2 minute read
A. To the Parent
This publication is presented to you because your child has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics, cocurricular, or extracurricular activities and you have expressed your willingness to permit them to participate. By supporting policies and regulations that govern school competition, events, and the conduct and training of students participating in activities, parents, team or group members and coaches, directors, or sponsors can maintain a program with positive opportunities and experiences that foster the personal growth of all members.
High school athletics and activities are an extension of a student’s academic day. Education-based school activities provide an opportunity to learn valuable lessons that cannot be obtained in a classroom setting alone. A small percentage of high school athletes go on to play college sports. An outstanding education can help a student become successful in life. The student athlete should make attending classes every day, being prepared and earning satisfactory grades their priority.
Loudoun County Public Schools believes that student activity programs help meet students’ needs for selfexpression, mental alertness, and physical growth. Our obligation is to maintain a sound program to further students’ emotional and physical maturity. The staff is committed to provide adequate equipment and facilities, well-trained coaches, directors, sponsors and fair contests with skilled officials or judges.
Students who participate in one of our student activity programs commit to self-discipline, self-denial, and prescribed training habits. To remain on the squad, all students are expected:
• to comply with the rules of training and conduct, to discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition, events, and practices
• to attend all meetings, practices, performances and competitions
• to recognize the rights of other team or group members.
We appreciate your collaborative and cooperative efforts with members of the school staff.
Freshman and junior varsity athletics in Loudoun County provide the opportunity for a healthy and desirable attitude towards athletic participation. The program presents an environment in which students can begin to learn all of the positive elements that can be gained by participation in sports.
Freshman and junior varsity athletics provide the opportunity for students to prepare for participation on the varsity teams. Learning and refining skills, sportsmanship, strategy, teamwork, competition, conditioning, and maturity are necessary for athletes to advance to higher levels of competition.
Although participation by students is highly desirable, there are no guarantees that all athletes will participate in all games. Playing time for athletes is the sole decision of the Head Coach and their staff. Coaches are encouraged to give each student the opportunity to participate in as many games as practical.
Varsity athletics in Loudoun County encourages each team and school to represent itself at the highest possible standard at every level of competition. The varsity athletic program is intended to provide those students possessing a high degree of skill and talent in sports the opportunity to perform in the sport of their choice.