15 minute read
Outcast, Rebellious, and Fallen Angel
Size Incorporeal Touch Damage
Fine 1 Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6 Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6
Special Attacks: A raphaite retains all the special attacks ofthe base creature and also gains the following attacks:
Strength Drain (Su): The incorporeal touch attacks ofraphaim each drain 1 point ofStrength from the target.Unlike undead shadows,raphaim do not create spawn when their target reaches 0 Strength.The target is merely left immobile and is thus an easy kill. Raphaim are immune to the Strength drain ability ofraphaim.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day—dimension door. Caster level 7th.
Special Qualities: A raphaite retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains darkvision,low-light vision,and the following:
Fear Immunity (Ex): Raphaim are completely immune to fear.
Resistances: Raphaim have acid,cold,and electricity resistance 5. Ifthe base creature has energy resistance or immunity for these types,use the greater value.
Incorporeal: Raphaim are incorporeal,and have all ofthe abilities normally granted by being incorporeal (immunity to nonmagical attack forms,50 percent miss chance from magical attacks or weapons,and so on).
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:Wisdom +2, Charisma +4.
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Same as the base creature’s or solitary
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature’s +2
Treasure: Same as the base creature’s or standard,whichever is greater (though the raphaite usually can’t carry its treasure).
Alignment: Always evil
Advancement: Same as the base creature’s
Level Adjustment: —
Even angels can make mistakes and are capable ofsins such as pride,greed,or lust.When an angel sins,it risks being cast out of Heaven,either by the weight ofits own misdeeds or by the direct action ofa superior angel or deity.
Those angels who have not truly turned to evil are outcast angels, damaged goods but still capable ofredemption.Those who atone for their mistakes may return to their original faith,join a different (and probably more lax) faith,or live as a free angel.
Some refuse to admit they have done wrong and rebel against their former lords and kindred,pursuing their own selfish goals.These are the rebellious angels, reveling in their independence and looking for ways to stand out from others oftheir kind.Few ofthem ever manage to return to Heaven,and many complete their fall and serve in Hell. The majority ofthe rest end up dead at the hands ofangels sent to punish them or fiends looking to kill an angel with no friends.
Those who embrace evil or corruption and accept their base desires are fallen angels, and they are as irredeemable as any fiend.Several of the most powerful fiends were once angels and gained much power in Hell after their fall.Countless numbers ofminor angels are now fallen angels,serving as lesser fiends in the armies ofHell.
Outcast Angel
Outcasts look just like normal angels oftheir type,though their glory seems a bit diminished and they lack something when compared to a normal angel.An outcast hound archon might have ruffled fur or a gaunt appearance,while an outcast ophanite might be particularly dim or give offmore smoke than heat.Most ofthem long to be back in Heaven’s good graces,though some despair and wander the planes alone,performing their old duties to the best of their ability in a pale echo oftheir former greatness.A rare few are taken to Hell by the fiends and given positions ofpower in hopes ofcausing them to turn to evil.Some outcasts grow bitter and angry and gain the rebellious angel or fallen angel template.
Sample Outcast Angel
This creature resembles a tired-looking but noble elf. He has dull pearly eyes and seems to give offa faint radiant aura.
This example uses Azibeel,a ghaele who was cast out after cohabiting with mortal women (a sin ofhis faith),as the base creature.
Outcast Ghaele Medium Outsider (chaotic,eladrin,extraplanar,good)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp) Initiative: +5 (+1 Dexterity,+4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 50 feet,fly 150 feet (perfect) AC: 25 (+1 Dexterity,+14 natural);touch 11,flat-footed 24;or 14 (+1 Dexterity,+3 deflection);touch 14,flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+17 Attack: +4 holy greatsword +21 melee (2d6+14/19-20) or light ray +11 ranged touch (2d12) Full Attack: +4 holy greatsword +21/+16 melee (2d6+14/19-20) or 2 light rays +11 ranged touch (2d12) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet Special Attacks: Gaze,outcast purge,spell-like abilities,spells Special Qualities: Alternate form,damage reduction 10/evil and cold iron,darkvision 60 feet,immunity to electricity and petrification,low-light vision,protective aura,resistance to cold 10 and fire 10,SR 28 Saves: Fortitude +9,Reflex +8,Will +9 Abilities: Str 25,Dex 12,Con 15,Int 17,Wis 15,Cha 16 Skills: Concentration +15,Craft (weaponsmithing) +13,Diplomacy +5,
Escape Artist +14,Handle Animal +16,Hide +14,Knowledge (arcana) +16,Knowledge (local) +16,Listen +16,Move Silently +14,Sense Motive +16,Spot +16,Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings)
Feats: Combat Expertise,Improved Disarm,Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip Environment: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 12 Treasure: No coins,double goods,standard items Alignment: Chaotic good Advancement: 11–15 HD (Medium),16–30 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —
Azibeel prefers damaging attacks to more subtle methods.He usually fights in humanoid form with his +4 holy greatsword.If he needs mobility,he assumes globe form and blasts the enemy with light rays.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, charm monster (DC 17), color spray (DC 14), comprehend languages, continual flame, cure light wounds (DC 14), dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 15), disguise self, dispel magic, hold monster (DC 18), greater invisibility (selfonly), major image (DC 16), see invisibility, greater teleport (selfplus 50 lbs.ofobjects only);1/day— chain lightning (DC 19), prismatic spray (DC 20),and wall offorce. Caster level 12th.The save Difficulty Classes are Charisma based.
Spells: Azibeel in humanoid form can cast divine spells as a 14thlevel cleric.He has access to the Air and Animal domains.The save Difficulty Classes are Wisdom based.
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/7/7/5/5/4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, resistance, virtue; 1st—bless, calm animals*, command, divine favor, obscuring mist, sanctuary, shield offaith; 2nd—aid, align weapon, bear’s endurance, hold animal*, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, zone oftruth; 3rd—daylight, gaseous form*, prayer, remove curse, water breathing; 4th—death ward, dismissal, divine power, restoration, summon nature’s ally IV (animal)*; 5th—control winds* × 3, disrupting weapon, flame strike, mark ofjustice, mass cure light wounds × 2, raise dead, summon monster V, true seeing *Domain spell.Domains:Air and Animal.Azibeel uses his 6thand 7th-level spell slots for additional 5th-level spells because his Wisdom is no longer high enough to prepare his highest-level spells.
Alternate Form (Su): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 ofthe MM.
Gaze (Su): In humanoid form,Azibeel has a gaze attack that acts like a fear spell for 2d10 rounds,range 60 feet (Will negates,DC 18).The save Difficulty Class is Charisma-based.
Light Ray (Ex): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 ofthe MM.
Protective Aura (Su): This ability functions as a lesser globe of invulnerability with a radius of20 feet (caster level 10th).The defensive benefits from the globe are not included in Azibeel’s statistics.
Creating Outcast Angels
Outcast angel is an acquired template that you can add to any angel (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”).It uses all ofthe base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.An outcast bound angel becomes a free angel,losing all special abilities it had for being bound (ifany).
Special Attacks/Special Qualities: An outcast angel retains all the special qualities ofthe base creature except as follows.
Outcast Purge (Ex): An outcast angel loses all racial special attacks and special qualities it had that specifically dealt with evil,such as the ability to use detect evil, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, or magic circle against evil as spell-like abilities.For example,a ghaele’s gaze loses its ability to slay evil creatures,archons lose their automatic magic circle against evil effect,and creatures with the celestial template lose the ability to smite evil. This restriction does not affect class abilities,so spellcasters can still prepare spells with these effects,angels with paladin levels can still smite evil,and so on.The angel just loses the ability to invoke these effects automatically by nature ofbeing an angel.It retains all other special attacks and special qualities.
Abilities: Decrease from the base creature as follows:Wisdom –2. Outcast angels have faltered in their insight and erred in some way.
Challenge Rating: Normally same as the base creature,but outcast angels who had many special attacks or qualities dealing with evil may have a CR 1–2 lower than the base creature’s.
Level Adjustment: As the base creature
Rebellious Angel
Rebellious angels look similar to normal angels oftheir type,though they don’t have the tangible presence ofinnate goodness that celestials have.They also tend to have stronger personalities,identifying marks,or slight physical changes such as body coloration,tattoos, piercings,radical changes in clothing style,alterations to their traditional weapon with carvings or paint,or even a change to a different standard weapon entirely.A rebellious seraph might wear a dozen golden bands on its serpentine body and find that all ofits scales have turned a dark green color,while a rebellious ghaele might have its eyes turn a vivid blue and use a greataxe instead ofa greatsword. Some rebellious angels continue to carry out their previous tasks. Others find new things to do,which may or may not involve serving the cause ofgood.They walk a fine line,and it sometimes takes only one traumatic event to push them over the edge into true evil.
Sample Rebellious Angel
This creature resembles a tired-looking but noble elfwith brown skin and dull pearly eyes.
This example uses Azibeel,who is also the sample creature for the outcast angel template.After spending several years as an outcast on the Material Plane raising his many children,Azibeel grew to resent the implication that his choices were wrong and became a rebellious angel instead ofan outcast angel.His skin has become a deep,earthy brown like that ofhis wives,and he has taken to using a shortspear as the warriors ofhis tribe do.In this state,Azibeel has the statistics listed below.
Rebellious Ghaele Medium Outsider (chaotic,eladrin,extraplanar,neutral)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp) Initiative: +5 (+1 Dexterity,+4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 50 feet,fly 150 feet (perfect) AC: 25 (+1 Dexterity,+14 natural);touch 11,flat-footed 24;or 14 (+1 Dexterity,+3 deflection);touch 14,flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+17
Attack: +4 shortspear +21 melee (1d8+14) or light ray +11 ranged touch (2d12) Full Attack: +4 shortspear +21/+16 melee (1d8+14) or 2 light rays +11 ranged touch (2d12) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet Special Attacks: Gaze,outcast purge,rebellious purge,spell-like abilities,spells Special Qualities: Alternate form,damage reduction 10/evil and cold iron,darkvision 60 feet,immunity to electricity and petrification,low-light vision,pride’s isolation,protective aura,resistance to cold and fire 10,SR 28 Saves: Fortitude +9,Reflex +8,Will +9 Abilities: Str 25,Dex 12,Con 15,Int 17,Wis 15,Cha 18 Skills: Concentration +15,Craft (weaponsmithing) +13,Diplomacy +6,
Escape Artist +14,Handle Animal +17,Hide +14,Knowledge (arcana) +16,Knowledge (local) +16,Listen +16,Move Silently +14,
Sense Motive +16,Spot +16,Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings) Feats: Combat Expertise,Improved Disarm,Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip Environment: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 12 Treasure: No coins,double goods,standard items Alignment: Chaotic neutral Advancement: 11–15 HD (Medium),16–30 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —
Azibeel prefers damaging attacks to more subtle methods.He usually fights in humanoid form with his +4 shortspear.If he needs mobility, he assumes globe form and blasts the enemy with light rays.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, charm monster (DC 18), color spray (DC 15), comprehend languages, continual flame, cure light wounds (DC 15), dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 16), disguise self, dispel magic, hold monster (DC 19), greater invisibility (selfonly), major image (DC 17), see invisibility, greater teleport (selfplus 50 lbs.ofobjects only);1/day— chain lightning (DC 20), prismatic spray (DC 21),and wall offorce. Caster level 12th.The save Difficulty Classes are Charisma based.
Spells: Azibeel in humanoid form can cast divine spells as a 14thlevel cleric.He has access to the Air and Animal domains.The save Difficulty Classes are Wisdom based.
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/7/7/5/5/4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, resistance, virtue; 1st—bless, calm animals*, command, divine favor, obscuring mist, sanctuary, shield offaith; 2nd—aid, align weapon, bear’s endurance, hold animal*, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, zone oftruth; 3rd—daylight, gaseous form*, prayer, remove curse, water breathing; 4th—death ward, dismissal, divine power, restoration, summon nature’s ally IV (animal)*; 5th—control winds* × 3, disrupting weapon, flame strike, mark ofjustice, mass cure light wounds × 2, raise dead, summon monster V, true seeing *Domain spell.Domains:Air and Animal.Azibeel uses his 6thand 7th-level spell slots for additional 5th-level spells because his Wisdom is no longer high enough to prepare his highest-level spells.
Alternate Form (Su): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 ofthe MM.
Gaze (Su): In humanoid form,Azibeel has a gaze attack that acts like a fear spell for 2d10 rounds,range 60 feet (Will negates,DC 19).The save Difficulty Class is Charisma-based.
Light Ray (Ex): Please see the Ghaele entry under “Eladrin” on page 95 ofthe MM.
Protective Aura (Su): This ability functions as a lesser globe of invulnerability with a radius of20 feet (caster level 10th).The defensive benefits from the globe are not included in Azibeel’s statistics.
Creating Rebellious Angels
“Rebellious angel” is an acquired template that you can add to any angel with the outcast angel template (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”).Note that this means the original angel plus the outcast angel template,not just the original angel.
It uses all ofthe base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Special Attacks/Special Qualities: A rebellious angel retains all the special qualities ofthe base creature except as follows.
Outcast Purge (Ex): A rebellious angel has lost all its racial special attacks and special qualities that specifically dealt with evil,such as the ability to use detect evil, holy aura, holy smite, holy word,or magic circle against evil as spell-like abilities.This restriction does not affect class abilities,so spellcasters can still prepare spells with these effects,angels with paladin levels can still smite evil,and so on.The angel just loses the ability to invoke these effects automatically by nature ofbeing an angel.It retains all other special attacks and special qualities.
Pride’s Isolation (Ex): A rebellious angel is a selfish being more concerned with its own words than those ofothers.As such,it loses its supernatural ability to communicate as ifusing a tongues spell (assuming it had such an ability),though it still can speak whatever languages it knew before gaining this template.
Rebellious Purge (Ex): Because a rebellious angel’s alignment changes from good to neutral,it loses any abilities tied to having a good alignment,such as the ability to access spells from the Good domain or any abilities based on paladin class levels.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature’s as follows:Charisma +2. Though they have faltered in their insight like the outcast angels, rebellious angels are certain ofthe choices they make for themselves.
Challenge Rating: Normally same as the base creature,but rebellious angels who had many special attacks or qualities that require having a good alignment may have a CR 1 lower than the base creature’s.
Alignment: Any nongood.Some rebellious angels are still benign,some are corrupt,and a few toe the line ofactual evil,but none can any longer be recognized as wholly good.
Level Adjustment: As the base creature
Fallen Angel
Fallen angels have plunged fully into evil.With this moral shift,their bodies change as well.Though their new forms may be evil echoes of their angelic bodies,none emerge unscathed from the change,and some are radically altered.A fallen avoral might resemble a bedraggled black-feathered version ofits former glory,or she might be a skeletal batlike thing with a vulture’s head.A fallen seraph might turn into a red-scaled cobra with leathery wings,or he could end up like a centipede with moth’s wings and faceted fly eyes.
Among the humanoid types ofangel,bestial features such as cloven hooves,animal feet or tails,claws,and beastlike heads are all common changes that occur with a fall.Unlike outcast or rebellious angels,fallen angels are evil and have no interest in returning to Heaven except through conquest.They have abandoned or twisted their former goals to suit their own selfish desires or those oftheir evil masters.
Sample Fallen Angel
This creature resembles an elfwith an emaciated face. He has satyr’s legs, and his hands drip blood.
This example uses Azibeel,the sample creature for the outcast angel and rebellious angel templates.Azibeel returned home after an extended trip and found his half-celestial children and mortal wives dead.The surviving members ofhis tribe told him they were attacked by a cult that sought to purge the world ofcelestial half-breeds in an attempt to end the sullying ofangels (see the Brotherhood ofPure Spirit in Chapter Six:Organizations).
Enraged,Azibeel tracked the cultists to one oftheir cell headquarters and slaughtered all ofthem there,then found and killed the cultists’ wives and children.His vengeful act resulted in the slaughter ofinnocents and corrupted his soul,causing him to truly fall.With an emaciated face, satyr’s legs,and hands that constantly drip blood,Azibeel is now suspicious ofall mortals that aren’t ofhis tribe and enjoys hunting visitors that enter his territory.
In this state,Azibeel has the statistics listed below.
Azibeel (Demon)
Fallen Ghaele Medium Outsider (chaotic,demon,extraplanar,evil)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp) Initiative: +5 (+1 Dexterity,+4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 50 feet,fly 150 feet (perfect) AC: 25 (+1 Dexterity,+14 natural);touch 11,flat-footed 24;or 14 (+1 Dexterity,+3 deflection);touch 14,flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+17 Attack: +4 shortspear +21 melee (1d8+14) or light ray +11 ranged touch (2d12) Full Attack: +4 shortspear +21/+16 melee (1d8+14) or 2 light rays +11 ranged touch (2d12) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet Special Attacks: Gaze,evil’s reward,outcast purge,rebellious purge, spell-like abilities,spells Special Qualities: Alternate form,damage reduction 10/good and cold iron,darkvision 60 feet,immunity to electricity and petriChapter Ten: Creatures 119 fication,low-light vision,protective aura,resistance to cold 10 and fire 10,spirit inversion,SR 28,telepathy 100 feet Saves: Fortitude +9,Reflex +8,Will +9 Abilities: Str 25,Dex 12,Con 15,Int 17,Wis 15,Cha 18 Skills: Concentration +15,Craft (weaponsmithing) +13,Diplomacy +6,
Escape Artist +14,Handle Animal +17,Hide +14,Knowledge (arcana) +16,Knowledge (local) +16,Listen +16,Move Silently +14,Sense Motive +16,Spot +16,Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings) Feats: Combat Expertise,Improved Disarm,Improved Initiative,
Improved Trip Environment: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: No coins,double goods,standard items Alignment: Chaotic evil Advancement: 11–15 HD (Medium),16–30 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —
Azibeel prefers damaging attacks to more subtle methods.He usually fights in humanoid form with his +4 shortspear.If he needs mobility,he assumes globe form and blasts the enemy with light rays. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, charm monster (DC 18), color spray (DC 15), comprehend languages, continual flame, cure light wounds (DC 15), dancing lights, detect good, detect thoughts (DC 16), disguise self, dispel magic, hold monster (DC 19), greater invisibility (selfonly), major image (DC 17), see invisibility, greater teleport (selfplus 50 lbs.ofobjects only);1/day— chain lightning (DC 20), prismatic spray (DC 21),and wall offorce. Caster level 12th,The save Difficulty Classes are Charisma based.
Spells: Azibeel in humanoid form can cast divine spells as a 14thlevel cleric.He has access to the Air and Animal domains.The save Difficulty Classes are Wisdom based.
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/7/7/5/5/4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, light, resistance, virtue; 1st—bless, calm animals*, command, divine favor, obscuring mist, sanctuary, shield offaith; 2nd—aid, align weapon, bear’s endurance, hold animal*, lesser restoration, remove paralysis, zone oftruth;3rd— daylight, gaseous form*, prayer, remove curse, water breathing; 4th— death ward, dismissal, divine power, restoration, summon nature’s ally IV (animal)*;5th—control winds* × 3, disrupting weapon, flame strike, mark ofjustice, mass cure light wounds × 2, raise dead, summon monster V, true seeing *Domain spell.Domains:Air and Animal.Azibeel uses his 6thand 7th-level spell slots for additional 5th-level spells because his Wisdom is no longer high enough to prepare his highest-level spells.