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More Adventure Hooks
Psychic Domain
Granted Power: Gain +2 bonus to save DCs for all Psychic domain spells.
Psychic Domain Spells
1 Charm Person. Makes one person your friend. 2 Detect Thoughts. Listen to surface thoughts. 3 Suggestion. Subject acts on suggestion. 4 Confusion. Makes subject act oddly for 1 round/level. 5 Dominate Person.Controls humanoid telepathically. 6 True Seeing. See all things as they really are. 7 Mass Suggestion. As suggestion, plus 1 subject/level. 8 Discern Location. Exact location ofcreature or object. 9 Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Nightmare Domain
Granted Power: Visit awful dreams upon a foe once per day. The cleric must succeed at a melee touch attack against a living creature (using the rules for touch spells).On a successful touch,roll 1d6 per cleric level.Ifthe total equals at least the creature’s current hit points,it falls immediately into a nightmare-ridden sleep (as ifsubject to the effect ofa sleep spell without the HD maximum).The sleeper suffers from tormenting dreams and takes 1 point ofConstitution damage upon awakening.
Nightmare Domain Spells
1 Sleep. Put 2d4 HD ofcreatures in comatose slumber. 2 Nightsnare†.Put touched subject into comatose slumber. 3 Fear. Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. 4 Nightcrypt†. Send sleeping subjects in area bodily into nightmare. 5 Dream. Send message to anyone sleeping. 6 Eyebite (Sleep). Sleep one subject/round. 7 Deathmare†. Kills sleeping subjects in area, empowering caster. 8 Nightseed†. Subject slowly becomes monstrous. 9 Dream Resurrection†. Subject’s dream self attempts to resurrect waking body.
Adding Dark Plea or Vengeful Sky clerics and worshippers to your campaign is a good way to inject interesting plot hooks. Here are a few more examples to inspire you: • Murian was a lazy cleric,as lazy as they come.He was barred from his temple for his lack ofgood works.
Bitter,he sought vengeance in his darkest dreams.With
the coming ofThe Light That Rent the Night,Murian’s dreams have been uncustomarily riddled with nightmares.But he has drawn power from the secret instruction ofthose night terrors,and is about to set out on a self-proclaimed mission to destroy his former temple, for starters. • The priestess known as She Who Sleeps Forever woke suddenly,screaming,then died.She was the center ofthe community,and it was said that her dream selfprotected the population from harm.
Now,the community is in the grip ofa fear they cannot name.What nightmare came out ofthe night and slew the community’s icon? Is it somehow associated with the lump ofsky iron the community blacksmith recently purchased? • When the meteorite came,the weather changed, and the crops began to fail in the lingering winter.Things look grim,but now a new leader has arisen,promising salvation,ifonly those who seek it agree to bind themselves to something called the Dark Plea. • The dreams ofthe villagers have been troubled lately.
Then,a week ago,the murders began.Some terrible, clawed thing is killing one person a night.Sashyas,the sun priestess,has a vision ofa hardened murderer falling asleep each night,and from the vapors ofthe murderer’s vicious nightmares forms a creature in the world ofthe real.Unless someone slays the dreamer,the creature will not be stopped.
Decide whether you want to introduce the idea of arcanosphere shift into your campaign world. Determine the extent of the shift. One, a few, or all schools affected? Mostly positive, negative, or a mix? Mostly temporary, permanent, or both (concurrent or permanent picks up after temporary fades)? If you use psionics in the campaign, decide whether you prefer an effect; see “Psionics and Arcanosphere Shift” sidebar. Identify what organizations, governments, and prominent NPCs are affected by the shift. Outline how arcane spellcasting NPCs and institutions respond, especially to negative effects. If an engram ark fell, determine how much information about the Dark Plea infuses the surroundings. What do groups such as the Sky Callers and the League of Astronomers learn of it? Are other NPCs, organizations, or institutions under its influence?