October/November 2013

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Playing the Academic Game The causes and consequences of academic dishonesty.

October/November 2013


New Division Raises the Stakes Maverick athletes face new challenges in the Open Division.


The Hungry Maverick MavLife searches for a delightful cinnamon bun to warm your morning.



Teacher vs. Student Senior Guy Baxter takes on James Etheridge in this month’s trivia contest.

La Costa Canyon High School, One Maverick Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009

Al-Shamma Wins


Aneleise Frandsen Staff Writer

GLSEN Student Advocate of the Year Award “ I began high school hiding and in fear. I’m ending it open and proud.” Laila Al-Shamma

enior Laila Al-Shamma, president of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), was named Student Advocate of the Year Award by GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, for making a positive change on campus. GLSEN is an organization that works with schools to create safe spaces on campus for all teens, especially Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning (LGBTQ) students. Al-Shamma was honored at the star-studded “Respect Awards” banquet on October 18 at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles. Al-Shamma gave an acceptance speech to over 500 attendees including professional basketball player Jason Collins and actors students. Chloë Grace Moretz, who stars in “People have this idea of the the upcoming film “Carrie,” and campus that it’s a very athletic Kirsten Vangsness of “Criminal school so it’s very anti-LGBT,” GSA Minds.” vice president and senior Collin The Student Advocate of the Kirkwood said. “But the fact that Year Award honors an “outstanding we have the one student in the young person whose efforts have entire nation who has won this helped ensure a safe learning award shows how far this campus environment for all students—and has come.” have served as a voice of change in Al-Shamma’s personality and their school and their community,” attitude are the according to embodiment of GLSEN’s website. all that she and “The fact that we have Al-Shamma the GSA club has worked over the one student in the have worked for, the last three to GSA entire nation who has according years to create a adviser and band positive change won this award shows director Carissa for LGBTQ how far this campus Mattison. students. Last “Laila is year, Al-Shamma has come.” somebody who spearheaded be trusted Collin Kirkwood can the efforts for at all points,” organizing four Mattison said. campaigns on “She’s empathetic, campus, including and she’s always listening and is the Words Hurt, Day of Silence, always fair. For students who need Safe Space and Care campaigns. somebody to go to, they need to Feeling like the campus lacked meet Laila Al-Shamma and get to visible gay role models, Al-Shamma know her, because she has love in wrote an opinion piece in MavLife her heart for everybody.” last April in which she came out to This award is certainly a major the campus. achievement for Al-Shamma, but Al-Shamma’s efforts have she says that the positive shift on helped transform the campus into campus regarding attitudes towards one that is more accepting of all LGBT students is so much more

Volume 8 Issue 1

“Visible allies are incredibly important. And when I say


I mean I can’t tell if you are an


important to her. “This award means so much more because it has to do with all the work I’ve done in the last two to three years,” Al-Shamma said. “It encompasses the work I put into GSA in high school. It’s not so much about the award as it is about how far we’ve come and all we’ve done.” Al-Shamma was nominated by English teacher Suzi Van Steenbergen through an online application process which asked many questions about AlShamma’s advocacy. “What makes her a good candidate for this award is that it’s an advocate award,” Van Steenbergen said. “She’s really articulate, she’s calm, and she’s not judgmental.” The award is so much more than a formal recognition of AlShamma’s efforts. “This is a great recognition for our community, because it shows that our school embraces everything,” Principal Kyle Ruggles said. “This is a very big deal for her and for our community.” In her acceptance speech at the banquet, Laila wrapped up her high school experience simply. “I began high school hiding and in fear. I’m ending it open and proud,” Al-Shamma said.

by looking at you, just like you can’t look at me and tell that I’m gay. If

no one

Photos courtesy of GLSEN

Top: Senior Laila Al-Shamma presented an award acceptance speech to over 500 people, during which she read from diary entries from eighth grade and eleventh grade that captured her experiences as a gay student. Above: Chloë Grace Moretz was introduced to Al-Shamma on the red carpet walk at the Beverly Hills Hotel and later presented her the Student Advocate Award.

around you knows that you’re an ally, then you can’t claim that you’re an ally at all.” Laila Al-Shamma

Functional Life Skills Program Comes to Campus Dana McConnell Staff Writer


he Functional Life Skills (FLS) program effectively doubled the special education department on campus this year. “The program is about improving independence for every student,” FLS teacher Paul Publico said. “We want our students to have as much dominion over their lives as possible. Something really simple that you and I would do normally takes practice, and that

is what we are focusing on for the students.” In previous years, students who needed a higher level of care and attention in school would be referred to the FLS program at Torrey Pines High School. A typical day in the FLS class focuses on accomplishing specific tasks and learning life skills. The students frequently spend time in the garden, working in small groups. According to Publico, students work to “accomplishing tasks such as potting, putting flowers in pots [and] raking.”

Daily academic classes focus on applications of math, language arts and other subjects toward real-life situations, including art classes and cooking lessons on a weekly basis. Each day also includes a physical education class. “We feel like it is really important to be active at least 30 minutes a day,” Publico said. “For our students, we think that it really helps. Some of our students have physical ailments or physical disabilities that they need to a certain level of maintenance in

Continued on page 3

Natalie Engel

Freshman Jimmy Kuebler works behind the 200s building, where the Functional Life Skills classes are held, to build a garden for the students to maintain.




Jennie Barnes

Top: Sophomore Megan Leigh signs up to facilitate the upcoming CommUnity Day on November 13. Student and staff facilitators held a planning meeting on October 28, 2013, to discuss changes to the program.

Jennie Barnes

Left: Junior Noel Kildiszew reviews participants’ feedback from the first two CommUnity Days, while senior Zach Lax waits to offer his input.

CommUnity Day Picks Up Where Challenge Day Left Off Campus-led program returns after hiatus to encourage students to make new connections Devin Berry Staff Writer


ommUnity Day, a student and teacher led program similar to Challenge Day, was reinstated this year after misunderstandings with the Challenge Day organization resulted in a discontinuation of the program on campus. In an attempt to continuing to work to break down barriers among students, CommUnity Day advisers Jamie Ritchie and Angie Groseclose brought the program back after a seven-year intermission. With more personal leadership from the school’s own teachers and students, this transition may prove to be more beneficial to students. “Dr. Ruggles is very supportive of [having] a program that focuses on LCC’s needs, not what the Challenge Day people

would perceive to be important to us,” Ritchie said. One main change to the program this year is that the day will be largely facilitated by students. In the last weeks of summer, 20 students were trained how to be facilitators. “We learned different skills, almost like counseling skills, and we have meetings every Monday to plan for the CommUnity Days,” junior Noel Kildiszew said. “It’s staff and student run. We are really motivated to make this happen.” Student facilitators brought new ideas to the program that they hope will make the

experience more enjoyable for students. “We are going to start off the day going into really deep discussions and really get to know the kids at LCC,” senior Daniela Carreon said. “It’s going to be in the library as well, not in the gym.” Despite the transition from Challenge Day to CommUnity Day, the goals remain the same. The hope Noel Kildiszew facilitators to bring students of all different grades and social groups together for a day of connection, emotion, and change “We want everyone to, if they see someone at lunch eating alone, go over there and at least say hi and eat lunch with them

“It’s staff and student run. We are really motivated to make this happen.”

and just get involved with people you usually wouldn’t get in involved with,” junior and student facilitator Griffin Blanchard said. Instead of the traditional three Challenge Days from past years, there are five CommUnity Days planned for this school year. The first two days, held October 24 and 25, attracted nearly 200 students. Talk of having the program become a yearly tradition is in progress. “I hope it continues,” Kildiszew said, “We are going to have another training this summer, and we are starting a club, so it’s going to be awesome.” Students who wish to participate in a CommUnity Day can see Jamie Ritchie in Room 412. Remaining dates for this year are: November 13, February 25 and February 27. If more students express interest, additional dates will be added to meet demand.

Common Core Aims to Change Teaching and Learning

Teachers work to bring curriculum up to date to meet new standards Kheresa Yeno Staff Writer


gradual transition to the Common Core standards will be made over the next few years as teachers move to conform to new national standards in English language arts and mathematics. According to corestandards.org, the new standards are “designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.” The program is designed to encourage critical thinking in students and push them to find deeper knowledge in texts and problems. According to district Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Michael Grove, the Common Core standards approach math with a focus on applied skills. “They’re going to be asked to do a lot more critical thinking and application of math,” Grove said. “Not just can you solve a quadratic equation, but can you use the quadratic equation to solve a larger problem.” Some believe that more applicable math skills will benefit students. “I can see it being more applicable,” senior James Evans said. “Traditional math has its merits in specific things like engineering and science or anything else, but for kids pursuing a liberal arts degree later in life I think that the integrated math can be more useful to them.” Changes will be made in the English department as well, affecting the way traditional books are read in class. Students

Molly Mineiro

Left to right: Juniors Hailey Matrone, Celene Mercado and Cole Carroll discuss articles related to the issue of cheating and academic honesty in a Common Core aligned issue seminar in their AP English Language and Composition class on October 14, 2013. Teachers across campus are modifying and updating their curriculum to meet the new Common Core standards.

will use and prior deeper knowledge with “[Common Core] does require a more wellthinking to further answer a synthesis of skills, combined rounded analyze books and level of and texts. with multiple sources and prior understanding,” “It will English be organized Department knowledge.” and structured Chair Speed Speed Farris Farris said. more than in previous Despite the versions of many benefits the standards to the new and does require a synthesis of skills, deeper curriculum, there is some concern about the thinking, combined with multiple sources introduction of the new standards into the

classroom. The transition will be gradual. “It’s a multi-year process to implement,” Farris said. “I think in the beginning there will be a lot of confusion and struggling, but we are not going to just pour it all on 100% and make you deal with it.” In place of the STAR exams, new tests aligned to the Common Core standards called the Measure of Academic Performance & Progress (MAPP) will be field tested first in grades three through eight and eleven before it becomes standard for all the grades. Students will take the tests online during designated class time, raising the possibility that cheating will be rampant in computer lab testing session. “Unless they are strictly supervised I think [cheating] definitely would [occur], because the Internet is full of resources and can be used to cheat on tests,” Evans said. However, teachers feel differently about the cheating issue. The new testing is designed to make each test different based on the performance on the test itself. “The way the test is done is that if you do well on the first question you skip several questions,” Richardson said. “You can go to a higher level question if you are doing well. They give you different questions and you have a different test from everybody else.” Despite the possibility of cheating inherent with any test, Richardson believes it is a major improvement from any past curriculum standards. “It’s a good thing, because that’s what we are here for, to help you become independent thinkers, and I think that’s the goal of Common Core,” Richardson said.



3 FLS Program Joins Campus

Red Ribbon Week Brings Older and Younger Students Together

Continued from front page

Participants in the Teen Presenter Program encourage elementary and middle school students to remain drug and alcohol free


Molly Naudi Staff Writer

uring the first two weeks of October, seniors had the opportunity to partner with the San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth to share the importance of their personal decisions to remain drug, alcohol, and tobacco free. The seniors spoke at local elementary and middle schools during their annual Red Ribbon Week programs. All seniors who chose to volunteer signed a pledge stating that they have remained drug and alcohol free throughout the entirety of their school years . After a training meeting, they chose the elementary schools they wanted to visit. “We’re trying to get the message across to the elementary kids that you do not have to use substances,” Prevention Specialist with San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth Nancy Logan said. “You can still have fun; you can still be a part of everything the high school has to offer and be in control of your own mind.” As high school students, the teen presenters connected with the elementary schoolers on a dynamic level. “Everyone looks up to older kids,” academic support teacher and advisor of the Teens for Teen Safety club Damian Wallace said. “It’s different when you hear adults quacking at you versus someone you look up to. They’re more likely to listen to kids than teachers or their parents.” The seniors are happy to present because they have made a decision that they are proud of. “I hope they can understand that making this choice in all of our lives has made us happier and healthy,” senior

Guy Baxter said. “We have a lot more opportunities than people who have suffered from drugs or alcohol.” For many of the teen presenters, the choice to remain drug and alcohol free is a decision impacted by personal experience. “[My uncle] had been taking a drug for a really long time and one day he overdosed on the drug and he died very young,” senior Lindsey Mercier said. “It can be dangerous. It can harm your body; it can hurt other people in your family, too. So I back away from drugs. I’ll never take them. After my uncle, it’s wrong.” Many teens don’t realize that drinking and using drugs harm more than just the user. These actions affect a wider scope of people. “I’ve been to the Damian Wallace funerals of too many students in 14 years of teaching,” Wallace said. “Students who have OD’d, students who have died from driving under the influence. That’s hard to look those parents in the eye while they’re devastated because their son or daughter is going to be gone forever. I don’t want to do that again.” The teen presenters have the ability to change the course of the lives of the fifth and sixth graders they speak to. “They’re potentially saving them from addiction, saving them from loss, saving them from a world of hurt that they could experience,” Wallace said. “I’m hoping that each of the [seniors] will make a connection with these students—that they’ll not just deliver the message, that they’ll be able to realize that they’re having a real impact on these kids’ lives.”

“I’ve been to the funerals of too many students in 14 years of teaching.”

Natalie Engel

Freshman Eric Partlow works on the garden in the 200s building as part of the FLS program.

order for them to be healthy.” The students also learn how to independently do errands, work with money and advocate for themselves. Publico said that the students go to Sprouts in small groups, accompanied by a FLS staff member, to purchase items for their cooking lesson on Fridays. One outlet that will help the new FLS students get involved on campus is the Best Buddies club. Over the last two years, Best Buddies has focused on pairing one to three students with a special education student, to spend time together at lunch and attend school events. “We are working to combine the two, to bring [FLS students] into Best Buddies so a few of them will get buddies and join the club with us,” co-president of the Best Buddies club Jenna Cady said. An important goal of the class is for students to interact with other students around campus. “I think it will be super helpful to give them an idea of what they want to do or get involved in,” senior Bridget Grubb said. Grubb is a long standing member of the Best Buddies club, which pairs up general education students with those in Special Education. “It will help them better their social skills, being able to interact with all kinds of people here at LCC.”


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52 Rotating Flavors • 30 Delicious Toppings • Fresh Fruits 10 x 7




CIF Establishes Open Division Elite teams face a higher level of competition in the new division Michael Casinelli Staff Writer


he Open Division has recently been added to CIF as a new level of competition. This division consists of teams that have earned impressive records over the past five years. Basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, football and a few other sports on campus participate in the new Open Division. To be able to enter the Open Division, a team needs to be strong currently and have sufficient accomplishments from prior seasons. “Teams are placed in an open division by their record of wins in CIF, state, or just any wins in general from the past five years,” girls basketball coach Mario Flores said. “Then they come up with a power ranking, [and] the top teams go into the open.” Entering the new division is a major reward for teams that have put forth great levels of determination and effort. “[Being in the open division] means that you’ve worked hard for a couple years and have won a lot of championships,” senior and varsity basketball player Lauren DiFabrizio said. “It’s a pretty big honor to be awarded with.” The transition to the new alignment initiates possibilities for some schools who were left out of competition in the past. “I’m excited for [the change],” Athletic Director Kari DiGiulio said. “As an athletic director and growing up in San Diego

County, I think it’s time that we have some change. It’s time to allow other teams to be a part of CIF championships.” While there are advantages to the Open Division, some aspects of the division can create problems for teams. “All of a sudden you have a team that lost seniors, and then you have an average team [but] you’re playing in the best [division]. It really limits your chances,” Flores said. With the higher level of competition, team members must work together and combine their talents in order to play as a team. “You need to be focused, have a goal set and work together as a team to accomplish that goal,” DiFabrizio said. Being in the Open Division signifies a team’s desire to be a part of the highest level of competition. “To win an Kari DiGiulio Open Division shows that you’re the best of the best,” DiGiulio said. “Not just the best of Division 1, not the best of Division 2, you’re the best of every division.” Joining the Open Division presents many new opportunities for the teams involved, and it adds a level of prestige to the athletic program overall. With the higher level of competition, the Mavericks will surely be tested, but they have proven in the past that they are up for the challenge.

“To win an Open Division shows that you’re the best of the best. Not just the best of Division 1, not the best of Division 2, you’re the best of every division.”


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Emily Schacht

Junior Colin Nishioka (right) stops the forward momentum of the opposing Rancho Bernardo running back on October 4, 2013.

Sports 5 Cross Country Teams Place 2nd Overall at Stanford Cross Country Invitational



Keith Demolder Staff Writer

he top seven runners from La Costa Canyon’s boys and girls cross country teams competed in Palo Alto, California at the 40th Annual Stanford Cross Country Invitational on September 21. Both teams finished second place in their respective divisions against high-ranking teams, with Arcadia in first on the boys side and Trabuco Hills on the girls. The invitational is considered to be one of the most competitive in the state, with only the best cross country teams participating. “It’s probably one of the most prestigious invites in California,” cross country coach Bill Vice said. “A lot of the top teams and a lot of the top runners in the nation are there.” Although this race isn’t the most important meet of the year, it still provided some valuable preparation for the season. “The invites and many of the meets are ‘practices with uniforms on,’” Vice said. “It’s nice to do well, it’s nice to run against tough competition. It seasons us, but it prepares us for our goal, which is CIF and the state meet.” The conditions for the race itself were less than stellar, and in some cases dangerous. “Due to the heat, me and my sister had to be rushed to the medical tent after the race and receive medical attention,” senior

Alex Fromme said. Even through the ever-present heat, the runners were still able to perform admirably. “When you get to a situation like that, it’s a level playing field because you’re running under the same conditions,” Vice said. “They seemed to weather it pretty well.” Many of the runners faced adversities, but ultimately put forth their best efforts to reach their goals. “It was a lot of the girls’ first big race, so they adapted well,” senior Emma Abrahamson said. “I’m not sure if some weren’t hydrated enough or if this was their first [Stanford] race, but we had some of the girls pushed to the limit.” Much of their success can be traced back to the intense summer training leading up to the race. “It’s really tough training,” Vice said. “These guys work their tails off. They’ve been running upwards of 60 to 70 miles a week. It’s not for the faint of heart.” Though the trip was focused on the meet, the team had the chance to explore the Bay Area and Downtown San Francisco. “We visited San Francisco on Friday, [and] we went over to Stanford University and ran all over campus to lots of different places,” Vice said. “It was an opportunity for these guys to travel together to bond as a

“It was a really big bonding experience for everyone. It was probably one of the most fun experiences I’ve had on the team or in high school.” Alec McBride

Photo courtesy of Eoin Fahy

Senior Steven Fahy (right) competes against athletes from Jesuit High School and Arcadia High School at the Stanford Cross Country Invitational on September 21.

team. The weekend, while chaotic at times, was filled with some great memories. “It was really fun, it was a good bonding experience for the whole team,” Abrahamson said. “[The trip] was fast, it was only for a day, but it was still fun.” Both the boys’ and girls’ teams echoed the same sentiment. “It was a really big bonding experience for everyone,” senior Alec McBride said. “It was probably one of the most fun experiences I’ve had on the team or in high school.” Even with high expectations heading

into the meet, both teams managed to perform better than anticipated. “I knew that we had individuals that would do well,” Vice said. “I thought our girls’ team would do well, [and] I thought our boys’ team would do well, [but] I never expected them to get second. I was very proud of them, they really ran well.” The Mavericks’ performance at the Stanford Cross Country Invitational was a potential precursor of things to come later in the season. “After seeing their performance at this meet this weekend, they definitely have a shot [at CIF],” Vice said.




Left on the Sidelines

Cheerleaders forced to find alternative ways to obtain P.E. credit Devin Berry & Sophia Ilas Staff Writers


very year, cheerleaders must find a way to get their P.E. credit. In order for an activity to qualify for Athletic P.E., it must be considered a CIF sport. All around California there are a variety of CIF recognized sports such as badminton, gymnastics, and skiing/ snowboarding. All sports at LCC count for class credit; football, baseball, basketball, and wrestling even have their own class. Cheerleaders spend long hours practicing and working hard to make sporting events fun and full of energy, and many believe their effort should not go unnoticed. “I am very aware of the fitness and physicality that it takes to be an astute hard working cheerleader,” Principal Dr. Ruggles said. “It takes a lot of effort, and I think if it were to be a sport it would make sense but for whatever reason, over time, there has been a disconnection with cheerleading and

with sports.” Other athletes had similar thoughts on whether cheerleaders should receive P.E. credit or not. “They should because they spend so much time doing it,” senior and varsity football quarterback Jake Mann said. “If they spend their extra-curricular time doing it, then they should get credit for it.” With cheerleaders not able to get credits for their hard work, the result has been taking classes that sometimes seem unnecessary to the Cole Marting cheerleaders. “Freshman year I had to take Dance P.E., and I had to take health online,” sophomore and junior varsity cheerleader Reed Marting said. “This year I had to take Yoga P.E.” With cheerleaders taking P.E. classes that they say take up pointless space in their

“I know that they put in just as much work as any football player, wrestler or lacrosse player.”

Anna Gardiner-Feldman

Cheerleaders perform during the halftime show for the Homecoming game on October 25, 2013.

Emily Schacht

From left to right: Cheerleaders junior Kendel Chelberg, junior Leah Todd-Borden and sophomore Madeline Eppel perform at the Homecoming game on October 25, 2013.

schedules, parents have expressed some frustration about the issue. “I have had people ask me about why we can’t have cheer be apart of Athletic P.E., and the answer is it hasn’t been identified as an athletic CIF sponsored sanction sport,” Dr. Ruggles said. “So as a result of it not being a CIF sanctioned sport, we are not able to offer Athletic P.E. for it.” Cheerleaders may not receive P.E. credits, but they are still as dedicated and focused as any other athlete at La Costa Canyon. “We put probably at least six hours a week cheering, at least,” freshman and cheerleader Kaylin Uglow said. “A lot of times outside of practices and games, we’ll just practice at our house. I’ll do it for at least an hour on my own.” Not only do cheerleaders put a lot of time and effort into their training, they also spend time fundraising to keep the program up and running. “We do have our foundation,” Dr. Ruggles said, “and from what I understand we have a parent cheer liaison, and I believe that she can solicit donations.” Even though a small amount of money goes to cheerleading, they still must

fundraise to keep their program thriving. “We have to do like a garage sale and Jr. Mavs, which is the little girls cheering with us,” Marting said. “We have a clinic for that and that’s probably three hours. And for the garage sale, everyone working together, we spend probably ten hours on that.” Not many people know how much extra time these girls put into cheerleading outside of practices. However, there are those who do appreciate the cheerleaders’ efforts to improve their program. “I know that they put in just as much work as any football player, wrestler or lacrosse player,” junior Cole Marting said. “I know they put in a bunch of work and it sure does show.” Discussions about making cheer a CIF sanctioned sport have been going for a couple years now. However, it looks as if for the time being, cheer will stay a non CIF sanctioned sport. “Whether it will ever be a CIF sport, I don’t know about the future,” Dr. Ruggles said. “But as it stands right now I can see them staying separate, because cheerleading is cheerleading and athletics is athletics.”

Holding Back: Some Athletes’ Parents Opt For School Enrollment Delay Athletic and acacemic advantages are motivating factors

Emily Schacht

Senior James Ratcliff carries the ball during the game against El Camino on October 11, 2013. Ratcliff ’s later entry into the school system has helped him in a variety of ways, including in his football career.

Kasandra Rezler Staff Writer


t is very hard to believe that for the fiveyear-old running around aimlessly in an American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) soccer jersey, sports will affect his or her future. However, the latest parenting trend is holding back their children, which can give students an advantage in sports. The college football term “redshirting” has been given to this new trend. Traditionally, redshirting happens when an athlete is delayed out of competition during their freshman year, allowing them to have a

year to train and have an additional year to play when they’re more developed. Parents are now using this technique to hold their child back, with the hopes that their child will excel in sports, and possibly receive an athletic scholarship. “It’s not for any reason to be looked down upon,” senior and varsity basketball player Fritz Eibel said. “It’s purely for another year to grow and to get better.” Some parents decide to enroll their children later to help them mature beyond simply athletics. “My parents started me late because they would have rather me been more mature than everybody else,” senior varsity

football player James Ratcliff said. “They thought [starting me late] would benefit me, not necessarily in sports but in a lot of aspects.” However, some athletes acknowledge that being held back gave them a distinct advantage. “[Being held back] helped me a lot for recruiting, and it just gave me another year to develop,” junior and varsity basketball player Tommy McCarthy said. Some athletes utilize this developmental time not to gain an advantage, but rather to stay on track with their peers. “I’ve never really been bigger than everybody else, even though I am older than everybody else,” Ratcliff said. “If I had not been ‘held back’ so to speak, then I would be even smaller and have even more disadvantages.” While extra time to develop can be an advantage in some aspects, the difference in age can make it harder to relate to their fellow classmates. AP English Lit & Lang AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics B/C

“Because I’m older, it’s hard sometimes to hang out with kids [in my grade],” Eibel said. “I feel like I connect better with older kids, so that’s the downside.” Despite parents’ intentions to hold their children back for athletic gains, the effects are not guaranteed and the choice to participate in sports ultimately belongs to the child. “Kids all grow at different rates no matter what, so you’re not going to know if your kid for sure is going to be bigger than everybody else,” Ratcliff said. “Maybe the kid doesn’t wanna play sports.You never really know.You don’t wanna force him to do anything he doesn’t wanna do. Playing sports was my choice ultimately.” “Redshirting” has positive and negative effects on student-athletes, and it isn’t a decision taken lightly. Parents want the best for their children and their futures, especially with the incredibly competitive nature of sports today.


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Molly Mineiro



High School: The Game That Ties You Up In Knots

Defining ‘Dishonest’ Academic Dishonesty is any form of representing someone else’s work or knowledge as your own. Students bend this definition as they bend themselves. Academic dishonesty becomes an acceptable part of high school that many students view as a necessary tool to survive. Copying homework becomes normal. Sharing answers on a quiz becomes “no big deal.” Using someone’s ideas becomes a step in brainstorming. And soon, lines that were once clear are now blurred. Meghan Lumsden

When Striving to Achieve Leads to Cheating Multiple factors influence students’ choices to violate academic honesty rules Jacob Castrejon Senior Staff Writer


lance up to the clock ticking away to the bell. Scramble to copy down the last five math homework problems. The A-student sitting to your left has the same test form. Empty Scantron bubbles quickly fill. Practice went late, can’t keep your eyes open. Text your friend for the homework.You parents just checked Aeries, gave you an hour long speech about making something of yourself. Time to get your act together, time to “get smart.” Academic dishonesty. It’s simple to blame such behavior on laziness, but large workloads, overcommitment, pressure and the overwhelming college competition could all push the brightest student to cheat on any bad day. From a teacher’s point of view, cheating has a complex and seriously poor effect on the student copying the work. According to a MavLife Survey, 50 percent of students reported that not understanding a concept could very likely increase the chances of cheating. “It’s denying the idea that you can learn a concept,”

English teacher Thea Chadwick said. “It’s taking someone else’s ideas as your own. But you are denying yourself the opportunity to learn something, whether you succeed or fail at the concept skill.” Although very similar to that of a teacher, a student’s view on cheating is much more direct and to the point. “It’s using someone else’s work and calling it your own,” junior Anthony Gallo said. In citing the cause of academic dishonesty, 69 percent of students said that it was very likely that not having time to complete the assignment because of after-school activities such as sports, a job or other commitments could cause them to cheat. “They’re overscheduled and overworked,” science teacher June Honsberger said. “We have you here for six to seven hours a day. When we send you home, you should be able to do sports, maybe do a little bit of homework - but it shouldn’t be your entire afternoon and evening, doing it until midnight.” In addition to overcommitment, 50 percent stated competition to get into college as a very likely cause of dishonesty. Another 44 percent believes pressure from

“When we send you home, you should be able to do sports, maybe do a little bit of homework—but it shouldn’t be your entire afternoon and evening, doing [homework] until midnight.”

June Honsberger

parents, teachers or peers would very likely cause them to cheat. However, some students cheat not because of a time, overcommitment and pressure, but because of their low motivation to achieve success. “They doubt how smart they are,” senior Shannon Brown said. “They would just rather use somebody else’s words because they probably think that’s the smartest thing to be doing, whereas they would probably get a better grade if they were using their own words.” As a result, 66 percent of students are very likely to see their peers copying, sharing answers or representing someone else’s work as their own. Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant, Academic Integrity Coordinator at UC San Diego, explains students’ difficulty in resisting the pressure to let others cheat from their work. “They want to be honest, and sometimes they don’t know how to reconcile that with being loyal,” Gallant said. “One of the big things students can do is learn how to say no in a way that still supports their friends.” Gallant believes that both society and the education system contribute to academic dishonesty. “Grades are supposed to represent a student’s abilities and knowledge,” Gallant said. “But unfortunately, in the knowledge economy we have come to receive tests and grades as ends of themselves. Students buy into that and they get a lot of pressure to get the grades, get into the best college that will get them the best job and the most money.” Gallant emphasizes the importance of changing the focus to create a honest learning environment. “We need to counter that message that grades are the end, that cheating is the means to achieving those grades,” Gallant said. “We need to counter that message and say, ‘Yes, grades and tests scores are important - but only when achieved with integrity.’”



Connecting the Dots of Academic Dishonesty

MavLife distributed an anonymous survey to students and teachers to research perspectives on cheating, defined in the survey as “copying, sharing answers, or representing someone else’s work as one’s own.” From October 6 to October 21, the survey received 147 responses to the student version and 31 responses to the teacher version.





No big deal


“We just wa ste time in classes and then spend our tim e at home actually learnin g the material.”

of students sa y extracurricu lar activities increase chance s of cheating.


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“It's busy wo rk. If I get it, I get it. I do not want to wa ste an hour of my life on it.” -Junior






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"I rarely see teachers dis cipline students for cheating on assignmen ts or tests and it seems s o obvious that they are."

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“Teachers and students put o ther students in positions to ch eat or plagiarize .”

“I have never in my life cheated on an exam, but find it nece ssary to occasionally copy an assignment or two to get the points.” -Senior

cheat in?

“Math is not ‘personal’ and can be copied dire ctly with no susp icion.” -Sop

“The cliché of students cheating the mselves is re al. At some point, the copying, cheating and p lagiarism will catch up to the m.” -Teacher

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“The attitude o f going to school to learn mate rather than go rial ing to school to ge t grades and points so tha t I can go to college needs to change.” -Senior

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“The work is s o boring that it becomes mind-numbin g.” -F



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OK on homew ork, not tests

“No one cares that it's not their w ork as long as it gets them points so they can get into a good college at the end of the day.”



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“They feel like it's an easy w ay to an A grade.”



Want more? Visit mavlifenews.com to read about relationship versus academic cheating.

“We feel pressured by college and c ollege acceptance pro grams.” -Ju nior

Meghan Lumsden

High School Survival Methods Backfire Emily Brown Senior Staff Writer


all it “team work.” Shrug it off like it’s not a big deal. Act like it doesn’t happen. But cheating is what it is dishonest.Yet it seems necessary in a society obsessed over GPA’s, college acceptance and success. Although students may see cheating as a method of high school survival these measurements of learning will only carry someone so far in life. In the long run, students are just hurting themselves. Students lose the opportunity to learn and expand their abilities, and while depending on the crutch of cheating, develop habits that will continue into college and careers. Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant is the Academic Integrity Coordinator at UC San Diego. She explains the effect on students at universities who have developed dishonest habits over time that have not been addressed by parents and teachers “They see these habits as being successful,” Gallant said. “They’ve gotten them the grades they want. They’ve gotten them into the university. All this time these habits are cheating.” Freshman Marcus Alazard recognizes the development of these behaviors. “People start cheating because it’s easy,” Alazard said. “If they get away with it the first time, they’ll keep doing it. Eventually it will become a habit for them.”

According to the MavLife Student Survey, 46 percent of students at LCC feel like it’s very likely that competition to get into college could contribute to cheating. The pressure to excel in the competitive high school atmosphere leads many students to feel inadequate. “Kids are shaped by those around them,” Gallant said. “If their parents are only asking them, ‘What are your grades? What are your test scores?’ and not ‘What are you learning? How are you doing? What strategies are you using to learn the material?’ then students start to think that grades are all that matters.” Sophomore Chad McVeigh explains that students cheat under this strain to achieve. “Students want to make people happy, like their parents

and their teachers,” McVeigh said. “They have so much pressure to do well that they cheat out of fear.” According to the SDUHSD Academic Honesty Policy, consequences for offenses range from to the assistant principal and loss of credit to suspension from school. While these are the obvious punishments, cheaters lose the pride that comes from accomplishing something themselves and don’t develop what Gallant explains as “self-efficacy.” “Self-efficacy is the knowledge that you can affect the world around you,” Gallant said. “If we allow students to cheat and get away with it, we’re not developing their selfefficacy. Then when they get to a university they don’t have a lot of it and depend on the crutch of other people or other tools to get through their classes.”

“They see these habits as being successful. They’ve gotten them the grades they want. They’ve gotten them into the university. All this time these habits are cheating.”

Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant Academic Integrity Coordinator, UC San Diego



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The Explainer: How The Government Shut Down and Why It Isn’t Over A clear look at a convoluted problem

The Shutdown Simplified


Jennie Barnes Editor-at-Large


ith CNN pushes and Google alerts, many smart phone enabled students on campus could tell you that the government was shut down for 16 days, beginning the first of October. But not all students know why or how this happened. When the news broke on October 1, it wasn’t a real shock. The first seeds of shutdown began on January 18. While on a retreat in Williamsburg, V.A., GOP leaders made the decision “not to force a debt ceiling showdown and to address deficit reduction demands later in the year,” according to www.npr.org. In the next ten months, there was a slow escalation of this type of delay on spending legislation passed in the House that helped create the October 1 shutdown. But it is the result of those 16 days that are on Americans’ minds right now. The real face of this shutdown was that of the workers. More than 800,000 government employees were categorized as “unnecessary” who were “furloughed,” “a usually temporary layoff from work,” according to Dictionary.com. Some of these employees applied for unemployment benefits knowing that they would have to pay them back. Some employees in Iowa were accidentally paid twice. One of the clearest objectives of the shutdown was an attempt to dismantle Obamacare, which is a government

health care provider formally known as the Affordable Care Act. This act serves to insure currently uninsured Americans as well as offer an alternative option to Americans who are not satisfied with their current provider. The Act is not without its roadblocks. The website continues to shut down due to high traffic as well as the common impression that citizens who do not sign up will be fined. According to CBS News, this fine will be a reality beginning in January 2014, at $95 per uninsured adult in a household. And will gradually increase as the years go on. Ironically, even as the shutdown showdown was well underway, Obamacare came to life and has not been affected. With the shutdown over, President Obama has declared that there are “no winners,” and CNN, New York Times and The Washington Post are reporting that there has been a $24 billion dollar loss, a 0.6 percent loss in potential economic growth, as well as a shortened tax season. This shutdown has hurt the country’s wallet far more than it helped. But above all, the problem that is raised during this shutdown is a philosophical one. Take a moment to think about what state our government is in that it was able to shut down. With the option of another shutdown not impossible, how do we, as the electorate, feel about the people that we chose to represent us? And how will that answer influence the next Congress, or President?

‘The Explainer’ Explained: M eet the new feature of MavLife, where we will take complicated issues of national or international importance and break them down to make them more digestible to the student body as well as attempt to offer

differing perspectives on issues of foreign policy. If there are stories that you want to hear about, or want to contribute yourself, email mavlifenews@gmail or tweet us @mavlife to have your voice heard.

federal government employees furloughed at the beginning of the shutdown I will continue to do anything I can to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare #MakeDCListen - @tedcruz

16 17 days years How long the shutdown lasted

Since the last US government shutdown

“House Republicans don’t get to demand ransoms in exchange for doing their jobs.” - President Obama #JustVote @BarackObama


is the President’s salary. It is considered “mandatory spending” and wasn’t affected by the shutdown. Numbers & Facts from CNN


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52 Rotating Flavors • 30 Delicious Toppings • Fresh Fruits 10 x 7


12 MavLife 2013-2014 Staff Editor-In-Chief: Megan Mineiro


Committed to Providing the Best of Scholastic Journalism


Managing Editor: Anthony Fregoso Design Editor: Meghan Lumsden Feature Editor: Molly Mineiro News Editor: Cassandra Cyphers Sports Editor: Jackson Cowart Opinion Editor: Claudia Mathews Entertainment Editor: Jessica Woods Photography Editor: Emily Schacht Head Photographer: Natalie Engel Web Manager: Keith Demolder Copy Editor: Molly Mineiro Editor-at-Large Jennie Barnes Senior Staff Writers: Emily Brown, Jacob Castrejon, Jayson Gacad, Cooper Gee, Kara Gibson, Reilly Tiglio Staff Writers: Devin Berry, Clayton Brown, Lucy Bruemmer, Taylor Burtch, Michael Casinelli, Stihl Coleman, Hannah Flowers, Ryan Fox, Aneleise Frandsen, Anna Gardiner-Feldman, Soren Gregory, Jade Harabedian, Sophia Ilias, Danielle Lee, Sierra Lyle, Dana McConnell, Molly Naudi, Kasandra Rezler, Michael Rice, David Shuman, Quinn Smith, Daniel Stuart, Alexa Szabo, Cameron VanBrabant, Jacob Wolf Cardinale, Kheresa Yeno Business Manager: Devon Whitlam


Adviser: Suzi Van Steenbergen

avLife is the student newspaper of La Costa Canyon High School. LCCHS student media products are public forums for student expression. Students are responsible for their work in print publications, online content and video broadcasts, as well as in other products, none of which are subject to administrative approval. Students make all final content decisions. Media programs follow Scholastic Press Association, Journalism Education Association, and Student Press Law Center standards. In addition, student media programs work to follow all copyright laws and avoid libel, slander, and infringing upon the rights of others. Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of the editorial board, while opinion columns represent the writer’s perspective. Advertisements do not necessarily represent the newspaper’s views.

Molly Naudi

MavLife editorial board from left to right, top to bottom: Claudia Mathews, Megan Mineiro, Anthony Fregoso, Jackson Cowart, Jessica Woods, Emily Schacht, Jennie Barnes, Devon Whitlam, Cassandra Cyphers, Natalie Engel, Molly Mineiro and Meghan Lumsden.

he student press has the power to recognize student achievement, introduce new opinions and monitor school proceedings. MavLife seeks to develop an environment where creative visions and independent minds thrive. The MavLife program is unlike any other student organization on campus in that all decisions concerning content, design, workflow, business management and public outreach are made by an editorial team consisting of 12 students. The production of the MavLife website and monthly newspaper are entirely studentrun. For a period of time in the spring of 2013, our program was in danger of being cut. But through the committed efforts of student journalists and with the uplifting support from the community, the MavLife staff is beginning its eighth year with enthusiasm and confidence. Most important, we are committed to telling important stories and bringing the best of scholastic journalism to the La Costa Canyon community.

Editorial: Students are Up for the Challenge Rigorous curriculum will reduce the temptation to cheat


he world needs you to stop being boring.Ya, you! Boring is easy, everybody can be boring!” The words of 10-year-old Robby Novak, better known as the YouTube sensation Kid President, challenge the world to achieve greatness. Likewise, the MavLife editorial board believes that if teachers were to challenge their students, young adults would not only rise to a new level of intellectual capability, but the common trend of cheating would dramatically reduce. While many are quick to point towards overbearing parents and competitive colleges as the root of the rising epidemic of academic dishonesty, the MavLife editorial board believes that boredom is a far less identified contributor. Generation Z (those born in the mid 90’s until the present day) are often labelled as lazy and unaware. The truth is that those labels are . . . well . . . actually they are pretty on target with the general trend of our generation. Teenagers can be ignorant to anything existing outside the world of the “Pretty Little Liars” and “Breaking Bad.” Yet, as the first generation thrust into

a world driven by technology, we face the difficult task of learning how to utilize the constant access to information as a tool, without allowing it to be a crippling distraction. Currently, students are rarely challenged to form their own ideas and education is often diluted in an attempt to make it more appealing. Rather than accept the idea that teenagers are ignorant simpletons as fact, teachers should drive their students toward higher levels of thinking to battle the stereotype. A simple step that would help accomplish this goal would be for teachers to be more strategic in the way that they assign homework. An excessive amount of homework causes students to feel overwhelmed and resort to copying their classmates’ work. This possibility only increases when the assignment is a repetitive amount of work on the same concept, especially if the student has already mastered the topic. If teachers were to more carefully use class time to cover the basic foundations and principles of a topic, students would have

guidance from their instructors to clarify any uncertainties they may have on the lesson. Then, that night’s homework could cover a few, more challenging problems that require students to use the basics they learned in class that day and their own ability to think critically to further master the lesson. “What will you create to make the world awesome?” Kid President asks. “Nothing if you keep sitting there. This is your time. This is my time. It’s our time!” Inspired by the words of Kid President, the MavLife editorial board challenges teachers and student to join together and take hold of our education. While it may be true that many teenagers are preoccupied by meaningless celebrity gossip, the desire to better understand the world and be capable of making change are traits that the majority of young adults possess. While it may be further below the surface in some young adults versus others, teachers should have confidence in all their students and believe that they are capable of, in the words of Kid President, “being awesome.”

Cheating Isn’t Only for Tests

The temptation to cheat in a relationship isn’t worth the consequences

hony. Liar. Cheater. Teenagers get bored with their supposedly “other half.” So why not cheat if they can get away with it, right? Unfortunately for many individuals, the consequences of cheating, or even what qualifies as cheating, can often be misunderstood. Texting, not to mention the common kissy face and heart eye emoji, snap chatting, late-night phone calls and Skyping 24/7. Yeah, it all counts as being unfaithful to your significant other. Kissing, or any other

sensual activity with anyone other than the person you’re in a relationship with would also qualify. Still uncertain whether or not your behavior qualifies as cheating? To keep it simple, if you’re doing something with another person that you wouldn’t want your boyfriend or girlfriend to discover, you’re cheating. Often times, both guys and girls will cheat on their current girlfriend or boyfriend with an ex or with their co-workers. Later they will undoubtedly regret it. Regret isn’t a reason or an excuse, so think about your decision before you make it a reality. You get “bored.”You want “change.”You feel “unappreciated” or you’re “insecure.” But why break your partner’s heart and risk your reputation in the process? Do your best to talk through these issues with your significant other, rather than resort to cheating for an easy and temporary solution.




Hannah Flowers Staff Writer

Illustration by Alexa Szabo

If push comes to shove, break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. By all means, I’d rather be broken up with than cheated on. The chances of getting away with cheating is slim, so why risk your reputation doing something that does nothing but pacify your hormonal wants? Realize I said wants, not needs.Your hormones might be telling you one thing but allow your mind to be the voice of reason.




Where Credit is Due

Students strive to be their best, but their efforts are not always noticed

Danielle Lee Staff Writer


hat did you do you at school today,” mom or dad asks. “Nothing,” we respond. We have all experienced this droll dialogue with our parents on the way home from school or at the dinner table. However, many high schoolers are hard at work, studying for tests and staying on top of their grades. Many students hope to attend a college or university and pursue our dream career. Adults don’t always see that and may underestimate us. The reality is that many students work towards a goal as independent young adults.

Many students’ schedules are jam packed with athletics, clubs, jobs and internships. Balancing school and extracurriculars can be challenging, but we’ve always found a way to get it done. As highschoolers, we are on the verge of adulthood. Every day, we are learning how to become independent. Sometimes adults can misunderstand students, thinking we could care less about our education. The reality is, most of us work hard and strive to be the

best we can be. Whether making a career out of sports or getting into a good college, we all have some sort of ambition. Although there are some people who really could care less, the majority of us want to make something of ourselves and prove to our parents, teachers and instructors that we can do great things with our lives and make an impact on the people around us. There have been days where I’ve felt like taking a break and putting off homework, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care or I want to fail. Even if I might not like going to school from time to time, I do want to do well in high school so that I can move on to success. Adults can try to recognize our efforts by giving us more privileges, like allowing us to be independent and work on our own. Students are capable of working hard and adults should make a focused effort to show their support.

Claudia Mathews

Work Hard, Play Hard Hard work is key to success, but moving too fast can cause serious injuries


Jade Harabedian Staff Writer

verybody has something they are truly passionate about. For many students, that passion is athletics. Creating an athletic career is very difficult.You have to be the most passionate and the best-of-the-best. But sometimes athletes try to be the best too soon in their athletic career, and can find themselves seriously injured. Before a competition or game, coaches have their teams practice numerous hours. To live up to a coach’s expectations, players may push themselves too far. It could lead to injuries like concussions, misalignment of bones, tendonitis, stress fractures or joint problems.

As a dancer, I learned that my ballet instructor injured her ankles by dancing on pointe (dancing on the tip of the toe) too young and too often. Her goal of being a professional ballerina was foiled because of her injury. Consequently, because she didn’t retain the skills needed, she wasn’t capable of reaching her goal. You can potentially injure yourself by doing something you are not ready for without the consent of your coach. Even if you want to work to be the best, it would be better to slowly build up to the more challenging skills and tasks. Athletes who attempt training at a higher level, without special clearance from their coach, could potentially ruin their career. There are many pressures that could cause an athlete to push themselves too hard and injure themselves. The need for an athletic college scholarship or the task of balancing extracurriculars and school can cause anxiety to develop in an athlete. Or, if an athlete is trying to live up to their parents’

expectations, then the athlete may push too hard to not disappoint. Still, sometimes the most pressure can come from within. If you place stress on yourself to be the best-of-the-best, and push yourself to your physical limit, injury could potentially follow. Do what you love, but don’t inflict pain in the process. Overexertion Safety

Claudia Mathews


She Won’t Stop Miley Cyrus takes it too far trying to shed her Disney alter ego, Hannah Montana

Alexa Szabo Staff Writer


hildhood star Miley Cyrus consecutive weeks in a row and has taken on a drastic has made millions. transformation from the once Cyrus feels that people innocent pop princess, Hannah don’t understand the Montana, to a diva that “can’t vulnerability and emotion be tamed.” From shocking within her songs and music performances to outrageous videos, especially in her fashion sense, Cyrus is taking an infamous Wrecking Ball music ultimate revolution, transform- video. I’m all for the symbolic ing into the epitome of the aspect and using music as an up-and-coming generation. outlet for expression, but Explicit music videos, posing naked while licking a twerking, and scandalous sledgehammer is making it hard fashion, Cyrus has debuted her to understand the meaning new look with a bang. Catching behind it. the attention The of people reason many nationwide, people aren’t Cyrus is grasping the definitely symbolism not the good in her music girl that we is because all grew up her audience watching is still on Disney children and channel. teenagers, Miley’s who react performance to what they at the VMA’s immediately Claudia Mathews in which she see and hear. grinded with I have found Robin Thicke, while wearing a myself caught in the middle nude bikini costume, created because I enjoy Cyrus’ catchy a widespread uproar of scorn. music, but I miss the young Cyrus shocked the public more girl with a down-to-earth by waving a foam finger in all personality, long hair and big sorts of places. Watching the dreams. awards ceremony with my dad . Mileys focus shouldn’t . . can you say awkward? be about escaping Hannah So what’s the reasoning Montana. Instead she should behind Miley’s outrageous focus on embracing the behavior? She is definitely not platform that Disney channel stupid, and she is certainly not has created. She is more talentless, so what is this act she than capable of creating a is putting on? new image, without going to A closer look would extreme measures. reveal that it is actually an Most of us would agree ingenious plan. Don’t get me that there is no doubt the she wrong, I wouldn’t sacrifice possesses incredible talent. my engagement to wear a But in the desperate attempt little teddy bear costume at to escape her Disney persona, the VMA’s, but Cyrus has Hannah Montana is headed made headlines for countless toward her ultimate downfall.

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Entertainment 14 Fall in Love With Fall Style For Less A GStaff Writer-F nna




Check out the season’s most popular styles for the colder season while staying inside of your budget

Wizards and Witches Gather ‘Round

J.K. Rowling has definite plans to give a new start to the franchise many adore Cooper Gee Senior Staff Writer


Outfits modeled by Natasha Gardiner-Feldman

ne popular trend this fall is delicate, comfortable kimonos (available at Brandy Melville for $39). The kimono is a very detailed piece, so it should be paired with mostly neutral clothing articles.You can combine it with white lace crochet shorts from Brandy Melville for $35 and neutral beige ankle boots at Urban Outfitters for less than $50. The kimono will add a light layer in case the fall breeze picks up. This outfit can help you achieve a casual and comfortable look while still staying trendy.


Fun Flannel

f you want to go for more of a “soft grunge” look this fall, a big cotton flannel is an affordable item that is always great to have in your wardrobe. Flannels are constantly spotted in thrift shops for as low as $5 and if you want a brand new one you can get them at Forever 21 for less than $20. They pair nicely with simple base items and your favorite pair of jean shorts.You can tie it around your waist and add a pair of combat boots or throw it on over your T-shirt for an extra layer to keep warm.


• 52 Rotating Flavors • 30 Delicious Toppings • Fresh Fruits


Mellow Maxi

n the colder months of fall it is always nice to have an alternative to jeans and most celebrities have been caught wearing maxi skirts.You wear a solid color skirt and pair it with a more detailed shirt such as a denim crop top or floral tank. Maxi skirts can be found at Tilly’s for $19.99 and denim shirts are easy to spot at any thrift shop close to you. If you are looking to change up your wardrobe with a new base item, maxi skirts are a must.

Satisfying Students Appetites ‘

Kozy Kimono O

Anna Gardiner-Feldman

e all wished we could wait outside for that Hogwarts admission letter to be dropped off in the mail. We all couldn’t deny that wonderful excitement we felt as we entered the theatre to see the next Harry Potter movie, or when we picked up the next book in the series. Well, good news for us—there’s a new movie. Though it is not a Harry Potter movie, it is set in the same realm. The new movie will be based off of a book titled “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” which was written by J.K. Rowling, and was also the book Harry used for reference in the series. The book acted as a detailed guide to all of the beasts of the Hogwarts world as well as a magnifying glass on the more intricate details of its history. According to csmonitor. com, “The movie will feature Newt as the protagonist and will presumably be all about his adventures in the field of magizoology.” After a long and disenchanting two years since the premiere of the last Harry Potter movie, J.K. Rowling explains her inspiration and events that pushed this movie forward to production. “As I considered Warners’ proposal, an idea took shape that I couldn’t dislodge,” Rowling told Contractmusic.com. “That is how I ended up pitching my own idea for a film to Warner Bros. Although it will be set in the worldwide community of witches and wizards where I was so happy for 17 years, ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’ is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world.” It’s not over yet. We still have an upcoming movie to satisfy the wizard in all of us, and this is only the beginning. We may not have gotten our Hogwarts admission letters, but the magic is still alive.

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The Hungry Maverick Jessica Woods Entertainment Editor


he first Hungry Maverick of the year absolutely calls for cinnamon buns. Who doesn’t love warm, swirly goodness on autumn mornings? In order to decide where to get the best heaven-sent pastry to satisfy our cravings, MavLife took samples from three different bakeries to discover which bun prevails. Read on to see whose cinnamon proved to be the sweetest.

VG Donut & Bakery


106 Aberdeen Drive, Cardiff (760) 753-2400

he first bite melted in my mouth. It was scrumptious,” junior Hannah Flowers said. “It was really sweet and yummy,” she went on to say. The VG cinnamon bun looked like it was “dripping with flavor” according to sophomore Jayson Gacad and was often compared to a donut. Fellow sophomore Cooper Gee elaborated by saying it was “donut-cinnamon bliss and smelled super sweet.” Whether it was its “crispiness” or “soft texture,” as was commonly stated by students, the VG cinnamon bun takes the crown by a landslide.

Panera Bread


2Good2B Bakery & Cafe

1935 Calle Barcelona, Carlsbad (760) 635-0026

204 N. El Camino Real, Suite H, Encinitas (760) 942-4663

he cinnamon taste is very strong. It is moist and spongy, and full of flavor,” sophomore Aneleise Frandsen said. The bun was compared to other products rather than being appreciated for the cinnamony goodness it is. Junior Molly Mineiro said, “It tasted like apple pie disguised as a cinnamon bun!” Similarly, junior Claudia Mathews stated that the bun reminded her more of a “citrus cupcake.” Panera came in second place, due perhaps to the “hint of lemon” (as it was frequently characterized) being a great addition.


erhaps 2Good2B is not as good as its name is letting on. A more appropriate name seems to be 2Average2B. The bun was “plain tasting” as stated by freshman Kasandra Rezler. Most students believed it was “tangy” and “sugary,” not providing much competition amongst its opponents. “The icing is good, the bread is okay, but it feels like sand and has a gross aftertaste,” freshman Jade Harabedian said. Unfortunately for junior Cassandra Cyphers it “formed a plastic-tasting lump in my mouth.”Yikes!

Photos by Emily Schacht

Teacher vs. Student 1

Jessica Woods Entertainment Editor

Baxter: 2007 Etheridge: 2000


What year was LCC opened? Baxter: 1996 Etheridge: September of 1996 What true Mav spirit! Clearly Baxter and Etheridge are well-informed of the history of their school and the fact that it was opened in 1996. Both earn their first points in the game with this round. B: 1 E: 1


What’s the memory span of a goldfish?


What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language?


Unfortunately the correct answer is “I am,” and since no points were granted for this question, perhaps the determination for the two will become “I am... going to win this game!” B: 1 E: 1


What country has the most amount of English speakers?

Baxter: China Etheridge: India

Though it’s nice to see that Baxter and Etheridge have more faith in a goldfish’s memory than necessary, the answer was actually three seconds. Neither competitor earns a point this time.

Ding ding! Baxter strikes again with the correct answer! China not only has the greatest population (and India is actually hot on its tail!), but the greatest amount of English speakers as well. B: 2 E: 1

What movie claims first place in the Box Office of all-time?

Baxter: “The Titanic” Etheridge: “Avatar”

Baxter: Here I am. Etheridge: No.

Baxter: A minute Etheridge: 10 seconds

B: 1 E: 1

Kara Gibson Senior Staff Writer

James Etheridge vs. Guy Baxter

What year did Finding Nemo come out into theaters?

Hopefully the two competitors can do swimmingly in the rest of the competition, because they both got that incorrect, with the actual answer being 2003. B: 0 E: 0


And Etheridge strikes back! Evidently, people find strange, blue-colored, mystical creatures entertaining because the answer is indeed “Avatar.”This means Etheridge brings it up to a tie once more. B: 2 E: 2


There are more of a species of this animal than there are humans in the world. What animal is this? Baxter: Bunnies Etheridge: Beetles Unfortunately, beetles are insects and bunnies is uncertain; the answer we were looking for is chickens. Don’t chicken out of the competition yet, we’ve still got three more questions to go! B: 2 E: 2


Which two Disney cartoonanimated films have both parents exist and do not die in the movie? Baxter: Pocahontas & Little Mermaid Etheridge: Toy Story & Toy Story 2 Pocahontas’ mom is dead, Ariel only has her dad, and in the Toy Story films only the mom is present. The answer is Peter Pan and 101 Dalmatians.The score remains a tie. B: 2 E: 2 What is the most common specific phobia in the United States?


Baxter: Fear of Spiders Etheridge: Arachnophobia The fear of spiders, otherwise known as Arachnophobia is the answer.The score still remains at a tie, and there is one question left to decide both competitors’ fates. B: 3 E: 3


In the 1880s in England, what common word was considered a “dirty word?”

Baxter: Fart Etheridge: Twerk Both good guesses, since both are a bit atrocious, but the correct answer was “pants.”That’d be a quite a world to live in when saying pants was inappropriate. Anyway, the game ends in a tie of three points.Well done, Guy Baxter and Mr. Etheridge! Final Score! B: 3 E: 3



Haunted Homecoming’13 2

October 21 - 26




6: A skydiver flies onto the field with the Maverick

1: Students compete on Tuesday in the Student

Center in a plank challenge. Junior Josh Birchall won the competition with a time of approximately ten minutes.

2: Members of the Homecoming Court cheer at the sight of skydivers flying through the sky. Four high fliers descended into the stadium at halftime to announce the Homecoming Queen. Left to right: Carter Jones, Aly Hayes, Hayden McDougall, Bridget Grubb and Zach Lax.

3: Maverick cheerleaders motivate the football team

flag attached to his parachute.

7: Homecoming court members Maddy Belin and

Zach Lax, seniors, ride atop their golf cart in the Homecoming Parade.

and encourage the crowd to get “ROWDY.” Left to right: Sophia Hincapie, Mackenna Dunn and Livie Bogert.

8: Two potential Mavericks support the football team

4: Tight end Jake Galloway (left) and wide-receiver

from the bleachers.

Isaac Williams (right) celebrate Isaac’s second touchdown in the homecoming game against the Vista Panthers.

9: Homecoming Queen Laila Al-Shamma (right) and nominee Aly Hayes (left) celebrate after Laila chose to share the Queen’s crown with Aly .

5: The cheerleading squad holding up a banner for

the football team to tear down as the team enters for the second half.


10: Runningback Ben Brennan, senior, carries the ball for the Mavericks.


11: Senior Emma Abrahamson participates in a

pumpkin squashing challenge in the Student Center on Monday at lunch.

12: Senior Melissa Gower plays the part of Homecoming Witch while announcing the Homecoming Queen at halftime.



12 10

Photos by Emily Schacht, Devin Berry, Kara Gibson, Kassandra Rezler and Anna Gardiner-Feldman


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