ain’t nobody got time for that . .
BREAKING THROUGH AN ATTITUDE OF INCOVENIENCE WE ALL HAVE A UNIQUE PROCESS GOD USES TO BRING EACH US INTO OUR PURPOSE. Some of our processes appear to travel a straight path, while others are more tumultuous. When your journey is filled with unexpected changes, it can affect your outlook on life. It can cause you to develop an attitude of inconvenience. Your attitude depends on if you see change as favorable or unfavorable. The changes when you marry the love of your life will be met with less resistance than those related to a job loss. Unfortunately, the life changes associated with our process are not clearly defined. We don’t know how God will use those situations. We can’t control the outcome, but we can change our attitude. When you feel like life is stretching you, take a step back, take a look around at the whole picture
and decide how you’d like to respond. Approach the journey to your purpose with patience, and embrace the process. Recognize there are lessons to learn along the way. Begin to see those inconveniences as faith adventures with God. You can access your attitude by answering a few questions. Are you finding moments of gratitude? Are you gleaning wisdom? Have you taken time to notice the blessings? Are you appreciative of the people in your life? Do you have joy and hopeful outlook? Are you learning life lessons? Do you see change as an opportunity for growth? Have you surrendered the outcome to God? Embracing your process means embracing personal and spiritual growth. Growth is evident when you relate to a situation in a healthier way the next time you encounter it. While your process and your journey may be different from that of others, all are being led toward God’s purpose and good plan (see Romans 8:28).