Co-Ordinator June 16

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Letchworth & Baldock District Scout Council


No: 637

June 2016

Inside this issue

District Scout Shooting and Archery Competition Seven Scout Troops and Oak Eagle Explorer Unit took part in the annual District Scout Shooting and Archery Competition. The competition was held on Sunday 8th May at Wymondley Wood Winners - Shooting 2nd Baldock

Scout & Guide Centre. Scouts from each Troop tried their skills at rifle shooting and Archery. The eventual winners were 2nd Baldock in the Shooting and 11th Letchworth in the Archery.

Many thanks to all who took part in the competition. A massive thanks to Claire and Darren Greener and Vicki Gage for assisting on the range, and a big thanks to Chris and Sue King, Glenn Read and team for the Archery side of things.

5th Letchworth 2 Cubs– Photography 3 Badge 1st Baldock AGM - Knights Templars

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District Beaver Challenge Fundraising


Achievements Peter Baker Diary

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Huge thanks to Stutely Gun shop for donating targets and pellets for all future events.

Rifle results : Overall winners: 1st: 2nd Baldock Scouts 2nd: 1st Ashwell Scouts 3rd: 11th Letchworth Individual results: 1st: 2nd Baldock (Lucius Wong) 2nd: 1st Ashwell 3rd: 11th Letchworth 7th Letchworth No: 637

202 117 115 45 40 35 35

Archery Results: Overall winners : 1st - 11th Letchworth 2nd - 1st Baldock 3rd - 7th Letchworth Individual Winners: 1st - 11th Letchworth 2nd - 1st Baldock 3rd - 8th Letchworth

242 224 199 57 53 49

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5th Letchworth Cub Sco

5th Letchworth Cubs were lucky enough to learn about light painting last term as part of the Photography Activity Badge. Some of our work included a lesson on how to capture moving light with a camera to create one continuous motion. Cubs were able to write their names in the air with a glow stick and see it whole in a photo! They also experimented with photographing shadows and streaks of light. They really enjoyed the experience and by the end of term had taken loads of impressive photos.

Jodi Trulock CSL

Smile Please

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uts Photography Badge

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1st Baldo

At the 1st Baldock Scout Group AGM the 1st Baldock Cubs (Knights) gave a brief report of the sort of things that they get up to in a year. (extract from Akela’s report) Their Summer Camp was a Group camp held at Wymondley Wood in June where the spider mountain and the high climbing wall were the highlights of the weekend. They joined the County water activities day at Fairlands Valley where they tried canoeing, kayaking and bell boating. The Cubs also competed in the District Dragon boating competition. The Cubs had a team in the District Quiz and came a perfect second (the winners have to set the following year’s questions) They entered two teams for the County Cyclocross and they really enjoyed this event. Their autumn camp was four days back to basic camp at Hamergreen Wood campsite. Backwoods skills, fire lighting, cooking and exploring the woods kept everyone happy. They joined the District outing to London to visit the Science and Natural History museums. Some attended the JOTI, Jamboree on the Internet day run by County, the feedback from this was excellent. As Christmas approached they practised their singing. They decorated a tree for the St Mary’s church Christmas tree festival. They went to Temple Court where instruments were played, carols sung, tea and squash and biscuits consumed and residents and Cubs had a good chat. 2016 started with their annual night hike, a firm favourite whatever the weather. They regularly hold Pack forums or sixers and seconders meetings. As a result of one of these the Pack decided to raise money for Macmillan. By the end of the term when we were visited by a Macmillan volunteer we were able to present a cheque for over £200 raised by the Cubs own efforts. Their winter camp was held on a chicken farm. They were able to pluck, prepare, cook and eat chickens supplied by the farmer. They used the feathers for quills and for arrows that they made. Several of the Pack were in the Gang Show and others went along to see them perform. As you can see the 1st Baldock (Knights) Pack had a busy and varied programme including the opportunity for 10 nights away.

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ock AGM

1st Baldock Cubs (Templars) also gave a brief report of the activities they did during the year. In the last year they have worked on the animal carer, artist, backwood cooking, naturalist, personal safety and pioneer activity badges.

Tolmers Activity Centre

They have enjoyed archery, bell boating, Tesco’s Farm to Fork, a family barbeque, a visit to a Buddhist Community Centre, bowling making clay models and gardening at Temple Court for Scout Community week. The Cubs attended the Sixers and Seconders Weekend and had five camps. 1. They attended the 1st Baldock Scout Group Camp at Wymondley Wood Scout and Guide Centre 2. They held a special camp at Farmer Mark’s which was Christmas in Summer so a proper Roast Turkey dinner and tractor driving. 3. An indoor camp was held at Tolmers Scout Campsite where they took part in climbing, rafting, tunnels and water wars. 4. Farmer Mark’s again for Halloween fun where they did a ghost walk and had trailer rides. 5. Back to Wymondley Wood for a Christmas Camp and another Roast Turkey dinner and activities such as making snowmen from socks. The Cubs also had a day trip to Shepreth Farm. To help fund their activities at camp and purchase new tables, benches and tents they took part in the Rotary Greenway walk, the Leaders helped with the car parking at Shuttleworth, held a quiz and did a pack bag at Iceland. Big Baloo and Jacala spent a weekend in Yorkshire helping with the clear up after the bad floods.

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District Beaver Challenge

On Saturday 7 May eight Colonies descended on 8th Letchworth HQ to take part in the annual District Beaver Challenge. The rounds were set by last year’s winners, 1st Baldock (Tuesday) Beavers, The competition included a number of activities and questions ranging from timed skipping to ding bats. Only three points separated the top three placings. The eventual winners being 1st Ashwell Beavers who will host next year’s competition. Thank you to all the Leaders, Young Leaders and Parents for their help in running the afternoon. Big thank you to all the Beavers who took part and made it an enjoyable afternoon for everyone. 3rd Place 8th Letchworth 31 points 2nd Place 7th Letchworth 32 points 1st Place 1st Ashwell 33 points

Fund Raising

Over the weekend of 7/8 May The Cubjam contingent, South African participants and 2nd Baldock Scout Group helped out with various tasks at the Baldock Beer Festival and raised between them nearly £700.00

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8th Letchworth and 2nd Baldock Scout Groups provided refreshments for the walkers taking part in the annual Letchworth Rotary Greenway walk on Sunday 22 May. 2nd Baldock were based at Nortonbury and raised over £100 8th Letchworth were based at Wymondley Wood and raised over £330 Page 6

Chief Scout’s Gold Award Angus Drew 8th Letchworth

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Robert Coldrey Oak Eagle Explorer Scout (YL)

Long Service Award

Susannah Goward BSL 1st Baldock

Jackie Hare GSL 7th Letchworth

Chris Page SL 1st Baldock

Peter Baker

It was with sorrow that we heard the sad news of Peter Baker’s death. Peter was a stalwart supporter of both Norton Bury and Wymondley Wood. He played a major role in the development and maintenance of both Centres, where he was known and admired for his technical ability and the many assemblies which started life in his garage and then ended up at Wymondley Wood as a Tuck Trolley or shelter at the back of the ablution block. Those of you with a long memory will remember Peter’s ingenuity at Lochearnhead. At that time the water supply to the Station came from concrete tanks on the hillside and quite often after heavy rain the pipes were blocked with silt leaving the station without water until plumbers cleared the blockage. When this happened to us Peter rigged up a temporary supply with a garden hose to syphon water from a pool a few yards up the hill to fill a collection of buckets so that we could flush the toilets. Peter and Ruth ran the District Scout Shop from 1978 to 1994. Peter was awarded a Thanks Badge in July 1984 by the District Executive. And in 1999 he was awarded the Chief Scout’s Commendation. We will miss his energy, enthusiasm, and dedication and the precise manner in which he approached every project. He was a quiet but friendly member of the team. Our thoughts are with Ruth and her family at this sad time. No: 637

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Letchworth & Baldock District Scout Council Editor: Rita Hawkins 1 South Close Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 6DS Tele: 01462 643432 e-mail Printed by: Print Factory, 32 Whitehorse Street Baldock SG7 6QQ 01462 896289

No: 637

June 7 12 16 24 - 26 25 26 July 1-3 19 September 6 17 24 30 - 2 Oct October 9 14 - 16 November 11 - 13 December 16

Diary Dates


Scout & Guide Shop Open County Water Activity Day YL Training Module ’A’ Prepare for take off Peak Practise - Orchard Farm County Beavers In Tents - Well End County Beavers In Tents - Well End County Cub Centenary Camp Scout & Guide Shop Closes Scout & Guide Shop Reopens 4th Letchworth Quiz County Cub Night Hike County Scout Born 2B Challenged County Cub Cyclocross Peak Assault County Scouts Green Beret Challenge District Cub Promise Party

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