April Newsletter / Volume 1 Issue 1

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The Daily Bugle April 2015

Created, designed, and published by: Leah Maly

Table of Contents

Goodbye From Your Past LTG… Page 3 Hello From Your New LTG… Page 4 Key Club 101… Page 5 Eliminate Project… Page 6 The New Executive Board… Page 7-12 Fort Sherman Park… Page 13 Contact Information… Page 14

Adios Superheroes!

I have had a wonderful year thanks to all of you. I cherish the chances I have gotten to meet each and every one of you. Our division has been wonderful to me, and I truly feel like I have a second family in all of you. My year as Lieutenant Governor has caused me to grow a tremendous amount, not only leadership wise, but also personally. I was privileged to partake in the chartering of a new Key Club at Lakeland High School. I look forward to seeing how Leah will improve our division. I look forward to working with all of you more throughout the next year. I am always available if you need help with anything. To those of you I don’t get the privilege of seeing in the next year, I hope you all have a wonderful time through the rest of High School, and I wish you nothing but the most prosperous of futures. I love you all.

In Loving Service, Brandon Webb Division 48 Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor

Hello Superheroes!

My name is Leah Maly, and I’m currently a sophomore at Lake City High School. I’m a huge band geek who loves the outdoors and animals! I’m excited to be your 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor of Division 48! I’m here to support and strengthen your clubs, encourage your participation in leadership opportunities, and provide you with the information you need to succeed. My main goal throughout my term is to open up better communications and to help create long-lasting friendships between each club. I really hope to hear from all of you! This year is going to be great! In Loving Service, Leah Maly Division 48 Lieutenant Governor

Key Club 101

What is Key Club (you may ask!)?  Key Club is an international student-led organization which gives its members opportunities to provide service for those in need, build character within themselves, and develop leader skills that can be used in the future! Who are WE?  We are the Superheroes of Division 48! We are caring and compassionate individuals that are improving our community! The core values are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Why Key Club?  No other organizations provide us with opportunities than Key Club. In Key Club, we better the lives of others around us, make friends, and grown as individuals. Key Club isn’t just a club; it is a family. You gain so many great memories from service projects to DCON itself! Key Club is the best place to be. We love and support.

EliMiNaTe Project

What is the Eliminate Project?  The ELIMINATE Project is a joint project with Kiwanis and UNICEF to internationally eliminate MNT. What is MNT?  MNT stands for maternal and neonatal tetanus that occurs with mothers and their newborn children. Newborns suffer severe convulsions and are sensitive to light and touch. MNT kills one baby every 11 minutes. It also kills mothers; this leads to little hope of survival. Who suffers from MNT and how can it be stopped?  MNT affects the poorest, the geographically hard to reach, and those who can’t afford health care. It is caused when pores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. Just three doses of a 60 cent immunization can protect a mother and her future babies.

$1.80 can save a mother and her future children!

The New Executive Board!

Tyler Bosser [D.Gov] Hey Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers!

My name is Tyler Bosser and I am both honored and beyond grateful to have the opportunity to serve you as your District Governor for the 2015-2016 term. I look forward to working alongside such caring and passionate leaders like you. I am certain this year will be one of the best the Pacific Northwest has seen. In this upcoming year, I want to focus on providing the district with what it needs to strive. That is aiding you- the members, in any problems that you may face throughout your terms. I’d like to leave you with one thing to remember: the District Board is here to serve the members, so please do not feel intimidated by a title. I look forward to meeting you all and if you ever have any questions or would simply like to talk, feel free to contact me at any time via email, Facebook message, or phone!

In love and service, Tyler Bosser Pacific Northwest District Governor Key Club International

Tran Hoang [D. Sec] Hey hey hey, PNW Key Clubbers!

Words cannot adequately describe my excitement to serve you as District Secretary for the 2015-16 term. I'm eager to see what we as a district can accomplish this year, from membership growth to funds raised for the Eliminate Project. I know that through our continuous efforts, from club to district level, pouring endless hours into giving back to our community, we can hit many new milestones, and our achievements will definitely soar. I'm excited to meet you all! Feel free to contact me anytime, whether it be about Secretary reports, tips on improving club attendance at meetings, or if you just want to conversate-- I'm always available as a resource and as a friend.

In caring service, Tran Hoang Pacific Northwest District Secretary Key Club International

Suvir Copparam [D. Treasurer] Hey Key Clubbers!

My name is Suvir Copparam and I am your incoming District Treasurer. I am incredibly excited and thankful to serve you all for the coming year and am confident in what we can accomplish. This year, I plan to effectively educate club treasurers with detailed resources, monitor district spending with our first budget, grow district membership, and ultimately help all of you improve your clubs, so we can have a larger impact as a district. I am available to all of you as a resource, but also as a friend. Please contact me anytime if you have questions about your club, or even if you just want to chat! I look forward to working with you all this year.

In Caring & Service, Suvir Copparam Pacific Northwest District Treasurer Key Club International

JoJo Saunders [D. Editor] Hello PNW Key Clubbers!

I’m truly honored to be serving all you this year as your new District Editor for the 2015-2016 term. I'm so excited to get started on everything that I planned on doing and I'm confident in what we are able to do this year. During my term I plan on making sure editors have the proper training to make newsletters through either workshops, videos or one-on-one help. I also want to try and focus on connecting the club and district level a bit more while also being able to give you guys more news on a more frequent basis. If you guys have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to contact me! I'd love to get to know you guys as much as I can throughout my term.

In love and service, JoJo Saunders Pacific Northwest District Editor Key Club International

Ryan Miura [Convention Chair] Hello PNW Key Clubbers!

I’m Ryan Miura and I will be serving as your 2015-2016 District Convention Chair. I am so excited to be planning DCON 2016! There are a lot of great things that will come this year, so be on the lookout for updates and videos during our time before DCON. I hope we all take this year to better ourselves as student leaders, and that we are able to live up to our greatest potential as Key Clubbers. Thank you everyone, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all throughout this year!

In love and service, Ryan Miura Pacific Northwest District Convention Chair Key Club International

Fort Sherman Playground!

On April 26th, both Lake City High School and Coeur d’ Alene High School will be painting some art features of Fort Sherman Playground! It will be from noon to 4 P.M. It’s a Sunday afternoon, so I hope lots of Key Clubbers can make it! I really can’t wait to meet everyone there! This will be a great place and project to work on together!

Contact Information

Hey Superheroes, so I haven’t yet reached out to all the clubs to get contact information, but I’m currently working on that right now!

Please don’t be afraid to email me, text me, or Facebook message me. I’m always open if you have any questions. If you text me or email me, please include your name and school! Phone Number: (208)-651-9224 Email: leahmaly.ltg.98@gmail.com Instagram: leah_fable3

Brandon Webb: brandonwebb.ltg.98@gmail.com Tyler Bosser: tylerbosser.pnwgov@gmail.com / (253)-355-2783 Tran Hoang: tranhoang.pnwsec@gmail.com / (971)-267-9235 Suvir Copparam: copparam.suvir@gmail.com / (425)-445-6199 JoJo Saunders: jojosaunders.pnweditor@gmail.com / (206)-790-7510 Ryan Miura: pnwconventionchair@gmail.com / (503)-490-0041

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