My ...................................... My Wellbeing JourneyPREP 1
44 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print©Acknowledgement: ACARA F HPE My Triangle of Safety WHO KEEPS ME HAPPY, SAFE AND HEALTHY? This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is to draw a picture of, or stick a photo in, of each special person that helps to keep them happy, safe and healthy. A drawing of me feeling happy, safe and healthy. Special person 1 Special person 2 Special person 3
5 Watching Me Grow This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to begin to learn about how their bodies are growing and changing. They are to measure their height each month during the year; you can do it more often should you wish to. This activity can be done either in class or at home. As a numbers activity, children will need to be taught how to use a measuring tape. Acknowledgement: ACARA F HPE ................................................................................................NovembercmSeptembercmJulycmMaycmMarchcmJanuarycm ................................................................................................DecembercmOctobercmAugustcmJunecmAprilcmFebruarycm How much have yougrown this year?
1616 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Join the dots and colour in ReadingWords MindfulnessTip Time Fill in the missing letterWriteeethecorrect letter to finish the picture word. Ask family to buy books as presents for your child. Lifting Breathing. Lie on your back and put your favourite soft toy on your tummy. Breathe slowly in and out and watch your toy lift and fall on your tummy. v m c _ a t
17 Readers are Leaders What did you do this week? How did you feel this week? FRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/Carer Tick the ones you did this week.Reading Communication Week beginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Played with your pet Played withshoppingWefriendsnt Read a book Had aRolaughingfundeonbus RodeaWexerciseEnjoyedentforwalkabikeBUS Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes SOUNDS. Go outside, close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you for one minute. Then write down some of the sounds you heard.
2222 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Colouring In Fill in the missing letter eart Mindfulness Time Shapes Search. Breathing slowly and sitting quietly, think about all your toys that have a triangle shape in them or are shaped like a triangle. How many do you have? Curiosity Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal on earth? Draw a blue whale. Acknowledgement: Catherine Ann RauchAcknowledgement: Kabat Zinn & Baer
23 Practise writing the numbers from 1 to 10. Writing Numbers
4040 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Join the dots and colour in Growing my MindfulnesswellbeingTime Fill in the missing letter ish Ask students to talk with their families about how they could use in their lives. Ask them to role play and draw themselves showing it. Special Toys. Look around your home for toys that you love to play with and think why you feel they are very special to you.
41 Readers are Leaders What did you do this week? How did you feel this week? FRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/Carer Tick the ones you did this week.Reading Communication Week beginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Picked up my bedroomCleanedsomeoneHuggedtoysmy Played aboard game Ate fruit Felt strong Made a card for SleptdinnerAtesomeoneallofmywellPages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes DESCRIBING PICTURES. You and a friend each draw a picture and not show each other. Then describe to each other what the picture looks like and means to each of you.
5050 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Colouring In Fill in the missing utterflyletter Mindfulness Time Yummy Foods. Close your eyes and think of yummy foods you love and feel the taste of them in your mouth and their smells in your nose. Curiosity Did you know that your teeth are as hard as a shark’s teeth? Draw your teeth. Acknowledgement: Catherine Ann RauchAcknowledgement: Kabat Zinn & Baer
51 Write down or draw the things in your life you are thankful for. What Am I Thankful For?
7474 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Join the dots and colour inwellbeing@schoolNumbersFill in the missing letter wl Find two things outside shaped like a circle, a triangle and a square. What things can you do to keep yourself safe and healthy? Draw or write one. With your child put food items in order of weight or cost. Acknowledgement: ACARA F HPE
75 Readers are Leaders What did you do this week? How did you feel this week? FRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/Carer Tick the ones you did this week.Reading Communication Week beginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Sang a song Wrote a Playedstory a new game Tried something pictureDrewColourednewina Laughed a lot PlayedrelativesVisitedsportPages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes NAME GAME. Write down all the objects you know that begin with the letter C and what they are used for.
124124 PREPWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© My Face and Feelings This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to learn about how the look on their faces tells others how they are feeling. Ask them to draw their faces for each of these simple feelings and as a class come up with two of your choice. I am feeling happy I am feeling I am feeling I am feeling sad Acknowledgement: ACARA F HPE
125 What Shape Is That? This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to draw along the dotted line around each shape and learn the names of the different shapes. Ask them to explain the emotion on each of the shapes faces.