The University of Georgia Extension in DeKalb County offers reliable, non-biased, research- based information and programs to the community in the areas of food, health, families, agriculture, the environment and youth development. The Family and Consumer Sciences team educates individuals and families about food, nutrition, healthy homes and basic financial management. Agents offer classes on topics such as green cleaning, making jams and jellies, grocery shopping on a budget and understanding food nutrition labels.
he team also offers two nutrition education programs to promote healthy food and lifestyle choices that prevent obesity: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Program and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. They offer a variety of resources, including in-person and online classes to help individuals and families with children learn how to eat healthier meals and snacks, stretch their food dollars and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
volunteers discuss garden and landscape problems and solutions. County residents can access services to identify pests, weeds and diseases and to analyze soil and drinking water problems. Gardeners interested in volunteering and getting involved in their community can apply to become master gardeners and attend an intensive 13-day training course. For individuals interested in learning about horticulture, the team offers classes on community gardens, ornamental trees and shrubs, turf, perennials and more.
Another way the team addresses food insecurity, nutrition and health is through Fresh on DeK, the DeKalb Mobile Farmers Market. Its mission is to provide nutrition education, access to affordable produce and food demonstrations. Fresh on DeK is a program of UGA Extension in DeKalb County, the DeKalb County Government and the DeKalb County Board of Health. It is made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the DeKalb County Government.
The 4-H Youth Development Program focuses on leadership, citizenship, public speaking, science and technology, financial literacy and life skills. Today’s 4-H also teaches about computers, recycling, photography, nutrition, decision making, teamwork and many other topics. Youth between the ages of 9 and 19 may join and over 3,000 DeKalb County youth participate each year. Some clubs are part of the DeKalb County School District and meet before or after school. Other clubs meet at the DeKalb County Extension office and Parks and Recreation centers.
The Agriculture and Natural Resources team is dedicated to developing knowledgeable consumers, protecting and increasing property values and promoting sound environmental practices that conserve and protect natural resources. The staff and 41
2019 LHD Annual Partners Guide
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