6 minute read
The Temple of the Twinkling Eye
An elf archer uses his faith to guide his arrows to the hated enemies of his people and his deity
among Corellon's followers. "May your bowstring break!" and "The arrow take your eye!" are curses often heard on the battlefield.
Life is meaningless unless it can be enjoyed to the fullest, but you can't enjoy it unless you're still alive. Seek out what brings you joy, but be prudent in your pursuits. Caution, a clear head, a good sense of humor about life, and a genuine interest in the world are the most admirable of traits. Recklessness is only for those with nothing to lose.
According to the dogma of the Temple of the Twinkling Eye, the gnomes were born out of their deity's curiosity and his sense of humor. Its priests teach their followers to follow Garl Glittergold's example and learn about the world. They also honor their deity by the acquisition of wealth through their own hard work. Those who exploit others for gain haven't actually earned anything at all, because the used ones should have reaped the rewards of their own labor. Because of this philosophy, the church has no tolerance for slavers or tyrants.
Garl's church also preaches that life is inevitably full of conflict, but combat should be a gnome's last resort. The world is full of creatures larger in stature than they, so Garl's children must use their brains, rather then brawn, to work around an enemy. Conflicts within the community are brought before the local cleric, who settles the debate with some contest of the mind, such as a riddling match, a duel of harmless pranks, or a name-calling contest. The rest of the gnomes act as judges and declare the winner.
A worshiper of Garl Glittergold honors the trickery aspect of his deity primarily by playing tricks and fooling enemies. He is not malicious, nor does he seek to lead another into a harmful situation—except a deserving enemy. Rather, he tries to out-think, charm, or convince his enemies that he is harmless. That way, they will leave him to pursue prosperity, peace, and whatever profession brings about those results.
Enemies and Allies: No discussion of the Temple of the Twinkling Eye can be complete without mention of Kurtulmak, the deity of the kobolds. Kurtulmak's spawn are the hereditary enemies of the gnomes, and the only creatures whose destruction Garl's church actively sanctions. Kurtulmak's hatred of the gnome race can never be quenched. The gnomes pity the kobolds for their poor sense of humor and slavish obedience to their own church leaders, but they can keep these everbreeding enemies at bay only through extreme measures. Goblinoids also pose a constant threat; no matter how many times their invasions are rebuffed, these creatures continue to see the gnomes as easy pickings.
Members: As a rule, the Temple of the Twinkling Eye accepts only gnomes as members, though rare exceptions exist.
Scale: 13 (multiregional).
Affiliation Score Criteria: Only gnomes and wellknown gnome friends can gain ranks in the Temple of the Twinkling Eye.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels
Good alignment +1
Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks
+1 Perform 5 or more ranks +1 Bluff, Disguise, or Hide 5 or more ranks +1/skill Can cast 3rd-level or higher illusion spells +1 Has visited at least one of the Upper Planes +4 Can cast a spell that increases AC +1/spell Can cast a spell that increases at least one saving throw modifier +1/spell AC 25 or higher +1
Multiple Use Performs an act of personal sacrifice for the betterment of a gnome community +1 Converts a new member +1 Avoids combat by deceiving the foe +1/4 creature's CR Exposes the deception of an enemy of the church +1/4 creature's CR Slays an enemy of the church that has a CR within 1 of own character level by using only trickery (such as illusion spells, sneak attacks, and so on) +1/4 creature's CR Slays an enemy of the church that has a CR equal to own character level +3 or more by using only trickery +1/2 creature's CR Saves the life of a church member who has an affiliation score of 21 or higher +3 Catches an enemy of the church off guard and defeats it through superior preparation +1/4 creature's CR Catches a kobold off guard and defeats it through superior preparation +1/2 creature's CR Defends a community or group unable to defend itself (if character is good) +4 Razes the stronghold of a kobold enemy +8 Razes a kobold stronghold while the inhabitants are unprepared or through superior preparation +10 Humiliates an enemy through superior tactics and skill +2 Caught stealing from or deceiving the church -8 Performs an overtly evil act -4 Associates with known evil creatures -4 Associates with fiendish creatures -8 Fails to defend a structure or item important to the church -6
Titles, Benefits, and Duties: To gain a new rank and its associated benefit, a member of the Temple of the Twinkling Eye must win a battle of wits within the walls of Garl Glittergold's church.

Affiliation Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-12 Master of Names: Gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to avoid combat. 13-18 Master of Riddles: Gain a+1 bonus on one kind of saving throw. Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. 3 19-29 Master of Pranks: Once per day, make a single Bluff or Diplomacy check as a move action without penalty. 4 30 or higher Master of Illusion: Once per day, make a Bluff check as a full-round action to convince an enemy you are no longer a threat. If you are successful, the creature moves to attack another target. That enemy is considered flat-footed if you make an attack against it on your next turn.
Favored Feats: Members of the Temple of the Twinkling Eye prefer feats that improve their defensive capabilities. Dodge, Mobility, and Combat Expertise are all favorites, as is Spring Attack. Only those who are trained for close combat wear heavier armor, accepting the speed limitations it entails. Most members of the church prefer Point Blank Shot and other archery-related feats to those that enhance close combat. Improved Feint is also a favorite for members who can deal sneak attack damage.
Favored Combat Tactics: The primary combat philosophy of the Temple of the Twinkling Eye is to know the enemy, know its numbers, know the terrain, and take advantage of that knowledge. A member of the church who enters combat unprepared might as well take off his armor, drop his sword, lie down, and wait for an enemy to strike. Ranks in Gather Information and Knowledge might be as important to a member's combat repertoire as any weapon proficiency, feat, or readied spell.
Favored Adventure Types: A member of Garl's church takes any opportunity to destroy kobolds, especially if he can humiliate them first. A gnome who "counts coup" in this way shows he truly understands the value of brain over brawn. Kobold temples to Kurtulmak are filled with the skulls of dead gnomes. The Temple of the Twinkling Eye sends its followers to raid such temples, retrieve the skulls, and give them proper burial. Pulling such a mission off successfully is a tremendous achievement.
Favored Oaths: "By His glittering eye!" and "May the nugget strike you dead where you stand!" are typical oaths uttered by Garl Glittergold's followers in battle. "By the tongue of gold!" is an expression of wonder.