3 minute read
A. To the Parent
This publication is presented to you because your child has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics, cocurricular, or extracurricular activities and you have expressed your willingness to permit them to participate. By supporting policies and regulations that govern school competition, events, and the conduct and training of students participating in activities, parents, team or group members, and coaches, directors, or sponsors can maintain a program with positive opportunities and experiences that foster the personal growth of all members.
High school athletics and activities are an extension of a student’s academic day. Education-based school activities provide an opportunity to learn valuable lessons that cannot be obtained in a classroom setting alone. A small percentage of high school athletes go on to play college sports. An outstanding education can help a student become successful in life. The student athlete should make attending classes every day, being prepared, and earning satisfactory grades priority.
Loudoun County Public Schools believes that student activity programs help meet students’ need for selfexpression, mental alertness, and physical growth. Our obligation is to maintain a sound program to further students’ emotional and physical maturity. The staff is committed to provide adequate equipment and facilities, well-trained coaches, directors, and sponsors and fair contests with skilled officials or judges.
Students who participate in one of our student activity programs commit to self-discipline, self-denial, and prescribed training habits. To remain on the squad, all students are expected:
• to comply with the rules of training and conduct, to discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition, events, and practices
• to attend all meetings, practices, performances, and competition
• to recognize the rights of other team or group members.
We appreciate your collaborative and cooperative efforts with members of the school staff.
Loudoun County Public Schools Student Activites Mission Statement and Objectives
Mission Statement: Loudoun County Public Schools Student Activity dynamically supports the academic mission of the school system. Our Student Activity programs provide opportunities for lifelong lessons in the value of teamwork, empathy, work ethic, resilience, and sacrifice for a goal; all within the values of respect and honor. It is the hope that participation in the student activities within LCPS will promote positive attitudes that will empower students to make meaningful contributions to the world.
1. To promote an atmosphere that allows for students to be challenged to develop physical, mental, emotional, and social growth.
2. To provide a student the environment to develop their individual skill and potential.
3. To teach each individual how to function as a member of a team or group, with personal goals and accomplishments being held in high regard, but subservient to that of the team or group.
4. To teach each individual to strive for excellence, but only within the confines of acceptable forthrightness and conduct.
5. To enable a community-wide sense of school spirit that is fostered by the athletic teams at each school.
6. To develop a life-long appreciation of physical fitness and wellness.
A. General Information
1. Rules and guidelines are available in the main office, student activity handbook, and on the LCPS athletic webpage.
2. Rules and guidelines apply to any students participating in school interscholastic, cocurricular, and extracurricular activities.
3. Loudoun County Public Schools are eager to have parents of students know the regulations governing their child’s participation in these activities.
B. Club/Organization Proposals
LCPS schools continue to look for additional ways to allow students to become involved in campus life beyond the program of studies.
1. If students are interested in proposing a new club, organization, or group, the student must complete a proposal form obtainable from the Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator. Policy 8350: Student Activities applies in terms of all aspects of cocurricular and extracurricular clubs in LCPS.
2. Any student-proposed club, organization, or group needs a minimum of five involved student members and a committed school staff member willing to serve as the group’s advisor.
3. The club, organization, or group sponsor is responsible for working with the Student Activities and Engagement Coordinator to establish the appropriate procedures by which student officer roles are determined. Students who express interest in creating a club are not able to pre-determine officer roles on their own.
4. Students must recognize that all club, organization, or group special event proposals involve a process by which the sponsoring school staff member must obtain approval by school and central office administration staff members before proceeding.
5. Please see LCPS Policy 4020-REG in terms of student fees related to cocurricular/extracurricular activities.