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Rune Lord
Confusion (Ex): In a battle,the 3rd-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper runs about sowing confusion and mayhem.Ifan ollamh lorekeeper takes a double move action,moving at full speed but never straying more than 20 feet from a foe during that round,she can force a foe to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ollamh lorekeeper’s class levels + her Charisma bonus) and another (or the same target) to make a Reflex saving throw with the same DC.A subject who fails the Will save is dazed for 1d3 + 1 rounds,unable to take actions except to defend himself.Ifa subject fails the Reflex save,he is spun about and falls prone.Subjects must have been within 10 feet ofthe ollamh lorekeeper at some point during her move actions.
Charm (Sp): At 4th level and beyond,the ollamh lorekeeper can use a heightened version of charm or directed charm a number oftimes per day equal to her Charisma modifier (ifpositive).Those whose Charisma modifiers are 0 or less can use this ability once per week.
Mocking Curse (Su): With more supernatural effects building within the ollamh lorekeeper’s voice and words,at 5th level and higher she can curse someone once per day simply by mocking him.This is a full-round action.Once the ollamh lorekeeper mocks the subject,she can immediately (this same round) cast any single-target spell of5th level or lower with the curse descriptor on the subject.
Luck ofthe Gods (Su): Blessed by the multitude offaen gods and her own strong beliefin them,the 6th-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper gains a +2 luck bonus to all saving throws.She also gains a +2 luck bonus to a number ofattack and damage rolls equal to her Charisma bonus each day (the choice to use the bonus is a free action made before the attack or damage roll).Ifthe ollamh lorekeeper has no Charisma bonus,she may use this secondary ability once per week.
Mastery ofthe Written Word (Su): Starting at 7th level,the ollamh lorekeeper gains a +10 competence bonus to all Decipher Script checks.She can read magical writing as ifshe had a read magic spell active,and she always succeeds at Use Magic Device checks (even ifshe has no ranks in the skill) when attempting to use scrolls.
Epitome ofthe Race (Su): An 8th-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper exemplifies everything it means to be faen.A loresong faen character can pick any spell—even an exotic one—of3rd level or lower to cast as a spell-like ability once per day using her character level as the caster level and Charisma as the spellcasting key ability.A quickling faen adds +10 to her ground speed.A spryte gains a bonus of+10 to her flying speed.
At 10th level,the character gains a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity,no matter what type of faen she is.
Song ofBattle (Sp): Once per day,the 9th-level and higher ollamh lorekeeper can sing an ancient faen song that calls the spirit ofwar down upon her,as ifshe had cast the spell spirit ofwar using her character level as her caster level.
No one can deny the power ofmystical runes in the Lands ofthe Diamond Throne.The land itselfseems to express its power through runes and in the form ofits runechildren defenders.Rune lords are those already skilled in or gifted with runes who set out to become true masters ofthis manifestation of magic.Rune lords who are also runechildren keep their sense ofresponsibility— rune lords who are also runethanes usually have no such compunctions,however,so a rune lord’s outlook is unpredictable.
Rune lords always adorn their equipment and clothing with magical runes. Even their own flesh is covered in tattoos and symbols.Some rune lords even sport runes on their teeth.They express themselves visually much better than vocally.Most rune lords are better at writing than at speaking.All rune lords are either runethanes or runechildren (or both).Mojh are the most common characters with this prestige class.
Rune lords usually do not work with others oftheir kind,instead operating alone or in a group ofnon-rune lords.They usually establish themselves in a single place and dwell in their own magical abode.
Hit Die: d6 (Ifthe rune lord does not cast spells,this changes to d8.)
To qualify to become a rune lord,a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Knowledge (Runes): 10 ranks
Craft (Drawing or Calligraphy): 3 ranks Feats: Tattooed Spell Special: Must be able to create advanced runes or be a runechild
Class Skills
The rune lord’s class skills (and the key ability for each) are: Alchemy (Int),Appraise (Int),Concentration (Con),Craft (Int),Decipher Script (Int),Disable Device (Int),Forgery (Int),Knowledge (all skills,taken individually) (Int),Open Lock (Dex),Spellcraft (Int),and Spot (Wis).For more information on these skills,see Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, Chapter Four.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rune lords are proficient in the use ofsimple weapons and light armor.
Spells: When rune lords gain their first level,and at every level after that,they gain new spells per day as ifthey had also gained a level in the spellcasting class they belonged to before adding the prestige class.They do not,however, receive any other benefit a character ofthat class would have gained (bonus feats,class abilities,and so on).This essentially means that the character adds the new rune lord level to the level ofthe previous spellcasting class,then determines spell slots and spells readied accordingly.
Ifa character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a rune lord,the player must decide which class receives the rune lord level.
Ifa spellcasting character takes a level in a spellcasting prestige class,the levels stack for the purpose ofdetermining caster level.Thus,a 10th-level runethane who takes a level of rune lord has a caster level of11th.
Rune Capacity (Su): Rune lord levels stack with runethane levels to determine how many runes one can have in existence at once.Rune lords who are not runethanes gain nothing from this ability.
Personal Mark (Sp): A 1st-level and higher rune lord can create a permanent magical symbol ofglowing light up to once a day per rune lord level.This symbol represents the rune lord,and anyone touching the personal mark knows the rune lord’s name (but not truename).Personal marks cannot be faked,although they can be dispelled.
Additional Rune (Su): At 2nd,4th,6th,and 9th level,the rune lord gains an additional power.A rune lord who is a runethane learns a new rune ofany accessible type (lesser, advanced,and so on).Characters who cannot learn greater runes can,at 6th level,choose a greater rune ifdesired.At 9th level,those who cannot learn runes ofpower can choose a rune ofpower as their additional rune.
At these same levels,rune lords who are also runechildren gain either a permanent +3 inherent bonus to one skill,a general feat as a bonus feat,or a +1 inherent bonus to an ability score.The rune lord chooses which ofthese three powers to gain,but cannot choose the same power twice until he or she has chosen all three.So a rune lord who decides to add a +1 bonus to Strength at 2nd level must choose either a +3 skill bonus or a general feat at 4th level.This new power manifests itselfas a new rune somewhere on the rune lord’s body.
Rune lords who are both runethanes and runechildren can choose either benefit but not both.
Immunity to Runes (Su): A 3rd-level or higher rune lord who makes a successful Knowledge (runes) check to identify a touch-trigger rune can touch the rune without triggering it,ifdesired.
Spell Rune (Sp): The 5th-level rune lord and beyond gains the ability to create a special rune,not unlike a runethane’s ultimate rune (but much less powerful).It takes one minute to create a spell rune.This touch-trigger rune,once trigged,can
Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Rune capacity,personal mark +1 level ofexisting class 2 +1 +1 +0 +3 Additional rune +1 level ofexisting class 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Immunity to runes +1 level ofexisting class 4 +2 +2 +1 +4 Additional rune +1 level ofexisting class 5 +2 +2 +1 +4 Spell rune +1 level ofexisting class 6 +3 +3 +2 +5 Additional rune +1 level ofexisting class 7 +3 +3 +2 +5 Permanent enruning +1 level ofexisting class 8 +4 +3 +2 +6 Personal sigil +1 level ofexisting class 9 +4 +4 +3 +6 Additional rune +1 level ofexisting class 10 +5 +4 +3 +7 Rewrite rune +1 level ofexisting class