diversity and inclusion
tool kit
|Red Rover Group|
table of contents
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culture Diversity & loyalty Inclusion Training human engagement Resources
employee retention
proďŹ ts
market share
Diversity & perception Inclusion Training
marketing followers
ask | pre-test Staff will be asked the below questions via an online questionaire to get a baseline understanding of their diversity and inclusion knowledge. This will be revisted afer training to measure progress. 1. What does diversity in the workplace mean to you?
2. How aware are you of Equality and Diversity policies in your company?
o o o o
No Knowledge Little Knowledge Familiar with Fully Familiar with
3. Have you ever seen racial, religious, ethnic, or discrimination of any kind within your workplace? Consider both individual and institutional acts of discrimination. o Yes o No 4. I know the laws related to disability, race, gender, and religion.
o o o o
No Knowledge Little Knowledge Familiar with Fully familiar with
Please select the most accurate response to each statement below by marking the appropriate checkbox.
learn learn | e-learning modules
All of the e-learning modules will include voice narration that matches the text on each of the slides in the module.
What the Law Says | e-learning module 1 Welcome the participant to the training. Provide a high level overview of the Diversity and Inclusion e-learning series (i.e. 3 separate modules, completion of each module is mandatory). Goal of this module -- to inform the attendee about the laws related to Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace. Provide a list of the topics to be covered in the other e-learning modules. Explain how the individual e-learning modules/topics fit together. Explain why this training is important to the attendee and the Company as a whole.
History of Discriminatory Practices
Provide brief history of some employment practices prior to legislation being enacted.
Overview of Discrimination Laws 1963 - EQUAL PAY ACT Requires all employers to compensate men and women equally for performing substantially the same work.Give a scenario; ask participant to determine if Equal Pay Act of 1963 would apply 2- or 3-question quiz within e-learning module. Provide answer/explanation of scenario to reinforce learning. 1964 - TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, color. Give a scenario; ask participant to determine if Title VII of the CRA of 1964 applies. 2- or 3- question quiz within e-learning module. Provide answer/explanation of scenario to reinforce learning.
learn 1965 – EXECUTIVE ORDER 11246 Requires Federal construction contractors & subcontractors with $10,000+ work with the government to eliminate discriminatory hiring practices based on race, religion, national origin, color, or gender. Continue with remaining laws Scenario / questions to assist with understanding and reinforce learning.
Summary of topics
List the topics covered in this module. Set expectation for on-the-job compliance with all laws, especially those relevant to non-discrimination in the workplace. Reference any relevant Company policies.
What the Law Says | e-learning module 2 Welcome the participant to the training.
Provide a high level overview of the Diversity and Inclusion e-learning series (i.e. 3 separate modules, completion of each module is mandatory). Goal of this module – to provide the attendee with a general knowledge of the cultural backgrounds of other individuals, and a foundation for understanding why diverse cultural backgrounds are valuable in the workplace.
Provide a list of the topics to be covered in the other e-learning modules. Explain how the individual e-learning modules/topics fit together. Explain why this training is important to the attendee and the Company as a whole.
Provide a brief refresher of the concepts covered in e-learning Module 1, Legal Aspects of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.
Define culture; i.e.
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The Center for Advance Research on Language Acquisition goes a step further, defining culture as shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization. Thus, it can be seen as the growth of a group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group. The word “culture” derives from a French term, which in turn derives from the Latin “colere,” which means to tend to the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture. “It shares its etymology with a number of other words related to actively fostering growth,” Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science.
Explain the difference between culture, cultural determinism, cultural relativism, and cultural ethnocentrism. There is no scientific standards for considering one group as intrinsically superior or inferior to another.
learn | e-learning questionaires Culture continued | African American culture
African American traits / characteristics / traditions Give a scenario; ask participant to determine if Provide answer/explanation of scenario to reinforce learning.
Asian culture
Asian traits/characteristics/traditions Give a scenario; ask participant to determine if Provide answer/explanation of scenario to reinforce learning.
Hispanic culture
Hispanic traits/characteristics/traditions Give a scenario; ask participant to determine if Provide answer/explanation of scenario to reinforce learning.
Summary of Topics: List the topics covered in this module. Set expectation for respectful behavior toward individuals of different cultural backgrounds, especially in the workplace
Sensitivity and Respect | e-learning Module 3 Welcome the participant to the training. Recap – this is the 3rd and final module in the series of e-learning modules. Goal of this module – to provide the attendee with an understanding of the roles sensitivity and respect play in a workplace that successfully embraces diversity and inclusion. Explain why this training is important to the attendee and the Company as a whole. Provide a brief refresher of the concepts covered in e-learning Module 1 - Legal Aspects
Explain the links between Modules 1, 2 and 3 Sensitivity defined:
1. In psychology, the quality of being sensitive. As, for example, sensitivity training, training in small groups to develop a sensitive awareness and understanding of oneself and of ones relationships with others. (source medicinet.com) Sensitivity generally comes into play in a person’s verbal/spoken interaction with another individual. The issue is most frequently with insensitive comments, remarks, responses. Those comments are frequently about another person’s culture or background There is often a fine line between ignorance and intentionality when dealing with insensitivity. Insensitivity can also be present in written communications; i.e. emails, reports, etc.
Provide examples of sensitivity and insensitivity
Provide a scenario in which an employee makes an insensitive comment; provide questions for the attendee to think about and reflect.
Educate yourself about the characteristics, customs, and traditions of other cultures; Consider your own culture and background. What are some of its characteristics, customs, and traditions that may *seem odd or unusual to a person of another culture? (that may be difficult for someone of another culture to understand?) How might you explain those unique characteristics, customs and traditions to another individual to promote their understanding of your culture?
Respect defined:
Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. Respect generally comes into play in a person’s physical (i.e. behavioral) interaction with another individual The issue is most frequently with disrespectful behaviors; i.e. hand gestures, facial expressions (rolling eyes, smirks, shaking head) A person typically knows when s/he is being disrespectful toward another individual; generally intentional behavior; hard to claim the ignorance defense. Disrespect can also be present in oral communications Disrespect can be demonstrated toward things as well as people; defacing Company property, mis-using Company equipment, etc.
Consider the following behaviors: not looking at someone when they’re speaking; letting a door slam in front of someone; butting in front of someone at the time clock at the end of the shift offering to assist someone carrying a heavy item while using crutches speaking over someone; Which of these behaviors would you appreciate having done toward you or a loved one? How would you react? Narrative that continues to focus on acceptable workplace behaviors. List the topics covered in this module. Set expectation for respectful behavior toward individuals of different cultural backgrounds, especially in the workplace. Reference any relevant Company policies.
engage | diversity workshop Coffee and pastries upon entry Introduction (30 minutes)
Review company’s diversity statement and accept feedback Outline learning objectives for the workshop Brief review of e-learning modules
Diversity, the What and Why (30 minutes)
What does diversity mean? What are some ways the company currently shows its diversity? Personal Reflection Activity #1: Write on the provided paper something that makes you diverse from some of your coworkers and what this characteristic enables you to bring to the table. (These papers will be collected, summarized anonymously, and shared later in the presentation.) Why is diversity important in the workplace?
Understanding Conscious/Unconscious Bias (45-60 minutes)
Evaluate your own biases (handout- to be developed) Small Group Session #1 (Break into groups on own where you would feel comfortable speaking and sharing your opinions): Discuss handout with the group: Did anything surprise you? Are any of your biases reflected in the job you do? Do any of your biases impede your progress toward the company mission? How can being aware of your biases help you become a better coworker? What has happened in the workplace where you have either personally felt excluded or seen someone else be excluded? Regroup and share highlights Why understanding your personal biases will make you a better coworker. Where do our biases come from? How does our cultural background and experiences influence our perspective? How are other people’s behaviors determined by their culture and experience?
Expanding Cultural IQ (30 minutes)
What is a cultural IQ and how can you raise yours? Personal Reflection Activity #2: List the people in your life whom you have meaningful inter actions on a consistent basis. Next to each name, include the demographics they represent. Think in terms of race, culture, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, work function, etc. Are they all from the same demographic groups? It’s hard to be comfortable with people from different backgrounds if you have had little or no meaningful conversations, or interactions, with someone from that group. Mingle and Learn- take 5 minutes to speak with people around the room. Learn 1 new thing about someone’s culture, religion, etc. What did you learn? How will what you learned change how you interact with that person? Did what you learned affect how you will interact with that person or people of a similar culture/faith moving forward?
Lunch (45-60 minutes) | Suggest International food buffet
Working with a Diverse Workforce (45 minutes) How to work with people different from you
Small Group Session #2 (Break into randomly assigned groups)
Each group will be provided with a challenge scenario where they must work as a group to solve a particular challenge or problem. These will range from slight physical activities to word problems. (To be developed) Large group discussion: What challenges did you face in trying to accomplish your task? What communication methods did you use to accomplish your task?
Understanding Language (45 minutes)
What inclusive language looks like Breaking down and Overcoming Stereotypes Small Group Session #3 (Break into randomly assigned groups): Case study- analyze messages employees are exposed to every day in the workplace, including the use of stereotypes. Discuss how these stereotypes perpetuate intolerance and hurt the business. Rework each message to be more inclusive. (To be developed) Large group discussion: How can we learn from this and apply to what messages our company sends to our customer base? On a personal level, how can you alter your communication styles to be more inclusive?
Short break (15 minutes)
Unintended Messages through Non-Verbal Communications (45 minutes) Highlight common body language signals used in various cultures Show how body language can alter verbal messages and how they are received Small Group Session #4 (Break into randomly assigned groups): Groups will act out a variety of role-plays that show how non-verbal communication is often just as important as what is verbally said. Discussion questions will be asked after each role-play activity so that participants understand how non-verbal signals affect the communication process. (To be developed) Inclusive media messages and the part they play in non-verbal communication.
Inclusive Communication and Respect (45 minutes)
The importance of inclusive communication What is respect? The importance of respect in a diverse community Personal Reflection Activity #3: What are some characteristics you disagree with or don’t understand? Write them down. Next to each characteristic, brainstorm ways you can show respect to the people with those characteristics even if you don’t agree. Large group discussion: What are some communication styles (verbal and non-verbal) that you consider to be disrespectful? How can we communicate effectively to our co-workers, etc. if
Conclusion (30 minutes)
How diverse is your workplace? How does your current diversity strengthen the workplace? (Recap statements written by the group in Personal Reflection Activity #1) Diversity Pledge (To be developed) Q&A |Workshop Assessment (To be developed)
apply | reward and support
Reward and recognize colleagues for practicing the principles learned in training in a fun, and positive way.
promote | internal marketing materials Online toolkit for human resource professionals to promote Inside/Out in their organization. Toolkit includes:
posters postcards email templates newsletter articles press releases intranet assets webpage
measure | follow up
A follow up questionaire will be administered after training as part of a comprehensive metric and follow-up program. 1.
During the training I realized some stereotypes and assumptions I have about people who are different than me. o Very true o Somewhat true o Not true
I feel I am more aware of how my words and actions can be hurtful to others. o Very true o Somewhat true o Not true
What does diversity in the workplace mean to you? Has your former definition changed due to your experiences with Inside Out?
Should companies seek to become more diverse and inclusive?
5. How aware are you of Equality and Diversity policies in your company? o No Knowledge o Familiar with o Little Knowledge o ` Fully Familiar with 6.
I know the laws related to disability, race, gender, and religion. o No Knowledge o Familiar with
ask 16
|Red Rover Group|