Sample - Brochure Call Center

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INITIAL MESSAGE Universal Call Center

Your company will get farther, Your clients will be closer


Universal Call Center delivers a technological solutions grouping that enhances your business's commercial, economic, and communicative reach

We create a bridge between you and your clients with a close and effective customized call center We outline the shortest path between you and your goals with artificial intelligence strategies and software engineering made especially for you

We multiply your sales volume but not your expenses. Our commercial advantages assure excellent quality with incredible prices You get more with no struggles


Best ideas come when no one expects them But you must always be attentive, so you won't let them go.

This idea arrived on a billiard night, in which we, two great friends and now partners, were enjoying a pair of cocktails and a pleasant conversation. We talked about growth, the future, work, and other subjects.

With all this talking and thinking, we realized we could do something huge, relevant, and helpful for US and worldwide companies: A group of tech and communicational distance solutions tailor-made for every need And, of course, with exceptional quality

What if we provide cohesive services to businesses that support them in communication with the public? What if we create something that analyzes a company's actions technologically and increases sales?

That’s how Universal Call Center was born.

We have a saying in Colombia, good, nice, and cheap (Bueno, bonito y barato) And that is how we offer our services to the world

Good because we have years of experience in telecommunications engineering, software development, and AI We don’t want to design software for the masses, so we built it


depending on each company’s needs To do this, we study the advantages and disadvantages, the strengths and weaknesses, its highs and lows. We contemplate everything necessary to give solutions that are useful and accurate.

Nice because we focus on listening to clients And not only our customers but our collaborators. We are interested in their dreams, their goals, and their wellness. We feel these as our own We want to give Colombians a chance to grow as professionals in a place with a charming atmosphere and all the possibilities to go far

Cheap because our services have international quality, but the cost is half what you can find in other companies in the US It does not mean that we give away our work, that we don’t appreciate our capacities, or that our collaborators don’t have the salaries they deserve We seize the benefits of being established in Colombia, which allows us to offer top-quality services at excellent prices

Our mission

Technology should serve humankind and improve our lives in every aspect, especially at work and in life itself.

That is why we develop tech services made fittingly for each of our customers We aim to make businesses capable of making decisions fast, smartly, and efficiently

By doing this, we don’t just contribute to the labor market and the economy but also the constant market evolution overall And we do it by implementing technologies and services that adapt to the market needs in this changing and globalized world

Our vision

In five years, we will be the software engineering and telecommunications company with the highest growth in the national market.

We will be one step ahead thanks to our high standards, which we put in everything we give our customers and commercial partners.

People will recognize us for our excellent client service and strategy creation, which boost sales, upgrade the commercial outlines, and speed decision-making

Our values

Tolerance because respect for others and their differences is vital. We are looking to meet at a point where our ideas, culture, or roots don’t affect relationships, whether these relationships are personal or commercial

Adaptability because it is necessary to have the ability to respond to the constant challenges and changes that appear in every aspect of life We must always be alert and foresee problematic situations and twist them to turn them into solutions

Synergy because we want to be more than the junction of our joint efforts. We acknowledge the importance of integrating management, collaborators, and clients to create a spine that supports common objectives Two heads are better than one


Sometimes your company workload makes communication with clients so hard, doesn't it? Sales slow down, feedback is inadequate, and you lose opportunities Timely customer service support, specialized software, and AI are what your business needs to change those issues into solutions.

Do you need help for your company to go up to the skies?

That's why Universal Call Center exists.

We set a bridge between your company and the final customers, which will shorten the distance between your products or services and your clients' needs. This way, you will sell more, show your worth, and your company will soar

All our knowledge and experience in sales and customer experience will be yours We support your process, so your clients trust you more and know that you will be there to hear them in a quick and close way


As well as closing the gap between you and your clients and improving their experience and the relationship with your company, we also drive up the process through data analysis, tech strategies, and custom-made software.

But what does custom-made software mean?

Commonly, the software is created under a standard model. It means a rigid operative system, pre-designed and determined to fulfill average functions And that’s alright

But could you imagine having software designed just for you? Which knows all your needs, processes, and features? That analyzes the information and draws the best way to achieve commercial goals? And delivers tools for quick decision-making?

With Universal Call Center, you will have a professional and tailored companion. We offer our clients a thorough review of the information we get through the call center activities: What your clients like, which one is the top-selling product, and what could be improved to make sales go through the roof.

We use strategies applied to AI, which gives your business the support it needs to be side by side with the fast technological changes. Moreover, we implement software development techniques shortly and at a long distance via languages such as Java, .net, C, and C++.

Can you imagine having a human-like chatbot on your website? That would make your clients feel human heat, even when speaking with a machine.

For that, we use Dialogflow, an AI system that allows a flowing language for chatbots, which will be able to adapt to the different business logic and context in which they are needed Long story short, your customers won’t have a clue that they’re talking to a robot.

Our company can also give you advice and train your employees in these new technologies and computer management. These actions are fundamental to make sure the technologies will work full throttle

And we can offer you these services as well:

● Website creation

● Standard software

● Social Media Management


Universal Call Center is the commercial partner that your company needs to multiply your sales A good partner enhances your virtues and helps you diminish your flaws That is just what we will do for your business

We focus on knowing the particular cases of each client as if they were our problems We also identify their main requirements and involve these clients in active participation in the project development. No one knows better what your company needs than you.

We go beyond call center customer service We want to skyrocket your company And we want to do it cheaper than you might think How do we do that? By offering the tools for fast and correct decision-making with flexible solutions that adapt to the changing difficulties you face every day

Besides, Medellin is considered one of the cities with the cleanest and most understandable Spanish language. This feature makes communication with your Spanish speakers easier. This way, you will communicate with your English and Spanish-speaking customers: you will have the best of both worlds in your hands It is also known for maximizing business growth and offers comparative advantages that contribute to extraordinary services at reasonable prices

What makes us strong?

Capacity: we adjust ourselves to the peculiar needs of each client. We use our knowledge, flexibility, and disposition to make enterprises rise with us, no matter their sector

Fulfillment: we assure our clients they will always have fast, efficient, and quality service. Universal Call Center provides the best technology that guarantees the best services from our agents

Compromise: we care not only about our clients feeling calm and assured but also stand by our collaborators in their dreams We search for growth opportunities for them and consider them a fundamental part of our team

Quality: we aim to improve our AI processes and telecommunication engineering This way, we optimize the commercial results of our clients, just as if they were our business partners Your success is our success

Sales techniques

We want to make sure you have excellent results So, we use more than 30 sales principles based on consumer behavior These principles help us be more persuasive, accurate, and effective.


¿Why choose us?

● Because this call center adapts to any kind of business and any kind of public.

● Because we solve your tech problems from afar and are ready to deal with them

● Because we analyze the information we obtain and develop strategies that strengthen your sales.

● Because we listen and know better than anyone how to drive your commercial processes

● Because our experience with AI will make your selling process more agile

● Because we apply safety, reliability, accessibility, and empathy to gain customer loyalty

Prices relativization
Personalized attention
Expectation and surprise
E.g.: 1

● Because we create business relationships in which all parts boost each other and learn together.


If you want to have the best technology and telecommunications in your company, you can find us like this:

● At, you will find a chat that will give you the information you need or redirect you to our center

● You can call us at this number for more personal communication.

● You can also write to us at, and we’ll get back to you ASAP

● If you want to meet us for a delicious coffee, you can find us in Medellin and Miami Ask for an appointment through these channels, and we will gladly attend you.

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