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Chapter Three: FEATS General Feats


Being good isn’t just about fighting evil.It’s also about making promises and keeping them.It’s about enduring hardships for a noble cause.And it’s about both giving and gaining trust.The 20 new feats introduced in this chapter are for characters who take the swearing ofoaths very seriously and aspire to be called blessed.


This chapter includes two new feat types: blessed feats and oath feats. These and the other new feats found here relate primarily to divine spellcasters.A few have the requirement of holy/noble blood. This prerequisite refers either to someone who is an aasimar,a half-celestial,or a celestial creature,or to someone who has been declared a noble by divine right (a king,a king’s heir,and so on).This definition may seem somewhat vague,because it is up to DMs to decide who has a special holy or noble bloodline in their campaign worlds.

General Feats

Many ofthe feats in this section are designed to challenge players ofgood characters and create some interesting roleplaying situations.They are excellent choices for NPCs as well as player characters. Accolade [General]

Using the power invested within you,you can grant power to another,as in dubbing a knight.

Prerequisite: Holy/noble blood

Benefit: You make a symbolic gesture toward another creature ofyour alignment with an Intelligence score ofat least 3.Such a gesture might involve tapping the creature’s shoulders with a ceremonial sword and naming the creature— perhaps with a new or holy name—before the assembly. The creature can then swear oaths in your name (see page 32).Once per day per your level,the creature can call upon your holy/noble power to gain a +1 luck bonus to an attack roll,saving throw,or check before making it (as a free action).

Special: You can use this feat only once per month per level,and you can never use it on yourself.

NEW FEATS Feat Name Type Prerequisites

Accolade General Holy/noble blood Adoubement General Holy/noble blood,Accolade† Favored Enemy Strike General Favored enemy Favored Enemy Strike,Critical General Favored enemy Redeem General Reform†,Charisma 15,good alignment Reform General Charisma 15,good alignment Tempt General Charisma 15,evil alignment Call Down Divine Wrath Blessed Devout Faith†,ability to turn undead,spellcaster level 9th, Wisdom 18 Devout Faith Blessed DMapproval Redeeming Grace Blessed Devout Faith†,ability to turn undead,ability to remove curse or disease Vow ofChastity Blessed Devout Faith† Vow ofFidelity Blessed Devout Faith† Vow ofObedience Blessed Devout Faith† Vow ofPoverty Blessed Devout Faith† Vow ofSilence Blessed Devout Faith† Vow ofStability Blessed Devout Faith†,Vow ofObedience†,ability to turn undead, membership in a religious hierarchy Oath ofCombat Oath Wisdom 15,Swear an Oath† Oath ofFealty Oath Wisdom 15,Swear an Oath† Oath ofMagic Oath Wisdom 15,Swear an Oath† Swear an Oath Oath Wisdom 15

Special: Ifthe knight you create goes on to break a sworn oath or commit an ignoble act (as determined by the DM), you suffer a –1 morale penalty to attacks,saves,and checks for one month.During that month,you cannot use this feat, and the knight loses the benefits gained.

Adoubement [General]

Using the power invested within you,you can grant physical prowess to another.

Prerequisites: Holy/noble blood,Accolade†

Benefit: You make a symbolic gesture toward another creature ofyour alignment with an Intelligence score ofat least 3.Such a gesture might involve girding the creature with an armored belt.The creature then gains the ability to smite enemies in your name.Once per day,the creature may attempt to smite anyone that you have specified to be an enemy with one normal melee attack.To smite,he adds your Charisma modifier (ifpositive) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point ofdamage per your level.Ifthe creature accidentally smites someone not designated as an enemy,the smite has no effect but is still used up for that day.

Special: You can use this feat only once per month per level,and you can never use it on yourself.

Special: Ifthe creature you bestow this honor upon goes on to break a sworn oath or commit an ignoble act (as determined by the DM),you suffer a –1 morale penalty to attacks, saves,and checks for one month.During that month,you cannot use this feat,and the knight loses the benefits gained.

Favored Enemy Strike [General]

You can inflict greater damage than normal against your favored enemies.

Prerequisite: Favored enemy

Benefit: When striking a foe designated as your favored enemy,you inflict an additional 1d6 points ofdamage every time you hit.As with a rogue’s sneak attack bonus damage, do not multiply this damage ifyou score a critical hit against the enemy.However,this bonus does stack with damage inflicted by Favored Enemy Critical Strike†.

Favored Enemy Strike, Critical [General]

You can inflict telling blows with even greater than normal accuracy upon your favored enemies.

Prerequisite: Favored enemy

Benefit: When inflicting a critical hit upon a foe designated as your favored enemy,you inflict an extra 1d10 points of damage,in addition to the damage you would normally inflict.This bonus stacks with damage inflicted by Favored Enemy Strike†.

Special: This feat does not allow you to make critical hits on creatures that are immune to them.

Redeem [General]

You skillfully bring an evil creature into the light and show it the right and proper path.

Prerequisites: Reform†,Charisma 15,good alignment

Benefit: As Reform (see below),but you require only half the number ofdays listed there to make a check.In addition, the creature type does not modify the Difficulty Class, although conditions can still influence the saving throw.

Reform [General]

You bring an evil creature into the light and show it the right and proper path.

Prerequisites: Charisma 15,good alignment

Benefit: You use logic,moral lessons,persuasion,and kindness to turn someone from the path ofevil.After you speak with an evil creature individually for at least one hour per day,for one day per level ofthe creature,the creature must make a Will saving throw (Difficulty Class equals your Diplomacy skill bonus).Ifthe saving throw fails,the creature moves one step in alignment closer to you.For example,ifa lawful good cleric attempts to reform a captive chaotic evil umber hulk,a failed save results in the umber hulk’s alignment changing to either neutral evil or chaotic neutral,as the DM considers appropriate.Further successful attempts at reformation move the creature’s alignment closer toward yours.The reformed creature suffers no penalties for changing alignment.

The Difficulty Class is further modified by penalties or bonuses that the DM deems appropriate.Reforming an evil human may be easier than reforming a dark elf,which may be easier than reforming a night hag.(Some creatures,like demons,may very well be impossible to reform.) Further, conditions can modify the saving throw by +/–2,depending on how well you treat the creature.

A character can attempt to reform only one creature at a time.A creature to be reformed must have Intelligence and Charisma scores ofat least 3. Note: DMs should decide for themselves whether this feat can be used against player characters in their campaigns.

Tempt [General]

You convince a good creature to do wrong and fall from the path oflight.

Prerequisites: Charisma 15,evil alignment

Benefit: You use logic,offers ofbribery,seduction,torture, and threats to turn someone from the path ofgood.After you speak with a good creature individually for at least one

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