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warrior can ignore the hardness ofan object he is striking.To do so,he must succeed at a Concentration check (DC equal to the object’s hardness) as a free action.He can attempt only a single shattering blow that round.
Crystal Barrier (Sp): Once per day,starting at 5th level,a crystal warrior can create a wall-like barrier,no larger than 10 feet square and 1 inch thick. (The warrior can shape it,for instance,so that it measures 2 feet by 5 feet, but it always remains 1 inch thick).It is always flat.The crystal wall has a hardness of30 and 200 hit points.It fuses with materials around it,so that it solidly repairs a breach in an existing wall or stands upright in the middle ofa room,resting on the floor.The barrier must touch a solid surface along one full edge.It can seal a corridor or doorway,or cover a pit.It cannot appear in mid-air.The barrier deteriorates on its own,disintegrating after one hour, regardless ofwhat the crystal warrior does.
Splinter Storm (Sp): Once per day,a 7th-level and higher crystal warrior can fling razor-sharp crystal threads from his fingers in a 50-foot cone.Anyone in this area suffers 10d6 points ofslashing damage,although they can attempt a Reflex saving throw for halfdamage (DC 10 + crystal warrior class levels + crystal warrior’s Dexterity bonus).The crystal threads turn to dust immediately afterward.
Crystalline Encasement (Sp): Once per day,beginning at 8th level,a crystal warrior can use the crystal threads from his hands to encase a Large or smaller foe in a crystal cocoon,imprisoning it.The victim must be within 25 feet and can make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the threads (DC 10 + crystal warrior class levels + crystal warrior’s Dexterity bonus).Ifthe victim fails the save,the crystal wraps around her and imprisons her.Within the prison,she is bound—she can take no actions that are not purely mental.She cannot break free on her own. However,the crystal cocoon renders her immune to all forms ofattack,and keeps her alive without need ofair,water,food,and so on.The cocoon does not move,even ifthe victim was flying at the time ofher imprisonment (in which case,the cocoon floats in mid-air).The cocoon lasts for 1d3 days,unless the crystal warrior is present to renew it and keep the victim imprisoned.Outside forces can attempt to destroy the cocoon.It has a hardnesss of30 and 200 hp.
Crystal Body (Sp): The 10th-level crystal warrior can,for up to one hour once per day,lace his own body with crystal threads.Doing so grants his Strength and Constitution a +6 enhancement bonus and adds a +6 natural armor bonus to his Armor Class (a +3 net increase,since his crystal nature ability already granted him +3 natural armor at this point).He gains damage reduction of10/+2 (10/magic).
Although it’s often spoken ofin hushed whispers,most people who are aware of the Green—the force oflife energy to which greenbonds devote themselves—are also aware ofthe Dark.The Dark is the opposite ofthe Green.It drains life,it destroys souls,and it provides sustenance to the undead.
The darkbond is one ofthe most feared and dreaded mages in the realm. Darkbonds are usually cruel,sadistic,and cold hearted.They revel in the fear,suffering,and death ofothers.A darkbond often dwells in the company ofundead, even preferring them to the living.
Magisters are likely to become darkbonds,as are dark-hearted mage blades. Champions ofdeath sometimes multiclass as magisters or mage blades and then take up the darkbond path.Very rarely,a greenbond is tempted away from her path to become her opposite.Darkbonds are usually human,although occasionally a faen,sibeccai,or mojh becomes one.Litorians and giants are the races least likely to become darkbonds.
Communities rarely welcome a darkbond.More often,these characters are outcasts and live in the wilderness on the fringe ofsociety—often near isolated graveyards,charnel houses,old battlefields,or other macabre settings.Her undead companions and call ofthe dark abilities allow a darkbond to animate as many undead as she wishes,letting them loose into the world with little personal danger to herself.For this reason,many communities have laws that sentence a darkbond to immediate death ifcaptured,and even place bounties on their heads.
Darkbonds are rare in the Lands ofthe Diamond Throne, but when one finds them it is in remote areas.They exhibit particular interest in the old dramojh ruins in the Bitter Peaks,although they also take to the distant wilderness such as the Wildlands ofKish or the Unknown West.
Hit Die: d6
To qualify to become a darkbond,a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Knowledge (Magic): 5 ranks Spellcraft: 5 ranks Feats: Corrupt Mage,Iron Will Special: Must be able to cast 3rd-level spells Special: Must perform a four-hour ceremony involving the sacrifice ofa living creature with an Intelligence ofat least 3
Class Skills
The darkbond’s class skills (and the key ability for each) are: Bluff(Cha),Concentration (Con),Craft (Int),Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha),Knowledge (ceremony) (Int),Knowledge (magic) (Int),Knowledge (nature) (Int),Listen (Wis),Sneak (Dex),and Spellcraft (Int).For more information on these skills,see Monte Cook’sArcana Unearthed, Chapter Four.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Darkbonds are proficient in the use ofsimple weapons and light armor.
Spells: When a darkbond gains her first level,and at every level after that,she gains new spells per day as ifshe had also gained a level in the spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class.She From Greenbond to Darkbond does not,however, A character tainted, corrupted, or simply receive any other ben- seduced away from the call of the Green by the power of the Dark is certainly a sad figure. A efit a character ofthat greenbond who takes levels in darkbond loses class would have her automatic access to spells with the plant and positive energy descriptors. gained (bonus feats, class abilities,and so on).This essentially means that she adds the new darkbond level to the level of her previous spellcasting class,then determines spell slots and spells readied accordingly.
A character who had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a darkbond must decide which class receives the darkbond level.
Ifa spellcasting character takes a level in a spellcasting prestige class,the levels stack for the purpose ofdetermining caster level.Thus,a 10th-level magister who takes a level of darkbond has a caster level of11th.
Negative Energy Spells (Su): At 1st level,a darkbond has access to all spells with the negative energy descriptor.Ifshe
Base AttackFortitude Reflex Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Negative energy spells +1 level ofexisting class Infuse with the Dark (1d8 + level) 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Undead companions +1 level ofexisting class 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Infuse with the Dark +1 level ofexisting class (3d8 + level) 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Call ofthe Dark +1 level ofexisting class 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bond with the Dark,infuse +1 level ofexisting class with the Dark (5d8 + level) 6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Sight ofdeath +1 level ofexisting class 7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Speak with the dead,infuse +1 level ofexisting class with the Dark (7d8 + level), call ofthe Dark (greater) 8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Battle hymn ofthe Dark +1 level ofexisting class 9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Infuse with the Dark +1 level ofexisting class (9d8 + level) 10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Speak with the dead (greater) +1 level ofexisting class battle hymn ofthe Dark (greater)
previously had special access to spells with the plant or positive energy descriptors,she loses that access.(She can still cast such spells ifshe knows them,she just gets no special access to them.)
Infuse With the Dark (Sp): A 1st-level and higher darkbond can call upon negative energy and bestow it upon herselfor another creature.With a touch,she can heal an undead creature 1d8 points + her darkbond level a number oftimes per day equal to her Wisdom bonus;darkbonds with no Wisdom bonus can use this ability once per week.A darkbond also can use infuse with the Dark as a touch attack against living beings,inflicting 1d8 points ofdamage + her darkbond level.
Beginning at 3rd level,the amount ofhealing (and damage) increases to 3d8 points + the darkbond’s level and continues to increase every two levels thereafter:5th level:5d8 points + level,7th level:7d8 points + level, 9th level:9d8 points + level.These changes increase the amount ofundead healing/damage inflicted,not the number ofuses.
Undead Companions (Su): Starting at 2nd level,undead react to the darkbond as ifshe were also undead.Thus,ifundead guardians are ordered to kill any living creature that tries to get past,they ignore the darkbond. Intelligent,free-willed undead react to the darkbond with ambivalence, unless given a reason to do otherwise.Undead the darkbond created but does not control do not attack immediately (as normal) but instead simply leave the scene forever.
Call ofthe Dark (Sp): Once per day,the 4th-level and higher darkbond can cast either greater animate the dead or rouse undead spirit using her class level as her caster level.No special (costly) material components are needed to use this ability.For two hours the undead created serves the caster automatically,as ifaffected by a control undead spell,and then is free.
Starting at 7th level,the darkbond can use her total character level as her caster level.
Bond With the Dark (Su): At 5th level the darkbond becomes immune to all effects with the negative energy descriptor,with one exception:Spells with the negative energy descriptor that inflict damage will heal instead ofharm the darkbond.Thus,ifa wounded darkbond uses her infuse with the Dark ability on herselffor 15 points,she regains 15 hit points.
Sight ofDeath (Su): A 6th-level and higher darkbond can see the spirits ofthe dead that are normally invisible,whether they are undead and invisible/ incorporeal or simply the spirits ofthe departed headed toward the afterlife (or lingering before doing so).
Speak With the Dead (Su): The 7th-level and higher darkbond can speak with the spirit ofa dead (not undead) creature.Once per day she can ask a spirit a question with a one-word answer.Generally,spirits are found only near places ofdeath—cemeteries,battlefields,haunted houses,and so on.The spirit is not omniscient.It knows all observable facts about its immediate,current surroundings,and can answer any question about such facts with 100 percent accuracy.(“Immediate,current surroundings” means the area around it at the time ofquestioning,out to about a 500-foot radius.) A spirit has a 75 percent chance + 1 percent per level ofthe darkbond to know the answer to a question regarding knowledge it had in life. It never knows the answer to a question pertaining to the future or the thoughts ofanother.
To force the spirit to answer,the darkbond must make an Intimidate check.A failed check might result in no answer,or it might result in a lie