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Chapter Ten: CREATURES Agrippa

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Chapter Ten 109



Classical angelic lore speaks offallen angels,evil tomes that are the bound forms ofdemons,angels who only live for a day, animalistic fiends,and strange vampire-demons that can condemn innocent souls to Hell. Some ofthese creatures are Heaven’s allies,some are its foes.

For a campaign focusing on the role ofangels,the presence of demons and fallen angels can be vital to demonstrating the risks ofevil behavior.In addition,creatures that tempt or attack mortals reinforce an angel’s role as a heavenly protector. Most ofthe following creatures should eventually play a role in any campaign centered around angels.

Agrippa (Fiend)

Medium Outsider (Evil)

Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 5 feet AC: 20 (+10 natural);touch 10,flat-footed 20 Space/Reach: 5 feet/0 feet Special Attacks: Fear aura,spell-like abilities,spells Special Qualities: Acid resistance 10,blindsight 10 feet,cold resistance 10,damage reduction 20/magic,electricity resistance 20, fiendish grimoire,fire resistance 20,immunity to disease and poison,no discernable anatomy,outsider traits,regeneration 1,SR 20 Saves: Fortitude +8,Reflex +5,Will +10 Abilities: Str 10,Dex 10,Con 16,Int 16,Wis 16,Cha 14 Skills: Concentration +12,Craft (alchemy) +12,Diplomacy +4,

Intimidate +11,Knowledge (arcana) +12,Knowledge (religion) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +15,Listen +12,Sense Motive +12,

Spellcraft +12,Spot +12 Feats: Iron Will,Skill Focus (Knowledge [the planes]),Spell

Penetration Environment: Any land Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 7 Treasure: None Alignment: Always evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: —

This evil-looking book is 5 feet tall and covered in symbols ofmagic and evil. Metal chains are wrapped around it as ifto keep it closed or keep something within it from escaping.

Agrippas are intelligent,demonic spellbooks usually made from human skin and inked in blood.They are malevolent repositories of evil knowledge and power for their owners.When not in use,an agrippa is wrapped in chains and suspended from the ceiling ofan empty room to keep the evil within it from harming anyone or escaping.An agrippa is actually a living fiend (demon,devil,or some other type) bound into the shape ofa mundane book.In addition to being a special spellbook,it is a powerful creature in its own right.

Agrippas cannot speak,and unlike most fiends they have no innate ability to communicate telepathically,nor can they change the writing that appears within them.Shut offfrom other creatures,they are forced to rage silently unless their owner uses magic to hear their thoughts.Likewise,lacking limbs they cannot manipulate objects and can barely manage to drag themselves about by sheer force ofwill. They can make minor movements oftheir cover and pages.

An agrippa is normally given to an evil mage in exchange for service to the lower planes.The book develops an attachment to its owner and dislikes being touched or used by others.It uses its powers to plague and harm those that try.Ifits owner dies,it is likely to rage and strike out at the owner’s family and friends,killing them and even destroying the building where it was kept.An interested party can mollify the agrippa by sacrificing intelligent good creatures to it (at least 6 HD worth),after which it accepts that person as its new owner.

As an outsider,an agrippa can be sent back to its home plane using dismissal or similar spells,though this does not destroy it and usually means it ends up in the hands ofsome other evil creature on the Material Plane at a later date.


Agrippas rarely personally enter combat.Ifforced to defend themselves,they use their magic.They prefer to summon demons or devils to serve them or rely on their owners to protect them.

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