COOK & EAT secrets from the test kitchen
Butchers have the skills— and the secrets—for making the most of this truly versatile protein.
Behind the Meat Counter Tara Longo, owner of The Healthy Butcher in Toronto, knows the value of ethically raised chicken. “Start with a SURSHUO\ UDLVHG FKLFNHQ DQG WKH Ă€DYRXU will speak for itself,â€? she says. “Our chickens come in whole, then we can butcher them any way you like.â€?
Stock Options If you’ve ever tasted a quality ramen or pho chicken broth and wondered why it has such a rich, luxurious texture, it’s probably because of the chicken bones. Butchers usually have plenty of poultry backs and necks left over from the boneless skinless cuts they prepare, so request a pound or two to add to your next stockpot.
From the Ground Up Use ground leg meat in recipes that call for ground chicken, such as burgers and PHDWEDOOV 7KH GDUN PHDW ZLOO DGG ÀDYRXU and is richer in nutrients—such as iron, ]LQF DQG ULERÀDYLQ²WKDQ ZKLWH PHDW
Crispy Cracklings
Perfectly Poached
Are there fans of crispy chicken skin in your family? Ask your butcher to save the skin when cutting up poultry. Toss the skin of four chicken thighs with a quarter teaspoon each of salt and pepper (or your favourite VSLFH EOHQG WKHQ OD\ WKH VNLQV ÀDW EHWZHHQ two parchment paper–lined baking sheets, SUHVVLQJ WR ÀDWWHQ %DNH LQ D 375°F oven until browned and crispy, about 20 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel–lined plate; serve in place of bacon on a Caesar salad.
A healthy and simple way to prep boneless skinless chicken breasts is to gently poach them in simmering lightly salted water (throw in a few smashed cloves of garlic, half an onion and a handful of peppercorns, too) just until cooked through; it’s faster and easier than roasting. Let cool, then slice the chicken and refrigerate in an airtight container for use throughout the week in wraps, salads, sandwiches and grain bowls.
Even though poultry skin is high in fat, it contains important nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamin A.