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LAURBE é o "Laboratório do Ambiente Urbano e Edificado", vinculado ao curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da ParaÃba, na cidade de João Pessoa, Brasil. Aqui buscaremos divulgar nossas publicações, portanto, sejam bem vindos à nossa página no ISSUU! --- LAURBE is the "Laboratory of Urban and Built Environment", linked to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of ParaÃba, in the city of João Pessoa, Brazil. Here we will publish academic and graduate studies in the area of Architecture, Urbanism, Urban and Environmental Engineering, as well as the work of collaborators from universities and research institutes in Brazil and Worldwide. Welcome to our ISSUU page! --- Contacts/web page: laurbeufpb.wixsite.com/laurbe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laurbeufpb