4 minute read
Destruction Domain
time of death is not to be interfered with. Still other churches believe that the transition from life to death releases great power that can be harnessed for some purpose.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Maintains a CR 1-10 undead minion for at least 1 month +1 Maintains a CR 11+ undead minion for at least 1 month +2 Can spontaneously cast 3rd-level or higher inflict spells +1 Can cast 5th-level or higher necromancy spells +2 Can cast animate dead +1 Can cast create undead +2 Can cast create greater undead +3 Can cast a spell that kills a creature outright, not through damage (such as finger of death or slay living) +1 Has been undead but is now alive +1 Is currently undead +2 Maintains a shrine honoring the dead for 1-51 weeks (if character is non-evil)* +1 Maintains a shrine honoring the dead for one year (if character is non-evil)'" +10 * Overlaps for same shrine.
Multiple Use Kills ten or more living creatures within 1 day (if character is evil) +1 Aids the uneducated masses in the understanding of death (if character is non-evil) +1 Converts a new member +1 Makes a new discovery about the nature of death or dying +2 Does not bring a dead creature back to life, despite having the power to do so +2 Associates with followers of a deity of life or healing (such as Ehlonna or Pelor) -2 Casts raise dead, resurrection, or a similar spell -4
Affiliation Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-10 Novitiate: Gain a+2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made regarding undead. 2 11-17 Adept: Cain a+2 bonus on turn or rebuke undead checks. 3 18-24 Crave Guardian: Gain a +1 bonus on (non-evil) saves against the spells and abilities of undead creatures. 3 18-24 (evil) Grave Guardian: Once per day, grant an allied undead creature within 30 ft. a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls for 1 minute. 4 25-29 Death Warden: Effective caster level for spells that have the death descriptor increases by 1. 5 30 or higher Master Necromancer: Once per day (non-evil) as a full-round action, attempt a turn or rebuke undead check with a +4 bonus. If the check is successful, the creature is instantly destroyed. 5 30 or higher Master Necromancer: If undead, (evil) gain turn resistance +4, or increase existing turn resistance by 4.
The righteous stand to gain great power in this world and the next, but the faithless deserve utter destruction. Those worthy of salvation will be absolved; the unworthy will find no solace from you.
A deity with the Destruction domain has no patience for disbelievers—or worse yet, heretics. Such deities are absolute in their judgment, whether their decisions are reached in haste or after deliberation. Destruction is not simple death—it is obliteration, often spiritual as well as physical. Some deities decree that only certain individuals or groups are deserve such punishment, but many endorse a policy of annihilation for adversaries in any sort of conflict. Whatever their motives, these churches all teach that their mission is not complete unless their enemies' deaths are irreversible.
A church dedicated to a deity of destruction teaches that enemies should be given no quarter. Any creature it identifies as a foe is marked for obliteration. Adherents of these religions rarely take prisoners unless doing so furthers the cause of the church. (Few churches with any sort of power base are ever foolish enough to destroy a potential resource. ) Churches of destruction deities view the use of such absolute force either as a brutal necessity or as a glorious celebration of their faith.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Base attack bonus +5 or higher +1 Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Can cast disintegrate or destruction +2 Can cast 5th-level or higher spells +2 Possesses ranks in a Craft skill -2
Multiple Use Razes a stronghold of an enemy of the church +8 Destroys an enemy so thoroughly that it can't be brought back from the dead +10 Kills an enemy with a successful critical hit +2 Kills an enemy with a single blow, taking it from full health to 0 or fewer hp +1 Destroys any item considered a threat to the church +2 Sunders an enemy's weapon and destroys it in one blow +1
Affiliation Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-9 Wrecker: Cain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to sunder objects. 2 10-20 Reaver: Cain a+1 sacred bonus on Fortitude saves. 3 21-26 Destroyer: Once per day, deal extra damage equal to your character level for one melee attack. 4 27-29 Eradicator: Effective caster level for inflict spells or harm increases by 1. 5 30 or higher Annihilator: Once per day, create a localized tremor that mimics the earthquake spell (CL 15th) in a 10ft. radius centered on you. (You are unaffected. )