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in order to ensure strong offspring and to make certain the ranks never swell beyond their capacity to supply and control.Although they see the obvious advantages in numbers, they still prefer a smaller,elite force over a large,untrained, uncontrollable one.)
Chorrim ranks include,in ascending order:Soldier, Trooper,Elite Trooper,Squad Leader,Sergeant,Commander, Captain,Colonel,General,and War Marshal.
Chorrim make no distinctions based on gender—everyone is part ofthe troop.Those too old or weak to fight (due to injury,birth defect,and so on) become exiles left to fend for themselves.A few survive on their own,but most do not. Some even come to human or giant cities and attempt to assimilate themselves into life there,but most have too much hatred and pride.
Chorrim prize mounts large enough to carry them,especially the coveted wyverns.Most chorrim above 10th level have wyvern mounts.Others ride radonts (see page 85), mastodons,or triceratops.
The leader ofall chorrim is War Marshal Rasham.This 20th-level warmain has altered himselfto become Huge rather than Large.A roc serves as his personal mount.
The Tainted
Chorrim hate spells and spellcasters.They feel spells are too difficult to control and rely on—they hate wild cards. Nevertheless,a few do develop the aptitude for casting spells. The chorrim name these spellcasters “the tainted” and virtually ostracize them.Some manage to hide or ignore the taint; others cannot.Fear and prejudice sometimes lead these unfortunates to death or exile at the hands oftheir brethren. A very small few demonstrate a command ofmagic strong enough not only to warrant their inclusion in chorrim society but to make them valuable spies or support personnel.
Chorrim Characters
Chorrim often have warrior levels,and some have warmain levels.Chorrim above the rank ofsoldier always have at least one warrior or warmain level.Chorrim above the rank ofsergeant always have at least one warmain level.
Chorrim Encounter (EL 9)
The PCs need supplies and consult their map,discovering that a small faen hamlet lies nearby.They should be able to do some trading there.However,a few days previous,a chorrim squad (six soldiers and a squad leader) showed up with orders to clear out the faen community because it lay too near where they wanted to build a new fortress.The characters find that the brutes have slain many faen,burned homes,and threatened the rest with death ifthey did not leave the area by the time they returned two days hence.The PCs now have very little time left to help these beleaguered folk,who offer them as much wealth as they can scrape together in reward— about 2,000 gp worth ofvarious goods.
Huge Giant
Hit Dice: 16d8+112 (184 hp),dying/dead –8/–25 Initiative: +0 Speed: 40 feet AC: 19 (–2 size,+8 natural,+3 hide),touch 8,flat-footed 19 Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+29 Attack: Huge dire greatclub +21 melee (2d8+18),or thrown rock +12 ranged (2d8+16) Full Attack: Huge dire greatclub +21/+16/+11 melee (2d8+18),or thrown rock +12 ranged (2d8+16) Face/Reach: 10 feet by 10 feet/15 feet Special Attacks: Rock throwing,rock thrust Special Qualities: Low-light vision,hard to control Saves: Fort +17,Ref+5,Will +5 Abilities: Str 32,Dex 10,Con 25,Int 7,Wis 11,Cha 8 Skills: Climb +14,Listen +11 Feats: Cleave,Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy),Power
Attack,Power Charge,Resistance to Poison,Stomp,
Stunning Blow
Environment: Any land or underground Organization: Solitary,pair,or gang (3–8) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +4
The presence ofcyclopses in the Lands ofthe Diamond Throne supports a theory that some sages have developed:In a prehistorical period,giants inhabited this continent,before leaving for the east or otherwise disappearing or dying off. This theory arises because cyclopses—clearly related to giants—are natives ofthe realm.Giants claim to have legends about these horrific creatures in their own homeland,but no giant in recorded history had ever seen one until they came here.
Cyclopses are bestial giants with a single eye in the middle oftheir foreheads.They exhibit no traits common among giants except for size and strength.Still,giants look upon cyclopses as an embarrassment at best and an abomination at worst.Most giants attack them on sight,as vice versa (although cyclopses attack almost everything on sight). Cyclopses often walk stooped over (the better to stalk prey). They are usually bald,although their brown,leathery bodies often sprout copious amounts oflight-colored hair.
These voracious creatures always seem hungry.They spend virtually all their waking hours hunting and foraging. Omnivorous,they prefer fresh meat in large quantities. Cattle and sheep herders fear a wandering cyclops more than almost any other danger,for even one can decimate a herd quickly.
Cyclopses speak little and poorly,but when they do,they speak Common.They are always Unbound.