3 minute read
War Domain
Affiliation Title: Benefits Rank Score and Duties
0 3 or lower None.
1 4-10 Con Artist: Cain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in combat. 2 11-19 Expert Trickster: Once per day, gain a bonus equal to 1/2 your character level on one Bluff, Disguise, or Hide check. 3 20-29 Master of Deception: Effective caster level for illusion or Trickery domain spells increases by 1. 4 30 or higher Superior Dissembler: As a swift action, you can become invisible (as the invisibility spell) for 1 round/character level per day. The duration need not be consecutive. Deactivating this effect is also a swift action unless ended prematurely. This is a supernatural ability.
Followers of trickery take a great deal of joy in the fine arts of deception
Conflict is everywhere. As inevitable as death, it lurks even in places that seem Utopian. And since war cannot be escaped, it should be experienced to the fullest. Revel in conflict, because only in its grip will you know that you are truly alive. Know peace in the absence of all tranquility, and you will find unmatched inner strength.
Deities of war embrace the challenges of combat, but they might be less focused on battle than on the broader concept of conflict. The husband and wife having a domestic squabble, the merchant haggling angrily with a customer, and the two mighty armies clashing on a field of battle—a deity of war guides them all.
Like protection churches, war churches are often built like fortresses. In fact, many a war temple started as a shrine in the corner of some fort or outpost, then gradually overtook the entire structure as the members of the congregation grew more powerful. A typical church of war maintains a standing military arm housed in barracks adjoining the worship area, plus training yards, stables for cavalry, and a functioning armory and smithy.
All war churches teach that conflict is inevitable, but some seek it out more than others, for reasons as varied as the deities they represent. Some war priests view battle as a glorious way to worship their deity; others see martial prowess as a blessing that enables them to defend the less fortunate. Still others see war as a means to obtain more power, in the form of land, servants, and wealth. All glory in any form of conflict, which they see as a momentary conduit to the divine.
Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier One-Time Character level +1/2 levels Knowledge (religion) 5 or more ranks +1 Base attack bonus +5 to +9 +1 Base attack bonus+10 or higher +2 Proficient with all nonexotic armor and shields +1 Proficient with all martial weapons +1 Weapon Focus (any) +1 Lacks proficiency with at least one martial weapon -2 Base attack bonus +4 or lower -3
Multiple Use Razes a stronghold of one of the church's enemies +8 Destroys an enemy of the church in combat +1/4 creature's CR Serves in an army during a war for 1-11 months* +1 Serves in an army during a war for 1 year"" +3 Commands a unit within an army during a major war +2 Commands a unit within an army during a major war and wins a skirmish against an enemy unit with an EL equal to or greater than the EL of own unit +4 Commands an army during a major war +6 Commands an army during a major war and wins +15 Loses a war as commander of an army -20 Loses a skirmish as commander of a smaller unit -6 Fails in combat -2 Fails in combat against a hated foe of the church -4 * Overlaps provided the service is to the same army.