A Pocket Guide To Train Travel=
A Pocket Guide To Train Travel= Everything you could ever possibly want to know about trains and tickets.
Timetable Introduction Contents Brief History of Tickets The Facts Statistics Top 10 train Journeys
Please have your tickets ready for inspection, If you notice anything suspicious please notify a member of staff. Please keep your belongings with you and in sight at all times.
The first known tickets were used in the Greek period for the theatre, these were small disks called tessara’s these were made out of clay or sometimes even bone. From then on tickets were issued frequently to various events such as Concerts etc. Tickets were not always necessarily paper some came in the form of coins & tokens etc. However
paper was the easiest form. Some tickets were very ornate and intricate, espicially concert tickets although a more widely use for tickets is transport such as Trains, buses and trams.
“I prefer trains over any other transport, the journey’s are just more enjoyable and interesting for me."
Facts about trains and ticketing systems. The oldest railway system in the world belongs to the UK. The first paper tickets were written. In 1842 tickets where adopted in all train stations in the UK. The first tickets to be used in railway was at Leeds and Manchester. In 1990 Thomas Edmondson designed a machine that would stamp the date on tickets, these were bolted to all ticket offices to make sure no stamps were forged.
The first steam Locomotive (Steam train) was built in Britain in 1804. In the 1990s tickets for travel and platform were available. Shanghai Maglev is currently the fastest train in the world and has an average speed of 251kmph. It can take up to a kilometer for some trains to stop. Trains we use today were developed from steam trains. Earlier trains relied on ropes, horses and gravity.
A ticket is a piece of card that shows the entitlement to certain rights such as train travel, concert seats, cinema etc.
Statisitics. The UK rail network includes more than 2,500 stations and more than 40,000 bridges and tunnels. The UK rail industry employs more than 190,000 people. In recent years 8 to 9% of freight moved in Britain has been moved by rail.
82% of rail passengers in Great Britain were satisfied with their journey overall in spring 2014 National rail fares increased on average by 102% between January 1997 and 2014 In 2013/14, 54 per cent of travellers were male and 46 per cent were female.
“I prefer paper tickets. just
because sometimes you can keep one from a cool day.�
1.= Manakara Express,
2.= Bernina Express, St Moritz Switzerland to Tirano, Italy
3.= Clermont-Ferrand
to Limoges 4.=Bergen to Oslo,Norway 5.= Brocken railway, Germany 6.= Tazara railway: Dar es Salaam Tanzania to Mbeya, Zambia 7.= The Ghan, Australia 8.=New York City, to Montreal, Canada 9.= Badulla to Haputale, Sri Lanka
10.= The Rocky Moun-
tain Loop, Canada
Top 10 Train Journey’s in the world.
Published by Laura Taylor Acknowledgements: http://orr.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/15397/passenger-rail-usage-quality-report-2014-15-q2.pdf http://orr.gov.uk/statistics/published-stats/statistical-releases http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmondson_railway_ticket http://www.stagecoach.com/~/media/Files/S/Stagecoach-Group/ Attachments/pdf/rail-industry-faqs.pdf http://blog.indianluxurytrains.com/2011/02/top-10-luxury-trainsin-world.html http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2014/apr/07/ten-of-the-worlds-amazing-train-journeys http://britishletterpress.co.uk/letterpress-guides/edmondson-style-rail-tickets/ http://www.railwayana.net/RailwayTickets/index.htm http://www.trainhistory.net/railway-history/