USP Changed My Life, USP 7 Cohort 3

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This book is made possible with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of LAU and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Table of Contents

Message from the President


Message from the Vice President


USP Management


USP Administration








USP 5 & 3 New




USP 7 C1


USP 7 C2


USP 7 C3



AHMAD HOUMANY Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

The most stressful time a person can go through is the time when they have to decide with major they want to pursue and which university they want to attend. I first heard about the University Scholarship Program from the seniors in my high school when I was in grade 11. They were talking about the required papers and documents they should submit and the application they should complete, so this became a goal that I set for myself: I have to apply for such a scholarship. When I became a grade 12 student I grabbed the opportunity to apply to USP willing to be accepted, where I stayed stressed and confused until the time I got a call telling me “Congratulations Ahmad! You’ve been accepted for the USAID scholarship and you will be majoring in computer engineering”. When I heard those words, my dream came true and my journey begun at LAU. Everything in my life changed, and now I have the responsibility live up to such a scholarship and put all my potentials to prove that I deserve it. USP has given me the opportunity to mingle with many people and meet new ones from diverse cultures and those strangers eventually became my second family. Moreover, the workshops we attended helped me build my personality and change my attitude and perspective in life. Nevertheless, the quality of education we pursue at LAU is just “PERFECT!” where we are given the chance not only to study theories but also to test them. It is really a life-changing program that I advise every undergraduate to apply for it!



“Have a Vison” said Arnold Schwarzenegger, that’s a quote I live by in my daily life. Having a clear vision of who you want to be is the key for a brilliant future. Studying in one of the best universities in Lebanon was my short-term goal and by applying for the University Scholarship Program, my goal was attained. My acceptance at the Lebanese American University was a dream that really came true. In addition, not only I was able to improve my social responsibilities and my skills, but I also widened my knowledge by attending many interesting workshops set by the USP management. Many important topics were discussed in these workshops like: time management, communication skills, goal setting and many others. I am thankful for USP for this amazing opportunity that was given to me.


ALAIN ZALLOUM Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

As it is known, life is said to be hard due to the overwhelming responsibilities that a person has and the more they progress in their lives, the more responsibilities they get. When we were kids, our choices were limited; we didn’t choose which school we wanted to attend. In high school, it suddenly hit me that I had a choice to make: whether live each day by itself or instead, start working on my future, for that was and still is my responsibility. I worked on my grades to be high enough and I got this scholarship. It isn’t only a 100% scholarship in one of the best universities in Lebanon, but also a scholarship that cares for building the character of the students. I benefited so much from the workshops the USP management set for us such as public speaking and time planning as those two were my weaknesses all along my life. Without this scholarship, I would have not been able to fulfill my dreams by attending a prestigious university such as LAU.


ALI AHMAD Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X One of the most crucial turning points in my life was getting this scholarship that offers such high education and engagement skills. The University Scholarship Program (USP) helped many hardworking students who deserve a better chance to pursue their goals, and one of those students was me. It was only a dream seeing myself in one of Lebanon’s finest universities, and apparently, dreams do come true. Thankfully, this program is not only offering scholars’ a high end education but also is working to enhance their leadership and engagement skills. Throughout the various activities and visits we attend; we learn one of life’s most important moral that is the spirit of giving. Thus, this scholarship built an unbroken fortress in our minds as we all gained a huge self-esteem that pushes us to always aim for higher goals.


CHARBEL AL AZZI Civil Engineering USP 7 C3

“Don’t waste your time looking back, you’re not going that way” -Ragnar Lothbrok. Since High School I always dreamt of getting a scholarship in a highly ranked university in Lebanon so that I can pursue my dreams and achieve my goals. Fortunately, USAID and LAU handed me this once in a lifetime opportunity. The University Scholarship Program gave me the chance to continue my education and develop my hobbies and skills. I am very grateful for this scholarship as it gave me a vision and made me aim for higher goals.


ELIO AL SAYAH Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C3

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.�- WALT DISNEY. Graduating from High School is an exciting time. It can also feel scary because you have to decide what you are going to do next. A friend told me about a full scholarship three years before graduation and since then, it became my goal to attain it. At that time, I knew that this would be a turning point in my life. Working hard in High School, I succeeded to be one of the scholarship receivers. The University Scholarship Program (USP) helped me to join one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon. I was introduced to a new chapter in my life, where I learned more about leadership after attending many workshops and activities. The USP did not only cover my tuition fees, but it also supported me to develop my personality and engaged more in social activities. Nothing is impossible in front of a person whose plan is to succeed. There will always be a way for a hard worker to turn dreams into reality.


ANDRE CHEDID Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy”-Norman Vincent Peale. During high school the main thought going through my mind was: what will I do after it’s done, I didn’t have the means to choose which university to go to, the only choice I had was to join the Lebanese University. However, after I heard about the University Scholarship Program (USP) I knew what I should do. I started working harder and harder on getting accepted. This scholarship would change my life for the better, so I had to get it. After being accepted, the first thing this opportunity taught me was to always believe in myself no matter what others say. Many people will try to put you down and tell you that you cannot do it; but you just need to prove them wrong by working harder to achieve whatever you believe in. In addition, after being accepted we became constantly exposed to different activities and workshops that shape our personalities all while helping us improve our leadership skills and teaching us to always be the change we want to see in the community and not just wait for others to start. Finally, I am grateful for this life changing opportunity that I was given, and I hope that in the future I will be able to give back at least a small percentage of what I’m going to learn throughout these years.


CARLA GHANEM Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” - Vince Lombardi You never know what tomorrow is hiding; nevertheless, you have to always aim high and work hard enough for it to pay off. To me, being granted the University Scholarship Program (USP) funded by the generous American people, was a major achievement I accomplished and a big opportunity I was given which with no doubt is a huge leap into a brighter future. The beauty of this program is not only that you’re learning in one of the top ranked universities in Lebanon and the Middle East, provided with all the facilities to thrive and prosper, but also how hard the USP community works on improving our personalities and character by engaging us in leadership workshops and activities throughout the entire learning period. Never did I expect to become part of this wonderful loving USP community. USP totally changed my life and taught me how to assist other people and favor my community, and how to equip myself with the right tools to excel academically and socially. In brief, I am very grateful for being part of this program for it proved to me that when there’s a will, there’s always a way, and tough roads usually lead to the brightest destinations.


FATIMA DIA Mathematics USP 7 C3

Getting this scholarship was, and will always be a dream come true. Receiving the University Scholarship Program (USP) has been a life changing experience. I look back at the shy girl I was in High School, and here I am a completely different one. The leadership skills’ workshops and constant mentoring sessions we receive have helped shape the confident, strong leader I am today. USP changed my life and showed me that if you work hard enough, everything is possible.


JAD AL ZOCK Graphic Design USP 7 C3

Before I apply to the scholarship, I had this ideal image of the university, with me studying the major I love, making friends from different backgrounds, meet people that share the same interests with me. The moment I knew about the University Scholarship Program (USP), I knew that this is going to be the golden opportunity that will help me achieve my dream. LAU embraced me as if I was a long time student at the university. I got to experience a new meaning of “family�. I made many close friends from different nationalities and backgrounds, and they got me interested in many different ethnicities. In addition to that, a group of elite educational staff and brilliant individuals helped me build my self-esteem on strong foundations and boost my self-confidence. I truly owe my success to them. Needless to say, applying for this scholarship was the smartest decision I made. Thank you USAID.



In the last year of high school, I was stressed about choosing the right major, right university, and right career. And the most stressful part was to think financially whether I will be able to afford the fees of the university or not. My only choice back then, was to learn in an official university. That when I learned about the University Scholarship Program. I applied to the scholarship and I was quite aware that to be chosen among the thousands applying students was hard, but faith has led my journey. Here I am, a first-year nursing student, under the University Scholarship Program. From this program I learnt that not only society shapes us, but also, we can shape our society. This is shown by the different activities and workshops that I took part of. For example, raising awareness about colon cancer in the university through the nursing club, and helping in “1 kilo campaign” where food was given to those in need and many other activities taught me that simple actions make difference in someone’s life and in society. The USP has changed my life by altering the way that I view the world. It taught me that one can achieve his or her dreams by only having faith accompanied by action. So, I will never stop chasing my dreams because this is what we were born for.


JIHAN HAMDAN Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

The University Scholarship Program is not just a scholarship to me. Since the day I knew about it, it became a goal for me and next, when I reached that level, the level of applying for it, the journey has started. That journey was not an easy one, but when thinking about the outcome, you won’t taste that fatigue. The best part was definitely the day I was accepted to be part of this scholarship. I have been accepted to complete four years of computer engineering at the best university in Lebanon LAU. This dream would not have happened without this incredible opportunity USP has provided to me and many other students who were educated in public high schools in Lebanon. The education life with USP is not a usual one, the USP team that accompanied me from the first university day till now is the best and every single one of them deserves appreciation. The support and help they gave me are not the only work they do, but they also work for my future by introducing me to the social life demanded in the domain of my major. In fact, the USP not only includes education but also highly encourages volunteering and social relationships as well as improving our weak points by giving focused workshops and specific activities.



My senior year in high school was extremely stressful. In that time, I was studying for the official exams as well as applying to the University Scholarship Program (USP). I felt worried for thinking I actually had a chance of being in the program but as Mahatma Gnadhi said: “The future depends on what you do today�. I focused on working hard until I got accepted and from that moment my life turned upside down and I became a strong believer that nothing is impossible in life. The leadership workshops and personality improving programs that the USP team offered me changed my personality and my life perspective. Leadership skills are among the most important things that a person must develop to enhance his/her personality and take responsibility. In addition, participating in activities like fundraising events, reforestation and visiting orphanages taught me to care and to be different. This program keeps on enhancing my life since day one, with all the opportunities USP provides and all the help it gives and armors me with the appropriate weapons to face and surpass any obstacles I might face in the future.



There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Like every student after High School, I was stressed about what major to choose and what university to apply for. The University Scholarship Program (USP) was one of the scholarship programs that were introduced early in our school. Having the chance to apply was the first step towards a big dream. In fact, seeing the huge number of students applying did not let me doubt the possibility of being accepted. The real journey began the day I got informed that I was accepted in this scholarship. This is simply the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn’t make my parents any prouder. This was really a sign that when we work hard, we can achieve. This scholarship does not focus only on our major studies. But it focuses also on our social learning by all the activities and workshops that are provided for us, which add up to our personality, helping us to be far more successful in life and gaining more self-confidence. Moreover, the best feeling ever is to be surrounded by all the USP scholars. It just feels like family. As an overview, this scholarship has changed my life, made me believe that nothing is impossible. It is always a matter of hard work and consistency. From now on, I will always aim higher, and be ready to face any challenge I face in my life, while believing in myself and in all the energy I put on my learning in order to attain my future goals. 533

KHALED BAGHDADI Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

It was August 8, 2018, when the journey with USP started. Being accepted in this program was a turning point in my life. However, with this amazing opportunity, I knew that a great responsibly is awaiting me and I was ready for all the challenges. Through this program, I was offered more than just a high-level education in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon and the Middle East, I was offered another family that I will remember for my whole life. Being part of this large family, I had the chance to meet new people from different backgrounds and we were able to make strong and long-lasting bonds with each other. Since the day I got enrolled at the Lebanese American University I was exposed to a variety of opportunities and was offered a lot of beneficial workshops that reshaped my personality and made me a better person. Through this program, I was encouraged to enroll in different clubs on and off-campus and participate in a lot of community-based activities. Today, I am an active member of my community, and I hold a great responsibility towards it. It is a wonderful experience to be part of this generous, and life-changing program. I am constantly learning and benefiting out of it. I am not the same person I was when I first joined the university, and definitely won’t be the same person I am today when I graduate from it. It is such a pleasure to be in this supporting place, and now I am encouraged to aim for higher positions.



“Sic Parvis Magna”- Sir Francis Drake. Translated from Latin to “so great and small”. Since I was little I’ve always believed that no matter what are the circumstances of my life, I will be able to dream and achieve. Coming from the underprivileged Tripoli with no financial capabilities to enter LAU, it was devastating to realize that even with hard work, it was impossible. But I was wrong; USP gave me the chance I always heart fully wished. The University Scholarship Program enabled me to study in a top tier university, taught me to be the leader in my society and most importantly empowered me. Thanks to USP, my path is now fully open to achieve my greatness in the most prestigious way.



“I learned the value of hard work by working hard”Margaret Mead. The University Scholarship Program (USP) was my only opportunity to achieve higher education after high school, since the financial status of my family could not allow it. I never believed I would be among the lucky applicants chosen, and the famous adage “Nothing is impossible” rang true in my mind. The program doesn’t focus solely on academic development but also emphasizes activities that develop my personality and hone my leadership skills. The workshops and events they host and invite us to attend have truly shifted my life in a new direction, by equipping me with the skills that I will need as a future leader. It also taught me the importance of giving back to my society. It helped me understand true team spirit, working hard, and trusting my inherent abilities. Because of this esteemed program, my self-confidence has soared, making me aim for higher achievements and embrace challenges that I would not have chosen to face earlier on.


MARIE-BELLE MANSOUR Mechanical Engineering USP 7 C3

“Why do you want to major in Mechanical Engineering? It is not for girls!”, this is what everybody used to tell me. During High School, I decided to challenge myself and overcome traditions regarding women’ jobs so I chose to study mechanical engineering. But the question was: which university will help me express my physical, analytical and leadership skills? I didn’t receive any answer until I got introduced to USP. USP, University Scholarship Program, is a dream for each student. This amazing full scholarship gives the students the chance to continue their education in one of the best universities in Lebanon with all the facilities. It also enforces our leadership skills by the workshops and the activities offered that makes all USP students different and unique. With the USP team, I realized how much love can change someone’s life and that optimism is essential to true progress. This opportunity was a chance for me to volunteer and help those in need, take care of orphans and spread awareness against drugs. Briefly, I learned to give without expecting anything in return. “Nothing is impossible” this is the main goal of USP. Each person regardless of his religion, nationality and gender is able to achieve his dreams with hard work, patience and will. I learned from USP how to develop my personality and increase my self-confidence. I learned the ways to play an active role in my society. Words cannot describe how much I am thankful and grateful for this opportunity.



Every High School student has a decision to make before graduation: choosing a major and a University. In my case, I searched a lot and chose the major that I feel more comfortable with. Then I applied to the USP scholarship and luckily, I was accepted.Being accepted in a full scholarship in one of the best universities in Lebanon motivated me more and more. Add to that, the workshops done by the university and the scholarship allowed me to be more involved in my society all while improving my soft and leadership skills. Thus, being a USP student really changed your life.


MARY JOE AL MAKARY Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

As teenagers, after High School, we get confused between majors and universities since this decision will affect the rest of our lives. Personally, I was blessed to receive the University Scholarship Program that changed my life and helped better shape my future. The most important thing, that I am more than grateful for, is that I had the chance to know what is best for me. Thanks to the USP that helped me choose the best major that fits my personality. I was a nursing student, but after doing the strong inventory test, I knew that my dream job and the career that I wanted to have was not in the medical field. It was definitely in the Business domain. So after thinking deeply, I switched my major under the USP scholarship and now, I thank God every day that I am part of this program that facilitated and was a turning point in my whole life. In addition, through different workshops, I was able to improve my personality as well as my skills in different fields like leadership and civic engagement.


MARYSE ABI HAIDAR Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

“What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.” -Norman Vincent Peal. Learning about the University Scholarship Program (USP) was a turning point in my life. For three consecutive years I worked day and night to get this full scholarship that I knew will change my life forever; and it did indeed. I would have never seen myself in such a prestigious university such as LAU. Getting in LAU and with the help of the amazing OCE staff, I realized that I am in the right place and with the right major at hand. From all the activities, workshops and opportunities offered to us, I got to be part of; I learned something new that helped me to grow intellectually and on a personal level. The fact of giving back to the community through different activities and volunteering work is such a wonderful gift to give. USP and LAU changed my life 360 degrees in a way that easy challenges are not a part of my life anymore and helped me to widen my knowledge in so many fields and taught me the real sense of success and achievements. I would like to thank USAID and LAU for such an opportunity that is the key for a successful future and career. And where there’s a will there’s a way, which means that everything is possible with hard work and consistent.


MAY KARIMEH Nutrition USP 7 C3

Life is a story and thanks to the University Scholarship Program, mine was a successful story. The University Scholarship Program did not only finance my studies but also gave me the chance to improve my leadership skills and to improve my personality. I was really worried that my parents won’t have the means to finance my education and that I would be a burden for them. But thanks to the USAID, I was relieved from this worry. This amazing opportunity provides all USP students with an amazing environment and a great support system to achieve our goals.


MOHAMAD AL KHODOR Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

Unlike many others, USP was something I’ve always dreamed of. Since my first High School year I would always look at the hanging poster outside of my classroom and wonder if I will ever be able to be part of such a prestigious program. During the application process, I was always confident that I might get in and luckily enough I was honored to be one of the recipients of the University Scholarship Program. After receiving this scholarship, several things started changing in my life for the better. Currently, I am more than grateful for all the various beneficial workshops held to teach us some of the most important traits to become future leaders and innovative citizens in our community. This program taught us the importance of giving back, and I am looking forward to give back to my community after graduation.Because of USP I will aim higher and dream bigger and pave my long path towards a bigger success.



“The only thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve is the fear of failure” Paulo Coelho. People may know what they are but not what they could become, unless one is blessed by opportunities that allow him to progress. I worked hard to earn a life changing opportunity .I managed to put all my efforts during my high school years and focus on success. I believed that hard work always pays off. I applied to the University Scholarship Program and I was confident that I will get it. I know that a dream will not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. And I have done all of those. I challenged all obstacles, overcame them all, and turned into an unstoppable person who needs to achieve success. When I received a phone call, stating that I got accepted in the University Scholarship Program, I cried. This was the first time I earned something that I truly wished. Today I am Mohamad Antar. A person who is fulfilling his dreams, working hard and supporting his family. It’s the start of the journey of life, which I have started in the best way ever. I am a USP student who is fueled with knowledge, power and support every single day. I will boost myself with education, knowledge, motivation and determination to improve my country as well as myself.



During my last High School year, I had no other choice than going to the Lebanese University, since my dad was jobless and this was the only affordable option we had back then. I always dreamt of studying in a prestigious university like AUB or LAU but this was not an option for me until the day I learned about the University scholarship Program (USP). USP has changed my life in so many ways. First, this program gave me the chance to study my favorite major, nursing, in LAU. Second, it helped me enhance my leadership skills through the various workshops they organize. Third, I made new friends through this program, from all over Lebanon and I learnt so many things from them. I would want to mention the USP team that is standing by our side every day to help us through all the difficulties we may encounter in University. Finally, my whole life has changed because of this program and it made my University experience a lot more enjoyable and fruitful, this is why I encourage every high school senior to apply to it and make his dreams come true.


PATRICIA ATTIEH Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams you wish come true.� Last year of high school was a stressful period; I was facing a lot of pressure of having to choose the appropriate university I want to attend. When I applied to the University Scholarship Program, I had never believed that I will be selected from hundreds of students. But my dream came true since I became a proud USP student. Although one year did not pass yet, I witnessed a list of experiences that enriched my mind and personality. Through leadership activities and different workshops I had the chance to grow intellectually and acquire the inspiration needed to follow the right path. Once you work hard, nothing will be impossible, nothing will obstruct your path and nothing will steal your success. This is the lesson I have adopted from this opportunity, since the first day I entered LAU, pleased to have accomplished a first big step that will help me achieve my goals. As an overview, USP changed my life in a meaningful way and pushed me to learn how to overcome challenges.


TATIANA GEAGEA International Affairs USP 7 C3

My journey with USAID began with a phone call on a Wednesday morning, informing me that I have been accepted in the Lebanese American University with a full scholarship. Tears rolled down my face, as I knew my life was about to change. This scholarship offered me the chance to major in something I am really passionate about in one of the best universities in the country. Not only that, but it also developed my personality and my knowledge throughout a wide range of different workshops and activities that it provides. It was a life changing moment because for once, I felt like this is exactly where I need to be, in the right place and at the right moment. This experience really taught me that no matter what, one should never give up, as God is hearing your prayers and knows about all the hard work and effort that you have put. And for that I am forever grateful to the USAID agency and for the Lebanese American University for believing in me and helping me make my dream come true.


TIA SEMAAN Management USP 7 C3

It was confusing for me to choose which university I will study at, and how can I support its expensive tuition. The University Scholarship Program, give me the chance to pursue my education without my parents worrying about financing it. This scholarship helped me achieve all my set goals and provided me the necessary training to improve my skills. They really provide us a wonderful environment to study well and to realize all our dreams. Thanks so much for USAID for giving me the chance to partake in this amazing opportunity.


TONIA GEAGEA Electrical Engineering USP 7 C3

Every time I think about my current scholarship I feel overwhelmed by the thought of the enormous generosity that has changed my life.When I was graduating from High School, many challenges faced my educational future: high university fees, where to live, how to leave my hometown and much more. Being accepted in the USP was totally out of my expectation. This program has showed me that the only barrier between you and your aspirations is yourself. I first learned to stop underestimating myself, have faith in my potentials and work hard to improve them. An important part of my scholarship was attending workshops that focus on leadership, self-confidence, public speaking, communication skills and time management. All those lectures and activities helped me achieve success in my academic environment by putting these skills into practice. The USP management was always ready to help, not only on the academic level, but also in every challenge that I faced. They were very helpful and supportive. The CSP (community service project) also gave me the chance to develop my empathy and leadership skills and to realize how my actions can have a positive and deep impact on other’s lives. I wish to have an impact on others the same way the USP had an impact on me.


ZEINAB HAMZEH Computer Engineering USP 7 C3

Joining the University Scholarship Program was a dream come true. This opportunity offered me an amazing family that will always have a special place in my heart. It also provided me the chance to pursue my higher education in one of the most prestigious university in Lebanon. When I started my first semester at the Lebanese American University, I struggled a lot. But with the constant help and support of the USP family, I was able to face all the challenges and overcome all the difficulties. Add to that, the various activities and workshop offered to me, helped me better shape my personality and become a better version of myself.


AHMAD SOUSS Hospitality and Tourism Management USP 7 C3

When I applied to the university scholarship program, I was afraid I would fail. I had no hopes that I will be a part of this “Positively Life Changing” dream. Every phase was challenging since scholars were meticulously selected and there I was climbing the stairs with great fear. It was like a game where replay does not exist! The last phase was the interview, I wanted to show them that I really deserve it, and that nothing can stop me from achieving my goal. The questions were tough, but I was competent enough. I showed them responsibility, self-confidence, respect, and selfsufficiency, but after every phase I would tell myself “who am I for they to accept me”. In August 2018 it was almost 9:30 am, I was preparing to go to work when someone called me and said “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED IN THE USP AT LAU!!!” I cried, shouted, and was very excited because not only my life will change, but my future also! The scholarship gave me more than I was expecting; it gave me experience, friends, loyalty, freedom, opportunity, but the most important thing it taught me how to be a leader in my community through volunteering and participating with NGOs. At the end I want to give a big thanks for both USAID and LAU for having me in their family, and I am hundred percent sure that through them, I will achieve my goals. Finally, “SCHOLARS ARE NOT JUST NUMBERS; THEY ARE AMBASSADORS”, where Lebanon will be proud of having them.



Since I was in High School I had a dream of getting admitted to a reputable university but my brother’s death made it impossible for me. When I first heard about the University Scholarship Program my hope was revived. This opportunity would definitely provide me with good education thus help me refine my skills. When the USP management called me to tell me that I was accepted, my dream became a reality. LAU and USP empower students to become successful in their work fields thus prepare them to be future leaders, and engage them in developing the society. USP taught me to have a balance between my academic studies along with serving the community. It taught me how to study, work, engage in social work and have fun at the same time. I am thankful for the USP for granting me this opportunity of becoming a better version of myself.


AMAL YASSINE Business Management USP 7 C3

It was a turning point in my life when I got accepted in the USP in August 8, 2018. This program gave me a great opportunity to prosper educationally and socially.The first thing that I have learned through my experience as a USP student was being an active member in the community and constantly searching for opportunities to expand my knowledge and benefit others at the same time. The USP staff always encouraged me to participate in many activities and workshops in order to gain as many skills as possible for me to excel not only in my own career but also in my community and personal settings. Moreover, my involvement in different clubs such as the Red Cross and the Social Work club gave me more self-confidence and made me a self-reliant person. My social life has developed even more, the USP gave me the chance to meet and mingle with a variety of people from different backgrounds, thus made new friends that became my second family. This helped me widen my connections, look at things from a different perspective, and learn the true meaning of life in general. The road is long, and the journey has just begun, every day is a new chance to improve and evolve and for that I am grateful to LAU-USP.



When I graduated from Sawfar Secondary School and got admitted to LAU in fall 2018 under the University Scholarship Program, it was as if a dream came true. The most difficult part was to pass the entrance exam but when there’s a will there is always a way to achieve your goal. This scholarship has strengthened my self-confidence and developed my character to the best especially with all the effective workshops that LAU and OCE offers us. These workshops helped change my life and encouraged me to balance between my social life while maintaining a high GPA. The University Scholarship Program gave me the opportunity to enroll in one of the most reputable universities in Lebanon. This opportunity will open up doors for me to have a great career which will help me prosper thus lead me to do my PhD in chemistry and be a professional researcher.


AYA MORRA Banking & Finance USP 7 C3

It is amazing to be a part of the LAU community, one of the best universities in Lebanon. To me, it was a dream come true. Thanks to LAU and USAID for funding the USP program, believing in us and our potential, and making our dream come true. As a first year student, I faced some obstacles and problems, but everyone was there to help me overcome those problems. Moreover, volunteering in several activities and attending beneficial workshops provided me with social skills, soft skills, and technical skills. Besides that, being a part of the LAU clubs gave me the opportunity to meet new people and have fun doing activities together. I expect a fruitful future for being an LAU and USP scholar who will engage in valuable community change. Thank you for this great opportunity and for helping Lebanese youths achieve their dreams and goals.


CLARK ROUHANA Computer Science USP 7 C3

When I first heard about the University Scholarship Program I decided to apply since I always dreamt of becoming an LAU student. After I was accepted I couldn’t believe that everything I have dreamt of became a reality. This scholarship has given me a great opportunity to challenge myself and improve in many different ways. The best part about the scholarship are the people guiding us and helping us achieve the very best to succeed in everything we do. USP has played a major role in shaping my life, with everything that the program has offered. Learning in the university, living on campus, meeting new people, and having an amazing experience, it all affected me and helped me experience a better life. In the future I hope to be a successful programmer and developer and to establish a name for myself that would have a huge impact on the technological market.


CYRINE NAJI Business Management USP 7 C3

I am honored to be one of the receivers of the USAID Scholarship. Thank you US citizens for your generous support. Growing up in a less privileged village has not only gave me financial and academic challenges, but has also widened my perspective about the importance of a higher education. I have just begun my undergraduate career at the Lebanese American University. Future wise, I see myself as a successful lady with a master degree in Accounting. USAID offers me one of the finest programs in Lebanon and I consider myself fortunate to be enrolled in it. I also hope to be able to serve my community as a business person in the future. Continuing my education wouldn’t be possible without this generous help from the USAID Scholarship sponsors. Thank you for making my dream come true.



The day I was accepted in the University Scholarship Program at LAU was a turning point that brought me a step closer to my lifelong dream. Thanks to the generous educational scholarship you have supplied my ambition has become a reality. USP gave me the opportunity to obtain more skills, be much more involved in the society through providing me with volunteering activities which helped me gain experience in my field of studies. Future wise, USP helped me facilitate my abilities to achieve my goals by the vote of confidence it supplied as I am committed to a higher level of education. Thank you for your continuous generosity because of your support I am a step closer to becoming what I have always dreamt to be.


FATIMA AL MOUSSAWI Business Management USP 7 C3

I remember that day and how could I forget it, the day I received the happy news that not only made my day but all other days to come. I was about to lose hope until LAU, my dream university since my middle school experience in GC LAU MUN, called and told me that I got accepted into the university scholarship program that they offered. It all started when a boy from my village received the USP Scholarship as well as two girls that I know from my school. I was enthusiastic about earning the scholarship and fortunately I did. Indeed, I deserved it and I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful for I worked hard to reach this stage. This scholarship is the highlight of my life and the beginning of many more great things that are yet to come, it surely raised the bar for me and had driven me to challenge myself and overcome all hardships by setting the right goals and properly planning to attain them. Lastly, the USP is not any scholarship it goes beyond academic excellence and financial aid procedure, it is a process of fulfilling life changing decisions, taking the risk and daring to challenge yourself and the unexpected.



‘‘Fatima, we are in the process of selecting a student from the USP for the spring semester, and you are among the potential candidates.” Two weeks later, ‘‘Congrats Fatima, you are the one who have been accepted into the University Scholarship Program at LAU.” What a breathtaking moment! I was literally over the moon when I got that call, I felt like all my hard work had just paid off, and to be paid off like that was just amazing. I still remember the days I was filling the application and preparing all the papers required for this scholarship, no one has ever encouraged me to do so, I have heard a lot of “You can’t be that lucky to be accepted in such a university” or “It is just a dream that can never be fulfilled”, or “This a waste of time”… None of these has affected me, it has just pushed me and motivated me to apply. I did believe in myself and my abilities regardless of what everyone else was saying. USP was a turning point in my life, it has made me a completely new person. Many things have changed including my vision for life, I’ve become more responsible, independent, and confident. It has impacted my life in many ways, now, I am not afraid of failure anymore as I always was before, I feel that I have the capability to take risks and move toward the future fearlessly. So, I can’t be more grateful for anything in my life than I am today with USP. Studying at LAU is a way to draw a successful path toward a delightful future that is why USP scholarship is like winning a unique golden ticket for the train that drives you on the right path.


HANIN HAIDAR AHMAD Multimedia Journalism USP 7 C3

The phone call that made me weep happily, informing me that I was accepted to the University Scholarship Program funded by the USAID and LAU. It changed my entire life; and then I entered a brand-new chapter filled with hopes and optimism, it made my parents and I very proud. I come from a financially unstable family, and this makes it hard for me to pursue a higher quality education which was one of my dreams, and thanks to the USAID I achieved this goal. I entered the USP family and bonded with people who have the same mission and views, I became civically engaged in my society, and this is something that I love and extremely enjoy. I started helping my family, and I became financially independent. In addition, I started working on being civically engaged, through the opportunities offered by the Scholarship. Even though this is the best thing that have ever happened to me, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, I faced some difficulties in managing my time and adapting to the new educational system, but I had the USP management by my side to help me by advising and offering workshops that are really beneficial and interesting.



“Hello Hassan Al Ghandour, Congratulations you have been accepted in the USP program!” That phone call was a major transitional moment in my life. After getting to know more about the University Scholarship Program, I decided to go through the process with great hope. I always knew that applying to this program and getting accepted was going to be a challenging experience. However, I knew that persistence was a fundamental trait to face, fix, and learn. When I got accepted I knew that now I am on the track of becoming the person I’ve always dreamt to be; Director of Film and TV. I spent my childhood in Saida, where I finished my High School Studies there and volunteered in the Lebanese Scout AssociationSouth district. I also participated in Lebanon 2020 program that is part of many national programs across Lebanon where I got to know more about developing the cities at various levels; in 2019, I became a member in a youth team that aims to implement sustainable development in Saida in many different sectors. Thank you is never enough for all those who had a part in helping me build my personality, motivated and guided me through the way. USP scholarship helped me become a more responsible person in charge of my own decisions. This opportunity is a continuous learning opportunity where there will be a lot yet to come.


HIBA ALI Chemistry USP 7 C3

After graduating from high school, my goals weren’t as humble as everyone else, I aimed high. I knew that living in a country like Lebanon might not get the opportunity to achieve any of my ambitions. When I first applied to the university scholarship I felt anxious but when LAU admission office called and announced the good news I was overwhelmed. I was granted a life changing opportunity that didn’t just support me financially but also emotionally. Thank you for giving me a chance to achieve a brighter future and I hope I can be in a position where I can payback and grant someone else a life changing opportunity thus make a difference in my community and other people’s lives as you have done with mine.


HIBA DORZI Nutrition USP 7 C3

I started my university life at LAU this year 2018 when the University Scholarship Program granted me the opportunity to join their family. When I first applied to the USP, I was not sure that I would be shortlisted among 66 students coming from all over Lebanon. In each step during the selection process, my dream to become an LAU student was becoming closer. This scholarship granted me the opportunity to get a high academic level of teaching, as well as integrating in the community through the outreach visits and the volunteering activities. This scholarship doesn’t only cover our tuition fees, but also provide us with all the support we need through the fantastic USP team. In the upcoming years, I am aiming to graduate with a BS in Nutrition with a good GPA, do an internship and pass the colloquium exam to become an official Dietitian, and I also plan to pursue my Master’s Degree in Food and Science Technology which will open an opportunity for me to work with NGOs and the ministry of health thus gain tremendous experience in all the nutrition fields. At the end, I want to thank everyone who supported me throughout the way to become an LAU family member.


JAD BARAKAT Mathematics USP 7 C3

It’s amazing how fast time passes, and how fast our lives can change. Sometimes, we stand just a decision away from a totally different life. The decision I made, and which I am the most grateful for is applying to the University Scholarship Program. Back then, the future was blurry as becoming an LAU student was just a dream. After every phone call I received, the image was becoming clearer, and the dream closer. Until one day, I received the call through which I knew that I was accepted to go through this lifechanging experience. My journey at the Lebanese American University started a year ago and being a member of the USP family has made this year unforgettable. This scholarship gave me the opportunity to pursue my studies at one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, to manage my personal finances, and most importantly it provided me with the skills and abilities to achieve a successful future through a series of training courses and community exposures. The University Scholarship Program, which I owe the successful person I am today to, has taught me that the one step that separates us from succeeding is the belief in ourselves and in our dreams, and for those lessons I will always be grateful.


JAD SHBATT Computer Science USP 7 C3

A year has passed since I got accepted to LAU under the University Scholarship Program. I can still recall every single detail of the journey. One phone call was enough to turn my life upside down. At first, all I knew about USP was that it would cover my tuition fees and give me monthly stipends that would help me become financially independent. But it also provided us with the opportunity to study in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon. The USP also helped us enhance our skills through the series of workshops and projects they encourage us to take part in. The first chapter of my story with USP will end in two years, but the impact of this experience will be clear on every page.


JOE SALAMEH Mathematics USP 7 C3

My journey at LAU began in August 2018. The Lebanese American University, in cooperation with the United State Agency for International Development (USAID), gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and achieve my goals and ambitions and for that I am very grateful. The USP program does not only provide us with a highly distinctive degree, but also conduct several beneficial workshops and lectures that help us develop our leadership and social skills. Nevertheless, academic excellence is one of the major requirements of the scholarship. And for that to be accomplished, the Outreach and Civic Engagement department at LAU (OCE) follows up on all scholars’ academic skills and performance to ensure our progress and development. At the end, words cannot describe such a feeling, the feeling of being surrounded by a huge lovely family. This grant was worth all the hard work I have done and all the stress I have passed through. Eventually, I hope I will be responsible of what I was offered and create my own future, full of blessings and happiness.



My story with USP has started since 2017. Back then, we were preparing the needed documents for my sister’s application. We supported her till she reached the final step, but unfortunately, she wasn’t accepted. When I became a high school senior, my family and I weren’t as hopeful as when we were when my sister applied. I was very anxious and scared of the possibility of not being able to engage in the University of my Dreams. After all the hard work I had enough self-confidence to believe that I deserve this chance and my dream is going to come true. One morning, the phone rang, and I was dying from excitement. I answered the phone, a female voice said, “Good morning Katia, are you ready? Congratulations! You were accepted to the USP you applied to at LAU.” I remember the strength and frequency of my heartbeats back then. This moment was a life changing moment. This scholarship helped me attend classes in one of the most important universities in Lebanon and the Middle East. I have experienced a lot since I was accepted till now, which has shaped my personality, taught me how to accept others and learn about different cultures and cohorts from the friends I have made at LAU. Furthermore, not only does the USP concentrate on the academic skills, but also shows the significance of extra-curricular and leadership skills. My goal is to make a difference in people’s lives. I believe that I will be able to do with the help and support of USP and LAU. This scholarship has boosted my self-confidence which made be believe that hard work pays off. USP is my gift because I have never given up. It’s not by luck or chance, it’s because I deserve it. 567

LEEN AL KHATIB Business Marketing USP 7 C3

Ever since I was accepted to enroll in the Lebanese American University under the University Scholarship Program (USP), my entire life has shifted to a whole better level. All the effort put in building the person I am today, the person who’s capable and worth earning such a prestigious scholarship, is all worth the amazing result. What makes USP special is that it guarantees that the importance of a high and distinctive academic performance comes hand in hand with a prominent contribution and adoption of civic engagement and soft skills. Being a USP scholar is inevitably a life changing experience. If it wasn’t for USP, i wouldn’t have been able to engage in numerous social, cultural, educational, and economic activities. Also, I wouldn’t have had the privilege to take part in other countless activities and workshops that are definitely contributing to the enhancement and evolution of my self-development, community service contribution, and different other leadership and communication skills. Furthermore, I wouldn’t have been able to discover my true passion and dream if it wasn’t for the assistance of USP through the OCE office at LAU, thus I’m paving the right track towards the future I desire.


MAGUIE HAMZE Multimedia Journalism USP 7 C3

While some hard things happen to teach us lessons, other things happen and become the game changers in our lives. USP is my game changer. My journey with the University Scholarship Program and LAU did not start when I got a phone call saying I got accepted to LAU. It started when I was submitting my application and praying that one day, I will be stepping into the LAU campus, with my books in hand, and running to get to class on time. Here I am, ending my first year at LAU, and the first step into my future. Ever since I embarked on LAU’s ship, I knew that I was getting closer to my dreams of being a journalist. I had the privilege not only to study in one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, but also to be completely independent and responsible, which will push me forward in life. USP and LAU, which I owe my success to, have taught me many lessons. LESSON#1: The best things that happen in life are those that happen randomly. LESSON#2: The power and energy we have inside of us can change our lives if only we know how to use them. I know that one day, my journey with LAU will end, my ship will land, but the lessons and the memories are what I will hold in my mind and heart forever. Here’s to many more lessons and memories!


MAHMOUD BASMA Mathematics USP 7 C3

I started my journey at LAU in August 2018, and since then I had the best life any student may dream about. A big family that embraces you with joy and care, and contributes to your evolution through providing you with various workshops and lectures, guidance and mentorship. It was a real battle to finally earn the scholarship, it was worth all the stress endured, the hard work exerted, the long working days and studying nights. Through this scholarship, I will not graduate with a highly distinctive degree, but also with a bundle of leadership and social skills. USAID has offered me a big step towards my dream, and through the OCE department at LAU, guardian over our performance and evolution is ensured.


MAJD ABDELKHALEK International Affairs USP 7 C3

I applied to the USP program at a similar time last year where I was still in my 12th grade waiting to graduate from my sociology and economics class. Now I am a summer semester away from finishing my one out of three years of my major. I had various setbacks before reaching this stage of my life and one of the most relevant ones was my major choice, it was haunting me ever since I chose to go to the SE section after I took very good grades in my previous scientific section as neither my parents nor any of my teachers were liking the fact that I wanted to study political science, yet if a person wants to do something determination will always prevail over struggles. USP is magnificent in all its forms as it is a chance creator, with a greater goal that is beyond the person. USP helps in creating a responsible helpful person with the integrity to lead and humbleness to feel with the unprivileged. The most likable trait of USP is that it has a vision. USP changed my life for the better. USP taught me that although I am engaged in 10 NGOs this is not my limit, I can do much more, and I did. Ever since I started with the USP here at LAU I have an average of two social activities per week while maintaining a high GPA. The word blessed is an understatement to express my feelings, I am pursuing my dream career and integrating myself in to a new family whether it is LAU or USP family. I still believe, now I believe more (thanks to USP) in the image I drew for my self’s future 4 years ago that I will one day be working for a global NGO whether it was the International Red Cross Committee or the United Nations through acquiring a job that will help in building a better habitat for a better human being hoping for a better future. 571


The University Scholarship Program has changed my life completely. It has given me a one-time opportunity to achieve everything I thought would be financially impossible. It is a golden treasure that I will always try to protect no matter what. Since I got the scholarship, I was able to pursue my dream, it has changed me into a better person, more independent and more socially active. This scholarship has given me a voice and a power to speak up. It has opened many doors for me that can help me in achieving my dreams on a higher level. I have learned so many skills due to all the activities that I’m participating in and definitely enjoying. And more importantly, it has shaped me as a person and transformed me into someone who have a purpose in life and actually have something concrete to hold on to. Finally, I have never been so grateful in my life because of this amazing scholarship and because of the amazing people behind this generous work.


MARINA AL AISSAMY Business Management USP 7 C3

Getting accepted in such a scholarship was one of the best things that ever happened to me. As my second semester in university has reached its end I’ve noticed how lucky I really am for having the chance to experience this wonderful life. This scholarship has not only gave me the chance to complete my education in one of the best universities in Lebanon, but also helped me develop my social and communication skills. Everyone knows how important education is in people’s lives but only a few realize the importance socialism has. The activities required from us each and every week are becoming part of my daily routine; it’s because of these activities I got to know more about new places, people, communities, lifestyles and most of all volunteerism. After taking part in many workshops, attending lectures on different topics, getting in contact with people from several regions. I discovered each time what developed my social cultivation and used it in other occasions which filled my list of experiences. All of that wouldn’t happen without our dearest management who always follow up on us making sure we overcome every obstacle in our journey until graduation. Lastly, I would like to thank each and every faculty member who are also a part in this process and the USAID for funding this program and encouraging us to reach our biggest dreams in being successful and acquiring high positions. Thank you for making our dreams come true.



A thousand mile journey begins with a single step. My first step was the moment I heard about the University Scholarship Program at LAU. By the time I have gotten accepted in 2018, I have been fortunate enough to be a part of whom I consider a second family. Ever since that time, I am overwhelmed with love and security. My individuality and confidence are enhanced. In addition, my academic, social, and emotional aspects are supported. The road towards the scholarship was tough, yet exciting. Trying to maintain high grades and social interactivity was a blessing. Finally, upon the support of USAID and the guidance of OCE department, I am doubtlessly sure that I will be able to chase the sunrise.



I am now completing my first year as a university student and it has been a very exciting year full of activities, work, challenges, emotions and events. Yes, USP has changed my life perfectly. From the day I have been accepted till this day, my life and my personality have completely improved. I was a very hopeful and dreamy girl who always think about being successful, influencer and leader in her society, and USP made it easier for me to reach these dreams. It was the perfect way to start realizing them. In addition, making my parents proud is the best feeling ever, when you get to feel it, you become addicted to success and that is the push that makes your dreams get bigger. Thus, USP is the perfect fit with my personality. Of course, academic standing is a very important thing but civic engagement, volunteering, community services, and all workshops and other activities are my passion. This scholarship focuses on several influential things that makes me happy.On the other hand, as any other student who was living with his parents in a small village, it is challenging and a big responsibility to move to another place alone. Actually, finishing high school and starting university is the whole challenge plus being a student of the Lebanese American University with a scholarship and maintaining this scholarship is completely a serious responsibility. But, sudden changes makes us stronger, and USP has shown me what I am capable of doing, it gives me what I exactly need, helps me and teaches me a lot. Finally, I promise the USAID, all the team working on this scholarship, and my university that all the hard work, and generosity will make a great, successful and influential woman in her society. 575


Ever since I was a child, I aimed at going to a university abroad and starting a new life outside of Lebanon since I strongly believed that my dream career (drama therapy, clinical psychology, research and acting) cannot be achieved in Lebanon. I thought that people here do not give psychology and theater all the credits they deserve. However, I am gladly going to one of the best universities in Lebanon and getting to enjoy studying psychology with amazing professors and students, while participating in theater and choir while still being not far away from family and home, and being able to contribute to my community and preserve my culture through the activities conducted by LAU and the OCE department. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to study in a place where you can shine, explore yourself more, make awesome friends, become resilient and learn how to handle incredibly stressful situations, maintaining good grades while still leading a very healthy social life. My experience at LAU so far has allowed me to become a more responsible hard working person. I am so looking forward to finding out more about myself and my university in the next two years.


PETRA AZAR Business Accounting USP 7 C3

Being a stubborn heart, working hours and hours, trying and trying again, asking, searching and applying, I never lost hope nor the will to become a USP scholar. Once enrolled in the program, I realized that all the hard work I’ve put and all the passion I’ve given paid off. Today, as an LAU student and part of the University Scholarship Program, I find myself everyday striving for success and building a better version of myself. This scholarship gave me the opportunity not just to benefit from high standard education, but also to become an engaged citizen both on and off campus. It strengthened my belief in myself and inspired me to look forward to a brighter future. Eventually, the generosity of USAID enabled me to follow my passion, conquer my dreams and dare to say that I can change the world.



When I was first told that I was accepted for the USP, I could hardly believe it. In fact, two semesters in, I still don’t. There is something quite unreal about your life taking a turn you never could imagine it taking. When I first heard about the program, I had dismissed the idea of applying, for when you have felt underprivileged your whole life, you do not expect good things to happen. Everyone around me believed it could, but I thought it was all just wishful thinking. I’m glad I was wrong. What I appreciate the most about this program is that it gave me a newfound belief in myself, and in the good things that come for those who seek them. It allowed me to see that those who try, are not always trying in vain. It gave me the opportunity to dream bigger, and to pursue what I love with the help of passionate and brilliant instructors. It also pushed me to expand my horizons, to make connections I never thought I would make, and to give back to my community through volunteering and social work. This scholarship program is shaping me in ways I couldn’t have on my own, and I couldn’t list the differences between who I was a few months back and who I am now, on this one page, were I to make the comparison. I have been feeling increasingly confident in my capabilities as a student in the field of literature, and the program’s ways of shaping well rounded individuals who are set to excel, I completely appreciate. A simple “thank you” could never be enough, but it’s nevertheless, a genuine attempt at conveying the deep gratitude I could not otherwise find the words to express.


RABIH JABR Computer Science USP 7 C3

It is amazing how a single moment can change your life, how a phone call can turn your life upside down, and for me, it was such a turning point in my life to find that I have been accepted to the University Scholarship Program at a great, prestigious, and delightful university like LAU. Since I first started my journey in August 2018, I realized that my upcoming years will be extraordinary. This scholarship gave me the opportunity to improve myself and to know the importance of self-developing not only by maintaining good academic achievement and having knowledge skills but also by engaging in community service and leadership activities. So, I have become more interested in being involved in civic engagement and activities because I realized how they can impact other people’s lives. This also enhanced my communication skills which made me better at building relationships with people from distinctive cultures. The scholarship helped me expand my horizons, and now I believe that nothing is impossible and by your own ideas, will and ability, you can make your dream come true. I am extremely humbled and grateful for the generosity of USAID for giving me this life opportunity and I really encourage all students to apply for the USP program and become a member of our beloved family at LAU.


ROWAYDA SAYYAD Computer Science USP 7 C3

Before joining LAU I was a naive teenager, confused about my career choices. I didn’t even know what I am good at, but I was very confident that I have abilities to explore. I was excited to learn and I was ready for the adventure. It was few months ago when I applied for the USP at LAU. I still remember the day when I received a call notifying me of being accepted to complete my education at LAU. Knowing that someone saw how hard I worked in your classes, read about my passions and goals in the essay I wrote when I applied and appreciated all my efforts is the best of the best. It is an honor! To be honest, my life was not as smooth as you could imagine, it was full of struggles and challenges that sometimes were able to steal all my strength and leave me broken with nothing. But the most important thing that the USP team taught me is to know how to handle such situations and how to overcome any challenges. This scholarship does not only cover all my tuition fees, but also takes care of everything that surrounds. It has also improved my personal and professional skills by encouraging me to attend effective workshops and supporting my interpersonal skills through volunteerism. A big thanks for USAID and the USP team for giving me the chance to achieve my dreams and for giving me the opportunity to be a strong independent woman. Very grateful and deeply appreciative of your support.



When I first heard about the University Scholarship Program, also known as ‘USP’, I never imagined myself being a part of it. But I insisted to work the hardest to get it. The journey was not easy but it was definitely worth it. Having heard many positive things about this program encouraged me and made me extremely intrigued by it. However, being one of these scholars was on a whole different level, it was a huge turning point in my life. I was given the opportunity to prove myself and expand my knowledge and skills on many levels not just academic wise. This program didn’t only give me the chance to pursue something I like, it also taught me how to be a responsible motivated person. It helped me be the best version of myself, exposed me to many workshops and extracurricular activities that contributed to my personal growth, and improved my leadership skills. Thank you USP for giving me the opportunity to get an education at one of the most prestigious universities in Lebanon, LAU. Thank you USP for believing in me, I am forever grateful.


SARAH EL KHOUWAYER Multimedia Journalism USP 7 C3

“Congratulation you were accepted in the USP scholarship to be part of our family”. A phone call that changed my life. August 7th, 2018 is a date I’ll never forget because on that day, I was given the opportunity to be part of the University Scholarship Program. When being asked why I chose to be part of the USAID scholarship, my answer was the lack of my family’s financial ability to enroll me in such a prestigious university as LAU. USP staff and students became even more than a family to me. During my study at LAU and throughout USP, I had the opportunity to engage in many educative, yet fun activities organized by the Outreach and Civic Engagement department. These activities taught me to be passionate toward dedicating my time to give back to my community and help me find effective solutions to the most important challenges in my life. I’m thankful for USP because it made me who I am today. Ever since I was little I always dreamt of studying Journalism. Journalism is my passion, and during my first year at LAU I had the opportunity to participate in many activities related to my field. One of the opportunities I had, was being an intern at “NAYA” which is a segment in “Annahar”, a prominent Lebanese newspaper, which discusses women issues and sheds the light on their achievements. Another opportunity I’m still embracing up until now is engaging in LAU’s connections magazine, where I am writing articles and covering countless events taking place on campus. I believe in persistence and the continuity of exploiting golden opportunities that would enrich my skills and knowledge in the field I’ve chosen to dedicate my efforts and my future for. Without USP I wouldn’t have had the chance to do so. 582

SARAH JAAFAR Banking and Finance USP 7 C3

Formerly I began my journey as a naïve ambitious teenager who didn’t know how to achieve her goals. However, everything has changed last year after I was notified that I was accepted as a USP scholar at LAU. In other words, USP boosted my morale and ameliorated my capabilities through preparing and supporting me to be competitive enough in the vocational world. Consequently, the best part of this program is that it offers enormous opportunities to grow and flourish as well as it aims to build interpersonal skills through diverse activities and volunteerism. Today and with the help of LAU, I am setting the guidelines to my future and how I will enhance my community. Hence, this scholarship is much more than the financial aid, it’s about the blissful experience and the personal benefits it generates.



“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.�- Jim Rohn Success is all about stepping out of your comfort zone, seizing opportunities, and working in a tireless, motivated, and passionate manner. USP changed my life by offering me the opportunity of a lifetime of studying at LAU. It took a lot of hard work to get there, and getting the news of getting accepted was one of the happiest moments of my life; it was the first step to a very beautiful chapter in my life. My first semester at the university was a huge transition which took me some time to get used to all the changes, but with the support of my family, friends and the USP management all got easier. I recognized that university is not solely about studying to grow academically, but also about growing personally; I got the chance to experience that through the various leadership and communication skills workshops I attended. Add to that, I was able to give back to the community through the community service events that I got to participate in. USP taught me the importance of perseverance and working passionately in everything I do. Furthermore, it taught me that education is a continuous process: every day is a new opportunity to learn something new, grow, and make a difference in this world. USP changed my life by making me belong to a loving, supporting community that aims to enact positive change in the community and encourages academic excellence.


WAEL HAMMOUD Mathematics USP 7 C3

We all have dreams. Today everything is about education, leadership and opportunities where leaning is a life time process. For me, being a USP Student at LAU was the first step towards my dream. LAU is one of leading universities in the region and it was always a dream of mine to study in such a university. USP was a turning point in my life by giving me this opportunity. Hence USP really changed my life. It provided me with a great opportunity to work on my dreams. USP changed my life by giving me a chance to create a better tomorrow. Through the experience provided by USP, I believe I will be able to improve my skills, develop my community and achieve my dreams. During the past two semesters, I realized the reason that LAU is one of the leading universities. Here education, leadership and volunteering opportunities are always available to me. I believe studying at LAU along with the USP support, I will be able to shape my character to become a better person and to change the world to a better place. Thank You USP for everything.


YASMEEN AL GHAREEB Business Management USP 7 C3

“Who said dreams do not come true?” Being an LAU student was my dream. It all started during my last year in high school when I was introduced to the USP program funded by USAID. I felt so excited about it and I insisted to apply although my friends were saying that such scholarships need “WASTA” and the chance to be selected is low. I filled out the application with the support of my family hoping that I can reach my dream. This hope was growing with every time I visited LAU to do exams or to be interviewed or to attend orientations... until that morning when I received a phone call from LAUs admission office saying, “Congratulations Yasmeen, you have been accepted to LAU under USP program”. That moment I didn’t know what to say, it is the best moment in my life. USP really changed my life, from the first day I started university a door of opportunities was opened to me, being engaged in extracurricular activities, making visits to different foundations and companies and attending different beneficial workshops. Thanks God for this opportunity and thank you USAID for believing in my abilities and preparing me for a bright future.


Outreach and Civic Engagement

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