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adam colton surf-rodz steadham tech slide w/ mark short longboard girls crew freebord




18 TECH SLIDE slide 101 w/ mark short

40 GIRLZ GIRLZ GIRLZ longboard girls crew

heidi germann

INTERVIEW adam colton

28 OLDSCHOOL steve steadham


ON THE cover nome. Tiago Simao Carvalho Soares idade. 22 anos localidade. Espinho desportos. Surf, skate, bike, etc. hobbies. Organização de eventos, namorar e conviver com os amigos. musica. Bob Marley patrocinios/apoios. Adidas skateboarding, livity, invertshop, bollywood, clinica dentária ora, skate clube de espinho Há quanto tempo andas de skate? Ando de skate há 4 anos. O que te levou ao longboard? Foi o conhecimento da volta a portugal de skate feita pelo eduardo abalada. Ele passou por espinho e fomos todos ate ao skate park de ovar de skate. Foi assim que tudo comecou! DH/Freeride/Carving/Slide/Slalom/Bowl ou Park? Gosto de todas a vertentes do longskate mas a que mais gosto é o dh e freeride. Quais os teus longboards e respectivos setups? Landyacthz. Quais os teus objectivos na vida? Viajar, trabalhar e ter uma vida saudável e com muito desporto porque é aquilo que mais gosto. Descreve-nos o teu dia-a-dia... O meu dia a dia de momento é dormir, praia, surf. Durante a tarde dou aulas de skate, longboard, e surf. Durante a noite trabalho num bar onde organizo umas festinhas!!



LBZ MAG CREW pedro fernandes eduardo guimarães josé antónio leão gonçalo rodrigues susana torroais CONTRIBUTORS will edgecombe mark short tiago franco BIG THANKS TO wayne gallipoli adam colton pablo castro steve steadham jacky madenfrost josh wright nick chandler tiago maya diego cardenas sedano KOASTAL RAYNE RUTILVA HÜGELHERZBLUT BUSTIN BOARDS SURF-RODZ SEISMIC


JUST SMILE Another edition, another stories, and so many amazing people all together in one issue... You can’t imagine the stoke we get, when we open our e-mail and read all of your awesome support, and actually get a chance to know you a little better. And to see your interest on become a part of this project... blows our mind away! Cause this is what this magazine is all about - sharing! Sharing your joy, your ideas, your work, your projects, your life! This was made for You and we are stoked to see this passion grow. And know one thing: Our LONGBOARD LOVE is for LIFE! LONG LIVE our LONGBROTHERHOOD! share the love. enjoy. LBZ Crew



by gonçalo rodrigues

Wayne Gallipoli is a maverick illustrator and graphic designer. His work has appeared in a series of magazines, publications and exhibition places. He has received awards from the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles and Print’s Regional Design annuals. But for us skaters, he is mostly known for being one of the owners of West Haven-based, skate and snowboard manufacturer, Surf-Rodz. A very encouraging person, devoted to the world of skateboarding in the many forms of his passions. Here’s a little chat with him...

the most: snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing With 30 years of being a designer I had worked in a wide range of media including print, motion, multimedia, music, furniture and interior design. But having a son kind of helped me to change the way I looked at my career choices and what was really important to me.

Surf Rodz (SZ) brand is now very well renown for the CNC trucks you guys make, but this were not the kind of products SZ was delivering in the beginning. The first time I heard about SZ, was in a set of Hi Wayne, just before starting, tell us a pictures of your Olo Gun deck. Was this bit more about yourself. the start point of SZ? At what age did you got in contact with a skateboard? Surf-Rodz was born in 2005. I started like most DIY-ers do -- in a garage making simple It was 1969 and I was 10 years old….I saw skate decks and skimboards. I always made a few pictures in a magazine and it just stirred things growing up. From the time I could use my interest. So I gave it a try. I was the only tools I was always building something. kid on my street that had a skateboard. Like most companies, SZ grew as an idea…think big, but be small. It was also What drove you to start your own about forcing the “skating industry” to begin company? changing the way it looks at things, at products and forgetting about the pleasures to be had Believe it or not, it was when my son Daniel in skating. SZ is really about having options was born. I decided to blend my graphic and then seeing how creative we can be with design and construction business together those options. to create products for the sports that I enjoy LBZ MAG I #10

ph. stephen ciuccoli


What was the target, in terms of market placement, when SZ started to take shape? I always had a strong desire to own and ride an exotic, high-quality product that could deliver a high-performance ride. Due to market trends and a few negative downward spirals in the economical cycle, I decided to shift gears and only a few Surf-Rodz enthusiasts stuck around for the ride that was yet to come. Longboard and snowboard deck sales declined. Consequently, I started thinking of different ways to sell decks about “dumbing down” the product by using cheaper materials for construction, and using cheaper trucks and accessories when selling the boards as completes. From that reorientation, I brainstormed for nearly a year on where to head next with SZ. The real action started in 2009 when I partnered with JV Precision Machine Company . JVP is a second-generation, family-owned company, offering precision CNC machining services to a variety of US industries. Being a designer is never enough, so a key element to product development is finding a perfect balance of individuals who work together in an intersection of common goals. In a dramatic fashion, SZ was reborn in 2010 with the meshing of my two partners, Andy and Joe. They helped create a perfect environment that allows SZ to grow as a company. They have also realized that SZ’s vision is a real driving force for changes in

the skate industry. What was once a simple garage-based longboard operation is now a much more functional group possessing a load of potential and manufacturing muscle The Olo Gun deck was a very fresh view and interpretation of a skateboard, with its amazing lines and pointy edges, combined with the awesome wood pattern…How did it connect to the company philosophy? I think any company that manufactures in today’s market must be conscious of environmental impact. And that ranges from using wood to cutting billet aluminum for the SZ trucks. We’re very aware of waste management issues, and we recycle everything. It is also important to design products and build around efficiency. It allows you to compete and offer more to the skater. The Olo gun deck itself was just a chance for me to build something I liked. It also reflects my interest in the history of surfboard design. I based it on a 1929 picture of Tom Blake standing next to a few 16-foot surfboards. There were two kinds of surfboard in these times, an ‘Olo’ (rode by the chiefs or the noblemen known as the ‘Alii’) and a ‘Alaia’ (rode by the commoners). The wooden boards were made using the Wili Wili, the Ula and the Koa trees. The boards ranged from 10 to 16 feet long depending on social class… 10-12 feet for commoners and 14-16 feet for the noblemen and chiefs. I liked the meshing of the ideas of lengths and status, but in the


r. jason mitchell ph. jay vonesh

skate world I wanted to put a twist on it, and so I made an extra-long deck that would appeal to and be used by regular skaters. Proteak’s founders, Hector Bonilla and Javier Diaz Calvo, created a profitable, sustainable teak company in a sector otherwise marred by illegal logging and corruption. Their vision is to operate as a business that addresses social, environmental and economic concerns. Because of its commitment to sustainable business practice, Proteak serves as a model in an industry in which illegal logging runs rampant and the major regions of production in Southeast Asia experience deforestation LBZ MAG I #12

rates of about one percent per year....Their story and their advocacy is amazing and exciting, and I saw a natural fit between what they were doing and what I thought SZ could accomlish. Our collaboration just shows what can be done by many people working together on issues instead of competing all the time. These types of collaborations allows us all to think outside the box and keep an industry fresh. Plus, teak is one of the greatest woods in the world. Just being able to hand-shape a deck from teak is a great feeling.... It really connected me with those pioneer surfboard

For a company designing clean and organically wood decks, mainly in the form of cruisers, few people could tell that the next step would be designing one of the most innovative precision skateboarding trucks. What´s behind this “illogical” step? Life is a series of doors, so why not open them and see what’s behind them. I felt it was time to branch out and focus on the heart of a skate deck. The trucks are what allow a deck to become a part of the skater’s life line. They allow skaters to dial in a style of riding…. All SZ saw in the marketplace was large selections of cast skate trucks and not much going on as far as adjustable features. Skaters were really beginning to push the sport, and so SZ wanted to be up front alongside them. We believed that the skater was ready for more

choices, and if the snowboard and surfing market could grow with better gear, then why couldn’t the skate industry grow in that direction as well. Having complete control of the manufacturing process gave SZ this ability to adapt. Most mass-produced truck operations can not expand or change direction without large costs, but SZ can because we manufacture and design in the same location. My office is 20 feet away from our (JVP) production facility. We can respond to skater requirements in a fraction of time it takes for some of the bigger players to do so. We pride ourselves on our quality, our state-of-the-art equipment and our staff that truly cares about what they produce. More to the point, because of how we’re organized, we can manufacture a quality product at a competitive price and pass this on to our customers. Skaters are what drives the market, and so SZ is trying to be responsive to them and at the same time

ph. stephen ciuccoli

makers in California and Hawaii.


be one step ahead of them, too. Everyone involved with SZ feels that the skateboard industry has many ways to keep growing and pushing forward. If you think about it, riders in every discipline are starting to demand more. If we want to keep skating exciting and new for younger and energetic riders, we have to match or beat their youthful outlook and energy. The musician RY COODER once said in an interview, “I like beautiful things, and things that are tough and serious.” He suggested that the national supply of such things was running out. I’m not sure that’s true, but SZ definitely wants to be among those things that are beautiful, tough and serious. Surf-Rodz has three overarching goals: be committed to skaters, collaborate whenever and wherever we can, and deliver products that skaters want.

an entirely different type of operation. We can create the molds for wheels, but pouring them is not something we’re set up to do. The heli-coil system is a clever step on the design and with it brings an added security. Give us your insight on this.

In order for us to design a more adjustable truck hanger that allowed for axle integration, we had to step away from a normal axle using a jam nut. We decided to use a 10MM bolt axle. They are high-tensile strength axles that are removable and they end up giving the skater the adjustability he or she needs by adding or removing spacers to alter the width of the truck. To secure the axles we chose to use a heli-coil inside the hangers. This set up provides an exclusive, resilient internal locking thread that grips the bolt and prevents it from loosening under vibration or impact. Again, one thing of great interest is to The locking action is achieved by one or more place your view of the precisions truck of the coils of the insert having a series of market, in order to know the impetuous straight segments, or chords. When the bolt for making a truck with yours design. Why enters this grip coil these chord segments flex trucks and not wheels? outward creating pressure on the bolt. This pressure is exerted between the flanks of the Trucks were easier because we directly bolt thread thus utilizing the maximum contact manufacture all the parts and have all the area and minimizing the unit pressure. Heli-Coils permit repeated assembly and machines to do it. Manufacturing wheels is LBZ MAG I #14

disassembly, but they will not relax their grip on the screw even in tough metals such as cast iron, alloy steel, titanium, etc. Heli-Coil products are used with confidence in the aerospace, electronics, automotive, telecommunications, and defense industries, where quality and performance is a must.

line is that we are skaters and designers who just so happen to manufacture. To me, that’s the best situation to be in.

The extension axles came to fill the need for the enlargement of conventional trucks, which shows how much SZ is aware for the market needs. How has been the The SZ RKP (reverse kingpin) trucks acceptance for this product? came to set a new standard in what quality/ The extensions were designed to lenghten price takes concern, for the production of CNC trucks. How did you manage to a longboard truck hanger axle to axle, without make such a difference towards all other having to spend the money on a set of brand products in the market, and not falling in new trucks, or multiple sets for that matter. the hole of bad quality/poorly engineered The greatest thing about the extensions is that they opened up a new use for a narrow skate products? truck. With extensions, you could now get the This is where collaboration and partnering hard carve and tight turns of a narrow cast with a manufacturer that understands the truck without wheelbite. It also helped change day-to-day process comes into play. JVP is the way certain skateboard trucks like Randal a true manufacturing organization. They ’re and Bennett skate ride and performed. These extension axles began as the first a fine tuned organization but still have a competitive, small business mentality. With step toward designing the SZ truck system. over 35 years of experience they excel in These extensions still sell, but once we process development, design and engineering launched the SZ truck system skaters got the to produce virtually any product required. best we have to offer. Bringing this experience into the marketplace In terms of RKP trucks, there are a lot of has allowed Surf-Rodz to respond on demand to the requirements of the industry. We are CNC models out there, but the same does able to compete worldwide with state-of- not happen with regular kingpin ones! the-art machinery located here in Seymour, Which brings us to the INDeeSZ. What´s Connecticut – USA. Diversification, quality the story behind this? and pricing have all helped lead the way for The INDeeSZ design was our attempt to our business venture. Partnering with JVP has given SZ a new crossover a truck system to the park/street ability to respond to skaters’ feedback . As the skater and longboarder…. It’s the first time in skaters are becoming more knowledgeable the history of the skate industry, a far as I can and expressive about their wants and needs, determine, that there is a mass production financial security has given SZ the ability cnc trucks for short boards but are used in to achieve better value to the customer. As longboarding. We see this as a way to get vendors push the global marketplace for the entire skateboarding market into using products, it seems that issues with quality better gear. The skater has now the ability to and service begin to appear. The industry is adjust the trucks to his/her own riding style. more focused on reducing the cost and giving Also we have created the trucks in such a no thought in regards to quality, delivery way that should a skater wear out the hanger and customer service. Both JVP and SZ are (due to very aggressive griding), only the focused on achieving the best product for the specific portion that has shown evidence of wear can be changed out and replaced. All most economic means available. Having full control of the manufacturing of this is done with affordability, precision process gives us this ability now. The bottom and versatility in the design. After the initial #15 I LBZ MAG

ph. stephen ciuccoli

investment, replacement parts are far less expensive since there is no need to replace all of the components, which is generally the case in a cast product where you may be required to purchase the entire assembly. Also, our trucks are designed with the pivot pin axis being utilized to its full function, allowing the rider to control turns and leans with complete precision. And with the detachable hanger we were also able to reduce material waste and pass the savings on to the customer. Anything on the lab to be released in the near future? Yes, everything from more affordable truck development, INDeeSZ adjustable bases, NEW 8mm fixed axle INDeeSZ hangers, to wheel design. Getting the SZ deck operation running at full force so we can bring deck/truck integration into the whole design process…We’re also looking at more direct collaboration with other companies as well and putting together a worldwide SZ team. LBZ MAG I #16

How do you see the growth of the sport, and where does SZ places in it? I look at it all as skateboarding. I see more skaters taking more control of their deck set ups and wanting more choices in products. There are more diverse riding styles and SZ has the products to match this freedom. The international markets are pushing forward, and we’re keeping our eyes on that. Still, SZ will remain a place where design and product exploration are paramount. We’re really focused on designing quality products that skaters want, and not just becoming another skate brand. Thanks a lot for the interview Wayne. All the best to you, and the entire team at SZ. Thank you for your support, and SZ looks forward to collaborating with you as we move forward.


by susana torroais

The style, the crazyness, the vibe. It’s all about having fun, give it a go, and be yourself. Since my early days of longboarding I’ve been following his journey, always pushing it further. And the videos... what a delight to watch! There’s so many amazing longboarders out there, but if I had to pick one??? Oh easy... So getting the chance to make this interview put a big smile on my face. I hope it puts a smile on yours too! haha Cause we all need to smile a little more... Thank you Adam and Pablo for this opportunity! Release the monster. Who is Adam Colton? He sits silent, stares and smells of BO. The girl across the street looks at him puzzled because she can’t quite figure out if he is homeless or not. Clothes ripped and battered. He twirls his rat-tail and takes a bite of a Trader Joe’s dried mango piece and says, “Boy you best be get gittin on gittin on getting.”

old, so that makes it 16 years. Haha, crazy to think it has been 16 years… seems like a long time. There was some time during high school where I stopped skating and drove around in cars being a bored, destructive suburban kid. I only ended up in jail 5 times and made an escape 3 times. Still on the run… they will never catch me, hahaha. What triggered you into longboarding? A longboard made of pie? Pumpkin pie longboards are my favorite. My friend Justin Crenshaw wanted to go fast and he needed someone to race the suburban hills against, so he helped me get my first board: a Sector 9 48in pintail… I loved that board. We raced each other on our knees with our dads’ old denim jumpsuits. From there, I started making boards with my friend Matt Richard and then slowly started riding for LBL and Loaded. I felt with longboarding I could help contribute and make a difference. Ok four words: all together now video.

STOKED you have seen that video. ‘Tis a classic. My first and last music video. The record deal fell For how many years have you been riding short; they said I was not handsome enough but a plank of wood? Remember your first would make a good hand model. Haha, this is skateboard? from the era that I had hair; now I got the very suave balding look. Check out the video here Been riding a skateboard since I was 13 years LBZ MAG I #18


“You don’t have to have lots of things/junk to be happy. It’s something I have learned and may be hard for some to understand; some may think they understand but probably don’t, but I know some will if they spend a lot of time in the outdoors. This simple but deep concept… WE ARE ALL ANIMALS.” WhoisAdam provided some of the first great longboard videos in Youtube. Tell us more about your relation with the “other” Adam, the dancing scene at the time, and how the entire feedback from the comunity/viewers changed things for you. When I first met Adam S. he was the younger, skinny, new kid on the block who always talked about how great Florida was. I said, “Fool, forget Florida. You in Springfield, V to the A now, bro. This is the hood, yo,” and flashed my pistol. He was 3 years younger than me and we rolled with different crews, but skateboarding brought us together. In fact, he even dated my sister; they almost got married, hahaha. We street skated many hours in the front of his house on launch ramps, grind boxes and rails. Adam was never too fond of the longboard until he broke his leg naked alligator wrestling and was out for over a year. He needed to ease his way back into skating and super chill longboarding was the way to go. So right before I left for the 2.5-month Skate USA trip, I gave him a 60-in homemade longboard decorated with my monster faces to mess around with. When I came back from the trip, that boy was a dancing fool. He was addicted. We made our first video together “Longboarding Adam’s Style” that got a really good response from the community. People were stoked; they had never really seen longboarding like this before. Now, 275 videos later, that brings

us to today. ‘Tis a lot of videos, and there will be more to come. Though, Adam S. and I are retired now and working on our sea captain licenses, ya know it big dawg.

about to travel through time


skate USA LBL boards

So you already skated through America, since; I have a warrant for my arrest, hahaha. Europe, New Zealand, South America and It is rumored that in your visit to Morocco, you Morocco. How many blisters did you get? smoked a funky crazy shisha and you had one allucination about the future of longboarding, I pretty much have stayed blister free, but there do you want to tell us what you saw? was probably a blister here and there on some of the earlier trips; now I got my foot situation I saw longboarders riding off cliffs with wings wired… merino wool, baby, and super feet. My suits and flying. biggest foot accomplishment was taking one pair of skate shoes (I-PATHS) 3,000 miles across the What is the thing about long distance? US. Halfway through, I got a huge hole in my right shoe (footbrake shoe) and for a whole month I Gets me away from the computer, makes me would just keep patching the hole with duct tape, live simple and more like an animal. There is hahaha. I still felt the ground through the shoe, something very satisfying about each day being but if you tolerate pain long enough you body on the move, packing up all you own in 15 minutes eventually tells the pain to shut up… good rule to and being on your way, hahah. Then you come know. back and look at your house, apartment or other people’s clutter… such a contrast. I live my life Why didn’t you end the euro trip in Portugal? more simply because of these trips. Some people Cops are lovely here, did you know that? They would look at the way I live and think I am poor, smile and wave goodbye. Just a thought. but I have just had different experiences in my life that have led me to a more simple lifestyle. Yeah, the Europe trip was a bit tricky. We had a You don’t have to have lots of things/junk to be really fun team but our support driver really wanted happy. It’s something I have learned and may be to go home, bit of heartbreak, girl situation, so after hard for some to understand; some may think they getting busted by the cops in France and Spain we understand but probably don’t, but I know some called it quits. I have never been back to Europe will if they spend a lot of time in the outdoors. LBZ MAG I #20

This simple but deep concept… WE ARE ALL seeing Larry for the first time. A stocky, baldheaded ANIMALS. There is much I have learned about guy wearing an apron with paint all over it, rocking this but just remember that. light blue crocks. I was like, “Who the heck is this guy?” hahaha. We stayed with Larry and family A couple of years ago a DVD made everyone for a couple days as our bus got fixed, and our smile. Do you think you could make us smile friendship developed. From there Larry built us again and maybe become a billionaire out of new pusher boards to take the rest of the trip royalties? and became our media/marketing guy, contacted newspapers in towns we were heading through, Wooo wee, that was a lot of work making that TV stations… he even met up with us in Utah and DVD, getting music rights, this and that…. Not made his way to Virginia for the welcome home sure if we are going to come out with a DVD again. celebration. Larry and family are just wonderful. We kind of believe having our videos FREE to They have huge hearts, nothing but good vibes. download on the internet makes the most sense. The LOADED story - I got an email from Loaded But who knows…. dealing with music rights can saying they wanted to send me some boards for always be tricky. the Skate USA trip, the boards were awesome but too flexy for distance skating. We made a video Share the magic, how did you end up always with the Vanguard called “The Soul of Vanguard working with amazing brands like LBL, Loaded Carver,” ‘tis a classic. They told me they were and Paris? stoked on the videos I had been making and asked me to contact them once I got back from the trip. Sit back and relax; here is the tale… LBL was a So I did, and slowly a relationship developed and random beautiful act. On our Skate USA trip our I made the move out to CA before Don was ready, bus broke down in Salem, Oregon. We called our hahaha. Don the owner is now a good friend and friend Scott from Bend, Oregon and he set us up a great mentor. Feel honored to work for such with LongboardLarry, who happened to live right in a great company that embraces many beautiful Salem. I still remember walking out of the bus and pure ideas driven by the simple concept to grow

one foot nose manual


all aspects of longboarding and creativity. As for Paris, I got an email from Joey one day pretty much saying he was stoked on what I was doing in the longboard community and would like to make some signature Adam Colton Monster trucks, and bam a ram, here we are today, a little older and a little balder.

Loaded has got the longboard scene to a all new level. What do you feel as being a huge part of it?

‘Tis all teamwork. Really stoked how Loaded and our videos have helped inspire people not only to longboard but also to enjoy travel, filming/ editing, photography, music, writing…life. Why just For all of you that want to get sponsored, work inspire with longboarding when there are so many in the industry or make your passion your job. I other things worth exploring? I am also totally say, be persistent but not overly pushy. Do your stoked to see other longboard companies stepping thing and let the companies that you respect and up and making inspiring media, as well… makes admire know what you are doing. Keep in touch me happy. If we want longboarding to continue to with them, get to know them. If what you are doing grow in a healthy manner and not just be a fad, is quality and creative there is a good chance of everyone has to work together; one company is something working out, sometimes it takes some not going to do it all. I think a lot of people that do time. If not, at least you tried and there can always not work in the industry do not realize: yes, there is competition between longboard companies, but be opportunities down the line. there is also friendship and respect. I am stoked Hey, I heard that the Adam Colton signature to have relationships with several longboard model of Paris trucks gives us a crazy super companies and I hope to develop more. We are monster powers. Is that true? all in this together. The INTERNET has played a huge role If you could only do 3 pull-ups before, you won’t be able to do any since you will be too busy in the (especially YouTube) in growing longboarding. ‘Tis powerful to think you can post a video and it presence of beautiful ladies. Results do vary. can inspire millions of people all over the world. We have grown our LoadedNewsletter YouTube channel in a very grass roots way over the past 5 years and are really stoked that we can post videos now and see them reach over 100,000 views in less than a month (and some in the millions, over time). The loaded dancer was tremendous, can you share some technical secrets about this work with us. Well, I am actually really stoked on the Bhangra. After riding the Bhangra and stepping on the old Dancer it makes me realize how much of an improvement the Bhangra is. Building a big flexy board can be a challenge. I am stoked on the damp flex we achieved with the board. The rocker and mellow concave was a nice touch that just cradles you as you move around on the board. The updated and more upturned nose and tail was key. Having a functional grip tape design with 2 different grip tape coarseness was a nice touch. Laying up a wood and cork construction imposed backside blunt slide

adam doing timelapse photography

some challenges on the best to layer it. We shall continue to improve and modify this board the more we learn and as riding styles and technology changes, as we will do with all of our boards.

can say is we are all very proud of this project; it has taken the most R&D of any of our boards to date, and we are trying a bunch of new things that I think are going to inspire other companies and push the envelope a little further on what is Many have speculated about the release of a possible. Timeframe‌. I have my predictions, but Loaded DH deck. We know that this is Loaded to be very vague it will happen this year, unless biggest project because it involves material Aliens attack. imported from another planet, so when can we expect the first units on the market? We find you as being a beautiful and inspiring person, and that brings us to‌ what inspires Ahh yes, the mysterious Loaded DH/Freeride you? Deck. This board has been in the works for a long time but never had the momentum to be a reality. I apply beauty cream every Monday. The guy Stoked to say that now is the time that is becoming with the whip in the corner inspires me, hahaha. a reality. People don’t realize we want this board Experiences inspire me. All you know and think to come out as bad as they do, haha. We want can be altered with just one experience, whatever to ride it and not have to keep it a secret. All I that may be. #23 I LBZ MAG

climbing patagonia

Why every longboarder should wear a If you could predict the future, say ten years helmet? from now, you would see yourself going where to do what? Well, wearing your helmet is actually pretty much the normal and respected thing to do now That is what I love sooo much about working in the longboard community. If you don’t have a with Loaded and my life. The future, who knows… helmet on around here, you get yelled at, tarred and makes me so happy not knowing. I think it would feathered, and hung up on a post for all to laugh be kind of a bummer if you knew exactly where at. Other than that, it makes sense, especially if you would be and what you would be doing for the you are going fast, bombing hills, doing big slides, rest of your life. I don’t think anyone at Loaded learning new tricks… I have seen so many videos predicted this amount of growth this fast as a of kids smacking their heads in helmets; if they company. With growth more opportunities present didn’t have a helmet on then they might be a little themselves, more contacts are made… who knows funky today. I admit to not wearing a helmet all the what those will be. For me personally, each year I time. It happens, but I wear a helmet a lot more am meeting new people and making contacts. I am than I used to. slowly developing relationships with companies in LBZ MAG I #24

the outdoor industry, which makes me happy. If I keep up with my current desire to travel, explore, learn, meet people I see much learning, growth and experiences ahead.

is about growing and learning from experiences; make experiences happen, don’t just be lazy. I say go outside more, try not washing your face with soap (just use water). Drink lots of water. Stretch daily, even if it is just for 5 minutes. Learn Everyone has a word to define their selves. massaging techniques. Travel. Be gutsy and talk What is your word? to the girl or boy you have been eyeing. Thank Monster. your body for being awesome and allowing you to do amazing things. Surround yourself with Care to share some love and send a message good people. Don’t let longboarding be your only to our readers? passion; find other things worth exploring as well. Thanks for the opportunity for the interview; I Don’t develop an ego; no matter how good you feel lucky to be able to share my thoughts. Like get, always remember you used to suck, hahaha. I say with all interviews, this is just me writing; Help teach the beginners. Eat honey butter. actions are the true testament. I may think this now, but who knows what I will think later. Life Tigers, Adam



SLIDING 101 w/ MARK SHORT by will edgecombe

Mark and I have been asked to collaborate on a series of articles on sliding for this magazine. I thought I’d kick off with a few questions to pick Mark’s brain on the essence of sliding and what it takes to be a slider. Mark has been riding for Rayne Longboards since 2007 but sliding since 1997. I first met him in 2004 and have learnt much from his ability to teach by breaking down techniques into clear actions. My own riding has come on in leaps and bounds to a level where I have also dedicated myself to sliding. We have both continued to progress through constant practice and mutual support, travelling to deepen our understanding with the best riders we can find.

Why slide? It’s probably the most fun you can have on a skateboard without any special location. It has a learning curve that can never be truly mastered, there’s always something else to discover, more control to gain and great riders to shred with. In my opinion it’s like a martial art with a core of techniques; although skaters like to see themselves as being free and creative, there are fundamentals to learn. Generations of skaters have worked to further sliding and not to learn from them would be folly. It takes self discipline, mental control, many years of consistent effort and openness to learn. LBZ MAG I #28

Leave your ego at home or you’ll find it broken or stolen. No matter what form of riding you prefer, sliding will make you better at it, not to mention faster, stronger and mentally sharper.

What do I need? First off, a helmet. You can’t slide without your brain. You need to ask yourself some questions: Can I ride a board competently? Can I foot brake? Do I have somewhere safe to practice? Then all you need is slide gloves, and any old setup will do, though I recommend hard (95a+) wheels to start with. Sliding entails falling, so save yourself from weeks on the sideline by getting at least some kneepads and a good first aid kit too.

What about progressing? Taking that you can already ride confidently, start by learning two fundamental safety slides; the two handed toeside safety stop (then the same technique but be able to ride away). The more complicated Coleman slide is next and will enable you to bomb any hill. Once you’ve got these down, research is the key. Watch movies, skate with people who are better than you, simply put in the hard work required. If you can only skate once a week, progress will be

r. mark short ph. will edgecombe

tech slide

r. will edgecombe

r. fernando yuppie ph. will edgecombe

r. mark short ph. will edgecombe


slow. I would recommend three times a week, on a day on- day off basis. Believe me, you’ll need that day off! When you are truly confident in a variety of hands down slides, only then should you progress to standup slides. By this time you should be knowledgeable enough to make fast gains.

So you mentioned watching movies, what do you recommend? There is a plethora of amazing footage out there and it’s hard to choose one above another. Blowing my own trumpet here, but all the basics slides are on I would recommend Skatehousemedia, Skate[Slate] and Silverfish for an absolute wealth of movies. If you want to see the pinnacle of sliding, Brazilian riders skating in contest mode will blow your mind.

on board every day. It’s defined by speed, power moves, larger flatter decks with softer wheels. In my experience, freeriding used to be just about getting down the hill, and now you need to be able to ride reg, switch, predrift corners standup, both toeside and heelside and be able to do slide tricks in combination. It’s following the path of technical sliding to a point where the two disciplines are becoming blurred. As freeriders search for a higher level of performance they will gravitate towards technical sliding’s broader trick range and greater difficulty in order to improve their overall riding.

Any final thoughts? The journey to high end technical sliding may not be for everyone. The physicality, mental hardness and inevitable injuries involved wear many riders down before they make a big breakthrough. Yet the fundamentals are relatively simple to learn and give great joy and satisfaction, no matter what level is finally achieved.

What does the future hold? At the moment freeride is dominating the market, with a whole host of new riders coming

r. mark short ph. will edgecombe


Check back for further Sliding 101 articles from us in the future.

r. sergio yuppie ph. will edgecombe

“No matter what form of riding you prefer, sliding will make you better at it, not to mention faster, stronger and mentally sharper.� #31 I LBZ MAG


DH VELEFIQUE 30.APR - 02.MAY.11 by susana torroais

r. aleix gallimo

r. jorge sousa & zeto le達o

r. zeto le達o

r. felix druschel

r. max newton

r. cristine maier

r. pedro roque

r. kevin reimer

r. jorge sousa

r. gonรงalo martins

r. felix druschel

r. el papi & zeto le達o

r. ?

r. eduardo “eko” guimarães

r. luzi spengler

r. sim達o soares

r. jorge pernes

STEVE STEADHAM by pedro fernandes

In this issue we have a name that was and remains a reference in the worldwide skateboarding panorama. A true Old School icon, former member of the most mythical skate team of all time, the Bones Brigade. A Skater who still rips and shred bowls all over the world. Musician, owner of his own brand of skate products. Ladies and gentlemen, a man who needs no introduction. Do us a small presentation of yourself, who is Steve Steadham? Im a pro skater and Musician from the Bones Brigade.

makes me wanna skate even more. Especially when I listen to the Bad Brains .. lol What is the role of spirituality in your life and how it relates to skateboarding? I am a Believer in Jesus Christ.. He has loved me since I was born and I am so thankful to have him in my life.. Through his blessings I have balance and thats how I became a serious part of skateboarding. Seeing my 3 beautiful little princesses- Jayde, Alexxis & Atasia- come into this world was the biggest blessing in my life. You made part of the Bones Brigade, the most iconic skate team ever, tells us a little about that time.

How does the skateboard came into Getting on the Bones Brigade was a huge your life? Blessing. Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Mike McGill, Rodney Mullen was the Skateboarding is the most insane thing in the most awesome experience. world besides music... All of the guys are so passionate and down to earth it was crazy.. I mean Tony Hawk is so cool You’re also a musician, how does music and modest Stacy Peralta is a mastermind. influence your passion for skateboarding and vice versa? What changed in skateboarding since that time? Music is something that skateboarding can’t do without.. They are so different but for me music A lot has changed. It has Progressed to an LBZ MAG I #40

ph. mrz



ph. mark nylander

“Music is something that skateboarding can’t do without.. They are so different but for me music makes me wanna skate even more.”

amazing level. Danny Way, Bob Burnquist, Jake Brown, Street Skating, Ryan Scheckler, Austen Seaholm, PLG wow.. its sick nowadays.

For a skater that lived the real skateboard scene in the 80s, how the internet and social networks have come change this sport?

The graphic of your pro-model has You can find out about stuff a lot quicker. become a classic in the world of skateboarding and is still instantly Dont really think it has changed it that much. recognized by the old school skaters, Skateboarding is the best Sport in the world... do you think it’s still possible today to (*_*) a skateboard graphic obtain the same Did you ever think that after all these level of notoriety ? years you would still be connected to Not really lol.. the industry changes graphics so skate? much now and theres alot of awesome graphics No not really at all. I stopped skating for 15 but I still think the 80’s generation had the strongest ones. Its pretty obvious when skaters see that the years. Back in the 80’s if you where 25 you where old skool per say Graphics are still around and old as heck lol.. now the best skaters are like 30+ Bucky Lasek is my favorite. look better than 90% of all the new stuff. That guy is from another Planet and Danny How the internet and social networks Way.. have come to change this sport? I know your specialty are the bowls, Its awesme because skaters can communicate but we want to know your opinion on with other skaters from around the world. I talk to the longboard scene, did you already experienced? for example do you follow skaters on Facebook all the time. Its Awesome. the IGSA World Cup Series? LBZ MAG I #42

I like longboarding and Im making some longboard products also. I plan on really getting involved with the IGSA and sponsor some riders in the next month or two. Until when you think you will continue to skate? Until the Good Lord calls me to go see him. All 3 of my daughters Skate. So Im a happy camper. Finally, some wise words for anyone who is starting. Just have fun and think positive. Anything is possible. Do not let color, money or family members discourage you from doing what you like to do. No drugs and use your common sense.

ph. mark nylander



r. ryan bishop ph. nick chandler

r. jorge pernes ph. tiago maya


r. ? ph. diego cardenas sedano

send us your best longboard photos be on the next issue

girlz girlz girlz

r. longboard girls crew madrid ph. juan rayos

LONGBOARD GIRLS CREW by by susana susana torroais torroais LBZ MAG I #48

Tell us a bit about Longboard Girls Crew project. Jacky Madenfrost: Longboard Girls Crew is an International community of women that longboard. This means we would like to represent every girl that longboards in the world. We have built a platform that allows the riders to interact with each other, become close, create events, exchange advice, create local crews.. all this aimed to a feminine audience, which was really missing in this sport.

Madenfrost, Monica Madenfrost, Carlota MartĂŒn Torrent, Valeria Kechichian, Chus Asensio and Juan Rayos as the Special Guest Star haha. Are you all local based in Madrid? JM: Yes, despite the fact that most of us were born abroad (Venezuela, Canada or Argentina) we all live in Madrid, Spain.

The group has grown exponentially on facebook. Throw us a number, so far how many girls have become part of the LGC team? JM: We have almost 13.000 fans on Who are the mentors behind LGC? JM: It all started with the Facebook fan page, Facebook, though not all of them are longboard as something casual. We were five or six girls girls. We have more than 200 girls from 33 riding in Madrid and thought that there had different countries. to be more, in Madrid and everywhere else. Did you ever imagine that there were that Immediately we came up with the video idea, and contact every girl we knew in Spain. We many girls riding a longboard? JM: Never.. And the fact that we are all asked Juan Rayos to shoot it and the rest is getting together is such a wonderful thing. We history. Now we are a six member staff: Jacky knew there had to be girls longboarding all over

r. jessica corchia

r. jacky madenfrost ph. juan rayos r. jessica corchia


r. longboard girls crew madrid ph. juan rayos

the world, but only in our wildest dreams we when it´s just us its so much fun, we teach each thought we could manage to build a community other new tricks, we encourage each other to this big and get all together. It´s just amazing. do better, there is no pressure, just the fun. I’ve noticed that since LGC is on facebook and especially after that video by Juan Rayos of all of you riding around Madrid, lots of girls videos start to pop up on vimeo and youtube, with clear influences from LGC. What do you feel been part of it? JM: Yes, it´s so great. We constantly receive messages from girls inspired by our video that want to start longboarding, or riders that want to do something similar, shoot a video or start a local crew. This is what LGC is all about: all of us, getting together and helping each other, no matter you age, situation or level. And what about Madrid, how you would describe your girl community? JM: As we said, when we started we were five or six girls riding. Now, we are 30 and growing! We enjoy so much getting together and riding. Of course we still enjoy riding with the boys, but LBZ MAG I #50

How do you see the future for women’s longboarding? JM: Bright, of course! This community keeps growing in gigantic steps, and we couldn´t be happier. As you said, more and more girls are starting to longboard or getting better at it, uploading videos of themselves without any embarrassment, daring to push their limits. We are so proud to have contributed, at least in a small part, to this amazing event. A message to all the girls would be... JM: Go for it! If you want to start longboarding just do it, you will certainly find support in your local girl crew and if you don´t find one, we will help you contact the girls in you city. Forget about the fear, forget about the embarrassment, this is not about being the best, this is about having a great time, enjoying this sport and if you´re lucky, making great friends on the way.

r. georginna ivanov

r. longboard girls crew madrid ph. juan rayos

r. kati ph. juan rayos

r. longboard girls crew dominican republic

r. longboard girls crew madrid ph. juan rayos

r. longboard girls crew peru #51 I LBZ MAG


STONY BROOK by josh wright

New York City is famous for food, crazy cabbies, and the push culture. The recent explosion of longboarding has now left its mark through the five boroughs and out onto Long Island. About an hour and a half east of Manhattan is a historic little town by the name of Stony Brook, home to Stony Brook state university and hospital, luxurious houses on the water, high taxes, and hundreds of millions of dollars in often wasted tuition. Stony Brook is also home to some of the best hills on the island — hills that vary from 20-50 mph. Long, fast straight aways, sweeping rights and lefts and the occasional hairpin or two. Despite all these awesome fast hills, there is no “true” downhill scene, simply because the hills aren’t long enough. Thus developed what I like to call “Slide Culture”. East Coast skaters are a different breed. Here on the hilly north shore we have four months of snowy hell, two months of straight rain, three months of intense summer heat and humidity, then three more months when fallen leaves take over the roadways and the temperature slowly drops. Spring is right around the corner, and that means longboard season. With the terrible winter weather that pounded Long Island this year, there is more sand and salt on the streets than there has LBZ MAG I #52

ever been on our rocky beaches. But still, we continue to skate. Sand, rain, salt, frigid or steamy weather — you name it — we’re out tearing it up! The usual group of skaters in the area consists of about four riders. Occasionally a few riders pop out of the woodworks to hang and skate with us. The average weekend consists of waking up, eating a very unhealthy breakfast of bacon and coffee, grabbing our boards and hightailing it out the door. The majority of the hills in the area are within 1 mile of each other, so there isn’t much of a need for a car, although it is a luxury that is much appreciated. We head out and hit up our local warm up hill so elegantly named “The Brewery”. This hill is rad! Long, straight and steep, this hill will get you to push yourself to the point where you are going bigger and faster every run. After this hill is thoroughly torn up, we often move on to the local bike trails. The bike trails are where a slight mistake will tear your arm off. With nice, tall metal guard rails on both sides and fresh smooth pavement, you can easily reach 30 mph on this narrow strip of pavement. From there we usually move on to either “The Training Grounds”, a steep fast slide hill surrounded by multi-million dollar houses, or off to Tabler Quad at the

local university, a nice slight downhill section composed of interweaving trails. Out here there is no shortage of hills that are ripe — just waiting to be plucked and shredded. The scene on the Island is ever expanding as we push ourselves beyond the physical limits of our bodies. While there may be a limit to speed, distance, and time, there is no limit to where our boards can take us, physically and mentally. Progression is a word used daily and an action performed regularly. We feed off each other’s energy and motivate each other to bring new tricks and styles to the table. If my longboard had the power of speech, she would tell you enough stories to last a lifetime, enough funny anecdotes to make you laugh till your stomach hurt, and tales of so much love and passion that your heart would burst. Skate hard. Skate safe.

r. josh wright ph. nicole anderson

r. william cattouse ph. nicole anderson

r. jason diebel ph. nicole anderson

r. josh wright ph. nicole anderson



r. bruno fernandes ph. susana torroais s. velefique


r. jorge pernes ph. tiago maya s. carcavelos

r. jo達o martins ph. miguel pereira s. talaide

r. susana torroais ph. miguel pereira s. monsanto



FREEBORD by tiago franco

MISSÃO: O OBJECTIVO Esta modalidade nasce com o desejo de querer praticar snowboard todo o ano sem ser necessária neve. Desta forma foi concebida uma prancha que proporciona da melhor forma possível a sensação e o controlo de um snowboard no asfalto. Esta prancha permite curvar, deslizar, perder velocidade e parar sem dificuldade. Assim consegue-se ir mais rápido ou mais devagar e descer as estradas mais inclinadas, largas ou estreitas. Com esta revolucionária prancha os riders têm o controlo que precisam para descer o que quiserem e como quiserem. HISTÓRIA: O O INICIO INICIO HISTÓRIA: O projecto nasce em 1996 na Califórnia, com uma empresa que dá o nome à modalidade. Seguiram-se anos de pesquisa e de criação de protótipos até que em 1998 começaram a ser vendidos os primeiros Freebords modelo “Alpha”, na altura mediam cerca de 112 cm e não tinham fixações. Em 2001 as pranchas já tinham cerca de 80cm e estavam equipadas com fixações. Durante os anos seguintes as tábuas foram evoluindo tanto a nível de tamanhos como de materiais usados, também foram criados novos trucks, mais leves e robustos até chegar ao que temos disponível no mercado nos dias de hoje. LBZ MAG I #56

TECH: A TÁBUA A tábua de um Freebord é semelhante a um skate. Na parte inferior encontram-se quatro rodas exteriores montadas nuns trucks mais largos que a tábua. Estas rodas exteriores “edge wheels” simulam os cantos/lâminas de um snowboard e são usadas para curvar e deslizar. Além destas quatro rodas exteriores, o Freebord tem mais duas rodas centrais “Center Wheels” no eixo longitudinal da prancha, que giram 360 graus. Estas agem como a base de um snowboard, permitindo que os riders deslizem em qualquer direcção, controlem a sua velocidade ou parem assim como fazem na neve. As fixações montadas no topo da prancha permitem um melhor controlo do Freebord. EVOLUÇÃO: DIFERENTES ESTILOS Embora a sua concepção original tenha sido pensada para as descidas (downhill), rapidamente se começou a observar riders de todo o mundo a desenvolverem a componente de Freestyle, juntando algumas das manobras originárias do skate tradicional com os movimentos únicos do Freebord.


MISSION: THE OBJECTIVE This sport was born with the desire of snowboarding all year without the need of snow. The board was developed to provide the best feel and control of a snowboard on the pavement. This board allows you to carve, slide, slow down and stop without difficulty. Thus it is possible to go faster or slower and ride the steeper roads, wide or narrow. With this revolutionary board, riders have the control they need to ride whatever they want in the way they want. History: TheTHE Beginning HISTORY: BEGGINING The project was born in 1996 in California with a company that gives its name to the sport. There followed years of research and prototyping until 1998 when it began to be sold the first Freebord model "Alpha", measuring up to 112 cm and they had no bindings. In 2001 the decks had about 80 cm and were equipped with bindings. During the following years the decks have evolved both in size and materials used, new trucks were also created, lighter and more robust until reaching what we have available on the market today.

TECH: THE BOARD The deck of a Freebord resembles a large skateboard. Beneath the deck are four fixed wheels mounted on long trucks that extend beyond the board. These “edge” wheels simulate the edges of a snowboard and are used for carving. In addition to these four edge wheels, the Freebord has two additional “center” wheels on the board’s center line that rotate 360 degrees. These act like the base of a snowboard, allowing riders to initiate slides in any direction, check their speed or stop just like they would on snow. Bindings mounted to the top of the deck provide riders with added board control. Evolution: Different styles STYLES EVOLUTION: DIFFERENT Although the original concept has been devised for the downhill , we quickly began to see riders from all over the world to develop the Freestyle component, Joining some of the maneuvers from the traditional skate with unique moves of a Freebord. #57 I LBZ MAG



LONGBOARD GAMES.11 Primeiro evento de 2011! Após um Inverno rigoroso, era altura de juntar a família, ver umas caras novas, e passar um dia dedicado ao longskate. Organizado em parceria com a Classics Rad Shop, este evento teve a particularidade de, aliado ao longskate, haver também um espaço próprio para os praticantes de Fingerboard. O conceito desta “Prova” foi de se formar equipas de 2 elementos, sendo um iniciado e o outro experiente, e sujeitá-los a um conjunto de provas multi-disciplinares! Cedo percebemos que estávamos à mercê do tempo! O dia começou com umas espreitadelas do sol, mas umas nuvens cinzentas deixavam a incerteza no ar. Após um rápido breefing, começámos com a prova de minDH da classe Pro! Houve quedas, raspões, sangue e drama…full cocktail! A prova dos iniciados foi também espectacular! Muita competitividade, vitórias conseguidas por um palmo, e claro, com um toque de quedas. No espaço do Fingerboard, viam-se manobras que replicam fielmente as originais, e acima de tudo, um espírito de partilha e diversão contagiantes. Cheiro a churrasco já pelo ar, assim como um céu cada vez mais cinzento! Daqui em diante foi um Cabaret total! Chove não chove, prova não prova, acabámos no armazém onde futuramente a Classics vai montar um skate park indoor! O final imprevisível, uma sessão de hippie jump onde os atletas abusaram ultrapassando à vontade o 1m de altura! Entregaram-se os prémios, e celebrámos todos em conjunto mais um dia de espírito Longboarder puro.

The first event of 2011! After a very harsh winter, it was time to get the family back together, meet some new faces, and spend an entire day longboarding. Put together with Classics Rad Shop, this Longboarding event had also a spectacular playground for Fingerboarding. The concept behind the event was to form teams of 2 elements, one beginner and one more experienced, and then set up to some multifaceted challenges. Early we realized that the weather could undo the day. It started shiny, but some grey clouds left suspense in the air. After a fast breefing, we started with the Pro class, miniDH race. Crashes, road rash, blood and drama…full cocktail! The beginners race was also spectacular! Very tight racing, wins by one span, and of course, some flavor of crashes! On the Fingerboard area, you could see those stunts that replicate truly the original ones, but above all, a great spirit of sharing e fun among everyone! Barbecue smell was already moving through the air, as well as a darker sky… From this time on, was a total Cabaret! Rain/no rain, race/no race, we ended up in a warehouse where in the near future an indoor skate park will be set up! The unpredictable final, with the athletes jumping over 1 meter high on the hippie jump contest… Prizes were delivered,and we together celebrated one more day, totally dedicated to skateboarding. #59 I LBZ MAG


CRIL JAM SESSIONS CRIL, uma estrada polémica, um projecto com 42 anos, e cuja conclusão ultrapassou duas decadas, a sua inauguração era há muito esperada e, poucos dias antes de acontecer surgiu o convite, as Estradas de Portugal estavam a organizar uma festa para a população e os skaters estavam oficialmente convidados. De uma forma descontraída e informal e de certa forma consensual foi-se delineando o formato da prova que já antecipadamente se tinha decidido serem de DH e DH Slide. Com a preciosa ajuda dos escuteiros foi-se isolando o local e montando um pequeno circuito por onde os riders teriam que circular, seguiu-se um sorteio para escolher os grupos e passou-se à acção, apesar da pouca inclinação ainda foi possivel assistir a bons picanços, ultrapassagens com aproveitamento do cone de ar e algumas, felizmente poucas, quedas. A tarde fluia rápido a num ápice chegámos à final, com o rider da Gezu e Pro-tec Jorge Pernes a destacarse e a alcançar o primeiro lugar. Hora para mudar de local para uma rampa de acesso ali perto, o ambiente era acolhedor para a prova de DH Slide, o publico puxava pelos atletas e estes não decepcionaram dando o seu melhor, o Ivo, um dos mais novos em prova arrecadou o primeiro lugar. No fim ficou uma boa lembrança do dia passado, e a prova de que para uma boa tarde de skate com provas à mistura não é preciso grandes planeamentos, bastam três ingredientes base, uma descida, boa disposição e um skate. LBZ MAG I #60

CRIL, a controversial road, a 42-year project, whose completion has exceeded two decades, inauguration was long overdue and a few days before it happened we were invited, the estradas de portugal (roads of portugal) were organizing a party for the population and skaters were officially invited. In a relaxed and informal ambiance, we started outlining the format of the event that we had already decided in advance that would be dh and dh slide. the valuable assistance of the scouts to isolate the site and set up a small circuit for the dh was precious. followed by a raffle to choose the groups and we passed to the action, despite little inclination, was still possible to watch great rides, good overtakings and some, thankfully few, falls. The afternoon flowed fast and in a glance we reached the final, the pro-tec and gezu rider jorge pernes stand out and reach the first place. Time to relocate to a nearby ramp, the atmosphere was welcoming for the competition of dh slide, the public demanded devotion and the athletes did not disappoint giving their best, ivo, one of the youngest in the competition won the first place. In the end, we were left with a good memory of the day we spent, and the proof that to spend a good afternoon skating we don’t need big planning, requires only three basic ingredients, a hill, good feeling and a skateboard.





1º Jorge Pernes 2º Simão Soares 3º Miguel Caria 4º David Meco

1º Miguel Ivo 2º Jorge Pernes 3º Simão Soares 4º Pedro Fernandes 5º Susana Torroais




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