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This masterwork/masterwork quarterstaff becomes a +1/+1 quarterstaff as long as you are carrying no other weapons. (Natural weapons or unarmed attacks don't count, but weapons you carry in a bag of holding or other container do. )
The staff of the vagabond is part of a set known collectively as the garb of the vagabond, which also includes the cloak of the vagabond, the robe of the vagabond, and the sandals of the vagabond. When you wield the staff of the vagabond while wearing any two of the other items, each end gains the merciful property (DMG 225). When you wield it while wearing all three of the other items, each end also gains the ki focus property (DMG 225)
Cost to Create: 1, 500 gp (plus 600 gp for masterwork/masterwork quarterstaff), 120 XP, 3 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, monk.
Worn by heroes and villains alike, these items are essential for any who need an extra bit of power.
Price (Item Level): 1, 500 gp (5th) Body Slot: Feet Caster Level: 3rd Aura: Faint (DC 16); conjuration
Activation: —
Weight: 1 lb. Price (Item Level): 8, 000 gp (llth) Body Slot: Arms Caster Level: 9th Aura: Moderate (DC 19); abjuration
Activation: —
Weight: 2 lb.
These leather bracers are a deep burgundy color. Close examination reveals that the left bracer is stitched in patterns of seven, while the right is stitched in patterns of eleven.
When you cast a divine spell while wearing these bracers, you gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, or AC (chosen at the time you cast the spell). This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. If you worship Olidammara (or any other deity that offers access to the Luck domain), the bonus instead applies to your attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class simultaneously. Cost to Create: 4, 000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days. Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, worshiper of Olidammara.
Price (Item Level): 6, 000 gp (10th)
Body Slot: Shoulders
Caster Level: 10th Aura: M o d e r a te (DC 20); transmutation Activation: — and standard Weight: 1 lb.
This cloak consists of layers of tiny scales affixed to a thin leather backing.
These rugged, brown leather boots appear faded as though from years of use. The soles are scuffed but still quite solid.
While wearing boots of the wanderer, you automatically succeed on any Constitution checks required for running or making a forced march
If you are a worshiper of Fhar¬ langhn (or any deity that offers access to the Travel domain), you also gain a +5-foot enhancement bonus to your land speed while wearing the boots.
Cost to Create: 750 gp, 60 XP, 2 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, longstrider, worshiper of Fharlanghn. For a worshiper of Bahamut, a gold cloak of the dragon offers an opportunity to become part dragon himself
Ten varieties of this item exist, each corresponding in hue to one of the five chromatic or the five metallic dragons. While you wear the cloak, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your natural armor bonus. If you worship Bahamut or I Tiamat (or any other draconic deity), you may activate the cloak of the dragon once per day to grow a pair of draconic wings that grants you a fly speed (equal to your land speed) for 10 minutes. While this effect is active, you may use a breath weapon (as if you were a half-dragon matching the hue of your cloak; see MM 146) once.
Cost to Create: 3, 000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph, worshiper of a draconic deity.
Price (Item level): 9, 000 gp (12th) Body Slot: Shoulders Caster Level: 11th Aura: Moderate (DC 20); abjuration
Activation: —
Weight: 1/2 lb. While you wear gauntlets of war, you gain a +1 bonus on melee weapon damage.
If you worship any deity that grants access to the War domain, this bonus increases to +3 with that deity's favored weapon.
Cost to Create: 2, 000 gp, 160 XP, 4 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, access to the War domain.
This torn and tattered cloak is spattered with mud and looks to have been poorly made. Its original fabric was a particularly nauseating shade of yellow.
While wearing the cloak of the vagabond, you gain resistance 5 to cold and fire.
This cloak is part of a set known collectively as the garb of the vagabond, which also includes the robe of the vagabond, the sandals of the vagabond, and the staff of the vagabond. When you wear a cloak of the vagabond while using any two of the other items, it also grants you resistance 5 to electricity. When you use all four set items together, the staff of the vagabond gains an extra benefit (see page 137).
Cost to Create: 4, 500 gp, 360 XP, 9 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy.
Price (Item Level): 2, 000 gp (6th) Body Slot: Head Caster Level: 7th Aura: Moderate (DC 18); enchantment
Activation: —
Weight: —

Designed to fit atop any helm, this crest is actually a small golden statuette of a griffon. Behind it trails a long, blood-red plume that could well be visible even across afield of battle.
While wearing a crest of valor, you gain a +2 morale bonus on melee weapon damage rolls while your current hit point total is equal to or less than one-half of your full normal hit points.
The crest of valor is part of a set known collectively as the raiment of valor, which also includes the periapt of valor (page 140) and the tabard of valor (page 142). When wearing all three of these items, all allies within 10 feet of you (including yourself) gain a +4 bonus on saves against fear effects.
Cost to Create: 1, 000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, prayer, remove fear.
Price (Item Level): 4, 000 gp (8th) Body Slot: Hands Caster Level: 3rd Aura: Moderate (DC 16); transmutation
Activation: —
Weight: 4 lb.
These simple metal gauntlets are the type that normally comes with a suit of full plate armor, though they are abnormally well polished. Symbols of war are etched deeply across the back of each.
Price (Item Level): 5, 000 gp (9th) Body Slot: Head Caster Level: 9th Aura: Moderate (DC 19); evocation Activation: — and swift; see text Weight: 3 lb.
This heavy helm covers the entire head and face. When it is worn, the image of a deity's holy symbol forms around the eye-slits.
The helm of righteous war grants you a +2 insight bonus on initiative checks and Spot checks.
As a swift action, you can sacrifice one daily turn or rebuke undead attempt; this pinpoints the current locations of all enemies within 10 feet of you (even if invisible). You also become immune to being flanked until the start of your next turn. This ability can be activated five times per day.
The helm of righteous war is part of a set known collectively as regalia of righteous war, which also includes the bastion of righteous war (page 136) and the blade of righteous war (page 137). When you use all three together, you gain additional abilities as noted in the description of the bastion of righteous war.
The holy symbol pictured on the helm always matches the deity worshiped by the wearer (if any).
Cost to Create: 2, 500 gp, 200 XP, 5 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing, turn or rebuke undead.
Price (Item Level): 12, 000 gp (13th) Body Slot: Feet Caster Level: 7th Aura: Moderate (DC 18); transmutation
Activation: —
Weight: 1/2 lb.
These silver spurs gleam brightly in the ambient light. The points on the wheels are slightly jagged, like the lightning bolts of Heironeous.
Lancer's spurs always come in pairs, and they do not function if attached to magic footwear, since the two kinds of items occupy the same body slot. While you wear these spurs, any mount you ride gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with its natural weapons.
If you are a paladin or other character with a special mount, and you ride that mount while wearing lancer's spurs, the enhancement bonus increases to +2, and the mount's natural weapons are treated as either good- or evil-aligned
(as appropriate to your own alignment) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If you are neutral, you must choose the alignment of the spurs when you wear them for the first time, and you cannot thereafter change your mind unless your alignment changes in such a way as to render the initial choice unsuitable.
Cost to Create: 6, 000 gp, 480 XP, 12 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, war-mount"'.
Price (Item Level): 18, 000 gp (14th) Body Slot: Shoulders Caster Level: 10th Aura: Moderate (DC 20); transmutation
Activation: —
Weight: 2 lb.
This heavy cloak is made of a rough, gray fur from some unidentifiable creature.
The mantle of the beast allows you to use your wild shape ability as a swift action. While wild shaped, your natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.
A mantle of the beast is part of a set known collectively as the trappings of the beast, which also includes the armor of the beast (page 135) and the ring of the beast (see below). When you wear all three items together, you gain additional abilities, as noted in the description of armor of the beast.
Cost to Create: 9, 000 gp, 720 XP, 18 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic fang, wild shape.

Price (Item Level): 8, 000 gp (11th) Body Slot: Throat Caster Level: 13th Aura: Strong (DC 21); divination Activation: — Weight: 1 lb.
This silver pendant looks like an ordinary holy symbol of any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good deity.
If you are a worshiper of any lawful neutral, lawful good, or neutral good deity, the pendant of redemption refashions itself into the shape of your holy symbol when you don it, and it functions as a divine focus for your spellcasting. You also gain a +5 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks when communicating with any being that can still be redeemed (or is already redeemed) in the eyes of your god. When dealing with a creature that your deity finds unredeemable, the pendant instead gran you a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. You are instinctively aware which skill will work best with a given being.
If you're a paladin, you can use the pendant to lead other toward repentance and forgiveness more effectively, if you so choose. While you wear the pendant of redemption, your detect evil ability does not reveal a creature's evil aura bi instead whether or not a being can be redeemed, and what a redeemable being must do to achieve full redemption i the eyes of your deity. Some beings might require multiple redemptive acts to make up for their past transgression but you know only the most pressing requirement at any given moment.
In addition, the competence bonus on Diplomacy check that the pendant normally grants rises to +10 while you are actively working to convince a creature to embark upon the redemptive action you have divined. If it completes sue an act, you can then detect again to see whether any more penance is required.
Though the insights you receive do not specifically tell you the details of the subject's original transgression you can often infer a great deal from the information you gain. For example, if you know that to atone for her sin; a certain person must "give the crown jewels back to the king, " you can be reasonably certain that her transgression involved the theft of the crown jewels. Even wit. less specific information, such as, "take up a nonviolent profession, " you can guess that the person's profession involved violence.
Cost to Create: 4, 000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, divination, legend lore, Diplomacy 10 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks.
Price (Item Level): 4, 000 gp (8th) Body Slot: Throat Caster Level: 7th Aura: Moderate (DC 18); enchantment
Activation: —
Weight: —
Hanging on a thin mithral chain is a tiny charm, on which i carved an odd combination of the holy symbols of Heironeous and Kord.
While wearing a periapt of valor, you gain a +2 morale bonus on AC and saving throws while your current hit point total is equal to or less than one-half of your full normal hit points.
The periapt of valor is part of a set known collectively as the raiment of valor. When you wear it along with a crest of
In general, evil beings with "always" in their alignment descriptions cannot be redeemed, but any other—however unlikely the prospect—can be. Exceptions to this rule might exist in a given campaign or setting, and at the DM's discretion. The process of redemption requires that the being make full recompense or atonement for each evil act, shift its alignment to within one step of your deity's, and convert to the worship of your god.
valor (page 139) and a tabard of valor (page 142), you gain additional abilities as given in the description of the crest of valor.
Cost to Create: 2, 000 gp, 160 XP, 4 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, good hope or prayer, lesser restoration.
Price (Item Level): 8, 000 gp (11th) Body Slot: Rings Caster Level: 10th Aura: Moderate (DC 20); conjuration
Activation: —
Weight: — beast (see above), you gain additional abilities, as noted in the armor of the beast description.
Cost to Create: 4, 000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days.
Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, summon nature's ally I, wild shape.
Price (Item Level): 6, 000 gp (10th) Body Slot: Torso Caster Level: 18th Aura: Strong (DC 24); evocation
Activation: —
Weight: 1 lb.
This tiny ring is carved of smooth wood, and engravings of ivy run along its length. This badly stained robe looks as if it was deliberately cut to be unflattering on anyone. The fabric seems to be of poor quality and is dyed a questionable shade of brown-tinged green.
Whenever you cast a summon nature's ally spell (whether normally or spontaneously), you can treat it as though it were one level higher than it is. For instance, if you cast summon nature's ally III (or sacrifice a 3rd-level druid spell to spontaneously cast it), you can treat it as if you had cast summon nature's ally IV instead. However, you cannot use a ring of the beast to cast a summon nature's ally spell of a level higher than you can normally cast (in the class that allows you to cast the summon nature's ally spell). This ring continues to function even while you are using wild shape.
The ring of the beast is part of a set collectively known as the trappings of the beast. When you wear it along with armor of the beast (page 135) and a mantle of the While wearing the robe of the vagabond, you gain a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class and on all saving throws.
This robe is part of a set known collectively as the garb of the vagabond, which also includes the cloak of the vagabond, the sandals of the vagabond, and the staff of the vagabond. Using three or more of these items together grants extra benefits, as described in the entries for the cloak of the vagabond and the staff of the vagabond.
Cost to Create: 3, 000 gp, 240 XP, 6 days.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, miracle.