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Lord of Silence
The Engram Adept
Class Base Fortitude Reflex Will Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +1 +0 +0 +2 Second engram 2 +2 +0 +0 +3 Engram vigor 3 +3 +1 +1 +3 Throw engram 6d6 4 +4 +1 +1 +4 Third engram 5 +5 +1 +1 +4 Engram fuel 6 +6 +2 +2 +5 Throw engram 10d6 7 +7 +2 +2 +5 Fourth engram 8 +8 +2 +2 +6 Upgrade engram 9 +9 +3 +3 +6 Throw engram 15d6 10 +10 +3 +3 +7 Fifth engram
the day.Thus,using this power to its fullest denies the engram adept the basic powers ofhis worn engrams for the day,but sometimes such an act becomes necessary. • Heals 3 points ofthe character’s ability damage. • Heals the character of1d6 points ofdamage per class level. • Removes two ofthe character’s negative (not lost) levels. • Reroll a saving throw or attack roll just made. • Summon 2d4 star oozes† to serve for 1 round per class level. • Summon one lesser ark guardian† to serve for 1 round per class level (requires two engrams to activate). • Summon one lesser ark guardian to serve for one hour (requires three engrams to activate). • Summon an ark guardian to serve for 1 round per class level (requires four engrams to activate). • Summon 1 ark guardian to serve for one hour or two ark guardians to serve for 1 round per class level (requires five engrams to activate).
Upgrade Engram (Ex): Most engram adepts wear common engrams that adhere naturally after a dive into the Rune Sea ofan engram ark.When an engram adept reaches 8th level,he may select any engram he bears and upgrade it to an uncommon engram ofthat color.Ifthere is more than one type ofuncommon benefit for an engram ofthat color, the character can choose which benefit to gain.
Lord of Silence
The lord ofsilence operates in soundless clarity.Those who journey in the airless reaches between worlds in realspace discover a sanctity ofsilence unobtainable in any other realm.From the depth ofthis experience comes the discipline ofthe void,as embodied in the members ofthe lord ofsilence prestige class.
The lord ofsilence mutes sound and molds quiet.He gains a dangerous strength in areas ofnoiselessness,which only grows more profound as he attains higher levels in the class. The discipline ofthe void places many demands on the body, but those who weather the deadly quietude can master the ability to shape silence like others might shape a block ofclay.
Initially,those drawn to the realm ofutter peace are those who already have some training in sneaking and maintaining a quiet body and mind.Thus,rogues are the most likely characters to take up the training ofthe void.Lords ofsilence generally prefer to work alone,though on occasion they join up with small groups in order to accomplish some goal.Even when encountered with a group,a lord ofsilence is apt to stay slightly apart from his compatriots,to safely practice his stealthy wiles.
On any world where lords ofsilence exist,the original members ofthe class are those who learned about the void from a reconstituted engram (or some different otherworldly source);see the reconstitute engram spell in Chapter Five.
Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a lord ofsilence,a character must fulfill all the following criteria: Sneak Attack: +1d6 Move Silently: 8 ranks Knowledge (the planes): 2 ranks Feats: Skill Focus (Move Silently) Special: Must have learned the discipline ofthe void from another lord ofsilence,a re constituted engram,or some other entity introduced to the world via a meteorite strike
Class Skills
The lord ofsilence’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:Appraise (Int),Balance (Dex),Bluff(Cha),Climb (Str),Craft (Int),Decipher Script (Int),Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int),Disguise (Cha),Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int),Gather Information (Cha),Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis),Intimidate (Cha),Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),Knowledge (local) (Int),Listen (Wis),Move Silently (Dex),Open Lock (Dex),Perform (Cha),Profession (Wis),Read Lips (Int,exclusive skill),Search (Int),Sense Motive (Wis),Spot (Wis),Swim (Str),Tumble (Dex),Use Magic Device (Cha,exclusive skill),and Use Rope (Dex).See the Player’s Handbook, Chapter Four,for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency. Lords ofsilence gain no additional weapon or armor proficiency.
Sound ofSilence (Sp). As a standard action,a lord ofsilence can emit a field ofsilence around himselfup to a radius of10 feet + 5 feet per three class levels above 1st (4th,7th,and 10th).The effect is as the silence spell, except the character can lower the field as a free action.The character can call up the sound ofsilence a number oftimes per day equal to his prestige class level.He may also vary the radius ofthe silence,and shape it as he desires within the allowed radius.This effect is as if cast by a 15th-level caster—even ifan enemy dispels or suppresses it on any given round,the lord ofsilence can bring up a new field on his next turn,ifhe has uses left.
Silent Thrust (Ex): While a lord ofsilence of2nd level or higher operates within a zone ofcomplete quiet (such as within the effect ofa silence spell or his own sound of silence ability),he gains the ability to use silent thrust once per day plus one additional time per day per two levels above 2nd (4th,6th,8th,and 10th).On any single attack the character uses in conjunction with silent thrust,he can add a +2 bonus to the attack roll and his class level to damage. Silent thrust can be combined with other attacks,including the character’s sneak attacks. +1d6 Sneak Attack: A lord ofsilence gains +1d6 points ofadditional sneak attack damage at 3rd,6th,and 9th level,just as a rogue gains additional sneak attack damage for attaining an appropriate level.See the Player’s Handbook, Chapter Three,for more about rogue sneak attacks.
Steal Voice (Ex): A lord ofsilence of4th level or higher can sneak attack opponents with such precision that his blows render them mute.When the lord ofsilence damages an opponent with a sneak attack,the foe also must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + lord ofsilence’s class level + one-halfthe lord’s Dexterity modifier [round up]).Ifstruck mute,the foe cannot easily communicate with allies,cast spells with verbal components,or do anything else that requires a voice.A foe’s voice returns on its own in 24 hours, after 10 minutes oftending and a successful Heal check (DC equal to the DC ofthe Fortitude save),or upon the application ofany curing or healing spell.
Silent Running (Su): While a lord ofsilence of5th level or higher operates within a zone ofcomplete quiet (such as within the effect ofa silence spell or his own ability),he gains the ability to use silent running twice per day plus one additional time per day per two levels above 5th (7th and 9th).As a move action,the character can shift himselfinto the Soundless (a demiplane ofutter quiet),move up to his speed,then return instantly to the world ofform and noise.For every 1 foot ofdistance he travels in the Soundless,he travels 30 feet in the real world.This ability allows the character to bypass enemies and solid barriers.Ifthe character would return to the world in a place already occupied by a solid object,he instead returns in the closest open space back along the direction ofhis route. However,the character can navigate perfectly while in the Soundless,and rarely finds himselfin such a situation.A lord of silence can bring up to one other Large or smaller creature with him when he uses silent running.
Clasp ofthe Void (Su): The discipline ofthe vacuum rarely shows through more fully than when a lord ofsilence attempts the clasp ofthe void.Once per day a lord ofsilence of7th level or higher can attempt the clasp ofthe void.On a successful touch attack,the character briefly envelops the target in a void that contains no sound or air.One second after a target is enveloped in the clasp ofthe void,the envelope collapses with the force ofa sledgehammer,and the inrush ofair and pressure