To what extent does Aesthetic ‘Style’ reflect the context, audience and/or function of contemporary Graphic Design?
Specifically: I would like to know more about hand-written signs and lettering, I have key intrests in the philosphy and craftmenship involved in hand written signs, I particularly would like to know more about the methodology. This question will allow me to explore my interests. I came about having an interest in type after exploring in my level 5 essay about letterpress and its allure. How will I research this: Theoretically - I will read and research into the history and techniques of hand lettering, also looking at techincals like how to create type, grids and layouts. Contextually - I can also look at actual examples of hand signs in context such as shop fronts etc, and analyse. Practically - Doing it for myself after learning about hand lettering I can then explore it myself - I could do this for say a shop that doesnt have hand lettering and contrast and reflect to see why it is or isn’t appropriate.
1. The Gentlemen of Letters (Dublin) 2. Sign Painters Movie (America) 3. Hand Lettering 4. Typography 5. Grids & Layouts
‘Visual impact, the most basic device for gaining attention, may be campared with volume in music. But just as sound can only be described as loud in comparison with other sounds, so the visual impact of a poster or magazine is determined by the context in which the image is seen’ - Brody Newenschwander Signwriting is certainly not dying as a trade. it is not as evident as it used to be, covering every availble space as it did from the nineteenth century to the second world war, but it is now holding its own against neon, perspex, and screen printing and shows no signs of disappearing. - A. J .Lewery The most valued objects of lost cultures are the things that were made by hand. We need to start making things with our hands again. - Ira Goyne Vinyl machines can cut, the can give you a circle and square, but they cant give you the passion of a sign painter. - Bob Behounek If you have a good-looking store front and you take pride in it, you’ll attract more customers. - Sea Barton
7 Relevant/Related Books 1. Sign Painters by Faythe Lavine & Sam Macon 2. The art of hand-lettering, its mastery & practice by Helm Wotzkow WWW 3. Signs, streets and storefronts. A history of architechture and graphics along america’s commercial corridors. By Martin Treu 4. Fading Ad’s of Philidelphia By Lawerence O’Toole 5. Horn Please, the decorated trucks of India By Dan Eckstien 6. Handmade nation: the rise of DIY, art, craft, and design. By Levine, Faythe & Heimerl, Cortney (2008) 7. Ed Ruscha: Fifty Years of Painting
Horn Please - India (book)
2 The Gentlemen of Letters - Dublin
3 Dole - Painted sign, John Downer
4 Coca Cola - Painted sign, Sean Barton
5 The Grand Budapest Hotel - Wes Anderson / Jessica Hische
5 More Books: 1. Signwritten Art By A. J, Lewery (Book) 2. Letterwork By Brody Newenschwander (Book) 3. Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering : A Source Book of the Best Letter Forms of Past and Present for Sign Painters, Graphic Artists, Commercial Artists, Typographers, Printers, Sculptors, Architects and Schools of Art and Design. By Jan Tschichold (Book) 4. Art and craft of sign-writing: the principles of lettering and advertising, together with the techniques of gilding, painting and embossing on board glass and other materials. By Sutherland, William (1987) (Book) 5. A history of the book in America Vol 3 - The industrial book 1840 - 1880 (Book)
Artists/Letterers I can research: Ed Ruscha David Smith Jessica Hische Jessica Walsh Seb Lester Maser James Earley Jan Tscihold
To learn more about my key intrests as a designer, with high intrest in traditional print and hand crafted work I feel this is another direction for me to explore. I also wish to gain a better understanding about the history of sign writing. This is to help me progress in my indepent studies.