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Fear Aura (Su): Any creature of1 HD or less that sees the agrippa at a range of30 feet or less must save or become panicked for 1d10 rounds (Will save,DC 15 negates).A creature that saves against the fear aura is immune to its effects for one day.This ability operates continuously.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will—cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, protection from good (selfonly), read magic; 3/day—bestow curse, contagion, darkness, desecrate, magic circle against good (centered on selfonly);1/day—finger ofdeath, inflict critical wounds, earthquake (centered on selfonly)


Spells (Sp): An agrippa casts spells as ifit were a 6th-level sorcerer.The spells it knows are the ones inscribed within it.It does not need to use verbal or somatic components,or material or focus components with no listed gp value.An agrippa that gains levels in wizard may use itselfas its spellbook.

Blindsight (Ex): The agrippa can perceive the environment around it as ifit were a seeing creature,and can also perceive its environment through nonvisual senses (hearing,scent,and vibration) to a range of10 feet.Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant,though the agrippa still can’t discern ethereal beings.It usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within range ofits blindsight ability.

Fiendish Grimoire (Ex): An agrippa is a powerful book with several magical abilities based on fiends,spells,and spellcasting. These are:

Spellbook: An agrippa holds spells as ifit were a standard spellbook with 100 pages.However,spells with the good descriptor cannot be inscribed into the book.(It always seems to be full when the spellcaster attempts to inscribe them.) Spells with the evil descriptor or which could have it ifused in a certain way (for instance, summon monster I, ifused to summon an evil outsider),can always be inscribed into it.Such spells count as 0 pages for the purpose of whether or not they might fit,although scribing times and costs are as normal.A typical agrippa is found with spells appropriate to that ofa 6th-level conjurer (16 cantrips,nine 1st-level,six 2nd-level,and four 3rd-level spells),though older ones may have many more.

Spontaneous Casting: An arcane spellcaster with open spell slots may use those slots to spontaneously cast spells inscribed in the agrippa.Doing so requires that the spell is on the caster’s spell list, the book is opened to the right page,and the caster is touching the book with one hand.The caster can use no metamagic feats or other spell-altering effects to change the spell.

Magical Assistance: Since an agrippa is an arcane spellcaster,it counts as an assistant whenever its owner is performing a spell that can take advantage ofsuch things (such as binding).

Book ofNames: An Agrippa holds 10d10 names ofdemons,devils,and other fiends within its pages,each with a short description (such as “vrock,” “fiendish girallon,” or “osyluth ofSet”),which may be used to name a creature to be conjured (through planar binding, imprisonment, and so on).Ofthe creatures named,2d6 are described in detail,including a physical description,known powers, and approximate strength.This detailed description negates the need to research the type or value ofspecial components to control the creature (such as the miniature chains needed for binding or the gem needed for trap the soul).It also confers a +4 bonus on Charisma checks made to bargain with the creature ifcontrolled or summoned.

No Discernable Anatomy (Ex): As a fiend bound into the shape ofa book,an agrippa has no discernable anatomy.It is immune to critical hits and any attacks or effects that would affect specific body parts (such as eyes,a head, and so on).It does not need to breathe,eat,or sleep.

Regeneration (Ex): Acid,fire,and blessed or holy weapons deal an agrippa normal damage.To destroy an agrippa permanently,it must be rendered unconscious,exorcised (using dispel evil, holy word, miracle,or a similar spell),and burned to ashes.The ashes must then be scattered on holy ground (an area protected by consecrate or hallow).

Ephemerite (Angel)

Medium Construct (Angel,Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dexterity) Speed: 40 feet,fly 60 feet (average) AC: 19 (+2 Dexterity,+7 natural);touch 12,flat-footed 27 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3 Attack: Longsword +3 melee (1d8+3) Full Attack: Longsword +3 melee (1d8+3) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities Special Qualities: Heavenborn traits,construct traits,divine specificity,damage reduction 10/magic,instant mortality,quasi-outsider, resistance to acid,cold,fire,and sonic 5,specific intelligence Saves: Fortitude +3,Reflex +5,Will +4 Abilities: Str 14,Dex 14,Con —,Int —,Wis 12,Cha 8

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