6 minute read
The Threats
Many dangers lurk in the Lands ofthe Diamond Throne.Despite the order and safety the giants provide,the world needs great heroes now more than ever.The following is only a short list ofantagonists that threaten the otherwise peaceful lands.
The Legacy of the Dramojh
First and foremost among the dangers to the realm are the legacies ofthe dramojh.These insidious tyrants may be gone,but their creations,such as lamias,nagas,harpies,manticores,medusas,slassans, and other creatures,still haunt ruined citadels and wilder areas at the edge ofthe Diamond Throne’s patrols.
Most dramojh fortresses were razed when the giants defeated them 350 years ago.Some remote forts were merely sealed,however,and a few reportedly were missed.While giant divinations showed that the dramojh were extinct,some oftheir hidden caches or abandoned citadels may remain.
The dramojh were corrupt and so insidious,they left behind terrible curses, plagues,and destructive spells waiting to be triggered by intrusion into the remaining fortresses or simply by the passage oftime.The creatures’ inhuman vengeance extends far beyond the grave.One current magical disease,called the “rot from within” (see sidebar,page 22) may very well have been released in the Bitter Peaks by just such a contingency.
Havinar Balacos
Just as some brave heroes champion concepts like freedom,light,and life,others champion more sinister forces.Perhaps worst among them are champions ofdeath.The most powerful champion ofdeath known today goes by the name Havinar Balacos.People know few truths about this mysterious figure,but they have heard many rumors.
Havinar Balacos is a human whose face is unknown.He wears heavy armor adorned with the trappings ofhis fixation:skulls,bones,and other symbols ofdeath.He delights only in death (but not necessarily suffering). His goal is to kill every living thing in the world,starting with the intelligent creatures.Dealing death is his only pursuit—he does not crave power, gold,or knowledge,except where they might help him kill more creatures.
Current reports say this diabolical villain has gathered a group offollowers by lying to them about his true motives.Likewise,he may be attempting to ingratiate himselfin the ranks ofthe chorrim,offering them some kind ofaid,although the only thing he is truly concerned about is fomenting a large-scale war and the casualties it will bring.
Havinar Balacos:Male human chm19 (death):CR 19;Medium humanoid;HD 19d10+95 (204 hp);Dying/Dead –6/–20;Init +1 (Dex);Speed 20 feet;
AC 30,31 vs.ranged (+1 Dex,+14 armor,+5 shield);touch 11,flat-footed 28;armor check penalty –6);BAB +19;Grapple +22;Single Atk +24 melee (1d8+1d6+6,crit.19–20/×2, longsword);Full Atk +24/+19/+14/+9 melee (1d8+1d6+6,crit.19–20/×2, longsword);Face/Reach 5 feet/5 feet;
SA +1 damage to living creatures,death’s wrath,finger ofdeath;
SQ Immune to negative energy spells;Hero Points 2;SR 30;SV Fort +18,Ref+11,Will +13;Str 17,Dex 12,Con 20,Int 14,Wis 11,Cha 17
Languages: Common
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +14,Knowledge (geography) +10,Knowledge (history) +13,Knowledge (magic) +10,Ride +13,Sense
Motive +8,Spot +22;Bloody Strike,Cleave,Exotic Armor Proficiency,Mounted Combat,Paralyzing Blow,Power Attack,Shield
Specialization,Slippery Mind,Weapon Focus (longsword),Weapon Specialization (longsword) Call Shield (Sp): 1/day day for 19 minutes,summons a +4 long shield that a foe cannot take against his will,although it can be dispelled.The shield negates 50 percent ofthe criticals that Balacos and all his allies within 10 feet might suffer. Call Upon Power (Su): 6/day,gains a +2 enhancement bonus to
Strength and Constitution for up to 19 rounds as a free action. Call Weapon (Sp): 1/day day for 19 minutes,summons a +4 defending weapon that a foe cannot take against his will, although it can be dispelled. Heartening Cry (Su): 1/day as a free action,gives a battle cry that rallies and inspires Balacos’ allies.All allies within 30 feet gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls,saving throws, and checks for 19 rounds.Further,all allies within the area under the effects ofan unwanted enchantment can make another saving throw against the effect (at the original
DC) to throw it off. Take on the Mantle (Su): 1/day as a free action,takes the form ofthe avatar ofdeath,adding a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength,Constitution,and Charisma.Balacos also gains DR 20/+3 (20/magic) for 38 rounds. Death’s Wrath (Sp): 1/day,can summon forth a blast ofnegative energy that inflicts 10d8 points ofdamage to a single living creature within 100 feet.Balacos must make a successful ranged touch attack to inflict damage. Finger ofDestruction (Sp): 1/day,can cast finger ofdestruction as a 19th-level caster (DC 20). Possessions: +2 definitive harness offire resistance, +2 articulated long shield, +1 vorpal dark longsword, bracers ofhealth +2, cloak ofresistance +2, figurine ofwondrous power: obsidian steed
Kallethan/The Kallethan
Some people know the name “Kallethan” as that ofa powerful undead magister who commands a legion ofundead warriors.Others speak in conspiratorial whispers of“the Kallethan,” a cabal ofwicked spellcasters bent on domination,often using magic to control events from behind the scenes.
The truth is,“Kallethan” is really neither a group nor an individual,but both.Kallethan is a cabal ofpowerful undead spellcasting spirits that cooperatively inhabit one undead body.Thus Kallethan is one physical form,but six spirits. What’s more,despite the fact that the body the Kallethan inhabit was once human,the Kallethan themselves were dragons in life.So Kallethan is actually six undead dragons, all bound together in one body.
Kallethan resembles a disembodied skull floating above a cloaked skeletal form that drifts over the ground.Around the skull,six small bronze images ofdragon heads orbit continually,sometimes appearing to turn,look about and even react to what transpires around Kallethan.
Kallethan seeks power.One day,it would like to see itselfas the literal ruler ofthe world,with all its foes dead or crippled, bowing down before its magical might.It seeks artifacts and lore to accomplish these ends.Meanwhile,it magically controls many minor (and not so minor) political leaders and influential people.It also keeps a hidden fortress full of undead in Verdune,on the western edge ofBonegate Pass through the Bitter Peaks.For now,it is wary ofthe giants and it monitors the world’s most powerful individuals as possible threats.
Between the six ofthem,they know virtually all spells. Kallethan,even in a human’s undead form,still retains some draconic powers as well.In truth,its power rivals that of minor gods.
(The) Kallethan: Six undead dragons each mgr20:CR 28;
Medium undead;HD 20d12 (×6) (150 hp × 6);
Dying/Dead 0/0;Init +7 (Dex);Speed 30 feet;AC 37 (+7
Dex,+7 natural,+5 ring,+8 bracers),touch 22,flat-footed 30;
BAB +10;Grapple +15;Single Atk +15 melee (1d4+5,claw);
Full Atk +15 melee (1d4+5,two claws);Face/Reach 5 feet/5 feet;SA Composite entity,all spells are mentalonly actions,energy drain (touch with claw inflicts 1 negative level);SQ Undead immunities,immune to acid,air, cold,earth,fire,lightning,and water,DR 15/+1 (15/magic), fast healing 3,blindsense 60 feet;Hero Points 6 (1 each);
SR 35;SV Fort +11,Ref+18,Will +24;Str 21,Dex 25,Con —,
Int 29,Wis 24,Cha 21
Languages: Aquan,Common,Celestial,Draconic,Faen,
Composite Entity: Can cast six spells and take a move or move-equivalent action in a round;or take one physical standard action,a move or move-equivalent action,and cast five spells in a round;or take one full-round action and cast five spells in a round All spell slots and spells readied are multiplied by six. Opponents must destroy all six dragon spirits (cycling through all hit points six times) to completely destroy
Kallethan.When making saving throws against any effect that can immobilize,destroy,incapacitate,or otherwise eliminate a single entity,Kallethan makes six saving throws;ifany succeed,it succeeds. All skill checks gain a +10 bonus from all spirits working together in perfect harmony (not included below).Extra feat slots used to know all exotic spells in Monte Cook’s Arcana
Unearthed except bringdown the moon, burst ofhealing, dragonform, giant’s grip, litorian claws, regeneration, and sibeccai bite.
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +25,Concentration +28,Decipher
Script +20,Knowledge (ceremony) +19;Knowledge (cosmology) +24;Knowledge (geography) +20,Knowledge (history) +22,Knowledge (magic) +29,Knowledge (runes) +19; Knowledge (science) +16;Listen +27;Search +25,
Spellcraft +29,Spot +27;Battle Mage,Brandish Magical