1 My .................................................................................................My.................................................................................................My.................................................................................................name:Class:Teacher: My Wellbeing Journey YEAR 1 pictureMy
4 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© What I Do Well: My Strengths This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to explore things that they do well and explain to them that these are called their ‘strengths’. Ask them to circle five of their own. Acknowledgement: 1&2 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Me sharing Me being friendly Me helping out Me showing good manners Me listening well Me waiting my turn Me being kind Me saying “sorry” Me trying hard Me saying “thank you” Me smiling Me being determined
This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to draw or write the five ‘strengths’ they chose for themselves (from page 4) on each finger and thumb of the hand below. In the palm of the hand ask them to draw themselves using one of the five. 1&2 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
5 What I Do Well: My Strengths Hand
14 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Numbers Fill in the missing number... Look at shopping brochures to compare the costs of grocery items. 13, 15, __, 19 Colour In Fill in the missing letter orse I GOAL:SMILEthis week I want to Did I achieve my goal? ___Yes ___No Be Friendly
15 Readers are Leaders What am I grateful for this week? WeekReadingFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Feel ___Yeshappy?___No Cuddle family? ___Yes ___No Be ___Yesfriendly?___No Eat ___Yesbreakfast?___No Forgive ___Yessomeone?___No Try ___Yessomethingnew?___No Say “well done?” ___Yes ___No Share your toys? ___Yes ___No Read every day? ___Yes ___No ROCKS AND SHELLS. Go to the beach or outside and collect as many different shaped shells and rocks as you can for five minutes. Come back inside and study the differences and similarities.
18 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Fill in missingtheletter Fun Time MazeThoughtful Me What is an animal and a fruit beginning with a b? An animal A fruitbb Find your way through the maze by drawing a line from the bee to the cheetah. ox
19 Readers are Leaders What am I grateful for this week? WeekReadingFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Say ___Yes“sorry?”___No Ask, “how are you?” ___Yes ___No Love to learn? ___Yes ___No Look for good? ___Yes ___No Eat ___Yesfruit?___No Drink ___Yeswater?___No Sleep well? ___Yes ___No Listen ___Yescarefully?___No Feel ___Yescalm?___No Mindfulness Activity OTHERS’ DELIGHT. Look around the classroom and celebrate the fantastic achievements others have accomplished. List some of them below.
34 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Me: Breathing and Moving Family, Friends and Feelings BENDING BREATHING For a slow count of 5. 1. Bend your knees while breathing out. 2. Hold for 5 3. Straighten your legs while breathing in. 4. Repeat 3 times. Who are people you look up to because they are kind and care for you? List them below. Acknowledgement: 1&2 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Colour In Fill in the missing letter ish
35 Readers are Leaders What went well this week? WeekReadingFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Say “hello” and ___Yessmile?___No Fix your ___Yesmistakes?___No Do ___Yessomethingkind?___No Do your hobby? ___Yes ___No Help at home? ___Yes ___No Laugh and have ___Yesfun?___No Say “thank you?” ___Yes ___No ___YesExercise?___No Try ___Yeshard?___No SPICES AND TANGS. Imagine you are eating your favourite tangy foods. What tangy tastes do you have, what smells fill your nose, how do they feel chewing and swallowing them?
50 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Colour In Fill in the missing utterflyletter Maze Find your way through the maze by drawing a line from the star to the sun. What you might see in the ocean. Fill in the missing letters. Do storytelling on the go to make the story funny or spooky. What is another wh word?ReadingWords Tip w h _ _ _
51 With every new experience you have, your brain changes and grows its abilities. Make a list of your five best feel-good activities. You can choose to do one every day or do one when you are feeling upset to change your mood and help you to thrive and flourish. Feel Good Menu FridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMonday
88 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Fun MindfulnessTime Time Numbers Fill in the missing inosaurletter Best Smells. Close your eyes and think of three of the most beautiful smells you enjoy and where they come from. At home what are five things shaped like a box?
89 Readers are Leaders What am I grateful for this week? WeekReadingFRIDAYTHURSDAYWEDNESDAYTUESDAYMONDAYSignature:Parent/CarerCommunicationbeginning / / Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Book title: Mindfulness Activity Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Pages Minutes Wellbeing Check In This week did you... Feel ___Yeshappy?___No Cuddle family? ___Yes ___No Be ___Yesfriendly?___No Eat ___Yesbreakfast?___No Forgive ___Yessomeone?___No Try ___Yessomethingnew?___No Say “well done?” ___Yes ___No Share your toys? ___Yes ___No Read every day? ___Yes ___No FACE MESSAGES. Standing in front of a mirror, spend ten minutes moving your eyes, nose, mouth, ears and muscles in your face to learn the messages you could be sending to others.
118 1YRWJMY–LtdPty(Vic)ServicesMarketing&Print© Strengths Word Search This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to practise using the language of ‘strengths’ by doing the word search. Acknowledgement: 1&2 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne o v i s h y m w b g m g t g v q w a r o o a n f n f c r o e g r m a n i n i b m s a n y o m c h v e h n p q e t z s z t l i i g s a e m a e w y i e g a u n g t s r d f e v a r b a c i q i y k s u e w o a l q w r i e v r a l b f z l a v z a f u n i h z h e l p f u l c w a f a n y q p l e a r n i n g p s k g l i s t e n i n g p v a i v c s h t s g v l y l i f n s x v z a b u e t p c a e d w funforgivingcaringcalmbraveactive kindhonesthelpfulhappygratefulgiving sorrysafemannerslisteninglearninglaughing
119 Feel Good Search This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for children to move around the room having fun looking for other classmates who have done any of these feel good things this week. When they have circled eight boxes ask them to yell out BINGO! Acknowledgement: 1&2 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Played games with family Had your SleptAskedfoodfavouriteforhelpreallywell Exercised nearly every day Said “hello” with a smiling face Played with friends Was kind someoneto Said “thank you” to someone Went to a partybirthday Tried Playedsomethinghardwithanewfriend Helped at home Laughed and had fun Played a new game Ate plenty of fruit and vegetables