YEAR 10 MY WELLBEING JOURNAL THRIVING ME as a Young Person and as a Student.
Making the choice to take full responsibility for yourself, as both a person and a student, to thrive to achieve what you want for yourself.
AS A YOUNG PERSON What do I want to achieve personally this year? Who will I become? ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ • be kind and empathetic to others and myself. • use my strengths to keep going when things don’t go my way.
AS A STUDENT What do I want to achieve academically this year? What choices do I want to have available to me? ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ • use the 3 F’s: Focus, Feedback & Fix it. • use deliberate practice to polish my skills and understandings. Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Anders Ericcson
STRENGTHS WEEKS Every five weeks, the challenge for you and your class is to use a character strength to create fun and meaningful activities to build the wellbeing of everyone’s relationships. It is a great activity to do with your family at home. There are also Wellbeing Award Certificates for each of these weeks on the website. The order of these weeks are: Gratitude, Teamwork, Curiosity, Kindness, Leadership, Hope, Zest, Perseverance, Love of Learning and Forgiveness. Download these activity sheets and award certificates from the Wellbeing Program/Individual Resources/ Strengths Weeks or Wellbeing Awards sections of
“If it is to be it is up to me.” William Johnsen
Champions of Trust: your best self as a young person This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to build a support network of four Champions of Trust who will always be there for you, no matter what happens. Wellbeing Reflection: who are your champions and why did you choose each of them? No one should ever feel that they have no one to turn to when they need help. Be proactive by identifying and then asking four people who you both trust and know that they will always be there for you to turn to. Draw a picture of, or stick a photo in, of each of your champions.
Champion One Use your strengths to realise when you need support to seek help from your champions immediately.
The three words of trust: DARE, CARE, SHARE Choose to be strong.
Champion Four
Picture of you or draw yourself
Champion Two
Champion Three Use self-talk to practise saying what you will say to share with your champions.
Nothing will shock your champions, because they care for you. They will always listen.
Acknowledgement: Seligman & Fredrickson
“I’ve got two reasons for success, I’m standing on both of them.” Betty Grable
A Champion Interview: your best self as a young person This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to interview one of your Champions of Trust to learn what they did to overcome challenges and setbacks to be the person they are today. Wellbeing Reflection: what did you learn from the interview that you will put into practice in your life? Following below are questions you could ask during the interview. Create some of your own questions should you wish.
Person’s name:
wish to learn how you view you because I admire you and The interview: I would like to inter acter Strengths? t would you say are your top Char became who you are today. Wha
Describe a time in your life when
ted them to go and any
things didn’t go the way you wan
mistakes you made.
Did you ever feel like giving up?
What did you do to keep going, how
did you feel and what
strengths did you use?
What was the final outcome?
What did you learn from this expe
become who you are today?
How did these things help you to
End of interview: I appreciate you
sharing with me how you became
who you are today,
thank you.
on I admire?
What did I learn about this pers
What did I learn about how to keep What are new things I will start
going when things don’t go my way
doing in my life from now on?
Acknowledgement: Fredrickson & Diener
“I do the very best I know how, the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing it to the end.” Abraham Lincoln
8C’s of Self-Leadership: your best self as a young person This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to gain an understanding of the 8C’s so you can use them in your life to thrive. Wellbeing Reflection: which of the 8C’s do feel you are developing well, and need you to focus more on? Developing your awareness of your mind-body connections, enable you to notice when you are starting the fight or flight response and then stall it. This is self-leadership, and improves how you function in both your individual roles and in groups. Eight core elements have been identified, and they are: Connection, Confidence, Certainty, Contribution, Control, Celebration, Compassion and Culture. Self-assess on how you are developing and using these: Usually At Times Not Yet
1. Connection – feeling socially connected and accepted, releases the powerful feel good brain chemical oxytocin, which enhances the functioning of all group members.
At Times
Not Yet.
When is a time you have experienced this?
2. Confidence
– feeling confident in your own and other group members’ capacities to make a positive difference, generates energy for all involved. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
3. Contribution
– feeling that you are a valued member of the group releases the feel good brain chemical serotonin, which inspires individuals within the group. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
4. Certainty
– feeling confident that your contribution will be welcomed and valued, empowers members to have a sense of group purpose. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau
8C’s of Self-Leadership: your best self as a young person Consciously thinking about which of the 8C’s are in play, helps you to notice more and raise your self-awareness; you are leading you. Having a healthy state of wellbeing is a work ethic.
5. Control
– feeling that you have a reason for why you are studying and contributing to the group, enhances your self-regulation and motivation. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
6. Celebration
– celebrating all group accomplishments, no matter how small, generates positive emotions to broaden and build everyone’s attention and engagement. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
7. Compassion
– showing kindness to have shared empathy for the needs and feelings of both yourself and other members of the group, releases further oxytocin and serotonin to raise everyone’s wellbeing. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
8. Culture
– living by and embedding the first seven C’s, creates patterns of behaviour, which in turn, develop a culture of, the way we do things around here. Usually At Times Not Yet. When is a time you have experienced this?
Acknowledgement: Amy Brann
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr Seuss
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Thriving & Striving:
when is a time you have been really curious to learn more about something?
what are you really looking forward to learning and doing this week?
Accomplishment + optimism MUSTS OR OPTIONS
Respectful Relationships Positive I can and I will self-talk helps you to hang in there when things get tough. What are two examples of self-talk you could use if you were blaming others for your mistakes?
Wellbeing Learning Intention: by understanding and accepting that you need to plan and prioritise what you need to do, you will be more likely to get what you want to get out of school. On the website in the Individual Resources section is a Musts and Options Thinking Tool which will enable you to organise your time well. The Time Understandings is another Thinking Tool which will provide you with a clearer picture of what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Acknowledgement: Hassed & Wade
Wellbeing Reflection: How will what you are currently doing to organise your time, get you what you want from school?
Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What are several Options that you have allowed to become Musts, and as such, used up too much of your time and energy?
Exercising and Breathing
Balance Breathing: For a slow count of 5. Standing up straight, put one foot on your opposite leg and balance. Think about balancing while breathing in. Hold for 5. Balance while breathing out. Hold for 5. Swap legs. Repeat 5 times.
How did you feel while doing Balance Breathing?
Ask yourself, is being distracted by Options more important than the type of life you want for yourself?
................................................................................. ................................................................................. Which of the 8C’s of Self-Leadership could you use? (see pages 10-11) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
................................................................................ How many days did you try Balance Breathing this week? ................................................................................
Thriving You:
what little things do you need to do every day to become a thriving and striving you?
MONDAY /mins
Mindful Colouring In:
Big Four Check In:
Feel in yourself? 2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Exercise daily?
for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes:
when is a time you enjoyed yourself having fun and laughing with
friends and family?
Thriving & Striving:
what are you really looking forward to learning and doing this week?
Positive Emotions + gratitude HEALTHY MIND CHATTER Wellbeing Learning Intention: by learning how to speak to yourself positively in your head the moment you have negative thoughts, you will be able to quickly start thinking positively again. The structure you use are I can and I will statements, eg, I can learn this and I will master it. Using this healthy mind chatter is an effective coping strategy when you are feeling anxious. Make up five statements which are ready to use as soon as you see the negatives popping up in your mind. Acknowledgement: Ryan & Deci
Wellbeing Reflection: When have negative thoughts been a problem for you which healthy mind chatter could have helped with?
Respectful Relationships Stress is a normal part of life, and it won’t go away by ignoring it. What are three stressors for you, and a coping strategy that you could use for each of them?
................................................................................ Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What are five I can and I will statements you have prepared? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Don’t let bad thoughts be stronger than good thoughts; how can you challenge them? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Which of the 8C’s of Self-Leadership could you use? (see pages 10-11) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Enjoy the challenge of making your way through it!
Thriving You:
what little things do you need to do every day to become a thriving and striving you?
MONDAY /mins
Mindful Colouring In:
Big Four Check In:
Feel in yourself? 2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Exercise daily?
for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes:
when is a time you have shown social-intelligence to understand
why others do things?
Thriving & Striving:
what are you really looking forward to learning and doing this week?
Relationships + empathy CONNECTED, PROTECTED, RESPECTED Wellbeing Learning Intention: by focusing your energies on creating and maintaining respectful and healthy relationships, you will feel that you are connected, protected and respected. Make an effort to have a number of different peer groups who you feel you belong to, because when you have trouble in one, you have other groups to be with. The importance of feeling a sense of belonging cannot be overstated. Should you see other students being left out, go out of your way to include them in your groups. Acknowledgement: Dutton, Diener & Biswas-Diener
Wellbeing Reflection: What different peer groups do you feel that you belong to?
Strengths Week This week enjoy making a positive difference to other peoples’ lives, by creating activities using the character strength HOPE, to grow relationships with your family, friends and school community.
(Hope for Strengths Week worksheet and Hope Wellbeing Award are in Individual Resources of
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. When is a time that you had trouble in one of your peer groups and who did you connect with to feel a sense of belonging? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. How do you stop yourself withdrawing from your peer groups to the lonely virtual world of social media? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Which of the 8C’s of Self-Leadership could you use? (see pages 10-11) ................................................................................. .............................................................................................
Social Media Resilient Connect with real friends and family online and be supportive of each other. What are two things you can do to connect and share with your real friends and family online?
Thriving You:
what little things do you need to do every day to become a thriving and striving you?
MONDAY /mins
Mindful Colouring In:
Big Four Check In:
Feel in yourself? 2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Exercise daily?
for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Thriving & Striving:
when is a time you have shown respect to a person who you admire?
what are you really looking forward to learning and doing this week?
Meaning + purpose FABULOUS FEEDBACK Wellbeing Learning Intention: by being prepared to share your ideas and listen to and consider others’ ideas, you will gain more insightful perspectives about the topic. The most challenging aspect to giving and receiving feedback, is disciplining yourself to listen to understand rather than listening to respond. Feedback combines attributes from all the people involved, such as, strengths, multiple intelligences and different ways of thinking. The sandwich strategy is an effective strategy when giving feedback; good stuff, not so good stuff and then good stuff. Acknowledgement: Diener, Ericsson & Anderson
Wellbeing Reflection: What do you find is the most difficult thing to master when giving and receiving feedback? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What is something you learnt from someone’s feedback that really benefitted you? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Do you like to speak first or listen first? Why? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Which of the 8C’s of Self-Leadership could you use? (see pages 10-11) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Wellbeing @ Work To create and maintain respectful and healthy relationships you need to feel connected, protected and respected. To feel each of these, what do you think needs to happen? Connected?............................................................. ................................................................................ Protected?............................................................... ................................................................................ Respected?.............................................................. ................................................................................ Acknowledgement: ACARA 9-10 HPE
Mindfulness Time Choose one of these resources to explore selfcalming and mindfulness activities.
Thriving You:
what little things do you need to do every day to become a thriving and striving you?
MONDAY /mins
Mindful Colouring In:
Big Four Check In:
Feel in yourself? 2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Exercise daily?
for each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Life Roles: your best self as a young person This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to gain an understanding of the big picture in your life roles. Wellbeing Reflection: what do you feel is going well, and what do you need to focus on more? You have a number of different roles as a family member, a student and a community member, which require you to adapt how you use your strengths for each of them. Reflect on each of them below.
POSITIVE OUTLOOKS Understanding and using my signature strengths.
What is one thing I will start doing?
Understanding my interests and personal values in life.
WHO I AM NOW Understanding how to manage hardship and bounce back from it.
Understanding how to connect with myself and others.
Understanding how to think and change my thinking.
Understanding how to grow my brain's abilities.
SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SKILLS Understanding and being in charge of my emotions.
AS A STUDENT Understanding how to develop essential learning skills.
Understanding how other people matter.
WHO I WILL BECOME Understanding how to cope with the ups and downs of school.
What is one thing I will start doing?
Understanding how to make a positive difference for others.
Understanding how to build rich relationships with others.
What is one thing I will start doing?
Acknowledgement: Tal Ben Shahar
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” Plato
Respectful Relationships This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to gain an understanding of what you need to practise to create and maintain respectful relationships. Wellbeing Reflection: what do you feel are the main things which make for healthy relationships? Since our ancestors, we have relied on the quality of our relationships with others for both our survival and our joy of sharing together. For a relationship to be respectful, all of you needs to feel connected, protected and respected.
Questions to reflect on
Your thoughts and experiences
What things can make a difference to the quality of your relationships with others?
What things do you have to watch out for to be respectful when resolving conflicts in your relationships?
How can influences outside of yourself affect your safety in relationships?
What messages does your inner voice send you when your relationships may be becoming unsafe?
What do you believe could be the immediate and ongoing issues involved in sending inappropriate images via social media?
Who can you and your friends turn to should you find yourselves in unsafe, violent or abusive relationships?
Acknowledgement: Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
“It’s not what you do once in a while; it’s what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.” Jenny Craig