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Ollamh Lorekeeper
Eldritch Spiritsight (Su): At 9th level and higher,the mage priest can see incorporeal and invisible beings and objects at all times.(See the sidebar on the previous page for more on these entities.)
Bond With Entity (Su): A 10th-level mage priest bonds with an otherplanar entity so that,ifthey encounter each other physically, the entity will not harm the mage priest and vice versa.If both are present physically,the mage priest must obey a single command from the entity (like a suggestion spell with no saving throw or chance to resist).In return,the mage priest can give a like command to the entity,as long as it does not contradict or countermand the entity’s command (the mage priest cannot command it to not give him a command,nor can he use his own command to try to undo or get out ofthe obligation offulfilling the entity’s command).Ifthey remain in proximity to one another,each ofthem can issue such a command once each day.The entity’s command always comes first,and the mage priest must return to the entity to issue his command,ifthe entity’s command required him to leave its presence.
Alternatively,the mage priest can use the bond with the entity—assuming they are both on the same plane and within one mile ofeach other—to refresh himselfonce per day by “drinking ofthe entity’s power.” This is a free action. The mage priest heals hit points equal to double his character level and regains 2d6 + 2 levels worth ofspell slots, which he can use as he will.
For example,Terreth the mage priest dwells within the Temple ofKorogoth,and Korogoth himself(an amorphous demonic being ofgreat power) lives within a deep pit at the bottom ofthe dungeons below the temple.Thanks to their bond,once each day Korogoth issues a command to Terreth to bring him food—a human.Each day Terreth can give Korogoth a command as well:“Slay all intruders who come uninvited to the temple” is one he uses often.When he thinks he may need to drink ofKorogoth’s power in a dangerous encounter that day,he does not issue a command.IfKorogoth normally dwelt on another plane and only came to Terreth occasionally through a gate or a summoning spell (perhaps cast by Terreth),each would get a quick opportunity to command the other before the demon returned to his plane.
The ollamh lorekeeper is a faen teacher,an advisor,a poet,a historian,a singer,and a judge.In many ways,she is the most important figure in any faen community.In ancient days,only loresong faen were ollamh lorekeepers—in fact, this profession is where the loresong name comes from. Today,loresongs,quicklings,and even sprytes can learn the extensive skills needed to fill the role.
Ollamh lorekeepers know the genealogies ofall the families in a community and recite them at important holidays, weddings,and so on.They also are storytellers,recounting tales based on myth,legend,or past or recent events.They memorize vast amounts ofsacred lore,incantations and prayers,and mythology in verse.They also create new poems and songs to commemorate important events such as battles and such occasions as weddings or funerals.As holders of vast historical knowledge and masters ofwisdom and insight,they advise leaders on their duties,decisions,and even etiquette.
Faen akashics often become ollamh lorekeepers.So do faen mage blades,unfettered,and even the occasional oathsworn.
Ollamh lorekeepers use a secret writing called ogham, which is simply a written language,not a spoken one.They don’t use it to write down their lore,rather to record incantations,warnings,or challenges.Ogham is written in stone and on wooden rods.
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become an ollamh lorekeeper,a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Race: Faen (any type).Nonfaen could learn these skills,but it is very unlikely anyone would teach them.
Knowledge (History): 8 ranks
Knowledge (Magic): 3 ranks Perform (Storytelling): 5 ranks Feats: Skill Application (Diplomacy and Bluff)
Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Status,lore,mesmerize 2 +1 +0 +1 +3 Wordplay,augury 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Silver tongue,confusion 4 +3 +1 +2 +4 Charm 5 +3 +1 +2 +4 Mocking curse 6 +4 +2 +3 +5 Luck ofthe gods 7 +5 +2 +3 +5 Mastery ofthe written word 8 +6 +2 +3 +6 Epitome ofthe race 9 +6 +3 +4 +6 Song ofbattle 10 +7 +3 +4 +7 Epitome ofthe race (+2 to Dexterity)
LORE CHECK RESULTS DC Type ofKnowledge Example
10 Common knowledge,known by at least A local leader’s reputation for drinking. a substantial minority ofthe local population. Common legends about a place ofpower. 20 Uncommon but available knowledge,known A local bartender’s shady past. by only a few people in the area. Legends about a powerful magic item. 25 Obscure knowledge,known by few,hard to A knight’s family history. come by. Legends about a minor place ofmystery or magic item. 30 Extremely obscure knowledge,known by very A powerful creature’s truename. few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew The history ofa petty magic item. it,maybe remembered only by those who don’t understand the significance ofthe knowledge.
Class Skills
The ollamh lorekeeper’s class skills (and the key ability for each) are:Bluff(Cha),Concentration (Con),Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),Forgery (Int),Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha),Intimidate (Cha),Knowledge (any) (Int),Perform (Cha),Sense Motive (Wis),Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).For more information on these skills,see Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, Chapter Four.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ollamh lorekeepers are proficient in the use ofno weapons or armor.
Status (Ex): All ollamh lorekeepers gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff,Diplomacy,Gather Information, Intimidate,and Perform checks made involving other faen.
Lore(Ex): Starting at 1st level,an ollamh lorekeeper can use her knowledge to help her come up with information on virtually any topic.The ollamh lorekeeper may make a special lore check with a bonus equal to her class level + her Intelligence modifier to see whether she knows some relevant information about local notable people,legendary items,or noteworthy places.This check does not reveal the powers ofa magic item but may hint at its general function.The ollamh lorekeeper may not take 10 or take 20 on this check,nor can she retry regarding the same topic;this sort ofknowledge is essentially random.
Mesmerize (Sp): The 1st-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper’s words and melodious voice cause one or two creatures within 30 feet to stop and stare blankly at her,mesmerized,for 2d4 rounds unless they make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ollamh lorekeeper’s class level + her Charisma bonus).The ollamh lorekeeper can use their rapt attention to make her suggestions and requests seem more plausible. Only creatures that can see her are affected.They do not need to understand her language to be mesmerized.
Ifthe lorekeeper uses this ability in combat,the targets gain a +2 bonus to their saving throws.Ifthe mesmerizing affects only a single creature not in combat at the time,the saving throw has a penalty of–2.While mesmerized,a creature suffers a –4 penalty to Spot and Listen checks.Any potential threat allows the creature a second saving throw. Any obvious threat automatically breaks the effect,as does shaking or slapping the creature.A mesmerized creature’s ally may shake it free ofthe effect as a standard action.
While the subject is mesmerized,the ollamh lorekeeper can make a suggestion or request (provided she can communicate with it),which the subject will carry out to the best of his ability.The suggestion must be briefand reasonable—a subject will not harm himselfor his friends.The suggested course ofactivity can continue for up to one hour.Ifthe subject can complete the suggested activity in less time,the effect ends when he finishes what she asked him to do.The ollamh lorekeeper can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration.Ifthe condition does not occur before the spell expires,the mesmerized creature does not perform the activity.
A very reasonable suggestion causes the mesmerized creature to attempt the save with a penalty (such as –1,–2,etc.), at the DM’s discretion.Even once the effect ends,the creature reacts to the ollamh lorekeeper as though he were two categories friendlier than his actual attitude.
A creature that fails its saving throw does not remember that the ollamh lorekeeper mesmerized it.
The ollamh lorekeeper can use this ability once per day.
Wordplay (Ex): So skilled with words is the 2nd-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper that she can confuse and stun those around her.A number oftimes per day equal to her Charisma modifier (ifpositive) she can force one intelligent subject within 20 feet ofher who can hear her voice to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ollamh lorekeeper’s class level + her Charisma bonus).A subject who fails the save is stunned for 1d2 rounds,held utterly speechless.Characters with Charisma modifiers of0 or less cannot use this ability. Using wordplay is language dependent and a standard action.
Augury (Sp): Ollamh lorekeepers learn how to predict the future.A number oftimes per week equal to her Wisdom modifier (ifpositive),the 2nd-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper can cast foretell future. Ifshe has a Wisdom modifier of0 or less,she can use the augury ability only once per month.She can never use the ability more than once per day.
Silver Tongue (Su): At 3rd level and beyond,the charm and wit ofollamh lorekeepers becomes supernatural.They gain a +2 competence bonus on all Bluff,Diplomacy,Gather Information,Handle Animal,Intimidate,and Perform checks.