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Single-Use Items
bonus ofhalfhis highest normal base attack bonus.This ability’s effects do not stack with similar effects,such as those from the Rapid Reload feat.
Moderate transmutation;Caster Level 5th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,heightened lesser ability boost; Price:+1 bonus.
Runic: A runethane can place upon this weapon a single rune that does not count against his total number ofrunes that can exist at once.Ifthe rune is ofthe touch-trigger variety,it automatically has a password known to the runethane. The rune functions normally in all other respects.
Moderate transmutation;Caster Level 5th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,creator must be a runethane; Price:+1 bonus.
Specific Weapons
Blade ofPoisons: This greenish-black,steel +1 short sword is always coated with a virulent poison.The poison deals 1d4 points ofConstitution damage immediately and again a minute later.The Difficulty Class for the poison is 16.
Faint evocation;Caster Level 5th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, advance poison,venomblade; Price:67,310 gp.
Bow ofScreams: When anyone pulls back on this bloodred +2 longbow, it screams as ifit were alive.Likewise,arrows flying from the bow also make a shrill screaming sound. Anyone struck by an arrow from this bow must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 13) or suffer 1 point oftemporary Constitution damage.
Faint evocation;Caster Level 3rd;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, scream; Price:16,375 gp.
Ice Javelin: This blue-white,wooden +1 javelin turns to ice as soon as it is thrown.It inflicts 1d6 additional points of cold damage when it strikes.Ifthe attack roll results in a miss but would succeed against the target’s touch Armor Class,the javelin inflicts no normal damage,but the 1d6 points ofcold damage still affect the foe.
Faint evocation;Caster Level 3rd;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, icebolt; Price:340 gp.
Lifethief: This battle-axe heals the wielder halfthe damage it inflicts on a foe (including bonuses from magic or Strength) three times per day.
Faint necromancy;Caster Level 5th;Craft Magic Arms and Armor,Craft Constant Item, steal health; Price:20,310 gp.
Magnetic Sword: This nondescript +1 longsword has a magnetic hilt and a selectively magnetic blade.When attacking a foe in metal armor (not leather jack,studded leather jack,hide,or dragonscale armor) the sword strikes with a –1 attack penalty (as it is more likely to hit armor than a vital unarmored spot) but a +4 damage bonus (as it strikes with more force).
A wielder wearing a metal gauntlet gains a +10 circumstance bonus to resist disarm attempts.
Faint transmutation;Caster Level 3rd;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magnetism; Price:6,315 gp.
Slowing Whip: Each hit from this brown leather +1 whip reduces a struck foe’s speed by 5 feet.The loss lasts 10 rounds.
Faint evocation;Caster Level 3rd;Craft Magic Arms and Armor, lesser drain away speed; Price:14,301 gp.
Single-Use Items
Any character can use single-use items,but they always require some physical action (drinking a potion,breaking a seal,or rubbing on a salve) that provokes an attack ofopportunity.
When the item is created,the creator usually makes all the choices about the parameters ofthe spell (the target is the person drinking the potion,and so on).The caster level of the item determines level-based aspects.However,a creator can choose to leave some ofthese parameters up to the end user (allowing the creation ofa charm that,when rubbed, allows the user to cast distraction on anyone he wishes within range).This option doubles the cost involved.
Single-use items conform as nearly as possible to the spell they contain.For example,a spell that requires a foe’s truename still requires it when made into a potion.For twice the price,the user can specify the truename,rather than the creator.
Detonations are single-use items meant to affect another creature,usually an unwilling target(s).These magic items can take a wide variety ofshapes:stone idols,runic plates,and so on. When they detonate,they do not damage a target with shrapnel, but instead affect the target with the spell they hold inside.
Sometimes a creator places a touch or ranged touch (or ray) attack spell in the detonation,or even a spell with no attack roll. These all function as ranged touch attacks in the detonation, where the detonation has a range increment of10 feet;resolve missed attacks using the grenadelike weapons rules in Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed, Chapter Seven.(This becomes particularly important for such area effect attacks as sorcerous blast.)
Multiply the price ofplacing a touch spell into a detonation by 1.5,since it is effectively becoming a ranged touch attack.
A few sample detonations,in order ofascending price:
Detonation Name Caster Level Price
Disorient 1st 37 gp Mind stab 1st 50 gp
1st 75 gp Shock 1st 75 gp Touch ofdisruption 1st 75 gp Touch ofpain 1st 75 gp Boil 3rd 300 gp Lesser drain away speed 3rd 300 gp Dazzlesphere 3rd 450 gp Dispel magic 5th 750 gp Sorcerous blast 5th 750 gp Lesser resilient sphere 7th 1,400 gp Sorcerous blast 10th 1,500 gp Enfeebled mind 9th 2,250 gp Freeze 11th 3,300 gp Caustic burst 13th 4,550 gp Finger ofdestruction 13th 4,550 gp Vitrification 13th 4,550 gp Psychic blast 15th 9,000 gp Spell magnet 15th 13,500 gp
Oils are single-use items that you apply to a willing target, an item,or perhaps a small area.
A few sample oils,presented in order ofascending price:
Oil Name Caster Level Price
Lesser repair 1st 25 gp Scent bane 1st 25 gp Raiment 1st 37 gp
Magic armor
1st 50 gp Magic weapon 1st 50 gp Diminished lesser beastskin 1st 50 gp Harden 1st 50 gp Eldritch armor 1st 75 gp Lesser beastskin 3rd 300 gp Heightened magic armor 3rd 300 gp Heightened magic weapon 3rd 300 gp Invigorate item 3rd 450 gp Sorcerous guise 3rd 450 gp Cloak ofdarkness 3rd 600 gp Lesser sealed door 3rd 600 gp Lesser beastskin 5th 750 gp Greater repair 5th 750 gp Lesser animate undead 7th 1,400 gp Gird the warrior 9th 2,250 gp Open door 9th 2,250 gp Revivification 9th 4,500 gp Bloodblade 11th 3,300 gp Energy sheath 11th 3,300 gp
11th 3,300 gp Phase door 13th 4,550 gp Remove malady 11th 6,600 gp Permanent rest 15th 9,000 gp Stabilize soul 11th 13,200 gp Lesser raise the dead 13th 19,200 gp
Here is a special oil:
Rune Oil: When this oil is applied to a creature,object,or surface,a runethane can place upon it a single rune that does not count against her total number ofrunes that can exist at once.The rune functions normally in all other respects.
Moderate transmutation;Caster Level 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Single-Use Item, greater enhance magical flow; Price: 1,000 gp.
Potions are single-use items that you drink.The effects always affect you (as with glamour, lesser transfer wounds,or flight),although sometimes they grant you a special power that you can now manifest (such as lesser telekinesis).
Here are a number ofsample potions,presented in order ofascending price:
Chapter Three:Magic Items 67
Potion Caster Level Price
Lesser telekinesis 1st 25 gp Reduce weight 1st 37 gp
Bash 1st 50 gp
Canny effort
1st 50 gp Glamour 1st 50 gp Lesser transfer wounds 1st 50 gp Resistance 1st 50 gp Saving grace 1st 50 gp Acrobatics 1st 100 gp Diminished lesser 1st 100 gp enhance magical flow Precise vision 1st 100 gp Scent tracker 1st 100 gp Darkvision 3rd 300 gp Lesser battle healing 3rd 300 gp Levitate 3rd 300 gp Reduce weight 10th 375 gp Lesser enhance magical flow 3rd 600 gp See invisibility 3rd 600 gp Flight 5th 750 gp Invisibility 5th 750 gp Protection from elements (air) 5th 750 gp Protection from elements (earth) 5th 750 gp Protection from elements (fire) 5th 750 gp Protection from elements (water) 5th 750 gp Unknown 5th 750 gp Water breathing 5th 750 gp Greater telekinesis 7th 1,400 gp Greater transfer wounds 7th 1,400 gp Neutralize poison 7th 1,400 gp Protection from energy (acid) 7th 1,400 gp Protection from energy (cold) 7th 1,400 gp Protection from energy 7th 1,400 gp (electricity) Protection from energy (sonic) 7th 1,400 gp Tongues 7th 1,400 gp Greater transfer wounds 7th 1,400 gp Protection from elements 5th 1,500 gp (imbiber’s choice) Greater battle healing 9th 2,250 gp Peer through matter 9th 2,250 gp Spell resistance 9th 2,250 gp Gaze ofterror 7th 2,800 gp Greater enhance magical flow 7th 2,800 gp Protection from energy 7th 2,800 gp (imbiber’s choice) Blindsight 11th 3,300 gp Restoration 9th 4,500 gp (imbiber must know truename) Lesser immunity 13th 4,550 gp Mental protection 13th 4,550 gp Transform into plant 11th 6,600 gp Primal release 15th 9,000 gp Spellmaster 15th 9,000 gp