7 minute read
Mind Implants
from Chaositech - 3.5e
socket.The artificial eye confers normal vision,but it also has a strange added benefit.Once it’s plugged in,the host can remove the eye easily.All the while it continues to transmit normal visual signals to the host from up to 30 feet away.The eye must be plugged into the socket once every four hours for 10 minutes to recharge and reset.Once removed from the socket,the eye can be hidden to allow the host to spy on an area (Spot check,DC 20,to notice the eye).
Chaos Surgery DC 25 (Craft DC 32);Procedure Time one hour;Recovery Period three days;Price 6,500 gp
Snake Body: In this procedure,the chaos surgeon replaces the lower portion ofa humanoid’s body (including the legs) with an artificial creation ofsteel and flesh that greatly resembles a snake.The host’s body below the waist becomes a single,serpentine tail.The procedure increases the host’s weight by 100 lbs.per size category,but his size does not change.The host suffers a 10-foot penalty to his speed but gains a +4 inherent bonus to grapple checks and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Chaos Surgery DC 25;Procedure Time one day;Recovery Period 10 days;Price 28,000 gp
Spider Body: In this procedure,the chaos surgeon replaces the lower portion ofa humanoid’s body (including the legs) with an artificial creation ofsteel and flesh that greatly resembles a spider.The creature’s upper torso juts up from the front ofthe spider body,in front ofa large,bulbous “abdomen.” Eight spiderlike legs support the massive body. The procedure increases the host’s weight by 200 lbs.per size category.He does not increase in size (in game terms), but pushes the limits ofhis existing category.The host can carry loads like a quadruped and gains a +2 inherent bonus to Strength as well as a +2 natural armor bonus.His speed remains the same,but he gains a +2 inherent bonus to resist bull rushes.
Chaos Surgery DC 28;Procedure Time one day;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 73,000 gp
Tool Finger: This procedure replaces one ofthe host’s fingers with either a single,light tool or with a lockpick.
Chaos Surgery DC 20;Procedure Time two hours; Recovery Period four days;Price 1,000 gp
Wheeled Body: In this procedure,the chaos surgeon replaces the lower portion ofa humanoid’s body (including the legs) with a rectangular steel chassis on four steel wheels.The procedure increases the host’s weight by 200 lbs.per size category.The host does not increase in size (in game terms),but pushes the limits ofhis existing category. He can now carry loads like a quadruped and gains a +2 inherent bonus to Strength as well as a +2 natural armor bonus.His speed increases by 10 feet and he gains a +2 inherent bonus to resist bull rushes and grapple attempts.
Chaos Surgery DC 32;Procedure Time one day;Recovery Period three weeks;Price 84,000 gp
Mind implants are additions or alterations made to a creature’s brain through surgical procedures.The implants usually are made ofgrown flesh components,but sometimes they incorporate tiny steel plates,wire,tubes,or other inorganic parts.Sometimes one can see a bit ofscarring on the head of a character with a mind implant,but otherwise there is no evidence ofthem from the outside.
Allegiance: A host with an allegiance implant must remain loyal to the individual,group,cause,etc.designated when the chaos surgeon configures the implant.Alternatively,the implant may be a single command that prevents an action,such as “Do not speak ofthe Legacy ofCordaris” or “Do not go into the Caves ofKanesh.” The host cannot resist or overcome the conditioning or command issued by the implant,even under magical compulsion or charm.Only removal ofthe implant allows him to overcome the conditioning or command.Clearly, this is a device usually imposed on a creature by another,such as on a servant by a master.It requires no nutrition.
Chaos Surgery DC 30;Procedure Time eight hours; Recovery Period three days;Price 6,000 gp
Anger: A host with this implant feels intense anger under conditions designated during the implant’s configuration. This anger manifests itselfas blind rage,during which the host suffers a –4 circumstance penalty to all checks except those involved in combat,for which he gains a +4 circumstance bonus.He also gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls.This blind rage lasts for one minute after he first encounters the conditions causing the anger.
The beneficial aspects ofthe anger cannot occur more than once per day,but the negative ones can.For example, say the anger-inducing circumstance is “You see a bugbear.” In the first instance ofbugbear-sighting that day,the host suffers a penalty to all Diplomacy,Bluff,or other non-combat related checks,but enjoys a bonus ifhe gets into a fight (presumably,but not necessarily,with the bugbear).The second time he sees a bugbear that day,after the effects ofthe first rage have worn off,he still suffers the penalty,but gains no bonus (although he still suffers no penalties in combat).
Only removal ofthe implant overcomes the anger conditioning.
Chaos Surgery DC 30;Procedure Time eight hours; Recovery Period three days;Price 11,000 gp
Animal Instincts: A host with this implant can think and react like an animal.He gains a +4 competence bonus to Handle Animal,Hide,Knowledge (nature),Move Silently, Spot,and Survival,as well as a +2 bonus to initiative.
Chaos Surgery DC 34;Procedure Time four hours; Recovery Period two weeks;Price 21,000 gp
Bravery: The bravery implant is like a small spike inserted into the forebrain.It makes the host immune to fear effects.
Chaos Surgery DC 28;Procedure Time one hour;Recovery Period one week;Price 26,000 gp
Charisma: The charisma implant is like a mesh covering a large portion ofthe host’s brain.It grants the host a +2 inherent bonus to Charisma.
Chaos Surgery DC 37;Procedure Time 12 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 55,000 gp
Coordination Capacity Increase: A chaos surgeon usually places this implant at the point where the host’s brain connects to the spine.Once implanted,it increases the host’s coordination,resulting in a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity. Further,the host can manipulate his limbs in otherwise difficult ways,in effect granting him the Multiattack feat normally available only to creatures with multiple natural attacks (see Chapter Six:Monster Skills and Feats in the MM).Thus,any additional attack he makes,such as an offhand attack,suffers only a –2 penalty,and his primary attack suffers no penalty.The host can use this tactic only as a part ofa full attack action;iterative attacks with the primary attack are not possible.Further,the host can use additional “off-hand” attacks granted by a tail† implant (or other such implants),as well as all ofhis normal attacks.
For example,say a character with a tentacle† implant wielding a longsword,a short sword,and another short sword (in the tentacle) has a normal attack bonus of+10. During a full attack action,he would make a +10 attack with the longsword,a +8 attack with the short sword in his other hand,and a +8 attack with the short sword held by the tentacle,thanks to his coordination capacity increase implant.
Chaos Surgery DC 35;Procedure Time 12 hours;Recovery Period six weeks;Price 58,000 gp
Eldritch Affinity: While not magical in itself,the eldritch implant “rewires” the host’s brain so he can process spellcasting more efficiently.Henceforth,all his spells are cast as ifhe were two levels higher than normal.
Chaos Surgery DC 36;Procedure Time 12 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 33,000 gp
Feat: This implant grants the knowledge,experience,and memories needed for the host to use a single feat for which he otherwise qualifies.
Chaos Surgery DC 33;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 20,000 gp
Intelligence: The intelligence implant is like a mesh covering a large portion ofthe host’s brain.It grants the host a +2 inherent bonus to Intelligence.
Chaos Surgery DC 37; Procedure Time 12 hours;Recovery Period two weeks; Price 55,000 gp
Love: A host with the love implant feels a deep and powerful affection for a specifically designated individual.This affection manifests itselfin a way similar to a charm effect.Once implanted,the host cannot change the designated individual.Only the removal ofthe implant ends the charm effect.This device is usually imposed on a creature by another.It requires no nutrition.
Chaos Surgery DC 30;Procedure Time eight hours; Recovery Period three days;Price 4,000 gp
See Invisibility: This mind implant allows the host to “decode” visual information from his eyes,allowing him to see otherwise invisible creatures and objects.
Chaos Surgery DC 34;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 12,000 gp
Introducing Intrinsic Items
While the PCs could find an emitter† or a chain blade† in a treasure hoard, they aren’t likely to find a mind implant in a locked chest.Sure, in theory, it could happen—the implant itself might be in a strangely-shaped glass jar filled with nutrient fluid. But it’s not likely. The best way to introduce this kind of chaositech into your game is through a chaos surgeon. Perhaps he is an enemy of the PCs, or an ally of their chaos cultist foes. They encounter his handiwork before they ever lay eyes on him— opponents with bone lacing†, invader garrisons†, or replacement blades† for hands. These opponents may have had the procedures done willingly— or perhaps unwillingly. Alternatively, the surgeon may not be a foe at all, but a neutral character. The player characters might still encounter those whom he has granted intrinsic chaositech. But they might be tempted to try it when they discover that they, too, can be similarly enhanced. This way, the PCs are faced with a choice: Stay true to their own flesh/fate, or fight fire with fire and adopt the tactics (and the “tools”) of their enemies. And even if the surgeon is not evil, can the PCs allow him to continue to operate on whoever is willing to pay? Dangerous decisions indeed.