THE ASSISTANT MANAGER OF THE SALON WAS OBTAINING MY INFORMATION TO COMPLETE MY CLIENT PROFILE.. When When II gave gave her her my my email email address, address,,, she she asked asked ifif there there was was aa story story behind behind the the name. name. II was was able able to to give give her her my my quick quick testimony testimony about about my my tea tea ministry. ministry. She She was was fascinated fascinated and and asked asked many many questions questions which which led led to to our our exchanging exchanging phone phone numbers. numbers.
Later Later that that afternoon afternoon as as II was was reading reading the the Book Book of of Esther, Esther, II thought thought of of my my morning morning encounter encounter with with the the young young lady lady at at the the massage massage salon. salon. ItIt wasn’t wasn’t aa coincidence coincidence she she was was the the person person at at the the desk desk when when II went went for for my my massage. massage. Just Just as as all all encounters encounters we we experience experience are are not not chance chance but but planned planned by by God. God. Immediately Immediately II thought thought of of the the famous famous Scripture Scripture we we all all associate associate with with Esther. Esther. “And “And who who knows knows whether whether you you have have not not attained attained royalty royalty for for such such aa time time as as this?” this?” (Esther (Esther 4:14, 4:14, NASB). NASB). Esther Esther was was chosen chosen as as the the new new queen queen and and facing facing the the dilemma dilemma of of revealing revealing her her Jewish Jewish roots. roots. Keeping Keeping quiet quiet would would allow allow her her to to continue continue enjoying enjoying life life as as the the queen, queen, but but her her calling calling was was greater greater — — to to set set aside aside that that life life style style and and her her ambitions ambitions and and face face the the music music head-on head-on to to save save her her people. people. We We all all have have God-assigned God-assigned kingdom kingdom opportunities. opportunities. We We are are placed placed in in positions, positions, occupations, occupations, education, education, given given resources resources and and live live in in locations locations that that will will optimize optimize the the opportunities opportunities God God puts puts in in our our path. path. II feel feel called called to to put put together together events, events, write write books books and and plan plan trips trips to to optimize optimize His His purpose purpose for for me. me. II am am not not to to waste waste time time on on social social media, media, frivolous frivolous shopping shopping and and lunches, lunches, or or eating eating bonbons bonbons all all day. day. God God has has placed placed each each of of us us just just in in the the right right place place for for opportunities opportunities to to reach reach others others for for Christ. Christ. Like Like Esther, Esther,
we we have have aa choice choice to to make; make; we we are are in in aa battle battle for for men’s men’s and and women’s women’s souls. souls. We We have have aa calling calling for for this this particular particular time time and and this this particular particular place. place. Join Join me me today today as as we we seek seek His His plans plans for for us; us; plans plans for for our our days days and and ways ways to to make make heaven heaven more more crowded. crowded.