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Google Sign In From the Google home page, you need to sign in. If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one.

Creating a Google Account

It is best to use your personal e-mail (NOT work e-mail) as your username for your new account. It is not necessary, but down the road if you leave the district, it would be nice NOT to have a Google account with your LCISD e-mail as the username. If you have a G-Mail address then you already have a Google account. • •

Account Once logged in, you will need to click on Settings then on Google account settings in the top right corner of the screen.

Account Creation Modifying Your Account

A verification e-mail will be sent to that e-mail address You will have to verify the account before using it

Adding Multiple E-Mails

Under e-mail addresses, click on Edit and you can add additional e-mail addresses you would like associated with your Google account. Note: That does not mean you will receive e-mails for that address, it means that if someone e-mails you a link to a document, it will recognize your account with all of the different addresses. My Products Profile Think of Google as a big store. Once you create an account, you can “purchase” different tools. Each time you set up a new tool, it will go into your products.

Under the Edit Profile screen you can customize what you want other people to see about you.


Creating an Account Creating an Account Title Title

Title iGoogle allows you to create your own homepage. You can add Title “blocks” that will allow you to view information and quickly access many features from one place. To create your iGoogle account, go to . Then select “Sign in” located in the upper right-hand corner of the window. Account Information Title Title

Fill in the required information in this section. When filling in your current email keep in mind that any email can be used. You DO NOT need to use a gmail (Google) email address. Select a password. Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters. Decide whether you want iGoogle to keep you constantly signed in or whether it logs you out automatically. Also determine whether you want web history to be enabled.

In the window that opens, select “Create an account now.” Getting Started Title Title

Fill in the required information in this section as well. You will need to complete word verification as well. This can sometimes be tricky. If you don’t get it the first time, try again. Select “I accept. Create my account” when all information is correct. You will receive a verification email to the address you supplied to ensure it is indeed you creating the account. Follow directions in the email.

iGoogle iGoogle

Themes Gadgets Changing Themes

You can personalize your Google experience by creating an iGoogle page. To get started, click on the iGoogle link at the top of the screen once Google puts a few standard blocks (gadgets) on Editing Blocks your log in page to begin. These are blocks of information such as the news, weather and more. To edit these gadgets, click on the drop-down arrow to give you a list of options including deleting the gadget. you have logged into Google. Add Stuff

As mentioned above, you can add gadgets to your page so that you can see only the things you want to see. Must Haves • • • • •

Forms Calendar Docs Google Reader Bookmarks

Adding a different theme to your page can express who you are. Some themes change every time you refresh the page, and some themes are static. Pick something that makes you smile when you see your page. Adding Gadgets

Search for gadgets and when you find one, click on the Add it now button. Moving Gadgets You can move gadgets around on the page. Hover over the 4-sided arrow, click and then move the block to the area that you want it on the page. You will notice as you move, marching ants will appear in the new location. Let go and it will be moved.


Adding Themes Adding Gadgets/Blocks

Overview Use the task pane to see where you are and what blocks you have available to you on a page. iGoogle allows you to create more than one tab. This would allow for you to keep your personal and professional items separate. You can have a tab for each interest, such as a sports tab, fashion tab, entertainment, etc. To edit tabs, go to “settings”, “iGoogle settings.”

Change themes and/or add gadgets to your page by utilizing these options.

Title Title Title Title

You can customize the look of your iGoogle page as well as what you have access to. Change the theme to something you like and have an interest in. Add/remove gadgets (blocks) to suit your interests as well. You can even arrange the blocks on your page to fit your needs.

Adding Themes Title Title

Selecting a theme allows you to give your iGoogle page more of a personal feel. Select a theme that matches your personality. Pick a different theme to match each of your iGoogle pages. You can view all themes, narrow your choices by topic, or do a search for keywords if you know exactly what you are looking for. You can even choose “Theme of the day” which will change to something different each day. To get started, click on “Change Theme” from the homepage. A window appears that will allow you to preview and search. When you find a theme that you like, click “Add it now.”

Each block can be manipulated separately. Click and drag the title bar to move the block to a different location. Click the drop down menu to access more editing options.

Adding Gadgets/Blocks Title Title

Click on “Add stuff” to be able to add gadgets to your homepage. You can search for gadgets by choosing a category or searching for keywords. The gadgets will display with a brief description. A more detailed description, as well as comments from people who use it, can be found by clicking on the name of the gadget. If you would like to add a gadget, click “Add it now.” Some gadgets you may find useful... • Google Reader- follow blogs and receive notifications of new posts • Google Calendar- store and view events on-line • Google Docs- Create, share, and edit documents in real time with mulitple users at once • Blogger- share and discuss information on-line

Blogger Sign In/Dashboard

Creating Your Blog Name Your Blog Title Title

Title Title

Visit Sign in using your Google account credentials. Notice that on the homepage they have a site tour and video tutorials to assist you if needed.

Your dashboard is where you can work with your existing blogs, manage your profile information, or create a new blog. The first time you log in, you will want to select “Create a Blog” in the upper right-hand section of the window.

Choose a Template Title Title

Choose a template for your blog. There are quite a few templates to choose from. You can click on “preview template” to get a better feel for what it will look like full page. Once you have decided on a template... 1. Click the circle to select the template you want 2. Click Continue

It is time to make some decisions for your blog... 1. Come up with a blog title- make it something distinct but easy to remember 2. Choose a blog address (url)- you can choose whatever you would like for your url...certain characters are not allowed and you will have to check for availability of the address 3. Word Verification- these can be the best you can 4. Click Continue

Ready to Go! Title Title

Your blog has now been created. It is time to take a closer look at the settings of your blog and begin posting the information you are wanting to share. Click “Start Blogging” to get to the blog editor.

Blogger Page Elements

Layout Options Add a Gadget Title Title

Title Title

In Blogger, “gadgets” is the term used to describe the extra options that are available for you on your blog. The blocks will occur in different locations depending on the template. Arrange the order of the “gadgets” and add/edit/delete the gadgets from the Page Elements section of the Design tab. • To change the order/location of a gadget, click and drag it to its new spot. • To edit/delete a gadget, click on “edit” in that gadget box and make your changes. • To add a gadget, click on the “Add a Gadget” box.

There are many gadgets that you can add. To add a gadget, simply click on the plus button next to it. A brief description is there for you to read. Some popular gadgets are... • Picture- display a picture on your sidebar • Slideshow- insert a slideshow from Photobucket or another on-line photo site • Search- lets visitors search your blog for keywords • Blog List- list other blogs you follow • Link List- list other links you find interesting • Feed- add content from an RSS feed

Template Designer Title The Design tab also gives you access to the “Template Title Designer.” There are a number of options in the template Title designer that allow you to make the blog look and feel like Title

your own. The first option you have is to choose a different template as a starting point. When you click on a template the bottom of the page previews what your blog would look like. To accept it, click “APPLY TO BLOG” at the top right.

Use the background tab to select an overall color scheme for your blog. Individual color options can be changed later.

Adjust the width of your overall blog and/or your sidebar depending on the template you choose.

The layout tab allows you the option of choosing 1, 2, or no sidebars on your blog. This helps with gadget selections.

Advanced gives you options to change font size and color, area background colors, link colors, etc.

Blogger Adding Pages


Blogger allows you to create sub-pages that link to your home page. For instance, you could have your home page, then have a page for homework, one for curriculum, another for schedules, etc. To create new pages for your blog, from the “Posting” tab select Edit Pages... 1. Page Title- type in your title 2. Publish Page You can change where your page links appear in the “Layout” tab, page elements.

Use the editing options toolbar much like you do Microsoft Word. You can change fonts, size, color, etc. You can also hyperlink items and add images and video from here.

Adding/Editing Pages Adding/Editing Posts Adding Posts Title Title VTitle

Posting is where you will add all your thoughts, information, etc. to your blog. To create new posts, from the “Posting” tab select New Post... 1. Title- type in a title for your post 2. Add Pictures and/or Video- this will be covered in the panels below 3. Body- type your text for the body of the post...use the editing options to make text appear the way you’d like 4. Publish Post

Inserting Images Title Title

Image Icon

To add images to your blog post, click on the “Add Image” icon (shown above) 1. Browse- browse to where you have the images stored on your computer 2. Choose Layout- location of image in blog post 3. Image size- Small, medium, or large 4. Upload Image The upload cannot exceed 8 MB. You can upload up to 5 images at a time. The image you upload first will appear at the bottom of your post. Keep that in mind if you care about the order of your images.

Inserting Video Title Title

Video Icon To add video to your blog post, click on the “Add Video” icon (shown above) 1. Browse- browse to where you have the video stored on your computer 2. Video Title- type in a title for your video 3. Agreement Clause- check the box to indicate that you will not upload anything of and obscene nature 4. Upload Video You have a 100 MB limit for video upload. Keep in mind your connection speed. A 100 MB video will take a quite a while to upload. When viewed, the video will appear in a small window. You can afford to lose some resolution and compress the video to keep the file size small.

Blogger Basic

Settings Basic Title Title

Title Title

Your settings tab has many options for you to personalize and protect your blog. This will cover only a few settings. Feel free to browse through all the settings when you have a chance. Here are a few options you have under basic settings... 1. Title- Change the title of your blog at any time...but the url address will remain the same. 2. Description- A description can be posted on your blog to help clarify what/who your blog is intended for.

Permissions Title Title

The Permissions section allows you more control over the accessibility of your blog. 1. Blog Authors- To add others that can author or post to your blog, click on “Add Authors” and type in their email address. It will send an email inviting them to join. 2. Blog Readers- Choose who is able to view your blog...anybody, people you choose, or authors only. Note that if you select “people you choose” they will have to log in each visit before they can view.

3. 4.

Add blog to listings- Choose if you want your blog publicly listed on the blogger site for all to view, or if you wish for your blog to remain more private. Search engines and blogs- Choose whether you want your blog to show if searched through Google or any other search engine.

Comments Title Title

The Comments section lets you make choices about commenting on your posts. • Choose to show or hide comments that have been made. If you choose to hide, comments will not be erased. You can choose to show again at any time. • Choose who can comment on your posts. It can range from anyone to only those who have permission to read the blog. • If you do not want commenting available on your posts, that option can be found here as well.

Google Docs

Creating Documents Sharing Documents Working with Documents

Overview Use this area to narrow your item search. You can choose to view items according to categories.

These drop down options allow you to work with your docs. You will first need to check the box next to each doc you wish to work with before being able to utilize these options.

Title Title Title Title

You can create folders to organize your documents. Store like documents in the same folder. Google Docs gives you many of the options you have when working with Microsoft Office with the advantage of real time, mulitple-person sharing and editing. In Google Docs a document can not only be viewed by many people at once, it can be edited by all who have access to it all at the same time!

Creating New Documents Click on the drop down bar to create a new... • Word Document • Presentation (PPT) • Spreadsheet • Form (results are placed in a spreadsheet) • Drawing • Folder (to organize your files. ***Google Docs uses Office 2003 formatting***

More Actions “More Actions” gives you other options such as... • Star importants docs • Hide private docs • Mark as Unviewed • Export to Office or some other program

Sharing Documents Title Title

You are able to share documents with others who have Google accounts. This allows everyone to view and update the document, in real time, all at the same time. To share a document with others, simply type their emails into the “Invite” box. Separate the email addresses with commas. Once you enter the email addresses the first time they will be saved in your contacts. You can also create groups to email to. Choose to type a message or use the default message from Google, then click “Send.” A corresponding email will be sent to everyone you chose to share with.

Google Sites Logging in/Creating an account Go to:

Logging in to Google Creating a new site Choosing a template

Create new site Once you have your account confirmed, go back to and sign in.

Select Create new site. Choose a template You can choose a template to use for your site. You can use one of the featured ones listed or Browse the gallery for more.

If you have gmail at home or already have a Google account, you can sign in using that. If you do not have an account press Sign up for Sites. Follow the steps using your work email address. You should receive an email to confirm your account.

Naming your site

**If you are going to use an LCISD specific template, make sure you search for it at this point** More Options

Name your site: Give your site a name (this will appear at the top) (i.e. Mrs. Mitchell’s Class) Your site will be located at the URL: Google automatically fills this in when you name your site. You can leave it how they have it or you can change it. Choose a theme: This is look and colors for your site. You can always change this later.

Your More Options section allows you to give your Site Description, choose who you Share with, label Mature Content. Share with: You will need to select Everyone in the world for this option.

Home Page Editing Site Inserting Images Inserting Links

Google Sites Home Page

Editing the Web Site

This is the home page of the web site…what everyone will see when they first go to the web site.

Click “Edit page” to enable the editing toolbar:

Menu Bar Insert: Insert images, links, Google calendar, videos, etc. Format: Advanced formatting options Table: Insert and edit a table Layout: You can change the layout of your page

Editing Toolbar

Undo Change Font Size Underline

Redo Bold Change Font Color

Change Font Italics Font Background Color

Add or Remove a Link

Numbered List

Bulleted List

Increase Indent Center Align Edit HTML Source

Decrease Indent Right Align Save Changes & Exit Editing Mode

Left Align Remove Formatting Exit Editing Mode

Inserting a Picture 1. Click the Insert Menu 2. Click Image a. Uploaded images: i. Browse to the image or b. Web address (URL): i. Copy and paste or type the link to an image

3. Click OK

Adding a Link 1. If necessary, select the text 2. Click the button

3. Choose “Existing page” or “Web address” a. Existing page: a page within the Google site b. Web address: a URL to another web site 4. Click OK

Change a Logo Add a Page Colors and Fonts Sharing

Google Sites Adding/Changing a Logo 1. Click on the “More actions” button 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Click on “Manage site” from the options that appear Click on “Site layout” on the left side menu In the Header section, click “change logo” Browse to the desired logo Click OK Click “Save Changes” Click to view changes

Adding a New Page 1. Click 2. Name the page 3. Choose the page location option: - “Put page under XXXX” - “Put page at the top level” 4. Click

Colors and Fonts Colors and Fonts all you to make modifications to page colors, font colors, and font styles 1. Click on the “More actions” button 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on “Manage site” from the options that appear Click on “Colors and Fonts” on the left side menu Choose desired settings Click “Save changes”

Colors and Fonts that can be changed − Entire page – background color/image, page font, link colors − Site header – title color, background color, background image − Content area – title color, text color, background color, background image − Content area gadgets – font, text color, link color, background color, line divider color − Sidebar gadgets – font, text color, link color, background color, line divider color − Navigation gadget – page background, page text color Sharing Sharing all you to invite people to your site as an owner, collaborator (editor), or viewer 1. Click on the “More actions” button 2. Click on “Manage site” from the options that appear 3. Click on “Sharing” on the left side menu 4. Make changes as needed Note: Changes made are saved automatically

Google Calendar Settings Title

Sharing Calendars Embedding Calendars

Calendar Details Tab mbedETitle

To create a new calendar, select “Create” from the My calendars box and follow the instructions. To change an exisiting calendar’s settings, select “settings.”

Calendar Settings

From the Calendar Settings page, choose the calendar you want to manipulate.

Share This Calendar Tab Title Title

The Share This Calendar tab allows you to share your calendar with others. Enter the email address that is associated with their google account (they must have or create a google account in order to view) and choose what rights each individual will have. Options range from being able to make changes and share with others to just seeing you as unavailable. You can add as many people as you wish, one at a time. Each person you share with will receive an email notifying them that you are attempting to share a calendar with them.

The Calendar Details tab allows you to change the calendar’s name, add a description, etc. This is also where you can get the code to embed the calendar onto a website. Copy the code from the “Embed This Calendar” section and paste it in the appropriate area of the website in which you are wishing to embed it.

Notifications Tab Title Title

The Notifications tab lets you add reminders to events and choose if/how you want to receive notifications for items such as invitations and agenda. You can choose to have emails sent to your designated inbox or receive a pop-up message whenever you receive a new invitation or a change to an existing invitation.

Google Calendar

Overview Creating Events Editing Events

Overview These options allow you to move quickly through your calendar. These boxes show you what calendars you have access to. “My Calendars” are created by you. “Other Calendars” are shared by others. If a calendar is highlighted in these boxes its events will show in the calendar window. Those not highlighted are hidden.

Viewing/Printing Options: Choose from Day, Week, Month, 4 Days, or Agenda view. You can print from any view.

Title Title Title Title

Each block represents a different event. The dark strip on top tells you the time frame of the event. The light area below lists event detais. In the event that you have overlapping events, the blocks will narrow and both events will show. Different colored blocks represent different calendars.

Creating Events Title Title

If a block appears at the top of the calendar it is an all day event.

Editing Events Title Title

To create an event, click in the calendar window where you would like the event to occur. You will see the screen above appear. Type the “What” to detail your event and then click “Create Event.” If you want more options, click “edit event details” on the bottom. The screen below will then appear.

This screen will allow you to be even more detailed. From here you can... • change the time frame • set repeat options • choose which calendar the event appears on • include a description and locations • add reminders

Editing an event can be done as well... • Move an event to a different time or date by clicking and dragging the dark strip on top to wherever you need it. • Click and drag the bottom bar of the event up or down to change the duration of an event. • If you click on the description itself the “edit event details” screen will reappear. This allows you access to all the options discussed in the Creating Events panel.

Google Reader

Overview Subscriptions

Overview Choose a category to browse. Click here to add subscriptions to your Google Reader.

Title Title Title Title

See what others are following. See what Google recommends for you.

When you choose something from the task pane on the left it will appear in the viewer window here.

View your subscriptions.

Google Reader allows you to keep up with blog posts without having to visit each blog to see if something new has been posted. A blog is an on-line journal used to share information and/or personal thoughts. Most blogs are equipped with an RSS feed. This is a tool that will send out a summary of a website, or blog, when something new has been added to it. By subscribing to an RSS feed, Google Reader will let you know something new has been posted. This way you don’t have to constantly visit every site that you follow in order to see if there are any new postings.


Manage Subscriptions

You can subscribe to sites a couple of different ways. If you know the url address of the site, type (or paste) it in the box under “Add a subscription” and click “Add.” You can also search a term to locate a feed. If you are on a site and it has an RSS feed symbol (orange above), click on it. One of the options should be to add to Google Reader.

Click on “Manage subscriptions” located in the task pane to work with your subscriptions. From here you can rename, organize, add to folders, and unsubscribe from a subscription...just to name a few.

Task Pane Choose what you are working with/viewing from the task pane. Decide which category you would like to view. You can also follow others who use Google Reader to see what sites/blogs they are following or recommending others follow.

Google pays attention to what you are showing interest in. They will then make suggestions to other sites you may be interested in. You will find those in “Explore.” “Subscriptions” lists all the sites you subscribe to. Click on a site to view posts from that site in the viewer.

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