The Creek News February 2025

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Joel Inman - General Manager/COO

Elisha Carson - Controller

Patty Fagan - Director of Membership

Erin Schafer - Director of Events

Karen Wright - Clubhouse Manager

Ryan Reeves - Director of Food & Beverage

John Geller - Service Director

Nevada Groulx - Director of Communications

John Slade - Director of Golf Course Operations

Bob Hennefer, PGA - Director of Golf

Brett Fernandes, PGA - Head Golf Professional

Peter Rosenblatt - Executive Chef

Mike Holak - Pool Manager

Golf Course

Tuesday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. - Sunset

Friday 9:00 a.m. - Sunset

Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Sunset



Tuesday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Courts are open for play


Pub & Bistro: Tuesday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Pool & Oasis

Closed for the season



Michael Hughey


Dean Kramer

John Venne


Erich Herkloz


Scott Duman

Sean Fox

Kiel Gilliland

John Higgins

Thomas Koerner

Greg Markus

Chris Noyes

Tyler Prime

Happy New Year! As we welcome 2025, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible year we’ve had at the club and share some exciting updates and initiatives we have in store for you in the months ahead.

Looking Back on 2024

2024 was a year of community. We saw many new faces join our club family, and it was a joy to see existing members reconnect and enjoy the variety of events, activities, and amenities that make this place so special. Whether you spent your time on the golf course, dining with friends in our restaurant, relaxing by the pool, or serving up some fun on the tennis and pickleball courts, you helped make the year memorable. A heartfelt thank you to all of you for being part of our vibrant community.

A Sneak Peek into 2025

As we move into 2025, we’re thrilled to offer several new programs and upgrades designed to enhance your experience at the club. Here are just a few things to look forward to:

• Club Renovations: We are kicking off the year with exciting updates to our main foyer, ballroom, and back patio. I anticipate these projects being completed early in the spring.

• Expanded Dining Options: Our culinary team is working hard to bring fresh, seasonal menus to our dining spaces. Expect new signature dishes and themed dining nights in Blu to enjoy with family and friends.

• Exclusive Events: From golf tournaments to wine dinners to cooking classes, we’ll be hosting a range of events designed to bring our members together. Watch for invitations to events that will celebrate the best of what the club has to offer.

• New Member Benefits: We’re rolling out an enhanced member referral program so if you know of someone who would enjoy the things you enjoy here at the club, please reach out to Patty and make the introduction!

Ongoing Commitment to Excellence

Our commitment to providing toptier service and facilities remains unchanged. Our team is dedicated to ensuring every visit you make to the club is memorable. Whether you’re here for a round of golf, a night out with the family, or a special celebration, we aim to deliver nothing short of excellence.

Stay Connected

In the coming months, be sure to check our weekly email updates, visit our website, or stop by the receptionist desk for the latest information on events and programming. We also encourage you to follow us on social media for real-time updates and behindthe-scenes looks at the happenings around the club.

Thank you again for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you all at the club.

Patty Fagan


As we welcome the new year, we are excited to share two fantastic initiatives designed to grow our community and offer more opportunities for families to experience the exceptional lifestyle at Laurel Creek.

Spring Trial Membership – A Risk-Free Introduction to the Club!

We know how important it is for families to experience everything that makes Laurel Creek special. That’s why, starting March 15th through June 15th, we are rolling out our Spring Trial Membership—a three-month, risk-free opportunity for families to explore the club without a long-term commitment. This trial program is available for those looking to join under our House or Social categories. It’s the perfect chance to immerse in our outstanding amenities, from golf and tennis to dining and social events, and see firsthand what makes Laurel Creek such a desirable club. Please note that our full golfing memberships are currently on a waitlist, but this trial is designed for those interested in House or Social memberships. We’re confident that once they experience the warm community and exceptional services, they will want to make Laurel Creek their club for years to come.

Referral Program – Help Us Grow and Reap the Rewards!

In addition to the Spring Trial Membership, we’re also introducing a new Referral Program to encourage our valued members to share the Laurel Creek experience with friends, family, and colleagues. For every new family you refer who joins the club, you’ll receive a $1,000 credit to your membership account as a token of our appreciation.

As you know, we don’t advertise for membership, so our growth relies heavily on the support and enthusiasm of our members. Your referrals are critical to this effort, and we thank you in advance for helping us continue to make Laurel Creek the welcoming and vibrant community it is.

How to Get Started?

If you have someone in mind for the Spring Trial Membership or the Referral Program, don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. I’ll provide all the details and help guide you through the process. Your referrals will make a huge impact on the future of our club.

Thank you for being an integral part of Laurel Creek Country Club. We’re excited about these new initiatives and look forward to welcoming more families to our community in 2025!



At Laure Creek Country C ub, we cherish the moments that make membership specia - from unforgettable days on the go f course to relax ng by the pool and savoring del c

AtLaurelCreekCountryClub,wecherishthemomentsthatmakemembershipspecial-from unforgettabledaysonthegolfcoursetorelaxingbythepoolandsavoringdeliciouscuisinewhile enjoyinglivemusicatthepubonFridaynights.TheseexperiencesarewhatmakeLCCCfeellike home.

Doyouknowsomeonewhowouldlovetobepartofourvibrantcommunity?Whetherit'sfriends, family,co-workers,orneighbors,invitethemtodiscovertheunparalleledlifestyleatLaurelCreek!

Asathankyou,you’llreceivea$1000spendingcredittoyourmembershipaccountforeach successfulreferral!

TointroducesomeonetotheLaurelCreekexperience,simplysendyourrecommendationsto PattyFagan,DirectorofMembership, arrangeaprivatetourtoshowcaseeverythingwehavetooffer.



Spendingcreditwillbeappliedtothereferringmember'saccountoncetheapplicanthasbeenapprovedandtheentrance feehasbeensubmitted.

Spendingcreditisappliedtofood&beverage,clubevents,golfguestfees,cartfees,andproshopsales.Spending creditsarenotappliedtoannualdues,assessments,balanceofentrancefees,orunusedmonthlyfoodminimums.

Jack IronsThe Willard FamilyThe Shaffer Family

Bob Hennefer



Every winter, I attend a USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshop, and I love getting new questions. On our Laurel Creek Vimeo Account, you can also see some Rules of Golf Videos from real-life scenarios on your home course!

Email me your answers, and let’s have some fun! Also if you have any rules questions you want answered, feel free to email them to me as well! I love Rules of Golf Questions. Correct answers below will be featured in my blog the week after this newsletter goes out.

Question #1 Which one of the following is TRUE regarding areas of the course?

A. The teeing area of Hole #1 Is the teeing area during play of any other hole

B. The putting green of Hole #1 is the putting green during the play of any other hole

C. A penalty area on Hole #1 is a penalty area during the play of any other hole

D. A bunker on Hole #1 is a bunker ONLY during the play of Hole #1

Question #2 In repairing damage, which of the following results in a penalty for the player before they make a stroke?

A. A player repairs a spike mark on their line of play on the putting green

B. A player smooths an area of diseased growth on their line of play on the putting green

C. A player taps down a scuff mark they accidentally made with their foot while walking across their own line of play on the putting green

D. A player smooths the edge of the hole because there was damage from a flagstick being replaced by the previous group

Question #3 Which one of the following does NOT result in a penalty to the player?

A. A player touches the sand with their club in the bunker when taking a practice swing and their ball is in the same bunker 20 feet away

B. A player lightly brushes sand behind their ball in the bunker on the backswing but completes the stroke

C. A player rakes footprints in a bunker to care for the course and their ball is in the same bunker 20 feet away closer to the hole

D. A player accidentally touches the sand in a bunker right behind their ball while addressing it.

Question #4 In a singles match, Player A sees their opponent, Player B ground their club in a bunker behind the ball before playing a stroke from the bunker. Player A immediately responds, “Hey, that’s a penalty but I’m not going to call it on you this time.” Player B responds “Got it, thanks” and makes their next stroke. What is the ruling?

A. There is no penalty to either player

B. Player A may still apply the loss of hole penalty at any point prior to play starting on the next hole

C. If the players fail to apply the loss of hole penalty, both players are disqualified

D. Both players are disqualified for agreeing to ignore a Rule

Ryan Reeves


As the winter chill settles in and snow blankets the ground, I hope you’re all staying cozy at home and traveling safely. This season is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the past year, cherish the joyful moments, and identify areas for growth as we look ahead.

Over the past year, Blu and our chefs have curated some outstanding dinners and events. Our Saturday Suppers and childcare services have been particularly successful, alongside events like Brunch in Blu. Given the fluctuating reservations for a la carte service in Blu, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be introducing monthly signature pop-ups for the restaurant. These events have consistently sold out within hours of their announcement, often resulting in waitlists, reflecting the high demand among our membership.

I hope everyone had a chance to read our recent e-newsletter about the launch of our new Wine Society. This fantastic initiative aims to enhance our wine program for our members. With this annual membership, you’ll gain access to quarterly wine tastings, the opportunity to purchase wine at only 20% above cost, and priority for wine events and dinners. We believe joining this society offers exceptional value.

Another reminder for our wine locker program: to maintain your membership, wine locker members are required to purchase a minimum of 24 bottles of wine from the club annually. If this threshold isn’t met by the end of the calendar year, we’ll place an end of year order for you, or you will be billed $30 per bottle to meet the 24-bottle minimum. We want to ensure you take full advantage of your membership and enjoy fantastic wines at great prices.

On January 13th, we held our employee celebration at the club, and it was a delightful occasion for everyone. During our annual awards ceremony, Lex Rodriguez from the food and beverage department was honored as Rookie of the Year, and Alexis Langford received the Silver Service Award for their outstanding contributions to service excellence and for exemplifying our core values and club culture. We also celebrated our beloved receptionist, Jennifer Sheninger, who received the prestigious Employee of the Year award. Jennifer’s radiant spirit, exceptional work ethic, and unwavering dedication to the club and our members truly embodies the qualities we seek in our team.

Please take a moment to congratulate these exceptional staff members when you see them. Their hard work makes our club a remarkable place, and they play a vital role in enhancing your experience.

Thank you for being such an important part of our community!

Thank you, Ryan for all that you do!

Erin Schafer


Do you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet?

Did you know that when you host a banquet at Laurel Creek, we offer a variety of menu options to suit your needs.

We have a dedicated vegetarian menu and can accommodate any allergies or dietary restrictions & change our offerings seasonally.

Additionally, we’re happy to create a custom menu from scratch based on your specific requirements.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information or to see what we have to offer!

John Slade


The USGA Green Section recently posted this tweet:

With Laurel Creek having nine foot wide cart paths, there should rarely be a need for pulling two wheels off the path. As you can see below, the turf takes a real beating when carts pull off the paths, due to the starting and stopping in these areas.

For a bit more insight into this topic, you can check out a recent Golf Digest article: This common golf-cart mistake is a ‘superintendent’s worst nightmare’

Upcoming Events FEBRUARY

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