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Table 3-14 : The Tattooed Monk
abilities, or supernatural abilities . Either character can attack or use skills and exceptional abilities, including the monk's unarmed attacks and stunning attack.
Code of Conduct : Shintao monks must follow certain rules of life in order to maintain the purity of their souls and continue their advancement toward enlightenment . They are forbidden to eat meat (though they may eat fish), commit murder or theft, or marry. Shintao monks are expected to avoid causing violence, though circumstances can make that impossible . Gluttony and drunkenness are vices to be avoided, and holy places must be treated with respect . Shintao monks cannot accumulate wealth or become involved in politics . A Shintao monk who violates this code of conductor strays from a lawful good alignment cannot gain new levels as a Shintao monk but retains all monk class abilities . Assuming he remains lawful, he can continue to advance in the monk class .
While bear warriors claim the wild ferocity of the bear in their uncontrolled rages, singh ragers draw their furious strength from the noble lion (called a singh or singha in some societies) . The singh ragers' fury never robs them of their discipline and control, which to many minds makes them only more terrifying. They are paragons of warrior virtue whose speed, strength, and courage are unrivaled.
Fighters and samurai make the best singh ragers, though rangers can easily qualify. Monks and sohei can't qualify before 12th level unless they have some levels in fighterrelated classes, but some have been known to persevere to that point . In Rokugan, singh ragers come from the Lion clan, where they are trained in the Matsu school (and called
Matsu ragers) .
NPC singh ragers are often the favorite champion of a prince or emperor. Their lawful alignment makes them excellent retainers .
Hit Die : d12 .
To qualify to become a singh rager, a character must fulfill all the following criteria .
Alignment : Any lawful .
Base Attack Bonus : +7 .
Feats : Iron Will, Ki Shout .
SINGHRAGERCLASS SKILLS The singh rager's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str) . See Chapter 4 : Skills in the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions . The Iaijutsu Focus skill is described in Chapter 4 of this book . Skill Points at Each Level : 2 + Int modifier .
The following are class features of the singh rager.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency : Singh ragers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor.
Lion's Roar : The singh rager's fury in battle sends fear into her opponents' hearts . A singh rager can use a Ki Shout or Great Ki Shout a number of times per day equal to four plus her Charisma modifier, and the Difficulty Class of the fear effect is increased by 4.