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Voz Vozla El Salitre, first prize in the Adult Parade
The comparsa took a risk with a Christian theme and was the best valued by the jury. Playas de Percheles, Salsalá, Marmará and Ana Ruiz Dance Fitness won the rest of the prizes
The Carnival came to a close on Sunday with the parade of a dozen adult comparsas. The winner of the first prize (1,500 euros) was Peña El Salitre with a Christian fantasy with virgins in rigorous black and gold and, as its leader Juan Antonio Iglesias commented, with the utmost respect for the Christian religion because "we believe in art and freedom of expression".
Second prize (1,200 euros) in the main parade went to the tropical fantasy with Aztec touches and the striking pink and blue of Playas de Percheles directed by Rosa Aznar. The always spectacular Salsalá and Marmará de Antonio Jara took third (900 euros) and fourth prize (600 euros) and fifth prize (300 euros) went to the members of Ana Ruiz Dance Fitness and their powerful choreography.
Also on parade on Sunday were the rockers in red and black of De Rosa Academia de Danza y Teatro, the elegant Scottish girls of Estudio de Danza Terpsicore, the robotic girls of El Tolín Juvenil and the harmoniously colourful Ambarela. Once again this year, the vedet of Los Salaitos and the divas of Las Gregorias provided the cheerful touch to the parade. More than 130 people from Peña La Atalaya, with almost all the characters from the film Harry Potter on its 20th anniversary, opened the parade.
Adult Parade
Juan Antonio Iglesias' dance school also won in the children's parade. The African fantasy costume designed together with Pedro Mulero from Peña El Tolín won the first prize (600 euros). The twenty forest nymphs of the Terpsicore Dance Studio won second prize (400 euros) and the fifty or so vintage girls with a touch of musketeers by Antonio Jara won third prize (300 euros).
The fourth peña participating in this category of Dance Schools was the De Rosa Dance and Theatre Academy in which 60 members dressed in an elegant fantasy with a turquoise blue velvet costume decorated with silver, crystal stones and feathers. A float with the youth musos opened Saturday's parade.
School Category
Three schools paraded on Saturday and for them were the three prizes in this category. The first one valued at 600 euros went to the jellyfish and the fish from the bottom of the sea of the AMPA of the CEIP Ginés García with a hundred parents and children from Infant to 6th of Primary. The theme of the movement of the Industrial Revolution of the 75 members of the AMPA of the CEIP Francisco Caparrós took the second prize (400 euros), while the third prize (300 euros) went to the messages of joy, unicorns and rainbows of the AMPA Los Caleñares of the CEIP Miguel Delibes.