Component 1 - Lauryn Chen

Page 16


Ideas for my project

Table research

Could place a Leisure Centre in somewhere that is Fast-food chain packed to influence a healthier lifestyle

Could do a Japanese inspired garden as there isn’t many in the UK

Could combine a Library, and Sporting Complex/Leisure together. On the bottom floor it could be the library, on the second floor it could be the gym and on the third floor it could be the yoga studio


The goal is to design a permanent Leisure Centre in South Street Romford that has 3 separate floors for a Library,a Gym and aYoga/dance studio. It should embody natural and organic influences and modernity to bring a more refreshing feel than the other competitors .The Centre must be eye-catching and attract tourists and locals into the premises, as tourism is the 5th largest industry in the UK.The Leisure Centre’s interior and exterior will be designed using modern and organic styles that will also have a fun and alluring element to it and it will be placed on pavement but will have two grassy areas on either side of it with a seating area,which will attract a lot of customers as they walk by. There will be a Library on the bottom floor for people to study in, a Gym on the second floor and theYoga studio on the third floor (there will be dance classes too, so it is multi-functional). The plan is to demolish the existing building that resonates on South Street and the car park behind it, and re-do it with mine.


• Main style must be modern and organic

• The exterior should have sharp edges and a disposition of nature

• Brown tones

• Leisure Centre must have 3 floors

• Atmosphere must be fun and light

• There must be spaces to eat and relax outside, a floor for the gym, a floor for the library and a floor for yoga

• FreeWi-Fi

• Accessible parking

• Cycle parking and car parking

• A sort of communal space outside, maybe a seating area or a space for greenery to keep the organic atmosphere


• This is the location wherefore my building will be placed.I have decided to create the Leisure Centre in a space that currently has no purpose or use. I found that the shape of this location works extremely well with my space and is big enough to fit it in and any extra communal spaces I choose to add,for example pavilions etc.This space is in Romford,East London and it is close to the Liberty and the Brewery,a highly populated shopping centre within Romford which means that the location will be visited by a lot of people and the location is therefore viable.

• I think the location is perfect for the multi-storey Leisure Centre as it appears that this land is not really of much use and the renovation of it would be very beneficial in attracting more tourists. I’ve been inside this building as I used to be in training for an Army Cadets (back in 2018) but the building in itself was really old and it doesn’t appear to have changed at all as it remains exactly the same and it looks exactly like how I remembered it. It could also create healthy competition as there is a Leisure Centre not too far away at Western Road (Sapphire Ice Leisure Centre) and the competition would draw and attract more customers as both Leisure Centres would be very intriguing.The nearest train station is only a few minutes away and so are the plentiful amount of bus stops, and so the Leisure Centre would be very accessible which is paramount.

Old and broken down and in desperate need of renovating – Most of the walls have graffiti and there are some windows that have been broken.Noone goes inside there and most of the rooms are vacated

The windows have no shutters, and the tree is overlapping onto the building

Where the car park is – The area is quite rugged and has a lot of graffiti on the floors and walls.The car park is always open as the gate doesn't close and hasn't closed for many years and so anyone can park there, which may cause some issues legally and can also be an area where people may gather and deal drugs.


Sports Complex –has 3 levels

Leisure center



From the outside the building represents a block of ice due to the striking blue shades of glass panes

The Sapphire Ice and Leisure Centre was constructed by Wilmott Dixon and is one of the first new-build centres in the UK to be fitted with Angle Eye. The project took a total of 21 months to build, opening in February 2018 with more than 8,000 people trying out the new facilities for free on the open day. The goal was to build a multi-functional space with an ice rink as in 2013 the Romford Ice Arena had closed which a lot of people had gone to previously, and to also build a Leisure Centre in Romford as there wasn’t one before.

Glass panes keeps insulation in which is

required for the building to run effectively

Continuous shape and folds into symmetrical shapes

The Leisure Centre’s form is rectangular which helps make the building blend into the street whilst still creating a unique, interesting point (the blue captures interest). Wilmott and Dixon’s main goal was to make the building look like ice to grab locals' attention and to also resemble the popular ice rink.Willmott and Dixon needed to address two fundamental concerns: dealing with the minimal tolerance structure alongside a requirement for a warm, high humidity swimming pool and a cool, low humidity ice rink. Facilities include a gym, ice rink, swimming pool, dance studios and two cafes.

The interior of Sapphire Ice Leisure is quite minimal (although it could be argued too minimal),and it contrasts with the exterior of the building as the exterior is a cool blue, whereas the interior has warm white lights and brown chairs and tables which provides a homely interior.The ground floor is home to the reception,the café and the pools.

The building is five storeys high which includes a suspended 56x26m ice rink above the main 25m pool on ground floor.And an elevator connects the 4 floors to each other for easy travel, as well as stairs for a healthier option

I decided to create and design a Sketchup that highlights the brief details of the café and interior space when you walk in

Sketches to show varying line thickness


Seating area outside (could include something like this beside Leisure Centre)

The Harrow Lodge Leisure Centre was designed by sports and leisure experts GT3 Architects, and delivered alongside Metnor Construction and Paragon BC.The main goal was to design a space with a ‘people-first’ approach. GT3 Architects really wanted to deliver a modern yet accessible centre that offers fitness, leisure, and social opportunities for everyone in the community, whilst supporting wider activities in the park. Spanning two floors and covering more than 6,000m2,the facility replaces the existing Hornchurch Sports Centre.

Round structure and brown colour links into both organic form (earth) and modernity (non - traditional)

Harrow Lodge has a very basic but modern and organic design, and that is my overall goal for my space. The brown colour fits in with the rustic surrounding as it is part of a park, and the glass and overall oblong structure makes it unique and stand out.The centre offers a high technology gym, a swimming pool and 3 fitness studios as well as a sauna and a café that serves a range of nutritious snacks and treats

Roof plan


The Leyton Leisure Centre was designed by GLL which is the largest UK-based charitable social enterprise delivering leisure, health and community services.The goal was to build a multi-functional space that everyone can access (although it was specifically designed for kids). As part of theWaltham Forest Council funded initiative, they also offer young residents (under 18) free swimming at any time (junior membership required).This offer is also extended to 60+ members, armed forces and for people with disabilities

Slanted walls to create a sense of dimension and also creates the idea of waves (the pool is what it is known for and so the waves relates to the pool)

Ivory white colour to stand out and catch locals' attention

The Leisure Centre’s form is rectangular (although some parts are slanted, almost like a diamond) which helps make the building blend into the street as the structure isn’t too out there or abnormal, whilst still creating a unique, interesting point.The blue sculptures gives a sense that the building is also made out of ice, especially at night,and the slanted structure almost represents a diamond. Leyton Leisure Centre offers swimming pools with water flumes, aqua play areas, fitness classes, group cycle studios and saunas to relax in.

Double glazed windows keeping insulation in (also air conditioning when it is hot)


Glass surrounding the structure provides a modern touch as traditional builds have allocated windows around the building,but this centre’s entire exterior is windows which means the public can see what is going on and therefore become interested

John Reed Fitness was designed and created by RSG and is a business model that fuses art, fitness and music together. Schaller, the CEO of RSG stated “John Reed is designed for those who want to train hard and have fun, in an environment where music is the central element.”. It has 1,000 in 48 countries and 6.4 million members. It is a 2000 square-metre gym is fitted with a space for cardio, free weights, a hot yoga studio, a Finnish sauna etc.

Dome shape which not a lot of gym structures have, but then straightens out to form a rectangular structure which creates a unique shape. I used to pass this on the way to work at Liverpool street, and the fact that it is placed so close to a busy station draws a lot of attention

Straight, parallel lines to create sharp angles

John Reed Fitness has a very unique structure as it is rounded at the front but then it straightens to create a longer, more rectangular shape.The overall design is very modern and sleek as the entirety of the gym is surrounded by glass, and the interior itself has warm hues which gives a feel of organic and warmth. John Reed London has specially designed areas dedicated to key areas such as functional training,boxing and cardio, as well as a large free weights section




Here I have focused part of my primary research on trees and flowers. I think the textures of trees prove quite an interesting form, which can be used in many ways in parts of my design.The delicacy of the flowers can be interpreted in my design by mimicking the form and shape of the flowers. Since my project is based on natural and organic (and modern) influences and making an environmentally friendly space, I think my design should also be inspired by nature. Perhaps the grooves on the trees can be walls surrounding the space, or a entire building can be made with the inspiration of the shape of a flower. I am inspired by the way flowers and trees look and I think I will be able to use them in my designs.

I drew this building from the inspiration I received from the second picture down below. I recreated the petals and shaped it into something better and more modern (rounded edges of the petal wouldn’t make a suitable building).People could enter the building through a tunnel on the right side and exit through a tunnel on the left side


Since my theme is organic and natural, I focused part of my primary research on plants and how the shape of these plants can form an interesting shape. I think the way a leaf curves can create this organic form that can be manipulated to form a structure.The balance between delicate and strong structures compliments each other very well. I then looked at different leaf shapes and started to look at how they can be manipulated.The round leaves could be a great way to separate different spaces and add some interest to the plan. I then went in the opposite direction and looked at sharp, pointy leaves but I don’t think they would suit a design model very well due to the sharp angles created.

I drew this building from the inspiration I received from the sharp, pointy leaves I photographed (3rd picture). Although the sharp angles can be harsh and not suited for a design model, I used the leaves as inspiration for a roof and it almost represents a canopy which can shelter those using the building especially if the roof overhangs.The sharpness can be quite refreshing


The model seen here that I made for one of my previous structures is meant to represent the element of nature,rather than just coming from inspiration from a previous building/picture.The representation of nature can be shown in the light brown,wood-like material and also the structure as the parts of the model are not all the same level, each vary in width and height.This represents nature as nothing in nature is the same, each creation is different and varies from its counterparts,no rock, tree, branch,petal or leaf can be directly replicated.

I decided to use the resources in PowerPoint to better develop my model, and as seen in the picture above I used lines to portray different buildings whilst still having the original model as a guideline (I decided to use the colour blue to represent the lines as the colour blue represents water, whereas the brown symbolises earth). I really like the structure of the model as not only can it be interpreted in different ways, but it can also make an amazing building using the idea of the model alone.The sharp edges and different layers could lead to an interesting and whimsical design that would easily capture tourist's and local's attention.The blue line extensions to the buildings show a more 3D version as to what want the development of the building to look like.

Development model

3 layers/levels

Starting Idea – This model I made previously inspired by nature. The light brown colour would make a unique structure for my leisure centre instead of the traditional cubed shape

The closer I looked at my building, the more I realised that I could interpret the building in different ways.

I decided to experiment with the idea of the building being 3 storeys high and created an idea where the library is at the bottom, the yoga studio is the smallest building on top of the library and the gym protrudes out the back of the library

Original dimensions of my practice model, sharp, overlapping rectangles creating L shapes

I created 3 buildings using the folds and overlapping as inspiration. These could represent the 3 parts to my leisure centre that I want to create

Gym Yoga Library

Taken inspiration from Design Idea 1 and the development,I decided to make use of my original model idea and create two slanted structures that overlap one another with a space in between to connect them both. Instead of having the structure hover above and connect the two structures, I decided to deviate from my model and have the structure that connects the two opposites be smaller. I liked this creation better than the previous ones as it shows contrast and represents the irregularity of nature.The smaller structure represents the yoga studio which has panel windows facing the back so viewers can be connected to nature whilst doing yoga, and the two larger structures represent the gym and the library

Library Gym Yoga

I designed this model here with the intention to portray nature through my model, and this is seen here through the wood-like colour of the build and the stacked aspect of it. I gained inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater as the light brown coloured house tiers stacked together represent a riverbank/rocks and I kind of included the idea in my model as my model has two stacked layers, but unlike Wright's which is molded close together and stacked upon each other closely and has a rectangular structure,mine has a bigger gap and the overall shape has a triangular structure.Looking at my model there were various things I found I could do, and I explored that in my drawings in the previous slide. I explored how the triangular shape could be explored into further and be portrayed in different ways, and I managed to show this through 3D drawings and the portrayal of different levels which show the process of change. I also explored what other ways in which I could also experiment with my model, and this is shown with the model above this paragraph.The blue lines are meant to represent extensions to the building,and I quite like how it looks as it continues my idea with the drawings but is more simplistic and shows an outline of what the model will be.


Development model



Study areas

1st floor plan

Starting Idea – This model I made previously inspired by nature.

Library interior floor plan. At the back is the bookshelves and down the middle is carpet (the rest of the floor will be wooden)

Gym floor plan (Used inspiration from John Reed's Fitness for the boxing area)

Shows the exterior of the library and the plan of how it will look. It reminds me of Greek buildings

As I analysed my original model I realised that I could possibly make 3 buldings out of the structure and this can be seen in this drawing, wherefore the library (taking an idea from the previous sketch) is at the bottom, the gym is on top and the yoga studio is the smallest building at the top

Final drawing. The previous building was then developed and turned into this wherefore I changed the layout, the gym is at the bottom, the yoga studio is still on top but has the library in front of it and protruding outwards.

Represents building plan and also shows a mood board of nature (warm autumn leaves). The dark brown/burgundy represents the gym, the orange represents the library and the yellow represents the yoga studio

Taken inspiration from original model and development drawings. I liked the idea of the stacked building as it reminds me of rocks (which is an aspect of nature) and decided to further develop it through this model.The model takes influence from the original model which emphasised levels and this is shown in this model through the use of the 3 levels which represents each part of my building aim. It also takes inspiration from my development drawings as it is derived from my final drawing.

Although I really like this idea,I don't think it is a suitable building for my aim and it wouldn't represent my aims for this project very well as it resembles more of a house rather than a leisure centre.

The inspiration from this model here stems from a Snickers bar.Although the inspiration is not nature based,the model I created could represent nature with the influence of trees.The building is quite tall and will loom over visitors easily, and the middle stature has two parts that could represent two trees, and the part on top that connects the two other parts together could be almost like a canopy. I sourced the picture of the Snickers bar from Pinterest and the more I looked at it, the more I realised that it was perfect for the building,that the two bits of the bar could represent two buildings and the caramel in the middle stretching from one part of the bar to another could represent a smaller building in comparison to the others. I experimented with this idea through my drawings which brought my initial idea for the snickers bar to life through transferring the picture to a 3D drawing,and this is also shown in this model above this paragraph.The blue lines are also meant to represent the buildings extensions and although it tunes in with my drawings and initial ideas, the lines also portrays sharpness to the building.


Development model

Snicker bar Inspiration

Whilst trying to gather inspiration from other objects, I found this on Pinterest and was instantly drawn to the prospect of this becoming a building. The clean break in between the halves of the bar can represent two buildings, and the filling in the middle could represent a third building

Starting model Idea = I used inspiration from the Snickers bar but didn’t copy it entirely, the building in the middle is supposed to represent the chocolate's filling

Elevation of the interior of the two buildings on either side (the building in the middle is the Library) which consists of the gym and the yoga studio.

Drawing in more detail. The Library in the centre's design is meant to represent the caramel in the middle of the snickers bar as it is stretched out.

3 buildings Yoga Library Gym

The structure at the back represents the yoga studio which faces the back and is hidden away from the public eye,so visitors get a pleasant surprise when visiting. I quite like this structure however it wouldn’t be suitable for my aims for this project as in my Brief it is stated that there must be 3 floors, and this structure would be seen as boring after a while by the public.

Taken inspiration from my original model and my development drawings.This design was influenced heavily by the Snickers design, and I adapted the former non-natural form into a structure that's made of nature both outside and within the design (for example wooden exterior). I decided to utilise the original model design by keeping the space connecting the two buildings open, so it allows for visitors to relax underneath the ledge.There will be a space for visitors to relax and will act as a shield if visitors want to escape from the sun in summer.


Practice Exterior

The rounded structure at the front is built with glass to enable pedestrians to look through into the building and be alerted of what's inside,which would be the Library. In addition,the glass would be creating awareness for people who walk past and encourage more and new customers to walk in which would mean more attention and traction. Also, the users inside the building will be able to look outside for a better view which would enhance the users' experience as they would get to experience what goes on outside as well as inside the building.Although I haven't made anything for the interior or expanded on it, the unique structure of the building enabled me to section each function of the building to different areas of the structure. For example,the Library is at the front,the Gym is the slanted structure to the right and theYoga studio is the slanted structure towards the left.The Library is a circular build that has large glass windows and pillars which almost represent Greek buildings,the Gym and theYoga studio are individual slanted,high-ceiling buildings that only have one level, which could be interesting to experiment with.



Minsheng Museum of Modern Art in Beijing,China was designed by Zei Pei,and it is meant to be a renovation of an old Panasonic factory in the 1980’s. The project used the older factory hall with its simple concrete structure and modular facade, and its almost like it was before, theArchitect only adding a few interventions to make the new use visible.The amendments made to the building preserved the industrial character and influences of the building,albeit contrasting the older materials with newer materials in some spaces.Minsheng Museum of Modern Art’s structure divides the building into different functions,which are supported by an external courtyard-like space,a roof terrace and a sculpture park.I am quite inspired by the slants and perpendicular lines created from the structure,which I could potentially use in my creation


TheTennessee State Museum in Tennessee,United States of America was designed byTheTennessee General Assembly.The facility opened on October 4th in 2018 at the corner of Rosa Parks Boulevard and includes a TennesseeTimeTunnel,a hands-on children's gallery and six rotating galleries amongst everything else, entertainment and interaction are easily sourced throughout the museum and creates an element of fun. The building has quite a modern but traditional exterior, traditional in the sense that there are cubed and rectangular shapes created in the two buildings next to the rounded structure and buildings,usually,are either square shaped or rectangular.I find myself being inspired by the main building as the curvature and the use of pillars and glass reminds me of the buildings that are found in Greece, and also Greek mythology,which I love. I will probably use this in my final model for the Library as it would an amazing structure for my Library


Lindt Home of Chocolate in Kilchberg, Switzerland was designed by Christ and Gantenbein.This is the HQ of Lindt and Sprungli which has a factory, multiple warehouses and an office building as well as a museum. A new spatial design was achieved with this structure,where entertainment and interaction are seen throughout the building’s interior.The building has an urban structure that stands out against its surroundings, and it has a white brick glazed exterior which represents coolness and will capture passer-by’s attention (it is described as ‘welcoming the public in’). Whilst I find the museum quite simple and basic, especially if used for inspiration for a leisure centre as most are rectangular or square shaped,I do like the cool tones used and the way the white contrasts with the brown,and the overall structure.


Fallingwater in Pennsylvania,United States of America was designed by Frank LloydWright.Fallingwater was originally built as a holiday home for the Kaufmann family to replace their summer home, however in 1964 it became available to the public and guided tours became available,and the house attracts more than 160,000 visitors from around the world each year.Wright's desire to create an organic composition limited the colour palette at Fallingwater to only two colours; a light ochre for the concrete and cherokee red for the steel, which in my opinion compliments the building and the surrounding as it enhances the feeling of nature.The building has a quite mysterious element to it due to its stacked nature and its place within the forest and has quite a modern element due to the simplicity of the building but also the toned-down colours. I am massively inspired by Fallingwater due to the modern aspect of the building, but also because of the fact that it adds to the nature rather than taking away from it.




Taken inspiration from the top middle Pinterest Picture. I decided to change the structure so as not to copy it, and since my model only needs 3 levels it was easier to make.The bottom level will represent the Library, the top level with the tile design mirrors will represent the Gym and the top level will represent the Yoga Studio. I decided to have the colour of my sketches brown, so it adds colour and represents the colour of the building,and also represents the element of nature as I aim to connect everything within this project. Although this design is very nice, I don’t think I'll utilise it in my final design as it isn't necessarily eye-catching and is much like other Leisure Centre designs.

Taken inspiration from the bottom right Pinterest picture. I quite liked the sloping aspect of the building and the sharp lines used and tried to recreate but also create a different structure to show variation.I created only two levels for this model as with the three levels it would've been too tall, so instead my idea for this structure is to have the Library at the bottom as the largest aspect of the building,and on the second level have the Gym take up ¾ of the floor and have a separate room forYoga next to it. I really like this structure and the idea presented from the Pinterest inspiration as I feel it represents the aims of my Specification and Brief really well,but I'll definitely have to edit the building to make it more eye-catching


SketchUp Library


All the panels that are seen above show different angles of the Library I created. It's only one floor because of the 3 levels to my Leisure Center,but I had the idea to create a two-level Library wherefore the main area would be just like below, but right near the bookcase there would be a set of spiraling steps that leads to a second level of books and a long landing that stretches out towards the back, just like my mood board.

Floor plan

I quite like the design of this Library as it demonstrates and replicates the warmth of my mood board,whilst still experimenting with my own ideas.The long tables on each side of the big gold carpet are meant to be study areas where people can just walk in and study with their own resources or take a book and read or bring their own book and read. It's meant to be a safe space accessible to all.The columns are meant to give a regal feel to the building,and there will be a reception downstairs to monitor what will be going on,but I just decided to develop the interior without the reception for now.

Final Model

Brief sketches to outline my aim. Not detailed or coloured and shown from different angles to show different perspectives

My idea for my final model was derived from a lot of areas within my project (which shows a journey), and I will delve more into this in my conclusion.For example, with my Sketchup exterior design the slanted nature of the back structures led to inspiration for this model.The Further Research into Exterior Spaces and the 2nd model created from that also influenced the outcome of my final model, for example with the building above this paragraph and the model inspired from it, instead of nature being incorporated into the design,the nature was incorporated around the structure and outside the structure, and that is my aim for my project.The main inspiration for my model, however,was from the stacked folders shown directly above this paragraph, although the structure does not directly represent nature, it gave me an idea of what structure I wanted to create, and I could therefore apply the element of nature to the design with my final model.The stacked folders created a sharp illusion that I really liked,and the spaces in between the materials represented windows that I could implement in my final design, and I did, as it created an element of modernism.

Practice model for my real physical model, shows the 3 levels wanted perfectly and captures the slanted idea and aim for my piece with minimal effort. For this model I sized and cut similar pieces of cardboard and bent them to my liking,before stacking them on top of each other, which created this model

Trees are there to give a sense of scale. The trees are big, but the building is bigger

Drawing of my aim for my overall model.

Final SketchUp model

Brown shade represents nature Perspective picture Elevation picture

Sketches of my final SketchUp model. Including sketches allows me to have a better understanding of my designs properties and also allows for more variety.Also shows different line thickness.

In my opinion,this Sketchup final model outlines all the aims for the final model of my building and makes sure to capture natural forms whilst fulfilling the modern and want for sharp lines stated in my brief. Although I have not completed the interior for my design, I have made sure to show the intentions of my interior with the mood boards created for the 3 levels of my design, and I also created the library's detailed interior in the previous slides. I am very happy with the outcome of this project and think it projects enough unusuality to attract multiple visitors.Although each level appears slanted there will be a level within that is hidden to viewers outside that is horizontal and straight, which prevents viewers from slipping and sliding.Viewers not being able to see the horizontal level may spark interest as viewers may question what it is like to go inside,and lead to the visits of more customers.

I tried a different style setting on SketchUp to change up the colour of my design and see what it would look like on a different setting. Nothing really changed as the wood colour and the colour of the glass are still really prominent.

Location: South Street, Romford

I did not create a physical model last submission, and decided to create a physical final submission for this last and final submission as it gives more of an insight into what my building will look like in real life.With this physical model there are notably more details than what I created within my Sketchup,for example there are seats for families/couples to sit on and maybe have a picnic or relax in the sun, and there is also a pond in the middle which reinforces the sense of serenity that nature brings.There are also trees surrounding the building and grass which links into my aim of incorporating nature into the surroundings of my design rather than the interior

Shown from different angles to show different perspectives


Referring to my original project Brief and Specification, I think I followed my original ideas and plans very well and made sure to make use of all of my key ideas. My inspiration for this Leisure Centre was to achieve natural and organic forms,whilst including sharp edges to the design and a sense of modernity,and I think I displayed this very well with my SketchUp model and especially with my physical final model as I managed to incorporate natural and organic forms through the use of wood for the exterior and the element of nature surrounding my building's structure,and I also managed to achieve sharp edges and a sense of modernity through the use of the floor length windows and the sharp slants and lines of my structure.In my brief it is stated that my design must be eye catching, and due to my buildings unusually slanted nature I think it would be very eye catching to the public and will attract numeral visitors

In my Specification I had highlighted specific things that I wanted in my project, for example I wanted the exterior of my bu ilding to have brown tones and 3 floors, and this is demonstrated in my physical and Sketchup model as both designs are made from wood and have 3 levels to th em which consists of the Library, the Gym and theYoga Studio. In my Specification it is also stated that I wanted a communal space outside with maybe a seating area or a space for greenery to keep the organic atmosphere,and this is displayed in my physical and Sketchup model as in my Sketchup model there is a space for greenery to exist, and in my physical model there is a seating area and a lot of space for greenery to enforce the organic atmosphere.Overall, I am very pleased with my results for this project and think that I achieved everything I wanted to achieve through the creations of these models.The start to the finish of my project shows a journey as every step influenced the next step, which then influenced the next step until it led us back to here.A criticism of my overall project is that I did not include the interior for my physical model or my SketchUp model, but instead of creating it I decided to show the interior in previous mood boards/designs.

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