3 minute read
Trickery Domain
build roadside shrines where church members are likely to pass by. Some shrines travel in caravans, constantly moving from one community to another to allow members to see the world. A travel church's doctrine is simple: Live your journey, see what you can, and watch out for bumps along the way.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (geography) 5-9 ranks +1 Knowledge (geography) 10 or more ranks +2 Knowledge (local) 5 or more ranks +1 Knowledge (the planes) 5 or more ranks +1 Gather Information 5 or more ranks +1 Has more than one mode of movement (climb speed, fly speed, or the like) +3/mode Can cast teleport +1 Can cast plane shift +3 Spends more than 1-11 months in a single place* -2 Spends more than 1 year in a single place" -4 * Overlaps for same place.
Multiple Use Frees one or more creatures from slavery +1, +1 per additional five creatures Destroys a slave ring +4 Discovers an area never traveled before +8 Discovers an area never traveled before and records the voyage +2 Makes a pilgrimage +1 Converts a new member +1 Spends 1 week or less in a single place for an entire year +3 Knowingly associates with slavers -8 Imprisons or enslaves another creature -15
Affiliation Rank Score Title: Benefits and Duties
0 3 or lower None. 1 4-10 Journeyman: Gain a+2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks. 2 11-20 Wanderer: Gain a+2 bonus on checks made to resist grapple, trip, or bull rush attempts. 3 21-29 Life Pilgrim: Once per day, you can use clairaudience/clairvoyance as a spell-like ability (caster level equals your character level). 4 30 or higher Nomad of Many Worlds: Once per day as a swift action, you can automatically escape from a grapple or any bonds that prevent you from moving freely (such as ropes or manacles). If you were grappled, you move to the nearest 5-foot square of your choice. This is a supernatural ability.
The world is an unforgiving place, and only those who are willing to go to any lengths have a chance to seize power. Deception, lies, and illusion are your stock-in-trade. No foe is a threat that doesn't know where you are, who you are, or what your motives might be.
Deities of trickery are naturally duplicitous. Even when they aren't actively seeking to deceive, they do so out of sheer habit. To them, the line between what is and isn't real is so blurred that reality is merely a state of mind. The world is malleable, and those who best learn to manipulate it find the most success, wealth, and power. This worldview makes many trickster deities jaded, and they most enjoy seeing perfectly hatched deceptions come to fruition—the more complex, the better. Those few who do not see the world as a plaything treat their mortal followers with more compassion. Such a deity delights in a well-executed trick but is less infatuated with power.
The church of a trickster deity is unlikely to establish public temples unless its patron is one of the more compassionate sorts. But even shrines tucked away in hidden locations never lack for members. Thieves, scoundrels, and criminals of all sorts mutter prayers to trickster deities before jobs. The teachings of a trickery church boil down to one simple rule: Don't get caught.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Bluff, Disguise, or Hide 5-9 ranks +1/skill Bluff, Disguise, or Hide 10 or more ranks +2/skill Can cast 3rd- or 4th-level illusion spells +1 Can cast 5th-level or higher illusion spells +2 Can hide in plain sight +2 Has one or more rogue levels +1 Lacks ranks in Bluff, Disguise, or Hide -2
Multiple Use Avoids combat by deceiving a foe +1/4 creature's CR Successfully feints in combat) +1 Deceives someone into offering a valuable item +1/1, 000 gp value Successfully steals a valuable item +1/1, 000 gp value Avoids getting caught while breaking a major law +2 Converts a new member +1 Exposes the deception of an enemy of the church +1/4 creature's CR Slays an enemy of the church that has a CR within 1 of own character level using only trickery +1/4 creature's CR Slays an enemy of the church that has a CR equal to own character level +3 or more using only trickery +1/2 creature's CR Is caught breaking the law -8 Is caught in a lie -4 Knowingly associates with creatures of lawful alignment -2 Is caught stealing from or deceiving the church -8