March Newsletter/ Volume 1 Issue 12

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The Daily Bugle March 2016

Created, designed, and published by: Leah Maly Photos are mine, but all logos and pngs were obtained from Google

Table of Contents

Key Club 101 … Page 1 DCON! … Page 2 Final Farewell  … Page 3 ‘Contact Info… Page 4

Key Club 101

What is Key Club (you may ask!)?  Key Club is an international student-led organization which gives its members opportunities to provide service for those in need, build character within themselves, and develop leader skills that can be used in the future! Who are WE?  We are the Superheroes of Division 48! We are caring and compassionate individuals that are improving our community! The core values are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Why Key Club?  No other organizations provide us with the opportunities that Key Club does. In Key Club, we better the lives of others around us, make friends, and grow as individuals. Key Club isn’t just a club; it is a family. You gain so many great memories; from service projects to DCON itself! Key Club is the best place to be. We love and support those around us!


DCON is a wonderful event, and it’s truly a wonderful experience. It is a trip that not many can say that they’ve taken. In fact, I would even go as far as saying, outside of Key Club, there aren’t any events quite like it anywhere. With that being said, there are a few rules that need to be followed while you are in Seattle. Mainly for your safety, but none the less they must be followed:  Always be where you are expected to be, according to your schedule.  Keep in contact with in contact with your chaperone.  Always be kind and respectful toward everyone.  Make sure to be a productive member of the forums you choose to attend.  Never leave the event center without permission and/or an adult escort.  Always be in your room for, as well as after, curfew.  Make sure to do your best to enjoy all aspects of DCON (especially the Service Fair!) While there are rules that you must follow throughout your time there, you will still have the opportunity to have a wonderful and unforgettable time at your trip to DCON!

A Final Farewell 

My year as Division 48’s Lieutenant Governor has been a truly unforgettable experience. It helped tremendously to shape me into the leader that I am today. I couldn’t have done it without the help of the District Board and all of my closest friends. I know now that I am passing the division on to such an amazing, kind, and caring leader, and she’s going to do great things for our division! So I want to thank all of you. Thank you for all that you’ve done and all that you are going to do. Thank you for being kind, caring, and patient with me when I was just starting out. And most of all, thank you for making my term as LTG one of the absolute greatest! Thankfully this isn’t a farewell forever, so I’m still going to be around for anyone that needs any help! Just don’t be afraid to try and contact me with any questions  In Loving Service, Your Lieutenant Governor Leah Maly

Contact Information

Please don’t be afraid to email me, text me, or Facebook message me. I’m always open if you have any questions. If you text or email me, and I have yet to know your name or meet you in person, please include your name and school! Phone Number: (208)-651-9224 Email: Instagram: leah_fable3

Alternate Contact Information: Brandon Webb: Tyler Bosser: / (253)-355-2783 Tran Hoang: / (971)-267-9235 Suvir Copparam: / (425)-445-6199 JoJo Saunders: / (206)-790-7510 Ryan Miura: / (503)-490-0041

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