To generate the motivation necessary to achieve this, I will need to be self-determined to challenge my best self.
ABOUT ME This year my purpose is to:
Challenges I expect to face:
Choices that I will need to make to overcome challenges:
When having fun socialising with friends I will:
Every five weeks, challenge yourself to use the nominated character strength to build the wellbeing of your relationships in your life. The order of these weeks are: Gratitude, Teamwork, Curiosity, Kindness, Leadership, Hope, Zest, Perseverance, Love of Learning and Forgiveness. Download these activity sheets from the Wellbeing Program/ Individual Resources/ Strengths for Relationships Weeks section of
“What is necessary to change a person is to change their awareness of themselves.” Abraham Maslow
PERMAH+: Your Circle of Resilient Wellbeing This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to use PERMAH+ to build your wellbeing and selfdetermination. Wellbeing Reflection: what elements make up your wellbeing? Your state of wellbeing and self-determination are reliant on how well you develop the following six equally important elements in yourself. It is a combination of all of them that indicates the health of your wellbeing and self-determination.
Positive Emotions + gratitude
Feeling good by giving and being kind
Creating positive emotions, handling negative emotions and being grateful for how these benefit your mental and physical wellbeing, respectful relationships and personal and academic growth. What could you deliberately do to grow this element? ....................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................
Health + strengths
Engagement +mindfulness
Being determined to be healthy
Paying attention to what you need to
Creating habits which enable your thriving mental and physical health, and using your strengths to support your learning progress and personal growth. What could you deliberately do to grow this element?
Living your life with curiosity, zest and interest by having a focus on accomplishing your goals and involving yourself fully in your passions to grow your state of wellbeing. What could you deliberately do to grow this element?
Accomplishment + optimism
is your Circle of Resilient Wellbeing
Being confident to achieve positively
Having optimism and hope by setting, striving for and accomplishing personal goals, and deliberately practising to directly influence your own future. What could you deliberately do to grow this element?
Relationships + empathy
Showing you value that other people matter
Developing the social and emotional skills to build and maintain respectful and caring relationships with others, and having empathy for their needs and feelings. What could you deliberately do to grow this element?
.................................................................................. ..................................................................................
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Meaning + purpose
Having a meaningful purpose to strive for in your life
Identifying and focusing on something larger than yourself, which gives you a sense of meaning, and a purpose to get out of bed every morning. What could you deliberately do to grow this element? ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: P - Lyubomirsky, King & Diener, E - Hunter & Csikszentmihalyi, R - Norrish, Robinson & Williams, M – Cotton, Bronk & Damon, A – Hendren, Sheldon, H - Norrish, Robinson & Williams
“If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” Roy T. Bennett
Continuum of Mindsets: your best self as a senior student This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to explore how you can nudge your mindset more towards growth. Wellbeing Reflection: how can having the courage to welcome challenges assist you to become who you wish to become? Your mindset comes from how self-determined you are to directly influence your own future. There are two extremes, Fixed and Growth, and most peoples’ mindsets lie somewhere in between them. Following are descriptors of these two mindsets.
Growth – the courage mindset because you are prepared to leave known safety to try more difficult things. You believe it is your choice to become the person you want to become. Tests don’t tell you anything about who you are, they only guide your learning. The kings for you are courage to try, choice, process, challenging the status quo and commitment to deliberate practise. Fixed – the fear mindset because you are fearful to leave known safety to try new things. You believe that challenging yourself is an opportunity to fail, so you avoid this. Tests only show your limitations, not guiding your learning. The kings for you are fear to try, performance, maintaining the status quo and not having choices to change anything. Mark where you think your mindset is in your current role as a senior student below.
Nothing can change, so why try. Set performance goals.
Change will happen through doing. Set process goals.
Your brain is hard wired to perform at its best when you are positive, not negative. Setting goals to accomplish, provides you with a reason to look to the future with optimism and hope, which is an important skill of resilience. Goals connect you with yourself and are your anchors to self-determined progress. There are two main types of goals, performance and process, which are described below.
» fixed mindset about proving you are not limited » aim for things which you can do with little effort » avoid tackling anything which will challenge you » only the outcome matters not how you get there » the only choice, only maintaining your known safety
» growth mindset about improving your abilities » aim for things which stretch your previous bests » see challenging yourself as the only way to grow » only the process you follow matters in learning » there are always choices to challenge your known safety
Set one process goal for each of the following areas of your life: EXERCISE and HEALTHY EATING .......................................................................................................................................................................... ATTITUDES and OUTLOOKS .......................................................................................................................................................................... LEARNING and THINKING .......................................................................................................................................................................... WELLBEING and HAPPINESS .......................................................................................................................................................................... FAMILY and FRIENDS .......................................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Dweck, Ericsson, Anderson, Costa, Kellick
“I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong, the successes and the failures. I divide the world into the learners and the non-learners.” Benjamin Barber
Resilience to Respond: your best self as a young adult This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to understand that resilience is the way your brain responds to any challenge. Wellbeing Reflection: what can you do to develop each of these skills in yourself so that you can use them naturally? When you are faced with a challenge, your brain assesses it as either short term for survival or long term for future success and responds accordingly. The tools it needs to overcome the challenge follow below. Describe a time when you have used each one and self-assess on how you are developing each one using Usually At Times Not Yet
Optimism and Hope
Controlling Impulses
You believe that you can influence your own future through your efforts. Usually At Times Not Yet
You can be in the present moment to be self-aware of your impulses. Usually At Times Not Yet
Describe a time you have done this well:
Describe a time you have done this well:
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
................................................................................. Deliberate Practice: write down goals each term and set short term targets to move towards them.
................................................................................. Deliberate Practice: do Mindfulness Time Activities from to focus your attention.
Regulating Emotions
Thinking Flexibly
You can control the intensity of your feelings. Usually At Times Not Yet
You change the way that you think for differing challenges. Usually At Times Not Yet
Describe a time you have done this well:
Describe a time you have done this well:
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
................................................................................. Deliberate Practice: use Thinking Tools and Habits of Mind from to develop thinking agility.
Deliberate Practice: use self-calming and coping strategies when you feel your emotions rising.
Acknowledgement: Rievich, Shatte, DeSteno & Piercarlo Valdesolo
“Resilience is not what happens to you. It’s how you react to, respond to, and recover from what happens to you.” Jeffrey Gitomer
Resilience to Respond: your best self as a young adult Being confident in your ability to use this set of skills will enable you to become resourceful to anticipate possible awkward situations and either avoid or overcome them.
Connecting With Others
You show that others matter by accepting their needs and feelings. Usually At Times Not Yet
You can create and maintain respectful relationships. Usually At Times Not Yet
Describe a time you have done this well:
Describe a time you have done this well:
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill?
Deliberate Practice: look for opportunities to be kind and considerate to other people.
Deliberate Practice: use welcoming body language in all of your personal interactions with others.
Describe when you were confronted by a short term challenge.
You can trust yourself to be reliable, open, compassionate and to have what it takes. Usually At Times Not Yet
................................................................................. .................................................................................
Describe a time you have done this well:
................................................................................. Describe when you were confronted by a longer term challenge.
What are two situations where you will need to use this skill? 1............................................................................... ................................................................................. 2............................................................................... ................................................................................. Deliberate Practice: use positive self-mantras to be honest with the person who you see in the mirror.
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Acknowledgement: Rievich, Shatte, DeSteno & Piercarlo Valdesolo
“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.” Ain Eineziz
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Challenging You:
when is a time you picked up on someone’s really enthusiastic intentions?
what is a challenge that you are determined to overcome this week?
Relationships + empathy RECOGNISING INTENTIONS WHY?: by understanding that everyone has mirror neurons, which imitate the moods and expressions of people around them, you will be more self-aware when you are copying others. HOW: the key is to identify the intention behind the person’s behaviour. They don’t copy simple actions, such as scratching your head, because there is no deliberate intention behind it. They can be very powerful when you positively show that your intention is to master what you are learning. Both your teacher and other students will recognise this and respond in a similar way to benefit everyone’s progress. Acknowledgement: Siegel, Greenfield & Iacoboni
DO: what intentions do you want to convey to your teachers and other students when you enter the classroom? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What do you think are each of your teacher’s intentions for you and their subjects? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What is something you can do to send positive intentions out to others? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. How could the resilience skill, Connecting With Others, help you to do this? (see page 11) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Wellbeing @ Work You can learn a lot about yourself when things don’t go your way. Resilience is how well you respond these situations. When are three times you responded well with resilience, and what did you learn about yourself?
................................................................................ Acknowledgement: Ryan, Deci, Seligman, Peterson, Shatte, Rievich, New Economics Foundation, Frankl, Mishra, Fredrickson, Emmons and Bandura.
Mindful Colouring In
Deliberate Practice:
what things do you need to intentionally and consciously practise to challenge yourself every day?
/m ins
2 3 4 5
Feel in yourself? Exercise daily?
2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
For each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
Big Four Check In:
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Challenging You:
when is a time you felt relieved after saying sorry to someone?
what is a challenge that you are determined to overcome this week?
Meaning + purpose SHOWING COURAGE WHY?: by understanding that it takes courage to forgive someone who has done the wrong thing by you, you will stop carrying emotional baggage around.
Wellbeing @ Work Failing well, accepting that mistakes are building blocks, forgiving yourself for making them and learning new approaches to correct them are valuable skills to develop. When are two times you have done this?
HOW: you have a finite amount of emotional energy, so don’t waste it on holding grudges. The same can be said when saying sorry to someone you upset through your words or actions. Underneath you know that you should apologise, so look at which of your strengths you will need to call on to muster the courage to do so. Untie emotional knots in your and others’ hearts by being brave.
Acknowledgement: Dutton & Lyubomirsky
DO: what emotions do you feel when someone says sorry or forgives you?
Acknowledgement: Ryan, Deci, Seligman, Peterson, Shatte, Rievich, New Economics Foundation, Frankl, Mishra, Fredrickson, Emmons and Bandura.
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What do you think holds some people back from forgiving or saying sorry to others? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. When is a time someone said sorry to you and what emotions did you feel? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. How could the resilience skill, Connecting With Others, help you to do this? (see page11) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Mindfulness Time Choose one of these resources to explore selfcalming and mindfulness activities.
Deliberate Practice:
what things do you need to intentionally and consciously practise to challenge yourself every day?
/m ins
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
Feel in yourself? Exercise daily?
2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
For each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
Big Four Check In:
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes:
when is a time you felt pumped with positive stress to achieve
something special?
Challenging You:
what is a challenge that you are determined to overcome this week?
Health + strengths STRESS: A TWO WAY STREET WHY?: by understanding that your mindset determines whether you make stress work for you or against you, you will be more likely to choose growth orientated ones. HOW: when you look for positives in what you are doing and are on the lookout for more intelligent ways to learn and study, stress will be working for you. On the other hand, when you just go through the motions every day doing same old, and avoid challenging your best self, stress will begin to creep into your thoughts and feelings. Choose to be daring in your senior years.
Wellbeing @ Work Gratitude connects you to things outside of yourself, such as to others, to what you have and to nature. When are two times you have been aware that you were showing gratitude for something?
Acknowledgement: McQuaid & Kern
DO: what are three more intelligent ways to make your best better?
Acknowledgement: Ryan, Deci, Seligman, Peterson, Shatte, Rievich, New Economics Foundation, Frankl, Mishra, Fredrickson, Emmons and Bandura.
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What is something that you can do today to make stress work for you to pump you up with positive emotions? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What is a piece of work you are currently doing that you could become more passionate about to make stress work for you? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. How could the resilience skill, Controlling Impulses, help you to do this? (see page 10) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Mindful Colouring In
Deliberate Practice:
what things do you need to intentionally and consciously practise to challenge yourself every day?
/m ins
2 3 4 5
Feel in yourself? Exercise daily?
2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
For each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
Big Four Check In:
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: Challenging You:
when is a time you acted swiftly to use a coping strategy successfully?
what is a challenge that you are determined to overcome this week?
Engagement + mindfulness ACT TO COPE WHY?: by acting immediately when your mind-body warning signals tell you that you are beginning to struggle to cope, you will be using self-regulation, an essential strength to accomplish your goals. HOW: beware of getting activity mixed up with action. When you are under pressure it is very easy to pretend to try harder and then get nowhere. Action includes asking for help, exercising briskly, breathing deeply, colouring in and meditating. The biggest obstacle to overcome is motivating yourself to act and not sink further by just thinking about your issues. Thinking is not acting.
Wellbeing @ Work The ROCC of Trust is an effective leadership model made up of: Reliability – can people depend on you? Openness – can people expect you to be honest? Competence – can people depend on your work? Compassion – do people feel you care for them? How are you for each of them?
Reliable?................................................................. Open?...................................................................... Competent?............................................................ Compassionate?.....................................................
Acknowledgement: Hassed & Sinek
DO: what strategies do you use or have heard of that are effective in helping you to cope?
Acknowledgement: Ryan, Deci, Seligman, Peterson, Shatte, Rievich, New Economics Foundation, Frankl, Mishra, Fredrickson, Emmons and Bandura.
................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. What are areas where you are not coping that you need to take action for now? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. Which of your friends shows that they have effectively coping strategies? Have a talk with them? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. How could the resilience skill, Regulating Emotions, help you to do this? (see page 10) ................................................................................. .................................................................................
Mindful Colouring In
Deliberate Practice:
what things do you need to intentionally and consciously practise to challenge yourself every day?
/m ins
2 3 4 5
Feel in yourself? Exercise daily?
2 3 4 5
Eat healthy?
2 3 4 5
For each of your Big Four, colour in how you did this week.
Big Four Check In:
2 3 4 5
Sleep deeply?
what went well that you were grateful for?
Mastery – Focus, Feedback, Fix It: your best self as a senior student This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn how to use the 3Fs process which leads to subject mastery. Wellbeing Reflection: you will be able to: Explain – what you need to do for each of the 3Fs. Do – reflect on your current approaches and incorporate the 3Fs in it.
is paying attention to what you need to pay attention to, by continually dismissing distracting thoughts from your mind. Deliberate practice is the essential, which enables you to mentally visualise the right way to do something in your head. Spending hours studying by repeating the same level work doesn’t make you better. Deliberate practice is leaving your comfort zone and pushing yourself to increase the difficulty of work you are learning and studying. Reflect on these questions: » How well are you paying attention to what you need to pay attention to and dismissing distracting thoughts? .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... » Are you learning and studying at the same level over and over again? How could you change this? .......................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................
FEEDBACK – is often asking teachers for feedback about deliberately practising at more difficult levels.
Mindlessly doing the same stuff day after day is a waste of time and effort.
Research has shown that if you are to grow academically, when learning and studying, you should only succeed in about 60% to 70% of what you are doing. Less you’ll get frustrated and more you are not pushing yourself. Focus on what you can’t do to do better. Reflect on these questions: » Have you asked your teachers how to increase the difficulty of what you learn and study? .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... » When learning and studying, what percentage of the time do you succeed? Are you pushing yourself? .......................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................
FIX IT – is using the more difficult and intelligent approaches that you have learnt from feedback to fix your
mistakes. Knowing what you did wrong isn’t enough. You have to “do” to fix mistakes.
Learning and studying what you don’t know from feedback, is an all the time thing, not just after tests. Revisit previously assessed work to identify errors, and learn better approaches to fix them. Don’t wait for feedback from tests, because it is not frequent enough. Reflect on these questions: » When have you stretched yourself to actually fix errors caused by what you don’t know? .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... » What pieces of assessed work from your subjects will you revisit to fix what you don’t know? .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Ericsson, Coyle, Tversky
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb
Cornell Notes: your best self as a senior student This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn about a very effective way to take notes in class. Wellbeing Reflection: what do you write in each section of the page? The Cornell Notes method uses both sides of your brain to build strong brain pathways and patterns to retrieve information from your memory. Break up your page as below.
<................ 5cm ................>
During Class
Main ideas and concepts
How does it connect to what you already know? What questions do you have? Draw diagrams & idea maps
Don’t copy everything your teacher says, rather use your own words to rephrase it Don’t use sentences Use your own abbreviations and symbols Leave a line between ideas Examples, quotes and details
Soon after class Review note taking column and write down main points concepts facts vocabulary used and meaning
After class Not looking at your notes, attempt to answer your questions.
SUMMARY At home summarise your notes for five minutes in each subject. Spend ten minutes weekly revisiting them.
Main points, concepts and facts Use points, not sentences
Acknowledgement: Anderson & Walsh
“Understanding advances by steps, not leaps.” Lord Macaulay