Illus. by E. Deschamps
Scoundrel adventures
Indeps often work in secret and thus might use PCs, particularly scoundrels, for any number of subtle, subversive, or disruptive goals. Adaptation: With very few changes, the Free League can be adapted to nearly any campaign. Stripping the group of its planar connection allows you to involve PCs in freedom-fighting adventures without becoming sidetracked by the potential of the Outer Planes. You might also want to provide league members with some means of magical communication, allowing members to organize and work against injustice in a more focused, effective manner across an entire world. An interesting variant is to make the Free League a kind of planar “Underground Railroad,” smuggling the oppressed and exploited though a series of safe houses to a planar gate leading to ultimate freedom, worlds away from any pursuit. Sample Encounter: PCs might become involved with the Free League in a multitude of ways, whether through merely hearing about the group from a traveling member, becoming involved in a fight against a tyrannical government, or following the league’s exile from Sigil. EL 14: Valek Xander was once a recruiter for the league but left Sigil along with so many other Indeps. He decided to do a bit of wandering through the multiverse and see whatever it had to offer. He made his way to several worlds, touting the Free League’s tenets, and eventually ended up in a large but oppressed city where his open philosophizing was taken as rabble-rousing. He was swiftly imprisoned. Calling upon the aid of a friendly steam mephit named Huozodruzil, the Indep instructed the little outsider to find some free-minded individuals in the city to help him escape. As luck would have it, the mephit stumbles across the PCs. Valek Xander, an Indep
to the neutral good-aligned plane of Bytopia, Tradegate embodies the spirit of openness, freedom, and communal aid that members of the Free League believe in so fervently. From here, and through the countless other portals scattered across the Outlands, Indeps travel to innumerable places on the Material Plane, making their homes where they choose and where they are needed.
Indeps in the Game
The Free League allows for a connection to the greater world, even the multiverse, in even the quietest burg. With its vast membership and appealing tenets, the league gives the simplest commoner on the Material Plane a reason to know about happenings on the Outer Planes and perhaps even knowledge of how a party might become involved. Indeps are also the first to chafe under a strict government. Even if you don’t want to involve your campaign in planar concerns, the Free League makes a perfect, worldspanning rebellious organization quick to act against tyrants and plan all manner of dissent. Rebellion-minded
Valek Xander
CR 14
Male tiefling rogue 8/gatecrasher 5* *Prestige class from Manual of the Planes CG Medium outsider (native) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +8, Spot +12 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Ignan, Infernal AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17; Dodge, Mobility, improved uncanny dodge (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 natural) hp 48 (13 HD) Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5; evasion Fort +3, Ref +15, Will +8 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +2 silvered rapier +11 (1d6+1/18–20) Ranged +1 anarchic light crossbow +15 (1d8+1/19–20) Base Atk +9; Grp +9 Atk Options sneak attack +4d6 Special Actions summon spell dampening 3/day Combat Gear potion of haste, wand of cat’s grace (33 charges) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th): 5/day—analyze portal* 1/day—darkness *Spell described in Manual of the Planes Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15 SQ open portal, trap sense +2, trapfinding