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Standard Grafts
from Chaositech - 3.5e
Sensory Reworking: With extensive implants and modification to the host’s brain,this procedure grants the host the Scent ability,low-light vision,darkvision,and a +2 competence bonus to Listen,Search,and Spot.
Chaos Surgery DC 34;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 34,000 gp
Skill: This mind implant grants the knowledge,experience,and memories needed for the host to gain a +4 competence bonus with any single designated skill.
Chaos Surgery DC 30;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period one week;Price 10,000 gp
Telepathic Deflector: This implant,placed near the frontal lobe ofthe host’s brain,grants him a +6 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects.However,the host cannot communicate with anyone telepathically—spells such as detect thoughts do not work ifthe host casts them,and spells such as sending do not work ifthe host is the recipient ofthe message.This implant negates the functions ofa telepathic resonator† or receiver† (see below) present in the same host.
Chaos Surgery DC 32;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period one week;Price 35,000 gp
Telepathic Receiver: This implant,placed near the frontal lobe ofthe host’s brain,allows the host to read the thoughts ofothers through telepathic probing.The host learns the surface thoughts ofthe target ifthe target fails a Will save (DC 14).Creatures ofanimal intelligence (Intelligence 1 or 2) have simple,instinctual thoughts that the host can pick up.
Chaos Surgery DC 35;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period one week;Price 12,000 gp
Telepathic Resonator: This implant,placed near the frontal lobe ofthe host’s brain,allows the host to pick up any telepathic communication or information sent or received within 100 feet ofhim.This includes information gained via a detect thoughts spell,a sending spell,commands sent through a dominate person spell,the telepathic speech ofa demon,or those sent by someone with a telepathic transmitter† implant.
Chaos Surgery DC 35;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period one week;Price 23,000 gp
Telepathic Transmitter: This implant,placed near the frontal lobe ofthe host’s brain,allows the host to transmit thoughts telepathically to any creature with an Intelligence score of3 or higher within 100 feet.
Chaos Surgery DC 35;Procedure Time 10 hours;Recovery Period one week;Price 60,000 gp
Wisdom: This implant is like a mesh covering a large portion ofthe host’s brain.It grants the host a +2 inherent bonus to Wisdom.
Chaos Surgery DC 37;Procedure Time 12 hours;Recovery Period two weeks;Price 55,000 gp
Standard grafts are chaos-shaped flesh items that exist outside a host but can be grafted onto a host’s flesh.This grafting requires no special operation—grafts,like parasites, naturally seek to adhere to a host.Usually,the portion ofthe graft intended to adhere to a creature is covered in a thick, viscous mucus.It sticks to the host almost greedily.The sensation has been described as similar to an infant feeding at its mother’s breast,but altogether less wholesome.The graft causes no actual pain,but the host can feel the graft drawing sustenance from her.
Once a graft is attached,the bond becomes very strong.A Strength check (DC 20) is required to remove an attached graft,and doing so inflicts 1d6 points ofdamage to the host and the graft.Cosmetic† grafts and clawtips† (see below) are an exception to this rule and can be removed easily. Standard grafts have 1 to 10 hp,depending on the size.This total comes into play only when the graft itselfis targeted and in no way adds to the host’s hit point total.
A character with the Craft (chaositech)† skill (see Chapter Two:Bones ofSteel) can create any examples offered here.
Blade: This hard chitinous blade grafts onto the host’s forearm.The blade does not grant any additional attacks,but it is considered a light weapon.It inflicts slashing damage based on the host’s size,assuming the graft is sized correctly for the host.
Host Size Damage
Diminutive or Fine 1d2 Tiny 1d3 Small 1d4 Medium 1d6 Large 2d4 Huge 2d6 Gargantuan 2d8 Colossal 3d8
Craft DC 40;Price 900 gp;Weight 2 lbs.
Clawtips: These grafts adhere to the host’s fingertips, conferring a claw attack.They are desirable because they are small and the host can conceal them easily until she puts them on (which takes a full round).The host is still limited
in the number ofattacks she can make in a round,although she can use the claws on her offhand to make an off-hand attack.Damage inflicted by implanted claws varies based on the host’s size.
Host Size Damage
Diminutive or Fine 1 Tiny 1d2 Small 1d3 Medium 1d4 Large 1d6 Huge 2d4 Gargantuan 2d6 Colossal 2d8
Craft DC 40;Price 10,000 gp;Weight —
Clingskin: These grafts are like pads that fit on the host’s hands and feet.They are adhesive and have tiny hooks,both ofwhich help in gripping surfaces.Clingskin grants the host a +5 competence bonus to Climb checks and a +2 competence bonus to resist being disarmed.
Craft DC 40;Price 2,500 gp;Weight —
Cool Patch: This tiny graft,usually placed on a host’s wrist,helps cool the host’s blood.The host remains comfortable and suffers no ill effects in temperatures up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.Temperatures above that are too much for the graft to compensate for.The graft does not aid against fire damage.
Craft DC 40;Price 1,000 gp;Weight —
Cosmetic: A host can use cosmetic grafts to create extremely believable disguises.These grafts come in a kit with all sorts ofshapeable and reusable bits.Use ofcosmetic grafts adds a +5 competence bonus to all Disguise checks.
Craft DC 40;Price 2,000 gp;Weight — (kit weighs 2 lbs.)
Eye Cusps: These transparent grafts fit over the host’s eyes.They come in different varieties: • Underwater Vision. The host can see normally underwater,as ifabove the surface.Price 1,000 gp • Darkvision. The host can see in the dark up to 60 feet.Price 12,000 gp • Low-Light Vision. The host has low-light vision like an elf.Price 6,000 gp • Accurate Vision. The host ignores the first range increment ofany ranged weapon and gains a +1 competence bonus to all ranged attacks. Price 3,000 gp • Clear Vision. The host gains a +2 competence bonus to Search and Spot.Price 2,000 gp
Craft DC 43;Price varies;Weight —
Familiar: Perhaps the strangest ofall grafts,this symbiotic creature has its own intelligence.It can speak telepathically with its host.It can perceive through the host’s senses and provide suggestions and advice (as the DM wishes).Ifthe host is a spellcaster,it can tap into the host’s known or prepared spells,and—once per day—cast a spell on its own requiring no verbal or somatic components.The spell is cast as ifthe host cast it,for the purposes ofdetermining caster level or saving throw Difficulty Class.
A familiar graft has Intelligence 15,Wisdom 8,and Charisma 13.It is chaotic neutral.
Craft DC 50;Price 29,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Filter: This graft fits over the nose and mouth ofany humanoid character from size Small to Large.It filters out contaminants from the air,granting a +4 circumstance bonus to saving throws involving poison gas,airborne diseases,and so forth.
Craft DC 40;Price 2,300 gp;Weight —
Lantern: The lantern graft is a hemisphere 3 inches in diameter,covered in a clear membrane.When attached to a host’s skin,the membrane glows with the brightness ofa lantern.
Craft DC 40;Price 750 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Pouch: This graft is basically a large belt pouch that clings to the host’s flesh.It is watertight.
Craft DC 40;Price 190 gp;Weight 1 lb.
Warm Patch: This tiny graft,usually placed on a host’s wrist,helps warm the host’s blood.The host remains comfortable and suffers no ill effects in temperatures down to 0 degrees Fahrenheit.Temperatures below that are too much for the graft to compensate for.The graft does not aid against cold energy damage.
Craft DC 40;Price 1,000 gp;Weight —
Webbing: These grafts fit between a host’s fingers and toes to aid in swimming.With webbing grafts,the host can make Swim checks with a +4 circumstance bonus.Further, her Swim speed increases by 10 feet.
Craft DC 40;Price 3,500 gp;Weight —