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The Center for Pan Asian Community Services is a private, nonprofit organization. Founded on the belief that “people need people,” it is the oldest and largest organization in the southeastern U.S. to focus on issues and concerns of Asian Americans, especially women, children and lowincome families. The center’s mission is to promote selfsufficiency and equity for immigrants, refugees and the underprivileged through comprehensive health and social services, capacity building and advocacy. The agency provides services through 12 departments, including social services, transportation, housing, legal and education. Some of these are featured below.
ealth programs strive to reduce health inequities in Asian/Pacific Islander communities through targeted health education, promotion and outreach services. The programs include:
Hepatitis B education, outreach and screening. HIV testing and prevention. Asian breast care. Substance abuse prevention. Affordable Care Act assistance.
The Georgia Team Empowerment Coalition harnesses the cultural and linguistic skills necessary to engage and empower Asian/Pacific Islander and Latino communities to prevent and reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and other substances among youth.
2019 LHD Annual Partners Guide
The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Project focuses on reducing abuse of alcohol and other substances in Asian/Pacific Islander and Latino communities. The project provides education and prevention strategies (such as parent workshops, compliance checks and healthy habits curriculums) to immigrants and refugees in Clarkston, Doraville and Chamblee. The HIV Testing, Prevention and Counseling program uses collaboration, outreach, social marketing and condom distribution to prevent HIV transmission and infection among high risk individuals. Free and confidential HIV screenings are provided at the agency’s main office and outreach sites in metro Atlanta.