see all what they dreamed of.


AMANI HIJAZI Mathematics USP 6

Imagine fish without water;Imagine child without mother. Imagine day without sun, and imagine night without moon. Oh!can you imagine students without USP? It might be truly said that USP is the air, water,light and mother for hundreds of students. It’s the source of smile and hope. It’s the golden opportunity that changed my life, and the magic stick that let me know the real meaning of life. Being a lAU student is the dream for millions of students and their parents. Like many dreamy students, I,who was smart at school, was excited and wished to have to have lAU scolarship... When my phone rang and I knew I achieved my goal, happiness spread in the eyes of my parents, friends, and my village. At that moment, I believed,”I’m the happiest girl in this world and I have to be more responsible in my new life “. USP is the open way and key for life. It’s the awesome treasure to get rid from the boredom and tiredness that had propagated in my mind. USP is the symbol of knowledge! Moreover, it gave me the chance to study at one of the best Universities... My doctors were perfect; they makes my mind and think unlimited. Eveyday I was learned new leason in life and my english language improved...


USP is not only for studying, but also for improving students personally and socially. USP broke down the wall of shyness for me and replaced it with a strong and confident one that taught me never to give up also “if there is a will, there is a way.” USP also taught me how to love and how to be an active leader in society by sharing in many community services and extracurricular activities. Then, today, I’m more sociable, organized and i have many new friends. Being a successful student not only means success at University, but also being a successful element in society. Birds can’t fly without 2 wings and superiority can’t be achieved without 2 wings. First,being an active leader in society , and second active student at university. That’s what Master Elie Samia taught us so thank you for your efforts and congratulation all USP students have 2 wings. All in all, USP is essential and valuable because it’s made to better generation for the future. It’s the diamond of our life and source of happiness for us and for our families. So, thank you Outreach and civic Engagement for giving us this unique and golden opportunity.


AYMANE EL BAARANI Electrical Engineering USP 6

Somewhere down the line, in the past couple of months, my life started to change in a good way. Maybe the whole world didn’t change but the way I viewed it and the way I appreciate everything in it, did. It all starts with filling a blank application by the ink full of hope and optimism. I got inspired by the previously USP students and knew that I had to turn my life around, so I started doing this and that, and all those things that teachers advised about, and hey, look where it got me. I’ve never dreamed of being a part of the LAU family.I’ve heard so many stories and interviewing students who have overcome multiple challenges in their lives to come out tops, get almost perfect grades, then get awarded by this scholarship. For them is, being a USP student is a dream that came true but for me this not the case. It’s a dream that flew in the wind then came true. After submitting the application, I received a call and they told me the day of the exams (EEE and SE).I passed those exams and I was told that I have an interview. Around 150 students did the interview but they had to choose only 70 students and they invited them to the career orientation day. I wasn’t among those 70 students, so I started to think: “Maybe they forgot to call me.” After that, I forgot everything about LAU and USP and I decided to go to the Lebanese university. Two weeks after the career orientation, I received a call from the phone number:”03791314”.I knew that this is a call from the LAU but I wondered what the matter is, then they told me that I am accepted as an USP student. No words can describe that moment, the moment when the dream comes true after no longer being a dream. I promise myself to be aware of the place I am at in life by working hard and participating in the leadership programs. Thanks to the USAID and the American people for this grant… 329

CHARBEL GHORRA Computer Science USP 6

The first time I heard about the USP Program was when the representatives of the Lebanese American University came to my school . I could not believe such grant could happen for a public student who doesn’t differ from other students . In addition to that, I applied to it not giving it much hope to not feel disappointed if I couldn’t be accepted . I started to fill my booklet with the necessary documents before the deadline. It took a lot of time to be filled. Finishing my booklet, I visited the university for my first time, when I was providing the booklet to the admission office. I lost all my faith and my hope after knowing the huge number of applicants. After I received a call to do my entrance exams, I realized that the road to success was nearer. I accomplished those tests and, then, I was waiting another call . Otherwise, I was contacted by the OCE to inform me that it was the time for my interview . At that date , I knew it was the stage of self-determination! That interview was smooth, without difficulties. After that successful interview I could say that the dream is on its road to be true! Few weeks later, LAU called me and told me that I was accepted to be one of the 46 USP6 scholars. It was one of my wonderful, beautiful moments in my whole life. With LAU and the OCE, I had the chance to prove myself, enhance my leadership skills, build my personality, and be more in engaged in the social life during my participation in UNESCO and Safety Awareness Club in different events. Now, I’m living in the LAU dorms. I had made lot of friends, and we live together, eat together, study together, and hang out together. I love them, I love LAU. Thank you USAID (and the American People). 330


When I was in the 12th grade, a representative of Lebanese American University came to my school and told us about the University Scholarship Program funded by the USAID. I never considered that I would be accepted; but, I applied because my friends and family encouraged me to, for they believed in me and my capabilities. It’s not that I didn’t believe in myself, it’s just that I never believed that such a great thing would ever happen to me. However, with each call from LAU telling me that I have been chosen to proceed to the next step, I became more optimistic. And on the 28th of July at 5:53 p.m. I received the phone call that changed my life and promised me of a bright future. I kept on thanking the caller whilst not believing what I was being told. When I hanged up and told my family the great news we all started crying of happiness. After that call and until I went to LAU and signed the contract, I could not believe that I am for real a LAU USP VI student. This scholarship is the key to a better future, a bright future, a future where I can achieve all my goals in life. What I have been granted is a first step and this means that I must and will-with all my powerwork hard as to not let this privilege go for nothing. I didn’t get this scholarship because of good luck, I got it because of hard work and I am willing to prove it. Finally, I would like to thank USAID, the USP team and LAU for this great opportunity, and I want you all to know that what you’ve offered me changed my and my family’s life to the best.



Being part of the USP family has always been my college goal, i worked hard on myself throughout my high school years and thankfully i am here now, a USP 6 student. As a social work student it’s clear that my passion is to be an active part of the society, to help others and achieve a stable career that would give me a healthy future. there is no better environment to help me sharpen my skills than the USP program. till now i have learned a lot through my experience within this big family, most importantly the passion and desire for being successful. the extra care and guidance provided will make you feel safe and supported. it just feels like home. What caught my attention also is the diversity of students in this program, unfortunately our beloved country is under the siege of hatred, separation and discrimination. but here we are one big lovely union from all over Lebanon with different colors and religions and yet love, cooperation and hard work is what brings us together. Moreover, I am grateful for the USP program for giving me this opportunity to get my education at this prestigious university. I took a vow to prove myself and to show that dreams do come true. but dreams need hard work and perseverance, and as USP members we know nothing but strong will, strong personalities and the blood of warriors. In the end, I can only thank god and the USP board for granting me this dream move towards a bright solid future. it literally changed my life.



I’m an LAU student but not just a normal one. I’m a USP6 LAU student and I’m proud to be. When I say USP a big portion of the people don’t know its meaning and that was my case when “ Carla” came to our high school to present LAU. At the beginning, I thought it was impossible but I didn’t give up on something I really want. I kept gathering the required papers and studying hard till the day of the exams. Although it was so hard to wake up at 4a.m and remain concentrated, I did very well. Unfortunately, this meant nothing for me since the number of students who did well at that exam was huge. It was like having the chance of one in a million. Days passed and I happily proceeded to the interview. To me, this was the most challenging part because I was in the hospital at that time. I had to choose between 2 things: the chance to lose the scholarship or my health. As I said previously, I don’t give up on something I love. Consequently, I left the hospital heading toward the university. Standing with pain, I enjoyed every minute in the interview although it was quite stressful. Because I was extremely sick I didn’t expect to pass the interview but this was not the case. I actually passed and I still have only 1 step to reach the goal which is the workshop. At that day, I was trapped in the traffic for 5 whole hours. The problem was that the workshop was mandatory thus if I didn’t show up I’ll lose everything. Surprisingly, l arrived at the last few minutes of the workshop. There is nothing more important than success, that feeling of happiness and shock cannot be described. When your need is satisfied you can ask for nothing more, when you see the tears of your parent because of happiness I can say nothing except Thank you USAID!! 333

DOAA HALAWI Computer Science USP 6

“Doaa you have been accepted for the USP scholarship at LAU” she said, first I thought it’s a dream but no it was real. This scholarship had made my dream of being an LAU student reality, it gave me the chance to acheive my goal of being a “computer science” student, because without this scholarship I had not been able to study computer science in Beirut due to financial aid problems. September 2 2015 is an unforgetable date, it had changed my life and brought happiness to my life. It was the beginning of my three years journey. Now after one semester full of joy and hard work,I want to thank the USP program because they gave me the chance to achieve my dream.


FADI KHOURY Mechanical Engineering USP 6

The “ USP Changed my life “ title is not only about few words coming from outside our lips but a deep and honest feeling in the back of our hearts and minds. This university scholarship program (USP) gave me the opportunity to have an excellent education, lots of leadership skills, and environmental projects to be part in. As I am from a poor village in Beqaa, I didn’t have ever dreamed about being an (LAU) student, but this program opened the door to me and made my dream come true, as it offered me many facilities and covered my needs(Dorm, money, books, medical insurance…).The outreach and civic engagement unit (OCE) at LAU organizes frequently environmental, leadership, and community service projects that I try to participate in, to gain skills to be a good leader in my community and help my country. During the applications submission, I thought that the English language will be an obstacle to me as a French educated student. I felt that I can’t succeed in making good relationships with my fellows and supervisors. Although bad feelings and thoughts came across my head during that period of choices between many roads in my educational life, I made my decision to struggle. Fortunately, everyone was nice, kind, helpful and I got advices come from all, starting with the OCE, passing through my mentor, arriving to older USP students. I am really thankful to this program for supporting me in such hard moments in my life. Thanks for the big change that it made in my personality, the responsibility that it made me hold, the kind look toward the other as a friend not an enemy. Big thanks to USAID, to the American people, to LAU and to everyone working hard to help us. 335


Today, my yesterday’s dream is my present. Once I received a call from the admission office that I have been accepted , I couldn’t move my feet. All I could say then was that “the dream is now a reality”. The greatest opportunity given to me is making something of myself. For me this scholarship is about more than being able to study freely, it is about how much my perception of life have changed and how it gave me hopes for the future. Now, whatever path I prefer choosing , I have the confidence , motivations and abilities to succeed at whatever I do . Moreover, helping me become a leader by building my character in this small country that everyone lost hope in it. Through my days spent at LAU I’ve knew that leadership is not something you can learn from a book but you gain skills by experience such as being an active member in different clubs and societies. OCE was our way to get involved in volunteer work in order to benefit the community, also aiming to help us optimize our potentials and instilling us a spirit of responsibilities and moral awareness. From academic to extracurricular activities, we are helped to maintain a balanced life learning how to sharpen our leadership and at the same time achieving excellence.



When I was introduced to the USP program at school, I was reluctant to apply. I even sent my application on the day of the deadline, which wouldn’t have happened without the encouragement of my friends and another scholar. The hardest part of it was probably the constant wait for the call that will determine everything and whether you were accepted or not. But by all means, it was really worth. The day I first set foot in LAU all I could think of was how dream like it felt and I kept wishing that my dream would become reality. USP has helped me grow so much as a person. It gave me more confidence in myself and helped me see potential in me that I thought was lacking. . USP gave me the opportunity to study in LAU which felt so surreal, I even remember the day I was informed I got in I actually cried. BY giving me the chance to study at LAU, USP gave me the perfect study environment. Everything that you might ever need was easily accessible and always available for your use. Thanks to USP, I get to enjoy the full college experience and follow my passion for what I love. USP helped me meet great people and introduced me to new places. It helped me get out of my comfort zone and take chances that I would’ve never done before. So far, the journey has been a dream come true, and I am certain it will continue to be so till the very end. I do not know how my life would have been without this scholarship and I’m thankful I don’t have to. Thank you USP and LAU for the golden once in a lifetime opportunity.



Sometimes, continuing your education, especially in a private college, requires more than ambitions and grades. It requires financial affordability and this was my obstacle. I always dreamed of becoming a student in a private college like LAU. However, I knew that my parents could not afford the costs of such a college. Then I heard about a scholarship given by LAU with the help of the USAID, which covers all the costs of studying. Also, I heard that to get that scholarship, I must be a successful student. Since my gradeswere high, I decided to apply for that scholarship. After applying, they called me to sit for an exam, so I started working on myself and to never give up. Since the exams were in English and I was a French educated student, I borrowed books from the english section in my school and started studying. I did well in these exams. Then they called me for an interview. I did well too. Actually, I knew that they liked me. Thus, I became optimistic. The turning point was when I got a high average on my official exams, so they decided to give me the scholarship. I was very proud. I achieved my dream and became an LAU student. Anyone can achieve his dream by working hard and believing in his capabilities.


GHADA YOUSSEF Communication Arts USP 6

USP is not a program, USP is not a scholarship, USP is a lifetime experience. Being a USP scholar in one of the most important universities in the Middle East has not only changed my life but also who I am. It has widened my vision, helped me become more mature and responsible and it made my first dream come true. As a USP scholar I had the chance to get a diploma of high academic value, to meet people and have local and international acquaintances that I have never thought I could have, and most importantly I had the chance to get involved in so many activities, to work with NGO’s and therefore become an effective individual in my society. Briefly, USP is the opportunity that every ambitious person seeks.


GEORGE HAYEK Computer Science USP 6

USP is a program that every student in official school dreams about. When LAU coordinators had visited my school to tell students about the program, nobody thought for a second that I will become a part of this program. I told my friends that I’m going to apply to this program, they laughed and started to give me negative ideas like “You will never be accepted, you will waste your time, you’re dreaming about something you can’t reach it”. however, I believed in myself and left the negativity behind, so I applied to the program. Fortunately, I was accepted as a USP scholar which has changed my life in a educational, financial and social way. In the educational part, this program provides the opportunity to study in the greatest university in Lebanon LAU. Being a USP scholar, Student has all the financial support that he or she needs, and in the three or four years at university he or she doesn’t need help from his or her parents. The last part is the most exciting part which is social life. When I joined the USP family I earned respect from the people around me especially in my village because everyone respects LAU as a great university and USAID as an organization that provides opportunities to young dreamers. This program gave me the opportunity to develop my personality and to meet people all over Lebanon due to the leadership activities. I like to thank LAU and USAID for letting me live my dream.


HADI BEIZ Business USP 6

I have nothing but an enormous feeling of gratitude towards the “USAID” and “Lebanese American University” for making our dreams come true and giving us this great opportunity that changed our life. Scholarships that are offered to students make their futures possible. For me being in the USP family has enabled me to pursue my education in one of the best and most prestigious universities in the world. My scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying and furthering myself without additional worries. The options that are now open to me are numerous and I feel that whichever path I choose I have the confidence, skills and motivation to succeed at whatever I do. With Lau and OCE I had the chance to prove myself, build my personality, and be more engaged in social life by participating in the events of Safety Awareness Club and lot of other activities organized by the outreach and civic engagement (OCE).Also this program helped me to prepare for my career by attending workshops that gave me important information to succeed in my future work. Another good thing was living in the Lau dorms. I had made new friends; we live together, study together and help each other in the difficulties that face us. I am very grateful for your generosity. Thank you USAID. Thank you LAU.


HADI EIDY Business USP 6

No one knows where or when will be the turn that will change his life upside down. Especially if it offers the opportunity to be academic student and develops his leadership ability at the same time. Through this 300 words I would first gratitude the USP VI management, that they awarded their trust and selected us between hundreds applicants. My single dream was to be a doctor and help people, but while growing up I noticed that I had to think logically of what I’m going to major in, not just of what I love but which decision can lead me to reach my independence. During my senior year at high school, I never thought about continuing studying except at the Lebanese University. However, after I heard about the USP, I said why not I try and see what my luck can give me as I won’t lose anything. Then, ten days before the entrance exam to the Lebanese University, and while I was studying they called me… I have been accepted to the LAU. Wow! I did it! I am going to continue my studying at one of the best universities in Lebanon, and I can say at the top university in business. After a week my new life has begun and my first step in my independence way too. Currently, when I imagine how my daily life was to be without this grace and how it is now… I think that this time my luck did not disappoint me, but it brings me a miracle that has changed my whole life and let me say that I guaranteed my future; so thanks God. Maybe I will never be a doctor, but business major gives me a lot of opportunities. Any way helping people is not related to the person’s major, it is enough to have the desire to. 342


I still remember that moment when I received the call from LAU telling me ,”Hassan congratulations you have been accepted in the university scholarship program.” A moment that has determined the first step in my future. Entering LAU as a USP student made me feel that I am special and safe at the same time. Even though I am far away from my family, a bigger family was waiting for me here. A family that has never let me feel that i am alone, every problem that i face here at LAU ,with the amazing help presented from USP management, a lot of solutions were available. In addition to that, being a USP student, i was enriched with big diversity of activities that has nourished my leadership skills .For the first time; I feel that i am doing something that is really helping others to overcome the horrible issues of life. USP has made me believe in my ability to change myself and my surrounding. Thank you USP for giving me such amazing chances to express myself and study at one of the most leading universities LAU.



It was an amazing feeling and a sudden shok to hear that voice and know that am going to join a great university as lau.I would like to thank lau for giving me a great apportunity in my life and make my dream comes true. Lau gives me the chance to continue my undergraduate education and to achieve my goals. It gives me an amazing experience and high knowledge. The university scolarship program helped me to find myself,my abilities and the leader inside me. Lau doesn’t changes me as a person only but also improves my academic study through its courses.Lau gives students the ability to join different clubs and do a lot of activities. These activities play a big role to improve our skills and to discover the leader inside us. It also helps student to make workshops and discover the job they like. This great program give students the ability to focus on study and get high marks by giving them all the support and help they need. Lau university doesnt depend on studying only but it comes up with different activities that give a lesson to students and improve their knowledge in life. It improves one’s skill in every thing in life and plant the good thiking in minds. I would like to thank lau for giving me the chance to become a member of it. I will do my best to prove my success in my business major and in my work.


HIYAM GHANNAM Computer Science USP 6

“ The only thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve is the fear of failure ”~ Paulo Coelho I still remember that particular day. I was a Life Science student, when our supervisor came and told us to wait a little because a representative of LAU wants to come to our class. And when she began to talk about the scholarship program and what it offers, me and my friends took her words sarcastically , especially after knowing the huge number of applicants all over Lebanon. After I told the story to my mother , she told me “ Let us apply, we won’t lose anything.” And from that moment, there were two challenges for me, to get accepted by the USP, and to get high grades at the official exams. Each time I received a call from LAU, I felt myself closer into achieving my goals. But, each night, when I put my head on my pillow and think about my future, I used to regularly ask myself:” Is it possible for a student like me, that have spent her school years in a public school, which is far away from all the decent technologies found in private schools , to get accepted by USP? Is it possible for me as a student living in a small country like Lebanon, that is always facing internal and external political challenges, to get a successful and a riding trip of education inside my country, without even migrating to the outside as most students nowadays do? “ One week before my birthday in august 2015, I received the most important phone call in my life, greeting me with achieving the scholarship. That was a turning point in my life. I don’t believe in anything until I see it happening in my own eyes, and USP made me believe in miracles. 345


Throughout years,life offers people different opportunities that would affect their lifetime journey.Individuals always seek such chances as years pass by.LAU is one of the greatest universities that pursues an individual’s dream and helps him to achieve his ultimate goals in cooperation with USAID. Since a long time,I have been seeking such an opportunity to narrate my own experience and my whole journey at LAU. To start with,applications were first submitted to the university.My companions and I first headed to the university in Beirut to submit our applications and the required documents.It was a fully new experience noone would be able to portray its path.Following my appliance for the scholarship,I was asked to sit for the entrance exams,and that’s where the tour starts.I was eagerly waiting for the next step and ,hopefully,I was called for an interview.That was the most challenging attempt towards the scholarship.That way created a suitable background for the LAU staff to know more about the scholars’ personalities,interests and passion in the major each one has chosen. As time was passing by,my eagerness for that opportunity was providing a great motive for me to fulfill my superior goal. Following the previously listed events, we were invited to 2 orientations. The first one included 72 well-qualified students of which 45 were later chosen as final scholars. LAU family was very cooperative and appreciative. They felt our inner abilities to create a special community through our leadership activities taking into consideration each one’s financial need and passion to his/her future job. LAU is very thankful to create a successful generation inspired by the opportunity it offered to them. It was LAU which helped each talented student to make his dream a reality on purpose of developing a flourishing community and hopeful future. 346


The secret of success in life is for a woman to be ready for her opportunity when it comes. The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to benefit from unexpected opportunities , that encouraged me to benefit from the USAID scholarship at LAU university. First of all I would like to thank all the LAU family for their support and enlightening our ways. They enhance our educational life, with this weapon of knowledge we are now able to beat all opponents in a way to reach the summit of success. Moreover being part of usp6 and the scholarship help us to meet and mingle new friends and make relation with local and international colleagues. In addition to this , doing leadership activities direct our personality toward more helpful and respectful target. Finally being an LAU usp student helps us not only in our cv but also to find easily a job than other students.


JOUMANA NAJI Computer Science USP 6

As a public school student, I never thought that I could get an opportunity to complete my undergraduate studies in one of the best universities in Lebanon. When the representative of the LAU visited our school and introduced the University Scholarship program (USP) I was so interested to apply for it. Due to the big number of applicants to this program, I was not predicting my acceptance. When I received the phone call from the LAU informing me that I was accepted I started believing in myself. I started believing that I may not be the best but I am not the worst too. After I started my first semester and I got introduced to many doctors, faculty and staff members, and other students I started having different view of things. The responsibility the scholarship gave me made me more mature and more aware of what I need in this life. Now I have set my goals and I am working on achieving them. Within my small experience with LAU I have faced many positive changes in my life and my personality. My trip with Lau in this scholarship is still in its beginning. I can say nothing more a big thanks for the LAU and the USAID for giving me the honor of being a LAU student.



USP did change my life. When I started my last year in high school, I started wondering about what am I going to do when I graduate .It has always been my dream to get into a good collage , with a good reputation , and a known level of education. But I knew that my budget would never allow me to get into that kind of collages . I gave up to the fact that I can only enter to an official university ! Then god showed me that giving up shouldn’t be an option . Lau staff came to our school and told us about the usp scholarship , it was hope to me . And my journey began ! I submitted the application and then they started calling me first for the exams and it was a stage full of tension , but thank god I successfully complete went through it . Then I get the call to come for the interview , I was nervous at the beginning but I knew I could do it . I passed the interview stage and we came to the last stage where they were going to choose 45 out of 73 to join the scholarship . I was on my nerves waiting for that phone call that will get me into the usp program . Finally lau called me and told me that I was accepted into the scholarship program . I cannot describe the thing I felt after getting that phone call . It just changed my life , and I’m so thankful for the USAID for providing such a life time apportunity for the students willing to learn, achieve goals , and have a good position in the society .



Dreams are not just things that a person sees when he is asleep, but rather a combination of passionate feelings and future goals a person states and seeks to achieve. Talking about myself, I once had a dream to be a LAU graduate, and thanks to universal scholarship program (USP) by the USAID, this dream is going to be a fact. USP scholarship had changed my life to the better, where I’am now a business student in the best school of business in the middle east- I’am now a LAU business student. Thanks to this scholarship, my hope in getting a successful future career has blossomed again, and this made me a completely different person comparing to what I was before. I’am now a more responsible man, where I’am unleashing my best performance and seeking excellence at every opportunity. Infact, the experience of being a USP student at LAU made me an active member in my community, and this by itself helped in improving my leadership skills through the activities we as USP students are advised to attend. As a summary, USP scholarship has indeed changed my life and helped me sharpen my extracurricular and academic skills. At the end, I just want to mention that Walt Disney once said: All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. My dream has became a true in Aug. 2015, but this dream is just a begining of a journey full of other dreams that I will try to achieve in LAU.



It was on August 2016 when they called me from the admissions office and told me that I had been accepted to LAU. I can’t forget what they told to me : “ Hi Mirna... you have been accepted to LAU but not in engineering. You have to choose another major. You deserve this scholarship”, since then my whole life has changed. Actually, I did not know what was waiting for me. Usp gave me the chance to study at LAU , and get a monthly stipend that made me independent as well as responsible. It gave me the chance to study and enjoy my college life like any other LAU student. Also, I have learned through my experience as a USP student was being am active member in the community and constantly searching for opportunities to expand my knowledge and benefit others at the same time. Simply, I am really proud to a USP scholar since this has changed my life completly : It helped me look at things from a different perspective and learn the true meaning of life in general.


MOHAMAD SHOKOR Computer Science USP 6

It has always been my dream to get into a decent college so that I would have a good job and a bright future . USP has granted me my wish and gave me the chance to be enrolled in such a great University. I will always try to do my best to prove that i deserve this golden prize. And now that I am studying at LAU I am one step closer to the future I planned. The scholarship have made me believe that working hard is prosperous and that perseverance would turn dreams into reality.



It was my day when LAU called me and gave me the acceptance for entering this university without paying any pound from my pocket, in addition to paying me an amount of money every month, including the payment of books every semester. In that moment, one of my dreams has been achieved, and I began thinking about this experience and how it would be. Days passed by, and I started the experience. The university gave me the chance of studying in the one of the strongest universities in lebanon and in the middle east. It gave the chance of identification of people from different regions and sects, and to live together under one roof, hand in hand, without even thinking about different beliefs. This helped us in the exchange of cultures between each other’s, knowing how my friends think and how i do. In addition to all that, the payment they gave us every month helped me to live in a level of affluence to some extent. To sum up, we can say that this college scholarship had changed my life positively, and will continue in changing it.



“All things are possible for him who believes” is my favorite quote from the Bible. When I was filling the USP VI application, I believed in every word I wrote and in every signature I made, so I knew I can do this and it is possible. I had hope. I was very excited for my interview. I knew it was a big step for my acceptance. When I first entered, I couldn’t hide my smile. I was the second person to be interviewed. I admit that I was a little bit nervous, but I was certain that I did well. A phone call made it all happen; a single YES in a moment changed my life forever. My mother’s smile was enough. I made her smile after all the years she sacrificed for us. I felt I can do anything! My family was so proud of me they even wanted to get me a cake (but they didn’t). For the first time ever I can support my mom. I felt responsible and well, a leader. The USP gave me an opportunity I used to dream of. As for the activities, I was touched by a documentary that I watched at LAU Byblos. It was about Tripoli and the war there. I met the actors and realized how similar we are. We both suffered the bad sides of life. It was a wonderful experience that gave me an idea to work on for my community project later on. I feel blessed. Thank you very much USP and LAU for this amazing program that gives hope and a chance for all of us.



Last summer, I received news that changed my life. Yes, it was unbelievable that I was accepted in the usp program. I’ve always had a passion for learning and a dream of becoming someone valuable to Lebanon. The usp program helped me transform my dream into reality, espacially that i don’t have the financial means to continue my studies in a well established university such as LAU. LAU provides a practical experience and trains us intensively to help us achieve high status around the world and reflect the image of a bright Lebanon, a country we all strive to build. The leadership activites that I get involved in helped me to sharpen my communication skills and taught me how I can contribute in making change. These activities also helped me become more patient and gave me great satisfaction knowing I was able to affect someone’s life with a small act of kindness. I’m very thankful to the usp program because it’s not all about the academic life, but it helps me build my personality. Eventhough it has been only three months in the university, I feel that I’m surrounded by a family. I always have people who cares about me, who listen to me and offer me valuable advice.



That amazing moment when you find a way to achieve your dreams and build your future. USP has given me so many chances to achieve my goals, it gave me the opportunity to work on building the future I’ve always wanted. It also taught me many things, that in order to achieve success i should work hard in able to reach the top. Yet, my story will not end here as a math teacher but this story will accompany me to complete higher studies in math, and I hope I will be considered one of the unique students graduated from LAU and a part of this family. Some people don’t work very well, they just hope their luck is enough to achieve their goals. Fortunately, I believe in my skills and I will work hard with the luck LAU gave to me to reach my goal.



I thank God everyday for this amazing, changing-life opportunity. It is a honor to be a part of LAU and USP family. They help, motivate, and encourage me to achieve my dreams and finish my education. I still remember the day when the representatives of LAU came to our highschool to present the scholarship. I was so hopeful and excited about it that all I cared about for the next days was preparing the necessary documents before the application deadline. I used to receive calls from LAU informing me about the exams and the interview which I passed through. I will never forget the day of the exam. That day after finishing my tests, I remember standing in the campus, in front of the cafeteria and crying. I cryed from all of my heart because I kept thinking why me? Why would they choose me between all of these students? I thought I am not good enough... The days after the exam were never easy on me. I was frustrated, lacking confidence, waiting for that one call that I got eventually. After the interview when LAU called and told me that I was accepted as a USP student, I learned that I must believe in myself more and I should never underestimate my abilities. Moreover, I was a shy person in my school, not good at expressing myself and the ideas in my head. Now I look at myself differently. LAU, USP, and the activities I have done until now such as reforestation, helped me to become a better person. Now I am more confident, more open to people and so grateful for everything.Finally, I want to thank LAU and USAID for believing in us and giving us the chance to have a bright future.



USP is a program dedicated to aid the students that have high grades and abilities to learn more but unfortunately not enough sources to help them continue their higher education. I am one of the USP VI students and I am taking a great oppotunity to study in one of the best universities with the help of USAID. This is a very new experience to me and it sounds totally different life than the school, but it’s really awesome to live such an experience. I am now on the first step on the ladder of success and achieving my dream in education. I spent my first semester in LAU Byblos with heaps of excitement and hopes for the future. After the three years of the scholarship you are not going only to be an LAU graduate, but also you will end up being a great leader due to the cooperation with the Outreach and Civic Engagement (OCE) unit at LAU which will teach you how to be an active member in the community and how to be engaged in the extracurricular activities in a very successful and appreciated manner. USP is a dream comes true.


RAWAN MRAD Mathematics USP 6

I would like first to thank the University Scholarship Program (USP) for paving the way to change my life positively. It all started when I received a call from the respected Lebanese American University (LAU).the day I entered the university, I thought I was dreaming! I couldn’t believe that I’m a student at LAU. During my semester, I enjoyed attending because of my amazing instructors, stunning buildings that offered me coziness. Not only did they provide me ideal education, but they also gave-and still givingme the opportunity to live a unique experience while sharing the events they launch. The USP staff always encourages us to participate in more and more activities and workshops in order for us to gain as many skills as possible to excel not only in our own career, but also in our community service and personal lives. USP was a superb chance to meet and mingle with amazing people (management, administrations, instructors, colleagues…). I really lived an adventure that I never thought I would have the privilege to live it one day. A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and my journey to a better social educational life began in the first step I stepped at LAU.


RAYAN AL SUBBAHI Computer Engineering USP 6

“You are accepted at LAU”, it was that amazing sentence that I’ll never forget. First it was an unexpected shock; it was a short time for an extreme happiness in my heart. However, as I was expressing my great gratitude and thankfulness for this opportunity to Mr. Abdo Ghie, he said to me in his lovely voice “welcome to LAU”. Here I got back to reality: I’m now a student at LAU with a generous scholarship from USAID. Being in such a university with this unique scholarship is a big responsibility that you must assume and appreciate. You have to keep in mind that each Dollar spent on you must be faced with hard work and more achievements; the money spent on you have a purpose and you should know your duties. Moreover, the university is a main part of your personality and it is your key to have a promised career, so you must understand the importance of LAU in your entire life and future and this will urge you to respect the university and assume more responsibility. So acceptance at LAU and wining the scholarship is not a piece of cake; it is a big stuff that you must hold to succeed and reach the real happiness and glory when you graduate. When all these feelings come to my mind then I have to think about all the challenges that will face me and how I should conquer them powerfully and bravely; I must be that great hero in my own story of life. Finally, I’m really not exaggerating, the scholarship and the university need hard work and specifically the scholarship is a good reason to make me more responsible, respectful and grateful.


RICARDO CHAHINE Civil Engineering USP 6

My phone rang, I was in a summer camp, expecting no one but my mother who used to call me at that time. So I took my phone to answer, But it wasn’t her this time. It was an LAU call, a very special one. It was Mr. Ghieh’s gentle and warm voice that held the congratulation words. I didn’t believe him at first but you know, it was rude from me to ask him again to be sure. At that unexpected moment I knew that my life won’t remain as it was. I knew that it would be a totally different phase. A phase full of success and accomplishments. For not being able to fully tell how USP changed my life in just 300 words, I may still share many major turning points in my life because of USP. Importance. After that acceptance night I felt kind of importance. I felt that I have a role in my country and society. And I could not forget the happiness that came along with the feeling that someone truly believes in my skills besides my little family. Responsibility. Beside that given power and importance comes responsibility. I felt that I’m now responsible for this golden chance that was granted to me and that I should work hard to show USP and myself that I humbly deserve it.Gratefulness. Because of USP, now I’m not only grateful for this extraordinary opportunity but also to my parents for made me who I am, to the society that continues to craft me until this very moment. I’m grateful to the world. I have a few more words to tell you, Thank you for trusting and supporting me. I am proud to be part of this big family. And I promise you and Myself that the best is yet to come!



USP... No one can imagine what these three letters have done to my life. When I has finished my highschool successfuly,a storm of confusion has controlled over my mind and the same question was pursuing me which is “What university I’m going to attend?” And suddenly a phone call has changed my whole life. “Congratulations! You have been accepted in the USP and now you are affically an LAU student”. The time stopped for a minute,and gladness filled my heart. This program have offered and still offering me alot, and inreturn we are only asked to study well and keep our GPA high.What a generous program ! This opportunity that I were given, is like the first prize in the lottery so who ever take it a lot of doors of happiness and success open in his/her face ofcourse if the one realized how to exploit it wisely. As long as I’m a USP student,which is an honor,I will be grateful to this amazing program. Even when I’m successfuly graduated I will never forget its favor. I’m living my dream because of this program, and I’m attending a university who was able to prove itself as one or maybe the greatest university in the region. No matter what I said, will be little by the right of this program. I hope it keep going on for a long time and becomes as a tradition inorder to see the glad in other student’s eyes while they are achieving their dreams and preparing them selves very well to face the future.



Every dream becomes true sooner or later. Well, my dream comes to reality on the 28 of July 2015, as I received a phone call from the USP Management telling me I was accepted at LAU. This is where my journey begins since I had the opportunity to study in one of the most leading universities, which opened the door for me to build my personality and to feel confident. Moreover, being in a multicultural university gave me the chance to mingle with the students and discover their cultures. The program also helped me draw a smile on many faces during the extracurricular activities that we do. In summary, USP is not just a system that helps students attend their classes, but it’s an enrolling program that works on developing and preparing the students for a successful career in the future. Finally, thanks for the USP that has changed my life.



As you plan to reach your major dream, sometimes you have to devide your path into many minor goals. And sometimes these minor goals are put there for you without planning for them or before you even start thinking about your dream. And you work hard for them as if they were your biggest and final aim. Then later you find out that they were only minor stages. However, you discover that without them you wouldn’t have been able to complete. These minor stages are put there for you so that when you start following your dream you don’t find it too late to build a base, so that when you face opportunities you don’t find it too late to prepare for them. But how do opportunities exist? Sometimes they don’t without a USP scholarship! The scholarship that built the biggest bridge in my journey to my dream, told me much more than I had known about challenge and hard work, taught me how to set my passion into reality and gave me the chance to improve my skills and my personality as a whole. When I listen to the words of any LAU/USP member talking about passion, change, challenge or success, I feel like an enormous volcano with all its lava boling inside me, mixing in that lava every other raw material of improvement hiding in any corner inside my personality...


Those who can develop your mind and as well generate that fire inside you are nothhing but great men and women of this world... Thanks to USAID and LAU family for what can never be described... The change this scholarship caused in our lives is that it created us the chance to change,is that it provided our souls and minds with the wings to fly towards dreams... George Bernard Shaw once said: “Progress is impossible without change”. Hopefully, the “USP Changed My Life” book would be an introduction to a “USP Changed My World” one


SALMA SOBEH Computer Science USP 6

There are many changes that can happen in person’s life. Some changes are very small and would not affect your life. However, other events could be very important and leave an unexceptionable impress that could change person’s whole life. The important event that changed my life was getting accepted to the university scholarship program at Lau. My journey began when I first heard in this scholarship, and I decided to fill the application. It took me many days to fill it. This application was complicated because it requires specific details about personal life for example, how much you consume in details... But I had a big hope and big anticipation that I am going to study at Lau and to achieve my dream. I passed in many stages till I reached to the final stage, and I got accepted. At that time, a strange feeling entered my heart, and it was mixed with happiness and tears at the same time because everything I was dreaming for was achieved and that’s naturally because of the usp grace. Everything has changed in my life; my way of thinking, my personality so I gained more selfconfidence and strength and responsibility also, I became more independent of my family. I had my own income and a place to live in near the university. Now everything is available to me. To sum up, moving to Beirut to study at LAU was an important change in my life because of giving me the chance to achieve my dream and to get introduced to many people and to have new friends. Meanwhile, I have become more understanding to different cultures and different people. Thus, this change is very beneficial for me. 366

SANDRA AZKI Communication Arts USP 6

As I got accepted to the USP scholars, my world was turned upside down, tears began running down my face, as those words were said “Welcome to the USP family”, as if I knew in my heart, but was desperate to be wrong. Why me? What had I ever done to deserve this? These thoughts immediately crept into my head. At that point I thought I would cry forever, even if the tears weren’t showing. I was crying because my life had just changed forever, I was mostly afraid, afraid of trying something new away from my parents and siblings. I didn’t know whether I could go through such adventure. Once I entered, everything changed. What scared me most was being unable to make my dream of being a successful journalist become reality. As a USP student I faced many obstacles. I studied hard, cried, and spent my good and my worse moments storming with my grades trying hard to keep them soar. Although I’m an isolated person and secluded from people, as a USP student I invaded social life, made new friends and made a great change in my personality. I participated in many social works, camps, clubs and parties. I became vivid. Thank you USP program for making my dream alive.



Many things in life will happen by coincidence and many others will be build up on hard work and self-esteem. I always thought It is extremely important to determine the right path of education from the beginning as it will definitely contribute to the future success in ones career and this journey should start from the right choice of university. LAU is one of the leading universities in Lebanon and graduating from it was always a dream. One day, an LAU representative came to our school and told us about this university scholarship program. Since that day I felt like a dream will come true. After a long process of submitting documents, making exams and attending interviews, I finally got accepted!!! Since now, only 4 short months have passed, but I can confirm that an exciting experience awaits ME. Through this period I had the chance to meet new people from different societies, religions and cultures and the most important thing I learned is how to be a successful and helpful individual in society.


YARA ISSA Business USP 6

Like any teenager who’s about to graduate from high school, I had very big dreams: I wanted to be an effective female leader in my community. However, my financial status wouldn’t allow me to enter a university like LAU. Previously, two friends of mine were accepted as USP1 and USP2 scholars. I knew that USP6 is the opportunity to accomplish my dreams. I applied and did the required tests. The interview was a very pleasant experience that I will never ever forget. And then I went to every orientation. Every time I was in LAU during the selection process, my hope of being accepted grew each time more. 28 July 2015 was the day that changed my life. “LAU wants you!” was the sentence that instantly made me realize that I can accomplish everything in life if I believe in myself as Sam Walton said: “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the selfesteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” The opportunity given to me was huge. First, if I wasn’t accepted, I would be working as a part-time student in the Lebanese University and I wouldn’t be able to focus on my studies like I do now.


Second, during my first semester as a chemistry student, LAU opened my eyes to a side I didn’t know about chemistry. In my school, I was excellent in chemistry but I haven’t been to a lab before. Being in an LAU lab made me realize that I don’t want to spend the rest of my life working in a lab. I want to interact with people since I’m very sociable. With the help of the USP management office and the career guidance office, I knew that I’m good in sales and marketing. Now as a marketing student, I believe that to be a great marketer, you should first be a great leader. LAU is known to be the nest where all leaders are made. Since I believe that education and learning are indispensable to each other, LAU will give me every education I need and will help me fly and succeed as a leader in my community. Third, I always wanted to be an effective member in my community by being part of important organizations that will help me improve my leadership skills: LAU encourages us to be civic engaged and offers us the opportunity to be part of notable clubs and organizations such as the Model United Nations (MUN) and the Model Arab League (MAL). To put it in a nutshell, LAU provides us with every key to success but we should be wise, hard-working and ambitious to rise and shine. Thank you LAU and USAID for fulfilling my dreams! 370

ZAHRAA SWEIDAN Computer Science USP 6

When I was asked to write in the second edition of the “USP Changed My Life” book” a testimonial, I just thought of the four valuable word that meant a lot for me which are “USP” “Changed” “ My” “ Life”. It actually has done a lot. University Scholarship Program was a great opportunity and a unique one.. When being accepted I first was astonished and I knew that it is a turning point in my life . That is one of the events that I would never forget. USP at LAU ,which is one of the best universities in Middle East, has showed me a lot of experienced doctors equipped with various teaching methods. Not only this but also the activities done showed me that there exist enthusiasm and I can solve every problem. There is no limit for my dreams and almost they can be achieved. Through my little journey at LAU, I depicted such ideas and I am curious to know more beyond. Thanks for USAID and thanks for LAU.



YVONNE FARAH Industrial Engineering USP 7 C1

USP is a scholarship that helps building the future. As a USP scholar, I was not only given an opportunity to pursue quality higher education at LAU, but also to be an active citizen in my society, since the scholarship encourages us to be civically engaged and enhances our leadership skills. When I first got accepted, I wasn’t expecting the program to offer me such a great experience. Being engaged in such a safe environment, where educational and other excellent services are offered, lead to increasing my interest in excelling not only academically but also socially. In addition, the scholarship offers us everything we need in order to accomplish satisfying results and develop our personality and critical thinking. USP is helping me achieving my dreams, and is supporting me to set more goals and future plans. According to Bobby Unser “ success is where preparation and opportunity meet “, and I believe that USP is a golden opportunity that requires us to always be well prepared and supports us to be hard working scholars. That is why success is our destination.



When I applied to the USP scholarship in LAU, I thought it is impossible to take it since there are a huge number of applicants especially the English-educated ones and I thought that I won’t be able to be among the finalists. But fortunately, I got accepted and now I am student at LAU. This scholarship changed my life in many ways. First of all, my weaknesses became strengths such as shyness and time management. Second, now I belong to a new society in LAU, having new friends and colleagues all living together helping each other. Moreover, LAU offers me the opportunity to volunteer and participate in many activities such as Beirut marathon, reforestation in different regions in Lebanon and “LAU Orphan Fair” that reminds me of my childhood when the Orphanage took us to such event to have fun. Finally, I am thankful for every moment I spend in LAU and for every moment I will spend. USP scholarship is the best thing that happened to me and I’ll keep on working hard until I fulfill all my dreams.


AFRODEET SLEEM Business - Accounting USP 7 C1

I loved the idea of being a student at LAU since day one. It is an extraordinary university that creates not only a fruitful educational experience, but also a rich cultural mix. At LAU, I met people from different backgrounds, nationalities, and religions and I learnt how to tolerate and live with them. It was a pleasure for me to be a member in the USAID program where I attended so many workshops that were very enriching and tackled various subjects. I believe that those workshops that I have attended, in addition to the many volunteering activities I’ve participated in are both so effective since they will give me the opportunity to build a strong and interesting CV later on; moreover, all these were very beneficial to me and enabled me to strengthen my skills in different fields. Furthermore, I would like to say that all the USP team and staff are so caring, helpful and kind.


ALAA KAIS Computer Science USP 7 C1

The moment I got accepted to this scholarship was the major highlight that changed my life in many ways. First, I got accepted to a prestigious university whose certificate speaks about itself. In addition, I entered this university under a scholarship that has an amazing staff that is there to guide me throughout my years at the university and take care of whatever matters I have. Of course, this isn’t the only way USP changed my life, USP gives us important workshops and ensures that we are always civically engaged which helps us to be active social members and build the ideal CV that helps us build a bright future. I’m so thankful for LAU, USAID, and the generosity of the American people.


ALAA ZAKARIA Business Management USP 7 C1

A couple more months and it marks my first year in this prestigious university. I can already say that I am very attached to this university and I don’t want my upcoming years to end. LAU generously gave me the opportunity to study my dream major through USAID. This scholarship indeed gave me the goal that I aspire to reach. High school life and university life differ greatly as one may face a lot of difficulties when adapting to a new learning system. However, with the very loving faculty members, atmosphere, and students, I was able to adapt very quickly. The USAID scholarship program does not only provide you with their generous financial and educational aid, but also enables you to take part and engage in volunteer work, attend career related workshops and help in paying tribute to one’s community throughout the “Community Service Project” that is obligatory. This greatly highlights on the importance of always giving back and remembering the less privileged. I must say that throughout this very first year, I already acquired new skills that are helping me in my performance. I am very much honored in my selection for this grant for you trusted my capabilities. My educational pursuits would not be possible without the generous support from scholarship donors like USAID. Thank you for enabling this opportunity that is already changing my life and thank you for investing in my future. I appreciate your recognition for my efforts.



When I was in grade 12 I started considering applying to universities that I always dreamed of attending. Firstly, I was on an exchange program (YES program) for one academic year which was grade 11. I loved the American system and thought why don’t we have such a system in our high schools. Thus, LAU was one of the top priorities to me because it runs on the American system of teaching unlike other universities, plus it is very reputable. The problem was that LAU’s tuition fees far exceeded my ability to afford and pay, leaving me incapable of applying to it. Until came a time where I got informed about the USP scholarship. I firstly knew about it through friends and then through school. This was my golden chance to make use of and achieve my dream. Thus, I applied for the scholarship and thankfully was accepted. This is literally a life changing opportunity. It has allowed me so far to attend my dream college, live the American dream, and study to get a reputable degree. USP allowed me to work on my strengths and start realizing what my weaknesses are and improve myself. It has allowed me to participate in community service activities that help reaching a better world and improve my own experience and skills. I am a person who is passionate about serving the community and improving his surrounding, and LAU focuses on this aspect a lot. USP as well encourages us a lot to do activities and it is actually part of our scholarship to keep doing activities and serving our community. On the educational level, USP has firstly allowed me to study in such a reputable university, and secondly focuses on our grades and tries to fix our problems and understand why we are doing good or bad. Thank you USAID for this awesome opportunity that you are giving to me and many other scholars who you changed their lives a lot. 379

ALI AMHAZ Computer Science USP 7 C1

When I reached the high school level in my academic studying I started searching for a university that gives me a good quality of education. One of my choices was LAU but the problem was the tuition fees that exceeded my ability to pay. At that time, I heard about the USP scholarship that gives some qualified students the opportunity to get a full scholarship to one of the best universities in Lebanon which is LAU. After the encouragement of my family and friends I submitted the scholarship form and I was filled with hope to be accepted. After making some exams and interviews I was accepted to be member in USP 7. This scholarship allowed me to study the major that fits my interest and take a good quality of education in one of the best universities. On the other hand, USP helped me to engage in volunteer work, and to attend leadership and career workshops. Also, it will prepare me to the work field by making the internships mandatory to all students engaged in the program. In addition to that, USP will give me the opportunity to be an active member in my society through community service projects. Finally, I would like to thank USP that allowed me to fulfill my dream and its crew that helps us to overcome any difficulty in the university.



One year ago, I was a high school senior wondering how my future will be. Until one day, an envoy from LAU came to my school and informed us about the university scholarship program (USP). I felt really enthusiastic to apply. Thus, the journey began. It took me several steps and some hard work; but finally among thousands of students who applied, I was accepted with about 70 others. A new chapter of my life was opened, a new life. I never imagine attending such a prestigious university, but the dream came true. My first year is coming to an end and it was one of the greatest years in my life. In LAU, I became another person, my self-esteem improved and my belief in myself has increased. I was enrolled in several activities and volunteered in many events; this arouses the spirit of volunteerism and makes you feel proud of yourself. On the other hand, USP supported us financially in the tuition fees as well as a monthly allowance and book allowance, thus it helped us to become independent individuals who can manage their own lives. OCE played a huge role in engaging us in extracurricular activities as well as following us step by step in our classes and courses and to continue our graduation plan successfully. We are taking our courses and achieving high scores in them and the USP team is walking with us on this track by the weekly meetings and continuous emails. At last, I cannot ignore the recurrent workshops arising a lot of qualities inside of each one of us. Thanks to USP and LAU, today I am the person I am today, I am on the right track to achieve my dreams. All in all, this scholarship changed my life and took it to a higher level of success. 381

AYA BARAKAT Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C1

To be honest whenever I think about my life now and how it was before, I thank God for this amazing opportunity. USP has put me on the right track to start sailing towards my vision of being an aeronautical engineer. Not only it motivates me academically, yet it also enriches my character and enhances my connections with influencing, socially active, and professional people. Now I am in the place that I really want to be in, majoring in what I’m passionate about, being part of the ASME board, attending numerous essential workshops, volunteering to serve my community, and being an active female in my society. Because of the USP, I am now a more dedicated and independent person who takes her decisions without hesitation. I now recognize my responsibilities as a Lebanese student towards my community. Also, I’m always aiming to my academic excellence and learning how to get the most out of my educational experience because USP is once in a lifetime chance. It’s a ticket toward my dreams who were just scrambled pieces of imagination. Now the latter pieces have become one beautiful vision that I will dedicate my time and energy to… I don’t even want to imagine my life without this USP opportunity because now I am so busy in my ship sailing toward the promised future.


CHADY AKIKI Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C1

Getting the USP scholarship had a great impact on my life. The Lebanese American University gave me the opportunity to have new friends, and a new life. This program encourages us to attend workshops, events and to do a lot of activities that empower my leadership skills and build a strong character, they prepare us for the future, they prepare us to be independent and also to be active members in our society. Also, USP provides us with the OCE department which helps us overcome all the circumstances and the problems that we might face and they follow us to improve our academic performance. LAU was a dream for me and yet through the hard work I achieved it. Now I’m in a higher stage always looking for the best. It also gave me the hope for a better future full of success. Now I believe that dreams can become true, and all what we have to do is just to work hard and dream big. USP taught me to never turn myself down, follow my dreams no matter how much difficulties I might face and never stop until I achieve them. Most importantly I learned to make use of every opportunity and make sure not to waste it. Life may not be fair but you can make it better.



When I first got accepted as a USP student at the Lebanese American University, my whole life was changed. I have been chosen among hundreds of students after a long process of exams, interviews… but I had many challenges to face. I started adapting to university life and getting used to be away from home, I accepted others as they are and gained friends really fast and here we are helping each other to achieve our goals. I acquired new skills that I didn’t know about with the help of the USP Management team. Slowly, I started to figure out what are my goals and what I want to achieve and tried with the help of the USP team to reach them as much as possible. I tried to improve myself ad I’m still working on this improvement. I started doing volunteer work that I usually don’t participate in and I really felt happy with the volunteering experience. Last month, I got invited to the American embassy to the reception that took place in honor of Lebanese Youth leaders and I was very happy and proud to be invited to such events. I thank USAID and the whole USP Team that didn’t only help me enroll at LAU without any costs, but also assisted me to gain skills and made me work and engage in activities that helped people, environment, kids and country. I thank them for giving me this awesome chance and opportunity to study in the field I am studying in now and making me a better person.


ELIE RAAD Computer Engineering USP 7 C1

After a long hard-working year, it finally paid off and I was accepted to one of the most prestigious universities with the help of the USAID. It was a golden opportunity to fulfill my academic desire while building a wide network with other students sharing the same goals as mine, to help our community. USP helped me achieve this goal by offering fruitful workshops, seminars and lectures to develop skills and abilities to change the world to a better place and to become a better individual working not only for my family and myself but for all the community where I grew up and became the person I am today. As USAID helped me to grow individually, it also gave me a chance to go to my hometown and help back. Throughout the years I’ve stayed at LAU as USP scholar I have acquired life skills and was awarded citizenship values to become a leader in my community and contribute to its development through the community service projects. This program will not only prepare me for my career but for a better future. I will be one of the best candidates by developing my leadership skills and becoming more civically engaged.



Instead of dreaming of success, I got an honorable opportunity to be one of the scholars of an educational grant – the USP 7 program – at the Lebanese American University. Both the program and LAU which is a student centered university, provide the students everything needed to be academically brilliant and civically engaged since they both believe in us and in our potentials. USP changed my life and I am proud and thankful about the changes. It affected my life in many aspects. It was the motivation and encouragement for me to work harder, stay focused, never give up on my goals, and believe in myself more. Furthermore, LAU and the USP management provide us with cognitive and psychomotor activities to be successful, competitive, and to increase our passion and desire to achieve our goals. LAU provides us with workshops on daily bases about different useful topics such as time management. The university enriches us with much more workshops and opportunities to be volunteers in many activities to be civically engaged and help others as much as we can. In addition, LAU develops our learning skills through enhancing our creative thinking, communication skills, use of technology in different ways, knowledge, and academic experience that will help us to be the leaders of our future, as well as to get a great job. Thus learning is long lasting and affective in our university. As a student in LAU, this scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying, learn new methods for time management and know how to plan a studying system in a perfect way to get high marks. I would like to take the chance to thank the American people and LAU family for always being there. 386

ESSA HMAIDAN Business Management USP 7 C1

USP is not only a university scholarship; it is also a life changing opportunity. From the moment I was accepted as a USP scholar every aspect of my life changed. My humble dreams to build my future, turned into goals to change others life and to improve my society. This program introduced me to a whole new level of abilities and encouraged me to get more involved in volunteering activities, to get to know the advantages of giving. Upon being raised in a humble family the chance to attend a high level university like the Lebanese American University was null but thanks to USAID, here I am today, part of the LAU family. USP didn’t only help me to attend a prestigious university like LAU, it also helped me to change my life .


FARAH TALIB English Literature USP 7 C1

What makes a life worth living is the decisions you ought to take which shape you into the person you’ve always dreamed to be since you were young. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always pushed myself towards successfully achieving my goals through a road full of challenges, but sometimes a person needs a generous hand which would encourage him to keep moving forward. USP offered this hand. Through USP I wasn’t only able to continue my education in one of the finest universities in Lebanon, LAU, but I was able to experience new things from different perspectives. Educationally, USP provided mentors for me who would ask about my grades every week and encourage me to keep my GPA high so I’ve always felt that they cared about my academic standing. The more important part is the great experience USP provided me with. USP was a great part of my life which helped me develop my own character through a variety of important workshops. The Charisma workshop, the time management workshop, the communication skills workshop and much others had literally changed me from being that shy girl to a more confident and persistent woman. They showed me the importance of becoming a leader and an innovative person. Moreover, USP actually organized my life and had me communicate with new people. Through the Town Hall meetings and the Homecoming events, I was able to meet ambassadors from the US and have conversations with them about my major as well as get inspired from them. Volunteering as a way to nourish our society has been a must to me ever since USP offered it. ROAD, Marathons, and much more activities made me realize that being able to help people and reflect smiles on their faces made my life much happier. Given all these, I can thankfully say that USP CHANGED MY LIFE. 388

FATIMA ATWI Mathematics USP 7 C1

It was a year ago, when I applied to USP 7 scholarship through my school. I still remember that day when the admissions office called and told me that I was accepted to be part of the USP scholarship at the Lebanese American University. It was an amazing moment that changed my life. Now and after my first year as a USP scholar, I would like to thank USP for this amazing opportunity. It gave me the chance to study at LAU, one of the most important universities in the Middle East. Moreover, it helped me to develop my leadership skills and team spirit by the different activities they offered to us throughout the past year. USP, by its different workshops, encouraged me to be an active person at my community, an organized person at my work and independent in my life. Also, it helped me to develop my personality and it enhanced my self-confidence. Finally, I hope this golden scholarship will be continued and offered to different students to help them improve and change their lives.


FAYSAL AL LADAN Civil Engineering USP 7 C1

Studying at the Lebanese American University (LAU) was a dream that is almost impossible to happen taking into consideration my economic status, but the University Scholarship Program (USP) was that light of hope that made this impossible dream come true. It was summer time, and after the tiring hard work, I was going through the several stages of shortlisting the scholars, it was like dream to be among the last 100 candidates. There was only one stage left to reach the ultimate goal. I was working in a summer school where I was teaching some kids when I received a call from LAU. Unfortunately, my phone was on the silent mode so I didn’t pay attention to the call. I got out of the class and saw the missed call, I felt upset and went home sad, but that feeling didn’t last for a long time. An hour later this number 01 791 636 was dialing me, oh my God !!!! it’s LAU’s number, and it was the call that I was waiting for. It was the call the turned my life.. From that moment and on, my life has changed, I got closer to achieving my ambitions, my confidence was further established, the way I looked at myself and everything around me changed and the notion that something is impossible is now rejected in all its means. I wake up every day and I know that things are not the same and there isn’t a day like the one before. I am very thankful for the generous opportunity from USAID to be able to get enrolled at one of the very prestigious universities in Lebanon which is LAU. And yes indeed, USP has changed my life.


GWANELLE AOUN Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

USP changed my life completely. Becoming a student at LAU was a dream that came true. USP is a great opportunity not only to develop our academic skills but also to be involved in extracurricular activities that increase our engagement into society which is something I find very special and interesting. By getting this grant, I had the chance to live in a campus that is full of life and activities. In addition, I am being taught by instructors who are very knowledgeable and from whom I can definitely learn something that can be an added value for my career life. Also, we get to build our personalities through the workshops that fortify our characters and add to our skills. It is a very exciting and thriving journey. I am very thankful for the USAID, LAU and USP team. They are taking care of us and they are here to help whenever we need assistance.


HALA WANNOUS Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

Today, my yesterday’s dream is my present. The University Scholarship Program makes our futures brighter and more prosperous. For me, it’s a future that I have been hoping for since a very long time. A future that I believe is saving me from what I would be if I was not here right now. Although it is almost every teenager’s dream to enter a prestigious university such as LAU, the cost of schooling can be very difficult to afford. However, USP has enabled me to commit to studying and furthering myself and my community without additional worries. The options that this scholarship has opened to me are numerous to the extent that I started my education as a Computer Science student, and after a brief period I decided to shift for Business with an emphasis in Banking and Finance. With the support of USP team, I felt that whichever path I choose, I have the confidence, skills and motivation to succeed. This scholarship is about much more than being able to study freely, it is also about how much my life has changed, and how positive I feel towards the person I became especially that I have the chance to participate and volunteer in leadership activities that helped me to find out the needs of my community, and to know the importance of community service as much as education to build a unique character. I really believe that USP shows people that they are worth believing in, and that their futures are relevant. 392

YEHIA ABO DERGHAM Electrical Engineering USP 7 C1

I am so proud and satisfied by the experience USP, along with the excellent staff of the outreach and civic engagement unit (OCE) have given me. Without USP, I would never be able to register in a prestigious university as LAU. Moreover, USP has provided me with the opportunity to have access to leadership activities along to useful and educational seminars including but not limited to power of charisma, time management, work ethics and communication skills workshops, that I am privileged to attend and take part of them. Moreover, since I joined LAU, I got the chance to enhance my knowledge about the major I chose, electrical engineering, and discovered that when passion and education meet, a person can and will build a successful career and initiate change in his society. Thank you USAID for initiating such great programs and exposing public high school students to a life-time opportunity resulting in a better future and maintainable careers for our youth.


HIBA KHANAFER Mathematics USP 7 C1

The dream began two years ago when a girl I know was accepted at LAU through a scholarship program. I was surprised because it was a very generous scholarship that covers all the tuition fees, a monthly stipend, a book allowance and even transportation. Since that time, I decided to keep my grades high and to engage in extracurricular activities in order to be academically successful and to gain a similar scholarship. So, I filled the application and got all the required documents before being interviewed. After all the hardships I faced, the dream came true, and I became a student in one of the most prestigious universities in the region. 9 august 2016 was an unforgettable day. I still remember Carla’s voice telling me “Congratulations Hiba, you are now an LAU student, you can come and sign the contract”. USP changed my life. I became more responsible, especially after leaving my parents and living in the dorms with girls from different regions and backgrounds. In addition, I used to be very shy and I found a difficulty when dealing and communicating with people; but after enrolling at LAU, I became more confident, and now I participate in more activities and workshops in order to acquire all the knowledge needed to excel in my future work. And finally, after one year of events, exams, and activities, LAU is now my second home and my friends are my second family. Thank you USAID!!!


HELANA HAZIMI Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

Being accepted insuch scholarship and program allowed me to experience a new culture. Although I am still in the same country, but this culture is widely different from my own one. The best way of finding out about other cultures is by immersing yourself in them. You can only do that by living in that country (in my case it is Byblos). Moreover, LAU is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities. Thus, students from all over the world come to gain education in this university - being multicultural place. So this provides us with the opportunity to make friends from all around the world. If we take the full advantage of this chance, we should graduate having established lasting friendships with people from many different backgrounds and cultures. Moreover, this scholarship makes us truly independent. This can be explained by the fact that the experience of university is, for most of the students, a steep learning curve in gaining independence. We as students obviously have to cope on our own when we are studying and living away from home. We have to look after ourselves and to be able to sort out our own affairs. On the other hand, studying at LAU provides an opportunity to expand my field of view and helps me to understand and analyze problems and phenomena from a different perspective, a macro one. In Addition, after graduation I will have the tendency to think objectively about myself and my home country, tolerate difference and recognize and appreciate diversity.


HOUSSAM SAAD Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C1

Entering one of the most important universities in my country was just a dream that no one in my hometown had ever thought about. The likelihood of this dream was reduced due to the high costs of attending such universities and my parents’ financial situation. However, my father had trusted my abilities and started incentivizing me and made me understand that nothing is impossible and even the wildest dreams may come true if one works hard. Knowing that, I studied as much as I can and I maintained the first rank in my classes. My personality, high grades and achievements made me able to compete on one of the most fantastic scholarships ever (USP), which was directed to public schools students only. As I was waiting for the results, I received a call from LAU. I answered and heard the most beautiful sentence ever: “you were accepted to be part of the USP 7 scholarship”, I was extremely proud and happy, and so were my parents. In fact, USP program made a great impact on my life. Now I attend one of the most important universities in my country, without paying any coin. I also benefit from a monthly stipend, a laptop, a medical insurance, books allowance and even a place to living. Moreover, USP program boosted my self-confidence, allowed me to have many friends and to participate in many activities to be more enrolled in my community and environment .In addition, it improved my career life and got me more closer to my dream job which is an aerospace engineer. The most important thing about this scholarship is that it relaxed my parents who were very concerned about my higher education. Finally, thanks for the USP program and LAU. 396


It’s very rare to find golden opportunities. You would usually have to go hunting for them and it’s never easy to find them. How about when these opportunities come knocking on your classroom door. This is exactly what happened when the USP representative rendered my high school a visit inviting us to send in our applications. One year later, I’m pursuing my dreams in the single most glorified university in the region in a diverse, nurturing atmosphere while getting the highest quality of education, acquisition of skills and trainings that are much needed in the near future. With a group of highly trained personnel and administration, you walk out of every workshop with a brand new skill that you’ve acquired. The instructors and teachers at the university are highly qualified professionals and continue to provide their students with top notch educational skills. This program is surely one of the most influential events that one could step into. The training and education are set to build a generation of highly motivated, patriotic individuals that will make a difference in their communities. What this scholarship has offered and continues to offer is beyond generous, it is life changing. It is only through this program that I’ve learned the true meaning of diversity, persistence, and professionalism. All because of that single knock on the classroom door. So, thank you USAID!


IMAN BAKARAKI Electrical Engineering USP 7 C1

When I was in high school, I heard about the university scholarship program funded by USAID and I thought that this would be a way to achieve my goals by enrolling in one of the top universities in Lebanon. Getting accepted and becoming an LAU student and specifically a USP scholar was a turning point in my life; getting to know different people and interacting with them has improved my communication skills a lot. Being a USP scholar has given me the chance to participate in different types of activities and to know my interests even more. What I really like as a USP scholar is the special treatment I receive especially from the Outreach and Civic Engagement team. I am really thankful to be living such an experience in such a prestigious university. I want to thank USAID for granting me this opportunity.



The journey began when I decided to take a USP application and fill it. I was strongly willing to be one of the chosen students. Then after several months, and after exerting a lot of effort through the selection process, I found myself as an academically good standing student, earning a high GPA, embracing the major I chose, enjoying every day I spend with new company, new mentors, instructors, and others… Applying to this program presents a great climb in my life. This action took me from a very humble environment to a lofty and developed one in which each day there’s something new and interesting to discover. Thanks to USP management team at LAU, who guides me properly, I’m capable to pass through dark tunnels of ignorance to lights of success and knowledge. Setting high academic performance along with continuous involvement in community services as top requirements from USP scholars, to me, is more than discipline. It’s an efficient approach for preparing students to be fruitfully engaged in workplace and society as well. The story doesn’t end here. Being a USP student means that I’m a self-confident person who keeps on planning for further studies and a bright future, who aims at making a difference in the country and even outside, and looks forward to being famous and hardworking, making many people proud of my own accomplishments. USP is the torch that enlightens my future so that I find myself among the successful people. 399


One year ago, I started really thinking about my future, planning and dreaming to have a bright one, and to achieve my goals. I started sending my applications for many private universities including LAU, AUB, BAU… but after knowing the high cost of these universities, I encountered a big problem, which is the financial one. At that moment I realized that all my dreams went off, I really felt pessimistic and anxious, my mother started crying because I’ll not achieve my dreams and fulfill my aspirations. It was such a bad situation I went through! But three days after, my phone started ringing, and guess who was calling me?! It’s LAU admissions office, saying to me: “ongratulations Jamal you were accepted to the University Scholarship Program (USP) sponsored by USAID”. It was a fantastic moment. I told my mother, she started crying, but this time her tears were because of joy and excitement. As a family, we were thankful to God and all my family members felt so proud of me. USAID really changed my life, it changed me and planted hope not only inside of me, but inside every student that has a bright dream and wishes to achieve it. It supported me with passion, will, and motivation; it increased my self-confidence and fueled me with leadership skills and let me benefit and improve my strength points and eliminate my the weak ones. USAID motivated and pushed me to volunteer and help people without expecting anything in return. Finally, USAID built a leader, a volunteer, and a real man.


JANA ABOU HJAILY Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

Since I was a student in high school, I always thought about my future major and about the university I will be enrolled in, trying to evaluate all my options and hoping for the best. It was hard to decide what I want but when I decided to apply to the USP scholarship sponsored by USAID, I realized that this was my goal and I was very glad and grateful when I got accepted. Although the process was hard and challenging, the results were worth it. The university life I am experiencing now, the people I have met through USP who became my family, and the numerous workshops that I am getting to attend; all this was worth the hard work.


JANA HSAIKY Marketing USP 7 C1

USP was a turning point in my life, LAU lifestyle in terms of variety, energy, and education influenced and inspired me to work hard and not to lose opportunities. To me, USP is more than a scholarship it doesn’t provide only a major or university experience, it is a program that works on building up a lifestyle and a mindset that praises leadership, opportunity seeking and social engagement. In other words, I believe that through the USP I’ve acquired certain habits such as taking initiatives having my community among my priorities and above all benefiting from opportunities as I seek a future and not only a degree. Moreover, at LAU I had a wide exposure to a variety of people and through experience I say variety brings enrichment, because discussing topics with people from different backgrounds tells you more about your beliefs and engaging with a variety of people enhance your perspectives. USP is a life time experience that I’ll try to be smart enough to make the best use of it, in few words I believe that USP is a solid base for a promising future.


JANA MADDAH Social Work USP 7 C1

If I go back 11 months from now, I would meet a girl with big dreams, yet does not know how to express or present herself. This girl was me. In a way, the USP scholarship set the trail in front of me so clear that enabled me to organize my goals and priorities. When I first started university, being a mathematician is what I thought I want. However, when I got more involved in the society because of the different workshops, the different activities, and the many required elective courses, I figured out that this is not what I want to be later in life, and this was life changing according to me. It was not only because of the transfer from mathematics to social work, but it was because I have introduced me to myself. Furthermore, the USP scholarship gave me the chance to meet people from different countries in the world, to be introduced to different thoughts, which taught me to be more tolerant. It also helped me in discovering my talents because of the different kinds of sports and activities. In short, this scholarship offered me a lifestyle that is developing every day, a lifestyle that no other program and no other university can offer.


JAWAD HASSAN Mathematics USP 7 C1

LAU is the planet at which the light of education never fades. It’s the stage of learners from which you get to step on the ladder of ambition until reaching the torch of uniqueness. It’s the echo of improvement, thriving and development that reverberates among societies. Personally, I heard a lot about this huge educational institution before applying to the USP program. First of all, I hesitated and it took me a long time to settle on a final decision. I thought that my chance to be accepted is weak. But, I took the risk; a risk of not being accepted and returning back with disappointment. I submitted the necessary documents to the university and there I knew that there are many students who were applying to this program. I was shocked and I lost that slight beam of hope that I was clung to. Soon later, the results of the exams showed that I was accepted for the next step: the interview. A different type of stress was present; a stress of getting embarrassed and afraid because I’m not used to such kinds of interviews. But the interviewer was so kind and showed a lot of understanding and patience. Few weeks later, LAU called me to inform that I was one of the USP scholars. That moment is immortal in my memory. It was the first step for a dream I didn’t expect its occurrence. It was the beginning of a long, exciting success story. And now, I’m living in the LAU dorms with no difficulties. I’m happy with relations I have built with lots of friends who became my second family. We share our happy and sad moments together, study, eat and enjoy time together. LAU gave me the chance to experience a new life, to achieve selfdetermination, to build self-esteem, to be more sociable and to know that education has no walls. 404


It was a normal day at school when 2 people from LAU entered our classroom, and started explaining about the usp scholarship. I was so surprised and delighted by this opportunity because I always wanted to study at LAU, one of the greatest universities, so I was determined to get this opportunity. A couple of months later, I received a call from a Lau staff member who told me that I got the scholarship. It was an unforgettable moment, I was so happy that I’ll be able to study at this amazing university. Studying at LAU under the usp scholarship improved my personality. It made me more confident, responsible, and mature. Also, through the usp workshops, I learned a lot of skills that will improve my life and my work later, like time management skills, speech skills, income saving skills, work ethics and how to be a professional worker. The clubs at LAU are very helpful, especially, since I am majoring in nursing, the nursing club. Joining this club made me more passionate about my major, and it encouraged me to help others in every possible way I can, even before I get my degree and start working. This scholarship also was an opportunity to meet new amazing people at LAU, and to make long lasting friends that will always be by your side when you need them. Thank you usp for changing my life and making me a better person.


JESCARD TAMER Computer Science USP 7 C1

How amazing was the moment I received a phone call from LAU to congratulate me for winning a full scholarship. My acceptance to this program was a turning point. It is not that my whole life changed, but it is more of how my personality developed. Two years ago, I was a passive shy boy, never requesting more. Now I became more active in the society due to the activities that I was engaged in. I became more confident about my academic and leadership skills through the major I chose and the many volunteering activities I took part in. Finally, I want to thank the American Embassy and the USAID people for giving me an opportunity to come to LAU, to participate in its events which taught me a bunch of lessons equally important to those learned in class. Moreover, living with my friends who came from diverse cultures and backgrounds widened my knowledge and education about different sects and how the Lebanese should cooperate to escape our dramatic situation in the country.


JINAN RACHID Computer Science USP 7 C1

It was like a dream to me to study at LAU, one of the most important universities in Lebanon but USP made it true. I remember the day when I was notified that I got accepted into this scholarship program. This scholarship has enabled me to commit to studying and improving myself without additional worries, and I felt privileged since many students graduate from college with enormous student loan debts or find themselves obliged to limit their education in an attempt to control costs. Because the USP scholarship is free, I could focus on my future career instead of thinking about how I will repay loans. In addition, according to a study conducted by the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation, working while in college is the number one reason why people drop out of college. Thus, having a scholarship that pays for my education and living expenses can actually reduce my risk of dropping out and not getting the degree I want. Moreover this scholarship made a big difference in how much time and resources I have during college to spend on enhancing my experience and knowledge through service learning and volunteering opportunities. This change has been made possible through the kindness of people like you and I hope to benefit from this chance and achieve great things.



We can’t go back in time, but we can go back in memories, to the best events that happened in our life. On August 8th, the USP committee called me to congratulate and inform me that I was accepted as a USP scholar. It feels like it was yesterday. Everything has changed. As Baris Pasternak famously said: “Everything had changed suddenly, the tone, the moral climate, you didn’t know what to think, whom to listen to. As if all your life had been led by the hand... and suddenly you were on your own.” This quote summarizes my entire feelings and thoughts when I entered the prestigious university, LAU. I committed to a new ultimate purpose that I’ve never thought about. Less than a month before the special call, I was nowhere-bound, considering few choices to pursue my undergraduate studies. All that faded when I noticed that I was granted a generous and full scholarship. I left my small village in Bekaa, a village that is too narrow to my goals and ambitions. I had new beginnings and I was introduced to new faces, new places and new adventurous world. Today, 9 months later, I am grateful for numerous reasons. I am grateful for the education I am still receiving. I am grateful to the personal change I’ve experienced- the introvert in me is comfortable and more social nowadays. Finally, I am grateful for the scope of vision that had been enlightened, widened and rejuvenated. I am thankful for LAU and the USP committee.



Well truly said “Every reality was once a dream”. Here I am living a destined experience. An experience I’ve always aimed for. However, this could never exist without a great family that believed in me and paved the way for my goals, ambitions and dreams. Same as today, one year ago I was writing down about my passion to education and my will to becoming a successful person with a bright future. LAU and USAID just taught us that success is not only about education, it is more than that. Success is a wide title under which education and leadership meet. In a world where people split, unity has to exist again. We as a family including the USAID, OCE team, USP management, my colleagues, etc. are working for the welfare of our country. Helping students in education, drawing smiles on the faces of youngsters and adults, and volunteering in several social activities, are essential for creating a better world. Since life is not only about work and education here is a third element that nourishes it with life, love, and care. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to take the stairs of success without you. Thank you USAID, Thank you LAU!



From the moment that I received a call from LAU informing me that I got accepted into the USP program, I knew that my whole life was going to change. Moving into a new city and studying for the major that I always wanted, in the university that I never thought that I would get in, was everything that I could ask for and more. It was like a dream that came true. A dream that I worked on a lot to achieve. All the sleepless nights, the extra caffeine, and the exam’s horror that I went through, was washed away by the spectacular opportunity that I was given. The things that they provide us with are more than what any student could ask for. Beside the materialistic things, the love that we keep on getting from the USP team is what makes us a family. The OCE team and the USP students from my cohort and previous ones make a family filled with love and care. In addition, the activities that we must participate in make us active members in our society and university, which really did change my personality in a very short period of time. Instead of being the dependent and shy girl that I was before, I can now say that I turned into an independent, self-confident person. USP did change my life!


MAHMOUD NAIM Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C1

I was a like any ordinary official school student who is worried about his future and delineating his university plans .Suddenly, I found the golden opportunity that is donated by the generous American people for the Lebanese students who study in humble public schools. After I was accepted to be part of the program my whole life changed, the life style and my point of view toward life, and I started to believe that the harder you work, the more you gain in your life. I entered in a new horizon which seemed to be incredible. The USP management is unique with its hospitality, they care for you as your parents do, it can be considered as a second family that cares for you and for your dreams and helps you to achieve them. The USP management also guides you to be successful in your career life. In addition to that, you get to witness a fabulous and fantastic life in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, where you can receive a good education that will enable you to compete in the market. It also helps you to gain more self-confidence that increases your ability to communicate with people and enhance your soft skills. When I became a USP student, I discover that I have a unique description: “USP 7 student” which I view as a privilege that always stimulates me to do the best. Finally, I learned at LAU to always take into consideration that one’s life is a ceaseless struggle; thus if I happen to lose in a battle, I do not become desperate, because I still haven’t lost the war yet.



It was like any day at school when two unknown people came to our class with the supervisor. They introduced themselves as LAU representatives from the University Scholarship Program, a scholarship aimed at public school students with high academic achievements and financial struggles. As they were explaining what this program provides, I couldn’t really believe it because I thought it was too good to be true. Even if it was, I didn’t think I’d get accepted out of hundreds of people who would apply from all over Lebanon. After a couple of days, I was discussing it with my friends and we decided to apply, although I was reluctant. I told myself it’s better to do it than regret not trying at all after it’s too late. After months of running errands and waiting nervously, I finally got the call: I have been accepted! I could not believe it. It was a dream coming true… Not only was I provided with all financial needs necessary for my education, but also enrolled in a very important and prestigious university which is LAU. USP has allowed me to meet new people from different destinations, take part in activities that are vital for our social progress, and of course go with the major of study of our choice. All this is done in the best way possible to ensure the graduation of responsible and civically-engaged students with high academic standing, and for this I will be forever grateful. In other words, USP has certainly changed my life.



For me it was a mysterious world, something that I have never experienced before, for me it is impossible to study in such a prestigious famous university, it was a dream of mine. Before USAID program I decided to study medicine at Lebanese university although I suffer from phobia against blood. When they called me from LAU telling me that I was selected to do the exams I felt that I am experiencing a new life, a new world, and new friends who culturally differ from those I made in my village. Frankly, my only dream was to be successful and help my parents especially my father who got so worried when he learnt that I will be leaving home to live alone in a Beirut. Before USP, I was very shy, worrying about my environment, my future, and my family. But today I am not shy anymore, I am ready to face the world and speak about myself without being fearful or embarrassed about who I am. In fact, I got addicted to the university life, friends, and somehow to the cats. After spending my third semester here, I feel that I belong to LAU. At first, I was scrupled and I faced many problems in choosing what I want to study and work, but after taking the strong test at the career guidance office I decided to study business. Finally, I thank USAID, LAU and the American people for this golden chance.


MARIA SOUAID Computer Science USP 7 C1

A year ago, I never thought that I would be attending one of the most prestigious colleges in Lebanon. I still can remember the day I received a phone call that was the beginning of the most exciting and intriguing experiences of my life. As a high school senior, I was lost between all the decisions that I had to take, but, I always knew that all I wanted was something new and to get out of my comfort zone. And that is exactly what happened after I became a student at LAU with the help of USP. At first, it was a road full of challenges and difficulties, but with the help of the USP management, I could overcome everything. I have learned lessons during the past year that will accompany me for the rest of my life. I learned how important taking risks for my self-improvement. After I stopped questioning my decisions I discovered how independent and confident I had become especially with my relationships with my peers. I had the opportunity to meet people from different regions and backgrounds, therefore, enhancing my sense of coexistence. It gave me the opportunity to become the best version of myself. And as Steve Jobs once said: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”. And USP is that light that will lead me towards achieving my dreams.


MARIAM TARRAF Mathematics USP 7 C1

Before entering Lau, I was a shy person with little responsibilities. I never experienced living away from my parents who always had my back. But my first year in LAU has completely changed my personality and my life. I became a strong person who took so many responsibilities since now I live in dorms far away from my parents. I have also taken part in different volunteering activities such as ROAD, Beirut Marathon, Loyac along with other club activities like the safety awareness club, mathematics, and environmental club. That’s why, I am more than thankful that USP gave me the opportunity to study in the best university in Lebanon and major in my favorite subject which is mathematics. Through all this, I am able to develop my abilities and personality and be more confident. I believe that this experience marks the stepping stone of me becoming a true independent leader who always aims for more.



Some days you dream of goals you aim to achieve but you have no idea about how to get there so you sit sadly waiting for the opportunity to come and knock your door and that what USP offered me, the best gift of my life! I got the chance to study in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, my beloved university the Lebanese American University. USP helped me to begin my journey towards achieving my dream, and so far my first year can be considered as a first successful step in which I learned many things and enhanced my academic knowledge. Also, USP helped me to enhance many skills such as public speaking, leadership skills and communication skills through many workshops that helped in building my character and guiding me to become a better person who is able to give back to society through engaging in volunteer work.


MARIO CHAHOUD Computer Science USP 7 C1

When I was a child, I loved the American system because of its approach in teaching and educating, but unfortunately I come from an unprivileged family, and I never had the chance to enter a school that runs on the American system. About a year ago, I heard about the USP program and what it offers, so i worked hard to maintain my high academic performance and to gain what I lack to be able to apply for this program. In addition, when I heard that I can apply to LAU from this program, I worked harder. Now, I am a LAU student and an USP student, and I am glad to be part of this family. USP changed my life from the first time I heard about it. This opportunity has turned my life upside down by teaching me to hope and have faith in my dreams even before I was accepted. At the moment, I am so happy, more comfortable and satisfied of my major and ready to finish my studies in order to enter the domain of work as a competent and knowledgeable computer scientist.


MAROUN HAYKAL Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

Successful people are not gifted, they just take advantage of all the opportunities they get to achieve their goals. That being said, the university scholarship program is one of the best opportunities anyone can dream of. Moving to a high school was the first step I did without acknowledging the importance of this event. In fact, it was the LAU admission team who enlightened me and helped me see a path that would lead me to success, in a society that destroys your ambitions. That’s where my life changed. Applying for this scholarship was the second step and, I thought it was impossible for me to get accepted; but the USP management team saw something in me that I didn’t realize, and through LAU they wanted me to discover it by myself. When I got accepted I started walking this new path that I knew it would be difficult to march in it, but totally worth it and, if it were easy, I think everyone would do it. The USP, funded by the USAID and the Lebanese American University, is teaching me to be a better leader that his society can depend on and, I believe that change is possible if we stood next to each other for a strong country. Of course, this scholarship improved my life, not just financially but morally, because everything is possible thanks to God and his will working in my life, and I believe that there is always a purpose. After all, it all starts in ourselves.


MAYA AL CHAABI Mathematics USP 7 C1

It was a mysterious beginning, a new adventure to live. I applied for USAID scholarship, did the exams and waited impatiently. Then the phone rang, it was the one. I got accepted! USP scholarship gave me the chance to learn at one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon; not only to learn but also to create an independent personality. My dreams got bigger and higher and now I believe that what you think is impossible, can be reached through determination. Volunteering in different activities increased my ability of dealing with different difficulties. Various workshops about time management, ethics, budgeting, etc allowed me to understand and deal better with my personal issues. Moreover, being a student who lives at the university dorms and handles more responsibilities increased my self-esteem. Now, I can communicate with others more confidently. One of the most important things is participating in LAU clubs, namely the mathematics, social work and debate clubs, allowing me to meet inspiring people with different ideas and personalities. USP did really change my life...thanks to this generous scholarship I am who I am now. Thank you USAID for believing in my potential and granting me this opportunity.


MAYA JABR Banking and Finance USP 7 C1

Being a student in LAU, one of the best universities in Lebanon, is all what a student can wish for. LAU believed in us and in our potentials and granted us the USP scholarship one year ago. It always offers us the best to improve ourselves. It encourages us to participate in activities to serve our community, and to bring out the best of us. LAU as well provides us with workshops on daily basis about different topics that will be useful in our future jobs such as career guidance workshops, time management and work ethics workshops. Besides, this university provides us with the best academic experience that will be helpful for our future, as it will help us get a perfect job immediately after we graduate. I would like to take the chance to thank LAU family for always being there for me and supporting me whenever I face any kind of obstacles.


YOUMNA NASSER Computer Science USP 7 C1

It all started when LAU came to my school and introduced us to the USAID university scholarship program. I didn’t really have much hope back and I did not believe that I would get the chance to be chosen among thousands of other students to attend such a prestigious university. But thankfully, I did get accepted. I knew that this is truly a life changing opportunity which I cannot and should not miss; a golden opportunity that will make me get one step closer to achieve my dreams and reach my ambitions. USP didn’t just offer me a studying opportunity, it also offered me a chance to build and improve my personality. It helped in building my character and it also helped me in gaining self-confidence. For instance, one year ago I was too shy and could not talk in front of an audience. However, today, I can do this and with high self-esteem. This is all because of the leadership activities and workshops LAU offered me. Thank you LAU and thank you USAID for presenting me with such an amazing experience that I will never forget.



One year ago, I applied to the USP scholarship sponsored by USAID. It was like a dream for me and thought it was impossible to get this opportunity. Few months later, my dream came true, actually I cannot call it a dream, it’s the result of the hard work and the offered opportunity together. USAID taught me that as long as someone has the ability and the chance to achieve something, nothing is impossible. Like every baccalaureate student, I was confused about the university that I am going to attend, the availability of the major, and most importantly the fees. LAU is one of the most important universities in the MENA region and not only in Lebanon, I never dreamed about it because I knew that I will not be able register at LAU and pay the needed fees, but USAID gave me the chance to receive this high level of education by paying the fees and making the USP students financially stable and independent which will help these students to focus on their studies without wasting their time between work and education. USAID helped me to plan my future, to take my first step into life by preparing myself in education, to work and serve my community few years later. LAU makes you feel like you are in an American university because it adopts an American system. LAU and OCE are giving us the opportunity to volunteer, to improve our soft skills, and not only the education but the leadership performance also. They saved me and guided me to the place where everyone can get the chance to improve himself, the university.


MOHAMAD ORABI Electrical Engineering USP 7 C1

All throughout high school, I have been concerned for the future of my higher education. Financing my higher education was my main concern as I aimed to continue my studies at a prestigious university. Words were not enough to describe the joy and relief that showered me once I got accepted into the USP program sponsored by USAID, knowing that all my hard work payed off. The reputation of the USP scholarship goes beyond covering the finances of higher education, but also providing students with an experience like no other which aims to develop students’ leadership characteristics and provide them with the necessary tools to be ready to launch their careers in the job market. With the support of the USP team at LAU, we’ve been placed on the right path towards becoming more civically engaged individuals within our society. I would like to thank the USP family for always being there for me, and preparing me for a successful future.


NAEL BADAWI Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C1

Getting the best education in one of Lebanon’s best universities, this how USP changed my life! I’m a part of the Lebanese American University’s USP team for about a year now and what I had experienced till this moment was a very pleasant experience. I have been taught by the best doctors Lebanon can offer, engaged in clubs and activities that capture the true meaning of a university life and gained many friends in the process. But in LAU, USP program doesn’t just focus on learning, according to its director Dr. Elie Samia” For the students to fly into their future, they must have two wings: the academic wing and the leadership wing”. Thus, during the year I have spent in LAU, I have been engaged in the most helpful workshops arranged by the USP team that target the acquisition of basic skills which assist my USP fellows and me in our academic journey and in our future journey in the labor market. All of that and more was done by the supervision of a very nice and experienced team that track your progress from the first moment you enter the campus until you graduate through weekly meetings that aim toward solving problems that could encounter us in our learning process. So, I just want to say thank you USAID and your wonderful team because without you I wouldn’t be the person I am today, thank you for making all of that possible.



First of all, I would like to thank the university scholarship program that changed my life totally. I have never dreamed to get this opportunity and study in one of the most prestigious universities. Moreover, this scholarship helped me in gaining leadership skills to serve my community, improve my personality and be able to interact with people. A special thanks to USP 7 management, they always care for us and they are always in contact with us. This chance helped me also in finding true friends, who supported me in my hard times when I needed them the most. Thank you for this special opportunity,


NOUR AL ASHKAR Mathematics USP 7 C1

When I was a student back in school, studying so hard, staying up late to finish an assignment or revise for a test, I always thought that this was all means to an end. A light at the end of the tunnel. And getting this scholarship was that light. It opened that tunnel, into a world of infinite possibilities, and a brighter future than I have ever hoped for. It helped me get into a brilliant university where I learned to build my character, thanks to the leadership activities and workshops that developed my skills and allowed me to deal with everyday issues. In addition, I learned to dream big and believe in these dreams that I never dared to think about before. Every great person started with a simple dream, had an astounding opportunity given to them and they soared. And my opportunity was this scholarship, it helped me in every possible way and I will forever be grateful for this chance.



As I write my words, flashbacks of a year, let me call it a “miraculous journey” overwhelm my thoughts. It all started back in 9 August 2016 when I received a phone call from LAU saying that I was accepted to the USP program. There are moments in life you want to hold on to for so long, and this was one of them. I still remember all the tears of joy, the excitement and the fear, the tears of my family and me as I started sensing the truthful reality of a dream. I believe God then put me on a journey of opportunities, happiness, and growth. I was fearful of the responsibility and the ‘what’s next’, but I was willing to keep on believing in myself because as the saying goes “when there is a will, there is always a way”. USAID showed me how much I can change in a year, how much I can grow. I was not only granted a scholarship that paid my tuition fees, but I also got the ability to believe in myself, to challenge myself, and to grow independent. I learned to fight back my obstacles, face my biggest fears, and to speak up for myself and for others. I learned that our community needs love, responsibility, and respect from us. I discovered new places that drove me see the world differently and new faces that have become family. Most importantly, I was given the opportunity to make a change. For every public school student in my country, I urge you to take the chance and apply to USP which is a life changing experience. I will be forever grateful for USP, LAU, and OCE’s guidance in my journey. You are the reason behind our success. Thank You God and USAID for changing my life.


NOUR AL NAHHAS Civil Engineering USP 7 C1

Three years ago, being a USP scholar was only a dream… after three years of hard work and studies and participation in extra-curricular and leadership activities, I’m proud to call myself a USP VII scholar. USP cleared my doubts and my vision on how I see myself. I’ve always been confident, but after I got this amazing scholarship, I became unstoppable. USP opened a door to a whole new world for me that I don’t think I would have been able to enter by myself. A world of excellent education, comfort, and opportunities. USP turned my old fearful plain self into the fearless competitive independent young woman I am today. USP taught me to appreciate myself and realize my potential by trusting my abilities and giving me a chance to shine and improve my social and academic skills in the prestigious Lebanese American University. USP really did change my life by lighting up my way and encouraging me, believing in me and putting me on the right track to follow my dream of becoming an environmental civil engineer. Getting the USAID scholarship is a lifetime opportunity that made me bloom and open up to the world around me and motivated me to follow my dreams and walk through storms to get what I deserve to make myself, my family, and my society proud.



USAID has given me a golden opportunity to study in one of the best universities in the country which is LAU, and helped me build my character through leadership activities like teaching children and workshops that discusses many subjects which will benefit us for the future. In fact, USAID has also helped me believe in myself and figure out that there is nothing impossible with hope and a strong “will”; moreover, I have learned that everyone has a certain potential that could help him achieve his dreams. In addition, our country might need plenty of leaders to enhance it despite all the difficulties that it is facing nowadays. Furthermore, life might be hard sometimes but we must face it and stay positive in all situations, because in the end being positive is very important for working on our goals, and the scholarship has helped me thinking that way and realize that money is just a number when there is hope. In the end I would like to thank USAID for helping me achieving my life goals, believing in myself and everything!



When I heard about USAID and the scholarship they offer to public school students who come from underprivileged background, I did not believe that something so good could happen to me. I never believed in miracles until I got accepted as a USP scholar about a year ago. My life has changed radically. I am not the person I was a year ago. USAID taught me to believe in myself and in my abilities. A door of opportunities was opened for me. Thanks to God and USAID, I can now say that I am starting to excel in my life and in my career as a Director. OCE has given me the chance to go to Directing sets, launch a radio program, meet new places and new faces, and most importantly serve my community. I found myself and my passion at LAU and I cannot wait to develop my skills and personality more and more. I am forever grateful for this life changing experience and for all the guidance and support I am receiving. Thank you USAID, LAU and OCE.


RAMI BOU DIAB Civil Engineering USP 7 C1

Is it a dream? A question that always arises in my head. Being accepted in an exceptional grant like the USAID grant was not easy to believe as it was my ultimate aim since I entered the high school. This grant has offered hundreds of students the opportunity to complete their higher education in one of the best universities in Lebanon. In addition to the distinguished academic aspect, it allows the scholars to be more involved in social work and be more integrated in their society by various activities that the OCE organizes. Hence, it allows scholars to express their leadership skills in those activities to achieve the ultimate success in society.



“You have been accepted to the Lebanese American University under the University Scholarship Program for the BA in mathematics at Beirut Campus”. That morning after I received a call from LAU and heard this sentence, I realized that this scholarship will offer me countless opportunities that will change my life and the time had finally come to achieve my ambitions and make my dreams come true. It was the most important change in my life when I applied to this challenging scholarship. USP not only gave me the opportunity to study in one of the best universities in Lebanon, but also to improve my personality. Since my childhood, my dream was to be in such university. This scholarship helped me a lot regarding this matter through the civic engagement domain whether by the leadership activities we do, by the community services, or by the clubs we are engaging in to make a difference in our community. Moreover, USP helped me improve my self-confidence, be more independent, have more responsibility, meet new people and build new relationships. What USP changed in me as a person can’t be summarized in one sentence, since it changed my whole life upside down. This grant helped me to succeed by finding myself, knowing the leader inside me, and discovering my abilities. It is true that the golden chance comes once in a lifetime, and USP was the invaluable gift that changed my life. LAU and USP allowed us to explore, dream, and discover. I’m really proud to be a USP scholar.



First, I couldn’t imagine myself studying this hard just to maintain a simple grade or to get a better one, USP changed my entire life regarding knowing my priorities, organizing them and to be able to make it through hard tasks. In addition, this scholarship gave me more than the academic advantages, it made me a better person with a better personality, it increased my selfconfidence and my communication skills among many other skills. USP is a golden opportunity that not everyone can get it but it is and will always be opening opportunities to all bright student to achieve their goals just like I did by attending a prestigious university and gaining lot of experience regarding the major that I chose. In addition, USP changed my life financially by providing me with monthly stipends to satisfy my needs, giving me a dorm to live in and also giving me book allowance besides the tuition of this university which is at the core of this scholarship. USP has made me a better person and I hope a lot of bright students will be able to get this scholarship in order to change our community to the better.


REEM AL SAADI Education USP 7 C1

Since the day I was informed about the scholarship program when I was in Omar Farroukh public high school, I never lost hope and always wished to be as lucky as my colleagues who had the chance to study in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, LAU. I applied, succeeded in all the required exams and have been accepted at LAU, and this event had literally changed my life. It gave me the opportunity to pursue my childhood dream “A teacher to be” and be the successful person I always strive to be. Moreover, throughout the two semesters I experienced on campus, I have learned many things. I learned to be an independent hard worker, and realized that if there’s a will there’s a way. The university experience strengthened my self-confidence, developed my language and social skills, taught me the importance of being an active citizen and to what extent volunteering is crucial and how it impacts positively both my personality and the whole community. The workshops organized by the OCE are very effective and beneficial, throughout these workshops we discuss, interact, learn and benefit from highly educated professors who share with us several diverse topics to make us successful more and more. I deeply believe that USP gave me a golden chance to learn quality education with lots of love and care. Thank you USP for making me feel safe and confident, without you and your support I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goal, USP made my dream come true!


REEM YASSINE International Affairs / Political Science USP 7 C1

I always had a dream to be part of a well renowned and reputable university like LAU. This dream was somehow far because I couldn’t afford its fees. I never imagined things would work out with the USAID scholarship. It was pretty hard for me due to my previous health condition and my struggles with the anxiety disorder. After starting my university year with the USAID program, a lot has changed. My personality became much stronger, I became more independent, I held my own responsibility, I dealt with problems more smoothly. I did not start off in a good way, in fact my GPA did not fill the requirements because during my fall semester panic attacks and depression got the best of me, and therefore, I did not study and did not attend classes. As the year progressed I reached my spring semester with no more panic attacks and a very powerful will to fix what has been broken and raise my GPA. Due to the support and care of the USP team, as well as my personal hard work, I was able to raise my GPA to meet the requirements. The constant follow ups and support helped me get through that phase and I am truly thankful. USAID really changed my life and allowed me to live the best flourishing university experience anyone could ever wish for.


RIM EL HELOU Nutrition USP 7 C1

The dream started five years ago, when my teacher informed the class about the USAID scholarship, so it became one of my goals to be a USP student. During those years, I studied hard and focused on keeping my grades high. After I reached my goal, I understand that I didn’t only have the chance to study in one of the most important universities in Lebanon but all my life changed. “USP Changed My Life”. After completing my first year, I realized that now I have a stronger personality and I am getting higher self-confidence. I stopped relying on other people to tell me who I am or what I can do. I am so comfortable with myself and I do not need anyone to evaluate me. In addition, I became fearless (I still have fears but I do not let these fears dictate the way I am living my life).USP sparked a revolution in me, the revolution of changing the world to become better. As the farmer plants his land, USP are cultivating on me the “seeds of love”, the love to be educated and acquire more culture. I will keep setting targets and work hard so that I can leave my mark in the USP program.


RITA MAHFOUD Computer Engineering USP 7 C1

Throughout my last year at high school, there was always fear and confusion whenever I thought about what is going to happen next. Until one day, representatives came to my school from LAU and explained about the University Scholarship Program funded by USAID. When I first heard about this scholarship, it seemed to be too good to be true and very challenging to get accepted in. But still, I decided to apply, and that was the turning point in my life. Since I got accepted and started university as a USP scholar in the Lebanese American University, a lot has changed in my life. My social and economic background had imposed a barrier in front of my dreams, but today, I am not only getting a great education but also overcoming my shyness and improving my personality and skills to become a better leader. I have learned to believe in myself and be more open to the opportunities and challenges of life. During this year, I have met incredible people that are now an important part of my life: an amazing team that is always guiding us and supporting us, great professors always here to help and most importantly really good friends who mean a lot to me. I am very grateful and proud to be part of the LAU family. Being an LAU student is a wonderful experience, and being part of University Scholarship Program makes it even better!



When I was in high school, thinking about my future major and the university that I want to attend, I didn’t expect that one day I will be a member of the LAU family and a student in such a prestigious institution. And later, when the university scholarship program was giving a chance to students who are not able to afford such private universities in Lebanon, it was my opportunity to have a try, and I submitted my personal application. Months later, the dream became true and I became an official LAU student. Yes, it’s true that USP changed my life. It’s true that without the generosity and kindness of the American people and without the LAU family, I wouldn’t be here today. This experience taught me that cooperation and helping others are the keys of success. This was the best experience in my life which was my chance to know different people from different cultures and backgrounds, and to be an efficient self-confident member in this society. And now, and as a USP student I’m ready to say that this experience granted me the opportunity to express myself and to serve my community in the way LAU does. Thank you American people! Thank you LAU!



When I was at the high school, I spent most of the time wondering about what my future will be. Jana Daher, a girl from my village who is a USP5 student, told me about the university scholarship program, and she encouraged me to apply. Then, the journey began. It took me hard work and several steps, but finally I got accepted among thousands of students who applied. A new life began. Really, I consider this year at LAU and with USP team a new life. I became a new person and I started to believe more in myself. I enrolled in many activities, I volunteered in in many events, and I am a Red Cross member, and this makes me proud of myself. Also, USP supported us financially by paying the tuition fees as well as a monthly allowance and book allowance, where it helped us to become independent individuals. Furthermore, I will never forget the OCE staff, especially Sherine, where they played a big role in engaging us in extracurricular activities by assisting us step by step in our classes and courses so we continue our graduation plan successfully. USP team is walking with us by the weekly meetings and continuous emails that help us to perform better in our courses. Finally, I cannot ignore the workshops that are intended to arise a lot of qualities in ourselves. A big thanks to USP and LAU for helping me to achieve my goals.


SARA AL BOUERY International Affairs / Political Science USP 7 C1

My journey at the Lebanese American University (LAU) started on a summer day with a phone call and a nice lady announcing that I have been accepted in the University Scholarship Program funded by the USAID. Since that moment, my educational path has taken a huge turn and that is when I knew that I am on for something legendary. After the first two weeks at LAU, I realized how much I would not want to be part of something else, or part of another community. This program did not only provide us with a very consistent curriculum, but it has also encouraged us to get engaged into extracurricular activities that are there to shape and design us to be a well-built labor force for the job market. It has been only one year at LAU and it could not be any better without the support of the USP family: from the Outreach and Civic Engagement (OCE) members who were always ready to clarify any task that was a bit blurry to every single member of the whole program, even the students. However, if I were not accepted by the University Scholarship Program, maybe I would have been at another university, but it would never have been the same. The privileges each student is offered by this scholarship from monthly stipend and laptops, to transportation and book allowance along with an education at LAU to receive a great degree has also proven that the USAID people really do have faith in the Lebanese society and has put effort to invest in its young bright community. So thank you USAID, and LAU!



It was once said: “Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day”. And that’s what happened when I went to be fully granted by USAID. By this assertion, I want to free my pen writing one year experience at the Lebanese American University. Entering new environment, examining new relations, and revealing numerous habits can be my bold title for this year. For a moment, I asked myself who am I, and here comes the answer by the grant. I am a citizen of the world, I am a combination of the whole nations, I am the hope of the future, and I am the youth of my committee. Beyond these decorated words, so far I had spent 2 and half semesters. Throughout these semesters, I examined the real means of university life, from all perspectives. On one hand, as an economics student, my standpoint toward such major completely changed after being merely into its subjects. I became more informed and aware of the importance of this major day after day. So far, I built good relations with my instructors, the economists and mathematicians. On the other hand, the activities, that are done, are having its remarkable effects. I acquired the real traits of being a leader, understood the exact meaning of social responsibility, and demonstrated the meaningful importance of international development. Furthermore, I am setting a plan for opening a new club about public speaking that can allegedly illustrate how the individual can create a strong identity in public, especially when it comes to communication. Moreover, I started, with a group of friends, setting the basics of our community service project that will take place in Beirut. Finally, I want to shed the light on OCE efforts in tracking our news, mentoring us, and bolstering us with valuable advices. 441


When I heard about the USP Program, I could not believe that such scholarship could be granted to me or that I will get the opportunity to be a part of it. I applied to it without having high expectations because I did not believe that my application had high chances of passing and advancing beyond the applications of thousands of applicants. The moment I was informed that I had been accepted, was the best moment I could ever live. Being a USP student has given me the opportunity to be part of the leadership activities always dreamt of participating in. In addition, it has boosted my self-esteem and let me study in one of the best universities in the region: LAU. With LAU and the OCE, I had the chance to prove myself, enhance my leadership skills, build my personality, and be more in engaged in the social life. At the end, I am thankful for each and every one who has contributed to this amazing opportunity from LAU to USAID program to each and every single American I owe today. Thank you LAU, Thank you USAID!



NADA DANDACHI Mathematics USP 7 C2

A wise man once said: “A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step”. The first step in this fascinating journey I embarked on was applying to the University Scholarship Program. I never imagined I would end up where I am today, a student at LAU pursuing my BS in Mathematics along with a minor in Psychology. Being accepted in this scholarship presented me with many opportunities I would have never dreamed of. First, it made me a more responsible person capable of taking decisions when needed. It encouraged me to work hard and diligently maintain the scholarship’s requirements. Moreover, it gave me the opportunity to develop my personality thanks to the numerous workshops on various topics. I also became more confident and sociable which allowed me to build a lot of friendships. USP has not only changed my life but also improved it. I am both dreading and excited for my graduation because it will mark the end of the best three years of my life. I will forever be grateful to USP for all the opportunities it gave me and the second family it provided me with.


NOOR YOUNIS Economics USP 7 C2

My name is Noor Younis, I’m from Houla, South Lebanon, majoring in Economics. I first heard about USP when I was in the 9th grade so it became one of my major goals and aspirations to get this grant. I started putting my best efforts and doing volunteer work and community service to develop my personality and character over the years. When I got the grant it was like a dream come true. The chance to get my higher education at a prestigious University like LAU introduced me to new people of different types and backgrounds. The LAU community is full of life, opportunities and volunteering activities. It was a little hard for me to adapt to the change but once I got to know more people, it turned out to be a wonderful experience. It also helped me find myself, my abilities and interests. The workshops we frequently attend helped me develop my different skills such as time management and communication skills. I hope that in the future I’ll be able to give back to my community and reach my future career goals and graduate studies.



My name is Abdel Aziz Hamad. I am a young man originally from Chebaa, Al-Janoub living in Taalabaya, Bekaa, who had the opportunity to study at LAU, which is known as one of the most prestigious universities in the Middle East. Thanks to USAID, a rich journey began in Fall 2017. Getting such a scholarship was a challenge due to the large number of students applying, but thankfully I received it as a payoff to the hard work I have done. One of the most important things I liked about the program is the feeling of being home although I’m living miles away from my parents and hometown; thanks to the OCE team and the dorms staff. In addition to that, USP gave me the chance to meet people from different regions and cultures across Lebanon which made me more open to others, and more knowledgeable out of my own entourage. My ambitions started to grow further and further after getting the scholarship, and now I’m considering obtaining my Masters and PHD degree in Economics after graduation. I am extremely satisfied with what USP has offered me. I consider myself lucky enough to have such an honor of being a USP scholar at LAU. Again and again, THANKS USAID.


NICOLE CHEHAB Industrial Engineering USP 7 C2

Since I was young, I always knew that I wanted to accomplish big things, but I was never able to see how I would do that. The University Scholarship Program (USP) led me to a path full of academic opportunities I couldn’t imagine on my own. I was able to achieve academic success so far not only because of hard work and dedication, but also through the support and guidance I am constantly given. Before that, I was living in my comfort zone, never taking on new challenges. But these past two years as a USP student taught me that I should always look for opportunities that challenge me to grow and develop my skills. This opportunity enabled me to become a version of myself I never knew existed, and to set goals I never even thought were in my reach.


ABDUL RAHMAN MOGHRABI Information Technology Management USP 7 C2

The story began in a math class when the teacher to apply for the University Scholarship Program funded by USAID. First, I didn’t have in mind at all that I would ever be considered due to the hundreds of students whom I know and have applied for this scholarship. August 3rd, 2017, while I was waiting for my shift at work, I received a call at 12:43pm. I picked up, and the only words I remember were: “Congratulations! You have been accepted at LAU as a USP scholar”. It was literally the best call I have ever received, and had changed my whole life. I couldn’t be able to enter any university without the aid of USAID. My future has changed all in just one call. I believe that God sent me LAU and USAID as a gift to become more responsible, to achieve my goals, to build my skills, and most importantly, to develop the spirit of helping others. Passion, success, opportunities, change, and leadership are the key elements I improved as a USP scholar. The future will be successful as my current present is. I look forward doing my Master degree in Entrepreneurship and give back to my country, as USP taught me to do so. Thank you, LAU and USAID, for giving me this valuable opportunity.


AHMAD KHAZAAL Information Technology Management USP 7 C2

My university experience thus far has been spectacular. I have discovered and experienced so many new things in such a short period of time, and it has gone by so fast. I am still exploring all the opportunities that the university offers me. Additionally, the university provides students a blend of experience, knowledge, new relations, and many more. Thus, I am engaging myself in many clubs and events to enhance my skills and widen my possibilities. Like any other person who graduated from high school, I was hesitant of what I really wanted to do with my career, which university would suit my financial status, and what steps should I take that would make me reach the success peak I always look for. Later, in my last high school year my friends informed me about the University Scholarship Program in which I had huge doubts about achieving it, but I applied and gave it a shot. Then when I got accepted, my life changed in various aspects. The scholarship covered the costs of pursuing higher education with many benefits. From reducing the financial burden of the rising costs of university education, to allowing more time and energy to focus on my studies rather than having part-time work. It is a dream that came true and I am so thankful for the generous American people who helped making miracles happen for people like me, their marvelous gifts are truly an asset in our futures. One of the most memorable challenges that I always remember overcoming is, being that unsuccessful person whom everyone could make fun off to becoming a person who is always in the process of making new achievements daily. I couldn’t have done it without USAID. Trillion THANKS USAID! 451


Going few years back, I see myself visiting LAU while still being in high school. I used to go there to help my friends with a production play. Back then I wasn’t aware of the University Scholarship Program, and LAU was just one of my dream places to study in. I remember the day we finished the play, and I wished that I could enroll at my dream university, LAU. Here, I felt like home, it was a welcoming place where I have built all my skills. USP wasn’t an easygoing experience to me at all. My major demands lots of work and time devotion, but as we know that diamonds are just a chunk of coal under pressure. For me, the most valuable experience that I have learned here wasn’t just the education related to my major; However, I have learned that nothing is too hard or impossible to achieve. USP shaped me to become more of a practical and executive person. Everything that was once hard in the past is now at my reach, and I’m not talking about what LAU has to offer as materials or opportunities; however, the skills that it already built in us to be effective people either in the work field or in the society. I want to thank USAID for making this dream a reality of mine and I want to thank the USP management for taking care of us and always being a second family.


ALI GHADDAR Chemistry USP 7 C2

I met my dreams through words. The USP has changed my life when those little tiny words have created an entirely beautiful future to strive for: You have been accepted in the University Scholarship Program at LAU. I am the person who to be at this moment: a dreamer and an achiever. Yet, there are much more adventures to come, I am ready to face them like a champ. Here it goes for this program that helped me raise a new soul of power over hardships by managing skills in between campus and in real life. The program has taught me to intertwine between my life through studying and my life through volunteering in various worthy activities. As a USP VII - Cycle II student, I met the difficulties of managing my time, my stress, my social life, of expressing the power to speak in public, to excel in every course, and to be a part of the community. The USP has raised a new person and a new soul deep inside. Success stories are truly written by the hand of leaders. And USP students are the leaders of today, tomorrow, and after tomorrow. We are all expected to pay effort when we aim high. So what if a golden chance like being a USP student was given to a very needy student who needs to share his capabilities with other people? This opportunity with much big effort has really paid off. I would like to thank the USP management first for standing by my side in every step I took through my journey, the every single member who managed by any chance to introduce me to this amazing opportunity, and at last I would like to thank the leaders who paved their way to success through this golden opportunity. THANK YOU! 453

ALI GHAZLEH Computer Science USP 7 C2

When I first knew about the scholarship in Grade 12. I was really determined to be one of the elite that would be chosen from around 500 other students. My desire to achieve this goal was set to this accomplishment, and I was one of the few students that were chosen. At first, it was interesting yet challenging to be involved in a new teaching system. The first few months were tough, but by managing my time and with the full support of USP team I overcame this challenge. USP has changed my life by giving me the chance to shape my future in the way I desire. Hoping when I graduate I would pursue higher education in the computer science field.


ALI ISMAIL Business USP 7 C2

“When there’s a will, there’s always a way” was the reason I paved my path to the place I am in now... When I heard about Access program for the first time, I knew that this will be the key to open the locked doors that prison me behind important opportunities and journeys! I was a student in Access 10, which printed amazing two years in my life. Throughout this program we’ve been told about the USAID funded University Scholarship Program, and I knew that the flame that was created inside of me won’t be turned off until successfully get the scholarship at the LAU. This was the starting point of a new journey overhead. The day that changed my life started with a call. I looked at my phone and I knew that this was it. “Congratulations Ali, you have been accepted at the Lebanese American University under the University Scholarship Program...” I didn’t realize that this is really happening and I started tearing from my extreme happiness! Yes I made it! Every day, I look proudly at the mirror proudly witnessing the self-confident and well organized person that I am becoming. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for he stood by my side along with all who supported me to overcome all the challenges. They all helped me build my self-esteem, brought out the power to become more sociable, and provided me with an opportunity to passionately practice what I love and live for my dreams. Thank you USP, thank you LAU! 455

ALI JAAFAR Education USP 7 C2

USP changed my life by playing two major roles. First, granting me a great opportunity to join an excellent and a prestigious university like LAU, and second, mentoring me to become a leader. Leader of the future, an active citizen and an effective volunteer in my society. The scholarship offered me everything I need to build my future and set my goals. Developing my personality and boosting my critical thinking were priorities in this program. Furthermore, the program is based on the notion that success has a dual tract. Not only I should excel in my academics, but also work hard on my social skills. I should build connections and be opened to various cultures because openness is a significant step to fly in the sky of excellence. The program also motivated me to develop a vision of my future. It became vital for me all to prepare and plan for my future with perseverance, patience, and passion. Finally, there is nothing better than granting someone the opportunity to join LAU and have excellent education. Thank you USP! Thank you LAU!


ALI MRAD Computer Science USP 7 C2

When I first knew about the USAID scholarship program in high school, I believed that this will be my only opportunity to study at one of the most reputable universities in Lebanon. The process of applying to the scholarship was really competitive because of the large number of applicants. But after getting accepted it all paid off. At first, I found it hard to cope with the new lifestyle and the American teaching system at the Lebanese American University. But through the activities organized by LAU and by the Outreach & Civic Engagement Department, I’ve got to know more people and I learned how to cope with those changes. Moreover, these activities helped me in developing diverse skills including leadership, time management, and communication. For example, through my community service project, I learned how to plan for presentations, how to deliver ideas in the presentation, how to communicate effectively with the audience, and most importantly how to give back to the society. Studying computer science at the Lebanese American University is a blessing that would not have been possible without this scholarship. I am thankful for getting the chance to be a part of the University Scholarship Program.



While moving to the city alone after being granted the USP at LAU, I got exposed to a whole new different society. Personally, I enjoy this kind of exposure. This grant did not offer only education, it also offered me a lot of opportunities that help me develop my personal growth and development, thanks to the Outreach and Civic Engagement Department. Moving alone was not easy. Managing financials and time was a major challenge. Gladly, I was able to overcome those challenges after attending time management workshops and the money smart boot camp. Through them, I’ve participated in beneficial workshops that enhanced my skills and my circle of networks. As an overall result, I became a well-rounded character. I wouldn’t have become members in both, the Lebanese Red Cross; which I believe was a major shift in my life that allowed me to learn that all human are equal regardless their background, sex, religion, as well as the secretary of the Aie Club that promotes the value of respect, acceptance and love to achieve an improved future for human kind. I also look forward this summer participating in the SUSI – Religious Pluralism and Diversity Program in the States for 5 weeks. Thank you USP!


CHARBEL HBAYTER Computer Science USP 7 C2

After a long journey, one reaches a point where making a decision can either enlighten a life or darken it. When people start asking you: “What are you going to be in the future? What are the goals you want to achieve? “There is always this confusion and this fear of answering the wrong answer especially during this phase of life. I used to hear people say that sometimes your destiny can change overnight. I never believed it until I experienced it. Yes, a phone call changed my whole life: “Congratulations Charbel, you have been accepted to be part of the University Scholarship Program at LAU as a Computer Science student! “My heart was about to stop beating: a mixture of joy, hope and fear of what the future held. The new journey had started with the procedures of signing papers, going to meetings and workshops to discover the path that awaits me. Mentors, assistants and supervisors are always around illuminating the way and supporting each one of us to learn how to go through it. We are not just colleagues; we are family. Perhaps and some may beg to differ, luck always exists; without this outstanding program, I would have never found or discovered the true targets I have always been searching for. I promise one thing, that one dream at a time will make all my dreams come true. Thanks USAID!



In terms of experience through the University Scholarship Program at LAU, I might just run out of words. Everything in this world gives you an experience of life. In fact, it depends on how you take that experience forward and the way you execute it. The main reason for going to university is to get an academic qualification, but personally, I think that the social side of things and developing as a person are equally important. My USP experience thus far has been amazing. I have learned and experienced so many new things in such a short period of time, and it has gone by so fast. As time has been flying by, it’s hard to believe that I have been on campus for two years already. As for extracurricular activities, USP put us in positions of responsibility and allows us to gain skills in areas where we might not usually get the opportunity. Experiences such as this, as well as internship are all helping me consolidate skills that I might not learn alone. The USP provided me with a great opportunity to raise my self-confidence to better serve my community. Life at LAU is a great experience that I plan to make the most out of. Thanks for USP and LAU for playing a vital role of helping me advance one step forward to achieving my dreams.



When I finished high school, I was lost wondering what will happen next in my life. I applied for the USAID scholarship. After a long process, I got the chance to be one of the lucky scholars who got accepted. It is a blessing to be part of this scholarship at LAU. I will always and forever be grateful for this opportunity! This opportunity allowed me to have a new beginning and an exciting path to a successful journey. The USAID scholarship gave me a new life, new opportunities, new friends, and a new family at LAU. It gave me a voice to raise my concerns freely without fear. Through this amazing scholarship, I got the opportunity to do what I am passionate about. Gladly, I’m excelling in both, academically and civically. Moreover, USP helped me overcome many challenges. For example, I lacked time management skills, but thanks to the time management skills workshop, I was trained how to be able to balance studying and doing activities while maintaining my social life. Moving alone was another challenge I faced, yet, I found out how to be a responsible, strong and independent person. Thank you USP for this wonderful experience.



Words can never describe how thankful I am to the USP. This opportunity was a life changing one. The USP helped me break the ice between people and myself. It made me a stronger, independent, and an optimistic woman. Thanks to USP, I have attended numerous beneficial workshops in different topics. Also, since USP encourages us to be academically as well as civically prepared, I became a GA member in the Lebanese Red Cross. This experience, along with my experience as a USP student, taught me how humans are important, valuable, and equal regardless the social classes they belong to. In addition, the experiences I have encountered boosted my self-confidence, leadership and many other skills. This year, I had the chance this year to be the vice president of the AIE club that promotes the values of respects acceptance and love to achieve an improved future for human kind. Besides that, being a USP scholar made me think outside of the box to achieve more success in life. Thank you USP!


DANA MALAEB Nutrition USP 7 C2

Within few minutes that passed like a year, 5 students from my high school class got a call from LAU and were accepted to the scholarship. I told my mom “oh forget about it they’ll never call me, it’s impossible to take 6 scholars from the same school”. My phone rang before even finishing my words! Yes! It was LAU! I officially got accepted to University Scholarship Program funded by USAID. I can’t describe or forget the moments of joy and excitement I lived, and that of my family members. The journey began, and it’s time to prove that this is not because of my luck but it’s because of my hard work and that I totally deserve this scholarship. Through time, the USP management taught us that it’s not all about our academic excellence only, but it’s also about being socially active as well, and to give back to our community. Thus, I started participating in volunteering work with ROAD program and the teaching program with MMKN. I also attended different workshops that enhanced my leadership skills, and now, I am an active member in different clubs such as the Nutrition club, the Safety Awareness club, the Environmental Club, and the Vice President of the Animal Care club. All of those experiences shaped me to become a totally new better person, other than who I was few years ago. Thank the OCE department, the LAU and USP family for changing my life, for giving me the chance to dream and believe in myself, and for granting me this opportunity. 463


The journey started 2 years ago when I received a phone call from LAU, informing me that I was accepted. I started with English major, but eventually through guidance I realized my preference for Psychology. Thus, in Summer 2018, I transferred from English to Psychology. Despite all the challenged I faced, I’m proud to say that with the help of the USP team and my advisors, I was able to overcome obstacles and have better view regarding my goals and future. Interviews, meetings, and appropriate tests were always done by the advisors to ensure that we were on the right track. I believe that this scholarship is one of the greatest blessings in my life. However, it is not just about the materialistic things. Most importantly, I’m grateful for this opportunity we’ve been provided with, the opportunity to improve oneself and grow wiser. Since day one, the main point was dreaming outside the box, and working outside the ego. That’s why the main concern was repaying one’s community and serving one’s people. This is how USP changed my life the most. It showed me that one is worthless if he/she does not care about community service. Accordingly, I see a future where I do my best to continue a journey of self-development, a journey that I started with the help of this scholarship. I see a future where I work for my community.


EMAD HMADY Business USP 7 C2

I still remember the day I found out that I was accepted into the USP program. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. At first, I couldn’t believe what happened; it was a really amazing morning. It is not every day that a young guy who grew up in Bekaa from the middle class gets the opportunity to attend LAU and receive a scholarship. It has been always my dream to get the best education in order to have the chance to serve my community and help people in my area who are in need. Even though it has not been a long time since I got this scholarship. It helped me to improve many things in my life especially my personality. USP made me independent because I became a much more responsible person. Living alone without my parents and having an income taught me how to handle things without others’ help, especially financials. Moreover, it strengthened my personality and made me more flexible, well rounded person through the workshops and activities given. I learned how to communicate and present myself with confidence in front of others. In addition, the diversity in the USP made me accept people from different sects, religions, and regions across Lebanon. This scholarship helped me a lot by changing my personality towards the best. I really appreciate and respect the people that are responsible for the USP. Thank you USP!


FARAH SANJAR Psychology USP 7 C2

After coming back from my year abroad in the States, my most prominent goal in high school was to get the USAID scholarship and get into LAU. I had my head set on pursuing a major in Psychology, and worked really hard to make sure it came to fruition. I am now surrounded by people who share my passion for my major, and ones who are adamant about bringing about change in Lebanon. I am able to explore more opportunities to create small increments of change, all the while delving deeper into my studies. After getting accepted into USP, things in my life gradually began to shift and take shape. I am now in my second year of studying Psychology, and every single experience in LAU, the joyous and the exhausting, fills me with an incredible sense of fulfillment and gratefulness- it all leads to my burgeoning. Thank you USAID!



I’m a lucky students that have applied for the University Scholarship Program in 2017 to study in one of the top universities in the Arab World, LAU. Despite of the challenges, this scholarship has enlightened my way not only through education, but through leadership and civic engagement. The first time I went to the university, the only challenge that I went through was the fear of the new educational experience. But after few weeks, it became much more familiar and adaptable. The USP allowed me to be exposed and engaged in activities through volunteerism, attending workshops, visiting NGOs and companies, knowing more about the society, as well as implementing a CSP. The USP encouraged me to become an effective student. This scholarship showed me how to be a leader in the society, gave me the tools to develop my confidence, and empowered me to become a better person. In the future, I see myself as an entrepreneur creating new platforms for companies that can enhance the Lebanese economy later. I’m very thankful for this opportunity that the USP granted me.



When I first heard “Congratulations, you are chosen to be one of the USP scholars”, I just could not believe it. A whole new world was ahead of me. A competitive environment at the Lebanese American University made me want to participate in many things and be active more in university life to be more productive. Engaging in clubs, volunteering as well as workshops that USP provides us with, helped me to be more confident and knowledgeable to have the appropriate skills in the right place later in the future. The things I like the most about the scholarship is the opportunities it provides us whether workshops or even volunteering in NGOs that help us build our personality. USP changed my life especially after giving back to my community through my CSP and made me deeply think about how to benefit my community. I feel so grateful that I have this opportunity and I wish I become the Nutritionist that cares about others health and able to change their lifestyle to its best. Thank you so much for this amazing, life changing experience. I am extremely thankful for this opportunity that helped me develop, not only academically, but also civically and socially to passionately serve my community and society in the future.


HALA SHAMSEDDINE Computer Science USP 7 C2

It all started one day when my friend, an LAU graduate, informed me about the USP. As I was an excellent student at my high school and due to our financial inabilities. I applied to study Computer Science, a major that I am very passionate about. After completing thescholarship interview process, we were informed that if we were selected to the program they would call us soon. However, days passed and I did not receive any call. I still remember the level of disappointment I had back then. On the 21st of August 2017, 10:30 a.m., I heard my phone ringing. I answered without any idea of who was calling. “Hi Hala, I am from LAU admissions. You have been selected to be one of the USP scholar, Congratulations!” Till now, I still remember the mixed feelings I had between happiness responsibility. Now, as a Junior LAU student, I can proudly say that USP has actually changed my life to the better. It helped me achieve my dream of becoming a computer scientist through the quality of education I am receiving from one of the most reputable institutions in Lebanon and the region, LAU. In addition to the endless opportunities provided to enhance my skills and become a more active and efficient member of the community. Not only that, but the workshops, lectures, and events implemented on and off campus were a major cause of making us; USP scholars, better individuals. In short, USP changed my entire life, a single “thank you” would not be enough.



That day was not like any other day. Since the moment I get that call, my life has changed. When I was in high school, my only option was the Lebanese university, but after I applied to the University Scholarship Program funded by the USAID, I had a dream to be an LAU student. Thanks to USP, my dream became true. USP gave me the chance to improve my academic prospect and my personality in one of the best universities in Lebanon. In my first few days, I was very confused and worried. It was the first time where I have to live alone in a city far away from my parents. But through USP, I’ve got to know new people and have wonderful friends who helped me a lot through this journey. USP helped me improve my different skills, where I learned how to manage time and how to change my weaknesses into strengths, and improve my leadership abilities. It also gave me the opportunity to be an active member in the society because of the volunteering activities and the workshops that I have attended since joining LAU on a weekly basis. Now, because of the USP, I’ve become an independent and confident person. I am glad to be part of this program. Thank you USAID!


JANA AJEEB Mathematics USP 7 C2

My last high school year was a year full of uncertainty and confusion about my major and university choices. I didn’t know about the life changing adventure that was waiting for me after few months. I applied for the University Scholarship Program and waited impatiently for the results after I have done all the exams and interviews. Finally the phone rang and I got accepted! USP was a great experience not only academically, but also personally, where I became a more independent person with bigger dreams and high service spirit due to all the important workshops and events that I have attended during the past 2 years. Also, we cannot forget the big role OCE had in helping us achieving more and more by pushing us to be the best, making sure that our marks are good and high, and informing us about all the required workshops and important activities for us to be well engaged in all subjects. Finally, I’m very thankful for this great experience that shaped my personality and made me a successful individual.



USP scholarship itself is the reason and my definition of the one quote that I live by each day: “Everything happens for a reason”. It all started a few years back when I transferred into a new public school that I didn’t want to, leading me after 3 years into becoming a USP 7 student that I proudly acknowledge wherever I go. Studying at LAU, one of the most privileged and best universities in the Middle East, was a dream that I couldn’t even dream about. As I look back now, I cannot but think that it is so mesmerizing and glorious, how God has its own way in drawing the path of each person differently. USP not only changed my life, but also who I am and the footprint I want to leave behind wherever I go. I was always taught to work hard, to seek knowledge, experience, to be true and most importantly to always give back to the community I come from! USAID affected my life in so many ways that 3 paragraphs just won’t be enough. It guided me throughout my university years and LAU, especially OCE, became my second family. They taught me not only success and the skills mentioned above but life lessons that I will carry for the rest of my life. Whenever I remember being a USP student I cannot but think how much I am lucky and grateful for this scholarship. I will be forever grateful for USAID and every person that been part of a dream that became reality. Thank you is never enough! Thank you a million times.


KATRIN SALHAB Computer Science USP 7 C2

This scholarship is a living proof that hard work and dedication pays off. I was taught, from my very beginning, that if I strive to have something, I should fight for it and challenge myself and then go for it. Believing in myself was my biggest motive throughout the years. I have always aimed for the best experience and worked hard for it because I always believe that I do deserve the best. Every hard worker deserves the best but few believes in that. USAID believed in our potential. It was the biggest opportunity that shaped my life and let me achieve what I have today. This scholarship is more than a good experience to me, it is a challenge that I have accepted 2 years ago. It challenges me every single day to become the better version of myself and never fall behind what I am today. Moreover, it also encourages me to give back to the community. It has showed me the beauty in that and how a simple act can impact people’s life. After having my CSP project done and spending almost 2 years as a part of LAU USP family, I became more mature, responsible, grateful, ambitious and willing to be the USAID in other people’s life. I am really grateful about every single bit of what this scholarship has given me and I am very proud of myself to have been able to be a part of this wonderful scholarship.



Earlier in 2017, a unique chance and an extraordinary experience was offered to me by USP to pursue my university studies at one of the well-known universities over the world. My passion for chemistry, has become a wonderful reality that totally changes my life the moment I got the USAID scholarship and joined LAU. USP prepared me both on the academic, as well as the personal level. This scholarship taught me how to hold responsibilities, emphasize on my competences and to high light my weak points and work fiercely on them to achieve my goals. These characteristics offered me the chance to be elected as the Science club president. I was heavily involved in the leadership programs and activities of the Outreach and Civic Engagement unit, and I am a member in many clubs, namely the premed and astronomy clubs. In short, the USP at LAU has indeed changed my life. It taught me how to be eager and passionate about maintaining my academic excellence and developing my leadership potential with the hope that I use these skills and knowledge later on to contribute to my country. To those who still believe in better world and invest in such youth forces and arrange these scholarships that I was honored by ... to all of you I would like to say thank you and my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your generosity and support.


MAHA MOHSEN Education USP 7 C2

Two years ago, I took this scholarship and started my journey at LAU. At first, it was hard to adapt to the new environment, new community and new life style. Most importantly, it was hard leaving my family, living independently and managing my time and budget. Then, LAU became my home, and its members became my family especially the staff working in the Outreach and Civic Engagement Department who were the closest to me. Words are not enough to say how much I am thankful for this opportunity that USAID offered me. In this experience, not only my way of living has changed, but also my way of thinking and my personality changed. I developed for the best and became new person full of positive energy, life, joy and passion to learn more. It raised my self-confidence and nourished my hidden potential because in education we say: “Opportunity Leads to Ability” and not only the other way around. Now I know what it means to be smart and open-minded, positive and productive, helpful and humane, confident but humble. I learned to reach my goals and not put obstacles from the hidden future. I learned to draw the keys that fit with the life I want to live since so many doors still need to be opened. This opportunity changed me to change the world. I have a dream and I am working on it. This is my first step in my long path that I will go through. I want to be an educator, a psychologist and a manager. But above all, I want to be a life coach for people who needs inspiration for life. With my faith, my friend’s and family’s support and my confidence I will rise and shine in the darkness that I have from my childhood. Thanks God, thank you USAID and thank you LAU. 475

MARIAM AKIL Mathematics USP 7 C2

A good education is a right, not a dream. Yes, maybe for me it was a dream, but USAID turned it into a something true. The first step of reaching that dream was a phone call from LAU congratulating me for being selected to a full scholarship in Math major. My success journey at LAU has started full of confidence because I am studying what I am mostly passionate about. When I was asked to write words describing how USP had an effect in my life, I thought that words are not enough to express. Because Mathematics is my passion, LAU gave me the opportunity to become a volunteer in MMKN and to give Math sessions for Grade 9 students in a public school to motivate and support them in their studies. These activities along with many others have changed my personality and my vision in life. I am forever grateful for these experiences and for all the support and guidance I am receiving. Thanks to USAID, LAU, and OCE.



I say that with excessive pride and honor. I always knew that my hard work, dedication and determination would pay off someday and joining the USP was my biggest proof. When I first applied, I applied for a scholarship that would cover my tuition fees, my book allowance and other university essentials. What I was ignorant about though was the fact that I was applying for a scholarship that provided me with much more than that. I have a family, a vast array of social, leadership and communication skills, a support team, and a memorable and empowering university experience. Looking back at my very first semester at LAU, I got overwhelmed by the endless horizon of opportunities awaiting me, I was confused, jumbled and stunned. However, I decided to make the best out of the experience I was granted. I became the founder and president of the Animal Care Club at LAU, something I am very passionate about, I volunteered with Syrian refugee children and underprivileged children, I participated in beach cleaning activities and I became a member of two other clubs, all while managing to keep my academic performance highly maintained. I aim to be a successful social worker changing people’s lives every day and leading my own NGO. The USP gave me the chance to be the person I have always wanted to be, and for that, I am forever grateful.



“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach the stars and change the world”. Through back, when I visited LAU for the first time as an Access student, I dreamt of accomplishing my studies in such a prestigious university, not knowing that one day my dream will come true through the University Scholarship Program. It was the 3rd of August 2017 when I received a call from the Lebanese American University saying: “Congrats you have been accepted at LAU”. At this moment I realized how great is God, and how strong is my willpower. During these 20 months I spent at LAU, I became more active in my community through the distinguished leadership programs and the permanent support of the OCE team, which helped me boost my self-confidence and my self-esteem. I became more responsible as well as more independent person, in contrast to whom I was before engaging in this program. My acceptance in this program was a turning point. I experienced a new life far away from my parents, I gave up to things I love, the path never went to be easy, however it was worth it. I am thankful and grateful for God and for the generosity of the American people for who I become today. They gave me not only the chance to study for three years but also the opportunity to be in an incredible spot in the future. Yes, “USP did change my life”. So, never stop dreaming.



I would like to start by thanking the USP for enlightening the way to change my life. September 2017, I had to leave my hometown, my family, my friends, and my entire life. But I knew that it was time for my dreams and ambitions to join the life-changing scholarship and to pursue my university studies in the Lebanese American University. The USP played an amazing experience and opportunity in my life. This experience gave me the opportunity to continue my undergraduate education and seek a higher knowledge level. It also gave me the opportunity to have a wonderful family, remarkable friends, a decent education and awesome experiences. My experience in LAU is not just about GPA and classes, but way more, it is an amazing adventure! I have been through a lot. I learned a lot and passed through tough and hard experiences, and only now, I know how to cherish every single moment of joy success. And instead of giving up, I can now resolve the regrets. I passed through horrible situations and had to take the hardest decisions, but I cannot deny that they were the best years of my whole life. This scholarship is not just a three-year experience that will end after my graduation; it is a lifetime experience. Thank you USAID!


MIRA MAJED Multimedia Journalism USP 7 C2

I want to start by thanking the USP management team for their hard work, the continuous follow up, and for making my dream come true. USP changed my life in every single aspect. I come from South Lebanon. Because of this generous scholarship, I became a student in one of the most prestigious universities worldwide. The USP team never made me feel that I’m alone. We were all one family. USP made me learn that achievements are not only limited to academics, but also civic wise. I want to thank USP management and the American people. Without them, I haven’t would been able to reach my goals and be who I want to be.


MOUSSA MANSOUR Computer Science USP 7 C2

Being accepted at a good university and saving for studying at such university were my main concerns when I was still a high school student. Fortunately, the University Scholarship Program (USP) was the key to achieve my high school dream. Thankfully, USAID got me accepted under its program USP to study at one of the best universities in Lebanon, LAU and USP gave me the chance to study what I’m really successful in and what I really excel in, Computer Science. Despite all the academic excellence, excellent academic staff, and means of success that LAU afford, USP Management by its Outreach and Civic Engagement (OCE) together with LAU have offered to me all the means of increasing my ability to engage with people in nowadays societies through increasing my knowledge in dealing with people, engaging with the main NGOs in Lebanon, and finally gave me the chance to help my country’s current youth generation to develop their skills through the community service project funded by USP. Finally, since the day I have started my studies at LAU (Fall 2017), my involvement with the OCE and LAU staff and participating with the activities they establish have changed my look to the life and increased my knowledge in a way that will make my future career a successful one. Thanks LAU, thanks OCE staff, and a big thanks for USP.



The first time I heard about the USAID grant was in high school. Time passed and as soon as I had the chance, I applied with a dream of becoming a student in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, LAU. When I received the phone call with the good news, I had tears in my eyes and was so overwhelmed. My dream became a reality! All my hard work paid off and I was so excited to begin a new journey. A whole new life started when university began in August 2017 and I was extremely emotional the first few days away from home. Little by little, I started actually enjoying my time and I met wonderful people that I’m really close to till today. I had the chance to meet public figures and experts through the various events and workshops that regularly take place in university. I took classes with professional instructors who teach with all their hearts and whom I learned a lot from. I volunteered in a public school and taught middle school students in subjects they have difficulties in. All these factors shaped my personality and made me a skillful, self-confident and successful young lady that’s ready to face the world. I am now more responsible and stronger than ever. I’m really proud to be an LAU student now and still feel extremely lucky and grateful to have been given this grant.



It is said that “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” - Maimonides I think that this analogy correctly depicts my journey at the Lebanese American University. Like every highschool student, I had worries about what I will do after graduation and what dreams and goals I will be planning for. Personally, I can still remember how tired and down I was heading to an unknown destination until I heard of the USAID scholarship from my childhood friend who convinced me to apply to the scholarship since he believed that I have a big opportunity to be qualified as a potential scholar, taking into consideration my financial status. Being a member of the USP family made me proud of myself and proud of this scholarship that has changed the life of many students from different religions and cultures across Lebanon. In addition the acceptance in this prestigious university opened in front of me wide horizons to begin building my life, not only in terms of education, but also granted me a great opportunity to build my personality through workshops done by the Outreach and Civic Engagement Department. Moreover, I can’t forget the continous support and the hard work performed by the USP and OCE staff members towards the success of all the USP scholars. Finally, thanks to the whole LAU community for giving me such a bright opportunity and make my dream come true, and for being my second home.


RANA YOUNISS English Literature USP 7 C2

If you can imagine in it in your mind, you can experience it in your reality. I’ve imagined how successful I’ll become and how much I’ll work hard to achieve my goals in life. However, I’ve never imagined that I’ll get into one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, LAU, simply because I couldn’t afford it. However, with the generosity of the Universal Scholarship Program (USP) that’s funded by the USAID and my hard work, everything’s becoming real. USP truly changed my life, I experienced life from different perspectives. I was able to have both academic excellence and leadership skills. It taught me how to stand for my rights, to seek new opportunities and throw myself into wild challenges. I’ve learned how to manage my time, how to communicate formally with others, how to be independent, and how to change my life and others life. Through volunteering with ROAD, Marathons, Clubs, NGOs and the three LAU simulation programs, I acknowledged what it like is to be a volunteer and alter my society to a better one. Through this scholarship, I discovered that I’m so into sports, I attended the kickboxing classes, cycling trips and the LAU gym. I passed through phases of sickness and eating disorders, that is when I knew that sports is an essential. That is exactly why my community service project that I made in my home school was about fitness and nutrition, it was called “BE FIT!” because I wanted others to know how to pass these struggles just the way I did. All the thanks go to the USAID for offering such an amazing experience that anyone could ever wish for.


RANI ABU DEHN Mathematics USP 7 C2

LAU is the planet at which the light of education never fades. It’s the stage of learners from which you get to step on the ladder of ambition until reaching the torch of uniqueness. Being accepted at LAU was the first step of a dream I didn’t expect its occurrence. It was the beginning of a long, exciting success story. An article for Edward Frenkel reveals a side of math we’ve never seen, suffused with all the beauty and elegance of a work of art. Mathematics, he writes, directs the flow of the universe, lurks behind its shapes and curves, and holds the reins of everything from tiny atoms to the biggest stars. And this was more than enough to me choosing my math major. Being socially active, having new friends, spreading happiness, having the soul of a leader, are some priceless opportunities that USAID offered me. This makes me a man who fight for success. Yes, once again, “USP Changed My Life”!


REEM DAHER Nutrition USP 7 C2

I remember coming to my mom with all the brochures I had from different affordable universities. Trying my best to connect the lines between financial capability, safety issues and convenience, my efforts went in vain. At that time, when I found out about USP and what it offered, I was very eager to apply as it appeared as a glimpse of hope for my future. I counted hours and minutes for that first phone call, and when it finally came, I was over the moon because it was the beginning of a hopeful journey. I was very grateful and honored when I was phoned about my final acceptance. As an 18-year-old, my biggest ambition was to become independent, and being accepted granted me the start line to do so. I packed my bag, made my bed for the last time and bid farewell to my family. As a USP student, I was capable of delving into the path of self-discovery. I was granted the opportunity to come out of my bubble, push myself to be as active as possible, and grow intellectually. Different bonds that felt like family were formed as I was guided throughout the past two years from friends to mentors. Thankful, this experience has been as nourishing as I hoped it would be, and one day I aspire to work in the domain of “Nutrition and Mental Health” to fulfill what I came here for.



It all started when I heard about the generous University Scholarship Program (USP), I applied with a deep feeling that I will be accepted. After that, USP has changed my life! During my years at LAU, I was able to discover myself and my potential by the help of the Outreach and Civic Engagement unit that offered diverse opportunities to help students attain their personal growth and development. I’ve participated in beneficial workshops and Outreach and Corporate Visits that enhanced my skills and boosted my networks. Moreover, being an active student who’s passionate about volunteering and leaving an impact allowed me to be a Red Cross volunteer and the president of the Aie Club at LAU where we empower youth to have bigger roles in their communities through implementing comprehensive and free trainings & workshops. This opportunity improved my planning and organizing abilities and it developed my PR skills. In addition, I have got the chance to go out of my comfort zone by going abroad to teach kids English as a global volunteer in Georgia, and it was a life changing event! I wouldn’t have done this without the USP opportunity that was offered to me and I can’t be more grateful and thankful to USAID and LAU!



I grew up in a small village in Lebanon where I went to a public school. I reached a stage in my life where I lost hope. I lost hope because nothing was working out. But after I applied to the LAU USP scholarship provided by USAID, everything changed. At first, I did not receive any phone call which had me feel hopeless. I kept telling myself that maybe they will call the other day. Day after day I was anxiously waiting. But one day, as I remember, I was sitting among the trees in our garden, trying to figure out what should I do next, and suddenly I received a phone call on my mobile. I was not expecting it. The second I was told that I got the scholarship, I ran towards my mother screaming joyfully. Today I believe in dreams because my dream of getting this opportunity came true. I evolved from a person who lost hope in life to a person who is full of hope and living the life that he wanted. I evolved to a person who is capable of changing my community by creating films and play productions that highlight the taboos of our society. My major was the main tool I used to express myself and send a message to people who lost hope in their lives. Thanks to USP I was able to achieve all this. USP changed my life.


SAMAR AJEEB Hospitality Management USP 7 C2

I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of a scholarship at the Lebanese American University, one of the best universities not only in Lebanon but in the Middle East. A turning point in my life was the day I have been accepted in the University Scholarship Program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The scholarship has given me the opportunity to experience LAU’s high academic level and the most respectful and social campus. Moreover, the experience of being a USP student made me an active member in the community, which helped to develop my leadership skills. The mandatory workshops and activities we are advised to attend; in addition, to the community service program have improved my skills, confidence and motivation to succeed at whatever I do. Not to forget the most helpful people, the USP Management Team at the LAU Outreach and Civil Engagement department, who has made our lives easier as new university students and contributed to our integration into the university stage. Thank You LAU, Thank You USAID for the most valuable and unforgettable experience.


SARA DAOU Nutrition USP 7 C2

I am Sarah Daou USP VII cycle II. I started my journey since Fall 2017 as my first semester at the Lebanese American University. Who I am today is totally different than who I was when I started University. This scholarship taught me how to overcome challenges and taught me how to enjoy all what I have. In addition, as a scholarship I became more successful, confident, and most importantly experienced and qualified. What I mostly like about this scholarship is that it focuses on my academic levels and as well my academic goals. But, it also focuses on our outreach and civic engagement abilities. USP allows me to be one of the luckiest person in my country since it makes me feel complete and wellrounded. USP also helped me to be an active and professional member in the society and taught me how to help improve the society levels. It also gives me the opportunity to participate in several programs that I used to dream of. My future dream is to have my own clinic that would help contribute to improve everyone’s health. In addition, I need to be a community nutritionist who can help people in need and help improve their lives by improving their health.


SARA KASSAB Mathematics USP 7 C2

I will never forget the feeling I had when I have been accepted to the Lebanese American University. I thank God every day for this amazing, life changing opportunity. Being a USAID Scholarship recipient is the best thing that has ever happened to me.Being a USP student has given me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills and team spirit. In addition, this scholarship gave me the chance to study at one of the most credible universities in the Middle East “LAU”. Also, it has boosted my self-esteem and developed my personality. In fact, what USP changed in me as a person cannot be summarized in one paragraph since it changed my whole life and allowed me to explore, dream and discover my abilities. Finally, I cannot thank you USP and LAU enough for helping me attain my greatest dream. Thank you for helping me continue my education and putting me on the path to greatness. Thank you!!



During summer 2017, I received a phone call from LAU saying that I won a full scholarship and I should come to sign the contract. I didn’t believe that primarily. I can still remember those goose bumps in my heart. It was like an achievement for me. I signed the contract and started a new part in my life with new people. The first period was not that easy. Getting to know new people who differ from you in the way you think, the way you live, etc. is not simple. But that is what I liked the most about this scholarship. It allowed me to discover new things, to interact with new people, to be exposed to a different environment and to be flexible to changes. Not only that, but it allowed to improve my leadership and communication skills, by engaging in volunteering activities and by attending several workshops covering essentials to prepare me to life. Now, as a second year psychology student, all I dream about next is to pursue a master’s degree in either forensic psychology or clinical psychology. I did not decide between these choices yet. But what I know is that, despite any challenge I might face, I will fight till the end to reach what I want. The road to success is not easy, but for sure, it will be worth it. Thanks USP!



“I will not get accepted in the scholarship!” is the sentence that I was repeating in my mind when I was applying to the University Scholarship Program. I kept saying this sentence until one day I got a phone call from the Lebanese American University, telling me that I was accepted at LAU under the University Scholarship Program. This phone call is still now, the best moment in my entire life! The experience of USP was rewarding, yet challenging at the same time. Living alone, time management, adapting, and making new friends were some of the challenges I faced when I first started. Thanks to the workshops and engagement of the OCE Department, I overcame all the challenges and got stronger. I gained more confidence, interpersonal skills, as well as experience. All the workshops that the USP management prepared have incorporated extra skills and shaped me to become a wellrounded person. Here I am now, in the TV/Film major, involved in shooting numerous workshops and events, considered a good script writer, having good attitude while directing, and enjoying the last 2 years of university in a major I adore since my childhood. Thanks USP!


TALA LAKISS Education USP 7 C2

USP changed my life completely, in every single way. USP provided me with excellent education, a loving and supportive family, and opportunities in different domains. Whenever I felt down, I had the OCE’s office to go to. The one door that was never closed. They are always here for me, as mentors and as my biggest supporters. Aside from the support from the USP management, I am privileged to have this beautiful bond with other USP students. The weekly opportunities that we are provided with, are the most enriching experiences. I have had the chance to network with so many people, visit NGOs, and attend professional workshops. The experience is so enriching and I feel like I’m getting closer each day to the woman I always wanted to be, because of USP. Thank you for believing in me. I will make you proud!


WAEL KAIS Hospitality Management USP 7 C2

USAID scholarships that was offered to me made my life future possible. It’s a future that I’ve been hoping for a very long time. From this point, USP changed the course of my life, allowing me to study in other cities or countries and taking my life in exciting new directions and ways. On the other hand, the scholarship I was awarded for attending LAU was not only about money, it was about the people I’ve met there, the lucky opportunity to learn and grow as an individual, plus the spirit and certainty to score my dreams. Moreover, in my life I’ve been exhibited to a challenge called a “change”. Maybe the change isn’t the best change, but if you dig below you will find that it is the premium change happened in my life. To learn in the best top university, this is a change, to know new people and new traditions and contemporary way of thinking this is an innovation. So, “today, my yesterday’s dream is my present”. I’m qualifying myself to handle my country, thanks to the experience and the proficiency (knowledge) captured at LAU. USP, you are not only promoting me, but also the future of my country. As MAIMONIDES said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for today, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a Life time”... From this point, I realized the importance of learning especially in our days. Thank you USP!



LAU; I’ve always heard its name but not a single thought came to my mind that I’ll be there one day, it all started when the Lebanese American University came to our school introducing us to the University Scholarship Program. I was very excited when applying thinking that I’m a step closer to accomplishing my dream in a well-known, elite, and a developed university in Lebanon. USP wasn’t just a program that allowed me to study in LAU but also introduced me to many effective ways to give back to my community; it was a huge push to my life, through diverse opportunities I learned many interpersonal skills, explored a lot of places, and made a new family that was guiding me through this journey. The whole OCE team was dedicated to help and motivate us when needed; through all those years of studying my dream was to become an auditor and continue my high studies and USP was my ladder to reach the top. Finally, I will always be grateful to LAU, USP, the OCE team and to everyone that allowed me to be here writing those words. I will never forget this opportunity that they gave me, the opportunity that definitely changed my life.


ZEINA LIZZAIK Mathematics USP 7 C2

It all started when i received a call that starts with “01”, I knew directly that it is a call from Beirut. I answered and what I heard is that “congratulations you have been accepted to the Lebanese American University by the USAID-funded University Scholarship Program. That moment I got accepted was the major highlight that changed my life.The value of education is something that I have understood since a very young age. Neither of my parents had an opportunity to attend university, and they had faced many difficulties in their personal and professional lives. Because of this, they have made a promise early in life to do everything within their power to instill in me a love of learning and an understanding of the importance of hard work. With the help of USAID, being a USP student, I had the opportunity to attend a lot of workshops as per the terms of the grant. Because of these workshops, I decided to give back my community by doing my community service project in my old school. In addition, I had the opportunity to present my passion for singing at various events where there were many VIPs from USAID, LAU, and media coverage. Thank you USAID and LAU for giving me this opportunity that has changed my life.



I’m Zeina Mansour, a banking and finance student from a small village in North Lebanon. I was always concerned about which university I might attend but then, a great opportunity has arisen and has opened heavenly doors in front of my academic future. I was one of the luckiest students that has been selected to be a part of one of the most amazing scholarships offered by USAID. When my feet touched LAU’s ground, my heart started racing: it was a completely new experience with a different atmosphere and a diversity of mentalities either in my campus or in my dorms. I even remember my first week in Beirut when I felt like a stranger thrown in a maze of accumulated duties but day by day, the shy girl’s social circle began to grow! I started meeting people and I became open minded but with a heavy load of bad experiences. I learned that we sometimes need harsh lessons to deserve our coming blessings. Academically, I faced some difficulties since I was a French educated student in my early years, I was not sure about the chemistry major, so I switched to a major that i believe it matches my future inspirations : Banking and Finance. In addition, my soul was filled with social and volunteering activities that enhanced my social circle’s power and helped me overcome my shyness issues. Finally, I cannot be more grateful for this opportunity because it changed my life and gave me hope to think further. My gratitude cannot be written nor felt by anyone except the new version of ZEINA! Thank you USAID for believing in me and thank you LAU for being my second home that I will never forget! 498

AHMAD HIJAZY Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C2

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.”- Bill Copeland. Setting goals in life is considered something fundamental to build your own world of success. Since my childhood, my goal was to move forward and work harder day by day to improve myself. When I was accepted into the University Scholarship Program funded by USAID at LAU my life has changed. Through this program, I got the chance to pursue my major in mechanical engineering where I was exposed to diverse set of leadership workshops and activities. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to give back to my community and to be an active member in my society. The University Scholarship Program was a big dream for me but I believe that only faith and hard work can change dreams and goals into realities.



Getting accepted into the University Scholarship Program at one of the most renowned universities in Lebanon was a dream coming true. I still remember the day I received the call and the voice of the Admissions Office Staff congratulating me. It was such a rewarding moment after years of hard work and perseverance. The University Scholarship Program gave me the excellent opportunity to pursue my passion and fully equipped me with the quantitative and qualitative tools and skills required to excel professionally and academically. It is an opportunity that I will be forever grateful. USP is more than a scholarship, USP team is my family.I will move forward by working harder day by day to reach my goal and to leave a footprint in my community and in this world that my family would be proud of: “The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will”.


CARLOS BOU DAGHER Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C2

The University Scholarship Program funded by USAID made my dream to pursue my major in mechanical engineering come true. The scholarship not only provided me with a chance to study in one of the top universities in the Middle East but also exposed me to a new platform of leadership and civic engagement workshops organized by the OCE team. This journey mainly helped me gain more confidence and provided me with an outstanding experience I believe I could not find it in another place. If you put a clear goal in your life and work hard day by day pursuing it, you will achieve your goal: “You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for.” – Ted Turner.


GEORGIO YAMMINE Computer Engineering USP 7 C2

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman. The journey started five years ago. During my high school years, I knew about the University Scholarship Program, I worked day by day and believed in my strength to reach my goal. Being accepted into the University Scholarship between 75 other students was a turning point in my life. The University Scholarship Program opened the door for me to a new world of opportunities and helped me acquire new skills through the leadership development and civic engagement workshops and the support of a great team at OCE. Moreover, this program gave me the opportunity to pursue my education in Computer Engineering and introduced me to a vast field of Coding and Programming. Today, thanks to LAU and the American People, I have become a different person, more mature, responsible, and independent who aims high and dreams big. As Clement Stone said: “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star”.


HOUSSEIN YASSIN Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C2

I always strive to improve myself to become a better person and to attain my goals. Since my high school years, I heard about University Scholarship Program funded by USAID. A program that provide students with a chance to study in a one of the top universities in Lebanon. Throughout my journey at LAU, I benefited from every single aspect and worked harder to reach for the best. The various workshops organized by the OCE Department helped me shape my personality and the great academic support through tutoring and mentorship pushed to move forward in my major. I am thankful for USAID for making my experience at the Lebanese American University extremely fruitful.



“You will never change if you don’t believe in change, love yourself and be who you are, and you will never be able to grow up if you don’t take the opportunities you have.” USP Changed My Life both personally and academically. It provided me with a lifetime opportunity that changed my life. Through USP, I gained the chance to study at the Lebanese American University and to develop my potential and expand my capacities to rise and shine. My life really changed after these words “Congratulations you got accepted into the University Scholarship Program”. Today USP is not only an educational program, USP become my family.



Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: “ Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what you are doing for others ?” After being accepted into the University Scholarship Program funded by the generous American People to complete my studies at LAU, I started believing that dreams do come true. The scholarship was the turning point that made me the person I am today. It motivated me to change, to love changing and to realize that change is the essential key to a better society. I started believing that I have the ability and responsibility that can make a difference in my community to be a hopeful and peaceful place for the next generations. I realized that the only path to reach my dreams is to integrate my passion for education with my urge to help my community. My profession as a nurse gave me the chance to help people and be engaged in volunteer work and community service. Throughout my journey into the University Scholarship Program, I am not only proud of what I have become, but most importantly of making my family eternally proud, as I already owe them a life.


LARA DIAB Civil Engineering USP 7 C2

August 3, 2017 marked the day I received a call from LAU informing me that I was accepted into the University Scholarship Program. It was the best moment as it totally changed my life. Every person has a dream to achieve but sometimes this dream can seem impossible to reach just like a miracle. However, it takes strength, strong will and perseverance to turn miracles into reality. Thanks to the University Scholarship Program, my dream of studying in a prestigious university such as LAU became true. My experience at LAU affected my personality on both academic and personal levels. It enhanced my capacities through the high level of education, volunteering opportunities, internships as well as the constant support from the USP team. Furthermore, the new networks and cultures I was exposed to increased my skills and gave me the power of resilience. USP did not only change my life, but also changed the lives of people around me as today I am preparing myself to serve my community. The University Scholarship Program made my future possible, a future in which I find myself what I hoped I would be for a long time, and I owe this to the USP and LAU.



“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney. During my high school years, I started considering which university I must attend to continue my education. Being accepted into the University Scholarship Program granted me with a truly life changing opportunity to pursue my major in a prestigious university such as the Lebanese American University. Through my past two years, the USP team provided me with a great support and helped me acquire many skills by attending different leadership workshops and lectures. My journey at LAU through USP was mostly a perfect incubator to discover my new self as well as to appreciate new cultures and to meet many people from different backgrounds. Thank you LAU and USAID!



The University Scholarship Program is a life changing opportunity. This scholarship had a major effect in building my capacities and shaping my personality on different levels. It enhanced my self-confidence and paved the way for me to reach my goals and dreams. Without the support of the USP team, I would not imagine myself in the place where I am today. My experience at LAU gave me the chance to be involved in many volunteering activities aiming to serve the society and to achively part take in different activities and workshops. Thank you LAU! Thank you for the American People!


MANAL DIAB Computer Science USP 7 C2

It is difficult for me to describe my exceptional journey into the University Scholarship Program. Two years ago, my life has changed when I was accepted to be part of this program. My experience at LAU through USP cannot be put into words. I had the chance to dream big and reach my goals. With the guidance of the USP team, I was able to implement a community service project in my hometown and through the helpful and constructive workshops that I attended during every semester, I was able to boost my capacities and advance my strong skills. I am more than grateful for the USAID and LAU for providing me with this brilliant opportunity to achieve my dreams.



The University Scholarship Program saved my life and changed it for the better. The generosity and kindness of the American People has fortified a young woman who did not know her place in this world to trust herself once more. It all started the day I received a phone call notifying me that I was accepted at the Lebanese American University into the University Scholarship Program. I will be always grateful for this moment as it provided me with an outstanding opportunity to pursue my “dream” career and further enhanced my knowledge in the business field and certification goals that I have set for myself. Being part of this program elevated my leadership and community service skills through the diverse set of leadership and civic engagement workshops, OCVs and different clubs on campus. I am thankful for USAID for allowing me to take of this amazing journey and for the USP team for paving the way for every student to build a successful and fruitful future.


NOUR KFOURY Computer Science USP 7 C2

Since my high school years, I was in constant search to find a mean to explore the field of Computers and Technology. Through the University Scholarship Program, I got the chance to be introduced to the world of Coding and Programming and to be exposed to a new field of civic engagement and leaderships skills. My experience into the University Scholarship Program will always be the best opportunity in my life and today I am able to continue my path to reach my goals.



This exciting journey has started the moment I was accepted as an LAU USP student. A mix of feelings that cannot be expressed in words, yet it is a whole life changing point. The University Scholarship Program developed in me a sense to give back to my community especially through the Community Service Project. Furthermore, the various workshops and lectures organized by the OCE helped me shape my independent personality and capacity. Being thankful for the American People for this great opportunity is not enough, I will persist spreading the message of giving back to my community and will work harder to pursue graduate studies.


RAYAN SUCCAR Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C2

My world opened up to opportunity and possibility the day I applied for the University Scholarship Program at LAU and was accepted to complete my education as a mechanical engineer. This scholarship is not only a dream that turned into reality but also a life changing adventure that helped me move forward and dream of a successful future. USP gave me the opportunity to follow my dreams and to reach excellence, academically, professionally and it would not be possible without the support of the USP team and the American People. Thank you LAU! Thank you USAID!


SABINE EL SAYAH Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C2

Through the University Scholarship Program funded by USAID, I started to take steps towards my dreams and my future. The opportunity of pursuing my studies in such a highly reputable university opened many doors for me. My journey at LAU through USP not only gave me the best academic opportunities, but also paved my way with a new field of leadership and civic engagement activities. It has also introduced me to a cultural and intellectual expansion including a series of workshops and lectures. Day after day, I am gaining confidence that life is full of opportunities. I am working hard to accordingly achieve my dreams and ensure a successful future.



I am not a perfect student but I am trying my best to be one. I have worked day by day to improve myself since my high school years. Growing up as a student, I could not imagine myself doing anything else but nursing. Even due to many barriers I could not imagine myself studying in a public university. USP gave me the opportunity to achieve my dream and study in one of the most renowned universities in Lebanon. The mandatory workshops and trainings helped me create my personality and strengthen my skills. Moreover, the scholarship helped me grow on different levels to become the person I am today. My journey at LAU has been challenging from the day I was accepted in the University Scholarship Program but I believed that my motivation and persistence made me believe in myself and focus to attain my goals and build a bright future: “There are ups and downs, but whatever happens, you have to trust and believe in yourself.”


SHARBEL KOZHAYA Electrical Engineering USP 7 C2

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Hellen Keller A new horizon has opened after being accepted to pursue my major in Electrical Engineering into the University Scholarship Program at the Lebanese American University. This excellent opportunity has rewarded me after years of academic excellence and community serving. Thanks to this experience, I am studying at one of the most prestigious universities and transferring my knowledge to my community, especially in the technological field. The scholarship heightened my standards and pushed me to intensify my academic performance and to sharpen my skills by attending a wide variety of workshops tackling different topics. Additionally, this scholarship has introduced me to valuable people from different backgrounds. Being in touch with them boosted my performance as we shared mostly the same goals and dreams. Bonding with my fellows formed a supporting back as well as thrusted motivation for me to continue my journey and chase my dreams. Finally, I want to thank everyone that believed in me and supported me to the fullest in order to be the person I am today.


Outreach and Civic Engagement

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