A Y L O R Project Report
Brief 1
InformARTive Why I chose this brief? Choosing this brief was really easy for me as I am keen on creating info-graphics, I chose this to both enjoy personally and also something I could use in my portfolio for the future. One thing I liked about this brief was the amount of freedom allowed in the design, the way the brief was written allowed me to do what I wanted but also still work to set actions. Time Management: In total I spend around 2 broken weeks on this design, Ideally I would of liked to of finished this in one week. But this wasn’t possible. As the deadline was very far away from when the brief was set it allowed me to improve and develop my work in my own time, alongside working with this brief I was focusing on other briefs for this module and other modules. How I approached this brief: I started off by analysing the brief, then researching what I could and can do - I also researched into artists and styles I believed were appropriate in this case Hattie Stewart. I chose to base my design on Hattie Stewart’s way of style while putting my own take onto it, Hattie Stewart is a big inspiration to me so it was nice to do something in my practice in her way of thinking. What I learnt? I learnt a lot about how to manage my time in this brief, this gave me a good stead into all the other briefs I chose to do. I also learnt more about working with guidelines although very loose this meant there were still a few restrictions. What went well/what didn’t? I am really happy with my outcome, I think out of the small briefs it was the most successful I think this was because it was definitely the brief I enjoyed most. The only thing that didn’t go to plan was being selected but I guess this is like the real world! Not everyone is going to like my designs. How it affected my practice? Overall I have come out with info-graphic I am proud to have in my portfolio and this is the main reason I chose to do this brief. Not only this it has also interested me in do more info-graphics like this.
Clockwork Orange
Why I chose this brief? I chose this brief because I have had little experience in cover design, there was a choice of 3 briefs in the penguin awards, but I chose this one because I felt it could be a challenge for me I had no previous knowledge about clockwork orange. Time Management: I gave myself 2 weeks to do this brief, but ended up spending around 2 and a half on this brief, this was because I as struggling to come up with a design that hadn’t already been done, before realising it clockwork orange has had many covers coming up with a new angle took longer than expected. How I approached this brief: Research. Majority of this brief was spent on researching and ideas - I skim read the book and watched the movie before starting anything. The book had a really complex story and was definitely striking and not for the faint hearted. What I learnt? I learnt that I need to really stick within my time plan luckily the deadline I set was not the actual deadline but if it had been I would of missed it. I really need to get my head in the mode so that I can hit personal deadlines. What went well/what didn’t? I think although I like my outcome I am not inspired by book design. At one point this was really exciting to me but after doing this brief I have realised I do not want to do book design, I felt really uninspired while doing this and I think this affected my work. How it affected my practice? I learnt more about what I want to do in my practice, I feel I could do book cover design if required in the future, but it is certainly something I do not wish to do in the future.
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‘A gruesomely witty cautionary tale’ – Time
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‘Every generation should discover this book’ Time Out
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Social prophecy? Black comedy? A study of free will? A Clockwork Orange is all of these. It is also a dazzling experiment in language, as Burgess creates ‘nadsat’, the teenage slang of a not-too-distant future.
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A Clockwork Orange
Anthony Burgess
In this nightmare vision of youth in revolt, fifteen-year-old Alex and his friends set out on a diabolical orgy of robbery, rape, torture and murder. Alex is jailed for his teenage delinquency and the State tries to reform him – but at what cost?
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‘What we were after was lashings of ultraviolence.’
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24/09/2015 16:07
Secret 7
Why I chose this brief? After having an experience with this brief last year I was eager to try again this year, I like this brief because of its openness, it was also something for me to enjoy. Time Management: I did this brief in 1 week, this is the amount of time I gave myself. By giving myself a week I didn’t overwork the design or begin to get bored by the work. I think if I had spent anymore time on this brief my design would of become sloppy and uninspired. How I approached this brief: I focused on research and development in this brief, I used my research to learn about different techniques and mediums this was successful as I experimented with watercolour, brush and mark making in this brief - these experiments ended up being my final entries for submission. What I learnt? To keep going, although I didn’t get in again this year it hasn’t stopped me from trying. It has taught me to not give up. I also learnt more about mixed media’s. How it affected my practice? This brief allowed me to explore more which will directly have an effect on my other piece of work, by knowing more about other mediums I will be able to use these techniques in future.
D&AD John Lewis
Why I chose this brief? This brief stood out to me most because I love John Lewis’ brand I currently work with them at work and get to see all there new designs, not only this but the brief to me look like a challenge, I really wanted to test my limits with this brief and I certainly did. Time Management: I gave myself around 6 weeks for this brief although I definitely spent a lot longer on this brief, this was the worst out the briefs for my time management as I had underestimated how long certain thing took. How I approached this brief: First off I did a lot of research this was the most important factor to my process, I used a varaition of ways to get research by using primary and secondary. I visited the John Lewis store and took my own photos. I also researched into games design, technology and interactive displays. This all helped me get ideas and work on my project properly. What I learnt? That I picked the wrong brief! Once I got half way through I became really un-inspired the work became tedious and I began to struggle with the work. I think because I had been working on it for so long I had mentally given up on this. What went well/what didn’t? My design idea is really successful but I think I could of presented it better, I created a GIF to show how my design could be used but this was really broken, I needed to have more experience in creating a GIF, I think this brief would of been more successful as a collaborative brief as in hindsight it was a lot to do for one person. How it affected my practice? It has shown me that I can do something if I put my mind to it. This is going to help me in the future for other briefs in and out of college. Before this brief I had self doubt about how much I could actually do.
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Brief 2
YCN Saucy Fish Co. Why I chose this brief? After looking through the choices of the briefs, this was the one that appealed to me most. This was because of what was required, I have always been interested in packaging design and wanted more experience in this. Alongside wanting more experience I felt for me this would be the best brief to work in a group with. Time Management: The managing of time in this brief was really good, the most successful time plan I have adhered to as often I over fill my list meaning I can be easily left behind. But with this brief we gave ourselves ampful of time to fulfil everything we needed to. How I approached this brief: Picking the group was easy as there were only 3 of wanting to do this brief, from then on we worked on creating a time plan and really stuck to this, we all had individual parts but most of the work was done as a group so we could all have an input. What I learnt? I learnt how to work with others! I learnt just how important it is to have others help with design, I feel prepared for the future now whether it means working on my own or in a group - I am happy to do both. I also learnt a lot about innovative packaging design and boat load about fish. What went well/what didn’t? Working in a group in my opinion started off really well, we all got on and respected each others ideas. We met every Wednesday until the deadline, mostly the group turned up on time. I did feel occasionally that me and Cameron were involved in most of the designing but I think this was because of how graphic design based this brief was, I do think we could of done more if everyone were willing to engage a little bit more, as originally we were set on creating a small zine with Amy’s designs but this turned pear shaped. I think I was lucky with the group I had because they were all enthusiastic about the brief this could of been really difficult if my group were lacking interest. I think this is the reason it went so well. A-side from the group work in terms of the design and supporting materials the only bumps in the roads were figuring out how to create the nets and produce these everything else went really smoothly I believe this is because of our organised routine and ambition to do well.
YCN Saucy Fish Co.